01 - Menciptakan Nilai Pelanggan Dan Keterikatan

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Creating Customer Value

and Engagement
Marketing: Creating Customer Value and Engagement

Amazon.com’s deep-down
passion for creating customer
engagement, value, and
relationships has made it the
world’s leading online retailer.
Amazon has become the model
for companies that are
obsessively and successfully
focused on delivering customer
What Is Marketing?
Marketing Defined

Marketing is a process by which companies create

value for customers and build strong customer
relationships in order to capture value from
customers in return.
What Is Marketing?
The Marketing Process
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands

Needs • States of deprivation

Wants • Form that needs take

Demands • Wants backed by buying power

Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Market Offerings – Products, Services, and Experiences
• Market offerings are
some combination of
products, services,
information, or
experiences offered to a
market to satisfy a need
or want.

• Marketing myopia is
focusing only on existing
wants and losing sight of
underlying consumer
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Customer Value and Satisfaction

• Value and

• Set the right
level of
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Exchanges and Relationships

Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone

by offering something in return.

Marketing actions try to create, maintain, and grow desirable

exchange relationships.
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Selecting Customers to Serve

Marketing management is the art and science of choosing

target markets and building profitable relationships with

• What customers will we serve?

• How can we best serve these customers?
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Selecting Customers to Serve

Market segmentation refers to dividing the markets into

segments of customers.

Target marketing refers to which segments to go after.

Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Choosing a Value Proposition

A brand’s value
proposition is the
set of benefits or
values it promises
to deliver to
customers to
satisfy their needs.
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Production Product Selling Marketing
concept concept concept concept
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Production concept:
Consumers will favor products that are available and highly
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Product concept:
Consumers favor products that offer the most quality,
performance, and features.

The focus is on continuous product improvements.

Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Selling concept:
Consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless the
firm undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Marketing concept:
Know the needs and wants of the target markets and deliver the
desired satisfactions better than competitors.
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations

Societal marketing:
The company’s marketing decisions should consider consumers’
wants, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-run
interests, and society’s long-run interests.
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations
Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations
Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program

The marketing mix is the set of tools (four Ps) the firm uses to
implement its marketing strategy. This set includes product,
price, promotion, and place.

An integrated marketing program is a comprehensive plan that

communicates and delivers the intended value to chosen
Building Customer Relationships
Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is the overall process of

building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by
delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.
Building Customer Relationships
Customer Relationship Management

Relationship Building Blocks

Customer- Customer
perceived value satisfaction

• The difference • The extent to

between total which perceived
customer performance
perceived matches a
benefits and buyer’s
customer cost expectations
Building Customer Relationships
Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Levels and Tools

Basic Relationships Full Partnerships
– low-margin – high-margin
Programs – reward
customers customers
Building Customer Relationships
Engaging Customers

Customer-Engagement and Today’s Digital and Social Media

Customer-Engagement Marketing makes the brand a meaningful part of
consumers’ conversations and lives
by fostering direct and continuous customer involvement in shaping brand
conversations, experiences, and community.
Building Customer Relationships
Engaging Customers
Customer Engagement and Today’s Digital and Social Media

Customer engagement
and the social media:
Hertz’s “Share It Up”
social media campaign
Building Customer Relationships
Engaging Customers

Consumer-Generated Marketing
Brand exchanges created by consumers themselves—
both invited and uninvited—by which consumers are
playing an increasing role in shaping their own brand
experiences and those of other consumers.
Building Customer Relationships
Engaging Customers

Engaging customers: Life is

good starts with a deeply
felt, engagement-worthy
sense of purpose: spreading
the power of optimism.
Building Customer Relationships
Partner Relationship Management

Partner relationship management involves working closely with

partners in other company departments and outside the
company to jointly bring greater value to customers.
Capturing Value from Customers
Creating Customer Loyalty and Retention

Customer lifetime value is the

value of the entire stream of
purchases that the customer
would make over a lifetime of
Capturing Value from Customers
Growing Share of Customer

Share of customer is the portion of the customer’s purchasing

that a company gets in its product categories.
Capturing Value from Customers
Building Customer Equity

Customer equity is
the total combined
customer lifetime
values of all of the
company’s customers.
Capturing Value from Customers
Building Customer Equity

Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers

The Changing Marketing Landscape
The Digital Age: Online, Mobile, and Social Media Marketing

Digital and social media marketing involves using digital

marketing tools such as web sites, social media, mobile ads and
apps, online videos, e-mail, and blogs that engage consumers
anywhere, at any time, via their digital devices.
The Changing Marketing Landscape
The Digital Age: Online, Mobile, and Social Media Marketing
The Changing Marketing Landscape

• Not-for-
• Rapid
• Sustainable
So, What Is Marketing? Pulling It All Together

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