Steps To Create IBM Cloud Account
Steps To Create IBM Cloud Account
Steps To Create IBM Cloud Account
Step 1 - Visit to the ICT Academy SkillsNetwork Page by clicking on the link given
Enter your registered email id & password then click on sign-in button
Step-7 Expand Module-1 and click on Obtain an IBM Cloud Feature Code.
Step-8 Scroll down and click on the open tool to get the feature code for creating
an IBM cloud account.
Step-11 Provide the same credentials i.e email id & password used for ICT
Academy account creation and click on next to get the OTP on the registered
email id.
Step-11 Provide the received OTP on the registered email id and click on next
Step-12 Provide personal information and click on next
Step-15 Refer to Step-9 to copy the feature code or continue with the filled feature
code then click on create account
Step-16 After Successfully creating the account you are redirected to the
dashboard page of the IBM Cloud account.
Step-17 To check the free trial details click on the manage dropdown from the top
navigation bar and click on account.
Step-19 Good Job! You created 395 Days Free trial account successfully.