Vision and World of Colours

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1. Choose the least scattered colour in sunlight from the following.

(Violet, Green, Blue, Red)
2. Select the odd one from the group.
(Reflection, Dispersion, Refraction, Persistance of vision)
Persistance of vision
3. Rainbow is formed due to dispersion of sunlight.
a) What is dispersion?
b) Write down the changes in the sunlight in the water droplet as the
rainbow forms. Explain.
a) Dispersion is the phenomenon of splitting up of a composite light into
its constituent colours.
b) Sunlight passes through the water droplets in the atmosphere, in water
droplet light undergo one dispersion, one internal reflection and one
4. The order of various colours observed in the spectrum of sunlight is
given below. Choose the correct order.
(a) Blue, Violet, Green, Red
(b) Violet, Blue, Yellow, Red
(c) Violet, Yellow, Blue, Green
(d) Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue.
Ans: (b) Violet, Blue, Yellow, Red
5. Write the reason for the twinkling of stars in the sky.

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Light coming from distant stars passes through different layers of air.
Each layer differs from the other in their optical densities because of the
difference in temperature. When the light from the stars passes through
layers of varying density, light- undergoes successive refraction. The rays
of light appear to come from different points on reaching the eye after
refraction. So the stars appear to twinkle.
6. The picture represents a method of rectification of the defect of an
eye using a lens of suitable focal length.

a) Name the disorder of this eye.

b) Give two reasons for this defect.
c) Explain the role of concave lens in the rectification of this defect.
a) Myopia (near sightedness)
b) The length of the eyeball increases. Power of the lens increases.
Decreased focal length of the lens.
c) Concave lens is a divergent lens. The light rays falls on a concave lens
diverges and goes through the convex lens in our eye helps to form the
image on rẹtina.
7. Explain the scientific reason behind the phenomena given below.
a) The path of sunlight is visible in a misty morning.
b) Newton's colour disc appears white when rotated fast.
c) The rising and setting sun appears red.
d) A person can see the far object and near object clearly.
a) Due to tyndall effect. In a misty morning when, sun rays passes the
tiny particles get illuminated due to scattering of light. Because of this the
path of the light get visible.

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b) When the newton's colour disc is rotated at a very high speed, the disc
sappers almost white. This is because we experience the visual effect of
seeing. all the seven colours reach the retina of eye together in 16
(0.0625s) due to persistence of vision. Thus a combined effect of all the
colours is experienced and we see the disc as white.
c) Scattering of light. During sunrise and sunset, light reaching us from
the horizon has to travel long distances through the atmosphere. During
this long journey, colours of shorter wavelength would be almost fully
lost due in scattering. The red light which undergoes only less amount of
scattering decides the colour of the horizon. That is why the sun appears
red during sunrise and sunset.
d) Due to the power of accommodation of eye. Eye has the ability to form
an image on the retina by adjusting the focal length of the lens in the eye,
by varying the curvature of the lens irrespective of the position of the
object. Thus we can see far and near object clearly.

8. Find the odd one from the brackets and give reason behind your
(Blue, Yellow, Red, Green)
Yellow - Secondary colour. Others are primary colours.
9. Roshan observed a beautiful rainbow in the western sky from his
school ground.
a) When did Roshan observe the rainbow?
(Morning, Noon, Evening, Prediction of time is impossible)
a. Morning

10.Write any two situations in dally life that caused by persistance of

A torch rotated rapidly appears as an illuminated circle. When newton's
colour disc is rotated very fast it appears in white colour.
11.(a) Which colour of sunlight is most scattered in the atmosphere?

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(b) Explain the reason for the red colour of rising and setting sun.
(a) Violet
(b) During sunrise and sunset, light reaching us from the horizon has to
travel long distances through the atmosphere. During this long journey,
colours of shorter wavelength would be almost fully lost due to
scattering. Then, the red light which undergoes only less amount of
scattering decides the colour of the horizon. That is why the sun appears
red during sunset and sunrise.
12.Find the odd one from the given list and justify your answer.
(Hypermetropia, Myopla, Power of accommodation, Presbyopia)
Myopia. Other defects are rectified by convex lens.
13.Analyse the figure.

a) Why violet ray is more deviated?

b) Which phenomenon causes the splitting up of light in the above
c) On the basis of this phenomena, explain how a rainbow is formed?
a) Violet has shortest wave length:
b) Dispersion of light
c) Dispersion of sunlight by the water droplets in the atmosphere causes
14.a) Name two defects of eye that can be rectified using convex lens.
b) What are the reasons for these defects?

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c) How these defects of eye are rectified by using a convex lens?
a) Hypermetropia, Presbyopia
b) Hypermetropia - The eyeball a shorter than normal. The power of lens
may have decreased. Presbyopia - For elderly people the distance to the
near point is greater than 25cm. This is due to the diminishing ability of
the ciliary muscles. For such people the power of accommodation will be
c) It is corrected by using convex lense of suitable power.
15. a) Write an instance in which Tyndall effect is observed.
b) Explain how Tyndall effect is produced.
a) The passage of sunlight during foggy day.
b) Light is scattered while passing through colloidal fluid or suspension.
16.a) Describe an experiment to show the scattering of white light.
Give the details of:
● apparatus required
● procedure
● observations
b) Based on this experiment explain why the atmosphere of moon
appears dark.
a) Apparatus: 3/4 water in a rectangular glass tank, Torch, sodium
thiosulphate, hydrochloric acid, screen.
Procedure: Pass light through water in the tank. Add Sodium thiosulphate
at the rate of 2 g per 50mL and add hydrochloric acid. Observe the colour
changes on the screen.
Observation: Initially white light is seen. Then the colour becomes blue
after adding sodium thiosulphate and acid. Then yellow, orange and red
colours are seen on the screen. Finally the colour of the solution becomes
b) Due to the absence of atmosphere in the moon, no scattering of light.

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17.All the constituent colours of sunlight do not have same rate of
a) Write the reason for this.
b) Describe an experiment to demonstrate that scattering of all
colours are not equal.
c) Under what condition all the colours are scattered equally?
a) Difference in wavelength
b) Fill 3/4th of a transparent rectangular vessel with water. Light from a
torch is made to fall on one side after dissolving sodium thiosulphate at
the rate of 2 g per 50mL add one or two drops of hydrochloric acid. Now
the light undergoes scattering and blue colour spreads in the solution. On
the screen green, yellow, orange, and red are displayed in order.
c) As the size of the particles in atmosphere becomes higher than the
wavelength of light, all colours are scattered uniformly.

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