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Tecbmp03 DP Final Signed

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

Prepared: Reviewed: Reviewed:

James Dingle Mike Bowe Robert Nikijuluw
Drilling Manager General Manager, General Manager, TE-MU

Date: Date: Date:

Keith Reeves
Exploration Manager


Authorized for Issue:

Unggul Setyatmoko
Country Manager


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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

DISTRIBUTION Hard / Electronic

Dart Energy
1 File Copy Hard (Original) 1
2 Unggul Setyatmoko Hard (Copy) 1
3 Robert Nikijuluw Electronic
4 Michael Bowe Hard (Copy) 1
5 Keith Reeves Electronic
6 Win Riyutara Electronic
7 Drilling Supervisor Hard (Copy) 2
8 Drilling Supervisor Electronic
9 Wellsite Geologist Hard (Copy) 1

1 BPMIGAS Electronic
2 MIGAS Electronic
Drilling Contractor
1 Tridiantara Alvindo Jakarta Electronic
2 Tridiantara Alvindo Jakarta Hard (Copy) 1
3 Rig Manager Hard (Copy) 2

Service Companies
1 Tucan Pumpco Services Hard (Copy) 1

Total Copies: 10

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

1.   MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES & REFERENCES ..................................................................... 6  
1.1.   CHANGE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 6  
1.2.   REPORTING ...................................................................................................................................... 6  
1.3.   INTERFACE DOCUMENTS REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 7  
1.4.   SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS DURING WELL OPERATIONS ......................................................... 7  
1.5.   WELL CONTROL POLICY ................................................................................................................ 8  
1.5.1.   Kick tolerance Considerations.................................................................................................... 9  
1.5.2.   Blow Out Preventer and Wellheads ........................................................................................... 9  
1.6.   ACCUMULATOR TESTS ................................................................................................................... 9  
1.7.   CASING PRESSURE TESTING AND LEAK OFF TESTS ................................................................ 9  
1.7.1.   Casing Pressure Testing .......................................................................................................... 10  
1.7.2.   Leak Off Testing ....................................................................................................................... 10  
1.7.3.   Reporting Requirements .......................................................................................................... 11  
1.8.   LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED .................................................................................................. 12  
2.   DRILLING PROGRAM SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 13  
2.1.   GENERAL WELL DATA .................................................................................................................. 13  
2.1.   Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 13  
2.2.   Well Details ...................................................................................................................................... 14  
3.   LOCATION .............................................................................................................................. 16  
4.   FORMATION EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 17  
4.1.   Ditch Cuttings ................................................................................................................................... 17  
4.1.1.   Sample Requirements:............................................................................................................. 17  
4.1.2.   Sample Intervals: ..................................................................................................................... 17  
4.2.   Mud Logging .................................................................................................................................... 17  
4.3.   Wireline Logging .............................................................................................................................. 18  
4.3.1.   Data presentation ..................................................................................................................... 18  
5.   DRILLING ................................................................................................................................ 19  
5.1.   General hole parameters ................................................................................................................. 19  
5.2.   Drilling Program ............................................................................................................................... 20  
5.2.1.   Rig up and set conductor. ........................................................................................................ 20  
5.2.2.   Surface hole/ Pilot hole ............................................................................................................ 20  
5.2.3.   Intermediate Hole ..................................................................................................................... 21  
5.2.4.   Production Hole........................................................................................................................ 21  
5.3.   General ............................................................................................................................................ 23  
6.   BIT PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 23  
6.1.   Bit Table ........................................................................................................................................... 23  
6.1.1.   444.5mm (17 1/2") Hole ........................................................................................................... 23  
6.1.2.   311.1mm (12 1/4") Hole ........................................................................................................... 23  
6.1.3.   215.9mm (8 1/2") Hole ............................................................................................................. 23  
6.2.   BHA List ........................................................................................................................................... 24  
7.   HYDRAULIC PROGRAM ........................................................................................................ 25  
7.1.   Pump Information ............................................................................................................................. 25  
7.2.   Hydraulics ........................................................................................................................................ 25  
8.   DEVIATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 26  
9.   MUD PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 27  
9.1.   444.5mm (17 1/2") Hole ................................................................................................................... 27  
9.1.1.   Pre-hydrated Gel Mud .............................................................................................................. 27  
9.2.   311.1mm (12 1/4") Hole ................................................................................................................... 27  
9.2.1.   Properties ................................................................................................................................. 28  
9.3.   215.9mm (8 1/2") Hole ..................................................................................................................... 28  
9.3.1.   Properties and Chemical Composition ..................................................................................... 28  
10.   CASING PROGRAM ............................................................................................................. 29  
10.1.   Casing Details .................................................................................................................................. 29  

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10.2.   Casing Running Procedures ............................................................................................................ 29  

10.2.1.   244.5mm (9 5/8") casing ........................................................................................................ 29  
10.2.2.   177.8mm (7") casing .............................................................................................................. 30  
11.   WELL CONTROL / BOP PROGRAM .................................................................................... 32  
11.1.   SURFACE HOLE ............................................................................................................................. 32  
11.1.1.   Pressure Testing .................................................................................................................... 32  
11.2.   INTERMEDIATE HOLE ................................................................................................................... 32  
11.2.1.   Pressure Testing .................................................................................................................... 32  
11.3.   PRODUCTION HOLE ...................................................................................................................... 33  
11.3.1.   Pressure Testing .................................................................................................................... 33  
12.   CEMENTING PROGRAM ..................................................................................................... 34  
12.1.   Surface Casing ................................................................................................................................ 34  
12.1.1.   Slurry Design.......................................................................................................................... 34  
12.1.2.   Cementing Procedure ............................................................................................................ 34  
12.2.   Intermediate Casing ......................................................................................................................... 36  
12.2.1.   Slurry Design.......................................................................................................................... 36  
12.2.1.   Cementing Procedure ............................................................................................................ 36  
12.3.   Production Casing ............................................................................................................................ 38  
12.3.1.   Slurry Design.......................................................................................................................... 38  
12.3.1.   Cementing Procedure ............................................................................................................ 38  

Figure 1 Estimated Pressure Profile ........................................................................................... 14  
Figure 2 Well Schematic .............................................................................................................. 15  
Figure 3 Tanjung Enim Area Map ................................................................................................ 16  
Figure 4 TECBM#P03-P Location ................................................................................................ 16  
Figure 5 Proposed Casing Plan .................................................................................................. 19  
Figure 6 Diverter System ............................................................................................................. 32  

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This program is issued under the authority of the Drilling Manager and the General Manager
Without prejudicing emergency requirements, any significant deviation to this program must
be approved in writing by the Drilling Manager or his designate.
The Dart Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor is the senior authority on the well site responsible
for this Program and it is his responsibility to ensure the Program is executed in a safe and
sound manner in accordance with all relevant codes and practices.
Any deviation from the approved well program, for whatever reason, will require an approved
change control to be issued.
Change may be initiated where there is an opportunity to:
 Reduce HSE hazards.
 Improve project outcomes
 Change to the risk profile of a project
 Change the objectives of a project
 Improve or simplify a process or make it more economical.
 Introduce new technology, engineering or plant improvements.

All reporting from the well will use the following units:

Depth Meters, Measured Depth Below Rotary Table m MDBRT

Total Gas Percent %
Chromatograph Percent of Total %
Rate of Penetration Meters per Hour m/hr
Torque Foot Pounds Force ft/lbs
Hook Load Pounds (avdp) lb
Weight on Bit Pounds (avdp) lb
Temperature Degrees Celsius ˚C
Pressure Pounds per Square inch psi
Pressure Gradients Pounds per gallon (US) ppg
Mud Weight Pounds per gallon (US) SG
Volume Barrels Bbls
Flow Rate US Gallons per Minute gpm
Velocity Feet per minute ft/min

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program


There are a number of interface documents that may be required during the drilling operation:
1. Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI 13-6910-2002
2. Dart Energy HSE MS Document
3. Dart Energy Emergency Response Manual
4. Dart Energy- Drilling Contractor HSE MS Bridging Document
5. Drilling Contractor HSE Management Plan
6. Drilling Contractor Emergency Response Plan
7. Drilling Contractor Management of Change Procedure
8. Dart Energy Oil-spill Contingency Plan
9. Dart Energy Drilling Policy Manual
10. Dart Energy- Drilling Contractor Well Control Manual
11. Drilling Contractor Permit to Work System


All operations come under the applicable Indonesian Regulations for oil and gas well drilling.
(Copy available on site)
Compliance with all HSE procedures as agreed between Dart Energy and the Drilling
Contractor is obligatory at all times. Copies of these procedures are available from the Dart
Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor and the Drilling Rig Manager.
The following basic safety procedures should be observed:
• Knowledge and observance of Dart Energy’s Health Safety & Environmental Policy
• Promotion of a “Work Safely” attitude encompassing all personnel on site
• Strict observance of No smoking zones.
• Job Hazard Analyses (Risk Assessments) are to be prepared well in advance of all non-
standard / potentially hazardous operations.
• Pre-Job Safety Meetings (Toolbox Talks) are to be held prior to non-standard / potentially
hazardous operations, these are to be repeated at crew changes.
• Use of the Permit to Work System (Drilling Contractor controlled)
• Any person has the right to STOP THE JOB when they consider it potentially unsafe or in the
case when job instructions or objectives are not clearly understood.
• Fire, rig evacuation and medivac drills will be conducted on a regular basis and will be
repeated as necessary until the result is deemed satisfactory by the Drilling Rig Manger and
Dart Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor.
• ESD test should be conducted after rig move and just prior to spud.
• Accurate and timely reporting of incidents including near misses, followed by thorough
investigation and objective recommendations suitable for implementation. e.g. a Preliminary
Incident Report (PIR) must be circulated within 24hrs of any incident.
• Continuous monitoring for H2S and hydrocarbon gases in mud returns and at various critical
• Use of correct PPE matching the work being performed.
• A Full Opening Safety Valve (FOSV) with the correct cross over sub is to be kept on the rig
floor at all times.

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• “Drill crew proficiency tests”, e.g. kick drills, BOP drill, will be conducted as required by all rig
crews or as deemed necessary by the Dart Energy company representative and must be
recorded on the IADC daily report.
• A record of all the volumes (trip sheet) required to fill the hole on each trip will be maintained
by the drill crew and a “Kill worksheet” will be kept up to date on the rig floor.
• In the 8 1/2” hole section, flow checks of 15 minutes duration must be conducted prior to
tripping out of the hole - on bottom, at the casing shoe and before pulling the BHA. Such flow
checks must confirm the well is not flowing. If there are any losses, they must be evaluated if
they are acceptable to safely trip out of hole.
• The pit level recorders and alarms should be checked daily.
• The degasser should be function tested regularly and maintained in proper working condition
at all times.
• The Mud Loggers are an integral part of the Well Safety Team and will be fully involved in all
aspects of well integrity.


Well Control policies, procedures and practices shall be in line with the Dart Energy well control
manual, unless otherwise agreed. A reference copy will be available with the Dart Energy Senior
Drilling Supervisor.
Under NORMAL CONDITIONS, all planned well operations will be executed under the protection of
two independent barriers between reservoir and environment, in order to prevent any unintentional
flow from the well. Should one barrier be lost then the focus of operations will divert to regaining two-
barrier status. A dispensation is required for all operations under normal conditions that do not comply
with this requirement.
NOTE: One barrier may be acceptable in the case where the reservoir cannot sustain natural
flow to the environment. The type of barrier will depend on the operation phase of the well at
the time (e.g. drilling or completion)
The Dart Energy Well Control policy for shutting in a well during operations is the “Hard Shut-in”.
Whenever any positive indication of flow is seen the well must be shut-in as follows:
• Pick-up drill string off bottom
• Stop pumps
• Close Annular (or ram preventer, if space out allows)
• Open HCR against closed choke.
• Once the well is closed in and proper space out is confirmed then the ram preventer can be
closed. Strip to correct space out height, if required, under controlled conditions.
• Observe and record pressure build up on drill pipe and annulus, if any.
• Inform the Dart Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor of the situation.
To accommodate “Hard Shut In”, the choke manifold will be set up for ‘Drilling Mode’ with all chokes
and HCR’s in choke lines fully closed. Valves directly upstream of chokes shall also be closed to
prevent leakage past these chokes during monitoring pressure build up. Choke manifold gauges must
be calibrated and be capable to being read to increments of <50psi.
The preferred method of Well Kill is the “Drillers Method” as this will speed up and simplify rapid well
control response. This does not exclude implementation of the “Wait & Weight Method” when
considered advantageous to the operation.
Whilst circulating out any influx, returns shall be routed through the Mud Gas Separator (Poorboy
Degasser) to the sand trap. Also run the vacuum degasser at all times the well is being circulated.
If large gas volumes are observed at surface and the Mud Gas Separator is in danger of overloading
lower Kill pump speed to ensure liquid seal is maintained. In the event of the liquid seal failing, then
close in the well to restore the mud seal or line up to the emergency line from the choke manifold to
the vent pits (weather and wind direction permitting). Re-start at lower kill rate if required, until all the
influx gas is circulated out.

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1.5.1. Kick tolerance Considerations

Individual kick tolerance calculations will be included in each section summary of the drilling program.
Minimum kick tolerance is 12 bbl of dry gas influx with a pressure gradient of 0.120 psi/ft at TD. The
kick tolerance will be calculated from actual LOT results whenever there is any change in mud weight.
A detailed LOT Procedure is shown below.
1.5.2. Blow Out Preventer and Wellheads
The BOP will be stump tested in good time before installation on the well. BOP pressure and function
tests shall be performed in intervals not exceeding 14 days. If, for operational reasons, the 14 day
criterion cannot be met, a dispensation may be requested which will be approved by the Dart Energy
Drilling Manager. In this case the test period may be extended to a maximum of 21 days. The BOP
will also be routinely function tested.
BOP’s will be tested in accordance with API RP53 as per Drilling Contractor procedures to the
pressures specified on the Drilling Program Summary Sheet. A stable low-pressure test will be
followed by a stable high-pressure test. All tests will be recorded on a suitable chart recorder. The
chart will be signed off and kept in the well file.
Periodic Testing of BOP Equipment- as per API RP 53

The following procedures MUST be adhered to whenever wellhead tie-down screws are used
• The Dart Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor and Drilling Rig manager MUST be present
any time the screws are used.
• Gland nuts must be correctly tensioned during the wellhead installation and any
subsequent operation of these nuts is only to be done with the approval of the Dart
Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor and Drilling Rig manager
• If there is a requirement to loosen the gland nut to free the tie-down screw, it should
only be done in small, 1/4 turn increments up to a maximum of one full turn.
• Under NO circumstances is a gland nut or hold down screw to be removed from a
wellhead section while drilling. If repairs or maintenance are required, then the well
MUST be secured below the flange that the repairs are being carried out on.
Full accumulator test as per API Spec 16D to be performed prior to the first BOP test.
NOTE: The fracture gradients expressed throughout this document are a combination of
calculated (Eaton’s equation) and empirical data and used for design purposes only. Only
ACTUAL data should be used for all field calculations.
When performing Casing or Leak off tests, all pressure gauges must be correctly calibrated;
and readings MUST be uniform between all contractors equipment.
Casing and leak off tests will be conducted at the 13 3/8” casing shoe and all subsequent casing
seats below this point. These tests are necessary from a well control standpoint and will also provide
valuable data for future well planning.
Anticipated formation pressures below the casing shoes are as listed in the section specific Drilling
The test shall be limited to a maximum pressure that does not exceed the lowest of the following:
• Actual leak-off surface pressure (as specified in the Drilling Program)
• The pressure specified in the Drilling Program (typically this will be a maximum of 80% of the
casing burst rating)
• The wellhead test pressure
• The BOP test pressure
Test Preparation
The following equipment is recommended for the execution of an accurate test:
• Cement pump unit with calibrated tanks
• Correctly calibrated pressure gauges covering the anticipated pressure ranges & mounted on
a dedicated manifold.

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• Chart recorder
• L.O.T. Procedure
1.7.1. Casing Pressure Testing
The casing strings will be pressure tested against the blind rams before picking up the next drilling
1.7.2. Leak Off Testing
The following procedure shall be adhered to when performing a Leak-off Test:
1. Drill out the cement, shoe track, rat hole and 3 metres of new formation. Measure the mud
density in and out while drilling and circulating.
2. Ensure the mud pumped into the hole is not aerated by the solids control equipment or by
mud chemicals.
3. Do not make any additions or dilution (mud must be homogeneous).
4. Circulate clean and condition the mud to the required balanced mud density (in and out).
5. Prior to connecting the cementing line to the drill pipe, flush the line by circulating with mud.
The fluid pumped to the rig floor must be identical to the fluid in hole.
6. After connecting the cementing line to the drill pipe, break circulation with the cementing unit
making sure the hole is full.
7. Pressure test lines to 5000 psi for 2 mins low and 10 mins high or the test pressure stated in
the section specific drilling procedure.
8. Close the BOP around the drill pipe. Annular or pipe rams may be used.
9. Pump mud down the drill pipe slowly using the cement unit until the pressure starts to build
up. Volume pumped for the graph will start from this point.
10. Maintain a constant pump rate as much as possible.
• The required rate may vary, but the first attempt should be at 0.25 bbls/min. Check for returns
from the annulus between the present and previous casing string when applicable.
• Calibrated pressure gauges with the appropriate range (0 - 1,500 psi), preferably mounted on
a special manifold, must be used.
• A continuous chart pressure recorder must also be used.
11. Record the pressure at each 0.25 bbl increment pumped.
12. Plot pressure versus cumulative mud volume for each 0.25 bbl volume increment on the
L.O.T. Report form.
13. Continue pumping until leak-off is detected; as indicated by a change in the rate of pressure
14. This is determined from the leak-off test chart and observation of the pressure behaviour.
15. Leak-off is indicated by the point where the pressure versus volume plot departs (rolls over or
drops) from the straight line relationship with the casing test graph. This point on the pressure
versus volume plot is called the "formation leak-off pressure".
16. Once leak-off indications are noted continue to pump at a constant rate to confirm. If the
pressure resumes a constant rate of increase, continue pumping and watch for subsequent
leak-off indications.
• Note: if the rate of pressure increase continues to decline and/or a sudden pressure drop
occurs, stop pumping immediately.
17. Close the valve on the cementing line and record the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) on
the L.O.T. report. Monitor and record the shut-in pressure for at least 10 minutes. Record the
pressure values in the “pressure decay” section of the L.O.T. Report.
18. Bleed off pressure, record volume of fluid recovered during flow back (establish the volume of
mud lost to the formation).
• If the measured leak off pressure is less than the anticipated leak off value, then a cement
channel may exist. Whenever a cement channel is suspected, the LOT should be repeated
for confirmation. If a channel exists there should be little or no improvement seen. Lower
than expected L.O.T. results must be discussed with the Dart Energy Senior Drilling
Engineer before drilling ahead.

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19. Open the BOP, circulate and condition mud as required, take slow circulating rates (SCR’s) on
three mud pumps and drill ahead as per the Drilling Program.
1.7.3. Reporting Requirements
On completion of the test, the Dart Energy Senior Drilling Supervisor must complete the leak off test
report and a copy must be sent to the Dart Energy Drilling Manager.
The L.O.T. Report must be in the standard excel spreadsheet for generating the required report

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AMSL Above Mean Sea Level MSS Magnetic Single Shot
API American Petroleum Institute MU Make Up
Bbl Barrels NMDC Non-Magnetic Drill Collar
BGL Below Ground Level NPT Non-Productive Time
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly NW North-West
BHST Bottom Hole Static Temperature OD Outside Diameter
BMSL Below Mean Sea Level OH Open Hole
BOP Blow Out Preventer PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (cutter)
BPV Back Pressure Valve PDM Positive Displacement Motor
BRT Below Rotary Table POH Pull Out of Hole
CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate ppf Pounds per Foot
CBL Cement Bond Log PPGE Pound per Gallons Equivalent Density
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Psi Pounds per Square Inch
Cps Centipoises PU Pick Up
DC Drill Collar PVT Pit Volume Totaliser
DIF Drill-In Fluid RIH Run in Hole
DOP Drilling Operations Program ROP Rate of Penetration
DP Drill Pipe RPM Revolutions per Minute
DV Dual Valve Tool RSS Rotary Steering System
EOB End of Build Point RT Rotary Table
FW Fresh Water RU Rig Up
GPM Gallons per Minute SCR Slow Circulation Rate
GWC Gas Water Contact sec/qt Seconds per 1/4 litre
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide SG Specific Gravity
HSI Horsepower per Square Inch SLM Pipe Strap- [Steel Line Measurement]
HSE Health, Safety and Environment TCI Tungsten Carbide Insert
HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe TD Total Depth
International Association of Drilling
IADC Contractors TOC Top of Cement
ID Inside Diameter TVD True Vertical Depth
KCl Potassium Chloride TVD-GL True Vertical Depth from Ground Level
KOP Kick Off Point TVD-RT True Vertical Depth from Rotary Table
L/S Litres per Second TVDSS True Vertical Depth Sub-sea
LCM Loss Circulation Material TWC Thick Walled Cylinder
LOT Leak off Test VSP Vertical Section Profile
Methyl Blue Test (Shale Concentration in
MBT Mud) WOB Weight on Bit
MD Measured Depth WOC Wait on Cement
MD-GL Measured Depth below Ground Level W.G.P.C Wood Group Pressure Control
MD-RT Measured Depth below Rotary Table Xmas Christmas (Production) Tree
Mpa Mega Pascal XO Cross-Over Sub
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MSL Mean Sea Level

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program



Well Name: TECBM#P03-P

Operator: Dart Energy
Classification: Gas Appraisal, Pilot CBM Well
Permit: Tanjung Enim PSC
Participants: Dart Energy
Bukit Asam
Location: Tanjung Enim, Sumatra
Seismic Location:
Proposed Location: 103º 51’ 29.40” E 373204.84 E
3º 44’ 37.20” S 9586123.35 N
Elevation: 101m ASL
Surveyed Location:

Target Formation: Palembang Coal Group, M2 (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)
Secondary Target(s): Palembang Coal Group, M1 (D, E)
Proposed Total Depth: 790m mD BRT
Drilling Contractor: Tridiantara Alvindo
Drilling Rig: UN-01
Proposed spud date: 20th November 2011
Cost Estimate: TBA

2.1. Introduction
TECBM#P03-P is a gas appraisal (Pilot) CBM well in the Tanjung Enim Block, located in South
Sumatra (Figure 1).

The program to drill the TECBM#P03-P well is described in the following sections. This programme is
to be followed in its totality except for emergency cases that require immediate action by the field
personnel. In such circumstances, the company representative will contact the company as soon as
practicable and a full report with details of any alterations must follow. Additions to the programme
that are considered good oil field practice will be applied. The programme is intended to cover all the
steps from site preparation to finalisation. The well will be drilled to a total depth of 790 metres
(Measured Depth) with the use of a conventional drilling rig. Mud records will be maintained as well
as formation data will be recovered. Safe procedures and safety checks will be pursued at all times.

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2.2. Well Details

After setting the 20” conductor the well is to be drilled in three sections.
The surface hole (first section) will be drilled to 60 m with a diameter of 444.5mm (17 1/2”). This
section will be cased with 339.7mm (13 3/8”) casing and cemented to surface with neat class G
cement. This section will be drilled with a Bentonite spud mud. A wiper trip to surface is
recommended prior to running casing.
The 311.1mm (12 1/4”) intermediate hole (second section) will be drilled to approximately 350 metres.
The final TD for this hole section will place the 244.5mm (9 5/8”) casing shoe above the M2 coal unit
and will be cemented using a 1.62 S.G. (13.5ppg) class G/ Gel lead slurry and a 1.90 S.G. (15.8ppg)
class G tail slurry. A KCl-Polymer mud system will be used with a minimum KCl concentration of 4%,
to stabilise mixed layer smectite/illite clays.
There is a potential for over pressured gas sands throughout this interval.
The production hole (third section) will be drilled to total depth of 790m with a diameter of 215.9mm (8
1/2”) through the entire M2 and M1 coal bearing sequence. This section will be drilled with a similar
KCl Polymer mud system that was used for the intermediate hole section. Geophysical logs will be
run at TD and then 7” casing will be set and cemented. Cement will be 13.5ppg with a small 15.8ppg
Pressure (ppg EMW)
8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00

Estimated Frac Grad

Estimated Pore Press

Calculated FG (Eaton)
Planned Mud Weight


Depth (m)






Figure 1 Estimated Pressure Profile

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

General Information D FORMATION Well Profile Preliminary Well Design & Seam Target Order Program
E (Bit, Mud, Cement, Formation Evaluation)
TH not to scale not to scale
5 Bit : 24"
NO AFE : 10 Mud density : 8.5 ppg Gel based Spud mud
Budget No. : 15 Claystone 20" casing @ 15m BOP :NIL
Well name : TECBM#P03-P 20 PILOT HOLE:
Field : Tanjung Enim 25 Bit : 8 1/2 Tri-cone, near bit Stab 2x 8" DC,15" rod line Stab
Work classification : Drilling 30 Mud density : 8.5 - 8.9 ppg Gel
Classification : Pilot Well 35 M4 coal seams (low rank coal, not the objective) BOP : 11" Annular (Diverter)
40 Claystone MAIN HOLE:
Surface Coordinate : 45 Bit : 17 1/2 Tri-cone
X : 373204.84 mE 50 Mud density : 8.5 - 8.9 ppg Gel
Y : 9586123.35 mN 55 BOP : NIL
Long : 103° 51’ 29.4” E 60 13 3/8" casing @ 60m
Lat : 3° 44’ 37.20” S 65
Subsurface Coordinate : 70 Claystone
X : 373204.84 mE 75
Y : 9586123.35 mN 80
Long : 103° 51’ 29.4” E 85 M4 & M3 coal seams
Lat : 3° 44’ 37.20” S 90 Claystone (low rank coal, not the objective)
DF - Collar : 95
Collar elevation : 101 m 100
LBA Elevation : 105
Rig : TBA 110
TD plan : 790m 115
mTVDSS : 120
mTVD : 125
mMD : 130
Main Prospect : 135
Additional Prospect : 140
Production Target : 150 Claystone
BOPD : 155
MMSCFD : 160
Refernce well : 165
Spud in prediction : 170
Time to work : 175
R/M : 180
R/U :: 185
DRL : 190 Bit : 12 1/4"
COMP : 195 Sandstone Mud density : 8.9 - 9.2 ppg ;Polymer Based
R/D : 200 BOP : 13 5/8" Annular + Diverter
205 CEMENT: Class G to surface
210 Formation Evaluation : wireline geophysical logging
215 (gamma ray-density-caliper-neutron)
220 Siltstone
225 Drilling Hazard : Possible shallow gas zone
Claystone M4 & M3 coal seams
235 (low rank coal, not the objective)
260 Claystone
300 Claystone
320 Sandstone
350 9 5/8" casing @ 350m
360 M2 coal unit objective (A1,A2,B1,B2,C1 & C2)
365 Claystone

Carbonaceous Mudstone

A1 Perforation
A1 seam , 407.28 - 416.07= 8.83m
415 Sandstone Carbonaceous Mudstone
420 (actual cored thickness)
425 Perforation
430 A2 seam , 419.89 - 432.14 = 12.15m
435 Claystone
440 (actual cored thickness 4m)
445 Expected Thickness and Depth
B1 Perforation
B1 seam , 445.29 - 458.99 m = 13.70m
460 Claystone
465 B2 Perforation
B2 seam , 464.74 - 468.74 m = 4m
470 Claystone

Claystone !""#$#"%&'$()*(+"$,-./$()0"%1./
500 Siltstone
505 Claystone
515 C1 Perforation C1 seam , 505.54 - 516.24m = 10.70m
530 Bit : 8 1/2" PDC
545 Siltstone
555 Mud density : 8.9 - 9.2 ppg ;Polymer Based
560 Siltstone Mud Logging Service : required
565 Claystone Cementing Design : Light weight slurry, TOC 300m
570 BOP : 11" Double Gate and Annular
575 C2 Perforation Formation Evaluation : wireline geophysical logging
C2 seam , 552.24 - 561.24m = 9.00m
580 (gamma ray-density-caliper-neutron)
585 Siltstone Drilling Hazard : Possible shallow gas zone
590 Preventive Action: Weight the mud;7" Annular BOP
595 Siltstone
600 Claystone
605 Sandstone
610 Siltstone
625 Claystone
635 Sandstone
640 Bridge Plug set above M1 Coals
645 Siltstone
650 Claystone M1 coal unit (D and E seams)
660 D seam D seam , 663.24 - 672.24m = 9.00m(progonosed)
675 Claystone
690 Sandstone
695 Siltstone One of the pilot wells proposed to be drilled through
700 M1 to test coal stratigraphy ( D & E seam)
705 Then, Open hole and plugged with cement
710 Claystone
725 Siltstone
730 Claystone
740 Sandstone
745 Siltstone
755 Claystone
E seam Perforation
E seam , 766.24 - 772.2445m = 6.00m (progonsed)
770 Claystone
780 Sandstone 7" Casing set at 790m
785 Siltstone TD 790 (PROPOSED TD, only for one well)
790 Claystone

Figure 2 Well Schematic

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Figure 3 Tanjung Enim Area Map

Figure 4 TECBM#P03-P Location

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

4.1. Ditch Cuttings
4.1.1. Sample Requirements:
Set Size Number Type In For
A 500g 1 Unwashed & air dried Cloth bag
B 200g 1 Washed & air dried Minigrip bag
C 200g 1 Washed & air dried Minigrip bag
D 1 Washed Samplex tray

4.1.2. Sample Intervals:

Sample Interval Depth From Depth To
3 metres Surface Casing Shoe 350 m
1 metres 350 m 610 m

Additional samples will be taken to evaluate shows and at any time deemed necessary by the
Wellsite Geologist.

4.2. Mud Logging

Mud logging services will be provided from surface casing shoe to total depth. The unit will provide
continuous 24-hour surveillance of drilling operations and digital recording at 0.5m intervals of drilling
operations including:

Total gas detection Rate of Penetration

Chromatographic gas analysis Pump Stroke Rate
Measured depth Mud pit levels, Gain and Loss.
Pump Pressure Torque

The mud loggers will be responsible for time lagging, collection and description of drill cutting from
surface casing shoe to total depth. Routine microscopic and fluoroscopic examination of the ditch
cuttings for hydrocarbon shows will be undertaken.

A comprehensive 1:200 scale mud log will be maintained at all times from surface casing shoe to total
depth. WOB and RPM should be displayed in the ROP track. Formation Integrity Tests, pit
losses/gains, tight-hole, bit data, mud information and survey data are to be recorded on the mud log.

An up-to-date mud log is to be submitted daily in pdf file format to the Wellsite Geologist in time for
the daily report. A complete ASCII file containing metres drilled, rate of penetration, WOB, RPM,
torque, total gas, chromatograph gas analysis data, and a full mudlog is to be supplied to the Wellsite
Geologist at the end of the well, and at other times as requested.

All instrument charts are to be annotated with: depth (in metres), attenuation changes, dates, times
and sample collection intervals. Charts are to be submitted to the ECB Company Representative prior
to release of the mud logging unit.

Gas detectors and chromatographs are to be calibrated with standard check gas blends each trip.
Total gas detectors are to be calibrated so that 1% methane in air will produce a chart deflection of 50

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Calcium carbide lag checks will be run once per day or every 300m, whichever occurs first (or at the
discretion of the Wellsite Geologist). Total gas units and lag time (actual and calculated) are to be
recorded on the mud log in minutes. No carbides are to be run whilst evaluating prospective
hydrocarbon zones.

4.3. Wireline Logging

Open hole wireline logging services will be provided by Weatherford.

Run # Interval Log Suite Comments

12 1/4” Intermetiate hole section
1 13 5/8” csg shoe to Resistivity-GR
8 1/2” Production hole section
2 9 5/8” csg shoe to TD Resistivity-GR- Sonic GR & Resistivity for
establishing reservoir sand

4.3.1. Data presentation

Logs are to be displayed at 1:500 and 1:200 scales.

Horizontal log scales.

GR: 0 to 200 API units.

SP: -50 to +50 mv
Caliper: 100 to 400mm.
MDL, MMR: 0.2 to 2000 ohmm
MSS: 100 to 500 usec/m
MPD: 1.95 to 2.95 g/cc.
MDN: 0.45 to -0.15 porosity units (limestone matrix).

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MD Interval Drift Dia. Minimum Safety Factor (Abs) Design Cos
g OD/Weight/Grade Connection
(m) (in) Burst Collapse Axial Triaxial ($)
ng 13 3/8", 61.00 lbm/ft, K-55 N/A 0.0-60.0 12.359 28.63 16.45 N/A 21.71 4
TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program Total = 4

Casing 9 5/8", 36.00 lbm/ft, K-55 N/A 0.0-350.0 8.765 1.40 3.55 3.42 1.73 14
Total = 14
asing 7", 26.00 lbm/ft, N-80 0.0-200.0 6.151 1.81 16.03 3.96 2.24 7
5.1. General hole parameters
7", 23.00 lbm/ft, K-55 200.0-790.0 6.250 A * 1.00 2.45 2.65 * 1.25 15
Total = 23
Surface Hole Intermediate Production
Total = 41
Hole Size 444.5mm (17 1/2”) 311.1mm (12 1/4”) 215.9mm (8 1/2”)
Drift Casing Size 339.7mm (13 3/8”) 244.5mm (9 5/8”) 177.8mm (7”)
Casing Grade 61ppf K-55 BTC 36ppf K-55 BTC 23ppf K-55 BTC
Depth - MD)
EMATIC (DEPTH 60m 350m 790m

12.0 m RKB
20" Conductor Casing
60.0 m 13 3/8" Surface Casing

300.0 m TOC
350.0 m 9 5/8" Intermediate Casing

790.0 m 7" Production Casing

Figure 5 Proposed Casing Plan

s, Deviated:
s, Offshore:
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D): 790.0
Point: R
TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

5.2. Drilling Program

5.2.1. Rig up and set conductor.
1) Survey location, build access road, rig and camp locations, dig and install cellar. Build water
storage, mud, flare and waste pits.
2) Move in rig and rig up; drill mouse-hole and rat-holes if required.
3) Conduct on site safety meeting with all drilling and service personnel. Record topics discussed on
safety reports. Make certain that all crew understand the objectives of drilling the well in a safe
and professional manner. Perform rig safety inspection with both drillers before spudding the well
and record results.
4) Mix gel spud mud to 80sec + visc and rig up cellar jet.
5) Make up 24” bit and 8” drill collars and drill to 12 to 15m. Depth will be determined by the
presence of competent formation prior to setting the conductor.
6) Circulate hole clean and pull out and lay out bit and BHA.
7) Pick up 20” casing and run in and sit on the bottom of the hole. Apply weight to the casing to
prevent cement from u-tubing.
8) Batch mix 1.5m3, or as required, neat cement with 3% Calcium Chloride and pour down annulus
until full.
9) Wait on cement while rigging up to drill 17 1/2” hole section.
10) Install and function test 11” diverter system to the 20” conductor.
5.2.2. Surface hole/ Pilot hole
11) Make up 8 1/2” tri-cone bit and BHA and RIH to the bottom of the 20” conductor.
12) Ensure the bit is centred and drill 8 1/2” pilot hole to 60m.
NOTE: While drilling this hole section it is imperative that the mud properties and volumes are
closely monitored for any signs of over pressured formations or gas flow. Keep the mud
weight as low as possible. Be prepared to vent gas if there are any indications of the well
flowing. Ensure all spare mud tanks are full of weighted brine and lined up to the kill pump.
13) At TD circulate and condition the hole while increasing the mud weight by 0.3 to 0.5ppg.
NOTE: Monitor the hole volume and returns closely while increasing the mud weight.
14) POH and break out 8 1/2” bit.
15) Rig down 11” diverter system and make up 20” riser and bell nipple.
16) Make up 444.5mm (17 1/2”) milled tooth bit and BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly) #1. Drill to
339.7mm (13 3/8”) casing depth of 60 metres.
17) Circulate the hole clean, pump a hi-visc sweep and drop a survey prior to pulling out. A wiper trip
may be performed if hole conditions are unstable or tight. Strap out of the hole and compare totals
and record results on daily drilling report.
18) Pick up 339.7mm (13 3/8”) casing with stab in guide shoe installed on the first joint. Use Bakerlok
or similar to secure the guide shoe and the first connection above. Run casing to bottom with
centralisers installed on first two joints. Ensure there is a circulating swage on the floor if required
to circulate the casing while running in.
19) Make up swage and wash casing to bottom, circulate until shakers are clean.
20) Pick up, set the casing in the slips and make up C plate and prepare cement stinger.
NOTE: Casing will need to be chained down to the rotary beams to prevent it moving out of the hole
after or during the cementing.
21) RIH cement stinger on drill pipe and space out. Install drill pipe centraliser on bottom joint.
22) Make up circulating swage and mix and pump cement as per Section 12. Displace with water,
using the cementing unit. Release pressure and check for backflow- if a flow is noticed, then
pressure up and shut in the casing until the samples are set. Un-sting drill pipe from the shoe and
circulate at maximum pump rate to clear any residual cement from the drill pipe.
23) Slack off casing after 4 hrs (or when samples have set). Back out and lay out landing joint. Install
13 5/8” bradden head.
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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

24) Nipple up 13 5/8” Annular BOP and drilling spool.

NOTE: Configure the choke manifold to enable the full flow to be diverted to the vent line if the
pressure exceeds the shoe break down pressure.
25) Pressure test annular preventer, choke manifold, choke and kill lines and kelly cocks to 1.72 MPa
(250 psi) (low) and 10.34 MPa (1500psi) (high).
5.2.3. Intermediate Hole
26) Pick up a 311.1mm (12 1/4”) bit and BHA #2 and run in hole. Drill out the shoe and 3 metres of
new formation. Displace the hole to mud, circulate the hole clean and pull back inside the casing.
Perform Leak Off Test and record the results in the daily drilling report.
27) Drill ahead to the casing point at 350m taking surveys at 100 metres and at TD. Maintain hole
deviation to within 1.5 degrees at casing point.
NOTE: Actual drilling depth will be determined by the casing measurement and wellhead
setting depth.
28) At TD perform a wiper trip back to the 13 3/8” casing shoe. Circulate the hole clean on bottom,
pull out of the hole.
29) Run the 9 5/8” casing as described in section 10.
30) Make up circulating swage to landing joint, break circulation and wash to bottom. Circulate the
casing a minimum of 1.5 casing volumes.
31) Pick up to the correct height and set the slips. Install cement head and non-rotating top plug and
prepare to cement as described in section 12. Remove slips, set casing to the correct height and
chain down. Pump 10Bbls of water as a spacer. Mix and pump cement. Displace with water, using
the cementing unit. Bump plug to 1500 psi and hold for 15 minutes. Release pressure and check
for backflow. If the floats are holding then commence rigging down surface equipment and cement
lines. If a flow is noticed, then pressure up to 500 psi and shut in the casing until the samples are
32) Slack off casing after 4 hrs (or when samples have set). Back out and lay out landing joint. Install
11” 3K wellhead.
33) Nipple up BOP’s dressed with pipe and blind rams.
34) Pressure test pipe and blind rams, choke manifold, choke and kill lines and kelly cocks to 1.72
MPa (250 psi) (low) and 17.2 MPa (2500psi) (high), pressure test annular preventer to 10.34 MPa
(1500psi) (high).
NOTE: BOP’s are to be tested every 14 days, and function tested whenever out of the hole.
5.2.4. Production Hole
35) Pick up a 215.9mm (8 1/2") bit and BHA #3 and R.I.H. Drill out the shoe and 3 metres of new
formation. Displace the hole to clean mud, circulate the hole clean and pull back inside the casing.
Perform Formation Integrity Test and record the results in the daily drilling report.
36) Drill ahead to TD of 790m.
37) At TD perform a wiper trip back to the last hole section drilled. Circulate the hole clean on bottom
and strap out of the hole to run logs.
38) Rig up loggers and run geophysical and formation logs as per program. Rig down loggers.
39) RIH to bottom and circulate hole clean. POH and lay out drill pipe and BHA.
40) Change pipe rams to 177.8mm (7”) and pressure test bonnet seals using the cup tester against
the annular to 6.9MPa (1000psi) with the rig pumps. Rig up to run 177.8mm (7”) casing. Make up
float shoe and float collar on the second connection. Secure the float, shoe and first connection
with Bakerlok or similar. Run 177.8mm (7”) casing. Install centralisers on the first 3 joints, and
every third joint back to the surface casing shoe.
41) Pick up circulating swage and circulate casing and wash to bottom. Circulate casing for at least 2
casing volumes. Remove swage and make up the cement head with top and bottom plugs loaded.
The drilling supervisor must witness the cement plug installation. NOTE: if a single plug
head is used, place the bottom plug into the casing and make up cement head with the top plug
loaded. Hold pre-job safety meeting prior to cementing. Pump 3.2 m3 (~20 barrels) of pre flush,
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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

followed by a 1.60 S.G. (~13.5ppg) lead slurry and a 1.9 S.G. (~15.8ppg) tail slurry- Volumes are
given in Section 10. Drop the top plug and displace cement with water using the cement unit.
Bump the plug to 17.2 MPa (2500psi) and hold for 15mins to ensure casing integrity. Bleed off
pressure and check for flow back. If floats are not holding, pressure up on casing to 10.34 MPa
(1500psi) and hold until the cement samples have set.
42) Drain and flush the BOP stack. Drop the casing slips and set with casing in tension. Pick up
BOP’s and check that slips have set correctly, re set slips if needed. Rough-cut casing to ~254mm
(10”) stick up and lay out landing joint. Nipple down and lay out BOP stack.
43) Dress casing stub and install 279.4mm 20.7 MPa x 179.4mm 34.5 MPa (11”3K x 7 1/16” 5K)
tubing spool. Energise X-bushing and pressure test to 27.6 MPa (4000psi).

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

5.3. General
• Correct drilling procedures are to be practiced at all times.
• BOP's are to be operated daily or whenever out of hole and this is to be recorded in the Tour
• Each day, all of the drill pipe on location will be noted in the Tour Book as to being in hole, on
rack, etc.
• Slow Pump Rate tests are to be carried out once per tour and are to be recorded in the Tour

6.1. Bit Table
The following bits are preliminary only. Actual bit manufacturer and designation will be advised.
6.1.1. 444.5mm (17 1/2") Hole

17 1/2” Bit Program

Bit Rank Manufacturer Type IADC Comments
Primary 111 Aggressive milled tooth tricone bit.
Back-up 435 Back up medium formation TCI bit to be used if
the milled tooth bit fails to reach TD.

6.1.2. 311.1mm (12 1/4") Hole

12 1/4” Bit Program

Bit Rank Manufacturer Type IADC Comments
Aggressive sealed roller bearing bit with gauge
Primary 115
Back up medium formation TCI bit to be used if the
Backup 435
milled tooth bit fails to reach TD.
Backup 135 Junk bit if required

6.1.3. 215.9mm (8 1/2") Hole

8 1/2” Bit Program

Bit Rank Manufacturer Type IADC Comments
Primary S222 5 Blade steel bodied bit with 19mm cutters.
Motor application Tungsten carbide insert bit with
Primary 417
journal bearings and gauge protection.
Backup 135 Junk bit if required

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6.2. BHA List

The following BHA’s are proposed only, and may be changed to suit actual equipment or drilling
NOTE: Float Valves MUST be used at all times.

BHA # 1 BHA # 2
DEPTH IN 15 MAX WOB 18 Klbs DEPTH IN 60 MAX WOB 35.8 Klbs
DEPTH OUT 60 MUD WT 8.4 ppg DEPTH OUT 350 MUD WT 8.7 ppg
Bit - Tri Cone 1 0.33 0.49 Bit - Tri Cone 1 0.33 0.20
Bit Sub 1 1.08 0.39 Bit Sub with Float 1 1.08 0.39
Drill Collar- 8" 2 19.20 8.28 Drill Collar- 8" 2 19.20 8.24
Stabiliser 1 1.52 0.64 Stabiliser 1 1.52 0.64
Drill Collar- 8" 2 19.00 8.19 Drill Collar- 8" 2 19.00 8.15
Crossover Sub 1 0.70 0.03 Crossover Sub 1 0.70 0.03
Drill Collar- 6" 2 19.00 4.53 Drill Collar- 6" 12 114.00 27.05

TOTAL LENGTH / WEIGHT 60.83 22.55 TOTAL LENGTH / WEIGHT 155.83 44.69
Pendulum rotary drilling assembly. No deviation problems Pendulum rotary drilling assembly. No deviation problems
expected. expected.
BHA # 3
DEPTH IN 350 MAX WOB 25.6 Klbs
DEPTH OUT 790 MUD WT 9.1 ppg
Bit - PDC 1 0.18 0.08
NB Stab with Float 1 0.75 0.19
Drill Collar- 6" 2 19.00 4.48
Stabiliser 1 1.50 0.35
Drill Collar- 6" 12 114.00 26.86

TOTAL LENGTH / WEIGHT 135.43 31.96

Stiff Rotary assembly. No deviation problems expected.

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7.1. Pump Information

Manufacture: National Supply China

Model: 8-P-80 440
Quantity 1 1
Max Input Speed: 120 320
Input Drive: Torque Converter/ Belt Transmission / Direct
Max Pressure with 6 1/2” Liners:
Gallons per minute @ Max SPM
Max Pressure with 5” Liners:
Gallons per minute @ Max SPM

7.2. Hydraulics

17 1/2” Hole Section

Interval Bit Bit Hydraulics Liner Size: 6 1/2”
Depth Type TFA Flow Pressure HSI ANN V Pumps- SPM
(m MDRT) (IADC) (sq in.) (gpm) (psi) ( /in ) (ft/min) #1 #2 #3
IN – 15m 400 150 30
111 .994
OUT – 60m 600 395 0.42 45

12 1/4” Hole Section

Interval Bit Bit Hydraulics Liner Size: 6 1/2”
Depth Type TFA Flow Pressure HSI ANN V Pumps- SPM
(m MDRT) (IADC) (sq in.) (gpm) (psi) ( /in ) (ft/min) #1 #2 #3
IN – 60m 600 675 1.54 112
115 0.746
OUT – 350m 600 755 1.57 112

8 1/2” Hole Section

Interval Bit Bit Hydraulics Liner Size: 5 1/2”
Depth Type TFA Flow Pressure HSI ANN V Pumps- SPM
(m MDRT) (IADC) (sq in.) (gpm) (psi) ( /in ) (ft/min) #1 #2 #3
IN – 350m 450 2020 1.70 164
S222 0.672
OUT – 790m 450 2030 1.73 164

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Surface Hole
Survey at casing point.
Deviation should not exceed 1.5˚ at casing point.

Intermediate Hole
Survey at 200m and at TD.
Deviation not to exceed 4˚ and DLS to be kept below 2.5˚ per 30m drilled.

Production Hole
Survey at each 250m drilled and at TD.
Deviation not to exceed 4˚ and DLS to be kept below 2.5˚ per 30m drilled.

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program

9.1. 444.5mm (17 1/2") Hole
Pre-hydrated Bentonite will be the basis for spud mud. Drill through the conductor shoe with 80-100
sec viscosity and a slow pump rate to prevent inducing mud losses. Pump rate and ROP to be
gradually increased once the BHA is below conductor.
All the solids control equipment must be utilized from the beginning and operated at peak efficiency.
Shakers to be dressed with 84 mesh initially. The further selection of shaker screens size has to be
adequate to avoid plugging with sand and to ensure the maximum solids removal. Be aware that the
coarser screens are more prone to plugging, or blinding, with sand particles. In this case it is often
that finer screens will be required to minimise mud losses.
9.1.1. Pre-hydrated Gel Mud
Property Range
Mud Density [ppg] 8.5 – 8.7
FV [sec/qt] 80 – 100
pH 9.5 – 10.5

9.2. 311.1mm (12 1/4") Hole

The 13 3/8” casing shoe will be drilled out with drill water augmented by sweeps with returns being
dumped. Displace to the KCl polymer mud when drilling ahead in new formation. Contingent lost
circulation material will be available at the well site to treat any potential losses in the unconsolidated
While drilling cement treat the mud with Sodium Bicarbonate and Citric Acid in order to precipitate out
Calcium and keep the pH down.
Circulate until the mud weight in and out is balanced.
The mud weight may need to be increased as drilling commences depending on drilling and hole
condition requirements.
Use NaCl salt for weight increase but do not exceed a total Chlorides concentration of more than
150,000 mg/l in order to keep the system always unsaturated with enough room to dissolve the KCl
treatments that will replenish depleted K+ ion.
Check makeup water and treat accordingly with Soda Ash in order to decrease hardness before
mixing mud chemicals, but be careful not to over treat it and contaminate with carbonates.
Encapsulating Polymer in concentrations 2 to 3 kg/m3 will be used for additional inhibition of reactive
The minimum concentration of KCl is 6%, however if needed to increase, it is not necessary to go
more than 8%.
Calcium Carbonate will be used as an LCM (and weighting additive as well), it will also improve the
filter cake quality in low solids mud.
Regular small additions of Biocide will protect the polymers from bacterial degradation.

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9.2.1. Properties
Property Range
Mud Density [ppg] 8.5 – 8.7 or as required
FV [sec/qt] 40 – 60
PV [cp] 10 – 15
YP [lbs/100sqft] 8 – 12
Gels [lbs/100sqft] 5-10 / 15-20 / <30
API FL [cc/30min] <12
pH 9 – 10
MBT [kg/m3] < 40
KCL % 6–8
Total Hardness < 400 mg/l

9.3. 215.9mm (8 1/2") Hole

The mud weight will range from 8.9ppg to 9.2ppg, or as hole conditions dictate. Use NaCl salt and
(or) Calcium Carbonate as a weighting agent.
Polymer N Vis will be used as the only viscosifier. It is a purified xanthan gum used in Drill-In Fluid
applications were the minimisation of formation damage is a priority.
Keep the rheology in this interval on the low side in order to minimize the impact on hydraulics and
pump pressure when coring. It is recommended to have yield point below 20.
Maintain the KCl concentration in the range 6% - 8% in order to prevent the possible hydration of clay
particles in the coals.
Sized Calcium Carbonate will be used as a bridging agent.
If losses are encountered, use only non-damaging LCM alongside a blend of Calcium Carbonate.
Maintain the mud parameters as close to the required specifications as possible and ensure that the
fluid loss and LGS are kept as low as possible LGS above 5% is unacceptable).
Fluid loss will be controlled with additions of PAC-LV polymer.
It is crucial that all the solids control equipment is running at maximum efficiency in order to keep low
gravity solids as low as possible.
The Calcium Carbonate concentration must be regularly checked using a chemical test and reported
as kg/m3 and % by volume.
Pilot testing is compulsory and must be conducted by the mud engineer prior to any major mud
treatments eg. change in rheology, change in Calcium Carbonate concentration or lime treatments.
9.3.1. Properties and Chemical Composition
Property Range Product Concentration
Mud Density [ppg] 8.7 – 9.2 pH Buffer As required
FV [sec/qt] 45 – 55 Soda Ash As required
PV [cp] ALAP (15 – 20) KCl 20 – 30 lb/Bbl
YP [lbs/100sqft] 15 – 20 NaCl salt As required for MW
Gels [lbs/100sqft] 2-6 / 8-12 / 15-20 Xanthan Polymer 0.5 – 1.0 lb/Bbl
LGS [%] ALAP (< 5) Calcium Carbonate As required
API FL [cc/30min] 6–8 Biocide As required
pH 9.5 – 10.5 Oxygen Scavenger As required
MBT [kg/m3] ALAP
KCL % 6–8

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TANJUNG ENIM Drilling Program


10.1. Casing Details

CASING Surface Intermediate Production

Size mm (in) 244.5 (13-3/8") 244.5 (9-5/8") 177.8 (7")
Weight kg/m (lbs/ft) 80.36 (54) 53.57 (36) 34.22 (23)
Grade K55 K55 K55
Set Depth (metres) 60 350 790
Cement top (lead/tail) Surface 200/750 NIL

10.2. Casing Running Procedures

10.2.1. 244.5mm (9 5/8") casing
1) Check that all casing handling equipment and power tong is serviceable is on location and rigged
up as much as possible prior to the job.
2) Rig up casing stabbing board.
3) Lay out the casing, remove thread protectors, clean both pin and box ends thoroughly. Apply
Casing Dope to the box end of the casing.
4) Visually inspect the threads, couplings, tube and metal sealing surfaces. Any joints with damaged
threads should be clearly marked (red colour) and stored separately.
5) Tally and number each joint. Prepare a casing sheet that includes measured length, weight and
6) Drift all joints with an 222.6mm (8.765”) drift.
7) Install and threadlock the guide shoe to the bottom of the first joint of the tally.
8) Place a stop ring in the centre of the first joint.
9) Check the operation of the 244.5mm casing tong and hydraulic power unit.
10) Rig up casing fill up hose.
11) Ensure all the hand tools (brushes, etc.) have safety rings installed to prevent them from falling
into the well.
12) Hold a Rig Crew safety meeting to review all of the hazards and procedures before rigging up
casing handling tools.
13) Prepare to run the casing using the pick up sling and side door elevators.
14) Have the float collar cleaned and on the floor ready to be installed.
15) Pick up the shoe joint with guide shoe attached. Install a bow spring centraliser across the stop
ring and run the joint in the hole. Set the joint in the slips, chain the slips and clean and dry the
casing collar.
16) Pick up the second joint and hang in the elevators. Clean and dry the pin thread.
17) Install the float collar using threadlock on the top and bottom connections. Make up the collar
using a chain tong. Stab the second joint, back up the lower joint and torque the float collar
connections with the casing tong.
18) After making up the float collar joint, check the floats by ensuring the mud level drops when the
casing is raised.
19) Continue RIH with the 244.5 mm casing. Install a bow spring centraliser across the stop collar.
Install bow spring centralisers on the first collar above the float collar, and then on every second
collar for the next six joints.
20) Visually inspect each joint run to ensure correct make up that places the base of the triangle
indicator level with the casing collar.

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21) Fill the casing with mud every 2 joints

22) Monitor and record the pick-up and slack-off weights while running each joint of casing. If any
resistance is encountered, start circulation using the 244.5mm Casing swage and High pressure
circulating lines. Lightly work the string on the obstruction and pick up frequently to vary the
circulation pattern.
23) Continue running in hole. Pick up the landing joint and wash the last joint to bottom.
24) Ensure that the landing joint is marked at the correct height to allow for installation of the wellhead
and BOP’s
25) Circulate a minimum of 150% of the casing capacity using the rig pumps.

10.2.2. 177.8mm (7") casing

1) Check that all casing handling equipment and power tong is serviceable is on location and rigged
up as much as possible prior to the job.
2) Rig up casing stabbing board.
3) Clean and prepare the mix water and displacement tanks.
4) Lay out the casing, remove thread protectors, clean both pin and box ends thoroughly. Apply
Casing Dope to the box end of the casing.
5) Visually inspect the threads, couplings, tube and metal sealing surfaces. Any joints with damaged
threads should be clearly marked (red colour) and stored separately.
6) Tally and number each joint. Prepare a casing sheet that includes measured length, weight and
7) Drift all joints with a 158.5mm (6.241”) drift.
8) Install and threadlock the float shoe to the bottom of the first joint of the tally.
9) Place a stop ring in the centre of the first two joints.
10) Check the operation of the casing tong and hydraulic power unit.
11) Rig up casing fill up hose.
12) Ensure all the hand tools (brushes, etc.) have safety rings installed to prevent them from falling
into the well.
13) Hold a Rig Crew safety meeting to review all of the hazards and procedures before rigging up
casing handling tools.
14) Prepare to run the casing using the single lift and side door elevators.
15) Have the float collar cleaned and on the floor ready to be installed.
16) Pick up the shoe joint with guide shoe attached. Install a bow spring centraliser across the stop
ring and run the joint in the hole. Set the joint in the slips, chain the slips and clean and dry the
casing collar.
17) Pick up the second joint and hang in the elevators. Clean and dry the pin thread.
18) Fill the casing with mud and check the float shoe by ensuring the mud level drops when the
casing is raised.
19) Install the float collar using threadlock on the top and bottom connections. Make up the collar
using a chain tong. Stab the second joint, back up the lower joint and torque the float collar
connections with the casing tong.
20) After making up the float collar joint, check the floats by ensuring the mud level drops when the
casing is raised.
21) Continue RIH with the 177.8mm (7”) casing. Install bow spring centralisers on the first 3 joints, and
every third joint back to the surface casing shoe.
22) Visually inspect each joint run to ensure correct make up that places the base of the triangle
indicator level with the casing collar.
23) Fill the casing with mud every 5 joints

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24) Ensure all mud pit volume monitoring equipment is functioning correctly. Closely monitor the
casing displacement and fill up volumes. Report any discrepancies as soon as noticed to the site
supervisor. Casing running speed may be slowed if losses are seen while running the casing.
25) Monitor and record the pick-up and slack-off weights while running each joint of casing. If any
resistance is encountered, start circulation using the casing swage and high pressure circulating
lines. Lightly work the string on the obstruction and pick up frequently to vary the circulation
26) Continue running in hole. Pick up the landing joint and wash the last joint to bottom.
27) Ensure that the casing is spaced out to the correct height to allow for safe installation of the
cement head, while being within two meters of total depth.
28) Circulate a minimum of 150% of the casing capacity using the rig pumps. Slowly reciprocate the
casing while circulating

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The surface hole will be drilled with 17 1/2” hole size from the 20” conductor shoe at 10-12m to
approximately 60m. Shallow may be present but is not expected in this hole section. A diverter
system and 8 1/2” pilot hole will be used and mud weights and volumes closely monitored while
drilling this hole section.

Figure 6 Diverter System

11.1.1. Pressure Testing

The Diverter system shall be pressure tested to 500psi at the casing shoe prior to drilling out, and
then used in the closed in position to perform the Leak Off Test.
NOTE: to perform this test the HCR valve will have to be locked in the closed position. It is the
responsibility of the Dart Drilling Supervisor to restore the functions of the diverter system
before drilling resumes.
The diverter system to be function tested whenever out of the hole.
Once setting 13 3/8” casing, an API wellhead, drilling spool and 13 5/8” annular BOP will be installed.
As the shoe fracture pressure is likely to be quite low the kick tolerance will be limited by this value
and therefore the surface equipment will be configured to be able to divert any gas flow if the casing
shoe pressure is likely to be exceeded. These pressures and procedures will be posted at the rig site
once the actual LOT data is obtained.
Mudlogging services will be used during this hole section.

BOP Configuration
Component Description Bore Size Closing Size Pressure Rating
Bradden Head 13 3/8” SOW x 13 5/8” 3,000psi R-57 13 5/8” N/A 3,000psi
Drilling Spool R-57 with 2x R-31 Side Outlets 13 5/8” N/A 3,000psi
Annular Hydril GK, 13 5/8” 3,000psi 13 5/8” All 3,000psi

11.2.1. Pressure Testing

The BOP’s, choke manifold, circulating lines and casing will be tested to 250psi(Low) and 1500psi
(high) before drilling out.

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A Leak Off Test will be performed after drilling through the casing shoe.
13 5/8" BOP Test Schedule
Press. (psi) / Duration (min.)
Item Comment
Low Press. High Press.
Annular 50% of WP 250 / 5 1,500 / 10
Choke and Kill Valves 50% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 1,500 / 10
Choke & Kill Manifold 50% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 1,500 / 10
Standpipe, IBOP 50% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 1,500 / 10
Spare Kelly Cocks 50% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 1,500 / 10


Once the 9 5/8” casing has been cemented, the 13 5/8” wellhead will be removed and an 11” 3K
wellhead installed to the 9 5/8” casing. An 11” drilling spool, blind ram, pipe ram and annular BOP will
then be installed. The well control equipment will include a choke manifold incorporating flare line and
degasser system, HCR choke line and kill line. All surface components will be as per API 16C and
pressure tested prior to drilling. An accurate Leak Off Test will be performed once drilling out the 9
5/8” casing shoe. The current design allows for a 15Bbl kick tolerance. Mudlogging services will be
used during this hole section.

BOP Configuration
Component Description Bore Size Closing Size Pressure Rating
Bradden Head 9 5/8” BTC x 11” 3,000psi R-53 11” N/A 3,000psi
Drilling Spool R-53 with 2x R-31 Side Outlets 11” N/A 3,000psi
Double Ram BOP 11” 3000psi Shaffer LWS or equivalent 11” 3,000psi
3 1/2”
Annular Hydril GK, 11” 3,000psi 11” All 3,000psi

11.3.1. Pressure Testing

The BOP’s, choke manifold, circulating lines and casing will be tested as per the following table
before drilling out.
A Leak Off Test will be performed after drilling through the casing shoe.
BOP’s to be tested every 14days.

11" BOP Test Schedule

Press. (psi) / Duration (min.)
Item Comment
Low Press. High Press.
Annular 70% of WP 250 / 5 2,100 / 10
Pipe Rams 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10
Blind Ram 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10
Choke and Kill Valves 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10
Choke & Kill Manifold 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10
Standpipe, IBOP 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10
Spare Kelly Cocks 80% of Working Pressure 250 / 5 2,500 / 10

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Cementation design is preliminary only, actual slurry designs will be advised after the completion of
laboratory testing.
12.1. Surface Casing
12.1.1. Slurry Design

339.8mm (13 3/8") Preliminary Cement Data

CASING Type 54.4ppf K55 BTC
Set Depth 60 m
Buoyed Weight 8,000 lbs
Set Weight -1,000 lbs
Steel Displacement 4 Bbls
SPACER Type Drill Water
Volume 20 Bbls
Density 8.3ppg
TAIL SLURRY Type G with 2% CaCl
Slurry Volume with 25% excess 31 Bbls
Cement Top 5m
Density 1.89 S.G.
Yield 1.15 cu.ft/sx
Cement 151 sx
Mix Water Drill Water
Volume 18 Bbls
Thickening Time (70 BC) 1:45 hr:min.
Compressive Strength (24 hr) 3425 psi
DISPLACEMENT Type Drill water
Volume (Calculated) 3 Bbls
Density 8.3ppg
Final Displacement Pressure 77 psi

12.1.2. Cementing Procedure

1. Install and secure C plate to the table. Chain down the casing as required.
2. Run cement stinger inside 13 3/8” casing on drill pipe. Install centraliser on first stand.
3. RIH until just above shoe. Break circulation through cement stinger to check DP is clear.
4. Space out and sting into the casing shoe as required.
5. Rig up cement lines and DP cementing head.
• Ensure there is a Lo-Torq valve installed at the circulating head so the flow path can be shut
off in the event that the floats do not hold.
6. Fill the 13 3/8” casing as required so fluid level is to the casing stub.
7. Break circulation through the DP and circulate bottoms up.
• Monitor the fluid level in the 20” casing to ensure that the stinger seals are holding
• Circulate and condition mud as required to lower the rheology, YP, prior to cementing
• Stage up pump rates slowly to the maximum rate expected during the cement job. Monitor for
• Continue to circulate while preparing cement.
• Y-piece with Lo-Torq valves installed is to be used to connect cement unit and the rig pumps
through to the circulating head.
8. Hold a pre-job meeting with all personnel involved in the cementing operation to ensure all roles
and responsibilities are clearly understood.

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• Ensure sufficient hand held radios are available for the use of the key personnel throughout
the cement job.
9. When cementers are ready to commence operations and circulation is complete, shut down rig
pumps and isolate from cement line by closing Lo-Torq valve on Y-Piece and pressure test
cement lines to 3,000 psi (204 atm) for 5 minutes against the circulating head Lo-Torq valve.
10. Bleed off pressure, open cement line to the well and pump spacer with the cement unit, monitor
for returns, ensure that the stinger is not leaking
11. Mix and pump the lead and tail slurries as per the cementing program.
NOTE: when performing the inner string cementation, in ideal conditions, it is common
practise to continue pumping the lead cement until cement returns are seen at surface. Once
lead cement is seen then commence pumping the calculated volume of tail slurry.
12. Displace the cement using the cement unit.
• Check that the casing remains full and monitor for returns throughout the cement job to ensure
that the stinger is not leaking.
• If the stinger leaks, un-sting and circulate out the cement as quickly as possible.
• Prepare to dump cement and contaminate as required.
• If cement is observed at surface, open the valves on the riser and pump cellar out using the
cellar pump.
• Ensure rig personnel are aware that cement returns are planned to surface and must be dealt
with accordingly. Flush flow line and cellar etc.
13. Un-sting and check the floats are holding.
NOTE: If the floats do not hold, sting back in and close the cementing valve on surface. WOC
until the cement samples are hard.
14. Circulate to clear the DP, rig down the circulating head and cement lines and POOH with cement
15. WOC as required.
16. Drain and flush the riser.
NOTE: If cement returns are not observed at surface, or if the cement falls back, plan on
performing a top up job using the same slurry design as per the tail slurry on the primary
cement job. The objective of the top up job will be to provide near surface structural integrity
for the 20” (508 mm) casing and wellhead/BOP equipment.
17. Clean out the cellar as soon as possible after the cement job has been completed.

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12.2. Intermediate Casing

12.2.1. Slurry Design

244.5mm (9 5/8") Preliminary Cement Data

CASING Type 53.57kg/m (36ppf) K55 BTC
Set Depth 350 m
Buoyed Weight 36,000 lbs
Set Weight 12,000 lbs
Steel Displacement 15 Bbls
SPACER Type Drill Water
Volume 10 Bbls
Density 8.4ppg
LEAD SLURRY Type Class G + 6% Gel
Slurry Volume with 50% excess 78 Bbls
Cement Top Surface
Density 13.5 ppg
Yield 1.75 cu.ft/sx
Cement 252 sx
Mix Water Drill Water
Volume 72 Bbls
Thickening Time (70 BC) 4:45 hr:min.
Compressive Strength (24 hr) 1200 psi
TAIL SLURRY Type Class G with 2% CaCl
Slurry Volume with 25% excess 15 Bbls
Cement Top 300m
Density 15.8 ppg
Yield 1.16 cu.ft/sx
Cement 70 sx
Mix Water Drill Water
Volume 9 Bbls
Thickening Time (70 BC) 1:45 hr:min.
Compressive Strength (24 hr) 3425 psi
DISPLACEMENT Type Drill water
Volume (Calculated) 85 Bbls
Density 8.4 ppg
Final Displacement Pressure 324 psi
12.2.1. Cementing Procedure
1. Hold a JSA prior to the commencement of cementing operations.
2. Prepare 20 barrels of fresh water spacer.
3. Set the casing in the slips at the correct height and back out the circulating swage.
4. Ensure that the Top Cementing plug is in the cement head and that the retainer and indicator are
5. Install the cementing head and chain the casing to the rotary beams.
6. Make up the high pressure cementing lines to the cement head. Ensure that there is provision to
change from the cement unit to the rig pump at any time without breaking down any of the
cementing lines.
7. Pressure test the cement lines to 3000psi.
8. Pump 10 barrels of fresh water spacer.
9. Mix and pump the slurry as described above.
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• Monitor pressures and returns at all times.

• Take samples of the cement slurry throughout the job, minimum of 3 samples.
10. Release the top plug.
11. Displace the cement with water using the cement unit at 6 to 8 barrels per minute.
• Monitor for losses throughout the displacement. If losses are encountered, reduce the
displacement rate accordingly.
12. Slow down the pump rate 5 barrels before the float collar is reached. Continue pumping with the
cement truck at 2 barrels per min until the plug bumps.
13. Bump the plug with 1500psi.
14. Flow check the annulus while holding pressure for 15 min.
15. Bleed off and check for backflow back to the cementing unit. Measure volume returned. If the
floats fail, re-bump the plug and check again. If the floats still fail, pump the returned volume and
close the cement head valve holding the bump pressure until the cement sets.
16. Drain the flush the riser with fresh water. Monitor the cement level in the annulus and if it falls
away immediately rig up to perform a top up job with accelerated neat cement.

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12.3. Production Casing

12.3.1. Slurry Design

155.6mm (7") Preliminary Cement Data

CASING Type 34.23kg/m (23ppf) K55 BTC
Set Depth 895m(MD) 746.6m(TVD)
Buoyed Weight 64,000 lbs
Set Weight 49,000 lbs
Steel Displacement 28 Bbls
SPACER Type Mud Flush
Volume 20 Bbls
Density 8.9ppg
LEAD SLURRY Type Class G + 4% Gel
Slurry Volume with 25% excess 46 Bbls
Cement Top 200m
Density 13.5 ppg
Yield 1.75 cu.ft/sx
Cement 150 sx
Mix Water Drill Water
Volume 33 Bbls
Thickening Time (70 BC) 4:45 hr:min.
Compressive Strength (24 hr) 2400 psi
Slurry Volume with 15% excess 21 Bbls
Cement Top 700m(MD) 670m(TVD)
Density 15.8 ppg
Yield 1.15 cu.ft/sx
Cement 100 sx
Mix Water Drill Water
Volume 12 Bbls
Thickening Time (70 BC) 1:45 hr:min.
Compressive Strength (24 hr) 3425 psi
DISPLACEMENT Type Drilling Mud
Volume (Calculated) 109 Bbls
Density 9.1 ppg
Final Displacement Pressure 553 psi
12.3.1. Cementing Procedure
1. When Cementers are ready to commence operations and circulation is complete, shut down the
rig pumps and isolate from cement line by closing the Lo-Torc valve on the Y-Piece. Pressure
test the cement lines to 5,000 psi for 5 minutes against the cement head Lo-Torc valves.
2. Bleed off pressure, open cement line to the well and pump the spacer with the cement unit.
3. Drop the bottom plug. Stop pumping when cement head indicator shows plug has released.
4. Bleed off pressure.
• Dart Energy Drilling Supervisor must witness loading and dropping of both plugs.
5. Mix and pump the lead and tail slurries as per the cementing program.
6. Release top plug and pump 5Bbls of water to clear the cementing lines.
• Line the rig pumps to transfer clean Brine to displace.
• Confirm that all stroke counters are zeroed.
• Confirm that the Mud Engineers physically measure tank volumes and record displacement as
back up procedure to total strokes.
7. Displace cement with clean Brine using the cement unit.

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8. Bump the plug with 500 psi over the final circulating pressure.
9. Pressure test the casing to 3,000 psi for 10 mins using the cement unit.
Note: Ensure the pressure test is recorded on a chart or data logger.
10. Bleed off pressure quickly and check that the floats are holding.
• If the floats do not hold, re-displace the volume returned to the cement unit and close the
cementing valve at surface. WOC as required.
11. Rig down the cementing head and cement lines.
12. Drain the BOP and bell nipple via the wellhead annulus valve. Flush the riser with a water hose
from the rotary table or by using the trip tank pump to fill the riser via the fill up line.
13. Clean out the cellar as soon as possible after the cement job has been completed.

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