Assurance provides for an event that will happen such as death. This will
always result in payment because an investment element is combined with an
insured amount. The correct term for insuring people is Assurance.
Risks are either insurable or non-insurable. Companies will insure against risk
that they can calculate. There must be a large number of persons requiring
insurance for the same type of risks otherwise the pooling of risks is not
functional. Pooling risks is the main principle upon which insurance is based.
Pooling means that the loss suffered by a small number of insured
individuals is spread over the total group of people insured.
A premium is paid by a number of persons facing similar risks in the pool. This
is used for compensation against any incontinency.
Risk transfer means shifting the responsibility of bearing the risk from one
party to another. A premium is paid per month into a pool for compensation
against any unfortunate event.
Proximate cause – This ensures that the claim on the insurance company will
only be paid if the loss that is suffered is a direct result for what it was insured
against. Example, if house was destroyed by fire and it was insured against
flooding, the insurance cannot be claimed for loss due to fire.
Indemnity- The person will be compensated for the actual amount lost. The
insured will not be able to make a profit in any way. Example, if your car was
destroyed in an accident, you will not receive a new car but only the value or
worth of the car. The insured should be ‘returned to the position they were in
before the loss’
This does not apply to a person losing his life because no money can
compensate against loss of life.
Subrogation- This ensures that the indemnity principle actually works. If there
was an accident and a car was wrecked, the insurance company will replace the
car to its value and salvage the wreckage. The car is salvage because the person
might get a different car and then sell the wrecked car. The insured person will
not in any way benefit or profit from the loss.
Contribution- This means to ‘take the place of.’ This term is relevant if the
same property is insured by two or more companies. Example if a house is
valued at 4 million and insured with two insurance companies A for 3 million
and B for 1 million, then in case of a loss the insured will not benefit. Company
A will only pay 3/4 of the value of the loss and company B pays only a ¼.
Also, an insured person may try to reduce the cost of insurance by stating that
‘the contents of a house is worth $50 000 when in fact they are worth $100 000.
If a robbery occurs, the person will only be paid $50 000.
✓ It transfers risk as it is very risky for traders to send goods over long
distance and different climates.
• Freight insurance – Charge for carrying cargo is given to the ship owner.
The insurance company provides indemnity to the ship owner if he has to
repay the charge if he fails to deliver.
• Ship owner’s liability insurance – Gives the sip owner coverage for a
number of events which may be his fault or cause by his employees e.g.,
damage to another vessel through collision or injury to crew.
• Third party fire and theft- For injuries to third parties on public roads.
Compensation of property and legal fees of third party; coverage for
theft of car and for damage caused by fire.
Property insurance is necessary for firms that own or rent buildings against
vandalism, fire, etc