ANSI C57 12 21 1980 Pad Mounted TXs

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1 ' ANSI C57.12.

ANTT I , I0724350 0004777
C C ; ~ . I , ~ . ~ 80 L m

requirementsfor pad-mounted, compartmental-type,

self-cooled, singlephase distribution transformers
with high-voltage bushings;
high-voltage, 34 500 GrdYI19 920 volts and below;
low-voltage, 240íl20 vdtq.167 kVA and smaller


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Revision of
ANSI C57.12.21-1969

American National Standard

Requirements for Pad-Mounted, ComparlmentakType,
Self-Cooled, Single-Phase Distribution Transformers
with High-Vage Bushings;
HighVoìtage, 34 500 GrdW19 920 Volts and Below;
LowVottage, 240íl20 Volts; 167 kVA and Smaller

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved October 22, 1979

American National Standards Institute, Inc


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American An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its
scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manu-
National facturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Stan-
dard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not,
Standard from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not
conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and
users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any
time, The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be
taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date
of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information
on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.

Published by

American National Standards Institute

1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018

Copyright O 1980 by American National Standards Institute, Inc

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

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I Printed in the United States of America

Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association -

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A N S I C 5 7 - L Z - Z l I 80 I0 7 Z l l L 5 0 O O O ~ 8 0 08

Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-
Type, Self-Cooled, Single-phase Disfribution Transformers with High Voltage Bushings; Nigh-Voltage, 34 5 O0
GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Lmv-Voltage, 240/120 Volts; 167 kVA and Smaller, ANSI C57.12.21-1980.)

American National Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57, has
for many years been developing and correlating standards on transformers and regulators. The
data used in this work have been gathered from many sources, including the standards of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association, reports of committees of the Edison Electric Institute, and others.
This standard and its companion standard on three-phase transformers (ANSI (257.12.22-1980)
were prepared by the Subcommittee on Distribution Transformers, Overhead and Pad-Mounted,
(257.1 2.2. This revision includes new high-voltage ratings and detailed requirements on cabinet
construction and cabinet security.
Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Stan-
dards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57. Committee approval of the
standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the
time it approved this standard, the C57 Committee had the following members:

I. H. Koponen, Chairman
C. R. WiLlmore, Secretary

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Bonneville Power Administration .............................. George IV. Iliff
Electric Light and Power Group. .............................. R. R. Bast
R. L. Ensign

a I. K.Koponen
J. P. Markey (Alt)
B. F. Smith
E. A. Villasuso, Jr
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ..................... S. Bennon
IV. P. Burt
J. (5. Dutton
D. C. Johnson
L. W. Long
D. E. Massey
National Electrical Manufacturers Association. ...................... L. C. Aicher
IV. R. Courtade
J. Dix
J. D. Douglass
IV. C. Kendall
K. R. Linsley (Alt)
IV. J. McNutt
N. M. Neagle (Alt)
R. L. Schwab
R. J. Stahara (Alt)
R. E. Uptegraff, Jr
Naval Facilities Engineering Command. .......................... H. P. Stickley
Rural Electrification Administration ............................ J. C. Arnold, Jr
Tennessee Valley Authority ................................. L. R. Smith
Underwriters Laboratories .................................. E. J. Huber
IV. A. Farquhar (Ait)
U.S. Bureau of Reclamafion ................................. S. J. Baxter


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I A N S I C 5 7 - 1 2 * 2 1 8 0 S 072‘4150 OOO’i801 T

Subcommittee C57.12.2 OII Distribution Transformers, Overhead and Pad-Mounted, which

developed this standard, had the following members:

R L. Ensign, Chairman J. C. Arnold, JI Vic Kiemenok

R. J. Bentzel V. B. Martin
C. R. Willmore, Secretary A. E. Bolin G. W.Mayall
H. W.Book R. P. Miller, Sr
Dale Brown M. C. Mingoia (Alt)
John Cleary (Alt) C. R. Murray (Alt)
Wayne Cole N. M. Neagle
C. C. Dixon J. R. Newton
R E. Duncan (Alt) W. A. Rishko
J. Fisher Don Rose (Alt)
P.Ghose D. V. Signaigo (Alt)
Myron Gruber W. E. Whitely
C. Kappeler D. W.Whitley
M. E. Kemph (Alt)


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A N S I ~ 5 7 . 1 2 - 2 180 m 0 7 ~ ~ 1 1 5n0o o u o z I m

Contents PAGE

1 Scope ....................................................... 6
2. Related Standards ............................................... 6
3. Ratings ...................................................... 6
3.1 Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings ........................................ 6
3.2 Voltage Ratings and Tap Ratings .................................. 7
4. Basic Lighhing impulse Insulation Levels and Dielectric Test Levels .............. 7
5. Tests ........................................................ 7
5.1 General ................................................... 7
5.2 Dielectric Tests .............................................. 7
5.3 Reference Temperature ........................................ 7
6 . Construction .................................................. 7
6.1 General ................................................... 7
6.2 Bushings and Terminals ........................................ 9
6.3 High-Voltage and Low-Voltage Compartments ......................... 11
6.4 Instruction Nameplate ......................................... 11
6.5 Oil Preservation .............................................. 11
6.6 Tanks .................................................... 12
7. Other Requirements That May Be Specified for Some Applications ............... 12
8. Revision of American National Standards Referred to in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 1 Voltage Ratings and Insulation Levels ............................ 7
Table 2 Electrical Characteristics and Minimum Electrical Clearances of
High-Voltage Bushings and Low-Voltage Terminals .................... 9
Fig. 1 Interchangeability Dimensions .................................. 8
Fig. 2 Captive and Recessed Pentahead and Hex Head Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Fig. 3 High-Voltage Terminals ....................................... 11

Fig. 4 Low-Voltage Terminals ....................................... 11
Fig. 5 Other Low-Voltage Terminal Spacing .............................. 12

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by IHS .
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American National Standard

Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type,
SelfCded, Single-Phase Distribution Transformers
with High-Voltage Bushingc;
High-Voltage, 34 500 GrdYM9 920 Volts and Below,
Low-Voltage, 240/120 Volts; 167 kVA and Smaller

1. Scope the following American National Standards (see

Section 8):
1.1 This standard is intended for use as a basis for deter-
American National Standard General Requirements for
mining performance, interchangeability, and safety of
Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers,
the equipment covered, and to assist in the proper selec-
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1979
tion of such equipment.
1.2 This standard covers certain electrical, dimensional, American National Standard Guide for Loading Mineral-
and mechanical characteristics and takes into considera- Oil-Immersed Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers
tion certain safety features of single-phase, 60-Hz, with 55°C or 65°C Average Winding Rise, ANSI C57.91-
mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, pad-mounted, com- 1974 (appendix to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00)
partmental-type distribution transformers with high- American National Standard Requirements for Over-
voltage bushings. These transformers are rated 167 kVA head-Type Distribution Transformers, 67 O00 Volts and
and smaller with high voltages of 34 500 GrdY/19 920 Below, 500 kVA and Smaller, ANSI C57.12.20-1974
volts and below for operation between one phase and and C57.12.20a-1978
grounded neutral, and low voltages of 240/120 volts,
These transformers are generally used for purposes of American National Standard Terminal Markings and
stepdown from an underground primary cable supply. Connections for Distribution and Power Transformers,
ANSI C57.12.70-197 8
NOTE: Refer to latest federal regulations concerning PCB con-
tamination in transformers.
American National Standard Terminology for Power
1.3 This standard covers bushing and terminal arrange- and Distribution Transformers, ANSIIIEEE C57.12.80-
ments for both radial and loop feed systems. 1978
1.4 This standard does not cover the electrical and American National Standard Test Code for Liquid-
mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Trans-
may be supplied with the transformer. formers, ANSI/IEEE C57.12.9C-1979
1.5 Ail characteristics, definitions, terminology, and
voltage designations and tests, except as otherwise speci-
fied herein, shall be in accordance with the American
National Standards listed in Section 2.
3. Ratings
1.6 This standard generally conforms with ANSI
C57.12.20-1974 and C57.12.20a-1978. 3.1 Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings. Kuovolt-ampere ratings
are continuous and based on not exceeding either a
65°C average winding temperature rise or an 80°C hot-
2. Related Standards spot conductor temperature rise. The temperature rise
of the insulating oil shall not exceed 65°C when mea-
This standard is intended for use in conjunction with sured near the top of the tank. These temperature rises


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A N S I CC791i2-21 8 0 .
I0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0 0 0 4 8 0 4 5 R


Table 1 5.2 Dielectric Tests. No applied-potential test is re-

Voltage Ratings and Insulation Levels quired. Induced-potential tests shall be performed by
applying between the terminals of one winding a volt-
(volts) íkv) age which will develop from high-voltage line terminals
Transformer high-voltage: to ground a voltage of 1000 volts plus 3.46 times the
4 160 GrdY/2 400 60 rated transformer winding voltage; in no case shall the
8 320 GrdY/4 800 75 voltage developed exceed 40 O00 volts for 125 kV BIL
12 O00 GrdYI6 930 95 and 50 O00 volts for 150 kV BIL. For this test the neu-
12 470 GrdY/7 200 95
13 200 GrdY/7 620 95 tral terminal shall be grounded.
13 800 GrdY/7 970 95
16 340 GrdY/9 430 95 5.3 Reference Temperature. The reference temperature
22 860 GrdY/13 200 125 to which losses, impedance, regulation, and efficiency
23 900 GrdY/13 800 125 are corrected shall be 85°C.
24 940 GrdY/14 400 125
34 500 GrdY(19 920 150

Transformer lolv-voltage: 6. Construction

2401120 30
6.1 General. A pad-mounted, compartmental-type trans-
former shall consist of a tank with high-voltage and low-
voltage cable terminating compartments, as shown in
Fig. 1, The compartments shall be separated by a barrier
are based on an altitude not exceeding 3300 feet (1000 of metal or other rigid material.
meters). The kilovolt-ampere ratings shall be as follows: The transformer tank and compartments shall be as-
25 sembled as an integral unit suitable for flush mounting
37.5 on a flat rigid surface. The assembly shall restrict the
50 entry of water (other than flood water) into compart-
75 ments so as not to impair the operation of the trans-
1O0 former.
167 6.1.1 Cabinet security as described in 6.1.2 through
6.1.13 shall be evaluated in accordance with the test
3.2 Voltage Ratings and Tap Ratings procedures and requirements of NEMA Official Stan-
. 3.2.1 Voltage ratings shall be in accordance with dards Proposal - Design Test Method for Cabinet Secu-
Table 1. rity, TR-P9-1977.'
3.2.2 No taps shall be provided. 6.1.2 The high-voltage and low-voltage compart-
ments shall be located side by side on one side of the
transformer tank. When viewed from the front the low-
4. Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Levels voltage compartment shall be on the right.
and Dielectric Test Levels 6.1.3 Access to the termination compartments shall
be provided by a single door or by individual compart-
4.1 Basic lightning impulse insulation levels (BIL) shall ment doors. If individual compartment doors are pro-
be in accordance with Table 1. vided, they shall be so constructed as to provide access
4.2 Dielectric test levels shali be in accordance with the to the high-voltage compartment only after the door to
distributionlevels in Section 4 of American National Stan- the low-voltage compartment has been opened. There
dard General Requirements for Distribution, Power, and shall be at least one additional fastening device that
Regulating Transformers, ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1979. must be removed before the high-voltage door can be
opened. Where the low-voltage compartment door is of

a flat-panel design, or where only a single door is pro-

5. Tests vided, the door shall have three-point latching with a
handle provided for a locking device. If a lift-up hood
5.1 General. Except as specified in 5.2, tests shall be or a single door provides access to both the high-voltage
performed as specifiei in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1979 compartment and the low-voltage compartment, one-
and in American National Standard Test Code for Liq-
uid-Immersed Power, Distribution, and Regulating Copies are available from the National Electrical Manufacturers
Transformers, ANSIIIEEE C57.12.90-1979. Association, 2101 L Street, NIV, Washington, D.C. 20037.

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ANSI c57.12.21 ao m 0724150 0004ao5 7 m


314 MIN
1-112 MAX
- I
I '
(NOTE 2)



X3(NOTE 4) X I


(NOTE 3)



(kV) W X Y Z (Minimum)
60,75,95 20 f 4 22 f 1 2-112 f 114 5
125 25 f 9 30ì 6 2-1/2* 114 5-314
150 25 f 9 36 f 6 9-114 f 114 8

(1) All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise specified.
(2) This is the minimum opening in the bottom of the compartment for cable entrance.
(3) When loop feed is not required, omit one high-voltage bushing.
(4) Low voltage is shown for additive polarity transformers. The location of XI and X3 is reversed for subtractive polarity.

Fig. 1

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message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

Table 2
Electrical Characteristics and Minimum Electrical Clearances
of High-Voltage Busbings and Low-Voltage Terminals
6GHz Minimum
Dry-One- Clearance
Minute Live Parts
Rating BIL Withstand to Ground*
(volts) (kv) 0 (inches)
2401120 30 10 1
4 160 GrdY/2 400 60 21 2-112
8 320 GrdY/4 800 75 27 3-1/2t
12 O00 GrdY/6 930 to
16 340 GrdYI9 430 95 35 5t
22 860 GrdY113 200 to
24 940 GrdY114 400 125 42 5-314
34 500 GrdY119 920 150 70 8t

*These dimensions should be increased wherever possible t o allow the user

ease in making connections.
?Where clearances are less than those shown, an adequate nonhygroscopic
insulating barrier shall be provided, but in no caseshalí the dimension between
live parts and the barrier be less than three inches. The use of barriers shall not
reduce the above electrical characteristics.

point latching with provision for a locking device shall 6.1.9 The boltom edges of the compartments shall
be provided, along with an additional door or lift-out be so constructed as to provide for the use of hold-down
panel that must be removed before access can be gained devices accessible only from inside the compartments.
to the high-voltage compartment. Hinge pins and assc- 6.1.10 The construction of the unit shall be such
o ciated barrels shall be of corrosion-resistant material, that it can be lifted, skidded, or slid, or a combination
passivated AIS1 Type 304 or the equivalent. of these, into place on the mounting surface without dis-
6.1.4 The transformer tank and compartments shall turbing the high-voltage or low-voltage cables.
be constructed so as to limit disassembly, breakage, and 6.1.11 Au compartment and transformer surfaces in
prying open of any doors, panels, and sills with the contact with the mounting surface and up to at least one
doors in the closed and locked position, inch above it shall be designed or treated to minimize
6.1.5 There shall be no exposed screws, bolts, or corrosion.
hinging 01fastening devices that are externally remov- 6.1.12 The transformer base shall be arranged for
able. In addition, there shall be no openings through rolling in two directions: parallel to and at right angles
which foreign objects such as sticks, rods, or wires to one side of the transformer.
might be inserted to contact live parts. 6.1.13 The lifting provisions shall be arranged on
6.1.6 The door handle and hasp shall be so designed the tank to provide a distributed balanced lift in a verti-
and of such a material as to limit breaking or bending. cal direction for the completely assembled transformer
The door handle and the provision for a locking device and shall be designed to provide a safety factor of 5.
on the low-voltage compartment door shall be so de- The safety factor of 5 is the ratio of the ultimate
signed and located as to limit prying, cutting, or break- stress of the material used to the working stress. The
ing of the locking mechanism. working stress is the maximum combined stress devel-
6.1.7 One or more captive and recessed pentahead oped in the lifting provisions by the static load of the
or hex head bolts shall be provided for additional secu- completely assembled transformer.
rity of the low-voltagecompartment door. A blind bolt
hole shall be provided. The design of the captive and 6.2 Bushings and Terminals
recessed bolt shall be in accordance with Fig. 2. Bolts 6.2.1 The electrical characteristics and clearances of
shall be corrosion resistant and their design shall mini- the completely assembled high-voltage bushings and low-
mize the possibility of misalignment and cross threading. voltage terminals shall be as shown in Table 2.
6.1.8 Transformers with handholes shall have a cover 6.2.2 The number, location, and arrangement of the
that is removable only after being unfastened from inside high-voltage bushings and low-voltage terminals shall be
the compartments. as shown in Fig. 1.


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Hex Head
Bolt Size X
318 0.562 + 0.000, -0.018
112 0.750 + 0.000, -0.025

Hex Head Pentahead


I $7

i -16 UNC OR i - 1 3 UNC

Side View of Bolt

+ oO00
1.250 DIA - 0:I 25
P + 0.000
1.250 DIA - 0.125

r 0.625 MIN
0.125 MIN

0.625 MIN

Cross Section of Cross Section of

Recessed Nonrotating Cup, Recessed Nonrotating Cup,
Preferred Method Alternate Method
(1) All dimensions are in inches unless otherwise specified.
(2) The captive method is not shown.

Fig. 2
Captive and Recessed Pentahead and Hex Head Bolts

6.2.3 High-voltage bushings shaii have clamp-type in accordance with Fig. 4 and arranged for vertical take-
connectors and shall be arranged for vertical take-off. off. Terminal dimensions shall be as shown in Fig. 4.
The clamp connectors shall accommodate No. 8 AWG 6.2.6 The low-voltage neutral shall be either a blade
solid to 2/0 AWG stranded conductors and shall be as connected directly to the tank or a fully insulated bush-
shown in Fig. 3. ing. If a bushing is used, a ground pad shall be provided
6.2.4 The H2 end of the high-voltage winding shall on the outer surface of the tank. One or more remov-
be connected to the tank internally, and this connection able ground straps suitably sized for the short-circuit
shall be independent of a l i other connections. rating of the transformer as defined in ANSI/IEEE
6.2.5 Low-voltage line and neutral termina!s.shall be C57.12.00-1079 shall be provided and connected be-


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ANSI C57-12.21 -80 0724150 0004808 2


tween the low-voltage neutral terminal and the ground

6.2.7 Bushing and terminal designations shall be as
defined in American National Standard Terminal Mark-
ings and Connections for Power and Distribution Trans-
formers, ANSI (37.12.70-1978. The high-voltage bush-
6 in ing and low-voltage terminal designations and locations
are shown in Fig. 1.
OPENING The identification of bushing and terminal connec-
tions shall be shown on the instruction nameplate (see
\TANK SURFACE 6.3 High-Voltage and Low-Voltage Compartments
6.3.1 The compartment door or doors shall be of
(1) Threaded parts of the connector shall be removable with- sufficient size to provide adequate operating and work-
out removing the bushings. ing space when removed or open. The doors shall either
(2) Connector clamping bolts shaii be. 3/8-inch NC threads, be equipped for latching in the open position or de-
class-2 fit.
(3) One or two connector clamping bolts may be used, but signed for manual removal. Protection against acciden-
U-bolts or J-bolts shall not b e used. tal contact with live parts shall be provided by adequate
safeguards when the doors are removed or open.
Fig. 3 6.3.2 If the transformer is supplied with fuses in the
High-Voltage Terminals high-voltage compartment, the compartment door or

- 3
3 8 MIN
doors shall be adequate to withstand gas pressures inci-
dental to the fuse operation at the maximum rated inter-
rupting capacity of the fuse.
6.4 Instruction Nameplate
6.4.1 The instruction nameplate shall be located
in the low-voltagecompartment and shall be readable

with the cables in place. Where the nameplate is mounted
on a removable part, the manufacturer's name and the
transformer serial number shall be permanently affixed
I to a nonremovable part.
3- 6.4.2 The nameplate shall conform to paragraph 9.4

of ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1979.
6.5 Oil Preservation

6.5.1 Transformers shall be of sealed-tank construc-
tion. Sealed-tank construction is that construction which

\I,,,2 HOLES
seals the interior of the tank from the atmosphere and in
which the gas volume plus the oil volume remains con-
stant. The transformer shall remain effectively sealed for
\ a topoil temperature range of -5°C to t105"C continu-
ous and under operating conditions as described in ANSI
C57.9 1-1974.
6.5.2 A replaceable valve shall be furnished in the
terminating compartment on the tank wall above the
140°C top oil level, by the manufacturer's calculation,
and shall be located so as not to interfere with the use
NOTES: of the high-voltage and low-voltage bushings, the operat-
(1) Aü dimensions are in inches and are nominal unless other- ing handle of the low-voltage circuit breaker, and the
wise specified.
(2) Greater thickness may be required. high-voltage fusings. The inlet port shall be 1/4 inch or
larger NPT (or N F thread with gasket), sized for the
Fig. 4 specified minimum flow rate. Exposed parts shall be
Low-Voltage Terminals of weather- and corrosion-resistant materials. Gaskets


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Provided by IHS under license with NEMA new u/2110503106, 05/13/2004 15:34:16 MDT Questions or comments about this
message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

and Orings shall withstand oil vapor and a 105OC tem-

perature continuous under operating conditions as d e
scribed in American National Standard Guide for
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead-Type Distrib-
ution Transformers with 55*C or 65°C Average Wind-
ing Rise, ANSI C57.91-1974, without seizing or de-
teriorating, for the life of the transformer. The valve
shall have a pull ring for manually reducing pressure
to atmospheric using a standard hook-stick and shall
be capable of withstanding for one minute a static pull
force of 25 pounds without permanent deformation.
The valve shall withstand for one minute a static force
of 100 pounds applied normal to its longitudinal axis
at the outermost extremity of the body. When speci-
fied, the venting port on the outward side of the valve
head seat shall be protected to prevent entry of dust,
moisture, and insects before and after the valve has
actuated; or a weather-captype indicator shall be p r e NOTE: Au dimensions are in inches.
vided, which wiil remain attached to the valve and pro-
vide positive indication to an observer that the valve Fig. 5
has operated. Venting and sealing characteristics shall Other Low-Voltage Terminal Spacing
be as follows:
7. Other Requirements That May Be Specified
Cracking pressure - 1O psig f 2 psig for Some Applications
Resealing pressure - 6 psig minimum
Zero leakage from resealing pressure to -8 psig Certain specific applications call for transformer re-
Flow at 15 psig - 35 SCFM minimum (where SCFM quirements not covered in Sections 3 through 6. Sec-
is the flow in cubic feet per minute corrected for tion 7 comprises descriptions of the most frequently

air pressure of 14.7 psi and air temperature of encountered requirements for such transformers. They
21.PC) shall be met only when specified in conjunction with
6.6 Tanks the requirements of Sections 3 through 6. These speci-
6.6.1 The tank shall be of sufficient strength to fic requirements may change the dimensions in Fig. 1,
withstand a pressure of 7 psig without permanent dis- 3, and 4.
tortion. A l/Zinch-minimum NPT upper plug (or cap) 7.1 When specified, taps shall be provided.
for filling and pressure testing shall be provided. A 1/2-
inch-minimum NPT drain plug (or cap) shall be provided. 7.2 When specified, additional accessories such as expul-
6.6.2 The cover shall be welded or shall be bolted in sion fuses, current-limiting fuses, and low-voltage circuit
place with adequate gasketing. breakers shall be provided. Accessories that are suitable
6.6.3 Where a bolted-on cover of any type is used, only for de-energized operation shall be so marked.
the construction shall conform to 6.1.
7.3 When specified, a high-voltage rating of 34 500
6.6.4 Tank ground provision shall consist of two
GrdY/19 920 volts with 125 kV BIL and 18 kV insula-
steel pads, each with a 1/2-13 UNC tapped hole, 7116-
tion class shall be provided.
inch deep. These ground pads shall be welded on or
near the transformer base, one in the high-voltage com- 7.4 When specified, the horizontal spacing of the low-
partment and one in the low-voltage compartment, as voltage terminal shall be as shown in Fig. 5.
shown in Fig. 1. In cases where the transformer tank
and compartments are separate, provision shall be made
for electrically connecting them. 8. Revision of American National Standards
6.6.5 Mounting provisions for the surge arrester shaii Referred to in This Document
consist of two steel pads, each with 1/2-13 UNC tapped
holes, 7/16-inch deep, or 1/2-13 UNC studs, 1-inch long, When the American National Standards referred to in
located in the high-voltage compartment. this document are superseded by a revision approved
6.6.6 Liquid Level Marking. Suitable means for indi- by the American National Standards Institute, Inc,
cating the correct oil level at 25°C shall be provided. the revision shall apply.

12 .

Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Document provided by IHS Licensee=Fluor Corp no FPPPV per administrator /use
Provided by IHS under license with NEMA new u/2110503106, 05/13/2004 15:34:16 MDT Questions or comments about this
message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
American National Standards in the C57 Series

ANSI/I EEE C57.12.00-1979 General Requirements for Liquid- ANSVIEEE C57.12.80-1978 Terminology for Power and
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers Distribution Transformers
(see Appendix C57.911 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90-1979 Test Code for Liquid-Immersed
ANSVIEEE C57.12.01-I978 American National Standard Distribution, Power, and RegulatingTransformers, including
General Requirements for Dry-Type Distribution and Power Supplement ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90a-1978 (see Appendix
Transformers C57.98)
ANSI C57.12.10-1977 Requirements for Transformers 230 O00 ANSI/IEEE C57.12.91-1978 American National Standard Test
Volts and Below, 833/958 through 8333/10 417 kVA Single- Code for Dry-Type Distribution and Power Transformers
Phase and 7501862 through 60 000/80 000/100 O00 kVA ANSI C57.13-1978 Requirementsfor Instrument Transformers
Three-phase, including Supplement ANSI C57.12.10a-1978
ANSI C57.151968 Requirements, Terminology, and Test
ANSVIEEE C57.12.11-1980 Guide for Installation of Oil- Code for Step-Voltageand Induction-Voltage Regulators
Immersed Transformers, 10 O00 kVA and Larger, and 69 k V
t o 287 kV Voltage Rating ANSI C57.16-1958 IR1971) Requirements, Terminology, and
Test Code for Current-Limiting Reactors
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.12-1980 Guide for Installafion of Oil-
Immersed EHV Transformers 345 kV and Above ANSI C57.17-1965 (R1978) Requirements for Arc Furnace
ANSI C57.12.20-1974 Requirements for Overhead-Type Dis-
tribution Transformers 67 O00 Volts and Below; 500 kVA ANSI C57.21-1971 Requirements, Terminology, and Test
and Smaller, including Supplemenf ANSI C57.12.20a-1978 Code for Shunt Reactors
ANSI C57.12.21-1980 Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Com- ANSIIIEEE C57.100-1974 Test Procedure for Thermal Evalu-
partmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase Distribution Trans- ation of Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers
formers with High-Voltage Bushings: High Voltage, 34 500 ANSI/IEEE C57.104-1978 Guide for the Detection and Deter-
GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 240/120 Volts; mination of Generated Gases in Oil-Immersed Transformers
167 kVA and Smaller and their Relation t o the Serviceability of the Equipment
ANSI C57.12.22-1980 Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Com- ANSI/IEEE C57.105-1978 Guide for Application of Trans-
partmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-phase Distribution Trans- former Connections in Three-phase Distribution Systems
formers with High-Voltage Bushings; High Voltage, 34 500
GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; 2500 kVA and Smaller ANSIIIEEE C57.106-1977 Guide for Acceptance and Mainte-
nance of Insulating Oil in Equipment
ANSI C57.12.23-1978 Requirements for Underground-Type
Single-phase Distribution Transformers with Separable Insu-
lated High-Voltage Connectors, 100 kVA and Smaller; High .
Voltage 24 940 GrdY/l4 400 Volts and Below; Low Voltage Appendixes to C57 Standards
(Not approved as American National Standards)
ANSI C57.12.24-1978 Requirements for Underground-Type
Three-phase Distribution Transformers; 2500 kVA and Smaller; C57.91 Guide for Loading Mineral Oil-Immersed Overhead-
High Voltage 24 940 GrdY/l4 400 Volts and Below; Low Volt- TVE Distribution Transformers with 55OC or 65°C Average
age 480 Volts and Below W-inding Rise, Appendix t o C57.12.00-1973 (IEEE Std
ANSI C57.12.25-1975 Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com- 462-1973)
partmental-Type Single-phase Distribution Transformers with C57.92 Guide for Loading Oil-Immersed Distribution and
Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors, High Voltage, Power Transformers, Appendix t o C57.12 standards
24 940GrdY114 400 Volts and Below: t o w Voltage, 240/120
Volts and Below; 167 kVA and Smaller C57.94 Guide for Installation and Maintenance of Dry-Type
Transformers, Appendix to C57.12 standards
ANSI C57.12.26-1975 Requirements for Pad-Mounted Com-
partmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-phase Distribution Trans- C57.95 Guide for Loading Oil-Immersed Step-Voltage and
formers for Use with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Con- Induction-Voltage Regulators, Appendix to C57.15-1968
nectors, High Voltage, 24 940GrdY/14 400 Volts and Below; C57.96 Guide for Loading Dry-Type Distribution and Power
2500 kVA and Smaller Transformers, Appendix to C57.12 standards
ANSI C57.12.30-1977 Requirements for Load-Tap-Changing C57.97 Guide for Preparation of Specifications for Large
Transformers 230 O00 Volts and Below, 3750/4687 through Power Transformers, With or Without Load-TapChanging,
60 000/80 OOO/lOO O00 kVA, Three Phase Appendix to C57.12 standards
ANSI C57.12.40-1975 Requirements for Secondary Network C57.98 Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests, Appendix t o
Transformers, Subway and Vault Types (Liquid Immersed) C57.12.90
ANSI C57.12.70-1978 Terminal Markings and Connections C57.99 Guide for Loading Dry-Type and Oil-Immersed Cur-
for Distribution and Power Transformers rent-Limiting Reactors, Appendix t o C57.16-1958 (i319711

American National Standards Institute, Inc

1430 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10018


Copyright National Electrical Manufacturers Association Document provided by IHS Licensee=Fluor Corp no FPPPV per administrator /use
Provided by IHS under license with NEMA new u/2110503106, 05/13/2004 15:34:16 MDT Questions or comments about this
message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

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