Saab 2000 Electrical

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Aircraft Operations Manual ELECTRICAL

1. GENERAL. The connections of the busses are controlled by the

DC bus tie circuit. The DC bus tie overcurrent protec-
The Electrical Power System consists of two redun- tion fuse separates the different sides should current
dant system sides (L and R). The system is normally over bus the tie exceed 200 amperes.
powered from two 3 phase variable frequency AC
main generators, one on each propeller gear box. The CTR TRU is powered from L or R side AC bus.
Each main generator normally supplies power to its
own side of the system. The APU is equipped with an The DC busses are separated into Land R busses.
identical generator. This generator may replace an The busses can be supplied from the batteries or
inoperative main generator. When only one of the from the TRUs. When one or more TRUs fail certain
three generators is working it supplies power to both busses are disconnected automatically (see DC
left and right side systems. The system can also be schematic) .
powered from a Ground Power Unit (GPU).
The four batteries are located in the wing fairings.
Each system side includes a DC system with a Trans~ The TRUs are also in the fairings, aft of the batteries.
former Rectifier Unit (TRU) and a battery. A third cen-
ter TRU is connected to the two center batteries Each TRU has its own fault monitoring system. In
mainly used for APU start and ground services. This case of L or R TRU failure, the eTR TRU will automati-
CTR TRU will replace a faulty Lor R TRU. When only cally replace the faulty TRU. A two TRU failure will au-
one of the three TRUs is working, the Land R DC tomatically result in DC bus tie and disconnection of
busses are tied together and powered from that TRU. certain busses to avoid overload of the operating
A failure within the power system initiates automatic TRU; see DC schematic.
load reduction to keep the total load within remaining
capacity of the system. On ground, only the CTR BAT's are used for ground
services. Land R BAT relays remain open. They
AC Electrical Power System. close when the TRUs supplies the busses, and re-
main closed throughout the flight (TRUs supplied by
The system provides 3 - phase 115/200 V alternating
generator power). During APU battery start on
current of variable frequency. On the AC system
ground all four batteries are connected in parallel to
schematic all the three phases are represented with
power the APU starter motor. When AC supply is
one line. When deenergized, each generator relay
available and all three TRUs operate, the APU starter
connects its generator's bus to the next generator. If
motor is powered by eTR TRU and eTR BAT. During
one main generator is inoperative, that bus is con-
flight the APU starter motor is only powered by the left
nected to the APU generator, and if the APU is inop-
erative that bus is tied to the bus and main generator
on the other side. The AC bus interconnect circuit is -NOTE- - - - - -- -- - - -
provided with an overcurrent protection. If APU is used on ground for longer periods at
high outside temperature (above +35°C), the
DC Electrical Power System. battery temperature may get to high. In order
to prevent this, select the CTR BAT switch at
The system is designed for 28 VDC and consists of the overhead panel to OFF. The switch shall be
two redundant system sides (L and R). Each side in- turned ON after engine start.
cludes a Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) and a bat-
tery. Each TRU is powered from the L/R REAR AC
GEN BUS. A center TRU is connected to the two cen- CTR BAT is discharged during ground operation on
ter batteries mainly used for APU start and ground batteries and charged by CTR TRU when AC supply
services. This CTR TRU replaces a faulty Lor R TRU. becomes available (generator supply). Land R BAT
When only one of the three TRUs is working, Land R relays are normally closed when AC power is avail-
busses are tied together and powered from that TRU. able and the TRUs are working. TRU average voltage

Jun 21/01

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