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FL Abi Past Tense

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Underline/ highlight as many as VERB 2 you can find in the

text below.
A. Choose the correct VERBs based on PAST SIMPLE FORM. MARTIN´S VACATION
1. Tom tidied his room yesterday.
Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his
a) tidyed b) tidied
vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10
2. We listened to the music last night.
a) listened b) listening o'clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport.
3. Mary watched TV in last morning. Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the
a) watched b) wotches man who worked for the airline asked for his passport, Martin
4. The girls played with the dolls last Monday. became very upset. Where was his passport? Martin realized he
a) played b) plaed didn't have his passport with him. What a disaster!
5. I swam in the pool last Sunday. He jumped back into the taxi and told the driver to take
a) swam b) swome him home. The driver drove quickly and Martin arrived back at
6. They did their homework last week. his house in twenty minutes.
a) did b) done He ran into the house and went into his bedroom. He
B. Complete the sentences using “did not” based on PS. found his passport on the bedside table and left the house again.
1. We did not go (not go) to the park last Thursday. But the taxi wasn't there! Where was the taxi!
2. I didn’t like (not like) to get up early.
3. Pam didn’t go (not go) to the gym. E. Complete the article with the PAST SIMPLE form of the
4. They didn’understand (not understand) this rule. verbs in brackets.
5. Tim didn’t grow (not grow) flowers in the garden. The Story of Google
C. Change these VERBs into VERBs 2. These words can end Sergey Brin and Larry Page started (start) the company.
with -ed or not. Sergey came (come) from Moscow, Russia. He
No. VERBs VERBs 2 moved_______________ (move) to the US as a young child and
1. e.g : play e.g : played later studied__________ (study) mathematics and computer science.
2. talk talked Larry was______________ (is) born in Michigan and
3. eat eated became________ (become) interested in computers as a child.
4. sleep sleept
5. work worked They meted______________ (meet) in 1995 at Stanford University,
6. pay payed in California, where they where did_________(are) both computer
7. boil boiled science students. They didn’t got along___________ (not get along)
8. speak speaked at first but they soon became_______ (become) friends.
9. go went
They designed_____________ (design) a new internet search engine.
10. stay stayed
At first, they worked in their rooms in college. Then they
11. become became
rented___________ (rent) a friends’ garage because Sergey’s
12. leave left
13. see saw roommate complained_______ (complain) about the noise from his
14. is was computers. Three years later, they started_________ (start) Google.

Famous Language_PAST SIMPLE_7_1 Name/ Class :

Before Google, there did___________ (are) other search engines, but
Google soon became_________ (become) the most popular one. The
Today people can listen to music everywhere they go. When you
company grew______________ (grow) quickly. They didn’t
walk down the street, you can see old and young people using ear
stop_______ (not stop) at just one product. Very soon, there
buds. B
did_________ (are) other Google products like Google Maps and
Gmail. Ten years later, Google earned__________ (earn) over $10 When I was young, I had a portable CD player. I could take my CD
billion and had_________ (have) about 20,000 employees. player everywhere, but I had to carry disks and buy batteries. I did
not care. I love my CD player. A
Before Google, people went________ (go) to libraries. They
got___________ (get) information from books. These days, they just Digital music players are essential devices for many people these
“google” for information. days and I think they will become even more convenient in the
future. C
F. Comprehension Check.
1. When did Larry Page and Sergey Brin meet? Also, we will not have to worry about batteries. Maybe, the energy
1995 at Stanford University, in California, from our bodies will charge the batteries. E.

2. What other products did Google start? Now I have digital music player. It is much better than my CD
player. I can take it everywhere, and I can download many different
Other search engines kinds of music. D
3. Why did they (Larry Page and Sergey Brin) work in a garage? In the future, I think digital music players will continue to get better.
Because sergey roommate is complained because noise from his They will be very thin, and they will stick to the skin. People will be
computer able to walk around and not worry about the devices. F

G. Rearrange the story based on the pictures given. Choose the

best paragraph for each pictures.
Music Now and in the Future
Picture 2 :F
Picture 3 : A
Picture 4 :D
pictuer Picture 5 :C
Picture 6 :E
e.g : Picture 1 : B

Famous Language_PAST SIMPLE_7_1 Name/ Class :

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