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In the 1970’s when apple inc. was formed, it drifted from the traditional corporate
structure that is been practiced in most companies at that time and continued in a
different and unique method of managing its organisation. The company operated
based on the concept of informal corporate culture within the technology industry
where it favoured a seemingly flat organisational ad hoc structure than the tall

Mintzberg (1983) suggests that administrative adhocracy occurs when an

organisation has a special need to be innovative, due to intense product competition
or dynamic technology. This is the case with Apple. They adopted adhocracy as it is
the only structure suited to solving complex problem and can match its sophisticated
innovative culture.

Apple’s corporate culture is a unique corporal style that is only suitable for Apple.
Measuring against the traditional classical organisational culture, it can be said that
Apple’s ad hoc approach is out of date. However, when measured against the post
classic, modern information generation as supported by Hewlett et al. (2009) it can
be argued that Apple is in line with today’s requirement for success.

In contrast to the tall hierarchical structure, a flat organizational structure is

characterized by relatively few layers or just one layer of management. As a result,
the chain of command from the top to the bottom staff is short.

The merit of this type of organisational structures is their effectiveness in terms of

innovation and empowerment (Fayol 1949). Policies are easier and quicker to
implement and there is increased coordination. This explains why Apple inc. is
famous for distinctive competence in product design and innovation.

However, a major drawback is that if there is a change in leadership or culture, they

may be faced with damaging repercussion as other aspect of the strategic structures
may not fit. This was the case when Jobs was dismissed and all other successors
struggled with the organisation until he was later reinstated.

The organisational structure in Apple is also a functional structure as the company is

organised along functional line (Torrington et al. 2005).

In functional structure, people are grouped on the basis of their common expertise,
experience and resources. Employees within the functional divisions of an
organisation perform a specialized set of tasks. This results in operational efficiency
within the group. However, it could also lead to lack of communication between the
groups in the organisation as is the case in Apple.
Mintzberg’s framework of organizational structures can be applied to Apple’s
company structure. This framework divides a business into six basic parts :

1. The strategic apex, or the key decision-makers

2. The middle line, or the middle managers

3. The operating core, or the operational processes

4. The techno structure, or the technical support and systems

5. Support staff, or the supplementary staff

Apple uses a company structure that is commonly known as “functional

organization”. This means that the company has been organized around areas of
expertise, rather than individual products. The products themselves are then
worked on by individuals from across the different areas of expertise.

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