Ej 1097430
Ej 1097430
Ej 1097430
Received: March 22, 2016 Accepted: April 7, 2016 Online Published: April 14, 2016
doi:10.11114/jets.v4i7.1477 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/jets.v4i7.1477
This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the curricula that constitute the basis of education provision at
high schools in Turkey from the perspective of the teachers involved. A descriptive survey model, a quantitative
research method was employed in this study. An item-based curriculum evaluation model was employed as part of the
evaluation process. The data for the study were obtained from the 199 participant teachers via an “evaluation
questionnaire of the high school curriculum. This questionnaire was designed after careful consideration of the key
elements of the curriculum. The evaluations submitted by teachers with regard to the items contained within the survey
were carefully interpreted. This followed the clear identification of the percentages, frequencies and averages involved.
According to the findings obtained from the study, the opinions of teachers concerning the components of the High
School Teaching Program when taken as a whole were found to be at an average level. As concerns all elements of the
program, teachers were found to most closely agree with those statements within the “(I) partly disagree”category.
Results indicated a higher percentage of responses that corresponded with the “definitely disagree” or “disagree”
categories than for the “definitely agree” or “agree” categories.
Keywords: curriculum evaluation, element-based evaluation, High School (teaching) curriculum, opinions of teachers
1. Introduction
In order to address certain requirements of the school system and to utilize available opportunities so as to work towards
reaching assigned objectives in a way that is both effective in manner and productive in outcome., it is necessary to
monitor established practices at clear intervals. Only through feedback from users of the system and an identification of
issues that arise, it is possible to reduce the numbers of shortcomings and inadequacies of such a system. Only through
detailed feedback can practices that serve goal-orientated systems be lent transparency. When trying to enact change in
a system and by doing so to ultimatelyy create a system that is open to development, it is essential to outline and
incorporate both those activities that are to be applied as part of the system as well as to include (well-defined) activities
that offer opportunities for evaluation. Demirel (2013) emphasises that the school curriculum is able to respond to the
needs that are placed upon it and ultimately achieve its ultimate objectives only through the initial clear articulation of
the program's objectives, content, and the teaching-learning process in terms of a series of dynamic relations on a
clearly-defined scale of evaluation. Varış (1976) defines curriculum development as the coordination of efforts to
develop appropriate methods and techniques with the purpose of achieving the goals defined by the national educational
system and the school itself.
Erden (1998) defines curriculum evaluation as a process of reaching results. This process of evaluation consists of first
acquiring data concerning the effectiveness of teaching programs at the application stage through the use of various
means of measurement. A comparison of the types of data obtained should then be conducted employing clearly defined
criteria, followed by a stage of evaluation and interpretation . This comparison of data serves to raise the level of
effectiveness of the program. Ornstein and Hunkins (2009) define evaluation as all activities relating to the acquisition
of scientific results that allow the opportunity for individuals to make decisions on issues concerning whether or not
curricula (in current practice) are to be accepted, changed or completely abandoned.
Ertürk (1992), for his part, qualifies evaluation as a final, yet self-standing element of the curriculum. Koufman and
Thomas (1980) see evaluation as a process which allows for the carrying out of necessary changes in light of feedback
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
obtained from its users. This feedback should emphasize the problems experienced through application of the program
and indicate from which elements of the curriculum existing problems originate. This allows for the identification of
deficiencies and faults in the existing system and for decisions to be made regarding the overall effectiveness of the
curriculum in reaching its ultimate objectives. Erden (1998) emphasizes that curricula are in a state of constant
development as a result of insights obtained as a result of research into the transformations and changes across a number
of social and scientific academic fields. The reduction of the deficiencies and shortcomings in curricula currently in
practice can only lead to an increase in the quality of education delivered. In this regard, it may be argued that whether
from an individual or societal perspective, true acquisition of knowledge and skills is only possible through the adoption
of a philosophy of curriculum development based on curriculum evaluation. Curriculum development can only be
realized through the careful consideration of feedback obtained from its users (Aydin, 2012). Tyler (2013) emphasized
that curriculum evaluation ought indeed to indicate the rate at which the pre-defined educational objectives set out have
been reached. Howeveri it also needs to incorporate a process in which research is conducted that helps to explain why
certain set targets are not successfully attained and to devise strategies aimed at eradication of the deficiencies and
faults in the system.
Significant changes and developments across a number of fields have taken place within the context of wide societal
and economic transformations and reforms at a global level. Turkey is in need of fundamental and far- reaching reform
with regard to curriculum development so as to address the effects of these changes and to foster quality human capital
by means of its educational system, (Aslan & Aydin, 2015). In the above context, reforms have been enacted in Turkey
with regard to fostering appropriate economic, social and cultural values (Yurtseven & Altun, 2015) The contemporary
field of curriculum development takes as its guiding principle the set of (progressive) values that are spread and
interwoven in our contemporary world (Aydin, 2013; Karatas & Oral, 2015; Kaya, 2015). (Demirel, 2013). As a
consquence of these changes in outlook with regard to the values to be contained in school programs, the high school
teaching curricula that form the focus of this research were accepted and taken to be the cornerstone of education at
high schools (MEGEP, 2006). The acceptance of the new high school curricula came after the introduction of the new
primary school law in 2005-2006, In place of topic and teacher-centred approaches, attention was focused on student
and process-centred approaches that placed importance on constructivist teaching theory. As a result, there was a
transition from a sitution in which students were seen as mere passive recipients of knowledge within the teaching and
learning processes to a revised system in which importance was instead placed on inclusion of students within a process
of active participation. In such a new system, students were to learn through experience and the carrying out of tasks.
This revised approach would allow them to transform theoretical attainment objectives into applicable outcomes. If the
elements of the new curricula are examined, it may be observed that in the setting out of attainment objectives, more
attention is paid to the qualities and attributes of the students. Educators embark therefore on a path that attaches
importance to the multi-dimensional development of the students concerned. In the definition of the content
components/elements, importance is placed in particular on the knowledge and skills required in daily life and the
abilities to carry out these at a functional level. With regard to the components of the curriculum regarding the
educational situations , more importance is given to the participation of the student, and in particular to the value of
participation over theoretical knowledge. At the evaluation stage, performance and process-based evaluations are
regarded as vital (Sönmez, 2015).
Yüksel and Sağlam (2012) demonstrate that within the curriculum evaluation process, the behaviors/attitudes of those
responsible for assessment and evaluation at the initial evaluation level reflect a great variation according to the
educational theories and philosophies to which they attach importance. With regard to the basic components that are to
be taken as the fundemental units of evaluation, they stated that five different forms of evaluation may be observed: the
objective or target-based, the administration-based, the expert-based, the consumer-based and the participant based
The evaluation model that forms the basis of this study is the “Element-Based Curriculum Evaluation Model”
developed by Erden. According to the Element Based Evaluation Model, the opinions/viewpoints of participants
regarding all components of the program are to be taken into consideration (Hakan, Sağlam, Sever ve Vural, 2011). The
Element-Based Curriculum Evaluation Model is preferred on account of the manner in that it may provide information
on issues such as whether objectives are such that they may be realized within a particular set process of application,
whether the targets are compatible with the reliability principle, whether the program allows the opportunity for the
provision of educational contexts or conditions that permit the implementation of content and the realization of
presecribed objectives and whether the programs have reached the prescribed objectives. In such a way, the
element-based curriculum evaluation model was considered from the perspective of its ability to allow for activities that
could form the basis of the educational context stage and permit the researchers the opportunity to identify as to whether
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
or not targets had been met at the evaluation stage of the program as well as to cater for a more comprehensive hollistic
evaluation of the system.
According to Erden (1998), at the program evaluation stage, answers are/should be sought to the following
questions/researchers are to seek answers to the following questions:
a. To what extent are the targets set out in the curriculum realized?
b. What are the basic deficiencies and problems of the curriculum?
It follows that the first question indicated in item a. “is to be considered more in the context of ‘evaluation through
consideration of the output and the outcome of the curriculum” and item b. “within the context of curriculum
element-based assessment”.
The evaluation of the output and the outcome, while providing us with information concerning the effect level at target
point, is unable to provide the opportunity to gain feedback regarding other elements of the curriculum. In this regard,
in order to see and address all deficiencies and inadequacies concerning the other elements (targets, content, education
contexts and evaluation) of the program, there is a need to implement curriculum-element based evalution. The hollistic
evaluation of a curriculum is only possible through the acquisition of data regarding all elements included within the
program (Bayrak & Erden, 2007). In this study, the principal reason for employing the Element-Based Curriculum
Evaluation Model developed by Erden is that it allows for hollistic evaluation that considers all elements of the program.
Erden indicated that the questions concerning the elements of the curriculum should be formulated so as to conduct an
evaluation that took into consideration all components of the “element-based evaluation model” and employed a
hollistic approach, as follows.
Table 1. Curriculum items
a. Target b. Content
Are the targets appropriate to the expectations and goals Is the content in keeping with the targets (of the
of society? curriculum)?
Is the information included within the curriculum
Are the targets appropriate for the students?
content of a significant , reliable and valid nature.?
Are the targets appropriate to the specific features of the
Is the content meaningful for students?
subject area.
Is the presentation sequence of information appropriate
Are the targets consistent?
to the learning principles (of the curriculum).?
Are the explanations of objectives clear?
Are the objectives of a nature that they may eventually be
c. Educational contexts d. Evaluation
Which behavior(s) do students face difficulties in
Are the assessment/evaluation results valid?
Is the method being applied effective? Are the assessment/evaluation results reliable?
Is the application consistent with the curriculum and
Is the criterion of assessment/evaluation appropriate?
daily plans
Is the teacher’s behavior consistent with teaching
Are the affective attributes of the students positive?
Are the students able to perform the activities expected of
(Kocabatmaz, 2011, p.22).
This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of high school curricula from the perspective of
the opinions of teachers. The principle aim of the research is to evaluate the application of existing high school curricula
and to identify problems concerning these programs. Through this research, it was aimed to arrive at an evaluation of
high school curricula that has been based on principles of progressive educational philosophy and constructivist
teaching theory as held by teachers employed at public high schools.
This study assumes importance in the way that it allows for opportunities for research into whether high-school
curricula (re)constituted in accordance with contructivist learning theory are being conducted in conjunction with the
basic principles of the theory. The study also attempts to determine whether inadequate or deficient aspects are found
within such curricula. The study is also to be considered as important in the way it offers opportunities and unique
insights to both curriculum designers and users assigned with implementing such programs as well as academicians
wishing to conduct research on the topic of curriculum assessment. Furthermore, this study is anticipated to be of
benefit in offering opportunities to observe the current state of school curricula. The researcg may may also suggest
what actions need to be taken through an examination of curricula from the perspective of existing educational theory,
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
and through the identication of current deficiencies and inadequacies serve to address and correct them. Moreover, the
study assumes an important role in the way that it identifies how curricula based on the constructivist approach are
perceived from the perspective of teachers. It therefore offers valuable insights into the impact and effectiveness of high
school curricula as a whole.
In this context, the research questions were formulated as follows:
1) What are the opinions of high school teachers concerning the objective components of high school curricula?
2) What are the opinions of high school teachers concerning the content components of high school curricula?
3) What are the opinions of high school teachers concerning the learning components of high school curricula?
4) What are the opinions of high school teachers concerning the evaluation components of high school curricula.
2. Method
A descriptive survey model was employed for this study. According to Karasar (2005), the descriptive survey model
endeavors to reflect a situation as it really ‘exists’ or is. In this model, an attempt is made to describe the event,
individual or object that is to be taken for consideration or examination within its own natural conditions and the state in
which it exists (its real-existing condition). The element-based curriculum evaluation approach proposed by Erden was
accepted as the method of research to be employed within the context of the curriculum evaluation included in this
research. As a program evaluation model, for the purposes of this study, the “element-based curriculum evaluation
model” was taken as the basis for the research. By choosing such a model, it was considered that this would allow for a
hollistic and comprehensive evaluation taking into consideration all elements of high school curricula.
2.1 Participants
The study group for this research consisted of 199 high school teachers employed at public high schools in the city of
Istanbul during the 2015-2016 academic year. These teachers selected via simple random sampling. In the simple
random sampling process, the probability of every member of the population of a potential study group to be selected is
identical. The selection of one member from within the group does not influence the selection of the other members
(Şehirlioğlu, 2010). The teachers were employed across different subject disciplines. These subjects were: Mathematics,
Geography, Foreign Languages, History, Turkish Revolutionary History and Kemalism, Physics, Biology, Religious
and Moral Education, and Turkish Language and Literature and Philosophy-related subjects. The defining
characteristics of the 199 teachers who participated in the study are presented below:
Table 2. Defining characteristics of participants
Tables Groups f %
Female 71 35,7
Gender Male 128 64,3
Total 199 100,0
2.2 Data Collection Tools
In this study, a questionnaire with a five-point likert scale was used. The questionnaire consisted of two sections
dedicated to the collection of demographic data and the opinions of teachers regarding high-school curricula. In the
section for demographic data, information regarding the gender of the teacher was requested and explanations
concerning the aim of the research study and its theme of focus were included. In the second part, teachers were
requested to indicate their opinions concerning the objectives, content, educational contexts and evaluation aspects of
high school curricula. At the questionnaire-development stage, sources available from existing academic literature on
the topic were examined and similar studies were also reviewed. The information deemed appropriate for the purpose of
the study was compiled into a ‘resource pool’ and there was an attempt to questions were then produced in the light of
the information obtained. Following this stage, support was elicited from four experts in the fields of curriculum
development and teaching theory with particular focus on the subject of constructivism. The initial evaluations that
included 26 survey items were then altered and reduced and a draft questionnaire was created consisting of 22 items. In
addition, in terms of the extent of the scale and face validity, items in similar scales from different research studies were
carefully examined. The items which are in the scales in previous research studies were utilized by critically employing
them. At a later point, with view to ensuring the validity of the scope and configuaration of the questionnaire, the
opinions of experts in the field were elicited and following an evaluation process, the number of items on the
questionnaire were fixed at 19.
The high school curricula were then examined from the perspective of their basic components, general characteristics,
their founding principles and the educational philosophy and teaching theory to which attention was focussed., A total
of 19 questions were included in the questionnaire that addressed the following aspects: learning objectives, content,
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
educational contexts and evaluation.. In the questionnaire, 4 statements were then formulated with respect to the
attainment objectives of the curriculum, 5 with regard to the curriculum content, 6 concerning components related to the
element of educational contexts and finally 4 related to the element of curriculum evaluation. The questions were
organized according to a a five-point likert scale. Independent and non-related subheadings were then created for the
fundamental elements of the curriculum for the questionnaire, namely: learning objectives, content, educational
contexts and evaluation.
2.3 The Data Collection Process
Data were collected via implementation of the questionnaire prepared in advance from teachers employed at public high
schools situated in the province of Istanbul. These teachers participated in the study on a voluntary basis between
December 2015 and January 2016 Required appointments at the schools that has been chosen as the sample institutions
for the study were arranged and the mandatory consent documents were prepared. At the questionnaire-completion
stage, explanations were made to the participating teachers (concerning the aims of the research). The data was then
transferred to a digital format and all processes were carried out using electronic media.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data obtained from the study were then analyzed using SPSS 22.00 software. At the data evaluation stage, the
number, percentage, mean average and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistical methods. The Cronbach’s
alpha was calculated at 0.948. The confidence interval of the data obtained was calculated at 95% with a significance
level of 5%.
The arithmetical averages when interpretated with intervals of 0.80 (5/4) are expressed as follows: (1.00-1.80 very low,
1.81-2.60 low, 2.61-3.40 medium, 3.41-4.20 high, 4.21-5.00 very high). The data obtained in this study were interpreted
according to the level/size of the arithmetical average as follows: very low, low, medium, high and very high.
3. Data and Interpretations
The findings were obtained as a result of analysis of the data collected via the questionnaire answered by teachers
participating in the study with view to finding a solution to the problem addressed by this research. In this section,
explanations and comments were submitted based on the data obtained. The data relating to the opinions of teachers,
reflect the frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation values of the opinions indicated on the questionnaire
with regard to the evaluation component of the teaching program for high schools and with respect to the 19 statements
(EK11) that emerged.
The distribution of the responses submitted by participant teachers in the study with regard to attainment objectives is
seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Distribution of the teachers’ responses regarding learning objectives. Definitely agree
Partlly agree
f % f % f % f % f % ̅
𝒙 Ss
The attainment objectives of the curricula are of a nature as to provide
opportunities for the acquistion of research and investigation and 12 6,0 60 30,2 76 38,2 36 18,1 15 7,5 2,910 1,011
problem solving skills as anticipated in the teaching program.
The attainment objectives indicated in the curricula are of a sufficient
quality so as to provide opportunities not merely for the transfer of
23 11,6 58 29,1 66 33,2 36 18,1 16 8,0 2,819 1,109
knowledge to the student, but also for research and observation by the
The attainment objectives indicated in the curricula are of a sufficient
quality so as to provide opportunities for critical, creative and analytical 16 8,0 92 46,2 47 23,6 28 14,1 16 8,0 2,678 1,072
thinking on the part of the student.
There is recourse to different methods and techniques to reach the
2 1,0 42 21,1 98 49,2 49 24,6 8 4,0 3,095 0,808
different objectives of the teaching process.
On examination of the answers submitted by the participant teachers with regard to attainment objectives, the average
level of teachers in agreement with the statement “The learning objectives of the curricula are of a nature as to provide
opportunities for research and investigation and problem solving skills as anticipated in the teaching program” was
determined at (2,910 ± 1,011). The average level of teachers in agreement with the statement “The learning objectives
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
indicated in the curricula are of a sufficient quality so as to provide opportunities not merely for the transfer of
knowledge to the student, but also for research and observation by the student” was established at (2,819 ± 1,109).
The average level of teachers in agreement with the statement “The learning objectives indicated in the curricula are of
a sufficient quality so as to provide opportunities for critical, creative and analytical thinking on the part of the student”
was established at (2,678 ± 1,072). The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “There is recourse to
different methods and techniques to reach the different objectives of the teaching process” was determined at (3,095 ±
The distribution of the answers submitted by teachers regarding content are seen in Table 4.
Table 4. The distribution of the responses submitted by teachers regarding content.
Partly agree
f % f % f % f % f % ̅
𝒙 Ss
The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) provide
opportunity for high level attainment outcomes moving beyond
20 10,1 82 41,2 47 23,6 39 19,6 11 5,5 2,693 1,069
mere memorization to aspects such as enhanced comprehension,
analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) provide
opportunities for mutltidimensional development in terms of both 10 5,0 82 41,2 61 30,7 38 19,1 8 4,0 2,759 0,955
cognitive as well as affective and kinetic domains.
The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) are of a
nature that necessitate not merely the delivery of a monologue by
4 2,0 46 23,1 74 37,2 62 31,2 13 6,5 3,171 0,927
the teacher but rather the entering into a process of interaction with
the student(s).
The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) allow for
8 4,0 54 27,1 80 40,2 50 25,1 7 3,5 2,970 0,910
the opportunity to reach attainment outcomes at various levels.
The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc)
11 5,5 50 25,1 90 45,2 33 16,6 15 7,5 2,955 0,971
incorporate knowledge and skills that are needed in real life.
On examination of the answers submitted by the participant teachers with regard to the attainment objectives;
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc)
provide opportunity for high level attainment outcomes moving beyond mere memorization to aspects such as enhanced
comprehension, analysis, synthesis and evaluation” was established at (2,693 ±1,069).
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc)
provide opportunities for mutltidimensional development in terms of both cognitive as well as the affective and kinetic
domains” was calculated at (2,759 ± 0,955) . The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the topics set
out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) are of a nature that necessitate not merely the delivery of a monologue by the
teacher but rather the entering into a process of interaction with the student(s)” was established at (3,171 ± 0,927).
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc)
allow for the opportunity to reach attainment outcomes at various levels” was calculated at (2,970 ± 0,910) r. The
average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the topics determined in the curriculum (theme, content etc)
incorporate knowledge and skills that are needed in real life” was established at (2,970 ±0,910).
The distribution of responses issued by teachers with regard to educational contexts is seen in Table 5.
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
Partly agree
f % f % f % f % f % ̅
𝒙 Ss
Teaching activities are conducted in such a way as to allow the
opportunity for conceptualization of knowledge and skills, application
27 13,6 39 19,6 77 38,7 37 18,6 19 9,5 2,910 1,142
and evaluation rather than mere memorization of information to be
The teaching process frequently allows for various applications such as
discussion or question and answer sessions to be incorporated rather 11 5,5 46 23,1 77 38,7 52 26,1 13 6,5 3,050 0,989
than merely didactic methods.
The teaching process is conducted in such as way as to offer the
opportunity for students’ development by way of creative and critical 7 3,5 28 14,1 101 50,8 56 28,1 7 3,5 3,141 0,829
Within the teaching process, space is allocated to allow for students’
11 5,5 60 30,2 91 45,7 25 12,6 12 6,0 2,834 0,931
active participation.
Teaching activities are conducted in a cooperative manner to allow for
the opportunity to share knowledge and skills acquired rather than 9 4,5 65 32,7 87 43,7 31 15,6 7 3,5 2,809 0,878
simple transfer of the teacher’s knowledge.
The teaching process is conducted in a cooperative manner for common
13 6,5 71 35,7 76 38,2 29 14,6 10 5,0 2,759 0,955
objectives rather than activities based on competition.
On examination of the responses submitted by the participant teachers with regard to the attainment objectives;
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “teaching activities are conducted in such a way as to
allow the opportunity for conceptualization of knowledge and skills, application and evaluation rather than mere
memorization of information to be acquired” was established at (2,910 ± 1,142) The average level of teachers that
agreed with the statement that “the teaching process frequently allows for various applications such as discussion or
question and answer sessions to be incorporated rather than simply didactic methods” was calculated at (3,050 ±
“The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “The teaching process is conducted in such as way as to
offer the opportunity for students” development by way of creative and critical thinking” was established at (3,141 ±
0,829) The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “Within the teaching process, space is allocated to
allow for students’ active participation” was calculated at (2,834 ± 0,931).
“The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “Teaching activities are conducted in a cooperative
manner to allow for the opportunity to share knowledge and skills acquired rather than simple transfer of the teacher’s
knowledge” was established at (2,809 ± 0,878). The level of teachers that agreed with the statement “the Teaching
process is conducted in a cooperative manner to reach common objectives rather than activities based on competition”
was calculated at (2,759 ±0,955).
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
The distribution of teachers participating in the study with respect to the statements concerning evaluation is seen in
Table 6.
Table 6. Distribution of the responses submitted by teachers regarding evaluation.
Partly agreee
f % f % f % f % f % ̅
𝒙 Ss
Within the assessment and evaluation process there is recourse to methods
13 6,5 42 21,1 80 40,2 59 29,6 5 2,5 3,005 0,935
of evaluation other than written tests.
The tools of assessment employed within the assessment and evaluation
process are of a nature that attainment outcomes may be successfully 5 2,5 39 19,6 82 41,2 62 31,2 11 5,5 3,176 0,896
Within the assessment and evaluation process, students’ development in
the affective and kinetic domains may be assessed in addition to mere 13 6,5 46 23,1 91 45,7 39 19,6 10 5,0 2,935 0,943
cognitive development.
On examination of the answers submitted by the participant teachers with regard to the evaluation objectives;
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “within the assessment and evaluation process there is
recourse to methods of evaluation other than written tests” was established at (3,005 ± 0,935) . The average level of
teachers that agreed with the statement “The tools of assessment employed within the assessment and evaluation process
are of a nature that attainment outcomes may be successfully evaluated” was calculated at (3,176 ±0,896).
The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “Within the assessment and evaluation process, students
development in the affective and kinetic domains may be assessed in addition to mere cognitive development” was
established at (2,935 ± 0,943) The average level of teachers that agreed with the statement “The assessment and
evaluation process is conducted in such a way as to assess comprehension, application and evaluation of knowledge
rather than mere retention of information” was calculated at (2,693 ±0,991).
Table 7. The opinions of teachers regarding components of the high school curriculum in percentage form.
Program components Disagree % Partly agree % Agree % Definitely agree %
disagree %
Attainment Objectives 6,65 31,65 36,05 18,75 6,9
Content 5,33 31,55 35,4 22,32 5,5
Educational contexts 6,52 26 42,63 19,26 5,66
Evaluation 5,9 25,5 40,95 22,75 4,9
General average% 6,1 28,69 38,75 20,76 5,7
When the opinions of teachers with respect to the 19 items included in the questionnaire regarding components of the
High School curriculum are considered in percentage terms, it can be seen that the largest percentage of responses fall
into the category of “partly agree”. When the general averages with respect to elements of the curriculum are taken into
consideration, the total of answers submitted and included under the “agree” and “definitely agree” categories are found
to be 26.46% In contrast, the total for the “disagree” and “definitely disagree” categories when considered as a general
average are seen to be 34.79%.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
According to the findings obtained from the study, it was established that teachers agreed with all components of the
high school curriculum at an average level. According to these results, the teachers’ evaluations with respect to all
elements contained within the curriculum currently in practice are at a medium level. When the averages, frequencies
and percentages of the tables that express the evaluations of high school teachers with regard to elements of the high
school curricula(table 2, table 3, table 4) are taken into consideration, it may be stated that these indicate a compatibility
with the academic literature published on the same subject. (Arslan & Demirel, 2007; Dinç & Doğan, 2010; Doğanay &
Sarı, 2008) In a similar manner, it was observed in a study conducted by Bayrak and Erden (2007), that 51% of
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
participant teachers expressed positive opinions with regard to the elements concerning the educational contexts within
the program. In a study carried out by Kösterelioğlu and Özen (2014), it emerged that the opinions of class teachers
responsible for teaching fourth grade classes with regard to the attainment objectives, content and evaluation aspects of
the social science curriculum were at a “medium” level. However, their opinions with respect to the teaching process
did not correspond to those that emerged from this study and were found to be at a “high” level. (Özen, 2014).
Furthermore, when the percentages of the teachers’ responses to the 19 items featured in the questionnaire with respect
to the elements of the high school teaching program, the following results emerged: 6.1% ‘disagree’, 28.69% ‘partially
disagree’(?), 38.75% ‘agree’ (?), 20.76% ‘partly agree’ and 5.7% ‘definitely agree’. However, while the total for the
responses of ‘agree’ and ‘definitely agree’ total 26.46%, the largest agreement with a general average was 34.79% and
there was a total of 34.79% for the ‘disagree’ or ‘definitely disagree’ categories. The largest agreement was actually for
that of the option “partially agree’. These results indicate that teaching programs/curricula based on the constructivist
approach have not been completely adopted/embraced by those teachers who remain responsible for their application
and from this perspective, by extension, it is therefore difficult for such plans to reach their objectives. In particular, the
fact that the combined general percentage for the “disagree” and “definitely disagree” is higher than that of the
combined general percentage for “definitely agree” and “agree” offers food for thought. Program evaluation involves a
focus on whether a given program has reached its desired results or not. (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2009). Results that
emerge for a given curriculum in which the expected final target is at a “high” or “very high” rather than a “medium”
level indicate that there are problems with all elements of the existing curricula and furthermore that teachers who are in
the position of delivering the program are not aware of the elements of the curricula and (it follows) that curricula do
not have the efficiency that is expected of them. The results obtained from this study are seen to contradict the results of
the study conducted by Alkan and Arslan (2014). In that study, the researchers reached the conclusion that the opinions
of teachers with regard to the curricula were overwhelmingly positive, with teachers submitting 31 positive and 11
negative responses to the 42 items contained in their questionnaire.
In this study, on examination of the responses submitted by teachers, the aforementioned participant teachers were seen
to agree with the statments presented with regard to the attainment objectives of high school teaching programs at a
level of (2,875 ± 1) . Arı (2014) in his study that focused on the English curriculum applied in sixth grades, came to the
conclusion that participant teachers believed that the targets stipulated in the (existing) curricula could not be reached.
When the findings of a study conducted by Alkan and Arslan (2014) concerning participants’ perceptions of the target
elements of the curriculum, and when findings regarding the target elements for English lessons are examined, teachers
from the perspective of attainment objectives submitted positive responses concerning 7 of the 8 program elements.
Such results contradict the results obtained in this study. In this study, the evaluation may be reached that the teachers
did not show themselves as feeling positive to a high degree concerning the quality of the attainment In this context, in
curriculum development studies, actions should be taken to bring about reforms to curricula paying more attention to
elements such as their appropriacy to the realities faced by students, their applicability to real life and comprehensibility
on the part of the teachers.
In this study, it may be seen on examination of the responses submitted by teachers that participant teachers agreed with
the statements concening the content elements of high school curricula at an average level of (2,875 ± 1) Kandemir
(2016) in his study reached the conclusion that teachers experienced indecisiveness concerning the content elements of
the curriculum. While they expressed positive opinions regarding certain elements, they also expressed negative views
regarding others, and that they had experienced practical difficulties concerning the (applicaion of) content elements of
the program. Ekşioğlu and Taşpınar (2014), in their study, reached the conclusion that teachers expressed the view that
the teaching programs currently in practice only partially incorporated the qualities that were expected from the
perspective of content. The results of the study conducted by Bayrak and Erden (2007) however contradicted the
findings of the previously-mentioned. study. In this study, the researchers reached the conclusion that teachers were in
agreement that the content of the program was consistent with the intentions expressed within the attainment objectives,
and that the introduction of topics was conducted in a hierarchial fashion moving from the simple to the complex and
that this content guided the student towards comprehension rather than mere memorization.
In this study, it is observed on consideration of the responses submitted by teachers, that the aforementioned participant
teachers agreed with the statements concerning the educational contexts of high school curricula at an average level of
(2,917 ± 0,954) In a study conducted by Ekşioğlu and Taşpınar (2014) similar results were seen to emerge. In this
particular study, it was observed that the elements of a modular teaching program relating to educational contexts
partially conveyed the expected characteristics as expressed in the program. A similar result was reached in a study
conducted by Butakın and Özgen (2007) In that study, the conclusion was reached that teachers held opinions at a
‘medium’ level concerning the application of teaching programs. These results indicate that those teaching programs
based on the constructivist approach were not applied in the desired fashion, that student-centred learning philosophies
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
had not been adopted at the required level and that adequate space/scope was not allocated within the application of the
program for teaching activities that incorporated learning through doing and experiencing.
In this study, it may be seen, on consideration of the answers submitted by teachers, that the aforementioned participant
teachers agreed with the statements regarding the evaluation elements of high school teaching programs at an average
level of (2,952 ± 0,941). Kösterlioğlu and Özen (2014) reached the conclusion that the opinions of teachers with regard
to the evaluation elements contained within the program for social science lessons in fifth grades were (x =3.36) for
fourth and (x=3.34) for fifth grades. Adıgüzel and Berk (2009) reached similar conclusions in their study addressing
teachers’ opinions with regard to the evaluation element(s) of curricula.
According to the results of this study high school teachers’ views have been examined and they have been found to be
in agreement with all elements of the high school program at a medium level. It is therefore suggested that the teaching
principles, constructivist teaching theory and the (basic) attainment objectives deemed essential by the National
Ministry of Education need to be reviewed. In this respect, opportunities need to be created so as to present teachers
with the opportunity to become sufficiently acquainted with existing curricula and to understand them more effectively.
A great need has been perceived for the constructive criticism (of exisiting programs) so as to evaluate the appropriacy
of targets with concern to the characteristics of the students concerned, the extent to which real-life knowledge and
skills are incorporated, the degree of participation of students in the learning process. There is also a need at the
evaluation stage for a process-based, authentic means of evaluation. Moreover, opportunities should be presented so as
to raise teachers’ awareness of elements of the curricula and their levels of consciousness with regard to educational
theory. In particular, guidance should be offered to teachers concerning the use of different methods and techniques that
may offer an opportunity to ensure greater student participation in the educational process and with regard to the
application of alternative techniques within the evaluation process.
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Appendix 1
Questionnaire for the Evaluation of High School Curricula using the Element-Based Curriculum Evaluation
Dear Participants
This study aims to conduct an evaluation of the components included in high school curricula, namely: attainment
objectives, content, educational contexts and evaluation from the perspective of teachers. It is hoped that the findings
obtained will serve as a starting point to create opportunities that will allow for more effective and productive processes
of curriculum planning and development.
With this in mind, we kindly request you to spare your valuable time and to share your opinions on the issues concerned
by indicating the options that are most appropriate for you and so help us reach the goal indictaed above. Please submit
your responses to the statements indicated below with complete honesty and sincerity. We express our respect and
thanks in advance.
Dr. Dolgun Aslan
Rafet Günay
Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 4, No. 7; July 2016
Element-based curriculum evaluation
ıtems concerning teachers’ opinions
A. Statements concerning attainment objectives
1. The attainment objectives set out in the curriculum are of a sufficient nature as to
provide opportunities for the acquistion of research and investigation and
problem solving skills
2. The attainment objectives indicated in the teaching programs are of a quality so
as to provide opportunities not merely for the transfer of knowledge to the
student, but also for research and observation by the student
3. The attainment objectives indicated in the teaching programs are of a quality so
as to provide opportunities for critical, creative and analytical thinking on the
part of the student.
4. There is recourse to different methods and techniques to reach the different
objectives of the teaching process.
B. Statements concerning Content Elements
5. The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) provide opportunity for
high level attainment outcomes moving beyond mere memorization to aspects
such as enhanced comprehension, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
6. The topics determined in the curriculum (theme, content etc) provide
opportunities for mutltidimensional development in terms of both cognitive as
well as the affective and kinesthetic domains.
7. The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) are of a nature that
necessitate not merely the delivery of a monologue by the teacher but rather the
entering into a process of interaction with the student(s)
8. The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) allow for the
opportunity to reach attainment outcomes at various levels.
9. The topics set out in the curriculum (theme, content etc) incorporate knowledge
and skills that are needed in real life.
C. Statements Concerning Educational Contexts
10. Teaching activities are conducted in such a way as to allow the opportunity for
conceptualization of knowledge and skills, application and evaluation rather
than mere memorization of information to be acquired.
11. The teaching process frequently allows for various applications such as
discussion or question and answer sessions to be incorporated rather than
simply didactic methods.
12. The teaching process is conducted in such as way as to offer the opportunity for
students’ development by way of creative and critical thinking.
13. Within the teaching process, space is allocated to allow for students’ active
14. Teaching activities are conducted in a cooperative manner to allow for the
opportunity to share knowledge and skills acquired rather than simple transfer
of the teacher’s knowledge.
15. The teaching process is conducted in a cooperative manner in pursuit of
common objectives rather than activities based on competition.
D. Statements concerning Evaluation Elements
16. Within the assessment and evaluation process there is recourse to methods of
evaluation other than written tests
17. The tools of assessment employed within the assessment and evaluation
process are of a nature that attainment outcomes may be successfully evaluated.
18. Within the assessment and evaluation process, students’ development in the
affective and kinetic domains may be assessed in addition to mere cognitive
19. The assessment and evaluation process is conducted in such a way as to assess
comprehension, application and evaluation of knowledge rather than mere
retention of information.