Yr 6 Light

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Jeavons Wood Primary School – Science Knowledge Organiser

Topic: Light Year: 6 Strand: Physics

Big Question: How does the way light travels, help us see?

What should I already know?

•Recognise that they need light in order to see things and that
dark is the absence of light.
•Notice that light is reflected from surfaces.
•Recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that
there are ways to protect their eyes.
•Recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a
light source is blocked by an opaque object.
•Find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.

What will I know by the end of the unit?

Light Sources
*We need light in order to see things.
*When there is no light we say it is dark – darkness is the
absence of light.
*A light source is something that makes its own light.
Essential Knowledge
*Light travels in straight lines
*Light travels very, very fast - 186,282 miles per second.
(that’s like travelling around the world over 7 times in a
* It is because light travels in straight lines that objects are
seen, as they give out or reflect light into the eye
* If something gets in the way of light, a shadow is formed. Vocabulary
Shadows Refraction When light travels from air into
How is a shadow formed? * When light from a source is water, it slows down, causing it to
blocked by an opaque object, change direction slightly. This
you get a shadow. change of direction is called
*Because light travels in refraction.
straight lines, the shadow has Shadow A shadow is a dark area where light
the same shape as the object from a light source is blocked by an
blocking the light. opaque object.
How does the size of the * If an object is moved closer Light Source Light is a form of energy and objects that
shadow change? to the light sources, the let off this energy (that enables us to see)
are called light sources. These can be
shadow gets bigger. categorised into natural and artificial
* If an object is moved sources.
further away from the light Darkness The absence of light.
source, the shadow gets Light Wave Light behaves like a wave and can be
smaller. defined by its wavelength and frequency.
The frequency is how fast the wave
Where will my learning go next? vibrates up and down.
Year 7: Learning about Light waves. Including the speed of light, Reflection When light from an object is reflected by a
light waves and the transmission of light through materials. surface, it changes direction. It bounces off
the surface at the same angle as it hits it.
Light refraction and light transferring energy from source to Smooth, shiny surfaces reflect light well.
absorber leading the chemical and electrical effects. Colours Lens A lens is a curved piece of glass or plastic
and different frequencies of light. that is designed to refract light in a specific
Spectrum White light is made up of different
coloured light that together make up the
spectrum. If the beam of light is refracted
the different coloured beams can be seen.
Jeavons Wood Primary School – Science Knowledge Organiser
Topic: Light Year: 6 Strand: Physics
Big Question: How does the way light travels, help us see?
Q1: Tick the natural light sources; Start of unit End of unit
Light bulb

Q2: Darkness is… Start of unit End of unit

At night time
The absence of light
When light is switched off
When an object blocks the light

Q3: Tick the reason why shadows the same shape as the object? Start of unit End of unit
Because light travels in straight lines
Because light can’t travel through transparent objects
Because light can travel through opaque objects
Because light travels in waves

Q4: When light bounces off an object into our eye, allowing us to see Start of unit End of unit
the it, we say the light is_____________ off the object?

Q5: A shadow gets smaller when; Start of unit End of unit

The light source moves closer to the object
The light source moves away from the object
The object moves closer to the light source
The object moves further away from the light source

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