B.tech CSE 2019 Scheme Syllabi v0.9

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

B.Tech Scheme – 2019 Onwards



Sub. Sub.
Subject Name L T P C Subject Name L T P C
Code Code
EO2001 Economics 3 0 3 0 BB0025 Value, Ethics and Governance 2 0 0 2
MA2101 Engineering Mathematics – III 2 1 3 0 MA2201 Engineering Mathematics – IV 2 1 0 3
CS2101 Data Communications 3 1 4 0 CS2201 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4
CS2102 Computer System Architecture 3 1 4 0 CS2202 Relational Database Management Systems 3 1 0 4
CS2103 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1 0
4 CS2203 Computer Organization 3 1 0 4
CS2104 Object Oriented Programming 3 1 0
4 *** *** Open Elective – I 3 0 0 3
CS2130 Data Structures & Algorithms Lab 0 0 2
1 CS2230 Operating Systems Lab 0 0 2 1
CS2131 CS2231 Relational Database Management Systems
Object Oriented Programming Lab 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1
CS2232 Web Technology Lab 0 0 2 1
17 5 4 24 16 4 6 23
Total Contact Hours (L + T + P) 25 Total Contact Hours (L + T + P) + OE 23+3= 26
CS3101 Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing 3 1 0 4 BB0026 Organization and Management 3 0 0 3
CS3102 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4 CS3201 Software Engineering 3 1 0 4
CS3103 Automata Theory & Compiler Design 3 1 0 4 CS3202 Information Systems Security 3 1 0 4
CS3104 Computer Networks 3 1 0 4 CS3203 Data Science and Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
CS31XX Program Elective – I 3 0 0 3 CS32XX Program Elective – II 3 0 0 3
*** **** Open Elective – II 3 0 0 3 *** **** Open Elective – III 3 0 0 3
CS3130 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab 0 0 2 1 CS3230 Software Engineering Lab 0 0 2 1
CS3131 Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing Information Systems Security Lab
0 0 2 1 CS3231 0 0 2 1
CS3132 Computer Networks lab 0 0 2 1 CS3270 Minor Project 0 0 6 3
18 4 6 25 18 2 10 25
Total Contact Hours (L + T + P) + OE 25+3=28 Total Contact Hours (L + T + P) + OE 25+3=28
CS41XX Program Elective – III 3 0 0 3 CS4270 Major Project 12
CS41XX Program Elective – IV 3 0 0 3
CS41XX Program Elective – V 3 0 0 3
CS41XX Program Elective – VI 3 0 0 3
CS41XX Program Elective – VII 3 0 0 3
CS4170 Industrial Training 0 0 2 1
15 0 2 16 12
Total Contact Hours (L + T + P) 15+ 2 = 17

Programme Electives Programme Electives (PE5, PE6, PE7) Open Electives

(Minor Specializations)
CS4144: Information Retrieval CS0001: Data Science for Engineers
CYBER SECURITY CS4145 : Computer Graphics & Multimedia CS0002: Programming, Data Structures and
CS3140: Information Coding CS4146 : User Interface Design Algorithms using Python
CS3240: Principles of Secure Programming CS4147 : Digital Image Processing CS0003: Data Structure and Algorithms
CS4140: Cyber Security CS4148 : Internet of Things using Java
CS4141: Digital Forensics & Cyber Crimes CS4149 : Big Data Analytics CS0004: The Joy of Computing using
CS4150 : Software Defined Networks Python
CLOUD COMPUTING CS4151 : Deep Neural Network CS0005: Fundamentals of Databases
CS3141: Cloud Computing & Virtualization CS4152 : Social Network Analysis CS0006: Fundamentals of Cryptography
CS3241: Cloud Infrastructure Services CS4153 : Software Testing CS0007: Principles of Programming
CS4142: Cloud Computing Applications CS4154 : Linux System and Shell Programming Languages
CS4143: Cloud Security and Privacy CS4155 : Wireless Sensor & Adhoc Network CS0008: Principles of Software Design
CS4156 : Mobile Computing CS0009: Fundamentals of Internet of Things
DATA ANALYTICS CS4157 : Natural Language Processing CS0010: Principles of Machine Learning
CS3142: Predictive Analytics CS4158 : Computer Vision CS0051: HTML, CSS and JavaScript for
CS3242: Image Processing and Pattern Analysis CS4161: Advanced Data Structures Web Developers
CS4159: Data Visualization Techniques CS4162: Blockchain Technologies CS0052: Networking and Security in iOS
CS4160: Fundamentals of Big Data Applications
CS0053: Fundamentals of IoT Security
CS0054: Enterprise Resource Planning
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
B.Tech Syllabus– 2019 Onwards


EO2001: ECONOMICS [3 0 0 3]
Introduction: Definition, nature and scope of economics, introduction to micro and macroeconomics;
Microeconomics: Consumer behaviour, cardinal and ordinal approaches of utility, law of diminishing
marginal utility, theory of demand and supply, law of demand, exceptions to the law of demand,
change in demand and change in quantity demanded, elasticity of demand and supply, Indifference
curve, properties, consumer equilibrium, Price and income effect; Production: Law of production,
production function, SR and LR production function, law of returns, Isoquant curve, characteristics,
Isocost, producer’s equilibrium; Cost and revenue analysis: Cost concepts, short run and long- run
cost curves, TR,AR,MR; Various market situations: Characteristics and types, Break-even analysis;
Macro Economics: National Income, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Inflation, demand and supply of
money, consumption function and business cycle.

1. H.L Ahuja, Macroeconomics Theory and Policy, (20e) S. Chand Publication.
2. Peterson H C et.al., Managerial Economics, (9e), Pearson, 2012.
3. P L Mehta, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2012.
4. G J Tuesen & H G Tuesen, Engineering Economics, PHI, New Delhi, 2008.
5. J. L. Riggs, D. D. Bedworth, S. U. Randhawa, Engineering Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2018.


Boolean Algebra: Partial ordering relations, Poset, Lattices, Basic Properties of Lattices. Distributive
and complemented lattices, Boolean lattices, and Boolean Algebra. Propositional and Predicate
Calculus: Well-formed formula, connectives, quantifications, Inference theory of propositional and
predicate calculus. Elementary configuration: Permutations and Combinations, Generating function,
Principle of inclusion and exclusion Partitions, compositions. Ordering of permutations:
Lexicographical and Fikes. Graph theory: Basic definitions, Degree, regular graphs, Eulerian and
Hamiltonian graphs, Trees and Properties, Center, radius and diameter of a graph, Rooted and binary
trees, Matrices associated with graphs, Algorithms for finding shortest path, Algorithm. Group theory:
Semi groups, Monoids, Groups subgroups, Normal Subgroups, Cosets, Lagrange's Theorem, Cyclic

1. C. L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, (2e), Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
2. J. P. Trembaly and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematics Structures with application to computer
science, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2012.
3. E. S. Page and L. B. Wilson, An Introduction to Computational Combinatorics, Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1979.
4. N. Deo, Graph theory with Applications to computer science, PHI, 2012.


Introduction: Data communications, Networks, Network types. Protocol Layering: Protocol, Need for
protocol architecture, OSI Model, TCP/IP protocol architecture. Data Transmission: Concepts and
terminology, Analog and digital data transmission, Transmission impairments, Channel capacity.
Transmission Media: Guided transmission media, Wireless transmission. Signal Encoding
Techniques: Analog and digital Signals, Digital-to-digital conversion: Line coding schemes, Block
coding, scrambling, Analog-To-Digital Conversion: Pulse code modulation, Delta modulation. Digital-
to-Analog: ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM, Analog-to-digital: AM, FM, PM Digital Data Communication
Techniques: Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, Types of errors, Error detection, Error
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correction, Line configurations. Data Link Control Protocols: Framing, Flow and error control,
Noiseless channel: Simplest and Stop and Wait, Noisy Channel: Stop and Wait ARQ, Go Back N
Selective Repeat ARQ, HDLC and PTP Protocol. Multiple Access: Random access, Aloha, Carrier
sense multiple access, Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection, Carrier sense multiple
access with collision avoidance, Code division multiple access.

1. B. Forouzan, Data Communication & Networking, (5e), McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, (10e), Pearson Education,2018.


Digital Logic Circuits: Logic Gates, Boolean algebra, Map Simplification, Combinational Circuits, Flip-
Flops, Sequential Circuits. Digital Components: Integrated Circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers,
Registers, Shift Registers, Binary Counters, Memory Unit. Basic Structure of Computers: Computer
Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Software, Performance. Machine Instructions
and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Characters, Memory Locations and Addresses,
Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Assembly Language, Additional
Instructions, Encoding of Machine Instructions. Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed
Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of Positive Numbers, Signed Operand Multiplication,
Fast Multiplication, Integer Division, Floating Point Numbers and Operations.

1. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, (3e), Pearson, 2017.
2. C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky, Computer Organization and Embedded Systems, (6e),
McGraw Hill, 2012.
3. J. P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, (3e), McGraw Hill TMH, 2012.


Introduction: Data structures classification, time and space complexity, pointers and pointer
applications, Accessing variables through pointers, structures, functions. Array: introduction, Linear
array, representation of an array in memory, multi-dimensional arrays, pointer arrays, matrix
operations. Linked Lists: Introduction, single linked list, representation of a linked list in memory,
Different Operations on a Single linked list, Reversing a single linked list, Advantages and
disadvantages of single linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list and Header linked list.
Applications: polynomial operations and Josephus problem. Stacks: Basic Stack Operations,
implementation of a Stack using Static Array, Dynamic Array and linked list, Multiple stack
implementation using single array, Stack Applications, Reversing list, Factorial Calculation, Infix to
postfix conversion, evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions and Towers of Hanoi. Queues: Basic Queue
Operations, Representation of a Queue using array and linked list, Implementation of Queue
Operations using Stack, Applications of Queues, Round Robin Algorithm, Circular Queues,
Dequeues, Priority Queues. Trees: Definition of tree, Properties of tree, Binary Tree, Representation
of Binary trees using arrays and linked lists, Operations on a Binary Tree, Threaded binary tree,
Binary Tree Traversals (recursive and using stack), Binary search tree, AVL tree, m-way tree, B-
tree, B+ tree Graphs: Basic concepts, Different representations of Graphs, Graph Traversals (BFS
& DFS), Minimum Spanning Tree (Prims & Kruskal). Searching Techniques: Sequential and binary
search. Hashing: Hash function, Address calculation techniques, and Common hashing functions,
Collision resolution, Linear and Quadratic probing, Double hashing. Sorting Techniques: Basic
concepts, Sorting by bubble sort, Insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, heap sort, merge sort,
radix sort.

1. A. S. Tannenbaum, J. Augenstein, Data Structures using C, Pearson India, 2018.
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, (2e), Universities Press, 2008.
3. A. Forouzan, R. F. Gilberg, A Structured Programming Approach Using C, (3e), Cengage
Learning, 2006.

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The History and Evolution of object-oriented technology: benefits of object-oriented programming
(OOP), application of object-oriented programming (OOP), introduction to object-oriented
programming language like Java, C# and C++. Programming Fundamentals: Control flow
statements, operators, datatypes, Type conversion, Wrapper Classes, Arrays. Introduction to
classes: Class fundamentals, declaring objects, Assigning Object reference variables, Introduction
to methods, Constructors, Method Overloading, objects as parameters, argument passing, returning
objects, recursion, access control, final, nested and inner classes. I/O Basics: Reading Console
Input, Writing Console Output, Files handling. Inheritance: base and derived class, multilevel
hierarchy, access modifier in inheritance, method overriding, abstract classes. Exception Handling:
Exception types, creating exception, Try Catch construct, Throw and throws keyword. Multithreaded
programming: Creating and running threads, synchronise methods, inter thread communication,
suspending, resuming, and stopping thread.

1. M. Weisfeld, The object-oriented thought process, (4e), Pearson, 2013.
2. H. Schildt, The Complete Reference Java, (10e), Oracle Press, 2018.
3. C. Horstmann, Core Java Volume I—Fundamentals, (10e), Prentice Hall, 2006.
4. H. Schildt, The Complete Reference C++, (4e), Mcgraw Hill, 2003.


Implementation of array operations: insertion, deletion, linear search and binary search, matrix
operation. Implementation of singly, doubly and circular linked lists: inserting, deleting, and inverting
a linked list, Polynomial addition, subtraction and sparse matrix implementation by linked list,
Josephus problem. Stacks and Queues: adding, deleting elements. Circular Queue: Adding &
deleting elements, conversion of infix to postfix and Evaluation of postfix expressions using stacks
& queues, Implementation of stacks & queues using linked lists. Recursive and Non-recursive
traversal of Trees: Threaded binary tree traversal, BST and AVL tree implementation.
Implementation of sorting and searching algorithms: bubble sort, Insertion sort, selection sort, quick
sort, heap sort, merge sort, radix sort, Hash table implementation.

1. A. S. Tannenbaum, J. Augenstein, Data Structures using C, Pearson India, 2018.
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, (2e), Universities Press, 2008.
3. A. Forouzan, R. F. Gilberg, A Structured Programming Approach Using C, (3e), Cengage
Learning, 2006.


Introduction to object-oriented programming language: Basic programming construct, flow control,
loops, data type and arrays. Introduction to classes and object: creating class and object, using
object to access class members, declaring method in class, recursion, argument passing and
returning, declaring constructor, constructor overloading and method overloading. Input-output:
Basic technique for input and output, type casting, file handling. Inheritance: creating base class and
derive class, use of different access modifier, overriding base class methods, creating abstract
classes/interfaces. Exception handling: try catch construct, creating own exception, raising
exception. Multi thread programming: creating and running thread, stopping thread, use of wait, inter
thread communication.

1. H. Schildt, The Complete Reference Java, (10e), Oracle Press, 2018.
2. C. Horstmann, Core Java Volume I—Fundamentals, (10e), Prentice Hall, 2006.
3. H. Schildt, The Complete Reference C++, (4e), Mcgraw Hill, 2003.
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Relevance of Value Education in day-to-day life. Mantra for success - Value, Moral and Ethics.
Determinants of human nature (Three Gunas) and its impact on human life. Relevance of
Personality, Attitude, Behaviour, Ego, Character, introspection, Motivation, Leadership and 4 Qs with
relevant Case Studies*. Governance: Understanding of Public and Private sector Governance
systems; Courts & CAG. Public Sector Governance: Need, relevance, stakeholders. Private Sector
Governance: Proprietary, Partnership, Company (Pvt Ltd & Ltd), Company’ Act 2013, Board of
Directors; its Roles and Responsivities. Regulatory bodies; its role in ethical governance. Projects
on PPP mode-relevance & prospects. CSR: Relationship with Society, Philanthropy and Business
strategy, CSR Policy, Triple Bottom Line. Suggestive Case Studies: Uphar Theatre Tragedy-
Engineering Ethics, Bhopal Gas Tragedy- Operational Engineering Ethics, Satyam Case- Financial
Reporting Ethics, Enron Case- Business Ethics, Navin Modi Case- Financial Fraudulence.

1. Professional Module of ICSI.
2. Ghosh B.N., Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, (1e) McGraw Hill, 2011.
3. Mandal S.K., Ethics in Business & Corporate Governance, (2e), McGraw Hill, 2012.
4. Ray C.K., Corporate Governance, Value & Ethics, Vaya Education of India, 2012.
5. Chatterjee Abha, Professional Ethics, (2e) Oxford Publications.

MA2201: Engineering Mathematics IV [2 1 0 3]

Basic Set theory, Axioms of probability, Sample space, conditional probability, total probability
theorem, Baye's theorem. One dimensional and two-dimensional random variables, mean and
variance, properties, Chebyschev's inequality, correlation coefficient, Distributions, Binomial,
Poisson, Normal and Chi-square. Functions of random variables: One dimensional and Two
dimensional, F & T distributions, Moment generating functions, Sampling theory, Central limit
theorem, Point estimation, MLE, Interval estimation, Test of Hypothesis: significance level, certain
best tests; Chi square test.

1. P. L. Meyer, Introduction to probability and Statistical Applications, (2e), Oxford and IBH
publishing, 1980.
2. Miller, Freund and Johnson, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, (8e), PHI, 2011.
3. Hogg and Craig, Introduction to mathematical statistics, (6e), Pearson education, 2012.
4. S. M. Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier,


Introduction: Definition of operating systems, Single and multi-processor systems, Operating system
Services, System commands and system calls, Interrupt, System boot. OS Structure: Simple,
Layered, Microkernel, Hybrid, Modules, Types of OS, Multi-user, Multitasking, Embedded, Real-
time, Network, Distributed. Virtualization: Introduction, Hypervisor, Data center, Virtual data center,
VMware virtualization products. Process and Thread: Process concept, Operations on processes,
Inter-process communication, UNIX pipes, Multithreading, Multithreaded models, PThread API.
Process Scheduling: Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms. Synchronization:
Critical section problem, Peterson solution, Synchronization hardware, Semaphores, Classical
problems of synchronization, Deadlock, Methods for handling deadlock. Memory Management:
Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging, Structure of Page Table, Segmentation, Demand
Paging, Page Replacement Policies, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing. File System Interface and
Implementation: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File System Mounting,
File System Structure, File System Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free Space Management.
Disk Management: Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Disk Management, Swap Space Management.

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1. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts, (9e), Wiley, 2014.
2. A.S. Tanenbaum, H. Bos, Modern Operating Systems, (4e), Pearson, 2015.
3. W. Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, (9e), Pearson, 2018.


Introduction: DBMS Concepts, Database System Vs File System, Data Models, Schema & Instance,
Schema architecture, Data independence, Data Base Languages and interfaces, Database system
applications, Database users, Functions of DBA Data Modelling using the Entity Relationship Model:
ER model concepts, Entities, Attributes, Relationship & types, Relationship Constraints, Extended ER-
Model Concept - Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation, Transforming ER diagram into the
tables Relational Data models: Domains, Tuples, Attributes, Relations, Characteristics of relations, Keys,
Key attributes of relation, Relational database, Schemas, Integrity constraints. Referential integrity,
Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus, Relational algebra operators – Unary, Binary, Set
Operations. Tuple oriented and domain oriented relational calculus and its operations
SQL: Basic SQL Query, Creating Table and Views, SQL as DML, DDL and DCL, SQL Algebraic
Operations, Joins, Sub-Queries, Aggregate Operations, Cursors, Dynamic SQL, Integrity Constraints in
SQL, Triggers Data Base Design: Introduction to Normalization, Functional dependency, Normal forms,
Decomposition, Armstrong’s Axioms, Canonical Cover, Lossless Join & Dependency preservation
Problems with null valued and dangling tuples, multivalued dependencies. Transaction Processing
Concepts: Transaction Properties & States, Schedules, Serial & Concurrent Schedule, Serializability of
schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, Recoverability, Recovery from transaction failures, log-
based recovery, checkpoints, Deadlock handling. Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency
control, Concept of Locks, Concurrency Control Protocols - Two Phase Locking Protocols, Time
stamping protocols, validation-based protocol, multiple granularities, Multi version schemes, Recovery
with concurrent transactions. File Structures: File Organization, Indexing, Primary, Clustered, Secondary
Indexes, Hashing, Multilevel Indexing with B-Tree, B+ Tree.

1. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, (6e), McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, (6e), Addison-Wesley, 2010.
3. R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems, (3e), McGraw Hill, 2014.
4. I. Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle, (4e), BPB Publications, 2010.
5. C. J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, (8e), Prentice Hall of India, 2006.


Processor Datapath and Control: Logic Design Conventions, Building a Datapath, Implementation
Schemes, Exceptions, Microprogramming. Pipelining: Overview, Pipelined Datapath, Pipelined Control,
Data Hazards and Forwarding, Data Hazards and Stalls, Branch Hazards. Memory Hierarchy: Basics of
Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache Performance, Virtual Memory, Address Translation. Storage
and Other Peripherals: Disk Storage and Dependability, Networks, Connecting I/O Devices to Processor
and Memory, Interfacing I/O Devices to the Memory, Processor, and Operating System, I/O Performance
Measures, Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. Multicores, Multiprocessors and Clusters: Shared
Memory Multiprocessors, Clusters and other Message-Passing Multiprocessors, Hardware
Multithreading, SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD and Vector Processors.

1. D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware and Software
Interface, (5e), Elsevier, 2017.
2. J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, (6e), Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 2019.
3. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture –Designing for Performance, (9e), Pearson,

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Introduction to the command line, managing physical storage, Install and configure software,
components, and services, establish network connections and control firewall restrictions, Monitor and
manage running processes, Manage and secure files and file systems, administer users and groups,
Review the system log files and journal for issues, troubleshoot problems and analyse systems with Red
Hat Insights, remotely manage systems with SSH and the Web Console.
Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux using scalable methods, Access security files, file systems, and
networks, execute shell scripting and automation techniques, manage storage devices, logical volumes,
and file systems, manage security and system access, Control the boot process and system services,
running containers System Calls: File and process, I/O Redirection, IPC using Pipe and Signals. PThread
API: Multithreaded programs, Synchronization programs using PThreads and Semaphores, CPU
Scheduling, Deadlock, Memory Management. Creating a Virtual Machine: Virtual Machine Files and
Snapshots, Virtual Machine Cloning and Exporting.

1. W. R. Stevens, S. A. Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, (3e), Addison Wesley,
2. S. Das, Unix Concepts and Applications, (4e), McGraw Hill, 2006.
3. K. A. Robbins, S. Robbins, Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and
Threads, (2e), Prentice Hall, 2004
4. https://www.redhat.com/en/services/training/rh124-red-hat-system-administration-i


Database Foundations: Introduction, Databases and Data Modelling, Refining the Data Model, Oracle
SQL Developer Data Modeler, Introduction to SQL,
Database Design – Introduction, Entities and Attributes, Super/Sub Types and Business Rules,
Relationship Fundamentals, UIDs and Normalization, Arcs, Hierarchies, and Recursive Modelling,
Mapping, Creating Database Projects, Presenting Database Projects,
Database Programming with SQL – Introduction, SELECT, WHERE ORDER BY, and Intro to Functions,
Single Row Functions, JOINs, Group Functions, Subqueries, Ensuring Quality Queries Part I, DML, DDL,
Constraints, Views, Sequences and Synonyms, Privileges and Regular Expressions, TCL, Final Project,
and Exam Review.

1. I. Bayross, Teach yourself SQL & PL/SQL using Oracle 8i & 9i with SQLJ, BPB Publications, 2010.
2. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, (6e), McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, (6e), Addison-Wesley, 2010.

CS2232: WEB TECHNOLOGY LAB [0 0 2 1]

Introduction to WWW: Web Design, Web site design principles, planning the site and navigation. HTML:
The development process, html tags, forms, web site structure. XHTML: XML, move to XHTML, meta
tags, character entities, frames, and frame sets, inside browser. Style Sheets: CSS1, CSS2, CSS3.
JavaScript: How to develop JavaScript, variables, functions, conditions, loops, and repetition. Advance
JavaScript: JavaScript and objects, JavaScript own objects, the DOM and web browser environments,
forms, and validations. DHTML: Combining HTML, CSS and JavaScript, events, and buttons, controlling
your browser. Ajax: Introduction, advantages, purpose of it, Ajax based web application, alternatives of
Ajax. XML: Introduction to XML, DTD and Schemas, Well formed, using XML with application. XSL:
Introduction to XSL, XML transformed simple example, XSL elements, transforming with XSLT. PHP:
Starting to script on server side, arrays, function and forms, advance PHP. Databases: Connection to
server, creating database, performing data and schema related operations, PHP myadmin and database
bugs. Advanced topics: E-Commerce models and architecture. m-Commerce: WAP and Mobile agents,
search engines and search engine optimization, Introduction to web services and technology.
Introduction, pros and cons of the above technology with advance technology: JQuery, WebRTC, Web

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socks, Angularjs, NodeJS, JSON, Bootstrap. All above will be facilitated using Web/Mobile application
projects assigned to the students.

1. R. Connolly, R. Hoar, Fundamentals of Web Development, Pearson Education India, 2015.
2. R. Nixon, Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with jQuery, CSS and HTML5, (5e), O’Reilly
Publications, 2018.
3. L. Welling, L. Thomson, PHP and MySQL Web Development, (5e), Pearson Education, 2017.
4. N. C. Zakas, Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, (3e), Wrox/Wiley India, 2019.
5. D. S. Mcfarland, JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual, (3e), O’Reilly/Shroff Publishers &
Distributors Pvt Ltd, 2014.
6. Z. R. A. Boehm, Murach's HTML5 and CSS3, (4e), Murach's/Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt
Ltd, 2018.



Fundamental Concepts: Agents, environments, general model, Problem solving techniques. Search
Techniques: Uninformed search, heuristic search, adversarial search and game trees, Solution of
constraint satisfaction problems using search. Knowledge Representation: Propositional and predicate
calculus, semantics for predicate calculus, inference rules, unification, Resolution, semantic networks,
conceptual graphs/Dependency, structured representation. Learning: Inductive learning, decision tree
learning. Natural language processing: introduction, parsing using context free grammars, Chomsky
hierarchy, case grammar. Soft computing: Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy sets, set-theoretic operations,
membership functions, Union, intersection and complement, fuzzy rules, reasoning and interference.
Neural networks: Perceptron, Back Propagation. Evolutionary techniques: genetic algorithms, Swarm
Algorithm, ant colony optimization.

1. S. Russell, P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, (3e) PHI, 2011.
2. E. Rich, K. Knight, S. B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, (3e), Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
3. G. F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence-Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, (6e),
Addison-Wesley Pearson Education, 2012.


Introduction: Fundamentals of Algorithms, Important Problem Types, Analysis of algorithm efficiency.
Analysis Framework: Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes, Mathematical Analysis of Non
recursive and Recursive Algorithms, Brute force Techniques, Divide and Conquer. Decrease and
Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Topological Sorting. Transform and
Conquer: Pre-sorting, BST, Heapsort. Space and Time trade-offs: Input Enhancement in String
Matching. Dynamic Programming: Warshall's and Floyd's Algorithms, The Knapsack Problem. Greedy
Techniques: Prim's, Kruskal's and Dijkstra's Algorithm, Huffman Trees, Coping with limitations of
algorithmic power. Backtracking: Nqueens problem, Hamiltonian Circuit Problem, subset Sum Problem.
Branch and Bound: Assignment Problem, Knapsack Problem, TSP. Complexity Classes: P, NP, and
NP-complete Problems.

1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, S. Rajasekaran, Fundamental of Computer Algorithms, (2e), Universities
Press, 2007.
2. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, (3e), MIT press,


Introduction: Automata Theory, Mathematical Preliminaries and Notation, Review of set theory, function,
relation. Finite Automata: Deterministic and Non Deterministic Finite Automata (FA), Regular languages,
Mealy and Moore machine; Regular Sets and Regular Grammars: Chomsky Hierarchy, Regular
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Expressions, Regular Grammar and FA, Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages; Context Free
Languages (CFL) and Grammars: Ambiguity, Methods for Transforming Grammars; Push Down
Automata: Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata (NPDA), Design of NPDA, PDA and CFLs;
Introduction to Turing machine; Introduction to Compiler Design: Structure of a Compiler, Lexical
Analysis, Recognition of Tokens; Introduction to LR Parsing: Simple LR, More Powerful LR Parsers,
Parser Generators; Syntax Directed Translations; Type Checking: Rules for Type Checking; Storage

1. P. Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, (6e), Jones and Bartlett Student
Edition, 2016.
2. A. V. Aho, J. Ullman, M. S. Lam, R. Sethi, Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, (2e),
Pearson Education, 2015.
3. M. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, (3e), Cengage Learning, 2014.
4. J. C. Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, (4e), McGraw Hill, 2010.


Network Layer: Network layer design issues, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, Quality
of service, MPLS, Classfull addressing, Sub-netting, Classless addressing. Protocols: ARP & DHCP,
Introduction, Packet Format, message types, IPV4 header format, fragmentation, options, checksum.
ICMP: Message format, message types. Dynamic routing protocols: RIP, OSPF & BGP. Multicasting
Protocol: IGMP, Introduction to IPV6. Transport Layer: Transport services, state diagram, Elements of
Transport Protocols, addressing, Connection establishment, connection release, Error control and Flow
Control, Multiplexing. Congestion Control: Bandwidth allocation, regulating the sending rate, UDP, TCP.
Application Layer: DNS, Name space, domain resource records. Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, IMAP,
MIME, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP. Network Security: Security Goals, Attacks, Attack prevention techniques,
Firewall, IDS, DMZ, IPsec.

1. B. A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, (4e), TMH, 2010.
2. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, (5e), Pearson, 2010.


Information Theory: Entropy, Characterization and related properties, Huffman codes, Shannon-Fano
coding, Robustness of coding techniques, Information measure-noiseless coding, Discrete memoryless
channel, Channel capacity, Fundamental theorem of information theory. Coding Theory: Error correcting
codes, Minimum distance principles, Hamming bound, General binary code, Group code, Linear group
code. Convolution Encoding: Algebraic structure, Gilbert bound, Threshold decoding, Threshold
decoding for block codes. Cyclic binary codes: BCH codes, Generalized BCH code and decoding,
Optimum codes, Concepts of non-cyclic codes. Combinatorial Designs: Definitions of BIBD, Hadamard
Designs, Latin Squares, Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares, Orthogonal Arrays. Network Coding:
Fundamentals of Network Coding, Butterfly networks, Graphs and networks, Max-flow min-cut theorem,
Multi-source multicast problem, Deterministic code design for network coding, Randomized network
coding, Application of network coding.

1. T. M. Cover, J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley, (2e), 2006.
2. M. Kelbert, Y. Suhov, Information Theory and Coding by Example, Cambridge University Press,
3. D. Stinson, Combinatorial Designs: Constructions and Analysis, Springer, 2003.
4. P. J. Cameron , J. H. Lint, Designs, Graphs, Codes and their Links, Cambridge University Press,


Introduction: Distributed Computing and Enabling Technologies, Cloud Fundamentals: Cloud Definition,
Evolution, Architecture, Applications, deployment models, and service models. Virtualization: Issues with
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virtualization, virtualization technologies and architectures, Internals of virtual machine
monitors/hypervisors, virtualization of data centers, and Issues with Multi-tenancy. Implementation:
Study of Cloud Computing Systems like Amazon EC2 and S3, Google App Engine, and Microsoft Azure,
Build Private/Hybrid Cloud using open source tools, Deployment of Web Services from Inside and
Outside a Cloud Architecture. MapReduce and its extensions to Cloud Computing, HDFS, and GFS.
Interoperability and Service Monitoring: Issues with interoperability, Vendor lock-in, Interoperability
approaches. SLA Management, Metering Issues, and Report generation. Resource Management and
Load Balancing: Distributed Management of Virtual Infrastructures, Server consolidation, Dynamic
provisioning and resource management, Resource Optimization, Resource dynamic reconfiguration,
Scheduling Techniques for Advance Reservation, Capacity Management to meet SLA Requirements,
and Load Balancing, various load balancing techniques. Migration and Fault Tolerance: Broad Aspects
of Migration into Cloud, Migration of virtual Machines and techniques. Fault Tolerance Mechanisms.
Advances: Grid of Clouds, Green Cloud, Mobile Cloud Computing.

1. R. Buyya, J. Broberg, A. Goscinski , Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms , Wiley Publishers,
2. B. Sosinsky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley, 2011.
3. M. Miller, Cloud Computing: Web-based Applications that change the way you work and collaborate
online, Pearson, 2008.
4. D. S. Linthicum, Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A Step-by-Step Guide,
Addision Wesley Information Technology Series, 2010.
5. T. Velte, A. T. Velte, R. Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill, 2017.


Introduction: Business analytics applications and Types, Models: predictive models, descriptive models,
decision models, applications, analytical techniques. Understanding Data: Data types and associated
techniques, complexities of data, data preparation, pre-processing, exploratory data analysis. Principles
and Techniques: Predictive modelling: Propensity models, cluster models, collaborative filtering,
applications, and limitations. Statistical analysis: Univariate Statistical analysis, Multivariate Statistical
analysis. Model Selection: supervised versus unsupervised methods, statistical and data mining
methodology, cross-validation, overfitting, bias-variance trade-off, balancing the training dataset,
establishing baseline performance. Regression Models: Measuring Performance in Regression Models
- Linear Regression and Its Cousins, Non-Linear Regression Models, Regression Trees and Rule-Based
Models and relevant Case Studies. Classification Models: Measuring Performance in Classification
Models, Discriminant Analysis and Other Linear Classification Models, Non-Linear Classification Models,
Classification Trees and Rule-Based Models, Model Evaluation Techniques. Time Series Analysis:
ARMA, ARIMA, ARFIMA - Temporal mining - Box Jenkinson method, temporal reasoning, temporal
constraint networks.

1. Dinov, ID., Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Biomedical and Health Applications using R,
Springer, 2018.
2. A. Bari, M. Chaouchi, T. Jung, Predictive analytics for dummies, (2e), Wiley, 2016.
3. Jeffrey Strickland, Predictive analytics using R, Simulation educators, Colorado Springs, 2015
4. Daniel T. Larose, Chantal D. Larose, Data Mining and Predictive analytics, (2e), Wiley, 2015.
5. Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson, Applied Predictive Modelling, (1e), Springer, 2013


Sorting & Searching Algorithm: insertion sort, selection sort, binary search. Basic data structures: stacks
and queues, graphs and trees, binary trees. Algorithmic paradigms: Recursion, divide-and-conquer,
Merge sort, Quick sort. Greedy: Knapsack, Huffman encoding, dynamic programming, lower bounds and
optimal algorithms. Heaps: Heaps, priority queues, min-max heaps, heap sort. Dynamic search
structures: Binary search trees, height balancing, B-trees. Algorithms on arrays: Linear-time median
finding, sorting in linear time (counting sort, radix sort, bucket sort), String matching (Rabin-Karp and
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithms). Graph algorithms Traversal: (BFS, DFS, topological sort), Minimum
spanning trees (Prim and Kruskal algorithms), shortest paths (Dijkstra’s and Floyd-Warshal algorithms).
Mini-Projects & Case Studies.

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1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, S. Rajasekaran, Fundamental of Computer Algorithms, (2e), Universities
Press, 2007.
2. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, (3e), MIT press,


AI techniques:  Global and local heuristics, Crypt arithmetic, Constraint satisfaction Problem, Analysis
of DFS and BFS for an application, A* Algorithm, Minimax algorithm, block world problem, Preposition
and inference, Travelling Salesman Problem using Branch & Bound, Nearest Neighbor,
Character recognition using Neural Networks, Optimization using Genetic Algorithms, Mini-Projects &
Case Studies.

1. Denis Rothman, Artificial Intelligence by Example, Packt, 2018.
2. A. K. Mackworth, D. L. Poole, Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, (2e)
Cambridge University Press, 2017.
3. I. Bratko, PROLOG: Programming for Artificial Intelligence, (3e), Pearson Publication, 2011.


Cisco Packet Tracer: Introduction to packet tracer and networking device components, Router mode,
Switch/Router basic commands; designing of star topology using HUB and Switch, IP configuration of
end devices, Configuring DHCP server, Static routing, RIP, OSPF, VLAN and NAT. Network
programming: Transmission control protocol and User datagram protocol. WLAN, Security: Security
Threats and Vulnerabilities, Network Attacks, Network Attack Mitigation, Device Security. Network
NSLOOKUP, PATHPING Network Utilities Tools: NMAP, Wireshark, Network Scanner, Case Study, Mini
Project: Build a Small Network and Scale to Larger Networks, Troubleshooting Scenarios

1. B. A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, (5e), Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. A. S.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, (5e), Pearson Education, 2010.



Meaning and definition of an organization, Necessity of Organization, Principles of Organization, Formal
and Informal Organizations. Management: Functions of Management, Levels of Management,
Managerial Skills, Importance of Management, Models of Management, Scientific Management, Forms
of Ownership, Organizational Structures, Purchasing and Marketing Management, Functions of
Purchasing Department, Methods of Purchasing, Marketing, Functions of Marketing, Advertising.
Introduction, Functions of Personal Management, Development of Personal Policy, Manpower Planning,
Recruitment and Selection of manpower. Motivation – Introduction, Human needs, Maslow’s Hierarchy
of needs, Types of Motivation, Techniques of Motivation, Motivation Theories, McGregor’s Theory,
Herzberg’s Hygiene Maintenance Theory. Leadership - Introduction Qualities of a good Leader,
Leadership Styles, Leadership Approach, Leadership Theories. Entrepreneurship-Introduction,
Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Need for Promotion of
Entrepreneurship, Steps for establishing small scale unit. Data and Information; Need, function, and
Importance of MIS; Evolution of MIS; Organizational Structure and MIS, Computers and MIS,
Classification of Information Systems, Information Support for functional areas of management.

1. Koontz, Harold, Cyril O’Donnell, and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, (1e)
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1978.
2. Robbins, Stephen P, and Mary Coulter, Management, Prentice Hall, (2e) New Delhi, 1997.
3. E. S. Buffa and R. K. Sarin, Modern Production / Operations Management, (8e), Wiley, 1987
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4. H. J. Arnold and D. C. Feldman, Organizational Behavior, McGraw – Hill, 1986.
5. Aswathappa K, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
6. William Wether & Keith Davis, Human Resource and Personnel Management, McGraw Hill, 1986.


Introduction: The Evolving Role of Software, The changing nature of software, Legacy software, Software
Myths. Software Engineering: A Layered Technology, a Process Framework, the Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI), Specialized Process Models, and the Unified Process. Agile development:
Agile Process Models Software Engineering Practice, Communication Practice, Planning Practices,
Modeling Practices, Construction Practice, Deployment Computer–Based Systems, The System
Engineering Hierarchy, Business Process Engineering: An Overview. Product Engineering: An
Overview, Data Modeling Concepts, Object Oriented Analysis, Flow-Oriented Modeling, Taxonomy of
Quality Attributes, Perspectives of Quality, Quality System, Software Quality Assurance, Capability
Maturity Model Observation on Estimation, The Project Planning Process, Software Scope and
Feasibility, Human Resources, Empirical Estimation Model, Introduction to DevOps, Cloud Computing
And Virtualization, Migration to DevOps, DevOps Tools.

1. R. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, (8e), McGraw Hill Pubs, 2019.
2. M. Walls, Building a Dev Ops Culture, O’Reilly Publications, 2013.
3. J. Joyner, Dev Ops for Beginners, Dev Ops Software Development Method guide for software
developers and IT professionals, Mihails Konoplovs, 2015.


Introduction: Basic objectives of cryptography, Secret-key and public-key cryptography, One-way
trapdoor one-way functions, Cryptanalysis, Attack models, Classical cryptography. Block ciphers:
Modes of operation, DES and its variants, AES, Linear and differential cryptanalysis. Message digest:
Properties of hash functions, MD2, MD5 and SHA-1, Keyed hash functions, Attacks on hash functions.
Pseudorandom Number Generation Intractable problems: Integer factorization problem, RSA problem,
Modular square root problem, Discrete logarithm problem, Diffie-Hellman problem, known algorithms for
solving the intractable problems. Public-key encryption: RSA, EIGamal scheme, Elliptic and hyperelliptic
curve cryptography, Side channel attacks, Diffie-Hellman and MQV key exchange. Digital signatures:
RSA, DSA and NR signature schemes, blind and undeniable signatures. Entity authentication:
Passwords, Challenge-response algorithms, Zero-knowledge protocols Transport-Level Security: Web
Security Issues, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), Electronic Mail Security,
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), IP Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Policy, Encapsulating Security
Payload, Combining Security Associations, Internet Key Exchange.

1. B. A. Forouzan, D. Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security, (2e), Mc-Graw Hill, 2008.
2. W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, (5e), Prentice Hall,
3. J. Pieprzyk, T. Hardjono, J. Seberry, Fundamentals of Computer Security, Springer International
Edition, 2003.
4. A. J. Menezes, P. C. V. Oorschot, S. A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press.


Data Science: Descriptive Statistics, Probability Distribution, regression analysis, ANOVA. Machine
Learning: Goals, Applications of ML, developing a learning system, training data, concept representation,
function approximation. Decision Tree Learning: Representing concepts as decision trees, Recursive
induction of decision trees, best splitting attribute, entropy, information gain., Occam's razor, Overfitting,
noisy data, and pruning. Artificial Neural Networks: Neurons and biological motivation. Linear threshold
units, Perceptron, representational limitation and gradient descent training, Multilayer networks and
backpropagation. Hidden layers and constructing intermediate, distributed representations, Overfitting,
learning network structure, recurrent networks. Comparing learning algorithms: cross-validation, learning
curves, and statistical hypothesis testing. Support Vector Machines: Maximum margin linear separators.
Kernels for learning non-linear functions. Bayesian Learning: Probability theory and Bayes rule. Naive
Bayes learning algorithm, Logistic regression, Bayes nets and Markov nets for representing
dependencies. Instance-Based Learning: k-Nearest-neighbor algorithm, Case-based learning,
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Relevance feedback and Rocchio algorithm. Naive Bayes for text. Clustering and Unsupervised
Learning: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering, k-means partitioned clustering, expectation
maximization (EM) for soft clustering. Ensemble Learning: Bagging, boosting, and Decorate. Active
learning with ensembles.

1. G. James, D. Witten, T Hastie, R Tibshirani, An introduction to statistical learning with applications
in R, Springer, 2013.
2. J. Han, M. Kamber, J. Pei, Data Mining concepts and techniques, (2e), Morgan Kaufmann- Elsevier,
3. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, (2e), Springer, 2009.
4. K. Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012.
5. T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, (Indian Edition), MacGraw Hill, 2017.
6. C. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press, 2019


Introduction: Security goals, Secure system design, Secure design principles, Worms, and other
malware. Secure Programming Techniques: Anatomy of a buffer overflow, Safe string libraries, Stack
guard, Static analysis tools, Heap-based overflow, other memory corruption vulnerabilities, SQL Injection
attack scenario and solutions, Password security. Cross-Domain Security in Web Applications:
Interaction between webpages from different domains, Attack patterns, preventing cross-site request
forgery, Cross-site script inclusion, Cross-site scripting. Other Web Vulnerabilities: Cookie protocol
problems, SSL/TLS vulnerabilities, Session hijacking, Guninski attack, Defenses. Trusted Execution
Environment: Case study on Trust Zone, Security vulnerability tools, Exploit development with

1. N. Daswani, C. Kern, A. Kesavan, Foundations of Security, What Every Programmer Needs to Know,
Apress, 2007.
2. J. C. Foster, V. T. Liu, Writing Security Tools and Exploits, Syngress Publishing, 2006.
3. J. Ericson, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, (2e), No Starch Press, 2008.
4. C. Anley, J. Heasman, F. Linder, G. Richarte, The Shellcoder’s Handbook: Discovering and
Exploiting Security Holes, (2e), Addison-Wiley, 2011.


Introduction: Clouds and Cloud Computing: Basic Concepts, Types of Services, deployment models.
Classic Data Center (CDC): DBMS concepts, CDC drawbacks, CDC Management and case studies.
Virtualized Data Center (VDC): Compute virtualization overview, Compute virtualization techniques,
Virtual Machines, VM Resource management techniques, Virtual Infrastructure Requirements. Storage:
Storage virtualization overview, Virtual Machine Storage, Virtual provisioning and automated storage
tiering. Networking: VDC networking overview, VDC networking components, VLAN and VSAN
technologies. Business Continuity in VDC, Fault tolerance mechanism in VDC. Cloud Security: Access
control and identity management in Cloud, Governance, risk, and compliance, Security best practices
for Cloud, Cloud Migration. Issues in Cloud Development: Migration etc.

1. B. Jackson, K. Saurabh, Cloud Computing, (2e), Wiley India, 2012.
2. V. Joysula, M. Orr, G. Page, Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center, Cisco
Press, 2012.
3. R. K. Buyya, Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Wiley Press, 2011.
4. M. Miller, Cloud Computing, (8e), Que Publishers, 2008.
5. Course materials from EMC² Education Services.

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Image representation and properties: image processing and computer vision, image processing steps,
image digitization, digital image properties, metrics, histograms, entropy, sampling and quantization,
image file formats, basic relationships between pixels, physics of color, human perception, color spaces,
image sensing and acquisition, monochromatic and color camera. image enhancements: grayscale
transformations, brightness interpolation, histogram processing, using arithmetic/logic operations,
smoothing spatial filters, sharpening spatial filters, canny edge detection, detection of corners (interest
points). mathematical transforms: linearity, convolution, linear integral transform, Fourier transform, DFT,
DCT, wavelet transform, SVD, PCA, smoothing frequency-domain filters, sharpening frequency domain
filters. Data structure for image analysis: matrices, chains, topological data structures, relational
structures, pyramid, quadtree. image restoration: various noise models, image restoration using spatial
domain filtering. estimating the degradation function, inverse filtering, wiener filtering. image
segmentation and representation: grey level features, edges and lines, similarity, correlation,
thresholding, template matching, edge-based segmentation, region-based segmentation, representation
scheme, evaluation issues, mean shift segmentation, graph cut segmentation. shape representation and
description: contour-based Analysis, Connected Component Analysis, chain code, b-spline
representation, region-based, moments, convex hull. image understanding: scale invariant feature
transform (SIFT), histograms of oriented gradient (HOG), image morphology, dilation and erosion,

1. M. Sonka, V, Hlavac, R. Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, (4e), Cengage
Learning India, 2015.
2. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, Digital Image Processing, (2e), Tata McGraw Hill
Education, 2020.
3. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, (4e), Pearson Education, 2018.
4. Prateek Joshi, OpenCV with Python by Example, (1e) PACKT Publishing, 2018.
5. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, S. Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, (2e), Pearson
Education, 2017.


Introduction: Agile development: Agile Process Models Software, Communication Practice, Planning
Practices, Modeling Practices, Construction Practice, Deployment of Computer–Based Systems, The
System Engineering Hierarchy. Business Process Engineering: An Overview, Product Engineering: An
Overview, Data Modeling Concepts, Object Oriented Analysis, Flow-Oriented Modeling, Taxonomy of
Quality Attributes, Perspectives of Quality, Quality System, Software Quality Assurance, Capability
Maturity Model Observation on Estimation using Projects, The Project Planning Process, Software
Scope and Feasibility, Human Resources, Empirical Estimation Model ,Introduction To DevOps, Cloud
Computing And Virtualization, Migration to DevOps, DevOps Tools, All above will be facilitated using
Software Projects assigned to the students.

1. R. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, (8e), McGrawHill Pubs, 2019.
2. M. Walls, Building a Dev Ops Culture, O’Reilly Publications, 2013.
3. J. Joyner, Dev Ops for Beginners, Dev Ops Software Development Method guide for software
developers and IT professionals, Mihails Konoplovs, 2015.


Substitution and Transposition Cipher Implementation: Caesar Cipher, Playfair Cipher, Hill Cipher,
Vigenere Cipher, Rail fence. Symmetric and Asymmetric Cipher Implementation: DES, RSA, Diffie-
Hellman, MD5, SHA-1. Signature Schemes Implementation: Digital Signature Standard, GnuPG API.
Demonstration of secure data storage: Setup of honey pot and monitoring on network using KF sensors.
Installation of rootkits. Wireless audit on an access point or a router, WEP and WPA (Net Stumbler).
Intrusion detection system using snort.

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1. B. A. Forouzan, D. Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security, (2e), Mc-Graw Hill, 2008.
2. W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, (5e), Prentice Hall, 2010.
3. J. Pieprzyk, T. Hardjono, J. Seberry, Fundamentals of Computer Security, Springer, 2003.

CS3270: MINOR PROJECT [0 0 6 3]

In this course student has to select a project work based on a topic of interest. Periodically the supervisor
will evaluate the implementation. This work, started in eighth semester of which, the student will be
evaluated internally and externally.


CS4140: CYBER SECURITY [3 0 0 3]

Introduction to cyber security: Computer Security, threats, harm, vulnerabilities, controls, Authentication,
Access Control and Cryptography, Web User Side, Browser Attacks, Web Attacks Targeting Users,
Email Attacks. Security in operating system and networks: Security in Operating Systems, Security in
the Design of Operating Systems, Rootkit, Network security attack, Threats to Network Communications,
Wireless Network Security, Denial of Service, Distributed Denial-of Service. Security Countermeasures:
Cryptography in Network Security, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Network
Management, Databases, Security Requirements of Databases Reliability and Integrity, Database
Disclosure, Data Mining and Big Data. Privacy in Cyberspace: Privacy Concepts, Privacy Principles and
Policies, Authentication and Privacy, Data Mining, Privacy on the Web, Email Security. Cyber Policies:
Policies to mitigate cyber risks, Reducing Supply Chain Risks, Mitigate Risks through Human Resource
Development, Information sharing Implementing a Cyber security framework, Digital Signature.
1. M.S. Merkov, J. Breithaupt, Information Security: Principles & Practices, (2e), Pearson, 2014.
2. C.P. Pfleeger, S.L. Pfleeger, J. Margulies, Security in Computing, (5e), Pearson, 2015.
3. V. Sood, Cyber Laws Simplified, (2e) McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. N. Godbole, Information Systems Security, (2e), Wiley, 2017.


Introduction to Computer Forensics: Computer crimes, evidence, extraction, preservation, overview of
hardware and operating systems, structure of storage media/devices, uncovering attacks that evade
detection by event viewer, task manager, and other Windows GUI tools, data acquisition, disk imaging,
recovering swap files, temporary and cache files. Computer Forensic tools: Encase, Helix, FTK, Autopsy,
Sleuth kit Forensic Browser, FIRE, Found stone Forensic ToolKit, WinHex, Linux and other open source
tools. Mobile and Network Forensics: Collecting and analyzing network-based evidence, reconstructing
web browsing, email activity, and windows registry changes, intrusion detection, tracking offenders,
Mobile Network Technology, Investigations, Collecting Evidence, Interpretation of Digital Evidence on
Mobile Network. Software Reverse Engineering: Defend against software targets for viruses, worms and
other malware, improving third-party software library, identifying hostile codes-buffer overflow, provision
of unexpected inputs. Computer crime and Legal issues: Intellectual property, privacy issues, Criminal
Justice system for forensic, audit/investigative situations and digital crime scene, investigative
procedure/standards for extraction, preservation, and deposition of legal evidence in a court of law.

1. C. Altheide, H. Carvey, Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools, Syngress, 2011.
2. M.T. Britz, Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction, (3e), Kindle Edition, 2013.
3. S. Davidoff, J. Ham, Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace, Prentice Hall, 2012.
4. B. Nelson, A. Phillips, F. Enfinger, C. Steua, Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations,
Thomson, (4e), 2009.

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Cloud Based Applications: Introduction, Contrast traditional software development and development
for the cloud. Public v private cloud apps. Understanding Cloud ecosystems – what is SaaS/PaaS,
popular APIs, mobile; Desktop and Application: Cloud Application Architectures, Desktop virtualization,
Application virtualization, Web Application design, Cloud app, Benefits of cloud apps, cloud API, Cloud
apps vs. web apps, Cloud apps vs. desktop apps, Testing of cloud apps; Designing Code for the cloud:
Class and Method design to make best use of the Cloud infrastructure; Web Browsers and the
Presentation Layer- Understanding Web browsers attributes and differences. Building blocks of the
presentation layer: HTML, HTML5, CSS, Silverlight, and Flash. Web Development Techniques and
Frameworks: Building Ajax controls, introduction to JavaScript using jQuery, working with JSON, XML,
REST. Application development Frameworks e.g. Ruby on Rails, .Net, Java API's or JSF; Deployment
Environments – Platform As A Service (PAAS),Amazon, vmForce, Google App Engine, Azure, Heroku,
AppForce; Cloud Application Performance Management: Managing applications in the cloud, cloud
application migration, Resource vs. application performance , Private and public instances, Topology
discovery, First generation CAPM tools and problems, Second generation CAPM tools and
advantages, Cloud application performance components, Agents and applications, Internet as part of
the infrastructure, Hosted SaaS CAPM advantages, Root cause analysis challenges, case studies.

1. G. Reese, Cloud Application Architectures, O’Reilly Media, Inc, 2009.
2. E. Pace, D. Betts, S. Densmore, R. Dunn, M. Narumoto, Developing Applications for the Cloud on
the Microsoft Windows Azure Platform, Microsoft Press, 2010.
3. V. Joysula, M. Orr, G. Page, Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center, Cisco
Press, 2012.
4. Mei- Ling Liu, Distributed Computing: Principles and Application, Pearson, Education, Inc. New
Delhi. 2004


Introduction: Cloud Computing Defined, The SaaS, PaaS and IaaS (SPI) Framework for Cloud
Computing, Key Drivers to Adopting the Cloud, The Impact of Cloud Computing on Users, Governance
in the Cloud, Barriers to Cloud Computing Adoption in the Enterprise. Security: Infrastructure Security:
Network, Host and Application. Data Security and Storage: Aspects and Mitigation, Provider Data and
Its Security. Identity and Access Management (IAM): Trust Boundaries, IAM Challenges, Definitions,
Architecture and Practices, IAM Standards and Protocols for Cloud Services, Cloud Authorization
Management. Security Management: Security Management Standards, Security Management in the
Cloud, Availability Management: SaaS Availability Management, PaaS Availability Management, IaaS
Availability Management, Access Control, Security Vulnerability, Patch, and Configuration Management.
Privacy: Privacy Standards, Data Life Cycle, Key Privacy Concerns in the Cloud, Legal and Regulatory
Implications. Cloud Morphing: Shaping the Future of Cloud Computing Security and Auditing the Cloud
for Compliance. Audit and Compliance: Internal Policy Compliance, Governance, Risk, and Compliance,
Illustrative Control Objectives for Cloud Computing, Incremental CSP-Specific Control Objectives,
Additional Key Management Control Objectives, Control Considerations for CSP Users,
Regulatory/External Compliance Cloud Security Alliance, Auditing the Cloud for Compliance.

1. S. Pearson , G. Yee , Privacy and Security for Cloud Computing, Springer, 2013.
2. T. Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy, Shahed Latif, Cloud Security and Privacy, O'Reilly Media, 2009.
3. B. Halpert, Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide, Wiley, 2011.
4. K. Saurabh, Cloud Computing, (2e), Wiley, 2012.


Introduction to IR: IR Concepts, Boolean Retrievals- An Example Information Retrieval Problem, A First
Take at Building an Inverted Index, Processing Boolean Queries. The Term Vocabulary and Postings
Lists: Document Delineation and Character Sequence Decoding, Determining the Vocabulary of Terms.
Dictionaries and Tolerant Retrieval: Search Structures for Dictionaries, Wildcard Queries, Spelling
Correction, Phonetic Correction. Index Construction: Hardware Basics Blocked Sort-Based Indexing.
Scoring, Term Weighting and the Vector Space Model: Parametric and Zone Indexes, Term Frequency
and Weighting, The Vector Space Model for Scoring. Evaluation in Information Retrieval: Information
Retrieval System Evaluation, Standard Test Collections, Evaluation of Unranked Retrieval Sets,

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Evaluation of Ranked Retrieval Results. XML Retrieval: Basic XML Concepts, Challenges in XML
Retrieval, A Vector Space Model for XML Retrieval, Evaluation of XML Retrieval, Text-Centric vs. Data-
Centric XML Retrieval. Web Search Basics: Web Characteristics, Advertising as the Economic Model,
The Search User Experience, Index Size and Estimation, Near-Duplicates and Shingling. Web Crawling
and Indexes: Overview, Crawling, Distributing Indexes, Connectivity Servers. Link Analysis: The Web as
a Graph, Page Rank, Hubs, and Authorities.

1. C. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University
Press, 2009.
2. R. Baeza-Yate, B. Ribeiro-Neto, Modern Information Retrieval, (2e), Addison Wesley, 2012.
3. S. Chakrabarti, Mining the Web: discovering knowledge from hypertext data, (2e), Morgan
Kaufmann, 2002.
4. D. A. Grossman, O. Frieder, Information Retrieval: Algorithms, and Heuristics, (2e), Springer, 2004.


Basics of Computer Graphics: Pixel, Frame buffer, Application of computer graphics. Graphic Display
Devices: Cathode Ray Tube, Light emitting diode, DVST, Random and Raster Scan displays. Scan
Conversion: Line Generation using digital differential analyzer (DDA), bresenham’s Algorithm, Circle
generation algorithm, Ellipse generation algorithm, Polygon generation and filling algorithms. Two
Dimensional Transformations: Introduction, homogeneous representation of points, basic transformation
like Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear. Clipping and Windowing: Cohen Sutherland
Algorithm, liang Barsky algorithm, Sutherland Hodgman Algorithm. Three-dimensional transformation:
Translation, Rotation, Scaling and Reflection. Projection: Introduction, Types of projection. Hidden
Surface elimination: Depth comparison, Back face detection algorithm, Painter’s Algorithm, Z-Buffer
Algorithm. Basic Illumination Model: Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection, Phong and Gouraud shading.
Introduction to Multimedia: Concepts and uses, hypertext and hypermedia, image, video and audio
standards, text compression algorithm. Animation: types, techniques, key frame animation, utility,

1. D. Hearn, M. P. Baker, Computer Graphics with OpenGL, (4e), Pearson Education, 2014.
2. R. Steinmetz, K. Nahrstedt, Multimedia Systems, Springer, 2004
3. J. F. Hughes, J. D. Foley, Computer graphics Principles and Practice, (3e), Pearson Education,
4. R. Steinmetz, K. Nahrstedt, Multimedia Fundamentals: Media Coding and Content Processing, (2e),
Pearson Education, 2004


Introductory Panel: UI Design and Why it Matters, Introduction to the Specialization, Courses, and
Capstone, User Interface Hall of Fame / Shame, Case Study 1: UI Disasters, including GPS fails, Case
Study 2: Corporate Value: Citibank AT, Case Study 3: Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon, Case Study 4:
International Children's Digital Library, Case Study 5: Taxes and Tickets, Case Study 6: AirBnB vs.
Couch Surfing, UI Design Process, Design Process Introduction Designing to Address a Problem w/o
Solution Ideas Designing for a known solution direction9m Designing to iterate on/improve an existing
solution, Common Elements Usability Engineering and Task-Centered Approaches, Use Cases,
Personas, Tasks, and Scenarios, Intro to Design-Centered Approaches, Design-Centered Methods &
When They Work Best, Short- and long-term memory, attention, Perception and visualization, hierarchy
Mistakes, Errors, and Slips, Conceptual models, The Gulf of Execution and the Gulf of Evaluation,
Design Principles: Visibility, Feedback, Mappings, Constraints, interacting beyond individuals (social
psychology), High-Level Models: Distributed Cognition, Activity Theory, Situated Action, Intro to UI
Design: Psychology and Human Factors: Shortcuts to Understanding Your User

1. Norman, A. Donald, The Design of Everyday Things. MIT Press, 2014.
2. htps://www.coursera.org/specializations/user-interface-design#courses

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Introduction to image processing: steps in image processing, Image file formats, Basic relationships
between pixels, Colour Models. Image Enhancement and Restoration: Image histogram, Spatial domain
enhancement, point operations, Log transformation, Power-law transformation. Frequency domain
enhancement: introduction to image transforms, Fourier transform, 2D-DFT. Restoration: Noise models,
Restoration using Inverse filtering and Wiener filtering. Image Coding and Compression: Lossless
compression, Lossy compression, JPEG, MPEG. Image Segmentation and Representation: Grey level
features, edges and lines, similarity, correlation, template matching, edge detection using templates,
Representation scheme, boundary descriptors, regional descriptors, Image Morphology. Biometric
Authentication, Object Detection.

1. K. R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing, (2e), Pearson Education, 2011.
2. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, (4e), Pearson Education, 2018.
3. A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Reprint 2015.
4. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, Digital Image Processing, Tata McGraw Hill
Education, 2009.
5. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, S. Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, (2e), Pearson
6. A. McAndrew, Introduction to Image processing using MATLAB, Cengage Learning Publisher, 2007.
7. Prateek Joshi, OpenCV with Python by Example, (1e) PACKT Publishing, 2018.

CS4148: INTERNET OF THINGS [3 0 0 3]

Introduction: Analog and digital signals, serial communication, RF, and sensors; Introduction to
JSON/XML. Programming on Development Boards: Understanding of the board, tool chain and
development environment setup; Sensors and Actuators: Understanding and using analog, digital, SPI,
UART, I2C. Nodes and communication protocols: Understanding usage of nodes and gateways for
sensor communication and external communication, RF, Zigbee, BT, WI-FI, GSM. IoT Cloud Platform,
Cloud using Web Services, Cloud Computing Services for Sensor Management, Python Script; Data
Analytics: Mongo DB, Map Reduce, Using cloud APIs for analytics, Visualization, NVD3, Mobile

1. V. Madisetti, A. Bahga, Internet of Things: A Hands-On- Approach, VPT, 2014.
2. R. Buyya, A. V. Dastjerdi, Internet of Things Principles and Paradigms, 2016.
3. H. Geng, Internet of Things Principles and Data Analytics Handbook, Wiley, 2017.
4. P. Raj, A. C. Raman, The Internet of Things Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases, CRC
Press, 2017.

CS4149: BIG DATA ANALYTICS [2 1 0 3]

INTRODUCTION: Introduction to big data, definition, need and evolution of BDA, Applications of Big
Data. Analysing big data: Sources of big data, Characteristics of Big Data (4 V’s), Drivers of BDA,
Structured vs. Unstructured data, Data Marts, Differences between traditional DWDM and BDA. Data
Processing: Data Wrangling, Data Munging, Data Jujitsu. Data Visualisation: Why to visualize data. Data
Analytics Life Cycle. Advanced Analytics Algorithms: Introduction using R – Theory and Methods
Overview: K-means clustering, Association Rules, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naïve
Bayesian Classifiers, Decision Trees, Time Series Analysis, Text Analytics; Statistics for Model Building
and Evaluation: Statistics in the Analytic Lifecycle, Hypothesis Testing, Difference of means. Hadoop
Framework: Introduction to Hadoop, HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File system, Map Reduce
Programming, Pig. ETL & Batch Processing with Hadoop: ETL & Data Warehousing, Ingesting data into
Big Data Platforms using Apache Sqoop & Flume, Big Data Analytics using Apache Hive, NoSQL
databases for Big Data Storage Applications (HBase), Workflow management for Hadoop using Oozie
Spark: Introduction to Spark, SparkSQL, MLLib: Regression, Clustering & Classification using Spark

1. B. Schmarzo, Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business, Wiley.2013
2. A. Jorgensen, J. Rowland-Jones, J. Welch, Microsoft Big Data Solutions, Wiley.,2014

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3. J. Thompson, S. P. Rogers, Analytics: How to Win with Intelligence, Technics, LLC Publications,


Overview, Central Control, Active Networks, Network Virtualization, From FORCES to Ethane: Control
Plane Evolution, The Road to SDN, Tutorial: Setup Vagrant/Mininet Course VM Setup, Mininet
Topologies and Mininet Python API, Control/Data Separation, Opportunities in Various Domains,
Challenges in Separating the Data and Control Planes Routing, Control Platform, The 4D Network
Architecture, The Control Plane, Overview of SDN Controllers, Customizing SDN Control (Part 1:
Switching), Customizing SDN Control (Part 2: Firewalls), Commercial-Grade Controllers: ODL,
Commercial-Grade Controllers: Ryu Virtualization, Applications of Virtual Networking, Network
Virtualization with Mininet, Slicing Network Control, Virtualization in Multi-Tenant Datacenters Network
Functions Virtualization, Docker and Containerization, Networking in Docker Programmable Data
Planes, Making Software Faster: Route Bricks, Programmable Hardware Overview Programmable
Chipsets: RMT, High-Level Programming Languages: P4, P4 Examples, Intermediate Representations:
NetASM Motivation for "Northbound APIs" and SDN Programming Languages, Frenetic: A Programming
Language for SDNs, Composing SDN Policies, Pyretic: A Language for Composing SDN Policies,
Kinetic: Event-Based SDN Control, Data Centers, Internet Exchange Points, Wide-Area Backbone
Networks, Home Networks.

1. T. D. Nadeau, K. Gray, SDN: Software Defined Networks, An Authoritative Review of Network
Programmability Technologies, (1e) O'Reilly Media, 2013.
2. P. Goransson, C. Black, Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach, (2e) Morgan
Kaufmann, 2016.
3. F. Hu, Network Innovation through Open Flow and SDN: Principles and Design, CRC Press, 2014.
4. V. Tiwari, SDN and Open Flow for Beginners, Amazon Digital Services, Inc., ASIN, 2013.
5. S Subramanian, Software Defined Networking with OpenStack, Packt Publishing, 2016.
6. https://www.coursera.org/learn/sdn


Introduction of Deep Learning, Basics of Machine Learning, Neural Network, Activation function,
Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, backpropagation, Deep Convolution Neural network:
convolution operation, ReLU Layer, Pooling Layer, Flattening, fully connected layer, softmax and cross
entropy, Recurrent Neural network: Vanishing Gradient Problem, LSTMs, LSTM variations, Self-
organizing Map (SOM), K-means clustering, Boltzmann Machine, Energy-based Models, Contrastive
Divergence, Deep Belief Networks, autoencoders, training of auto encode, over complete hidden layers,
sparse autoencoders, denoising autoencoders, contractive autoencoders, stacked autoencoders, deep

1. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press 2016.
2. S. Haykin, Neural Networks and Learning Machines, (3e), PHI, 2008.


Introduction to Social Web: Nodes, Edges and Network measures, Describing Nodes and Edges,
Describing Networks, Layouts. Visualizing Network features: The role of Tie Strength, Measuring Tie
Strength, Tie Strength and Network Structure, Tie Strength and Network Propagation, Link Prediction,
Entity Resolution. Link Prediction: Case Study Friend recommendation. Communities: Introduction,
Communities in Context, Quality Functions. Algorithms: Clustering-based, Newman and Girvan- Divisive
clustering, Newman-Modularity maximization, Clauset-Greedy optimization of modularity, Louvain
Method-Hierarchical clustering, Agglomerative clustering, Falkowski(DENGRAPH)-Density-based
clustering, Nikolaev-Entropy centrality-based clustering, Clique-based Methods for Overlapping
Community Detection, Palla- Clique percolation method, Lancichinetti-Fitness function, Du-Kernels-
based clustering, Shen-Agglomerative hierarchical clustering, Evans-Line graph, clique graph, Label
Propagation-based Community Detection. Introduction to Social Influence: Influence Related Statistics,
Social Similarity and Influence, Homophile, Existential Test for Social Influence, Influence and Actions,
Influence and Interaction, Influence Maximization in Viral Marketing.

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1. J. Goldbeck, Analyzing the Social Web, Morgan Kaufmann Publications, 2013.
2. C. C. Aggarwal, Social Network Data Analytics, Springer Publications, 2011.
3. J. Scott, Social Network Analysis, (3e), SAGE Publications Limited, 2013.
4. J. Goldman, Facebook Cookbook, O'Reilly, 2009.
5. S. Kumar, F. Morstatter, H. Liu, Twitter Data Analytics, Springer Publications, 2013.

CS4153: SOFTWARE TESTING [3 0 0 3]

Introduction and concept learning: Basic definitions, Testing axioms, Purpose of Software Testing,
Software Testing Principles, The Tester’s Role in a Software Development Organization, Origins of
Defects, Cost of defects, Defect Classes, Defect Prevention strategies, Defect Repository, Strategies for
Software Testing, Testing Activities, Mistakes, Faults & Failures, Verification and Formal Methods,
Planning for Verification and Validation. White-Box Testing: Test Adequacy Criteria, Static Testing,
Structural Testing, Code Complexity Testing, Mutation Testing, Data Flow Testing. Black-Box Testing:
Test Case Design Criteria, Requirement Based Testing, Positive and Negative Testing, Boundary Value
Analysis, Equivalence Partitioning State Based Testing, Domain Testing. Functional Testing: Test Plan,
Test Management, Test Execution and Reporting, Test Specialist Skills, Tester’s Workbench and Tool
Categories, Debugging, Test Bed, Traceability and Testability, Attributes of Testable Requirements, Test
Matrix, Types of Testing Documentation, Verification Testing, Validation Testing, Integration Testing,
System and Acceptance Testing, GUI Testing, Regression Testing, Selection, Minimization and
Prioritization of Test Cases for Regression Testing, Creating Test Cases from Requirements and Use
cases, Test Design. Test Automation: Software test automation – skill needed for automation – scope of
automation – design and architecture for automation – requirements for a test tool – challenges in
automation – Test metrics and measurements – project, progress and productivity metrics.

1. W. E. Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John Wiley, and Sons, 2000.
2. R. Patton, Software Testing, Sams Publishing, 2005.
3. A. P. Mathur, Foundations of Software Testing, Pearson Education, 2013.
4. J. L. Mitchell, R. Black, Advanced Software Testing—Vol. 3, Rocky Nook, 2015.


Fundamentals: Processes in Linux, I/O system calls, select and poll functions, Filters and redirection,
Linux file system navigation, Directory access, File system implementation, Hard links, and symbolic
links. Asynchronous Events: Manipulating signal masks and signal sets, Catching, and ignoring signals,
Waiting for signals. Inter-Process Communication: Sockets, Remote procedure calls, Network file
system. Concurrency: POSIX thread attributes, Synchronization functions, Mutex locks, Condition
variables, Signal handling and threads. Character Device Driver Development: Driver concepts, Writing
character drivers, Interrupt handling, Interfacing with hardware. Shell Scripting: Loops, Conditional
statements, Command line arguments, test command, expr command. Advanced Scripting Techniques:
Providing command line options to scripts, exporting variables, Arrays, Remote shell execution,
connecting to MySQL using shell, Essential system administration.


1. W. R. Stevens, S. A. Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, (3e), Addison-

Wesley, 2013.
2. R. Love, Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library, O'Reilly, 2007.
3. S. Das, Unix Concepts and Applications, (4e), McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. W. R. Stevens, B. Fenner, UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API,
(3e), Pearson, 2003.
3. K. A. Robbins, S. Robbins, Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and
Threads, (2e), Prentice Hall, 2004.


Introduction: Wireless Ad Hoc Networks- Part- I Introduction: Wireless Ad Hoc Networks- Part- II Self-
organizing Behavior of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks- Part- I
Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks- Part- II MAC Protocols in MANETs- Part- I MAC Protocols in

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MANETs- Part- II Routing in MANETs- Part- I, Routing in MANETs- Part- II Routing in MANETs- Part- III
Multicasting in MANETs, Mobility Models for MANETs Transport Protocols for MANETs- Part- I Transport
Protocols for MANETs- Part- II, Opportunistic Mobile Networks- Part- I, Opportunistic Mobile Networks-
Part- II, Opportunistic Mobile Networks- Part- III, UAV Networks- Part- I UAV Networks- Part- II UAV
Networks- Part- III Introduction: Wireless Sensor Networks- Part- I Introduction: Wireless Sensor
Networks- Part- II WSN Coverage & Placement- Part-I Topology Management in Wireless Sensor
Network Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Medium Access Control
in Wireless Networks- Part-I, Medium Access Control in Wireless Networks- Part-II Routing in Wireless
Sensor Networks- Part- I Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks- Part- II Congestion and Flow Control-
Part- I Congestion and Flow Control- Part- II Underwater Sensor Networks- Part- I Underwater Sensor
Networks- Part- II, Underwater Sensor Networks- Part- III, Underwater Sensor Networks- Part- IV,
Security of Wireless Sensor Networks- Part- I Security of Wireless Sensor Networks- Part- II Hardware
Design of Sensor Node

1. S. K. Sarkar, T G Basavaraju, C Puttamadappa, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles,
Protocols, and Applications, (2e), CRC Press, 2016.
2. C. D. Morais Cordeiro, D. P. Agrawal, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications, (2e),
World Scientific Publishing, 2011.
3. H. Karl, A. Willing, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, John Wiley & Sons,
4. R. Jurdak, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Design Perspective, Springer
Publications, 2007.
5. S R Murthy, B. S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and Protocols, Pearson
Education, 2008.
6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105160

CS4156: MOBILE COMPUTING [3 0 0 3]

Overview of Cellular Systems and evolution 2g/3G/4G/5G Cellular Concepts – Frequency reuse,
Cochannel and Adjacent channel Interference, C/I, Hando , Blocking, Erlang Capacity Wireless
propagation Part 1 - Link budget, Free-space path loss, Noise figure of receiver Wireless propagation
Part II - Multipath fading, Shadowing, Fading margin, Shadowing margin, Antenna Diversity Wireless
Channel Capacity MIMO CDMA Part I CDMA Part II OFDM and LTE Part I OFDM and LTE Part II Large
Scale Propagation effects and Channel Models.

1. W. Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, (2e) Pearson Education, 2018.
2. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, (2e), Pearson Education, 2009.
3. K. Garg, Mobile Computing: Theory and Practice, (1e) Pearson Education India, 2010.
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106147


Introduction: Ambiguity and uncertainty in language, processing paradigms, phases in natural language
processing. Text representation in computers: encoding schemes. Linguistics resources: Introduction to
corpus, elements in balanced corpus, WordNet, VerbNet. Part of Speech tagging: Stochastic POS
tagging, HMM, Transformation based tagging (TBL), handling of unknown words, named entities, multi
word expressions. Natural language grammars: lexeme, phonemes, phrases and idioms, word order,
agreement, tense, aspect and mood and agreement, context free grammar, spoken language syntax.
Parsing- unification, probabilistic parsing, tree-bank. Semantics: meaning representation, semantic
analysis, lexical semantics. Word Sense Disambiguation: selection restriction, machine learning
approaches, dictionary based approaches. Discourse: Reference resolution, constraints on co-
reference, algorithm for pronoun resolution, text coherence, discourse structure. Real time Applications
of NLP: text to speech, text summarization, information retrieval, sentiment analysis, machine translation.

1. D. Jurafsky, J. H. Martin, Speech, and Language Processing, (2e), Pearson Education, 2009.
2. T. Siddiqui, U. S. Tiwary, Natural language processing and Information retrieval, Oxford University
Press, 2008.

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CS4158: COMPUTER VISION [3 0 0 3]
Introduction to computer vision and its applications, Geometric Image Features: Differential Geometry,
Contour Geometry, analytical image features: Euclidean geometry, Geometric Camera Parameters,
Calibration methods, Image formation, Liner Filtering: Linear filters and convolution, shift invariant linear
systems, spatial frequency and Fourier transforms, Image transformations and Colour models, Edge
Detection methods (Laplacian detectors and Canny edge detector), Points and patches, Harris corner
detector, Histogram of Gradients, Difference of Gaussian detector, SIFT, Colour and Texture, Feature
based alignment, least squares and RANSAC, Camera models, Camera calibration, Stereo vision,
Stereo correspondence, Epipolar geometry Optical flow, Lucas Kanade method, KLT tracking method,
Mean shift method, Dense motion estimation, Support Vector Machines, Face detection and recognition,
Bag of words, Deep convolution neural network.

1. R. Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Springer 2011.
2. D. A. Forsyth, J. Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, (2e), PHI learning, 2012
3. J. E. Solem, Programming Computer Vision with Python, O’Reilly, 2012.


Visualization: Visual Representation of Data, Gestalt Principles, Information Overloads. Creating Visual
Representations: Visualization Reference Model, Visual Mapping, Visual Analytics, Design of
Visualization Applications. Classification of Visualization Systems: Interaction and Visualization
Techniques, Visualization of One, Two and Multi-Dimensional Data, Text, and Text Documents.
Visualization of Groups: Trees, Graphs, Clusters, Networks, Software, Metaphorical Visualization.
Visualization of Volumetric Data: Vector Fields, Processes and Simulations, Visualization of Maps,
Geographic Information, GIS systems, Collaborative Visualizations, Evaluating Visualizations. Recent
Trends in Various Perception Techniques: Various Visualization Techniques, Data Structures used in
Data Visualization.


1. Stephanie D. H. Evergreen, Effective Data Visualization the Right Chart for the Right Data, (2e),
2. Tamara Munzner, Visualization Analysis and Design, (1e), A K Peters Visualization Series, CRC
Press, 2014
3. Glenn J. Myatt, Wayne P. Johnson, Making Sense of Data II: A Practical Guide to Data Visualization,
Advanced Data Mining Methods, and Applications, John Wiley & Sons Publication, (1e), 2011.


Introduction: introduction to big data, definition, need and evolution of BDA, Applications of Big Data.
Analyzing big data: Sources of big data, Characteristics of Big Data (4 V’s), Drivers of BDA, Structured
vs. Unstructured data, Data Marts, Differences between traditional DWDM and BDA. Data Processing:
Data Wrangling, Data Munging, Data Jujitsu. Statistics for Model Building and Evaluation: Statistics in
the Analytic Lifecycle, Hypothesis Testing, Difference of means. Hadoop Framework: Introduction to
Hadoop, HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File system, Map Reduce Programming, Pig. ETL & Batch
Processing with Hadoop: ETL & Data Warehousing, Ingesting data into Big Data Platforms using Apache
Sqoop & Flume, Big Data Analytics using Apache Hive, NoSQL databases for Big Data Storage
Applications (HBase), Workflow management for Hadoop using Oozie Spark: Introduction to Spark,
SparkSQL, MLLib: Regression, Clustering & Classification using Spark MLLib.

1. J. Thompson, S. P. Rogers, Analytics: How to Win with Intelligence, Technics, LLC Publications,
2. A. Jorgensen, J. Rowland-Jones, J. Welch, Microsoft Big Data Solutions, Wiley, 2014.
3. B. Schmarzo, Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business, Wiley, 2013.

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In this course the student, undergo in reputed Private / Public Sector / Government organization /
companies as industrial training for minimum 45 days to be undergone by the student in the summer
vacation of the VI semester.

Outcome of this course:

• To expose students to the 'real' working environment and be acquainted with the organization
structure, business operations and administrative functions.
• To have hands-on experience in the students’ related field so that they can relate and reinforce
what has been taught at the university.
• To promote cooperation and to develop synergetic collaboration between industry and the
university in promoting a knowledgeable society & to set the stage for future recruitment by
potential employers.

CS4270: MAJOR PROJECT [0 0 24 12]

In this course student has to select a project work based on a topic of interest. Periodically the supervisor
will evaluate the implementation. This work, started in eighth semester of which, the student will be
evaluated internally and externally.

Outcome of the course:

• Investigating professional topics, including ethical, legal and security issues, related to
computing projects.
• Design and develop the software with Software Engineering practices and standards
• Apply prior knowledge to design and implement solutions for computational problems while
considering numerous realistic restraints.



Introduction to R: variables and data types in R, data frames, recasting and joining of data frames,
arithmetic, logic, and matrix operations in R. Advanced programming in R: Functions, control structures,
data visualization in R and basic graphics. Linear Algebra for Data Science: Solving linear equations,
distance, hyperplanes and half spaces, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Statistical Modelling, Random
variables, probability functions, sample statistics, hypothesis testing. Optimization for data science:
Unconstrained multivariate optimization, gradient descent, multivariate optimization with equality and
inequality constraints. Introduction to Data Science: Solving data analysis problems, Predictive
modelling, linear regression, model assessment, cross validation, classification, logistic regression,
KNN, K-mean clustering, implementation in R.

1. G. James, D. Witten, T Hastie, R Tibshirani, An introduction to statistical learning with applications
in R, Springer, 2013.
2. J. Han, M. Kamber, J. Pei, Data Mining concepts and techniques, (2e), Morgan Kaufmann-
Elsevier, 2011.
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106179/


Introduction: Introduction to programming, algorithms, and data structures via gcd, Downloading and
installing Python, gcd in Python: variables, operations, control flow - assignments, conditionals, loops,
functions. Python: Types, expressions, strings, lists, tuples. Python memory model: Names, mutable and
immutable values. List operations: slices etc., Binary search. Inductive function definitions: numerical
and structural induction. Elementary inductive sorting: selection and insertion sort, In-place sorting. Basic
algorithmic analysis: input size, asymptotic, complexity, O() notation, Arrays vs lists, Merge sort,
Quicksort, Stable sorting, Dictionaries. More on Python functions: optional arguments, default values,
Passing functions as arguments, Higher-order functions on lists: map, list comprehension. Exception
handling: Basic input/output, Handling files, String processing. Backtracking: N Queens, recording all

P a g e 24 | 29
solutions. Scope in Python: local, global, nonlocal names, Nested functions. Data structures: stack,
queue, Heaps, Abstract datatypes, Classes, and objects in Python. "Linked" lists: find, insert, delete.
Binary search trees: find, insert, delete, Height-balanced binary search trees. Efficient evaluation of
recursive definitions: memorization. Dynamic programming: examples. Other programming languages:
C and manual memory management. Other programming paradigms: functional programming.

1. M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia, M. H. Golwasser, Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Wiley,
2. R. Thareja, Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach, Oxford university Press, 2017.
3. https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc20_cs70/preview


Introduction to Arrays: 1D array, list, and vector, 2D matrices and tables of objects, Java implementation
of 1D and 2D arrays and its operations. Linked lists: Linked lists and its various operations, stack and
queue, Java implementation of linked lists, stack, and queue. Binary trees: Representation and
operations. Variations of binary tree: Binary search tree, Height balanced search tree, Heap tree, Java
implementation of binary trees and its variations. Graph: Structure, representation and operations, Java
implementations of graph data structures. Algorithms (Part-I): Searching and sorting algorithms, Java
implementation of Part-I algorithms. Algorithms (Part-II): Greedy algorithms, shortest path algorithms,
Java implementation of Part-II algorithms.

1. M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (4e), Wiley, 2021.
2. N. Karumachi, Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in JAVA: Data Structure and
Algorithmic Puzzles, Careermonk, 2018.
3. https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc20_cs85/preview


Motivation for Computing, Introduction to Programming, Variables and Expressions: Design your own
calculator. Loops and Conditionals: Hopscotch once again, Lists, Tuples and Conditionals: Lets go on a
trip. Abstraction Everywhere: Apps in your phone. Counting Candies: Crowd to the rescue. Birthday
Paradox: Find your twin. Google Translate: Speak in any Language. Currency Converter: Count your
foreign trip expenses Monte Hall: 3 doors and a twist. Sorting: Arrange the books.

1. M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia, M. H. Golwasser, Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Wiley,
2. R. Thareja, Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach, Oxford University Press,
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106182/


Introduction: Database-System Applications, Relational Databases, Database Design, Data Storage and
Querying, Transaction Management, Database Architecture. File Management System: Indexing and
Hashing. Relational Algebra: Algebra, Tuple Calculus, Domain Calculus. SQL: Data Definition
Language, Data manipulation language, SQL Data Types and Schemas, Integrity Constraints, Basic
Structure of SQL Queries, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Sub-queries,
Correlated queries. Join: Inner, Outer, Left, Right and Natural. The Entity-Relationship Model:
Constraints, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Entity-Relationship Design Issues, Weak Entity Sets,
Extended E-R Features. Normalization: Normal Forms, BCNF.

1. R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, (6e), Addison-Wesley, 2010.
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2. R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems, (3e), McGraw Hill, 2014
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106220


Introduction: Basic objectives of cryptography, Secret-key and public-key cryptography, Cryptanalysis,
Attack models, Classical cryptography. Block ciphers: Modes of operation, DES and its variants, AES,
Linear and differential cryptanalysis. Message digest: Properties of hash functions, SHA-512, Keyed
hash functions, Attacks on hash functions. Public-key parameters: Modular arithmetic, Primality testing,
Chinese remainder theorem, Modular square roots, Finite fields. Public-key encryption: RSA, Rabin and
EIGamal schemes, Elliptic and hyper-elliptic curve cryptography, Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Digital
signatures: RSA, DSA and NR signature schemes, blind and undeniable signatures.

1. W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, (6e), Prentice Hall, 2014.
2. B. A. Forouzan, D. Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security, (2e), Mc-Graw Hill, 2008.
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106221


Preliminary Concepts: Concepts of programming languages. Syntax and Semantics: general Problem of
describing Syntax and Semantics. Data types: Primitive, character, user defined, array, associative
record, union, pointer, and reference types. Expressions and Statements: Assignment Statements,
Control Structures. Subprograms and Blocks: Fundamentals of sub-programs, Scope of lifetime of
variables, static and dynamic scope, design issues of sub-programs and operations. Abstract Data types:
Abstractions and encapsulation, introductions to data abstraction, design issues, language examples.
Concurrency: Subprogram level concurrency, semaphores, monitors, massage passing, Java threads,
C# threads. Exception handling: Exceptions, exception Propagation, Exception handler in Ada, C++, and
Java. Logic Programming Language: Introduction and overview of logic programming.

1. R. W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, (10e), Pearson Education, 2008
2. D. A. Watt, Programming Language Design Concepts, Wiley, (2e), 2007.
3. B. Tucker, R. E. Noonan, Programming Languages, (2e), TMH, 2007.
4. K. C. Louden, Programming Languages, (2e), Thomson, 2003.
5. T. W. Pratt, M. V. Zelkowitz, T. V. Gopal, Programming Languages: Design and Implementation,
(4e), PHI, 2006.
6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102067


Design fundamentals: Nature of Design process objectives, Building Modules, Constructs, Design
qualities, assessing the design, Design viewpoints for software. Design Practices: Analysis on design
requirements and designing with quality factors, coupling, cohesion and cognitive dimensions, measure
quality attributes and assessment. Design strategies and Methodologies: Design strategies Top down
and bottom up, Organizational methods and design, Jackson Structural programming, Jackson system
development. Design Models: Object-based design and Structured System Analysis and Structured
design method Traditional approach to design-SADT organizational design practices-SSADM and
design for real time systems. Software Architecture: Introduction- Software Architecture- Definition
Prospects- State of Art-Architectural Styles-Pipes and Filters-Layered Systems-Repositories-Process
Control, Other familiar Architecture Heterogeneous Architectures. Software Architecture patterns:
Introduction to design pattern Architectural design and Mapping–Description of various Architectural
design patterns.

1. D. Budgen, Software Design (2e), Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, 2012
2. H. Zhu, Software Design Methodology from Principles to Architectural Styles (1e), Elsevier, 2011.
3. R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering (5e), McGraw Hill Inc., 2015.
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4. B. Hughes et al., Software Project Management (6e), McGraw Hill, 2017.
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105182


IOT Fundamentals: What is the IoT and why is it important? Elements of an IoT ecosystem, Technology
drivers, Business drivers, Trends and implications, Overview of Governance, Privacy and Security
Issues, sensors, and actuators. Basics of IoT networking: Connectivity technologies, Sensor networks,
UAV networks, Machine to machine communication. Interoperability in IoT: Introduction to Arduino and
Raspberry Pi. Implementation of IoT: Software Defined IoT Networking, Cloud Computing Case Studies,
Sensor Cloud, Fog Computing. Case Studies of IoT: Smart homes and Smart Cities, connected vehicles,
Smart Grid, Healthcare IoT.

1. Sudip Misra, Anandarup Mukherjee, Arijit Roy, Introduction to IoT, Cambridge University Press,
2. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, Designing the Internet of Things, Wiley publication, 1st Edition,
November 2013.
3. Honbo Zhou, The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective, CRC Press, 2012.
4. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Michahelles, Florian (Eds), Architecting the Internet of Things,
Springer, 2011.
5. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, The Internet of Things – Key applications and
Protocols, Wiley, 2012.
6. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs53/preview


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, scope, problems. Problem-solving through Searching:
forward and backward, state-space, blind, heuristic, problem-reduction, minimax. Supervised Learning:
Process for feature selection, over-parameterization and the curse of dimensionality, regularization,
cross validation. Classification: operation of classifiers, regression as a classifier, metrics used to
evaluate classifiers, SVM, Naïve Bayes, KNN. Regression: operation of regression models, prediction
and forecasting, metrics used to evaluate regression models. Neural networks: Feed forward NN, Feed
backward NN, Convolutional Neural network. Unsupervised Learning: K-mean clustering. Algorithmic
Learning Theory and Applications: Mistake bound model, PAC Model.

1. G. F. Luger, W. A. Stubblefield, Artificial Intelligence - Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving. (5e), Addison Wesley, 2005.
2. P Baldi, S Brunak, Bioinformatics: A Machine Learning Approach, (2e) MIT Press, 2002.
3. T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
4. Y Abu-Mostafa, M. Magdon-Ismail, H.T. Lin, H-T. Learning from Data. AML Book, 2012.
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106139


Introduction to HTML5, introduction to CSS3, Coding the static restaurant site, introduction to JavaScript,
using JavaScript to build web applications.

1. R. Connolly, R. Hoar, Fundamentals of Web Development, Pearson Education India, 2015.
2. R. Nixon, Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with jQuery, CSS and HTML5, (5e), O’Reilly
Publications, 2018.
3. N. C. Zakas, Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, (3e), Wrox/Wiley India, 2019.
4. https://www.coursera.org/learn/html-css-javascript-for-web-developers,

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Introduction, Using Secure Web APIs: an Instagram Case Study, Push notifications, securely storing
data on the iOS platform called Core Data.

1. Academy, Json for Beginners: Your Guide to Easily Learn Json in 7 Days, Zaccheus Entertainment,
2. N. C. Zakas, Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, (3e), Wrox/Wiley India, 2019.
3. https://www.coursera.org/learn/security,


Basic Concepts: Fundamentals, Architecture of IoTs, IoT Security Requirements, IoT Privacy
Preservation Issues. Attack Models: Attacks to Sensors in IoTs, Attacks to RFIDs in IoTs, Attacks to
Network Functions in IoTs, Attacks to Back-end Systems. Security Services: Security in Front-end
Sensors and Equipment, Prevent Unauthorized Access to Sensor Data, M2M Security, RFID Security,
Cyber-Physical Object Security, Hardware Security, Front-end System Privacy Protection. Networking
Function Security: IoT Networking Protocols, Secure IoT Lower Layers, Secure IoT Higher Layers,
Secure Communication Links in IoTs. Back-end Security: Secure Resource Management, Secure IoT
Databases. Security Products: Existing Testbed on Security and Privacy of IoTs, Commercialized

1. F. HU, Security and Privacy in Internet of Things (IoTs): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations,
CRC Press, First Edition, 2016.
2. Russell, Brian and Drew Van Duren, Practical Internet of Things Security, Packt Publishing, First
Edition, 2016.
3. O. Whitehouse, Security of Things: An Implementers' Guide to Cyber-Security for Internet of Things
Devices and Beyond, NCC Group, First Edition, 2014.
4. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/aws-iot-developing-and-deploying-an-internet-of-things/iot-


ERP Overview: ERP Components, ERP Benefits. Business Process Reengineering (BPA): BPA life
cycle, BPA components. Data warehousing, Datamining, Supply chain Management; ERP: evolution, a
Manufacturing Perspective, ERP Module, ERP Market, ERP implementation life cycle, Options of various
paradigms, Identification of suitable platforms. SDLC/SSAD: Role of SDLC/SSAD, Object oriented
architecture. ERP Implementation: introduction, pre-evaluation screening, package evaluation, project
planning phase, Gap analysis, Hidden costs, Major Vendors, Consultant Employees, Human Resource.
ERP & E-Commerce: Future Directives- in ERP, ERP and Internet, Critical Factors guiding selection and
evaluation of ERP, Strategies for its successful implementation, Impediments, and initiatives to achieve
success, Critical success and failure factors, Integrating of ERP into organizational culture. Using ERP
tool: Case study of a system using SAP or ORACLE or open-source ERP.

1. S. R. Magal, J. Word, Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems, (2e), John Wiley & Sons,
2. M. Sumner, Enterprise Resource Planning, Pearson Education, (2e), 2006.
3. E. Monk, B. Wagner, Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, (3e), Thomson Course
Technology, 2006.
4. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/advanced-manufacturing-enterprise/enterprise-resource-

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Dictionaries: Definition, Dictionary Abstract Data Type, Implementation of Dictionaries. Hashing: Review
of Hashing, Hash Function, Collision Resolution Techniques in Hashing, Separate Chaining, Open
Addressing, Quadratic Probing, Double Hashing, Rehashing, Extendible Hashing. Skip Lists: Need for
Randomizing Data Structures and Algorithms, Search and Update Operations on Skip Lists, Probabilistic
Analysis of Skip Lists, Deterministic Skip Lists. Splay Trees: Splaying, Search and Update Operations
on Splay Trees, Amortized Analysis of Splaying. Text Processing: String Operations, Brute-Force Pattern
Matching, The Boyer-Moore Algorithm, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm, Standard Tries, Compressed
Tries, Suffix Tries, The Huffman Coding Algorithm, The Longest Common Subsequence Problem (LCS),
Applying Dynamic Programming to the LCS Problem. Computational Geometry: One Dimensional
Range Searching, Two-Dimensional Range Searching, constructing a Priority Search Tree, Searching a
Priority Search Tree, Priority Range Trees, Quad trees, k-D Trees.


1.M. A. Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, (2e), Pearson, 2004.
2.T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R.L.Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, (3e), MIT press,

3. M T Goodrich, R. Tamassia, Algorithm Design, John Wiley, 2002.


Introduction and concept learning: Introduction to Blockchain, Building blocks of Blockchain, Industry
Applications of Blockchain, Types of Blockchain, History of Centralized Services, Trust and Vulnerability.
Types of Trust model; Introduction to Cryptography: Hashing, Data Integrity, Merkle Trees, Symmetric
Key Cryptography, Public Key Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Application of Cryptography to
Blockchain; Mining and consensus: Mining, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Byzantine Fault Tolerance,
Proof of Authority and Proof of Elapsed Time; Bitcoin versus Cryptocurrencies versus Blockchain:
Transaction, Wallet, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Fork, Ethereum: Ethereum Virtual Machine
(EVM), Wallet for Ethereum, Solidity, Smart Contracts, Introducing WEB 3.0, Hyperledger, Coinbase’s
API; Regulation and Anonymity: Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) ruling, Anonymity: Zcash, Monero, Anti Money Laundering, Case study: Use of blockchain in
different areas such as healthcare, finance, supply chain.


1. I. Bashir, Mastering Blockchain: Distributed ledger technology, decentralization, and smart contracts
explained, (2e), Packt Publication, 2018.
2. M. Grincalaitis, Mastering Ethereum: Implement advanced blockchain applications using Ethereum-
supported tools, services, and protocols, (1e), Packt Publishing, 2019
3. B. Hill, S. Chopra, P. Valencourt, Blockchain Quick Reference: A guide to exploring decentralized
Blockchain application development, Packt Publication, 2018.
4. A. T. Norman, Blockchain Technology Explained: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide, Create Space
Independent Publishing, 2017.

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