End Term

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Laboratory Assignments

Subject: Introduction to Databases

Subject code: CSE 3151

Assignment 6: End term project using JDBC connectivity

Objective of this Assignment:

 To design a miniature Project for a Banking Management System using Java, Oracle and

 Completion of IDB Laboratory Assignment-4
 Basic Java Programming knowledge

Overview of the Project: A Banking Management System is to be designed, putting together the
concepts learnt in theory and practised in laboratory. The Project will integrate a Java frontend
menu driven program to the backend Banking Database designed in Oracle through JDBC

Project Description: The Java program provides an interface to the user to access, insert, delete
and update the database. The program handles user input, output to and from the database for the
said operations. User should be able to do the following operations:

1. Show Customer Records:

Using this option the details of all the customers should be displayed in particular
2. Add Customer Record:
Using this option the user needs to provide the information such as cust_no, name, phoneno
and city through user input, which will be saved in database. After that using option 1,
details of all the customers will be displayed in particular format.

3. Delete Customer Record:

Using this option the user needs to provide the cust_no of a customer through user input and
all the information related to that customer will be deleted from the database. After that
using option 1, details of all the customers will be displayed in particular format.

4. Update Customer Information:

Using this option the user needs to provide the cust_no of a customer through user input and
based on the following choice the information related to the customer will be updated.
4.1: Update name
4.2: Update Phoneno.
4.3: Update city
After that using option 1, details of all the customers will be displayed in particular format.

5. Show Account Details of a Customer:

Using this option the user needs to provide the cust_no of a customer through user
input and all the information of that customer along with his account_no, type,
balance, branch_code, branch_name and branch_city will be displayed in proper
6. Show Loan Details of a Customer:
Using this option the user needs to provide the cust_no of a customer through user
input and all the information of that customer along with his loan_no, loan amount,
branch_code, branch_name and branch_city will be displayed in proper format.
7. Deposit Money to an Account:
Using this option the user needs to provide the account_no of a customer and the amount to
be deposited through user input. According to the deposited amount the updated balance will
be verified in proper format using option 5.

8. Withdraw Money from an Account:

Using this option the user needs to provide the account_no of a customer and the amount to
be withdraw through user input. According to the withdraw amount the updated balance will
be verified in proper format using option 5.

9. Exit the Program

The operations are choice based. Appropriate option has to be chosen from a switch case based
menu driven program and the operation on the database is performed accordingly. The output is
displayed in the terminal screen with appropriate messages from the database as displayed by
Oracle during direct access. Exceptions should be handled properly by the Java program. The
output should be displayed in a formatted way for clarity of understanding and visual.
Program Skeleton:

import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
public class myjdbcproj{
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
Connection con=null;
Statement stmt=null;
// Declare common variables if any
// Load the driver class

// Create the connection object

String conurl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
con=DriverManager.getConnection(conurl,"<user ID>","<user password>");

System.out.println("\n\n***** Banking Management System*****");

// Display the menu

System.out.println("Enter your choice(1-9):");

// Accept user's choice

case 1:
// Display customer records
case 2:
// Add customer record
// Accept input for each column from user
case 3:
// Delete customer record

// Accept customer number from user

case 4:
// Update customer record
// Accept customer number from user
System.out.println("Enter 1: For Name 2: For Phone no 3: For City to update:");
// Accept user's choice
case 1:
// Update customer's name
case 2:
// Update customer's phone number

case 3:
// Update customer's city
case 5:
// Display account details

// Accept customer number from user

case 6:
// Display loan details
// Accept customer number from user
// Display the number of loans the customer has or
// Congratulation if he customer has no loan
case 7:
//Deposit money

// Accept the account number to be deposited in

// Message for transaction completion

case 8:
//Withdraw money

// Accept the account number to be withdrawn from

// Handle appropriate withdral ckeck conditions

// Message for transaction completion


case 9:
// Exit the menu
// Handle wrong choice of option

} //try closing
catch(Exception e)
{ // Handling exception}

}// main closing

}// End class

Test Cases:
The program should able to produce correct answer or appropriate error message corresponding to
the following testcases:

1. Show Customer Records

2. Add Customer Record: <C0011, ANWESHA DAS, 9999999999, BHUB>, < c0012,
SACHIN SINGH, 9898989898, CTC>, <C0013, ARJUN MISHRA, 7777777777, BBSR>
3. Delete Customer Record: <C0013>, <C0016>
4. Update Customer Record for any attribute except Customer Number: <C0011> [ Update
each column once]
5. Show Account Details of a Customer: <C0003>, <c0005>, <C0016>
6. Show Loan Details of a Customer: <C0003>, <c0005>, <C0008>, <C0016>
7. Deposit Money to an Account: <A0008, 800>, <a0005, 10000>
8. Withdraw Money from an Account: <A0008, 800>, <A0008, 8000><a0005, 10000>
9. Exit the Program
10.Enter choice 10

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