Project Details : Please see Annexures for the project details (P1/P2/P3).
If anyone want to appear for more than one
project, please fill separate form for individual
project using the individual google link.
The project fellow will be appointed initially appointed for a period of one year and the tenure may
be extended till the end of project depending on candidate performance.
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P1: Establishment of VFA Platform for production of value-added chemicals. (Candidates with
experience in anaerboc digesion or bio-gas arena are encouraged to apply. (1 Post)
P2: γ-PGA production from glutamate independent Bacillus species (candidates with MTech
Bioprocess Technology/M.Sc Biotechnology/M.Sc Industrial Biotechnology degree and with
experience in fermentation are encouraged to apply. (2 Post)
P3: Cultivation of microalgae for Value-added biochemical production (Candidates with experience
in algal cultivation are encouraged to apply. (2 Post)
Interested candidates should fill separate application form via the Google link.
The applications should be submitted via google form only, before 31st May 2023. The form will
stop accepting responses at 6.00 pm on 31st May 2023. Applications sent via email will not be
considered. For any other application form related queries, please contact at
The date and time of the interview will be communicated to shortlisted candidates by e-mail. The
recommendation of the committee will be final. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to
enrol in ICT PhD program, subjected to fulfilling the Ph.D admission criteria.
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P1: Establishment of VFA Platform for production of value-added chemicals. (Candidates with
experience in anaerboc digesion or bio-gas arena are encouraged to apply. (1 Post)
P2: γ-PGA production from glutamate independent Bacillus species (candidates with M.Tech
Bioprocess Technology/M.Sc Biotechnology/M.Sc Industrial Biotechnology degree and with
experience in fermentation are encouraged to apply. (2 Post)
P3: Cultivation of microalgae for Value-added biochemical production (Candidates with experience
in algal cultivation are encouraged to apply. (2 Post)
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