Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG 1

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Name: Shirin Khosrowpour Grade/Subject: 7th Grade English Date: April 4, 2023

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)

7.7(B) analyze how characters' qualities influence events and resolution of the conflict
7.6(C) use text evidence to support an appropriate response

2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do
Verb: Analyze, support, explain
Content: text evidence
Context: text evidence to support an appropriate response
Test: OERs

3. SMART Students will be able to analyze and explain how characters’ qualities contribute to the
Objective(s): (C3) advancement of the plot in a short-constructed response, with 80% of students mastering the
Reference in RRAP.

Essential Question: How do the different backgrounds of Meena and River affect how they communicate with each
other? How do they resolve any barriers in communication?

4. Central Focus This lesson builds on the academic habit of Writing to Respond which gives students an
(C4) opportunity to construct sophisticated and detailed responses in a short-constructed response. A
How will this lesson link rubric is included to guide students through the process of developing their responses both
with other lessons in the concisely and sufficiently.
I can analyze how characters influence events and how different characters might resolve
Learning Targets conflict by using text evidence with RRAP.
I CAN statements that
Clearly show alignment
with TEKS
5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language Students will analyze how characters’ qualities influence events and how different characters
represents the language might resolve conflict by analyzing with text evidence using RRAP.
of the discipline that
students need to learn and
use to engage in the
content area in Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
meaningful ways. Reference
Answer the question
There are 4 language
demands to consider as
you require students to Relevant
read, write, speak, listen, Accurate
demonstrate and perform. Clear
Conventions: appropriate capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling.


Discourse (Structures of written and oral language, how will they talk, write, and participate in
knowledge construction: discussions, reports, essays, multi-media presentations, performance):
Students will demonstrate understanding using turn-and-talks. They will write independently,
and then full class discussions to check for understanding. Students will also use a venn-
diagram to compare and contrast qualities and outcomes.

Syntax (The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures, e.g.,
graphic organizers, formulas, charts, language rules, outlines, graphs, tables):
Students will complete a blank, pre-created diagram with the two characters then use turn and
talks to identify characteristics that would fall under each main character and what similarities
the two might have.

6. Targeted Language Language Function (How will you help them demonstrate the DO verb?)
Supports (C5)
The resources,
representations, and
strategies you will Vocabulary Strategies - (GO TO Page)
provide to help students 1. Repetitive exposure, repeat after teacher, writing (frayer model), graphic organizers for
understand, use, and mnemonics
practice the concepts and
language they need to
learn within the

Site the researcher’s

name as you refer to the Discourse strategies - (GO TO Page)
strategy. - Independent writing then Turn and talk, full class discussion (use name wheel to call on

Syntax - (GO TO Page)

1. 4 square graphic organizer for RRAP with a checklist

2. Venn diagram

3. Laminated Anchor chart for RACC with checklist

Making Content Comprehensible (R9)

Organizing class to start with compare and contrast to get the ideas flowing, Walk students
through RRAP to structure the ideas, then check work with RACC. Have an end of class
assessment and use graphic organizers.

7. Assessment/ Assessment of your TEK

Evaluation (C6) Formative:
Assessment(s) must be Strategic small groups and check venn-diagrams and filled out four square charts.
aligned to the TEKS,
and objectives. Summative:

Exit Ticket with 1 open-ended response.

Assessment of your language demands:
Formative: Check that students are verbally using the vocabulary word “qualities” correctly.

Check that students are using RRAP, RACC and qualities in their OERs.

8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning)

Write a letter in the same voice as one of the characters directed toward the other character.

Closure (C7) Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning)

Exit ticket (required by district). Have students take a poll stating how confident they feel about
their ability to implement the lesson.

Student Assets (C7)

Personal assets: refers to specific background information that students bring to the learning
environment. Students may bring interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family
backgrounds, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.
Cultural assets: refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the
learning environment, such as traditions, languages, worldviews, literature, art, and so on, that a
teacher can draw upon to support learning.
Community assets: refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from
the community where they live, such as resources, local landmarks, community events and
practices, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning.
9. Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies and I DO – I will model one point of the venn diagram, and then how to turn that into an OER by
Learning Task(s) walking them through my thought process with RRAP.

Be sure to include:
How will students learn
and use academic
language? WE DO – I have students turn and talk, then a class discussion of another point for the venn
diagram. I will choose students for each section of RRAP.

Three higher order

thinking questions.

Marzano Strategy
YOU DO – Students will create another point on the Venn Diagram, then do a full OER using
RRAP by themselves before the Exit Ticket.

Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the

content, process, product, and/or learning environment):
o Second Language learners / Cultural Diversity: Sentence stems and illustrations on their
anchor charts and on the graphic organizer. Sentence stems on the venn diagram and
peer-to-peer mentors (Tomlinson)

o Gifted / advanced learners: use anchoring activities for students who have mastered the
work. Activity: Find 2-3 words you do not know the definition of and use the frayer
model to understand the meaning. Use a dictionary. (Tomlinson)

Technology: -(GO TO page)

Students will use Canva to make a venn diagram to compare and contrast the two main

Marzano Strategy - (GO TO page)

Ensure the objective is read out loud at the beginning of class. Use venn diagrams to compare
and contrast- using it to gather important information before writing open-ended responses. I
will provide feedback as I am walking around the room.

Higher Order Thinking Questions (GO TO page)

1. What are their personalities like and how do they interact with the other people around
2. What are the events that are being shared with us, the readers?
3. How do Meena and River confront their differences? What changes would you suggest they
make in the way they communicate, if any?

Grouping / Partnering Technique: (Hattie)

Cooperative learning in a think-pair-share style

Potential misconceptions and your plan to address it:

Students already know how to discuss literature with a partner, and do not need to be taught it. I
will model with a student and have guiding questions they can ask each other so they know
what to discuss during the think-pair-share.

10. Resources and

materials needed (C9) 1. Copies of Same Sun Here for all students.
2. Text projected on smart board
(E7) 3. Annotated copy for teacher
4. Visual anchor chart
5. Checklists for RRAP and RACC for students.
6. Seating chart with reading levels. -EB students need a partner who is fluent in English and
7. Computers for each student to do the diagrams on canva
8. Papers and pencils for students
(How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)

-Paper copies for students who don’t have/can’t use computers. EB students need a partner.
Advanced students need the materials for their enrichment activity (frayer models).


11. Classroom 1. I will have students sign up to apply for librarian to keep my library of books neat and tidy.
Management Strategies They will be in charge of the general care of the books and help me check books in/out for
(CBM5) students.
What procedures will you 2. I will show students how to treat my books so we can keep reading them for years to come.
employ to manage I will model what NOT to do by having a student pretend to be the teacher and me doing
transitions, behavior, things I shouldn’t with the book. Then the student will do the same and I will model what
passing out materials, you’re supposed to do.
engagement, etc.?
3. My behavior ladder is 1st time- Put the behavior in the app 2nd time- parent contact 3rd
Add 3 procedures time- lunch detention

12. Academic Supports

for Students (E6) Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around obstacles):
What instructional 1. Put pictures on the RRAP checklist
strategies and planned
supports, will you employ to 2. Have sentence stems for the venn diagrams
meet the needs of each
student that has identified
3. Use snap and read for beginner EBs on the exit ticket.
special learning needs?
Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):
1. Only answer 1-2 questions as a class

2. Focus on the “support” area of the objective and remove the “explain.”

3. Focus on the Reference, Restate, and Answer part of RRAP

Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)

1. Peer-to-peer discussion, speaking in English

2. small group with phonics lessons

3. Reading out loud

4. Read along with Audiobooks

5. Explicit vocabulary instruction with examples and non-examples

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