Biogeochemical Cycles

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Gabriel Viscarra

9.o B EGB
Biogeochemical Cycles
o Biogeochemical Cycle: The constant flow and modification of elements and compounds
through the environment, geological structures, and living things on Earth.
o Matter: Consists of atoms and molecules that interact through physical and chemical processes
to form everything that occupies space and has mass.
o Nutrient: Is a material that is necessary for the growth, maintenance, and development of
living things. It nourishes them and supports a number of their physiological processes.
o Limiting Nutrient: Is the necessary nutrient that is most in short supply in comparison to what
organisms need, which inhibits growth and production.

nutrients cycled in biogeochemical cycles

 Carbon (C)
 Nitrogen (N)
 Phosphorus (P)
 Sulfur (S)

what happens to nutrients and matter in a

biogeochemical cycle.
Nutrients and matter are constantly transferred and converted between the living (biotic) and
non-living (abiotic) components of ecosystems in a biogeochemical cycle. Carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and other nutrients are taken up by living creatures, consumed for development
and metabolism, and then released back into the environment through processes such as
decomposition. These nutrients can be redistributed across reservoirs such as the atmosphere,
soil, water bodies, and organisms via diverse paths such as air exchange, water runoff, and

how nutrient availability relates to the primary productivity

of an ecosystem.
The availability of nutrients has a direct impact on an ecosystem's primary productivity.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrients for plant growth and photosynthesis.
Abundant nutrients support high primary productivity in nutrient-rich habitats, leading in
increased biomass and a complex food web. In nutrient-poor situations, however, restricted
nutrient delivery limits plant development and diminishes primary yield. This shortage affects
the availability of resources for other creatures, affecting the ecosystem's overall productivity
and biodiversity.
Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
 Evaporation: The process by which liquid water changes into a vapor or gas
state and rises into the atmosphere.
 Condensation: The process in which water vapor cools and transforms into
liquid water, forming clouds or dew.
 Precipitation: The release of condensed water in the atmosphere, such as rain,
snow, sleet, or hail, onto the Earth's surface.
 Transpiration: The process through which plants release water vapor into the
atmosphere from their leaves and stems.
 Percolation: The movement of water through soil or porous materials, gradually
infiltrating and being absorbed by the ground.

How the water cycle is powered

The water cycle is primarily powered by solar energy. The Sun's heat drives the process
of evaporation, where water on the Earth's surface transforms into vapor and rises into
the atmosphere. As the water vapor cools, it undergoes condensation, forming clouds.
Eventually, the condensed water droplets combine and fall back to the Earth's surface as
precipitation, which can take the form of rain or snow,this precipitation replenishes
water bodies and infiltrates the ground. The cycle continues as water evaporates again,
driven by the heat from the sun so the solar energy is the main driving force behind the
water cycle.

explain a journey that a water molecule could take from evaporation to

Una molécula de agua comienza su viaje a través de la evaporación, pasando de líquido a gas.
Luego pasa por condensación, formando nubes. Como parte de la precipitación, la molécula
cae a la superficie de la Tierra en forma de lluvia. Desde allí, puede fluir como escorrentía
superficial o filtrarse en el suelo, infiltrándose en el suelo y los materiales porosos. Durante la
percolación, puede ser absorbido por las raíces de las plantas o moverse bajo tierra.
Eventualmente, la molécula de agua puede resurgir a través de manantiales o descargarse en
aguas superficiales, completando su viaje desde la evaporación hasta la percolación en el ciclo
del agua.

Predict what could happen if a pollutant such as air pollution from

burning fossil fuels enters ground water

When a contaminant, such as air pollution from the combustion of fossil fuels,
penetrates groundwater, it can contaminate the source, rendering it unfit for drinking
and destroying ecosystems. Toxic compounds can endanger human health, damage
aquatic life, and taint soil. Pollutants may persist in groundwater, necessitating
extensive and expensive remedial procedures.
Water Cycle Diagram
The Carbon Cycle

Define the terms:

o Photosynthesis: The conversion of light energy into chemical energy by plants and other
organisms, resulting in the production of glucose and the release of oxygen as a byproduct.
o Cellular Respiration: The metabolic process by which cells break down organic
molecules such as glucose to release energy in the form of ATP, including oxygen intake
and carbon dioxide and water production.
o Combustion: A quick chemical reaction in which a molecule interacts with oxygen, usually
with the production of heat and light energy.
o Decomposition: Microorganisms degrade organic matter, converting it to simpler
chemicals and releasing nutrients back into the environment.
o Carbon Reservoir: A site or medium that stores and holds a considerable amount of
carbon, such as the atmosphere, seas, vegetation, soils, fossil fuels, and sedimentary
rocks, and so influences the global carbon cycle.

How carbon moves through living and non-living things.

The carbon cycle is a continual process in which carbon flows between the Earth's living and non-living
components. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by green plants via photosynthesis and
converted into organic molecules. These molecules are then ingested by creatures, causing carbon to be
transferred up the food chain. Carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere via respiration.
Decomposition of plants and animals returns carbon to the environment. Furthermore, geological
processes can bury organic stuff, resulting in the formation of fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide
when burned.

What could occur if there were no carbon reservoirs on Earth.

The absence of carbon stores on Earth would disrupt climate regulation, impede photosynthesis, and
make carbon-based living forms unlikely. The carbon cycle would be disrupted, affecting nutrient
availability and ecosystem productivity. Carbon reservoirs are important to the Earth's balance and the
survival of life.

Explain the impact of excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere

The absence of carbon stores on Earth would disrupt climate regulation, impede
photosynthesis, and make carbon-based living forms unlikely. The carbon cycle would be
disrupted, affecting nutrient availability and ecosystem productivity. Carbon reservoirs are
important to the Earth's balance and the survival of life.
Carbon Cycle Diagram
Nitrogen Cycle
 Nitrogen Fixation: Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into a usable
form by certain microorganisms.
 Assimilation: Incorporation of absorbed nitrogen into the tissues of
plants and organisms.
 Ammonification: Conversion of organic nitrogen into ammonium by
decomposer organisms.
 Nitrification: Conversion of ammonium into nitrite and nitrate by
nitrifying bacteria.
 Denitrification: Conversion of nitrate back into atmospheric nitrogen by
denitrifying bacteria.

Why nitrogen is essential to living things.

Nitrogen is necessary for all living species since it is involved in the production of
proteins and nucleic acids, growth, and the synthesis of critical biomolecules. across
nitrogen fixation, it travels across ecosystems, maintaining equilibrium and giving a
useable form. Overall, nitrogen is critical to the structure, function, and long-term
viability of life on Earth.

Explain bacteria’s role in converting nitrogen within the nitrogen

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria transform atmospheric nitrogen into plant-usable forms.
Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite, which is ultimately converted to nitrate,
which provides nutrients to plants. Denitrifying microorganisms recycle nitrate back
into the atmosphere, restoring balance. Ammonia-releasing bacteria breakdown
organic materials and release ammonia for reuse.

Describe lightning’s role in the nitrogen cycle.

Lightning contributes significantly to the nitrogen cycle by transforming atmospheric
nitrogen into reactive nitrogen molecules, which can then be used by plants and other
organisms for growth and biological functions.

Predict how excessive human use of fertilizers could disrupt the nitrogen
Lightning contributes significantly to the nitrogen cycle by transforming atmospheric
nitrogen into reactive nitrogen molecules, which can then be used by plants and other
organisms for growth and biological functions.
Nitrogen Cycle Diagram
The Phosphorous Cycle
Why phosphorous is essential to life.
Phosphorus is essential to life due to its involvement in key biological
processes. It is a fundamental component of DNA, RNA, and ATP, serving as a
building block for genetic material, enabling the transfer of genetic information,
and providing energy for cellular activities.

In what locations is the phosphorous on Earth located?

Phosphorus on Earth is primarily located in phosphate rock deposits It is also present in soils
and is cycled through terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

How does phosphorous enter the ocean and how do marine

organisms utilize it?
Phosphorus reaches the water via a variety of routes, including rock weathering, runoff
from land, and air deposition. Phosphorus is used by marine creatures for growth,
reproduction, and energy storage by incorporating it into biological components such
as DNA, RNA, and phospholipids. Phytoplankton, for example, are the primary
producers that support the entire marine food web and rely largely on phosphorus for

Draw a simple diagram of the phosphorous cycle.

The Sulfur Cycle
Why sulfur is essential to life
Sulfur is essential to life as it is a crucial component of certain amino acids, such as cysteine
and methionine, playing a vital role in protein structure and function. Additionally, sulfur is
involved in the synthesis of vitamins, coenzymes, and important compounds like glutathione,
contributing to various metabolic processes in organisms.

What are the main ways that sulfur enters into the atmosphere?
The sulfur enters the atmosphere mostly through volcanic activity, where volcanic
eruptions release sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). Anthropogenic activities, such as the
combustion of fossil fuels and industrial processes, also contribute to azure emissions
through the release of sulfur dioxide and other sulfur-contaminating compounds.

Describe how sulfur is recycled in the sulfur cycle.

Sulfur is recycled numerous times during the sulfur cycle. First, volcanic eruptions and
human activities emit sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere. It is then oxidized in
the atmosphere, forming sulfate (SO42-). Sulfate can be returned to the Earth's surface
via precipitation, where it is used by plants, microbes, and other species. Organic
matter decomposition produces hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which completes the cycle by
returning sulfur to the atmosphere.

Predict the environmental impacts of releasing excessive amounts

sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
Excessive sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions into the atmosphere can have serious
environmental consequences. It contributes to acid rain, which harms forests, aquatic
ecosystems, and infrastructure. Furthermore, SO2 emissions can cause the creation of
fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which has a severe impact on air quality and human
health, causing respiratory and cardiovascular disorders.
Which cycle do you think is the most important to life on Earth?
The question of which cycle is the most important to life on Earth is complex, as all cycles are
interconnected and interdependent, collectively maintaining the delicate balance and
sustainability of our planet's ecosystems. While it is difficult to single out one cycle as the
absolute most important, several cycles are of significant significance.

But for me the most important cycle of all of them is the water cycle, this is the most
important cycle because it likely involves all the cycles in one way or another, when scientists
tried to search life on mars, ¿what do they look up for?, water, they look up for water, because
if theres water, it needs to be life in there, the water in our planet means lots of things, one of
them is life, so for that, it is the most important cycle of all for me.

Gabriel Viscarra

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