Consensus Statement On Curing Lights
Consensus Statement On Curing Lights
Consensus Statement On Curing Lights
Dear Readers, Over the years, we have learned that light curing mat-
ters and that there are many pitfalls the dentist may
A two-day international symposium on Light Curing in encounter when light curing resins in the tooth. Inade-
Dentistry was held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Can- quate or inappropriate light curing can so easily result in
ada on May 29th and 30th, 2014. The symposium was weaker adhesion to the tooth and compromised physical
attended by over 40 key opinion leaders from academia and chemical properties within the restorative material.
and industry who worked together to develop following These undesirable outcomes will likely have a negative
advice to practitioners about light curing. influence on the longevity of the restoration you have
The symposium participants were: Bob Angelo, Ahmed just placed.
Abuelyaman, Suham Alexander, Sibel Antonson, Steve For the benefit of your patients, please read and follow
Armstrong, Oliver Benz, Uwe Blunck, Ellen Bruzell, John the following guidelines.
Burgess, Peter Burtscher, Liang Chen, Ivo Correa, Matt
Dailey, Colin Deacon, Omar El-Mowafy, Jack Ferracane,
Christopher Felix, Reinhard Hickel, Thomas Hill, Neil Jes-
sop, Hilde Kopperud, Daniel Labrie, Hui Lu, Lori Moilanen, Sincerely yours
Bernhard Möginger, John O’Keefe, Joe Oxman, Frank Pfef-
ferkorn, Jeffrey Platt, Richard Price, Jean-François Rou-
let, Fred Rueggeberg, Janine Schweppe, Adrian Shortall,
Howard Strassler, Jeffrey Stansbury, Byoung Suh, Andreas Jean-Francois Roulet Richard Price
Utterodt, David Watts, Stacy Wyatt.
The support and active participation of Benco, Bisco,
BlueLight Analytics, DENTSPLY, 3M-ESPE, Gigahertz-Optik,
Henry Schein, Heraeus-Kulzer, Ivoclar Vivadent, Kerr, Patter-
son Dental, SDI, and Ultradent is gratefully acknowledged.
When selecting a light curing unit (LCU): y Follow the light exposure times and increment
y Recognize that all lights are not created equal. thickness recommended by the resin manufac-
Use a LCU from a manufacturer who provides turer, making allowances if you use another manu-
contact information, a user manual, and service. facturer’s light. Increase your curing times for
Preferably the LCU should have received a favor- increased distances and darker or opaque shades.
able report or certification from a reputable inde- y Select a LCU tip that delivers a uniform light out-
pendent 3rd party. put across the light tip and that covers as much
y Know the key performance parameters of your of the restoration as possible. Cure each surface
LCU, when new: independently, using overlapping exposures if the
(i) the light output (averaged irradiance over the light tip is smaller than the restoration.
beam-incident area in mW/cm2 and spectral out- y Position the light tip as close as possible (without
put from the LCU), (ii) whether the beam has a uni- touching) and parallel to the surface of the resin
form and effective output (profile) across the light composite being cured.
tip, and (iii) the diameter of the light beam. y Stabilize and maintain the tip of the LCU over the
y Be cautious when using high (above 1,500 to resin composite throughout the exposure. Always
2,000 mW/cm2) output LCUs that advocate very use the appropriate “blue blocking” glasses or a
short (eg, 1 to 5 seconds) exposure times. When shield to protect your eyes as you watch and con-
used for such short times, it is critical that the trol the position of the curing light.
light tip is stabilized over the resin during ex-
posure. Although some resin composites are
matched to specific high output curing lights, Precautions:
high output LCUs may not adequately cure all of y Avoid conditions that will reduce light delivery to
today’s resin-composites to the anticipated depth the resin-composite, e.g.:
when used for short exposure times. Seek peer-re- – Holding the light tip several millimeters away.
viewed literature validating the efficacy and safety – Holding the light tip at an angle to the resin
of such lights and materials. surface.
– Dirty or damaged light-guide optics.
y Supplementary light exposures should be consid-
Before you light cure, remember to: ered under circumstances that may limit ideal light
y Regularly monitor and record the light output over access, such as shadows from matrix bands, inter-
time, with the same measurement device and light vening tooth structure, or from restorative material.
guide. Repair or replace the LCU when it no longer y Beware of thermal damage potential to the pulp
meets the manufacturer’s specifications. and soft tissues when delivering high energy expo-
y Inspect and clean the LCU before use to ensure sures or long exposure times.
it is on the correct setting, in good working order, y Air-cool the tooth when exposing for longer times,
and free of defects and debris. or when using high output LCUs.
y Consider that every resin-based material has a y Never shine the LCU into the eyes, and avoid look-
minimum amount of energy that must be provided ing at the reflected light, except through an appro-
at the correct wavelengths to achieve satisfactory priate ‘blue-blocking’ filter.
results. [Energy (Joules/cm2) = output (W/cm2) × y Testing surface hardness of the resin-composite
exposure time (seconds)]. However, minimum ir- in the tooth using a dental explorer provides NO
radiation times are also required. information about adequacy of curing depth.