ACF 411AC421 - International Accounting Course Outline
ACF 411AC421 - International Accounting Course Outline
ACF 411AC421 - International Accounting Course Outline
Academic Year: 2020/ 2021
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course students should be able to:
Describe the need for international accounting standards
Prepare and present financial statements as per organization’s accounting policy
compatible with the conceptual framework
Prepare financial statements in accordance with the requirements of accounting policies,
changes in accounting estimates, and errors (IAS 8)
Apply basic principles of accounting to a public sector environment, understand some of
the requirements of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards relating to assets,
liabilities, revenue and expenses, explain the differences and similarities between public
sector and private sector accounting.
Explain fair value concept, describe a framework for measuring fair value, specify
disclosures about fair value measurement and prepare financial statements in accordance
with IFRS 13.
Course assessment
Students will be required to write two tests and a final examination. The final grade will consist
of a combination of continuous assessment and a three hours written final examination. The
weighing of the final overall grade will be one-third of the course work and two-thirds for the
final examination (Continuous Assessment33 % + Final Examination 67 % = Total 100%). To
achieve a pass in the course students must achieve an overall grade of at least 50%.
Course content
Reading materials
1. Alibhai et al. Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards, Wiley, 2018.
2. Barnes et al. International GAAP, 14th edition, Wiley 2019.
3. Pontoppidan C. and Andernack I., Interpretation and Application of IPSAS,Wiley 2016
4. Relevant journals