This document summarizes the process of cDNA synthesis from RNA. It involves:
1) Reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
2) Amplification of the resulting cDNA using PCR for use in downstream processes.
3) The reverse transcription reaction requires a template RNA, primers, nucleotides, buffer, magnesium ions, reverse transcriptase, and water. It can be done in one or two separate steps.
This document summarizes the process of cDNA synthesis from RNA. It involves:
1) Reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
2) Amplification of the resulting cDNA using PCR for use in downstream processes.
3) The reverse transcription reaction requires a template RNA, primers, nucleotides, buffer, magnesium ions, reverse transcriptase, and water. It can be done in one or two separate steps.
This document summarizes the process of cDNA synthesis from RNA. It involves:
1) Reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
2) Amplification of the resulting cDNA using PCR for use in downstream processes.
3) The reverse transcription reaction requires a template RNA, primers, nucleotides, buffer, magnesium ions, reverse transcriptase, and water. It can be done in one or two separate steps.
This document summarizes the process of cDNA synthesis from RNA. It involves:
1) Reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
2) Amplification of the resulting cDNA using PCR for use in downstream processes.
3) The reverse transcription reaction requires a template RNA, primers, nucleotides, buffer, magnesium ions, reverse transcriptase, and water. It can be done in one or two separate steps.
• Polymerases are enzymes that are able to string together
individual DNA building blocks to form long molecular strands
• Used by certain retroviruses
Reverse Transcription Polymerases require: 1. DNA building blocks; nucleotides 2. Single-stranded template 3. A small fragment of DNA, primer, to which they attach and start amplification 4. Temperature Reverse Transcription Reaction components:
1. Template is mRNA (typically 1 – 5% of total RNA for a
mammalian cell) Reverse Transcription 2. Primers:
a. Oligo(dT)12-18:binds to the endogenous poly (A)+ tail
at the 3' end of mammalian mRNA’s Reverse Transcription 2. Primers: b. Random Hexanucleotides: bind to the mRNA at a variety of complementary sites. Ideal for overcoming the difficulties presented by extensive secondary structures Transcribe 5’ regions of mRNA more efficiently Reverse Transcription 2. Primers:
c. Specific oligonucleotide primers: selectively primes
the mRNA of interest Reverse Transcription Design of reverse transcription primers 1. Primers anneal to sequences on exons on both sides of an intron Reverse Transcription Design of reverse transcription primers 2. Primers span exon/exon boundaries Reverse Transcription 3. Buffer with Mg2+ ions 4. dNTPS 5. Reverse transcriptase 6. DEPC-treated water 7. *Optional: RNase inhibitor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Protocol 1