M.Razia and S.Sivaramakrishnan
M.Razia and S.Sivaramakrishnan
M.Razia and S.Sivaramakrishnan
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699
emerged from the cadavers and were for 10minutes. The upper layer was removed
collected in a White trap. The IJs were then and to which add chloroform: isoamylalchol
stored for less than three weeks at 15°C in in the ratio of 24:1, mixed and centrifuge,
distilled water until further testing. The IJs 12,000rpm for 10minutes. The upper phase
were stored at a concentration of 1000 IJs/ was separated and 3M ammomium
ml in distilled water with 0.1% formalin in precipitate was added for better DNA
tissue culture flask, were stored at 19°C in precipitation. The suspensions freeze for 2
B.O.D incubator. Nematodes were routinely hours and centrifuge for 30 minutes at
cultured in G. mellonella larvae (Woodring 12,000 rpm. DNA was precipitated from
and Kaya, 1988). aqueous phase and after drying resuspended
in TE buffer. The DNA sample was run by
Nematode Identification agarose gel electrophoresis using 1kb
markers of lambda DNA as standard. For
Morphological characterization polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
amplification and sequencing of the ITS,
For morphological characterization of the primers were designed by the method of
isolate, nematodes examined heat-killed in Joyce et al. (1994).
60°C Ringer s solution. The heat-killed
nematodes place in triethanolamine Results and Discussion
formalin (TAF) fixative and processed to
anhydrous glycerine for mounting. The Isolation of Entomopathogenic nematodes
morphological features of males and IJs and
hermaphroditic female randomly selected A total of 500 soil samples from the
from different G. mellonella under light Kodaikanal region of Dindigul district were
microscopy according to procedures surveyed for EPNs, of which 7 resulted in
described by Seinhorst method (1959). The positive nematode isolates (Table 1). Two of
identity was verified by comparing its the samples were positive for
morphometrics with the data from original Heterorhabditis species and 5 were positive
descriptions. A morphological feature of a for Steinernema species. Compare to forest
representative isolate was examined using area, occurrence of EPNs was present in
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). crop lands and absence in forest area. This
was due to presence of insect pest was rare
Molecular Characterization in forest, because only found long tree
trunks only seen, low number of weed plants
The isolates were molecularly characterized there(Razia et al., 2011).
by analysis of the internal transcribed spacer
region (ITS) ribosomal DNA sequences. Morphological Characterization
DNA extraction was performed according to
Stock et al. (2001). The IJs were crushed The morphometric measurements of
using extraction buffer (0.05M EDTA, Heterorhabditis sp. collected from two
1%SDS, 400µl Proteinase K) and places was identified as H. indica based on
centrifuged for 10-15 minutes for 12,000 the length of IJs less than 600µm, Head to
rpm. The supernant was collected and add excretory pore 98µm and Tail length 101µm
equal volume of phenol: chloroform: (Table 2). The male and IJs coincide well
isoamylalchol at the ratio 25:24:1. Then the with the description given by Poinar et al.
tubes mixed well and centrifuge 12,000 rpm (1992).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699
Table 5. Morphometric characters of first generation male of S.siamkayai (n=25) (Mean and
Range, all measurements in µm)
In male, first generation male average length the basal bulb. Spicules paired and separate,
was 721µm whereas in the 596µm in the with pointed tips. Gubernaculum flat,
present study, spicule 40µm and narrow, approximately half the spicule
gubernaculum 20µm (Table 3). Head length.
truncate to slightly round. Nerve ring near
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699
Among Steinernema spp. five was identified strains observed. Further, molecular
as S. siamkayai based on their length of IJs characterization was performed by using
was less than 600µm, 486µm in the present ITS region of rDNA
study, Head to excretory pore 35µm and
Tail length 40µm (Table 4). The third stage Acknowledgement
of Juveniles is slender, tapering regularly
from base of oesophagus to anterior end and The authors would like to acknowledge the
from anus to terminus. Oesophagus is long, UGC, NewDelhi for providing Fund for this
and narrow. The first generation of male research work.
curved posteriorly, J -shaped when heat-
killed. The first generation of male, total References
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Survey has been conducted in different crop Publishing, pp. 115-143.
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impact of environmental stress response due Laznik ,Z., and Trdan, S. 2012.
to agriculture practices. In the present study Entomopathogenic nematodes
7 isolates (Heterorhabditis sp. and (Nematoda: Rhabditida) in Slovenia:
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Morphometric measurements and molecular crop production systems. In: Perveen
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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(10) 693-699