MCQ Dental Anatomy

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Q1- has cross shape groove

A, lower first molar

B, upper second molar

C, upper first molar

D, lower second molar

Q2- labio lingual diameter is greater than mesio distal

A-mandibular centeral incisor

B- maxillary lateral incisor

C- mandibular lateral incisor

D- a & c

Q3- has Y- shape central groove at occlusal surface

A-upper first premolar

B- upper second molar

C-lower second premolar

D- lower first molar

Q4- have palatoradicular groove

A-maxillary canines

B- maxillary lateral incisors

C- mandibular first premolars

D-mandibular central incisors

Q5- have two root

A-upper first premolar

B- maxillary canine

C- mandibular canine

D- lower second premolar

Q6- the largest cusp in the upper first molar is

a- mesio bucal

b- disto lingual

c- mesio lingual

d- disto bucal

Q7- the incisal edge is located centered the root axe

A- maxillary incisors

B- maxillary canains

c- a & b

d- non of the above

Q12- has non function cusp

A-upper first premolar

B- upper second molar

C-lower second premolar

D- lower first premolar

Q13- most of mesial and distal surface are seen from lingual aspect

A-upper first premolar

B- upper second premolar

C-lower second premolar

D- lower first premolar

Q14, has cusp of carabilli

A, lower first molar

B, upper second molar

C, upper first molar

D, lower second molar

Q15- presence mamelon

A-maxillary centeral incisor

B- maxillary lateral incisor

C- mandibular centeral incisor

D-mandibular later

E- all of the above

Q16- labio-lingual measurement is more than mesio-distal measurement

A- maxillary canine

B- mandibular canine

C- a & b

D- non of the above

Q17 - the smallest of all premolar is

A- upper first premolar

B- upper second premolar

C- lower second premolar

D- lower first premolar

Q18 , you can see the 5th cusp from

A, mesial aspect

B, distal aspect

C, lingual aspect

D, a & c

Q19, has fused roots

A, first molars

B, second molars

C, third molars

B, all of the above

Q20, has equal bucco-lingual and mesio - distal diameter

A, lower first premolar

B, upper second molar

C, upper first molar

D, lower second premolar

Q21- Presence of vertical samll grooves to demarcate btween 3 labial lobes

A-maxillary centeral incisor

B- maxillary lateral incisor

C- mandibular centeral incisor

D-mandibular later

Q22- the crown is bilaterally symmetrical

A-maxillary canines

B- maxillary incisors

C- mandibular premolars
D-mandibular incisors

Q23- shows lingual cusp same to the buccal cusp

A-upper first premolar

B- maxillary canine

C- mandibular canine

D- upper second premolar

Q24- has small disto-lingual cusp know as cusplet

A- upper first molar

B- upper second premolar

C- lower second premolar

D- lower first molar

Q25, has oblique ridge

A, lower first molar

B, upper second molar

C, upper first molar

D, B & C

Q26- presence of lingual pit

A- mandibular first premolar

B- maxillary lateral incisor

C- maxillary centeral incisor

D-mandibular cnaine

Q27- the incisal edge is rounded

A-maxillary centeral incisor

B- maxillary lateral incisor

C- mandibular centeral incisor

D-mandibular lateral incisor

Q28- has canine fossa in mesial aspect

A-upper first premolar

B- maxillary canine

C- mandibular canine

D- lower second premolar

Q29, has large mesial root with tow root canals

A, lower first molar

B, upper second molar

C,lower second molar

D, a & c

Q30, the difference between rhomboid and heart shape is only at

A, lingual aspect

B, mesial aspect

C, occlusal aspect

D, a & c

Q31, ther is no tooth distal to the

A, first molars

B, second molars
C, third molars

B, all of the above

Q32- they are the smallest tooth in dental arch

A-maxillary premolars

B- maxillary molars

C- mandibular incisors

D-mandibular canines

Q33- the mesial aspct of crown of first premolar has

a- hexagonal shape

b- trapazoid shape

c- rhomboid shape

d- non of the above

Q34 , key of occlusion

A, first molars

B, first premolars

C, canines

B, non of the above

Q35- the cingulam is plased distal to the root axe line

A-maxillary centeral incisor

B- maxillary lateral incisor

c- maxillary canine

d- mandibular canine
Q36- mesial marginal developmental groove crossing the distal marginal ridge

A- upper first premolar

B- upper second premolar

C- lower second premolar

D- lower first premolar

Q37- lower first premolar is similar to the

A- upper first premolar

B- mandibular canine

C- lower second premolar

D- B & C

Q38- the incisal edge is located lingually to the apx line of root

A-maxillary incisors

B- maxillary canines

C- mandibular incisors

D-mandibular canines

Q39- distal slope

A-maxillary centeral incisor

B- maxillary canine

C- mandibular first premolar

D-mandibular later incisor

Q40- has mesial slope same to the distal slope

A-upper first premolar

B- upper second premolar

C-lower second premolar

D- lower first premolar

Q41- mesio distal diameter more than labio lingual diameter

A- maxillary lateral incisor

B- maxillary centeral incisor

C- mandibular centeral incisor

D-mandibular canine

‫!! صح و غلط‬
Q1- canines are the last teeth to be lost T or F

Q2-the cervical line of maxillary canin is more curved than incisor T or F

Q3- the cingulum of maxillary canin large than incisorsT or F

Q4- the cusp ridge of maxillary canin are plased lingually to the center of root axe

Q5- the lingual surface of mandibular canine is resemble to mandibular lateral incisor T or F

Q6- the mesial out line of corwn of mandibular canine straight with the mesial out line of the root
T or F

Q7- the lower first premolar is larger than lower second premolar T or F

Q8, mandibular molars erupt before maxillary molars T or F

‫هذا االجابات متع االسئلة اللي درتها امس‬

‫‪1- d‬‬

‫‪2- d‬‬

‫‪3- c‬‬

‫‪4- b‬‬

‫‪5- a‬‬

‫‪6- c‬‬

‫‪7- a‬‬

‫‪12^^ -d‬‬

‫‪13- d‬‬

‫‪14- c‬‬

‫‪15- e‬‬

‫‪16- c‬‬

‫‪17- d‬‬

‫‪18- d‬‬

‫‪19- c‬‬

‫غير انا غالط بدل من موالر كتبت بري موالر ‪20- d‬‬

‫‪21- a‬‬

‫‪22- d‬‬

‫‪23- d‬‬

‫‪24- c‬‬

‫‪25- d‬‬

‫‪26- b‬‬

‫‪27- b‬‬

‫‪28- a‬‬

‫‪29- d‬‬

‫‪30- d‬‬
‫‪31- c‬‬

‫‪32- c‬‬

‫‪33- b‬‬

‫‪34- a‬‬

‫‪35- d‬‬

‫‪36- a‬‬

‫‪37- d‬‬

‫‪38- c‬‬

‫‪39- d‬‬

‫‪40- b‬‬

‫‪41- b‬‬

‫‪42- b‬‬

‫‪43- c‬‬

‫‪44- a‬‬

‫اللي بعدها انا غالط فيها هيا حلها ‪ 24‬انا معاود ‪ 14‬مرتين ‪44‬‬

‫‪45- b‬‬

‫‪46- b‬‬

‫الصح والغلظ كلهم صح ماعدا ‪ 2‬و ‪ 4‬و ‪7‬‬

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