Pete's Program Descriptions 2022

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

Pennsylvania Pete Radatti’s Radionic Programs Library

Document Version 7 – October 2022
Seventh Year Anniversary of Releasing Public Domain Radionics Programs in a library format,
starting in 2016 and continuing to today. Now containing 79 programs.

Nothing in this collection is offered with any warranty of any kind. As-is, Where-is. These
programs are in the public domain. Nothing in this collection is medical in nature, even where it
may appear to be so. Everything in this collection is spiritual in nature as is Radionics.

There are no claims of anything, even when a description appears to be a claim, it is explicitly
not a claim. No claim is made for suitability, effectiveness or harmlessness. These are all
spiritual in nature and therefor claims are not possible.

All programs are locked using Lock-1 Gem. Lock-1 allows for copying so you can use these to
make potentized jewelry, water/oil, food, broadcast, etc. You can even copy them to share.

Please note that the number to the left of the program name is the program number for that specific
program and has meaning. When recording work that you did using this library you can just record the
program number. For example: 7,8,9,3 means that you created a program that contains “St. Jude &
Buddha Buddies Ver 4” AND “Financial Fulfillment” AND “Take Control of My Life” AND “Lock-1 GEM”.
Some programs in this library refer to number/programs not made available. That is deliberate.
Everything in this library is provided without warranty.

Please note that I refer to these as programs. Other radionics operators may refer to them as reagents
or stored rates. I use the word program because it more clearly represents the complexity of what is
there. These are arranged in the order in which I released them to the public and are not numeric.

Since these are in public domain you may combine them with your own radionics program to make even
more powerful programs. You may then share or sell the resulting programs. I request that you not sell
my programs as your own but acknowledge authorship and the public domain nature of my work.

The program numbers contained in this library in numeric order are:

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46, 48, 60, 61, 62,
63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 81, 82, 90, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 116, 117, 119, 122, 125, 126, 127, 136,
137, 147, 148, 150, 169, 170, 174, 181, 183, 184, 185, 188, 194, 200, 204, 206, 208, 209, 214, 218, 219.
Plastic Cards
You know that I love to potentize jewelry, crystals and sand that when worn provides all kinds of passive
radionics advantages. Did you know that you can potentize carbon in addition to water and crystals?
That is why many radionics practitioners use small plastic cards to store rates. Plastic is pure carbon
arranged in long complex molecules. Nothing special like magnetic stripes or chips are necessary, just
the pure carbon of plastic. Plastic cards are compatible with Number 147, Self-Regenerating Rates.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2016 Public Release

Contains 17 programs.

1. ROSP Version 1.00

(Radionics Operating System Program) Used to enhance abilities, the workstation and protect
work from interference. Can also be broadcast to a witness. In addition, produces a bubble of
protection that allows good energy in and bad energy out but keeps bad energy from entering.

2. Unlock-1 GEM / Solids

Used to unlock or clear gems/crystals/jewelry/hard candies/most solids. If a gem is locked and
you want to add programs to it, run once. It will unlock without erasure. To clear/erase
everything, run the program twice in a row.

3. Lock-1 GEM / Solids

Use to lock programs in gems/crystal/jewelry/hard candies/most solids. This locks the gem so
that no other programs or energy can modify the item. Lock-1 does not have passwords and
there are no restrictions on copying or usage.

6. Lock-1 WATER / Liquids

Use to lock programs in water so that no other programs or energy can get into it. Lock-1 does
not have passwords and there are no restrictions on copying or usage. Ink and paint are a liquid.

7. St. Jude & Buddha Buddies Bracelet Version 4

This program includes spiritual and accelerated healing on many levels. It is where I start for all
healing programs for humans, animals and plants. It is very powerful and has had a lot of
success. It even helps with minor problems like insect stings, minor bruises and small burns but
is beneficial for serious and persistent problems. It is compatible with all other healing
programs. This is several different programs working together starting with the Saint Jude
program. Use this as the base for your programs. Replaced by #35.

8. Financial Fulfillment
Copy program into silica or quartz sand and spread around the property or area where you wish
to have more financial fulfillment. You can also broadcast it 24/7, potentize it into water/oil or
incorporate it into jewelry.

9. Take Control of My Life

Take control of your life with this program. Changes will occur so make sure you are ready. This
program has been emotionally painful for those that really need it but very successful. Part of
how it works is by forcing you to see what is wrong in your life and presents you with solutions.
Change is always painful but necessary for growth. Cannot be stopped once started. Yes, it is
emotionally painful, expect crying. Each person is different.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

10. Bully Be Gone

Remove bullies from your life with this program. How they go away will be up to them, but they
will stop bullying you. This program is beneficial to the bully as it helps them to become less of a
bully and more of a normal human.

11. Repay IOU

Use this program to get payments for past due bills. You can simply place the sand/gem program
on the invoice or bill that is overdue and set it in the corner until it has been paid. Sometimes
this takes months to work. Someone who does not have the ability to pay will want to but
cannot do what they cannot do. You can speed this up by broadcasting it.

12. The Phoenix Version 2

The Phoenix is another spiritual healing program that is compatible with St. Jude & Buddha
Buddies Bracelet Version 4. Use this program when there is elderly involved or long-term illness,
or the problem is critical. It is appropriate to use for dire need. The name of Phoenix is
appropriate. If you find the need to use this program, consider also using 13 & 23.

13. Psychic Attack with Sacred Geometry

This is the standard psychic attack programs to ward off / balance psychic attacks combined with
sacred geometry which makes the target less vulnerable to psychic attacks in the future by
correcting spiritual entry points that are damaged.

15. A123-C (all organs)

Spiritually re-balance all the major organs.

16. Brain Fog

Resolves problems with long term brain fog. Users have reported success.

17. Lyme
Spiritual healing directed at Lyme Disease. Very powerful. Completely compatible with all
medical procedures for Lyme's. Suggest the use of CJ's “skin” prayer stones after this program.
See Pete's book for details on where to obtain CJ's programs.

21. Love & Lust

This program will reignite the love between two people or it will make that lack of love apparent.
Useful for couples who are having relationship problems.

22. Saint Jude

Saint Jude is the base for all spiritual healing used by Pete. It is powerful and can be broadcast
or potentized. It is also the base program for #7 (Saint Jude and Buddha Buddy Bracelet).

23. SIR – Soul Integration Repair

The Sir (Soul Integration Repair) program does exactly what it says. It does not repair the soul. I
don't believe you can damage the actual soul. It does not repair the physical body. It repairs the
integration of the soul into the body. There are vast spiritual benefits from this better
communication which include benefits to the physical body and elimination of entities.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2017 Public Release

Contains 7 programs.

24. Vampire Repellent

Vampire repellent is the program defined in Pete's book (Pages 122-126). It assists in repelling
energy vampires and energy drainers. Does not work against Apex Vampires.

25. Hell Burner #1

This program is for repelling Apex Vampires and energy drainers. (Pete's book Page 126) Put this
program into a pocket Radionics Power Pod (RPP) and carry. Next time you attend a public event
(especially psychic fairs which attract energy drainers) and you are carrying the program in a RPP
watch the large number of people who suddenly leave.

29. Enhance PSI Ability

Enhance your psychic abilities. No warranty and be sure you want it. It does not always work
but it always reverses the “Disable PSI Ability”.

30. Disable PSI Ability

When many naturally strong psychics enter their 20's they sometimes have difficulty dealing
with their abilities. This can be severe and upsetting. This may also include difficulty sleeping, a
general believe they are losing their mind due to “seeing” things or “knowing” things or the
“impossible” abilities to move things, etc. This program is for them. It gives them a break.
Potentize it into jewelry or broadcast it. It will eventually “wear-off” or you can reverse it with
“Enhance PSI Ability”.

35. Super Bracelet (1,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,23,24,25)

As of the year 2017 this is what I potentize into all jewelry. Note, program 14 is not part of the
library. This is deliberate but may change in the future. Program 14 is included in program #35.
You can add this to your programs but dowse if #7, #35 or #60 is best. Replaced in bracelets
with #60

36. EWell Transmittal Program #1 (1,7,8,12,13,14,23,25)

As of the year 2017 this is the program that I transmit when using the EWell. You can transmit
this without an EWell. Note: Not all programs are suitable for transmittal 24-hours/day. This
program has been fully tested and is good.

38. Increase Energy, Energy Reserves, Stamina (Version 1.0)

Increases energy, energy reserves and stamina. Should result in a general feeling of well-being.
Spiritual in nature, AS-IS-WHERE-IS, No warranty.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2018 Public Release

Contains 4 programs.

39. Cloaking Program Version 1.0

The cloaking program is new and while it has had some success it has not yet had the full test of time.
Monitor carefully.

The radionics cloaking program attempts to make you invisible to psychic/magic/spiritual/radionic

attacks. Unfortunately, it also makes you invisible to beneficial attempts. It does not make you immune
to attacks which involve direct touch. For that look at bubbles of protection.

If you want to send radionics programs at the same time as the cloaking program, then put the cloaking
program in the input well along with the witness and any other programs or setting you want to
transmit. They will be sent together. Therefor the machine that transmits the cloaking program can in
fact see you. That machine should be physically secured from mischief. To discontinue the cloaking
program just remove it from the well.

Not tested but should work, is to potentize the cloaking program into jewelry. If you are wearing the
jewelry “they” should not be able to target you. To discontinue the cloaking program just remove the

As an aside, the word cloaking means to hide or cover, to not be seen. Warning if you attempt to attack
a senior radionics master while cloaking yourself, I suggest you think two or three times first. Your attack
is the witness needed to find you.

46. Lazarus Program Version 2

The Lazarus program does not raise the dead, but it takes people on death’s door and gives them more
time. The primary reason for this is to give the Doctors more time to do what is needed to return to
health. Can add years but each case is different. Requires 24/7 broadcast.

48. Herbal Turpentine from American Georgian trees

No explanation is offered for this program. Either you know or you don’t.

72. Exorcism Version 2

This program was developed as a joint effort between Rae Bright Star Thomas. This version will attempt
to get rid of demons and evil spirits up to a middle weight fighter. Later versions will take on heavier
fighters. There are still problems with people who actively defend the demon who is infesting them.
Includes Exorcism Version 1. For more information on Rae Bright Star Thomas see her store front.
Custom orgone and potentized items.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2019 Release
Contains 5 new programs.

60. Saint Jude and The Essence of Life Bracelet

This is my most powerful bracelet yet. It replaces all prior bracelets which are kept here for use as
subroutines in other programs. Includes everything in #7 and #35.

61. 1-K Clear Kerosene

No explanation is offered for this program. Either you know or you don’t.

62. Fenbendazole (animal dewormer)

No explanation is offered for this program. Either you know or you don’t. It can also be used as an
animal dewormer.

63. Win Legal

This program will help you to win a legal case in court. If you are involved in a jury case then it is
suggested you watch the movie “12 Angry Men” every night of the hearing. How this program does it
work may be different than you expect. For example, there may be many postponements of the hearing
leading to dismissal. It might be an outright win or key people may not show up. If you have done
something evil this program may not work for you. It is intended for innocent people who are caught in
the legal grinder.

19. New Kidney, Bladder & Stone Cleaner

This program will help people who are having kidney and/or bladder problems, uric acid buildup, oxalate
buildup, gout and arthritic joint pain. It should also help liver and gall bladder function.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2020 Release
Contains 5 new programs.
66. Sacrum Coccyx Spiritual Support
All rates for this program are contained in the book, “Level-2 Radionics”. This program provides spiritual
support for the Coccyxal bones and joints, ligaments, nerves and muscles of the pelvic floor. This is
important in the case of sciatica which is not only extremely painful but can lead to complications such
as loss of leg strength, obesity, loss of pelvic floor muscle strength, loss of bowel control, depression and
mental health issues. Please read the chapter in the book before using. Contains 31 rates.

67. UTRAN IF Statement

All rates for this program are contained in the book, “Level-2 Radionics”. This program allows you to do
“computer programming” using analog rates on Radionics machines. The IF statement is the most
powerful in that it allows you to determine if a rate is needed or not. For example, if you want to write a
small program that checked different parts of the eye for needing balance you could do the following:
Here are some example rates for parts of the eye. These are real rates but only a few of many.
Eyes, Eyeball, orbital cavity 35.75-45.75
Eye Lens, capsule 57.25-56.50
Eye vitreous body, hyaloid membrane 34-32.2

IF(35.75-45.75) 35.75-45.75
IF(57.25-56.50) 57.25-56.50
IF(34-32.2) 34-32.2

What this does if the rate is unbalanced it runs the rate. To do this you would potentize the IF statement
program into a crystal/sand followed by the rate(s) you want checked. You do not have to potentize the
rates twice but you can. Finally, if you want to setup a very complex program you can do something like
potentize the IF statement followed by a complex stored radionics program like Saint Jude. If Saint Jude
is needed it will run and if not needed it will not run. You can put as many of these statements together
as you need.

68. UTRAN LOOP Statement

All rates for this program are contained in the book, “Level-2 Radionics”. This program allows you to do
“computer programming” using analog rates on Radionics machines. The loop statement allows you to
write a program that will repeat until a determined need is met. The Loop statement is used with the
Endloop statement (27-41). Loop contains 2 rate of 10 banks. The Kiss of God rate is 35.5-21.4, you are
asking God to bestow a blessing. Here is an example using Loop, Endloop and Kiss of God. This may not
be the best example because you can never have too many blessings but there is a time when there is
enough. In addition, like all stored radionics programs it is executed in parallel so statements below the
loop do not wait for processing but process at the same time, immediately.

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Loop(KissofGod) Start a Loop. As long as KissofGod is < GV

Call KissofGod Execute the line function Kiss of God

In this example the loop will run until KissofGod is no longer needed. It just repeats over and over until
not needed. I know this is complex but it works. Use in the same way as the IF statement except end
the loop with the Endloop rate. (Endloop rate is 27-41)

69. IF Wormwood
This program combines the UTRAN IF program with the anti-parasitic herbal Wormwood with Quassia
and Male Fern. This would be written as IF(wormwood) wormwood. It is made by potentizing the IF
program into a tube of sand, then the herbal. This completes the question IF(wormwood). If it is true
that wormwood is needed then we want to process the answer. In this case the answer is the same as
the question, wormwood compound. I remove the wormwood from the witness well, return it to the
witness well then potentize it into the tube of sand for the required amount of time followed by locking
the sand. This is important if you want to leave the IF Wormwood program tube in the input well all the
time. Wormwood if used in excess can harm you. In this case, the Wormwood compound is only
activated if required. So, if the question that wormwood is needed is Yes, then the wormwood is
broadcast, if not needed it is not broadcast. This is a much more powerful program than just the herbal
wormwood compound without the IF.

70. Inside eWell Version 2.0

This replaces the program inside of the eWell with an updated version with even stronger separating and
protection against spiritual attacks against the system. You can also put this in a witness well with
multiple witnesses and the program will keep them separated.

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Pennsylvania Pete’s Radionic Programs Library Public Release

2021 Release
Contains 9 programs.
64. Reverse Radiation Effects
Negates the harmful effects of all forms of radiation from Gama, X-Ray, WIFI, Cellphone, etc. If you place
a potentized holographic sticker on a cell phone containing this program you may need to reset the cell
phone before the cell phone will work again.

81. Covid-19 and Vax Side Effects

Use #93 for 20 minutes first. Contains: #71 Kill Evil Nanobots, #65 Saint Jude & EOL, #18 Morgellons, #16
Brain Fog, Reverse Vax Effects, Correct damage to DNA, RNA, Destroy Spike Protein, Destroy Graphene
Oxide, Future Versions of Covid-19, Blessings. Broadcast overnight. Can also be used protectively in
advance of need.

73. Rescue
Use #93 for 20 minutes first. When emergency and you have no idea what to do try this. Contains #68
Loop, #65 Saint Jude V2, #71 Kill Evil Nanobots, #23 SIR, #25 Hell Burner, #46 Lazarus, #12 The Phoenix.
Can be used 24/7 and can be combined with other programs.

95. Protect Land, Home and Contents.

Use #93 first. Dowse for time. After using #95 use #3 Lock Solid and #6 Lock Water. Attempts to protect
your property from random damage from humans and others.

90. Ex-Stop
When a couple breaks up sometimes one person becomes nasty and attempts to make the other
person’s life miserable. The program attempts to make the aggressor stop being horrible.

82. Parasitic Worms

No chemicals, oils or herbs. All rates. If target does not have the worm then the rate does nothing. All
of these worms are known to attack humans, pets and livestock. Parasites are:
Acanthamoeba Keratitis, Cysticercosis, Botfly eggs and larvae, Toxoplasmosis, Onchocerciasis,
Onchocerca Volvulus, Oxyrius, Necator Americans, Ancylostoma Duodenale, Strongyloidesa, Filariasis,
Tapeworms <Taenia Solium and Echinococcus>, Granulosum, Ancylostoma Brazilians <Hookworms>,
Ancylostoma Cranium, Whip Worms, Protozoa, Nematodes <Roundworms>, Pinworms/Threadworms,
Trematodes: <Liver Flukes-Phylum Platyhelminthes>, Trematodes: <Lung Flukes-Paragonimus
Westerman>, Trematodes: <Blood Flukes-Schistosoma Mansoni>, Trematodes: <Blood Flukes-
Schistosoma Mansoni (Intestinal)>, Trematodes: <Blood Flukes-Schistosoma Mansoni (Urinary)>,
Trematodes: <Blood Flukes-Schistosoma Mansoni (Oriental)>, Ascaris and Strongyloides <Roundworms>,
Cestodes <Tapeworms>, Filariasis (lives in lymphatic system), Nematode <Toxocara Canis>, Nematode
<Toxocara Cati>, Cestodes: <Pork Tapeworm (Taenia Solium)>, Cestodes: <Beef Tapeworm (Taenia
Saginata, Cestodes: <Fish Tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium Atum)>, Cestodes: <Dog Tapeworm
(Echinococcus Granulosus)>, Fluke <Fasciolopsis Buskii>, Amebas <Entamoeba Histolytica>, Naegleria,
Trypanosoma Cruzi, Giardiasis <Giardia Lambiia>, Toxoplasma <Gondii Protozoan>, Cryptosporidia,
Guinea Worm, Blastocystis Hominis, Dientameba Fragilis, Endolimax Nana

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79. Coma Rescue

Use #93 first for 20 minutes. Broadcast 24/7. Can also be used for any brain issues.

98. Increase Oxygen Absorption

Attempts to increase oxygen absorption without increased respiration.

93. Clear All Stray and Negative Energies

Should not be used 24/7 or combined with other programs. When someone has been in a bad
environment such as war, hospital, nursing homes, etc. this program becomes extremely useful. Try
with people who have depression. Sometimes works.

2022 Release
Note that titles highlighted in yellow, consider dowsing them for use together. (71, 81, 93, 117, 119, 214,
136, 137, 218) This release contains 32 new programs.

71. Kill Evil Microbots (Covid-19)

This is a program based upon the newsletter from The Shadow. It helps with Covid-19 and with the side
effects of the Vaccine.

97. Win Legal Version 2

This is an update to Program #63. It does the same thing just better.

100. Big Sea

I can’t say what this does without getting into trouble. Just dowse for when appropriate.

116. Bromelain
Bromelain eliminates eye floaters. I suggest you start by eating a pineapple especially the core then use
this program to maintain.

117. Dark Winter

Small Pox. Note: There are actual cures for Small Pox from decades ago that has nothing to do with
vaccines. Look on for the book.

119. Vax Parasites

This is a program based upon the newsletter from The Shadow. It helps with Covid-19 and with the side
effects of the Vaccine.

122 Eye Nutrition

A good mix of nutrition for the eyes. Should be used with other eye programs.

125. Professional Pooper

A family member was in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. Ran this 24 hours and hospital called
that he had a large bowel movement and the obstruction was gone.

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126. Professional Stoner

A family member was in the hospital with a liver stone blockage. It was serious. Ran this for 48 hours
and hospital called that the stone moved, the liver drained and he was no longer in mortal danger.

127. Professional Eater

Used this many times on elderly that forget to eat. Also assists with those in mortal danger who refuse
to eat. Can be run 24/7. So far, no danger of weight gain on elderly but won’t bet on that for younger

136. Hemorrhagic Fever

As described in The Shadow Knows #6 based on warnings from Dr. Li-Meng Yan.

137. More Vax Parasites

Does the same as 119 but with newly discovered parasites. Based upon the work of The Shadow.

147. Self-Regenerating Rates

If you store rates in media that is not strongly attuned for that process you can add this and the rates will
self-regenerate insuring they do not deteriorate. Compatible with plastic and all forms of carbon.

148. IF Teeth
All the teeth controlled by the UTRAN IF statement

150. Death Rites

When it’s time. Start before death to help soul transition easier. Can run 24/7 for those in high risk

169. Psoas Left Muscle

The Psoas muscle pain is often mistaken for lumbar pain.

170. Psoas Right Muscle

The Psoas muscle pain is often mistaken for lumbar pain.

174. Malcom Rae’s Electricity (Often Used by Hazel Parcell)

Malcom Rae felt that the nature of life was electricity. Here is what he used radionically.

181. Spooky2 Detox Maintenance

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

183. Spooky2 Multi-vitamin and mineral

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

184. Spooky2 Lungs

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

185. Spooky2 Vascular

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

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188. Spooky2 The Spiritual Pick-Me-Up

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

194. Spooky2 Mold, Dust, Slime, Fungus

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

200. Spooky2 Heart Valve and Branch Blockage

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

204. Turn Off and Tune In – Break TV Mind Control

Deprogram people from the mind control being broadcast on television. Can be use prophylactically.

206. Remove Mind Chatter

Some people suffer from constant mind chatter which is horrible, especially at night.

208. Starvation does not damage body

This can not actually stop damage from starvation but it will attempt to minimize it.

209. Evade Starvation (made optimal use of food, find food)

This will not actually evade starvation but it will help the body extract maximum nutrition from any food
found and help to locate food.

214. Vax Splinter Defense

This is described in The Shadow Knows Newsletters. Basically, it creates an infective program for Covid-
19 and the side effects of the vaccine. It is a way of helping many people with harm to no one. Be
certain before use.

218. NAC 600

It has been found that NAC 600mg (N-Acetyl Cysteine} eliminates lung issues and brain fog issues caused
by vaccine shedding. NAC is good for all kinds of lung problems. Search engine it for a pleasant surprise.
I suggest actual use of the NAC supplement but this is good for remote.

219. Spooky2 Brain Boost

Spooky2 Rife frequencies stored radionically. Read Spooky2 documentation for more details.

Explanation of Spook2 Label: Information cannot be copyright only the implementation of

information such as written text or computer programs. Radionics Programs labeled as Spooky2
uses Royal Raymond Rife frequency information from the Spooky2 device in addition to other
things in the format of stored rates. The original frequencies are not stored, just information.

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How to Use:
All the programs in the kit are locked with lock-1 gem. You should never unlock them. When you
copy them, the lock will not copy. Assuming you are copying to something solid and not
broadcasting, the process will be something like the following:

1. Turn a bank on and set to 0-100. Assuming potentization, turn the potentizing well on and
set to IN-PHASE. These settings will remain for the rest of this procedure.

2. Put jewelry/crystals/sand/food that you want to potentize into the Potentizing Well. Put the
master tube from the kit for Unlock-1 Gem (#2) into the Witness Well.

3. Determine how many minutes to run unlock-1 gem to clear the new material of any negative
energies. Then run the program. If the jewelry/crystals/sand were already locked then you will
have to run unlock-1 gem twice in a row. (not just twice the time)

4. Put the master tube from the kit that you want to use in the witness well. Set one bank to 0-
100. Use stick to determine how many minutes to potentize for. It will rarely exceed 30 minutes
and will almost always be less.

5. Turn the potentizer on, set it to IN-PHASE then go into broadcast mode for the minutes

6. After the above is done, then copy lock-1 gem into the gem to lock them. This makes sure
that they will not be damaged during travel or from magnets, strong sunlight, etc.

Notes: If you are making a copy of one of the locks, first potentize the lock into the
sand/crystals then lock it. Example, Lock-1 Gem: Potentize it then run it a second time to lock
it. For unlocks: Potentize it then run Lock-1 Gem to lock in the unlock.

These programs are made available on an “as-is, where-is” basis with no claim or warranty of
any type. In addition, you are not paying for these programs. They have been made available
free and I entered them into the public domain. You are paying for the significant amount of
work and cost involved in sourcing appropriate containers (test tubes), quartz crystal sand,
plastic cards, clearing the media, programming the media, locking the media, repeating this for
all of the programs for hours on end and combining them into a library with appropriate
packaging and documentation. Therefore, you can't buy these programs, just the work involved
in making copies is more than anyone can charge and that doesn't count the decades of work
developing the programs. I, personally do not offer them for sale but there are people who
have agreed to do so.

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How to get copies of my programs:

The number of people who make the library available has gone down because of the significant
work and low return. Sami still makes them available. Email him at Sami Choudhry

Pete's book(s): The book referred to in this document is titled, “A Fun Course in Beginning
Radionics” by Peter V. Radatti. ISBN-13: 978-1542419970, ISBN-10: 1542419972. The black &
white paperback imprint is available from for $14 USD. Kindle versions are
free with the paperback.
There is a second book titled, “How to Build an Electronic Witness Well for Radionics” by Peter
V. Radatti. ISBN-13: 978-1545124819, ISBN-10: 1545124817. The paperback imprint is available
from for $9.95 USD, kindle free with paperback.
There is a third book titled, “Level-2 Radionics” that is a continuation of the first book.
I also write books on nutrition and computer security. You can see a list of my books and any
supplemental material available at

General Comments from Pete:

Some people have asked why there are numbers missing. The reason is because I did not
release those programs. There could be a lot of reasons for that including some of these
programs are fragments used as a subroutine in larger programs. A few programs I am not
releasing because they could be dangerous and should not be used by inexperienced operators.
A few are not released because it is not time for them. Everything I release is safe for a
beginner or advanced user.
I have been asked how I make money if I don’t charge for programs. I provide a very Zen like
answer; this is what I want. Of course, I have a job where I make my living and I have used
radionics to be very good at my job which has rewarded me financially.
How can I find more radionics operators? Facebook and are some of the best
places to network with radionics operators on a global scale. Facebook is starting to become
problematic for radionics operators and some people are already planning to move to if Facebook censors radionics. Many existing Facebook radionics sites have moved
to private or secret. There are not a lot of meetups so create your own “club” and hold
I want to send you a thank you, what do you want? My favorite gift is an email letting me know
what you have been up to. Feeling appreciated is always good. You can use the email address If you liked my books please leave a review on
Closing Idea: No one and nothing can make you happy. Happiness comes from within you and
that is where you must find it.

Pete's Library – Page 14 of 14

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