Grip Strength Generalization of The Body Mass Index
Grip Strength Generalization of The Body Mass Index
Grip Strength Generalization of The Body Mass Index
Alexandru Godescu
Applied mathematics, computer science
The Body Mass Index (BMI) formula has been developed by Belgian
mathematician Adolphe Quetelet and published in 1840 [1] as a law of nature and
society, based on statistics about the weight and height of the population of that time,
the first part of the 19th century. He called it “social physics”. From then, for nearly
two centuries, the BMI had been the most important formula describing the normal
relations and ratio of weight to the square of the height for humans. The problem
arises if the BMI formula, developed in the first part of the 19th century is still good
today when the type of work people perform is very different? In modern times, most
people are less muscular than at the time when the BMI was developed because they
do not work physically as heavy as at that time. In many cases, the Body Mass index
can predict mortality, morbidity and illness but not always, for example cases such as
(a) the obesity paradox for some cardiovascular problems and (b) the U shape
mortality paradox as well as (c) false positive obesity diagnostic in regard to people
who are strong and muscular, have low body fat percentage but are classified as obese
by the BMI and (d) cases where BMI is normal but people have an “obese
metabolism” (e) BMI normal but high fat percentage. The objective is to develop a
formula good for all body types, a formula that makes the difference between fat and
non-fat body weight such as muscle and body frame and quantifies the effect of
strength and fitness, which BMI does not. Another objective is to develop a formula
to predict the health risks and fitness status of people, better than BMI. The first
generalizations of BMI using anthropometric metrics could be found in [2], where I
discuss and analyze many formulae, developed, tested, and simulated by me, using
similar new methods, accounting for body shape, physical shape and body function,
making the difference between muscle mass and fat, fat and non fat body weight.
Nearly all formulae and methods developed and proposed in this new model are new,
never published before. Many experiments published before, in highly cited papers
show that grip strength and muscle strength is a predictor of health, mortality,
morbidity, endocrine and metabolic disease outside the BMI and anthropometric
measures. The purpose of my formula is to explain the outcome of those experiments
and create a formula which predicts these experiments [21][23][24][25][26][27][28]
[29][30][31][32][33][34][35] [37][38][39] [40][41][16][17][18][19][20][22][36]
1. Introduction
The classic body mass index (BMI) observed as a law of nature and society in
the 19th century by Adolphe Quetelet [1] is a good formula for active hard working
people as those who were the basis of the statistic made by Adolphe Quetelet in the
first part of the 19th century. Today much of the population is less active and works
fewer hours and not so heavy as at that time. This means it is possible to make the
case that BMI overestimates the maximum normal weight a modern person can have.
The standard BMI formula of Ancel Keys [5] and Adolphe Quetelet [1] is
height 2.0
BMI(weight,height) =
height 2.0
Obesity is a major health problem in our times and one of the most important
preventable causes of premature death, mortality, morbidity, loss of function and ill
health [6]. A larger introduction and description of the methods could be found in my
“Anthropometric generalization of BMI” [2]. BMI is perhaps the most common way
obesity is diagnosed and quantified by the public and by doctors and researchers.
In many cases, the Body Mass index can predict mortality, morbidity and
illness but not always, for example cases such as (a) the obesity paradox for some
cardiovascular problems and (b) the U shape mortality paradox as well as (c) false
positive predictions in regard to people who are strong and muscular, have low body
fat percentage but are classified as obese by the BMI and (d) cases where BMI is
normal but people have an obese metabolism (e) BMI normal but high fat percentage.
The standard BMI formula or function makes no distinction between muscles
and fat, or between various body types and studies have cast doubt on its validity in
these circumstances. [3] No existing method, not even those using complex laboratory
methods, are able to capture the quality of the muscles, their functionality, and their
neural command structures which is relevant for health but is different from their
mass. The BMI was never defined as a function before, but this definition opens new
analytical possibilities, this change of perspective can create new sport science and
new health science. It is convenient for mathematicians and computer programmers to
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think and model the problem in this way. The BMI does not take in account the body
fat distribution. The abdominal body fat is a risk in metabolic and heart disease [45].
Of course BMI does not account for the distribution of fat so it is not a predictor of
the consequences of abdominal fat.
The BMI does not take in account the level of muscular development and
strength but muscular development is a predictor of health and it is associated with
better health and lower mortality and morbidity risk. [16][17][18][19]
The BMI does not take in account the change of the demographic base. The BMI is
based on the statistic made in the first part of the 19th century [1], but those people
had different occupations and body types and body composition, compared to the
people who live today. Most people are different today in terms of body composition,
nutrition and occupation than the population was at that time when the BMI (body
mass index) was developed, because most people now do not have heavy physical
work occupations as in the 19th century and are less muscular now and have
occupations where they do not develop their body, physical strength and endurance in
a comparable way to the people who lived in the first part of the 19th century. Is the
same formula used for lean and strong people in the 19th century still correct during
our times? They were shorter, stronger, leaner and had usually a smaller life
expectancy. Despite the fact that most people have professions where they do not
develop their physical strength now, there are people who developed their body
through sport and exercise more than it was possible in the first part of the 19th
century, the most muscular people of our time have more muscles than people living
at that time in the 19th century. The U shape mortality paradox [46] shows BMI has
limitations in predicting death in older people. Therefore we must find a better
formula because BMI theory fails to explain some statistics and experiments. The
obesity paradox [47] has been documented in patients with heart failure. The low
BMI and obesity metabolism paradox is also a problem not solved by the BMI. BMI
is an indicator of obesity, it does not differentiate between adiposity types. [48]
Metabolic syndrome is in particular associated with abdominal obesity [49] which the
BMI does not capture. [10] shows waist circumference is a predictor of mortality
independent of the BMI. [11] found that both waist circumference and in
combination with the BMI is a predictor of mortality. This causality had been
included in my formulae in “The anthropometric generalization of BMI” [2] and is
included also in the formulae in this paper. Waist circumference had been associated
with mortality independent of BMI, at the same BMI, higher waist circumference
meant higher death risks. [12] This is not part of BMI prediction power and for this
reason my formulae of “The anthropometric generalization of BMI” [2] which
combines the two indicators have more prediction power than BMI alone. Waist
circumference and waist to height ratio are independent of BMI a factor in predicting
death. [13] The ratio of waist to chest is inversely correlated to lung function even in
children [14]. This is an important result because a large number of health problems
derive from this including death from respiratory infections and predicts why obese
people were much more likely to die from COVID 19. I implemented this causality in
[2] in the anthropometric generalization of the body mass index. Clearly, this is not
predicted through the BMI alone. [15] shows the waist to chest ratio correlates with
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GGBMI(weight, height, grip_strength) = grip_ strength
Height1+ 54
The grip strength is correlated to the overall body strength, muscles and health status. For
this reason, this formula makes the difference between muscle and fat and between
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large frame, which is correlated to the grip strength and small frame and between
healthy and not healthy. Indirectly through grips strength this formula, quantifies age
and work type and volume because those have an impact on grip strength and
correlates with it. These factors are quantified indirectly through grip strength, which
is essential in types of professions where the body strength develops overall. The idea
and logic behind my formula starts from the observation that the power of Height is a
parameter, which controls both the value of the GGBMI (Grip strength generalization of body
mass index) as well as the variation of GGBMI with the height. The optimal value is not
always 2. Two is an approximation, which is reasonably good for people who are similar to
those for which the BMI was determined as a statistic, but the power two is not always
optimal for the modern sedentary person, or for people who do not perform physical work and
BMI is not proper also for the opposite, the people who are very strong, athletic, muscular.
The BMI was developed in the 19th century based on statistics of the people who lived at that
time, many of which were performing very heavy physical work, were leaner and stronger,
shorter and younger than the population is today. We need to find a power of Height as a
function of grip strength, which better solves the problem of accounting for the muscular
development and using it to create a more general formula where BMI is a particular case.
Such a formula would be more suited for the population of today instead of using constant 2
as a power of height. We can define an indicator
comparable with 1, for the average person
average grip strength
. In this case the new formula is similar to classical BMI and for this reason, the classical BMI
is a particular case of my formula in the physiological and mathematical sense.
A strong male, but which is not trained in sport has handgrip strength up to 57 kg. according
to research. The idea of the new method is to re-define the limits of normal weight range by
developing a function where instead of having height at power two, there is a power, function
of the strength of the handgrip, where for the normal strong people, people who are strong
naturally but do not train in sport, there is a function similar to BMI, because
Gr ip St r ength gr ipstrengt
wou l d be a pr os x i m a t i vel y 1 and 1 +
54 54
gr ipst rengt h
wou l d be a pr ox i m a t i vel y 2 a n d Height1+ 54 would be aproximatively
Height li k e i n th e cl a ssic BMI wh ich i s a p ar t icu l ar ca se of m y f or m u l a . T h i s m a k es
sen se beca u se BMI was developed based on statistics from a time and society where most
people were doing heavy physical work, so the choice of 54 is justified logically and
experimentally. In cases where the grip is stronger, like in the case of athletes, and people
gr ip_ st r ength
who practice sport, the power of H is greater than two because would be
gr ip_ st r ength
greater than 1 and 1 + would in this case be greater than 2. In this case,
my function predicts a larger acceptable weight than BMI would. For cases where the grip
grip_strength gr ip_ st r ength
strength is smaller than 54 kg, is smaller than 1 and 1 + is
54 54
smaller than 2.
Test cases:
For a grip = 54 kg, at height =1.8 m and a weight = 80 kg, the formula returns a BMI 24.69
which is at the limit of the normal BMI. If we double the grip strength to 108 kg, the formula
predicts an acceptable weight of up to 140kg. Compared to grip strength this weight would
not be higher than the weight of the average person compared to their grip strength. There are
studies for the grip of normal people and they suggest that few untrained people have a grip
comparable to their weight and most of them have perhaps, if in good condition, 50-80% of
their body weight. There are no studies on the grip strength of athletes as far as I know,
however based on my own experience, I think for grip strength of 108 kg, a body weight of
140 kg would be to high. Statistical studies are needed and my analysis and simulation may
orient such statistical studies. For this reason, I think a better formula would make a smaller
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rate of increase in acceptable weight with grip strength. More studies are needed but this
research is specifically intended to help such studies. Therefore a new formula would describe
the optimal relation of grip and normal weight limits better.
Weight Weight
GGBMI = grip_ strength
= grip_ strength
Height1+ 0.5+0.5* 54 Height1.5+0.5* 54
This formula predicts a maximum normal weight of up to 108kg for grip strength of 108kg.
This formula is correct in my view for ordinary people and for most athletes and sets a higher
standard of strength and athleticism relative to weight compared to average people, few have
grip strength equal to their weight. For the athletes who develop in particular their grip such
as gymnasts or people who train their grip specifically, then the ideal weight formula would
need a different form because in their case the grip strength does not correlate in the same
way with the strength in other parts of the body. For the case of people who practice sports
where grip strength is critical or train the grip strength specifically then a more correct
formula would be
weight weight
GGBMI = grip_ strength
1+ 0.5+0.5* 1.5+0.5* grip_ strength
Height weight Height weight
This formula would predict a maximum normal weight of 87kg for somebody with handgrip
strength of 108kg, a height of 1.8m. I believe this is correct in general for boxers and
wrestlers and gymnasts and it predicts normal weight in the sense of normal body fat
percentage, but the competitive weight of world class gymnasts is lower than the weight
predicted by this formula. For a 1.7 m athlete with handgrip strength of 108lg this formula
would predict a maximum normal weight of 79kg, which is reasonable, but of course the
optimal competitive weight may be lower. Even at 79kg such athlete would not be fat or
GGBMI(weight, height, grip_strength) = grip_ strength
Height1+0.5+0.5* 47
Using 54 instead of 47 promotes a more lean standard, a better standard, where low strength
means a lower maximum weight than BMI would predict while high strength means higher
weight limit than BMI would predict. Use of 47 is more in line with a lower standard, similar
to that of BMI. However, the real BMI made through statistical data from the 19th century was
based on people who had a stronger grip than the average people today because most were
performing heavy physical work, as heavy as few perform today when there is technology to
decrease the heavy loads of work and there are work protection laws. The choice of 54 kg
grip strength seems stronger than the average male for our time but it is in line with the
historical base of the statistics behind the BMI. 54kg grip strength is not very much for
athletes, I would say it is modest for an athlete who uses the hands in sport or in exercise.
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For woman, I chose the constant 38 instead of 54, so the grip strength would be divided by 38
as in and we find the formula
1+ grip_ 38
The use of the grip in the BMI formula could be combined with an anthropometric proportion
Chest − 10H Chest − 10H
, as a factor in the power of H. The use of the factor is explained
waist waist
in (godescu, A. The Anthropometric Generalization of the Body Mass Index) [2] where I
introduce the first generalizations of BMI, which makes the difference between fat and
muscles, body frame and shape. The idea behind the formula is that the higher the
proportion, the more athletic and lean the shape of a person is, because it means larger chest
than waist, which is the way athletic body shape is represented. All the obese people
regardless if they have developed large muscles or not, have a larger difference between waist
and chest than in the case of athletic people or in the case of people with normal weight. Of
course those who are obese but have weak upper body part muscles have smaller chest/wait
ratio compared to the obese athletes who have large chest muscles too. Then I used the
Chest − 10H
ratio because the chest is usually larger than the waist in average people and in
order to keep the value of the ratio 1 for the average person, I determined that the chest is
Chest − 10H
usually larger with 10xHeight than the waist. I defined as an indicator of body
shape and obesity and factored it with the classic BMI. We can use specific constants for each
size as I show in [2]. This formula is not established and in fact it is my own observation and
generalization, which I believe is correct. Perhaps more studies are needed to establish the
constant, but I found 10xHeight an appropriate relation between Height, chest and waist in
normal people. This is a new conclusion and perhaps more studies are needed to confirm it
but it seems a good relation. The value and correctness of findings of this analysis do not
depend of this relation, this is only an additional observation. Other methods to determine the
Chest − C*H
constant in the ratio, I developed in [2]. Using the same principle of
quantification and factoring of strength in a generalization of BMI using the
ratio, as a measure of the strength of the person compared to the strength of strong people
grip_strength Chest − 10H
who are not trained in sport, then I used the expression 1 + ×
54 waist
grip_strength Chest − 10H
as a power of Height instead of the power of 2 because ×
54 waist
would be about 1 for normal people who perform physical work, the type of person for which
the BMI was determined in the 19th century. So the classic BMI is a particular case of my
formula. The formulae becomes for males
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1+ grip_ 54
strength Chest − 10H
× waist
or with the improvement discussed above
1.5+0.5* grip_ 54
strength Chest − 10H
× waist
and for athletes or people who train the grip strength
1.5+0.5* grip_ strength Chest − 10H
× waist
Height weight
1+ grip_ 47
strength Chest − 10H
× waist
and for woman
1+ grip_ 38
strength Chest − 10H
× waist
Like in engineering we can try to derive several formulae based on this new method and test
which is the best through future practical and experimental studies.
Chest − 10H
Observing that ratio is about 1 for average people, higher than 1 for
athletic people and lower than 1 for overweight and obese, it is possible to define a new
generalization of BMI using anthropometric values as
2× Chest −waist
10 × Height
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2× grip_ 54
and using a slower decrease of BMI with the grip strength
GGBMI = gripstrengt
2×(0.5+0.5× )
Height 54
Using an analogic idea, it is possible to develop a formula for athletes or people who develop
the strength of their grip through special exercises. The explanation is given above.
GGBMI = gripstrengt
2×(0.5+0.5× weight )
Test example: for height = 1.7m, weight = 70kg, grip strength 54 kg, the formula predicts a
maximum normal weight of 65 kg, so a leaner standard compared to BMI and Broca. For a
stronger grip, like 108 kg, the formula predicts up to 84 kg.
2× grip_ 38
gr ip_ st r ength
Or assuming the grip strength of the average male is 47kg, then is about 1.
It is possible to define a generalization of BMI function of grip strength, making the
difference between muscles, large frame and fat as
2× grip_ 47
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And for females GGBMI = grip_strength
Height 33
( )
grip_strength Chest − 10H
If 1 + × is about 2 for
54 waist
average people, then it is possible to define a body mass anthropometric and grip strength
index as
1+ grip_ 54
strength Chest − 10 × Height
Height waist
( )
grip_strength chest − 10H
Because 1+ ×
54 waist
is about 2 for an average young male in good physical condition then we can define an
anthropometric and grip strength generalization of the BMI as
(1+ grip_ 54 )
× chest −waist
Based on the same principles and [2] we can build also the following formula
AGBMI = chest − 10 × Height grip_ strength
Height waist 54
And based on the discussion above
Weigh t
AGBMI = chest − 10 × Height
grip_ strength
Heigh t waist 54
And for athletes in sports where grips strength is essential
AGBMI = chest − 10 × Height
÷(0.5+0.5* grip_ strength
Height waist weight
Assuming a male in good physical condition has a grip strength of about 54 kg, then
grip_strenght − 54
is 0 for the an active male in good physical condition
performing and a new indicator could be defined as
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GGBMI = gripstrengt − 54
H weight
For the previous test case, height = 1.7m, grip strength = 105 kg, the formula predicts a
maximum weight of 97kg. Indeed it is high, but we may see that most people do not have a
grip strength higher than their body weight, indeed, for untrained people, this is very rare. In
this case, if the grip strength is average high untrained, 54kg then the result is the standard
BMI formula, and this proves the standard BMI is a particular case of my new formula, which
is a generalization of BMI. It is possible to develop a optimal weight equation using 1.8
instead of 2, the reason is explained in [2].
grip − 54
- 25 = 0
1.8+ strengt
H weight
Which is the best formula, depends on the person and if the person is an athlete, it depends
also on the sport to some extent, if we want high precision. Any of these formulae is better
than the BMI alone and there is a lot of evidence, in some cases it is better by a large margin.
These formulae are aimed also to guide statistical studies at larger scale and these studies will
show the advantages of each formula over the BMI and which is better in which
Division by weight or grip strength may seem arbitrary to some readers but it is a
natural and common way to represent the strength of an athlete.
Normalization could be obtained through division by 100 and we obtain a smaller factor
related to the grip strength. I consider the previous formula better, but there is also the
possibility of division by 100 instead by division with 54 and then
AGGBMI = grip_ strength − 54
H 2+ 100
Engineering an optimal formula is also achieved through trial and error. I developed and
tested also formula developed based on similar principles such as
AGBMI= chest − 10 × Height grip_strength − 54
2× waist
+ 100
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2× chest −waist
10 × Height grip_ strenght − 54
Height 54
2× chest −waist
10 × Height grip_ strenght
Height 54
2+ grip_ strength − 54
Height 100
2+ chest −waist
10 × Height grip_ strength − 54
Height 100
AGBMI = chest − 10 × Height chest − 10 × Height grip_ strength − 54
Height 2× waist + waist × 100
Bending a bar
Bending a flexible bar is an exercise, which can easily be performed for testing medical
purposes and interpreted using the formulae developed by me, in a medical office or at home
or in a gym or sport center, it requires a cheap bar of length about 50 cm which the subject
bends using the strength of the upper body. It has an advantage over the grip method because
bending a bar involves the large muscles of the upper part of the body not only the grips
strength and it is an indicator of the development of the muscles of the upper part of the body
and indicates the weight of those muscles which influences the computation of my
generalization of BMI. Bending a bar had been a strong man show before the age of Olympic
weightlifting, it was often performed in circus or exhibitions. It uses grip, forearm, biceps,
triceps, pectoral (chest), deltoid (shoulder). This is a good indicator of upper body strength,
muscular mass and muscular volume. Such bars can easily be purchased from web stores or
from sport stores. There are no studies on the average person strength at bending a flexible
strength bar, therefore I will use vales consistent with my observations. I think the average
young male strength at such exercise may be around 40kg. the formulae would be similar to
those developed above for the grip strength index, analogic. As a consequence of this
gr ip_ st r ength
assumption 1 + would be about equal to 2 for the average healthy and
active male. Therefore it is possible to develop and test the following formulae:
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SGBMI(weight, height, bending_bar_strength) =
bending _bar_ strength
Height1+ 40
We analyze this formula in the following way. For somebody who is able to bend a
bard of strength 40kg, the formula becomes SGBMI = . which shows the classic
height 2.0
BMI is a particular case of my formula. For a weaker male who can bend a bar which is
equivalent to 35 kg push we find the maximum normal weight determined by my formula is
smaller than that of the standard BMI, it is 75kg. (of course the strength is expressed by a
force in this case not by a weight but these strength bars for twisting are advertised with the
equivalent in weight lifting and I use this measure, because I did not make myself the bars, so
I cannot offer a different metric)
For stronger people, for example with strength = 50kg or equivalent for that move,
the maximum normal weight predicted by my formula is 93 kg. There is no previous research
and no statistical study, but in my view it is to high, so I believe a formula with a slower
decrease of BMI with strength. (SGBMI=strength generalization of body mass index)
SGBMI(weight, height, bending_bar_strength) =
bending_ bar_ strength
Height 40
This formula would predict a maximum normal weight of 86kg which is better.
A normalization on weight which is very intuitive, strength on weight is a very
common parameter of the strength of an athlete so the following formula follows:
SGBMI(weight, height, bending_bar_strength) =
1.5+ bending_weight
bar_ strength
For bar bending strength of 40kg, this formula would find the BMI as a particular case, which
I think it is correct. Experimentation and experimental study would be needed. For strength
on this move equivalent to 50kg, the maximum predicted weight is 84, for 60 kg is 89kg, for
80 kg strength, the maximum normal weight would be according to this formula 97kg. for
120kg bar bending strength, maximum predicted weigh is 113kg. Bending a bar is harder than
overhead lifting because the nature of the move. Based on mechanics it is as hard as
dumbbell bench press with that weight, so 120kg is very much on that mechanics. More
experiments are needed including designs and test, but the values make sense. An ideal
weight formula developed would look like
bending_ bar_ strength
- 25 = 0
Height weight
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In the same way similar to previous formulae other formulae with the same symmetry
could be developed in an analogue way. It may be possible to increase the power of Height in
a different way than linear with the strength at bending a bar but based on my observations it
is correct to increase it in a linear way because the strength at bending a bar correlates with
the upper body strength not just with the grip.
2+ bending_bar_ strength − 40
H weight
This formula would predict as much as 119kg maximum normal weight for a 120kg bar
crunch. Of course, it would be correct to use a force not weight but this is how bars are sold,
and we can make an equivalent to a lifting move such as dumbbell bench press where the
weights are measured in kg. The advantage of this move is that could be tested with very
simple equipment, a short 50cm bar in a medical office or at home. It is certain, my formula is
a lot better than BMI in making the difference between muscle and fat. For a 40kg strength on
this exercise the formula is similar to the standard BMI, which is a particular case. This
formula has the BMI as a particular case but works in both ways, for stronger people it allows
higher weigh but for weaker people it allows less weight than the classic BMI. It is possible to
define SABMI = Strength and anthropometric generalization of BMI
1+ bending_bar_ strength Chest − 10H
× waist
Height 30
1+ bending_bar_ strength Chest − 10 × Height
Height 30 waist
(1+ bending_ bar_ )
× chest −waist
Height 30
experimentally and in trials. In the same way I develop a number of formulae based
on some ideas, experiments cited and principles I developed, them test the formulae
with test cases, simulate it and present it so that people who design experimental
studies can verify these formulae in a large number of cases, on statistical basis.
These formulae explain also the well known experiments [21][23][24][25][26][27]
and incorporate their conclusion in a new formula which generalizes the BMI.
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