Unit 2

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The main issues in designing MAC protocol for ad hoc wireless network are:
Bandwidth efficiency
 Bandwidth must be utilized in efficient manner
 Minimal Control overhead
 BW = ratio of BW used for actual data transmission to the total available BW
Quality of service support
 Essential for supporting time-critical traffic sessions
 They have resource reservation mechanism that takes into considerations the nature of wireless
channel and the mobility of nodes
 MAC protocol must consider synchronization between nodes in the network
 Synchronization is very important for BW (time slot) reservation by nodes
 Exchange of control packets may be required for achieving time synchronization among nodes
Hidden and exposed terminal problems
 The hidden terminal problem refers to the collision of packets at a receiving node due to the
simultaneous transmission of those nodes that are not with in the direct transmission range of the
sender butare withinthe transmission range of the receiver.
 Collision occurs when both nodes transmit packets at the same time without knowing about the
transmission of each other.

 S1 and S2 are hidden from each other & they transmit simultaneously to R1 which leads to collision
 The exposed terminal problem refers to the inability of a node, which is blocked due to transmission by
a nearby transmitting node, to transmit to another node
 If S1 is already transmitting to R1, then S3 cannot interfere with on-going transmission & it cannot
transmit to R2.
 The hidden & exposed terminal problems reduce the through put of a network when traffic load is high
Error-prone shared broadcast channel
 When a node is receiving data, no other node in its neighborhood should transmit
 A node should get access to the shared medium only when its transmission do not affect any ongoing
 MAC protocol should grant channel access to nodes in such a manner that collisions are minimized
 Protocol should ensure fair BW allocation
Distributed nature/lack of central coordination
 Do not have centralized coordinators
 Nodes must be scheduled in a distributed fashion for gaining access to the channel
 MAC protocol must make sure that additional overhead, in terms of BW consumption, incurred due to
this control information is not very high
Mobility of nodes
 Nodes are mobile most of the time
 The protocol design must take this mobility factor into consideration so that the performance of the
system is not affected due to node mobility


 The operation of a protocol should be distributed
 The protocol should provide QoS support for real-time traffic
 The access delay, which refers to the average delay experienced by any packet to get transmitted,
must be kept low
 The available bandwidth must be utilized efficiently
 The protocol should ensure fair allocation of bandwidth to nodes
 Control overhead must be kept as low as possible
 The protocol should minimize the effects of hidden and exposed terminal problems
 The protocol must be scalable to large networks
 It should have power control mechanisms in order to efficiently manage energy consumption of the
 The protocol should have mechanisms for adaptive data rate control
 It should try to use directional antennas which can provide advantages such as reduced interference,
increased spectrum reuse, and reduced power consumption
 The protocol should provide time synchronization among nodes


Ad hoc network MAC protocols can be classified into three basic types:
ii. Contention-based protocols
iii. Contention-based protocols with reservation mechanisms
iv. Contention-based protocols with scheduling mechanisms
v. Other MAC protocols [protocols which do not fall under above 3 categories]
 Contention-based protocols
• Sender-initiated protocols: Packet transmissions are initiated by the sender node.
• Single-channel sender-initiated protocols: A node that wins the contention to the channel
can make use of the entire bandwidth.
• Multichannel sender-initiated protocols: The available bandwidth is divided into multiple
• Receiver-initiated protocols: The receiver node initiates the contention resolution protocol.
 Contention-based protocols with reservation mechanisms
• Synchronous protocols: All nodes need to be synchronized. Global time synchronization is
difficult to achieve.
• Asynchronous protocols: These protocols use relative time information for effecting
 Contention-based protocols with scheduling mechanisms
• Node scheduling is done in a manner so that all nodes are treated fairly and no node is starved
of bandwidth.
• Scheduling-based schemes are also used for enforcing priorities among flows whose packets are
queued at nodes.
• Some scheduling schemes also consider battery characteristics.
 Other protocols are those MAC protocols that do not strictly fall under the above categories.

Explain in detail MACA for wireless LAN (MACAW) and floor acquisition multiple access
protocol (FAMA)
MACAW(MACA for Wireless) is a revision of MACA.
• The sender senses the carrier to see and transmits a RTS (Request To Send) frame if no nearby station
transmits a RTS.
• The receiver replies with a CTS (Clear To Send) frame.
• The MACAW protocol uses one more control packet called the request-for-request-to-send (RRTS)

• Neighbors
• see CTS, then keep quiet.
• see RTS but not CTS, then keep quiet until the CTS is back to the sender.
• The receiver sends an ACK when receiving an frame.
• Neighbors keep silent until see ACK.
• Collisions
• There is no collision detection.
• The senders know collision when they don’t receive CTS.
• They each wait for the exponential back-off time.

Floor acquisition Multiple Access Protocols(FAMA)

 Based on a channel access discipline which consists of a carrier-sensing operation and a collision-
avoidance dialog between the sender and the intended receiver of a packet.
 Floor acquisition refers to the process of gaining control of the channel.
 At any time only one node is assigned to use the channel.
 Carrier-sensing by the sender, followed by the RTS-CTS control packet exchange, enables the protocol
to perform as efficiently as MACA.
 Two variations of FAMA
 RTS-CTS exchange with no carrier-sensing uses the ALOHA protocol for transmitting RTS packets.
 RTS-CTS exchange with non-persistent carrier-sensing uses non-persistent CSMA for the same

Explain MACA by invitation protocol and media access with reduced handshake protocol.
MACA-By Invitation Protocol
 It is a receiver-initiated protocol
 It reduces the number of control packets used in the MACA protocol
 It eliminated the need for the RTS packet
 In MACA-BI, the receiver node initiates data transmission by transmitting a ready-to-receive (RTR)
control packet to the sender as shown in the figure

 If it is ready to transmit, the sender node respond by sending a DATA packet

 Thus data transmission in MACA-BI occurs through a two-way handshake mechanism
 The efficiency of the MACA-BI scheme is mainly dependent on the ability of the receiver node to predict
accurately the arrival rates of traffic at the sender nodes

Media Access with Reduced Handshake Protocol

 It is a receiver-initiated protocol.
 Doesn’t require any traffic prediction mechanism.
 Exploits the broadcast nature of traffic from omni-directional antennas to reduce the number of
handshakes involved in the data transmission
 A node obtains information about the data packet arrivals at its neighboring nodes by over heading the
CTS packets transmitted by them.
 It then sends a CTS packet to the concerned neighbor node for relaying data from that node
 This mechanism is as shown below
 The throughput of MARCH is significantly high compared to MACA
 Control overhead is much less
 Less BW is consumed for control traffic


Distributed Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol (D-PRMA)
• It extends the centralized packet reservation multiple access (PRMA) scheme into a distributed scheme
that can be used in ad hoc wireless networks.
• PRMA was designed in a wireless LAN with a base station.
• D-PRMA extends PRMA protocol in a wireless LAN.
• D-PRMA is a TDMA-based scheme.
• The channel is divided into fixed- and equal-sized frames along the time axis.

• Each frame is composed of s slots and each slot consists of m mini slots
• Each mini slot is further divided into two control fields, RTS/BI and CTS/BI
• These control fields are used for slot reservation and for overcoming the hidden terminal problem
• All nodes having packets ready for transmission contend for the first mini slot of each slot
• The remaining (m-1) mini slots are granted to the node that wins the contention.
• Also, the same slot in each subsequent frame can be reserved for this winning terminal until it
completes its packet transmission session
• Within a reserved slot, communication between the source and receiver nodes takes by means of either
time division duplexing (TDD) or frequency division duplexing(FDD)
• Any node that wants to transmit packets has tfirst reserve slots
• A certain period at the beginning of each mini slot is reserved for carrier sensing
• In order to prioritize nodes transmitting voice traffic over nodes transmitting normal data traffic, two
rules are followed in D-PRMA
 1st rule  voice nodes are allowed to start contending from mini slot 1 with probability
p=1. Others with p<1
 2nd rule  only if the node winning the mini slot contention is a voice node, it is
permitted to reserve the same slot in each subsequent frame until the end of the
 In order to avoid the hidden terminal problem, all nodes hearing the CTS sent by the receiver are not
allowed to transmit during the remaining period of that same slot
 In order to avoid the exposed terminal problem, a node hearing the RTS but not the CTS is still allowed
to transmit
 Requirement 1  when a node wins the contention in min slot 1, other terminals must be prevented
from using any of the remaining (m-1) mini slots in the same slot for contention
 Requirement 2  when a slot is reserved in subsequent frames, other nodes should be prevented from
contending for those reserved slots
 D-PRMA is more suited for voice traffic than for data traffic applications

Collision Avoidance Time Allocation Protocol (CATA)

 It is based on dynamic topology-dependent transmission scheduling
 Nodes contend for and reserve time slots by means of a distributed reservation and handshake
 Support broadcast, unicast, and multicast transmissions.
 The operation is based on two basic principles:
• The receiver(s) of a flow must inform the potential source nodes about the reserved slot on
which it is currently receiving packets. The source node must inform the potential destination
node(s) about interferences in the slot.
• Usage of negative acknowledgements for reservation requests, and control packet transmissions
at the beginning of each slot, for distributing slot reservation information to senders of
broadcastor multicast sessions.
 Time is divided into equal-sized frames, and each frame consists of S slots.
 Each slot is further divided into five mini slots.
 The first 4 mini slots are used for transmitting control packets and are called control mini slots (CMS)
 The last mini slot is called data mini slot (DMS)

 Each node that receives data during the DMS of the current slot transmits a slot reservation (SR) packet
during the CMS1 of the slot
 This serves to inform other neighboring potential sender nodes about the currently active
 The SR packet is either received without error at the neighboring nodes or causes noise at those
nodes, preventing them from attempting to reserve the current slot
 Every node that transmits data during the DMS of the current slot transmits a request-to-send packet
 The receiver node of a unicast session transmits a clear-to-send packet
 On receiving this packet, the source node clearly understands that the reservation was successful and
transmits data during the DMS of that slot until unicast flow gets terminated
 Once the reservation has been made successfully in a slot, from the next slot onward, both the sender
and receiver do not transmit anything during CMS3 and during CMS4 the sender node alone transmits
ant- to-send (NTS) packet
 The not-to-send (NTS) packet serves as a negative acknowledgement
 A potential multicast or broadcast source node that receives the NTS packet or that detects noise,
understands that its reservation request has failed & does not transmit during DMS of current slot
 The length of the frame is very important in CATA
 The worst case value of the frame-length = Min(d2+1, N) , where d is the maximum degree of a node in
the network and N is the total number of nodes in the network
 CATA works well with simple single-channel half-duplex radios
 It is simple and provides support for collision-free broadcast and multicast traffic

Hop Reservation Multiple Access Protocol

 A multichannel MAC protocol which is based on half-duplex, very slow frequency-hopping spread
spectrum (FHSS) radios
 Uses a reservation and handshake mechanism to enable a pair of communicating nodes to reserve a
frequency hop, thereby guaranteeing collision-free data transmission.

 There are L frequency channels available

 HRMA uses one frequency channel, denoted by f0 as a dedicated synchronizing channel
 The nodes exchange synchronization information on f0
 The remaining L-1 frequencies are divided into M=(L-1)/2 frequency pairs
 fi is used for transmitting and receiving hop-reservation packets, RTS, CTS and data packets
 fi* is used for sending and receiving acknowledgement (ACK) packets
 The data packets transmitted can be of any size.
 Data transmission can take place through a single packet or a train of packets.
 In HRMA, time is slotted and each slot is assigned a separate frequency hop
 Each time slot is divided into four periods, namely, synchronizing period, HR period, RTS period, and
CTS period
 Each period meant for transmitting or receiving the synchronizing packet, FR packet, RTS packet, and
CTS packet respectively.
 During the synchronizing period of each slot, all idle nodes hop to the synchronizing frequency f 0 and
exchange synchronization information
 When a new node enters the network, it remains on the synchronizing frequency f0 for a long enough
period of time so as to gather synchronization information such as the hopping pattern and the timing
of the system
 If it receives no information, it assumes that it is the only node in the network, broadcasts its own
synchronization information and forms a one-node system
 Figure above depicts the worst-case frequency overlap scenario
 When a node receives data to be transmitted, it first listens to the HR period of the immediately
following slot
 If it finds the channel to be free during the SR period, it transmits an RTS packet to the destination
During the RTS period of the slot and waits for the CTS packet
 On receiving the RTS, the destination node transmits the CTS packet during the CTS period of the same
slot and waits for the data packet
 If the source node receives the CTS packet correctly, it implies that the source and receiver nodes have
Successfully reserved the current hop
 After transmitting each data packet, the source node hops onto this acknowledgement frequency.
 The receiver sends an ACK packet back to the source.

Soft Reservation Multiple Access with Priority Assignment

 Developed with the main objective of supporting integrated services of real-time and non-real-time
application in ad hoc networks, at the same time maximizing the statistical multiplexing gain.
 Nodes use a collision-avoidance handshake mechanism and a soft reservation mechanism
 Unique frame structure
 Soft reservation capability for distributed ad dynamic slot scheduling
 Dynamic and distributed access priority assignment and update policies
 Time constrained back-off algorithm
 Time is divided into frames, with each frame consisting of a fixed number of slots
 Each slot is further divided into 6 different fields (figure) namely SYNC, soft reservation (SR),
reservation request (RR), reservation confirm (RC), data sending (DS) and acknowledgement (ACK)

 The SYNC field is used for synchronization purposes

 The SR, RR, RC, and ACK fields are used for transmitting and receiving the corresponding control
 The DS field is used for data transmission
 The SR packet serves as a busy tone
 It informs the nodes about the reservation of the slot
 SR packet also carries the access priority value assigned to the node that has reserved the slot
 When an idle node receives a data packet for transmission, the node waits for a free slot and transmits
the RR packet in the RR field of that slot
 A node determines whether or not a slot is free through the SR field of that slot
 In case of a voice terminal node, the node tries to take control of the slot already reserved by a data
terminal if it finds it priority level to be higher than that of the data terminal
 This process is called soft reservation.
 Priority levels are initially assigned to nodes based on the service classes in a static manner
 It is required that priority of voice terminal pv(R) > priority of data terminal pd(R) such that delay-
sensitive voice applications get preference over normal data applications
 A node that is currently transmitting is said to be in active state
 A node that is said to be in the idle state if it does not have any packet to be transmitted
 In the active state itself, nodes can be in one of the two states: access state and reserved state
 Access state is one in which the node is backlogged and is trying to reserve a slot for transmission
 The access priorities are assigned to nodes and updated in a distributed and dynamic manner
 This allows dynamic sharing of the shared channel
 In order to avoid collisions, a binary exponential back-off algorithm is used for non-real time
connections and a modified binary exponential back-off algorithm is used for real time connections

Five-Phase Reservation Protocol

 A single-channel time division multiple access (TDMA)-based broadcast scheduling protocol.
 Nodes use a contention mechanism in order to acquire timeslots.
 The protocol is fully distributed, that is, multiple reservations can be simultaneously made throughout
the network.
 No ordering among nodes is followed
 Nodes need not wait for making time slot reservations

 Time is divided into frames

 There are two types of frames namely reservation frame and information frame
 Each RF is followed by a sequence of Ifs
 Each RF has N reservation slots (RS)
 Each IF has N information slots (IS)
 In order to reserve an IS, a node needs to contend during the corresponding RS
 Based on these contentions, a TDMA schedule is generated in the RF and is used in the subsequent Ifs
until the next RF.
 Each RS is composed of M reservation cycles
 During the corresponding IS, a node would be in one of the three states: transmit(T), receive(R) or
 The protocol assumes the availability of global time at all nodes.
 The reservation takes five phases: reservation, collision report, reservation confirmation, reservation
acknowledgement, and packing and elimination phase.
MACA with Piggy-Backed Reservation
 Provide real-time traffic support in multi-hop wireless networks
 Based on the MACAW protocol with non-persistent CSMA
 The main components of MACA/PR are:
 A MAC protocol
 A reservation protocol
 A QoS routing protocol
 Differentiates real-time packets from the best-effort packets
 Provide guaranteed BW support for real-time packets
 Provides reliable transmission of best efforts packets

 Time is divided into slots

 Slots are defined by the reservations made at nodes
 They are asynchronous in nature with varying lengths
 Each node in the network maintains a reservation table (RT) that records all the reserved transmit and
receive slots/windows of all nodes within its transmission range
 The sender is assumed to transmit real-time packets at certain regular intervals, say, every CYCLE time
 The first data packet of the session is transmitted in the usual manner
 The source node first sends an RTS packet, for which the receiver responds with a CTS packet
 Now the source node sends the first DATA packet of the real-time session
 Reservation information for the next DATA packet to be transmitted is piggy-backed on this current
DATA packet.
 On receiving this DATA packet, the receiver node updates its reservation table with the piggy-backed
reservation information
 It then sends ACK packet back to the source
 Receiver node piggy-backs the reservation confirmation information on the ACK packet
 Slot reservation information maintained in the reservation tables is refreshed every cycle
 Thus, MACA/PR is an efficient bandwidth reservation protocol that can support real-time traffic
 Advantage  it does not require global synchronization among nodes
 Drawback  a free slot can be reserved only if it can fit the entire RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK exchange

Real-Time Medium Access Control Protocol

 Provides a bandwidth reservation mechanism for supporting real-time traffic in ad hoc wireless
 RTMAC has two components
o A MAC layer protocol is a real-time extension of the IEEE 802.11 DCF.
 A medium-access protocol for best-effort traffic
 A reservation protocol for real-time traffic
o A QoS routing protocol is responsible for end-to-end reservation and release of bandwidth
 A separate set of control packets, consisting of Resv RTS, ResvCTS, and ResvACK, is used for effecting
BW reservation for real-time packets
 RTS, CTS and ACK control packets are used for transmittingbest effort packets
 Time is divided into super frames. (figure)
 Bandwidth reservations can be made by a node by reserving variable-length time slots on super frames
 The core concept of RTMAC is the flexibility of slot placement in the super frame
 Each super frame consists of a number of reservation-slots
 The time duration of each resv-slot is twice the maximum propagation delay
 Data transmission normally requires a block of resv-slots
 A node that needs to transmit real-time packets first reserves a set of resv-slots
 The set of resv-slots reserved by a node for a connection on a super frame is called a connection-slot
 Each node maintains a reservation table containing information such as the sender id, receiver id, and
starting and ending times of reservations that are currently active
 In RTMAC, no time synchronization is assumed
 The protocol uses relative time for all reservation purpose
 A three way handshake protocol is used for effecting the reservation
 In the figure, NAV indicates the network allocation vector maintained at each node
 Main advantage is Bandwidth efficiency
 Another advantage is asynchronous mode of operation where nodes do not require any global time

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