1. Observation / Question
- Involves in making observation about something that focus in the idea of the
project and must formulate a question about of observation. The question
states about trying to discover or accomplish in the experiment.
2. Research Topic Area
- Doing background of what already known of the topic and can also involve
3. Hypothesis
- It is the possible answer to the question that can be tested. It states the purpose
of the experiment and the predicted outcome of an experiment.
4. Test with Experiment
- It is important to create a testable experiment based on the hypothesis to
establish a noticeable observation to develop an accurate conclusion.
5. Analyse the data
- The results of an experiment and establish to see the result of the test if the
results support the hypothesis or prediction.
6. Report Conclusion
- The documents of the results from the experiment. The project must share the
result to increase the availability of knowledge and communicate to the others.
1. Observation/ Question
Observation: The temperature of the Earth is constantly increasing every period
of time. The ocean absorbed much of increase heat and several of the countries
experienced the heat wave.
Question: What will happen to the Earth 10 years from now if the average
temperature surface constantly increased?
Over this period, the world has warmed about 1 Celsius. However, land areas
have warmed by 1.3 Celsius while oceans have only warmed by around 0.8
Celsius. Some parts of the Arctic have warmed by more than 2 Celsius.
By the end of the 21st century, the future average of the global warming between
around 1.5 Celsius and 5 Celsius, depending on greenhouse gas emissions and the
sensitivity of the climate to those emission.
6. Report Conclusion
The average surface temperature has risen about 1 degree Celsius since the late
19th century and largely increased of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Most of
the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being
the warmest is the years of 2016 and 202 are tied for the warmest year of record.
The observation of the satellite revealed the amount of spring snow cover in the
Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and the snow is
melting earlier. Glaciers are retreating almost around the world – including in the
Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska, and Africa. The ice sheets of
Greenland and Antarctic has also decreased in the mass. Data from NASA's
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of
279 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2019, while Antarctica lost
about 148 billion tons of ice per year. Both the extent and thickness of Arctic Sea
ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades
The ocean has absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 100 meters
(about 328 feet) of ocean showing warming of more than 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit
(0.33 degrees Celsius) since 1969. Earth stores 90% of the extra energy in the
ocean. Global sea level rose about 8 inches (20centimeters) in the last century.
The Natural Disaster are extremely increased that causes of the warming
temperature of the Earth.
Global Warming