1-s2.0-S0167739X17315650-Xiang Li Energy Efficiency 2017
1-s2.0-S0167739X17315650-Xiang Li Energy Efficiency 2017
1-s2.0-S0167739X17315650-Xiang Li Energy Efficiency 2017
Xiang Lia (corresponding author), Xiaohong Jianga, Peter Garraghanb, Zhaohui Wua
College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China. {lixiang2011, jiangxh, wzh}@zju.edu.cn
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4WA, UK. p.garraghan@lancaster.ac.uk
The global uptake of Cloud computing has attracted increased interest within both academia and industry resulting in the formation
of large-scale and complex distributed systems. This has led to increased failure occurrence within computing systems that induce
substantial negative impact upon system performance and task reliability perceived by users. Such systems also consume vast
quantities of power, resulting in significant operational costs perceived by providers. Virtualization – a commonly deployed
technology within Cloud datacenters – can enable flexible scheduling of virtual machines to maximize system reliability and
energy-efficiency. However, existing work address these two objectives separately, providing limited understanding towards
studying the explicit trade-offs towards dependable and energy-efficient compute infrastructure. In this paper, we propose two
failure-aware energy-efficient scheduling algorithms that exploit the holistic operational characteristics of the Cloud datacenter
comprising the cooling unit, computing infrastructure and server failures. By comprehensively modeling the power and failure
profiles of a Cloud datacenter, we propose workload scheduling algorithms Ella-W and Ella-B, capable of reducing cooling and
compute energy while minimizing the impact of system failures. A novel and overall metric is proposed that combines energy
efficiency and reliability to specify the performance of various algorithms. We evaluate our algorithms against Random, MaxUtil,
TASA, MTTE and OBFIT under various system conditions of failure prediction accuracy and workload intensity. Evaluation results
demonstrate that Ella-W can reduce energy usage by 29.5% and improve task completion rate by 3.6%, while Ella-B reduces
energy usage by 32.7% with no degradation to task completion rate.
Energy Efficiency; Thermal Management; Reliability; Failures; Workload Scheduling; Cloud Computing
Cloud datacenters are core infrastructure required to provision digital services globally, forming compute facilities composed by
thousands of interconnected servers. Such systems consume vast amounts of energy to operate - the carbon emission of datacenters
globally is comparable to that of Argentina, and continues to grow by 11% annually [1]. Datacenter energy usage can be categorized
as predominantly stemming from computing (processors, storage, etc.) and cooling (air conditioner, fans, etc.) [2]. In order to reduce
computing energy, Virtual Machines (VMs) are commonly scheduled to consolidate workload onto the fewest servers as possible,
and then shutting down idle servers [3]. Such scheduling is a direct threat towards minimizing cooling energy, which is highly
affected by skewed spatial temperature distribution of the facility (i.e. the hottest server). This requires careful workload balancing [4]
in order to distribute workload evenly amongst servers to minimize the highest temperature, avoid hot spots and reduce cooling
energy [5]. However, the aims of these two scheduling approaches results in a contradiction that attempts to simultaneously
consolidate workload onto as fewest active servers, yet attempts to reduce the formation of system hotspots directly created by such
consolidation. This does not accord with our intuition, as it is typically assumed that computing energy and cooling energy are
positively correlated to each other: more computing energy results in additional cooling requirement for computing infrastructure
heat rejection (and vice versa). However, this does not occur when considering the reduced cooling efficiency when lowering the
Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) supply air temperature to address hotspot formation.
It is imperative for Cloud providers to schedule workload to minimize total system energy of both computing and cooling to
reduce operational costs. This must be achieved whilst adhering to implicit and explicit user requirements for high levels of
application performance and reliability. The complexity and scale of modern day Cloud datacenters has resulted in failures becoming
the normal rather than the exception [6], manifesting within both system software and hardware. Such failures cause Service Level
Agreement (SLA) violation, resulting in energy [7] and monetary loss [8]. Work in [7] demonstrates the prevalence of software and
hardware failures within production Cloud datacenters, with server Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) as short as 6.5 hours [9].
[6] declares that the success of large-scale (e.g. petascale) computing will depend on its ability to provide dependable service at
A challenge arises within workload scheduling as the objective to minimize total system energy does not result in optimal task
reliability. Assume that S1, S2, S3 correspond to scheduling solutions that produce the minimal computing energy, cooling energy,
and highest reliability as shown in Equation (1).
Ecomputing S1 min Ecomputing S ,
Ecooling S2 min Ecooling S , (1)
© 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the Elsevier user license
Each scheduling solution S will produce corresponding values as functions Ecomputing(S), Ecooling(S) and Ereliability(S). A solution
producing a localized optimal value does not necessarily achieve global optimization (i.e. S1 ≠ S2 ≠ S3). In other words,
uncoordinated scheduling algorithms that consider each solution as isolated optimization problems may not achieve the best result,
and importantly are unable to ascertain an optimal trade-off between system reliability and energy-efficiency.
There exists limited work that addresses this challenge in the context of distributed systems (and by extension Cloud computing).
[6] proposed failure-aware node selection strategies for VM scheduling however does not consider energy usage. [10][11] studied
trade-offs between computing energy and system reliability to optimize energy-efficiency under the constraints of task deadlines,
however omits cooling energy (which contributes 34% of total system energy [2]). Workload scheduling that unifies this objective is
challenging due to the complexity of coordinating multiple solutions, as well as limited availability of holistic models capable of
successfully capturing datacenter temperature distribution, energy profiles, failure patterns and workload characteristics. In this
paper we propose two new failure-aware energy-efficient VM scheduling algorithms for Cloud datacenters. A particular strength of
these algorithms are their ability to perform scheduling optimization for compute and cooling energy in conjunction with the failure
characteristics of computing components. The major contributions of this work are summarized as follows.
Unified models for energy and failure-aware workload scheduling in Cloud datacenters. Models derived from empirical
findings from workload and failure characteristics based on production Cloud datacenter operation are integrated and
implemented within an event-based Cloud simulator. This paper introduces a simplified Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) based temperature model to achieve the trade-off between temperature modeling accuracy and completion time.
Problem formulization of VM scheduling comprising computing energy, cooling energy and server reliability. We introduce a
criteria metric that captures the values of all three aspects to provide a standard means for specifying the performance of
numerous scheduling algorithms.
Two failure-aware energy-efficient VM scheduling algorithms. We propose Ella-W and Ella-B – algorithms that allocate VMs
based on the defined unified criteria metric, and evaluate their effectiveness against five representative energy-aware and/or
failure-aware scheduling algorithms. We conduct simulations under different failure prediction accuracies and workload
intensities, demonstrating their ability to reduce total system energy and improve task reliability.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the related work on energy-aware and failure-aware
modeling and workload scheduling. Section 3 presents the datacenter model definitions. Section 4 specifies the problem statement
and challenges. Section 5 details our holistic energy and failure aware scheduling algorithms. Section 6 describes model construction
and Section 7 details the algorithm evaluation. Finally, Section 8 summarizes our findings and presents future research directions.
There exists numerous work in datacenter resource management and workload scheduling that consider thermal management,
computing energy and/or server reliability. This section classifies these works into two categories: (i) modeling of distributed
systems, including tracelog analysis of real systems, function fitting of actual measurement, thermal modeling via CFD techniques,
integration of models into a simulation platform, and (ii) workload scheduling based on constructed models and simulation platform.
2.1. System Modeling
Cloud computing workload characteristics has been studied by Garraghan et al [12]. They present a large-scale analysis of
workload resource utilization and a characterization of a Cloud datacenter using tracelogs made available by Google. [13] presented
a detailed analysis of failure characteristic in large-scale datacenters, and determined that there exists a strong correlation between
server failure occurrence and number of disks (identified as the most frequent component failure within a server). [7] conducted
further research on modeling the reliability of Cloud datacenters, presenting an analysis of failure patterns and repair times of a
large-scale production system. Their results demonstrated that failure characteristics for workload and servers are highly variable and
that production Cloud workloads can be accurately modelled by function fitting (e.g. Gamma distribution), which can be used to
predict future failures. [14] presented a survey of online failure prediction methods and classified them into four categories: failure
tracking, symptom monitoring, detected error reporting and undetected error auditing.
Server power consumption is primarily driven by its utilization, and it is often modelled by a linear function or a segmented
linear function [15][16]. The CRAC power is affected by the amount of heat rejection and its cooling efficiency (captured by
coefficient of performance). [5][17] demonstrate that setting a higher supply air temperature (Tsup) can improve CRAC cooling
efficiency. However the setting of Tsup is restricted by the server temperature distribution (e.g. hotspots) within the datacenter.
Therefore, given the status of cooling infrastructure and thermal characteristics of a specific datacenter, obtaining the server
temperature becomes a critical problem which has been intensively studied using CFD techniques [18][19][20][21][22]. Most
research in this field seeks to reduce energy consumption and optimize datacenter operation at the hardware-level. For example,
Durand-Estebe et al. [18] introduced a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) algorithm to control the fan speed, combined with
modeling servers and air conditioners. They consider the overall material electric consumption in datacenters, and select the
appropriate cooling temperature set point to reach the best compromise between the chiller and the server energy consumption.
Different datacenter airflow configurations were studied by Shrivastava et al [21], who compared different configurations and
concluded that the “raised floor & ceiling return” configuration was the most effective schema. Studies show that datacenter racks
with vertically placed servers attain enhanced cooling efficiency when adopting vertical cooling schema [22].
Construction of temperature models using CFD is extremely time-consuming and computationally expensive, therefore it is
typically not applied to online (real-time) modeling. [23] proposed a sensor-based thermal evaluation model that predicts
temperature distribution in a fast and accurate manner taking into account the recirculation characterization of a datacenter topology,
and has been widely adopted [17][24][25]. When exploiting CFD techniques, it is necessary to model the process of heat transfer
within a rack at fine granularity which increases model complexity. Additionally, their work assumes stable thermal status (e.g.
airflow, server power consumption) in the datacenter. In order to capture the dynamics of the airflow, [4] proposed a
computationally efficient multivariable model that dynamically captures the effects of the CRAC unit blower speed and supply air
temperature on rack inlet temperatures. This model was used to investigate datacenter cooling system design and analysis such as
CRAC units, load balancing, and hotspot detection. CFD and its derived methods are typically used to model the temperature of air
entering racks, with CPU temperature identified as the most important indicator for thermal management [26][27]. The
Resistor-Capacitor (RC) model is the most established means to obtain CPU temperature adopted within the literature [28][29][30],
alongside other CPU temperature modelling approaches [31][32][33][34]. In order to provide a generalized and extensible
simulation framework for simulating Cloud computing infrastructure, Buyya et al. proposed CloudSim: an event-driven software
package for Cloud datacenter simulation and evaluating resource management algorithms [15]. The latest version of CloudSim
supports the simulation of almost all components within a datacenter, and additional work exist which further enhances its
functionality [35][36].
2.2. Workload Scheduling
We mainly focus on energy-aware and/or failure-aware workload scheduling policies designed for multi-node systems (e.g.
clusters and datacenters) and introduce the representative works. Due to their inherit complexity, systems designers must consider a
plethora of factors, including energy usage (servers, cooling), failures (servers, tasks, middleware, network), server temperature
threshold and Quality of Service (QoS). Workload scheduling can be represented as an optimization problem (e.g. minimize energy
usage, or maximize task completion rate) under specific constraints (imposed by an SLA).
Workload consolidation [37] is an efficient method to reduce computing energy by minimizing the number of active nodes [38].
Workload consolidation is commonly modeled as a bin packing problem, which has been proven to be NP-complete [39]. To address
this problem, researchers tend to achieve the algorithm efficiency at the cost of reduced solution accuracy. Coffman et al. [40]
proposed a simple and intuitive algorithm called first-fit decreasing, while Young et al. proposed ECTC and MaxUtil to consolidate
workloads [37], with the former attempting to maximize duration of tasks running in parallel, and the latter maximizing average
CPU utilization during execution.
Differing from the above works that solely considers workload consolidation to reduce computing energy, research conducted by
Yoursri et al. [41] make substantial progress in combining computing energy reduction with CPU temperature control. Moore et al.
[5] proposed a system-level solution to control heat generation through temperature-aware workload placement to reduce cooling
energy. Tang et al. proposed the XInt algorithm [42] to achieve cooling efficiency via minimizing heat recirculation and peak inlet
temperature. A proactive control approach is proposed in [43] that jointly optimizes the air conditioner compressor duty cycle and
fan speed to reduce cooling cost and minimize risk of equipment damage due to overheating. Ayan et al. [17] proposed a hybrid
method for coordinated cooling-aware job placement and dynamic cooling management. The algorithm allocates jobs to reduce the
cooling demands of the CRACs, and then updates the CRAC thermostat settings based on temperature distribution models.
The above scheduling policies do not consider system failures. However, failure occurrences in these computing systems can
induce substantial negative impact on system performance, deviating the system from our initial objectives [11], especially for those
scenarios that must guarantee imposed constraints (e.g. a real time system may define strict task deadlines) [44]. To handle
component failures within computing system, Song et al. defined a capacity–reliability metric to combine the effects of server
capacity and reliability status during node selection [6]. They proposed Optimistic Best-Fit (OBFIT) and Pessimistic Best-Fit
(PBFIT) algorithms to determine the best qualified servers on which to instantiate VMs to run user jobs. Experiments showed that
the higher rate of successfully completed jobs was achieved by using OBFIT and PBFIT strategies. However, their scheduling
algorithms do not consider the energy efficiency of a system. Altino et al. make further improvements [11] with their proposed
algorithm leveraging proactive fault-tolerance techniques to deal with systems failures, and incorporating a metric termed
power-efficiency to determine the best candidate server. Bahman [45] analyze energy and failure-aware workload scheduling at the
level of hybrid/federated datacenters. They propose a scalable hybrid Cloud infrastructure as well as resource provisioning policies
to assure QoS targets of the users, taking into account the workload model and failure correlation to redirect users’ requests to the
appropriate Cloud providers.
Fig. 1. Overall models of Cloud datacenter for workload scheduling
Symbol Definition
E Energy consumption [kWh].
k, p, a Number of VMs submitted from users, number of PMs and CRACs in datacenter.
PM, VM, AC Abbreviation of servers, virtual machines and air conditioners.
t Time [s].
T Temperature [K].
Є Configuration / capacity of CPU, memory, etc.
w, u, d Length [instructions], average CPU utilization and time deadline of a task.
P Power consumption [W].
CoP Coefficient of Performance, an index for evaluating CRAC performance.
QAC Heat removed by CRACs [J].
C (Specific) heat capacity [J/K, J/(kg*K)].
R Thermal resistance [K/W].
Tsup CRAC supply air temperature.
Tin Rack inlet for cooling air temperature.
Ψ Temperature raise caused by recirculation influence.
Table 1. Symbols and Definitions
This section details the datacenter models that our proposed algorithms are based on. Within a Cloud datacenter, users submit
tasks deployed within VMs, and the scheduling system is responsible for VM placement, live migration and resource management.
The datacenter dynamically adjusts the CRAC capacity in order to reduce cooling costs. It is possible to combine each of these
models to describe datacenter operation holistically as illustrated in Fig. 1, and comprises four parts: (i) workload model, represented
by submission rate, task length and resource utilization providing input to the scheduling system, (ii) server model, describing
computing energy usage and failure patterns, (iii) CRAC model, profiling cooling energy usage (compressors and fans), and (iv)
temperature model, that captures CPU temperature as a function of cooling capacity, server utilization and thermal characteristics.
3.1 Workload Model
Assume that a Cloud datacenter provides services using virtualization technology such as Xen, KVM and VMware. Tasks
represent the most basic unit of computation, and are submitted by users through VM deployment. k is the total number of tasks
submitted by users. We assume that each VM executes a single task. The request from users is represented as a sequence comprising
k VMs, represented as VM = {VM1, VM2, …, VMk}, where k = |VM|. The capacity requirement of each VM is represented as ЄVM i =
{Єcore, Єmemory} – a two-dimensional description considering the number of CPU cores (Єcore) and memory size (Єmemory). Each task
deployed is captured by its workload length (w), average CPU utilization (u) and time deadline (d) (i.e. taski = {wi, ui, di}). If a task
fails during its execution (due to server failure), it will be re-submitted and re-executed within another available server [46]. A task
completes its execution if it finishes prior to its deadline. Completion rate (η) is defined as the ratio of completed tasks with respect
to the number of submitted tasks k [11]. Tasks are submitted according to submission rate λ, which is a function of time denoted by λ
= fsubmission(t). The submission rate is assumed to be a continuous function. Therefore the total number of submitted tasks during time
period [t1, t2] is
k VM f submission t dt.
p p
Ecomputing EPM i t dt .
t1 PM i (3)
i 1 i 1
Within a Cloud datacenter, the VM scheduling solution is a map from VM to PM. Let Map be the map and Map(VMi) be the
placement server of VMi. The scheduling solution Map is subjected to constraints of critical temperature and capacity. This results in
t 0, i 1, 2,..., p TPM i t T PM i and ЄVMs in PM i ЄPM i , (4)
where TPM i (t) is the CPU temperature of i-th server, which is a function of time t. T PM i is the critical temperature designed by the
manufacturer which cannot be violated. Numerous works [17][23][24] consider the inlet air temperature as TPM, while [27][29]
consider the CPU temperature as TPM. We argue that the inlet temperature is not a sufficient performance indicator, as the thermal
management target is predominantly dictated by the CPU temperature [29][30]. As a result, this paper focuses on CPU temperature
as the analysis objective. ∑ЄVMs in PM i represents the summation of the required capacity of VMs within i-th server, the physical
capacity of which is denoted by ЄPM i. It is possible for servers within the datacenter to experience failures resulting in executing
VMs to terminate which are then re-submitted by the system scheduler onto other servers for re-execution. In this context, we define
a failure as a crash-stop caused by a hardware or software error that makes compute nodes unavailable [47]. When a failure occurs,
all VMs within the node will provide incorrect service (i.e. no response) [6][11]. The server failure model is captured by the
distribution of the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). After a failure event occurs, a period of time is required until recovery,
during which the server is unavailable. The length of time period to repair this server is captured by a distribution of Mean Time to
Repair (MTTR).
3.3. CRAC Model
Typically, cold air supplied by the CRACs enters each rack through the inlet and flows out from the rear, removing the heat
generated by computing servers as hot air. Fans are deployed within each rack in order to accelerate the airflow and heat transfer.
The space between two inlet sides is known as the cold aisle, while the space between two outlet sides is known as the hot aisle
[27][43]. Hot air is exhausted through ceiling return vents. Assuming the datacenter comprises a CRACs, represented by AC =
{AC1, AC2, …, ACa}, |AC| = a. We consider the CRACs as the only cooling devices within the facility since it accounts for the
majority of datacenter cooling energy [2]. The energy consumed by each CRAC during time interval [t1, t2] comprises compressor
(i.e. a component of the CRAC, responsible for air compression) energy and CRAC fan energy [43].
Ecooling Ecompressor E fan . (5)
The power consumption of a CRAC fan unit is proportional to the cubic of its rotation speed, and its energy consumption is
obtained by time integral of the power. The energy consumed by the compressor is given by
where QAC is the heat removed by the CRAC, which can be modelled according to server energy [24] or the heat disparity between
datacenter out flow and CRAC supply air [43]. CoP is the Coefficient of Performance, denoted by CoP(Tsup) since it is a function
of supply air temperature Tsup. A higher CoP indicates a more efficient process, requiring less work to remove a constant amount of
heat. Research has demonstrated a positive correlation between CoP and supply air temperature [5][43] shown as follows:
CoP 0.0068 Tsup
0.008 Tsup 0.458. (7)
Equation (7) implies that we can improve cooling efficiency by maximizing Tsup to reduce cooling cost. However, Tsup must be
set low enough to maintain the CPU temperature under its critical threshold. In order to understand the relationship between CPU
temperature and Tsup, we introduce our proposed temperature model.
3.4. Temperature Model
Our objective is to obtain the CPU temperature with the knowledge of CRAC settings, datacenter layout, server thermal
characteristics and workload distribution. In order to provide support for online scheduling, the developed temperature model must
be capable of performing online calculation within a timely manner. This paper proposes a two-step temperature model based on
CFD model and RC model. This includes modeling (i) rack inlet temperature considering both CRAC status and datacenter layout,
and (ii) CPU temperature when factoring server thermal characteristics and its respective workloads. For step 1, rack inlet
temperature can be modelled as the summation of CRAC supply air temperature and datacenter recirculation [17][23][24].
Tin Tsup . (8)
Tin, Tsup and Ψ are r×1-vectors representing the inlet temperature, nearest CRAC supply temperature and recirculation
influence, respectively (with r denoting the number of racks). The value of Ψ is identified in various scenarios, affected by rack
power consumption since recirculation influence is produced by hot air from each rack. Without loss of generality, we assume that
the outlet temperatures are identical amongst each rack within a certain range, representing different levels of server power usage
and workload intensity. For each workload intensity within range, we monitor air temperature before entering each rack (i.e. Tin,
rack inlet temperature) to determine Ψ in Equation (8).
After obtaining the rack inlet temperature of each rack in Step 1. CPU temperature models are constructed in Step 2,
representing the most important indicator of thermal management. The RC model is the most established means to obtain CPU
temperature [29][30], modelled as
Tcpu t PR Tin T0 PR Tin e RC
, (9)
where R and C is thermal resistance and heat capacity of the server, respectively. We assume that all servers within a rack share the
same inlet temperature. As described in Section 3.2, the power usage P for a given server is predominantly determined by its
utilization. That is, P is affected by its hosted workloads (VMs and tasks). Tcpu, P and Tin here are not vectors and are instead values
of a single server. It is noticeable that CPU temperature Tcpu is function of time t, from an initial temperature of T0 and approaches
4.1. Problem Formulization
The problem of failure-aware and energy-efficient workload scheduling targeted in this paper is formulated as follows.
Given PM , AC and VM ,
find scheduling Map,
that minimizes overall metric Ecomputing Ecooling VM 1 , (10)
subjected to t 0, i 1, 2,..., p ,
where εenergy (i, j) and εreliability (i, j) is termed energy index and reliability index of PMj for allocation of VMi, respectively. Our algorithm
holistically handles the characteristics with respect to server energy efficiency and reliability, and attempts to achieve an optimal
trade-off between them. For example, if servers within the datacenter are frequently failing, the algorithm should be sensitive to
server failure to avoid task failure and deadline violation. We achieve this by assigning different εreliability (i, j) to each server and the
latter term in Equation (11) (reliability index) will dominate the overall evaluation function εoverall (i, j). Another benefit of our
approach is that parameter α is adjustable to achieve different trade-off points, as each datacenter provider will pursue different
design objectives and business requirements. Generally, a smaller α indicates that the algorithm is more reliability biased, and greater
α indicates more energy-efficiency biased.
5.1. Energy Index Definition
The energy index εenergy is defined as the increase in terms of total power consumption post VM allocation, or rather, the server
with the least power increment after VM placement is regarded as the most energy-efficient candidate. This increment is obtained as
follows: The power consumption prior to VM placement is the summation of power usage of all servers and CRACs termed total
power usage (Ptotal), given by
i p i a
Ptotal PPM i + PAC i . (12)
i 1 i 1
For any submitted VMi, it is necessary to select a server for its placement. Assume that VMi is allocated to PMj, and the CPU
utilization of server j after allocation is uPM j’. The power cost of PMj is calculated with an updated CPU utilization. CPU
temperature is predicted using temperature models detailed Section 3.4 for the next time interval (e.g. 5 minutes), denoted by TPM j’.
If TPM j’ is lower than its critical temperature, the CRACs will not be adjusted. Otherwise, the cooling capacity of the nearest CRAC
is gradually increased by decreasing its supply air temperature Tsup. For example, consider a scenario where the Tsup of a CRAC is
20℃ which decreases its Tsup by its minimum division value (e.g. 1℃) step by step. This decrease will continue until it reaches its
lowest possible setting, or TPM j’ is lower than the critical temperature. If TPM j’ is greater than the critical temperature under the
lowest possible Tsup setting, the energy index is defined as infinite to avoid temperature violation. Equation (12) is then reapplied
with the updated servers and CRACs to obtain the power consumption after placing VMi to PMj, denoted by Ptotal (i, j)’. The energy
index is therefore defined as
overall i , j Ptotal i, j ' Ptotal , (13)
in which Ptotal and Ptotal (i, j)’ are the total power cost before and after the placement of VMi, respectively. A smaller value for εenergy (i, j)
indicates less energy usage. The definition of εenergy inherently considers energy draw of servers and cooling infrastructure, and can
be used to calculate the total energy-efficiency of the entire datacenter.
Similar to the reliability index definition of worst-fit shown in Equation (14), it attempts to guarantee that task i can complete
execution without a failure by confining the candidates only to servers that δj ≥ hi and dj ≥ hi.
5.3. Failure-aware Energy-efficient Algorithms
We combine the energy index and reliability index in order to form the corresponding proposed algorithms Energy and
reLiabiLity-Aware Worst-fit (Ella-W) and Best-fit (Ella-B), respectively. In addition to energy efficiency, Ella-W attempts to select
the most reliable and powerful server (smaller εreliability) when placing a VM to ensure task completion. Such placement does not
necessarily result in the formation of a hotspot that consumes additional cooling energy, as the evaluation function in Equation (11)
factors the energy metric into consideration, thus including cooling energy. Similarly, [11] proposes a different metric to implement
the worst-fit strategy, called reliability weight when deciding which server to run VMi. If the use of dynamic migration within the
system is omitted, the reliability weight (Rweight) is defined as
d i j
Rweight (i , j ) reliability (i , j ) =1 2 . (16)
In comparison to Equation (16), Ella-W determines its reliability index differently in two ways. First, task execution duration hi is
adopted instead of task deadline di, as the former parameter inherently considers server capacity. Secondly, the failure time of many
servers can be much greater than di or hi, especially for the datacenter that is comparatively reliable. The exponential characteristic
makes Rweight of many servers close to 0 and decreases the significance of reliability index shown in Equation (16).
According to [6], best-fit strategies are relatively sensitive to the failure prediction accuracy as the server selected by Ella-B has
“just sufficient” time execution to VMi. Therefore the effectiveness of best-fit failure-aware scheduling is strongly dependant on the
failure prediction accuracy. While there exists various definitions for prediction accuracy [14][46], this paper selects the definition
adopted in [6][50] as it applies effectively within the context of our design evaluation.
5.4. Baseline Algorithms
To better illustrate the effectiveness of proposed algorithms Ella-B and Ella-W, we evaluate them against five state-of-the-art and
representative scheduling algorithms. This includes (i) Random selection, (ii) MaxUtil [37] which allocates workload to servers with
the maximum average utilization during execution, (iii) TASA (Thermal Aware Scheduling Algorithm) [27] which allocates
workloads to the server with lowest CPU temperature, (iv) OBFIT (capacity and reliability-aware Optimistic Best-FIT) [6] that
jointly considers server capacity and the reliability, and (v) MTTE (Minimum Time Task Execution) [11] that considers both
computing energy efficiency and reliability. It is worth noting that the constraints of server capacity and critical temperature shown
in Equation (10) apply to all selected algorithms.
Random selection: to satisfy the constraints of capacity and critical temperature shown in Equation (10), we randomly select a
server to instantiate the arriving VM. This is a very basic method for workload scheduling, as it does not consider reliability
status of servers, and cannot guarantee that tasks will complete execution prior to the desired deadline.
MaxUtil: this algorithm aims to consolidate workloads onto as fewest servers as possible to reduce computing energy. For a
given task i, MaxUtil checks every server from the first rack to the last, and selects the server with the highest function
value of fi , j t 1u j t hi , where hi is the processing time of task i, and uj(t) is the utilization of PMj as a function of time
t. The function value fi,j captures the average utilization during the execution of task i on PMj.
TASA: workload is scheduled uniformly to minimize the maximum temperature - a common approach to reduce the cooling
capacity requirement and achieve high cooling efficiency. The main concept of TASA is to (i) schedule the task that will
impose the largest temperature profile prior to the task with the lower temperature profile, and (ii) select the server with the
lowest temperature as allocation target. In our experiment, the real-time scheduling system immediately allocates the
submitted task to fulfil specified QoS. Therefore, we simplify TASA by allocating each task to the server with lowest CPU
temperature without considering the task-temperature profile.
OBFIT: consider a set of candidate nodes S = {PMj | δj ≥ di and cj ≥ wi / di}. This algorithm selects the server with the lowest
capacity-reliability metric shown as cr = α(cj - wi/di) / (wi/di) + (1 - α)(δj - di) / di, where α is an adjustable weight put on the
two factors in making selection decisions. As α increases and approaches 1, cr becomes more capacity biased. If α
approaches 0, cr is more reliability biased.
MTTE: for the servers with sufficient capacity to host the arriving VMi, MTTE estimates their power efficiencies according to
Eff = ui (p1 + p2) / (p1 + p2 × ui), where p1 and p2 are parameters capturing the linearity of server power consumption as a
function of server utilization ui. That is, power consumption of PMi is p1 + p2 × ui. If power efficiency is equal for a set of
servers, the algorithm chooses the server that returns the lowest value of reliability weight as shown in Equation (16).
5.5 Case Study
In order to demonstrate the operation of these algorithms, we present a simple case study to illustrate the process of server
selection for each algorithm: Random, MaxUtil, TASA, OBFIT, MTTE, Ella-W and Ella-B. The server characteristics for computing
power and thermal are assumed to be identical. At time t = 0, the incoming request sequence comprises 4 VMs, and each VM runs a
single task. Fig. 2 presents the scheduling solution produced by each algorithm. As described in Section 3.2, a scheduling solution is
a map from VMs to servers. The middle scheduling solution table within Fig. 2 illustrates the placement of each VM.
Random algorithm selects servers randomly amongst all servers under the capacity and temperature constraints shown in
Equation (10). In this context, the required capacity of a VM is defined as the product of VM resource configuration and the task
utilization. It is presented as the percentage regarding to server capacity, therefore the summation of required capacity of VMs
within a server is not greater than 1. MaxUtil checks each server from the first to the last and selects the server with the maximum
average utilization during task execution. TASA selects the server with the minimum CPU temperature (i.e. coolest server), therefore
allocates VM1 to PM3 (20°C). After this placement, the predicted CPU temperature is updated with Equation (9) and then selects a
server for VM2, and so forth. OBFIT selects servers with the minimum cr metric. MTTE places VMs according to Eff metric. If Eff
metric returns identical values, it allocates the VM to the server with minimum Rweight shown Equation (16). Ella-W and Ella-B make
decisions based on the trade-off of reliability, cooling energy and computing energy. For Ella-W, we take the allocation of VM1 as an
example: PM3 has the minimum (best) εreliability of 0.023 according to Equation (14) and will become the allocation target server,
assuming that the allocation will not cause critical temperature violation and additional cooling energy usage. Note that the decision
making of OBFIT, Ella-W, and Ella-B is affected by the selection of trade-off parameter α, which is configured to 0.01, 0.5 and 0.5,
respectively in this case study.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. Generated workload: (a) submission rate, (b) task length (instructions) distribution and (c) CPU utilization distribution
The complexity of Cloud computing, along with the increasing demand for energy-efficient IT technologies drives the necessity
to conduct repeatable and controllable evaluation of algorithms prior to actual development of Cloud systems. A suitable alternative
of real experiments is the use of simulation which enables the evaluation of hypothesis prior to software development. We use the
CloudSim framework (Version 3.0.3) [15] that provides a generalized and extensible simulation enabling seamless modeling of
emerging Cloud infrastructures. We implement the proposed Ella-W, Ella-B and other baseline algorithms into CloudSim to evaluate
their performance in terms of energy-efficiency and task completion rate. In order to make our simulation more convincing, our
temperature model is derived from CFD techniques. Furthermore, we use realistic datacenter operational conditions to define our
models, such as workload distribution and failure patterns derived from the Google datacenter tracelog. In this section, we first
present the models of workload, failure and temperature. Note that these models are constructed offline and integrated into
CloudSim for experiments.
6.1. Workload Generation
Cloud computing systems are required to fulfil diverse business objectives that result in workload diversity in terms of
submission rate, task length and resource utilization patterns. This paper adopts the workload generated by previous work in [12],
which presents a comprehensive analysis of the workload characteristics derived from Google datacenter that features approximately
25 million tasks. We model the submission characteristic of tasks through profiling the submission rate hourly. During each hour, we
assume the submission rate follows a random distribution. Within [12], all users are classified into six clusters, and for our work we
use the proportion of each cluster as the weight. The overall submission rate follows the distribution of the weighted summation of
these clusters. Tasks are modelled in terms of length and CPU utilization with fitting functions including Lognormal and Loglogistic
distributions. In order to capture the patterns of different workloads, we further linearly scale the parameters such as submission rate
and CPU utilization. Fig. 3(a) shows the produced submission rate (hourly) in 30 days with a total number of 100,000. Fig. 3(b)
illustrates the modelled distribution of task length. It is noticeable that the length of most (83%) tasks is between 0 ~ 50 × 1011
instructions. Fig. 3(c) presents the distribution of produced task CPU utilization. It is observed that CPU utilization of the majority
(72.5%) of tasks is under 40%.
Each task is associated with a completion deadline. Tasks that complete prior to the deadline are regarded as “completed tasks”.
To generate a deadline for each task, we utilize the approach adopted in [44][45]. First, a baseline duration is defined for each task.
It is calculated as the ratio of task length to average capacity of servers within the datacenter. Completion deadline is defined as (1 +
x) × baseline duration, where x is termed stringency factor, representing a degree of difficulty in meeting the deadlines. A larger x
indicates more relax deadline. For the presented evaluation, the value of x is set to 1.2.
6.2. Failure Models
Our failure model is derived from the Google datacenter tracelog that features 12,532 servers spanning 29 days. Within the
tracelog observational period, 8,954 server failures occurred within 5,056 servers with an average of 308 servers failing daily. This
paper considers models of MTBF and MTTR. The former describes the frequency of server failures, and the latter illustrates the time
servers take to recover from failures and re-join the system when possible. [7] classifies all servers appeared in the tracelog into 5
main categories. We generate the overall distribution according to their populations and the distribution of each category. Our
modelled datacenter comprises 360 servers. Fig. 4(a) shows the number of failures of all servers within 30 days produced by our
failure model. We can observe that a small proportion of servers exhibit high failure occurrence, and that most servers experience
significantly less failure events. Fig. 4(b) presents the distribution of the MTBF, and the average value is 13.98 days. From Fig. 4(c),
Unit: K
290 294 298 302 306 310
Outlet side
Outlet side
Inlet side
Point #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
it is observable that the majority (78.1%) of servers can be repaired within an hour.
In the real world, a reliability-aware scheduling system makes decision based on predictions of the next failure [14], which
differs from the actual failures. Correspondingly, it is necessary to model actual failures and predicted failures in simulation
simultaneously. In this paper, the model described above is utilized to generate actual failures. For each server, once an actual failure
is generated, it is assumed to be fixed for this server as failures demonstrate high spatial locality [14] (e.g. a server that fails
frequently is highly likely to fail within the coming time period). Meanwhile, predicted failures are produced according to specific
prediction accuracy. Similarly, the production of actual and predicted values for repair time adopts the same methodology. We
generate synthetic traces of failure/repair predictions with different accuracy. Specifically, we adopt the method in [6] that
actual time predicted time
prediction error 100%,
actual time (17)
prediction accuracy 100% error.
Here actual time and predicted time are the occurrence time of actual failure and predicted failure. In [6], authors consider cases
in which the predicted occurrence time of a future failure precedes the actual occurrence time. We remove this constraint since
predicted time can be either less or greater than actual time in reality. When predicted time >= actual time, we define
predicted time actual time
prediction error 100%. (18)
actual time
This means that predicted time can be obtained with the knowledge of prediction accuracy and actual failure generated. In this
study, in half the case predicted time precedes after actual time.
6.3. Rack Inlet Temperature
In Section 3.4, we introduced our temperature model, which comprises two components: rack inlet temperature modeling and
CPU temperature modeling. This section presents parameter identification for the former component, since CPU temperature
modeling has been intensively studied [27][30]. The rack inlet temperature is described as the summation of CRAC supply air
temperature and datacenter recirculation. However, the recirculation influence Ψ still remains unknown and requires identifying. Ψ
is an r×1-vector - in order to identify Ψ, we model a datacenter using CFD techniques. The size of our modelled datacenter is
15.8×6.5m2, comprising 4 CRACs, 2 vents and 24 rack ×15 servers each rack (totalling 360 servers). The model is 2-dimensional
and built using Gridgen, a complete meshing toolkit used to generate high quality grids for complex geometries in engineering. Fig.
5(a) presents the temperature contour within the datacenter in a stable status, with the outlet temperature and supply air temperature
being 310K and 290K, respectively. The figure is obtained using Fluent, a well-known commercial CFD package. It is observable
that the racks near a CRAC exhibit lower inlet temperature and recirculation influence, indicating higher cooling efficiency.
We assume that the outlet temperatures are identical amongst each rack and ranges in E = [305K, 315K], to represent different
workload intensities. For each of the outlet temperatures within range E, we monitor air temperature before entering each rack
(inlet temperature) in stable status, and compute corresponding Tin, to determine Ψ in Equation (8). Using this method, we analyze
Ψ for Point #1-6 (illustrated in Fig. 5(a)) under various outlet temperatures within range E. These points are sufficient for capturing
the inlet temperatures of all the racks since the datacenter layout is symmetrical. Fig. 5(b) presents the profile of Ψ of each point
under different outlet temperatures. We fit each profile with a linear function via regression. Since we represent different workload
intensities in the datacenter via outlet temperature, in practical terms it is necessary to map the workload intensities proportionally
into E to determine the corresponding Ψ. Fig. 5(c) shows a case study to demonstrate the practicality of our model. In this case, we
set the outlet temperature and the initial inlet temperature to 310K. This figure presents the result of Ψ produced in the above linear
regression and CFD modeling, with an average error of 1.6%, showing high accuracy of the simplified model.
The evaluated datacenter configuration comprises 360 servers cooled by 4 CRACs. Servers are heterogeneous in terms of
capacity, with each server configured as 2-8 Xeon3040 or Xeon3075 CPU cores with 1860-2660 MIPS. The heat capacity and
thermal resistance of servers in Equation (9) are set to 340 J/K, 0.34 K/W, respectively [29]. CPU critical temperature is configured
Fig. 6. Selection of trade-off parameter α for Ella-W. The overall metric is weighted summation of energy metric and reliability metric. The weight ω is set to 1.0.
to 70°C. All the models and corresponding parameters are integrated into CloudSim V3.03.
As described in Section 5 (Equation (11)), Ella-W and Ella-B make decisions based on the trade-off between energy efficiency
and reliability. First, we identify the trade-off parameter α in Ella-W and Ella-B through experiments to determine the optimal point.
The target of this paper is formulated as Equation (10) in Section 4.1. The overall metric H is the summation of two components,
energy metric (Ecomputing + Ecooling) / |VM| and reliability metric ω(1 - η). Parameter ω is set to 1.0 in our experiments. Next we present
the methodology to identify the optimal trade-off point α in Ella-W and Ella-B, followed by the experimental results. We evaluate
the performance with respect to the overall metric H proposed in section 4.1, including energy efficiency and reliability.
7.1 Trade-off Parameter Identification
Fig. 6 presents the identification of trade-off parameter α for Ella-W. From Fig. 6(a) we observe a sharp decrease in cooling
energy when increasing α. This is due to Ella-W being cooling-aware thus saves cooling energy significantly with a greater α.
Generally, smaller α indicates greater reliability biased and a higher α indicates greater energy-efficiency bias as described in Section
5. However, counterexamples exist where the system consumes slightly more computing energy when α becomes greater than 0.01.
This is due to the energy biased (greater α) algorithm increasing the failure probability, leading to additional computing energy waste
due to failed tasks (i.e. failed tasks are re-submitted and re-executed). Fig. 6(b) shows reliability metric when different α is
configured. Reliability metric is obtained as 1 – η, where η is the completion rate of all user tasks. Note that higher reliability metric
indicates lower system reliability. It is observed that reliability biased algorithm can reduce failure occurrence significantly. For
example, the reliability metric at α = 0 is 0.069, indicating a task completion rate of 1 - 0.069 = 0.931, better than α = 1 (0.146). The
overall metric is the weighted summation (ω = 1.0) of energy metric and reliability metric. We find that Ella-W provides the
minimum overall metric (i.e. best performance) when α = 0.01. Similarly, we conduct experiments to analyze the best α setting in
Ella-B, results show that best performance occurs when α = 0.5. In the rest of this section, we take the above values as the default
setting for Ella-W and Ella-B.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Energy waste (normalized value) by failed tasks with (a) different algorithms, (b) Ella-B under different workload-failure ratio Ω.
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. (a) Task completion rate η and (b) the overall performance of algorithms under different workload-failure ratio Ω.
This results in thermal-aware algorithms performing better within the context of enhanced cooling efficiency.
Fig. 9(b) further illustrates the CRAC temperature setting during the first 7 days with different scheduling algorithms. Since there
are four CRACs within the modelled datacenter, the results are presented in terms of average CRAC temperature setting of all
CRACs. As described in Section 3.3, a higher temperature setting indicates better cooling efficiency and less cooling energy draw. It
is noticeable that TASA performs best as it focuses on thermal management only. Both Ella-W and Ella-B show satisfactory
performance. However since the trade-off parameter α of Ella-B (0.5) is greater than that of Ella-W (0.01), Ella-B is more energy
biased, leading to better cooling performance in comparison with Ella-W. Although MaxUtil is not cooling-aware, it consolidates
workloads to fewer servers (e.g. as shown in Fig. 9(a), rack utilization follows a descended distribution), causing the first CRAC to
become over-utilized while underutilizing the remaining CRACs. This is demonstrated further by results shown in Fig. 9(c), which
presents the temperature settings of each rack (average value over a time span of 30 days). We observe that the temperature setting
of each CRAC under MaxUtil follows an ascending distribution, indicating a large deviation in CRAC cooling capacity. The
temperature settings for thermal-aware algorithms TASA, Ella-W and Ella-B are significantly greater than the rest, which is
consistent with the results shown in Fig. 9(b).
The above experiments are conducted in specific workloads and failure patterns. To comprehensively evaluate the performance
of algorithms under different conditions, we conduct experiments with various workload intensities and failure frequencies. A
parameter called workload-failure ratio, denoted by Ω is proposed to capture the impact of system reliability to overall performance.
Ω is defined as the ratio of average time span between two failures (MTBF) to average workload length ( W ) to represented as
MTBF W . Lower Ω indicates relatively longer task length and higher failure frequency, resulting in task execution that is
more likely to be affected by server failures during task execution. In order to achieve different values of Ω, workload is fixed
(amount of resource utilization and task length) and failure frequency is scaled linearly, making Ω range in 10 - 500. Prediction
accuracy is set to 80% in the following evaluations.
On one hand, smaller Ω results in more task failures and worse reliability metric. This can be captured by task completion rate η
as shown in Fig. 11(a). It is noticeable that Ella-W produces the highest completion rate of 94.1%, which is higher than the baseline
algorithms by 3.6% in average. However Ella-B exhibits relatively poor completion rate (90.5%), which is roughly equivalent to the
performance of the other baseline algorithms. Furthermore, a smaller Ω results in additional task re-submissions and more energy
usage. Garraghan et al. analysed and quantified the explicit impact of failures within a system in terms of energy costs [7]. However,
their evaluation did not consider the energy impact to cooling facilities. Therefore this paper presents the impact of task failures in
terms of total energy waste. Two sets of parallel experiments are conducted with Ω = 20. Server failure is disabled (no failures occur)
for one set and enabled for the other. Results produced from two sets are compared, and the energy difference between two sets is
regarded as energy waste caused by task failures. Fig. 10(a) shows the number of failed tasks and the corresponding energy waste
with different algorithms. Fig. 10(b) shows the corresponding energy waste by failed tasks of Ella-B under different Ω. The
conclusion we draw from Fig. 10(a) and (b) is that wasted energy is roughly proportional to the number of task failures.
As a consequence, the impact of system reliability to the overall metric is two-fold, including the impact to reliability metric and
Table 2. Reduction of metrics by Ella-W and Ella-B in comparison with other algorithms.
energy metric. Generally, the overall metric decreases as Ω (workload-failure ratio) increases. This trend is illustrated in Fig. 11(b),
which presents the overall metric of all algorithms under different Ω. It is observed that Ella-W and Ella-B exhibits the best
performance under various conditions. Table 2 further shows the results of Ella-W and Ella-B in comparison with the rest of
algorithms. The data is presented in terms of average reduced percentage of metrics under different Ω. Ella-W can reduce overall
metric by 20.8% - 52.0% (31.6% in average) and Ella-B can reduce by 8.8% - 44% (21.1% in average). Specifically, Ella-W reduces
29.5% of energy usage and increases 27.5% of the reliability metric within the datacenter. In comparison, Ella-B reduces 32.7% of
energy usage, however performs poorly in reliability metric: only 2.4% greater the average value of compared algorithms.
This paper proposes two failure-aware energy-efficient algorithms (Ella-W and Ella-B) for workload scheduling within Cloud
datacenters. This was achieved by capturing and modeling the behavioral characteristics of datacenter workload, server, CRAC and
temperature. A novel performance metric is proposed to comprehensively evaluate algorithms in terms of energy consumption and
reliability. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that captures computing energy, cooling energy and server failures in a holistic
manner for scheduling decisions. Algorithm effectiveness was evaluated through simulation derived from realistic operational
behavior against various energy-aware and/or failure-aware algorithms. Experiment results demonstrate that Ella-W and Ella-B
reduces energy usage and improve system reliability significantly. From the observations and evaluation results presented in this
paper, we draw the following conclusions.
Worst-fit failure-aware algorithm performs better than best-fit failure-aware algorithms in terms of the reliability. Two
factors cause poor performance for best-fit algorithms: (i) they tend to allocate VMs to a server whose upcoming failure time
is close to the VM completion time, therefore they are sensitive to failure prediction accuracy, and (ii) even though the
prediction is set to relatively high accuracy (e.g. 80%), the worst-fit algorithm Ella-W still shows better performance (lower
overall metric) under different workload-failure ratio Ω, as worst-fit algorithms tend to allocate VMs to the most reliable
servers, leading to increased reliability.
Algorithms that consider multiple parameters are more effective towards improving overall system operation. Amongst all
algorithms studied within this paper, Ella-W and Ella-B produce the best result since it considers cooling energy, computing
energy and failures holistically for decision making. Algorithms that randomly select servers without considering these
factors together result in worst performance. Furthermore, adjusting the trade-off parameter α of Ella-W to neither 0
(reliability-aware only) nor 1 (energy-aware only) achieves the best result overall. Therefore, workload scheduling within
Cloud datacenter has to take into account various factors and perform elaborate trade-offs.
Future work includes more holistic modeling and further improvement of workload scheduling performance. Specifically, the
augmentation of modeling can be implemented from three perspectives: (i) inclusion of additional cooling components, such as
water cooling devices and in-case fans, (ii) more find-grained CFD modeling, including 3-dimensional models that considers the
height of datacenters and racks, and (iii) the impact of server temperature on system reliability, which is omitted within this paper.
This entails exploration of the relationship between server temperature and failure patterns. Additionally, we plan to further explore
scheduling algorithms with heuristic methods such as genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms to enhance the system
productivity. The method we currently use is a greedy-based server selection, which cannot guarantee the production of optimal
This work is supported by National High Technology Research 863 Major Program of China (No.2011AA01A207), National
Science Foundation of China (No.61272128) and China Scholarship Council (CSC) program. This work is partly supported by the
European Commission under H2020-ICT-20152 TANGO project.
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Xiang Li is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University
since 2011. He received his BSc degree from Liaoning University in 2011. He visited the School of
Computing, University of Leeds as a visiting scholar in 2015. His research interests focus on Cloud
computing, energy-aware workload scheduling and datacenter modeling. He is a student member of IEEE.
Xiaohong Jiang received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in computer science from Nanjing University and the
Ph.D. degree in Zhejiang University, China, in 2003. She is an associate professor at the Department of
Computer Science, Zhejiang University. Her research focuses on distributed systems, virtual environment,
cloud computing, and data service.
Peter Garraghan is a Lecturer in the School of Computing & Communications, Lancaster University. He has
industrial experience building large-scale systems and his research interests include distributed systems, Cloud
datacenters, dependability, and energy-efficient computing.
Zhaohui Wu is the President of Zhejiang University, He is a chief scientist in the 973 Project, an information
expert in the 863 Project and the team leader of the National Panel of the Modern Service Industry. He is the
winner of the first-tier talent in the National Talents Program. His major research focuses on service
computing, Cloud computing and ubiquitous computing.