Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Semicoductors
Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Semicoductors
Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Semicoductors
Feature article
A review of the literature of kinetic and mechanistic studies of transition-metal nanocluster nucleation and growth is presented; the focus
is on nucleation processes. A brief survey of nucleation theory is given first, with an emphasis on classical nucleation theory, as this is the
logical starting point of transition-metal nanocluster nucleation and growth studies. The main experimental methods for following nanocluster
formation are examined next—dynamic light scattering, UV–visible spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and X-ray spectroscopies—with special
attention paid to their strengths and weaknesses. Several specific examples of transition-metal nanocluster formation are then given, beginning
with LaMer’s classic sulfur sol system and including the Finke–Watzky mechanism of slow continuous nucleation A → B followed by fast
autocatalytic surface growth A + B → 2B. Finally, brief overviews of semiconductor nanoparticle preparations, solid-state nucleation studies—
emanating from Avrami’s work—and protein agglomeration mechanistic studies are also provided, as these processes are relevant, conceptually
and in a general sense, to the field of transition-metal nanocluster nucleation and growth mechanisms.
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Avrami’s work and the subsequent work that it inspired), and
protein aggregation, topics which are examined briefly in Ap-
Nucleation and growth—the appearance of a new phase out pendices A, B, and C. An experimental-based understanding
of an old phase—is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature [1]. The of nucleation in these processes is limited, the reason being
process occurs in everything from cloud formation to volcano illustrated by the statement that “the understanding of crystal-
eruptions to nanocluster formation reactions. In fact, it has been lization, especially the nucleation process, has been very much
suggested that “it should not be a surprise if it proves that even limited mainly due to a lack of quantitative experimental data”
the Big Bang was a nucleation phenomenon” [1]. The majority [5]. The nucleation, and subsequent growth, of soluble nano-
of the theoretical work with nucleation theory (i.e., the devel- clusters in solution has received relatively little prior attention,
opment and modification of classical nucleation theory, vide this contribution being the first review of the subject.
infra) has been done for the condensation of liquid from the Recently, however, the nucleation and growth of metal nano-
vapor phase [2]. This work has been extended to the nucleation clusters in solution has been the subject of increasing study.
of solid from the melt (i.e., freezing) [3], as well as precipita- It is well known that at the nanometer scale, the optical, elec-
tion and crystallization of solids from solution [4]. Nucleation tronic, and catalytic properties of transition-metal nanoclusters
and growth has received a great deal of study in the areas of are highly sensitive to their size and shape [6]. Therefore,
semiconductor particles, solid-state nucleation (most notably one of the main goals of nanocluster science is the ability
to prepare nanoclusters that have very narrow size distribu-
tions (so-called “near-monodisperse” nanoclusters of ±15%
Based on the literature review chapter of E.E. Finney’s Ph.D. thesis at Col-
orado State University, 2008. [7]), thereby allowing for greater uniformity of nanocluster
* Corresponding author. properties. A fundamental understanding of the mechanism of
E-mail address: (R.G. Finke). nanocluster formation should allow greater control over nano-
0021-9797/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
352 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
cluster size, shape, and composition (e.g., of multimetallic general expression is given in Eq. (2) [11]:
“nano-onions” [8]), resulting in the ability to tune the above-
mentioned properties simply by varying the reaction conditions. G = −nkB T ln sat + σ bn2/3 , (2)
This review will focus on the nucleation of soluble nano- x
clusters in solution, but brief mention of the vapor and pre- where n is the number of atoms in the cluster, kB is the Boltz-
cipitation systems will be given first, as they provide the basis mann constant, T is the temperature, σ is the surface tension
for the nucleation theory applied to other areas of science, in- of the cluster, b is a geometric factor, and the quantity x/x sat is
cluding transition-metal nanoclusters. Reviews of nucleation, called the supersaturation of the solution, where x is the mole
especially of classical nucleation theory and its derivatives, fraction of the species present in solution, and x sat is the mole
are plentiful [9,10], and excellent texts giving detailed descrip- fraction of the species in a saturated solution. Alternatively, the
tions of general nucleation theory exist [1,11]. Therefore, this supersaturation can be expressed in terms of concentration, and
review will only briefly summarize the dominant theories cur- becomes C/Ceq , where Ceq is the solubility (the equilibrium
rently in practice, with appropriate references for the interested concentration) of the species. When the expression is used for
reader; the focus of this review is the application of nucleation the nucleation of droplets from vapor, the supersaturation is
to transition-metal nanoparticles in solution. expressed in terms of pressure, p/peq . The free energy of for-
Although nucleation in general has been extensively stud- mation of nuclei is at the heart of CNT, it being noted that “the
ied, the high levels of accuracy and precision that are enjoyed exact determination of G (for the critical nucleus) seems to
by other fields of science remain elusive in the study of nu- be the real problem of nucleation theory” [18].
cleation. A general shortcoming of nucleation theory is that When comparisons are made to experimental work, the nu-
much of the theory comes from fitting experimental data and cleation rate (denoted as either I or J ) is generally the pa-
adjusting theoretical parameters accordingly. As a result the rameter that is measured. This parameter is also expressed in
theory in general has little predictive power [12]. Therefore, different ways; one of these is given in Eq. (3) [19]:
a main goal of nucleation theory is to improve the accuracy of
the theory to better match, and then accurately predict, exper- 16π γ3
I = Γ exp − , (3)
imental observations [13]. The large gap between a theoretical 3kB T (ρs |μ|)2
(mathematical) understanding of nucleation and an experimen-
where ρs is the number density of the solid, γ is again the
tal (physical) understanding is a gap that is only recently being
solid–liquid interface free energy density, μ is the change in
bridged by physicists and physical chemists. As Oxtoby has
potential between the solid and the liquid phases, and
observed, “nucleation theory is one of the few areas of sci-
Γ =√ Zρl fc+ . In this last expression, Z is the Zeldovich fac-
ence in which agreement of predicted and measured rates to
tor, |μ|/6πkB T nc , where nc is the number of particles in
within several orders of magnitude is considered a major suc-
the critical nucleus and fc+ is the attachment rate of particles
cess” [9]. Zukoski notes that errors of tens of orders of mag- 2/3
nitude are not unprecedented [14]! Closer agreement between to the cluster, which is given by fc+ = 24DλS2nc ; here, DS is a
theory and experiment is, therefore, a goal of nucleation sci- self-diffusion coefficient and λ is a diffusion distance. An ex-
ence. pression for the nucleation rate is given as Eqs. (4) and (5). In
Eq. (4), B is pre-exponential factor which is a collection of the
2. Classical nucleation theory terms described above, and G∗ is the activation energy for
What is now known as classical nucleation theory (CNT)
was pioneered by Volmer [15,16] and Becker and Döring [17]. J = B exp − , (4)
CNT uses the Gibbs capillary approximation, which treats the RT
nucleus as if it were a bulk phase—which, rigorously, it is not. 16πr 3 Vm2
G∗ = . (5)
The free energy of nucleus formation is expressed in different 3|μ|2
ways, but every expression contains two competing terms: one
The dependence of the free energy of a cluster as a function
negative, for the favorable formation of bonds in the nucleus,
of the radius of the cluster, based on classical nucleation theory,
and one positive, for the unfavorable creation of an interface
is shown qualitatively in Fig. 1 [11].
between the nucleus in its new phase and the medium of the old
Because the cluster free energy has negative (bond mak-
phase. In its simplest form and in terms of the cluster radius, the
ing) and positive (surface energy) terms, the free energy has
expression for the cluster free energy is that given in Eq. (1) [9]:
a maximum at some radius, called the critical radius, r ∗ . Dif-
4 ferentiating Eq. (1) with respect to r and substituting back into
G = − πr 3 |Gv | + 4πr 2 γ . (1)
3 Eq. (1) gives an expression for the maximum free energy, G∗ ,
This equation assumes a spherical nucleus, as this shape min- Eq. (6), where Gv = −(RT /Vm ) ln S, where Vm is the molar
imizes the surface area of the nucleus. Here, r is the radius of volume of the relevant species and S is the degree of supersat-
the cluster, Gv is the difference in bulk free energy per vol- uration. Note that Eq. (6) has the same general form as Eq. (5).
ume between the old and new phases, and γ is the surface free
16πr 3
energy per unit area. The cluster free energy can also be ex- G∗ = . (6)
pressed in terms of the number of atoms in the cluster; one such 3|Gv |2
E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374 353
critical temperature, while other data are fit better when actual
experimental dγ /dT data are used [20].
Computationally, Grànàsy developed diffuse interface the-
ory to predict nucleation rates of nonane from the vapor, and
then compared his calculated values to experiment along with
calculations using CNT [22]. Diffuse interface theory contains
two assumptions that are somewhat relaxed compared to CNT:
(i) that only the very center of the nucleus, but not the entire nu-
cleus, has the properties of the bulk, and (ii) that the thickness
of the liquid–vapor interface is independent of the nucleus size.
These modifications gave results that were closer to experiment
than CNT, further showing how the very basic assumptions of
CNT fail to account for experimental observations. The diffuse
Fig. 1. Dependence of the free energy, G, of a cluster on the radius of the interface theory was also compared to CNT in a computational
cluster, r. The curve has a maximum free energy G∗ at the critical nucleus, study of the temperature dependence of the nucleation rate of
which has a radius of r ∗ .
gold particles during freezing, using clusters composed of var-
ious numbers of gold atoms [23]. In this case, similar results
were obtained—CNT overestimated the nucleation rate at high
This maximum of the curve, where dG/dr = 0, gives the
temperatures, while diffuse interface theory fit the observed nu-
radius of the critical nucleus of the cluster. For clusters smaller
cleation rate.
than r ∗ , growth is unfavorable and the cluster dissolves. For
The validity of CNT has been examined experimentally,
clusters larger than r ∗ , growth is favored. Alternatively, the crit-
mostly in systems of liquid droplet formation from the vapor.
ical nucleus can be expressed in terms of the number of atoms
For example, El-Shall et al. used vapor-phase nucleation of do-
contained within it, n∗ , by differentiating Eq. (2) and finding the
decane, hexadecane, and octadecane to check the accuracy of
maximum. For clusters containing less than n∗ atoms, growth
CNT [24,25]. They found that the theory breaks down at low
is unfavorable and the cluster dissolves. For clusters containing
temperatures (T ∼300 K). At these temperatures, CNT pre-
more than n∗ atoms, growth is favored. The critical nucleus is
dicts a higher level of supersaturation needed for nucleation
therefore the activated complex along the reaction coordinate of
than was found experimentally, and it underestimates the num-
nucleation [9].
ber of atoms in the critical nucleus, n∗ , for their system [24]. In
The greatest flaw of CNT is that it treats nuclei as bulk
accordance with this data, the authors used the scaling model
material having macroscopic properties. The key assumptions
of Hale [21] and added extra terms to the theory to compen-
involved here are that (i) the nucleus behaves as the bulk, and
sate for the temperature dependence of the nucleation rate [24].
(ii) the surface free energy of the cluster is the same as that
By adding a term for the increased surface entropy of the clus-
of an infinite planar surface [9–11]. Both of these assumptions
ter, the theory became much better at predicting the nucleation
become unreasonable when considering a nucleus of only sev-
rate over the temperature range studied, 280–350 K. The clas-
eral (or even several hundred) atoms or molecules; the center of
sic work of Strey et al. in 1994 [26] also tested the validity
the cluster is far from the thermodynamic limit, and the sharp
of CNT in the condensation of 1-butanol from the vapor us-
curvature of the cluster significantly increases the free energy
ing a “nucleation pulse chamber” to measure nucleation rates.
of its surface. In the context of Eq. (3) above, accurate defin-
These authors obtained a result similar to that of El-Shall et al.,
itions and values of the constants λ and γ are unavailable for
specifically that CNT accurately describes nucleation of liquid
small nuclei vs bulk material. As stated by Martínez et al. in the
droplets at high temperature, but is less accurate at lower tem-
case of liquid–vapor nucleation, “clearly the use of bulk liquid
peratures (240 K).
properties to describe a process involving small metallic states
One of the difficulties of using many of the various nucle-
is problematic” [20]. Obviously, the same can be said for solid
ation theories is that they contain the γ term for the interfacial
energy of the cluster. The value of this parameter is not known
In 1986, Hale reported a scaled nucleation theory (SNT)
for small nuclei [19]. An attempt to solve this problem has been
[21], which introduced critical temperature and pressure, Tc and
made by Sugimoto et al., who formulated an expression for the
pc , as well as a new parameter Ω for the excess surface entropy.
solid–liquid interfacial energy [27,28], and then used their for-
This new parameter effectively corrects for the supersaturation
mulation to calculate the value of γ for silver halide particles
and therefore for the nucleation rate and nucleation free energy.
[29]. A brief review of studies attempting to obtain the interfa-
The value of Ω is dependent on density, which must be approxi-
cial energy is given in Ref. [29]. Their result is shown in Eq. (7):
mated for non-bulk systems. Unfortunately, a consistent method
of approximating Ω is not available. Different researchers have γ = −N σ λkB T ln x(∞) , (7)
obtained values of Ω using different methods [20]. The fitting
of experimental data to SNT shows that no one method for ap- where N σ is the surface density of surface monomers (a “mono-
proximating Ω is universal—some of the experimental data are mer” in the case of AgX clusters studied here is defined as a
fit better when the surface tension is approximated using the single AgX unit, where X = Cl, Br, I), λ is the ratio of open
354 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
ods, used in the formation of CdSe nanocrystals, is given in make these techniques among the most attractive for study-
Appendix A. ing nanoclusters [55]. Frenkel and coworkers have pioneered
Once an in situ UV–visible method for measuring nucleation the use of these X-ray spectroscopies to study the formation of
kinetics is achieved, another issue arises—namely, that there are transition-metal nanoclusters [34,55–57]. Using advanced mod-
often numerous other species in the reaction medium that may eling techniques, they were able to study the shape of bimetal-
absorb in the UV–visible region and interfere with the nano- lic Pt–Ru nanoclusters described above [34]. In addition, they
cluster spectra. Among these are metal ions, solvent, reductant, found that early in the formation of the Pt–Ru nanoclusters, Pt
and added stabilizers. This problem has also been addressed is found preferentially at the core of the nuclei; as the nano-
[43,44]; the results are presented in Section 4.6. clusters grow, a core–shell inversion takes place, after which
Pt is found mainly on the surface of the clusters [56]. Along
3.1.3. Electron microscopy with determining the structure of the nuclei vs the structure
Another common method used in nanocluster formation of the final nanocluster, the shapes of carbon-supported clus-
studies is ex situ electron microscopy. The most popular mi- ters were determined to be hemispherical; this was found to
croscopy used in the nanocluster literature is transmission elec- be the case for both Pt–Ru bimetallic nanoclusters and carbon-
tron microscopy (TEM). TEM is often used to characterize the supported Pt nanoclusters [55]. The wealth of structural infor-
growth of nanoclusters, as nuclei are typically too small to mation that is possible from X-ray spectroscopies makes this
be seen, non-high resolution, “routine” TEM typically being technique very promising in the characterization of transition-
limited to 1 nm despite stated resolution limits typically of metal nanocluster nucleation if it can be done in situ. Appro-
± 0.2 nm. Recently, however, the method of high-angle annu- priate EXAFS, XANES, and other studies of Ir(0)n and other
lar dark-field (HAADF) imaging with scanning TEM (STEM) transition-metal nanocluster formation are being pursued col-
has become available [45], so-called “Z-contrast” microscopy. laboratively between the Nuzzo, Frenkel, and Finke laborato-
This method, which has increased contrast in heavier atom sam- ries [58].
ples, has been shown to achieve atomic resolution—for exam- To summarize, the best characterization techniques for
ple, in one study, germanium and erbium atoms were visualized studying the nucleation and growth of transition-metal nano-
on a SiC support [45]. In general, TEM offers several advan- clusters are those that can be performed in situ/operando, al-
tages, including powerful visual images and direct measure- lowing for direct observation of the nucleation and growth
ment of nanocluster size. However, because TEM is a solid- processes. Electron microscopy fails at this, despite its rel-
state (i.e., ex situ) technique, the nanoclusters must be taken out ative ease and the visually striking images that it provides.
of solution and dried before they can be analyzed, during which UV–visible and X-ray spectroscopies, however, require less
further growth and agglomeration of the nanoclusters in the sample manipulation and may be performed in situ. Using
increasingly concentrated solution (i.e., before achieving dry- these techniques in combination, while keeping in mind the
ness) can take place. In addition, some monometallic and other, advantages and limitations of each, is necessary to gain a better
especially first- or second-row transition-metal nanocluster pre- picture of what is happening during nanocluster nucleation and
cursor complexes yield nanoclusters in the TEM beam [46,47]. growth.
Hence, TEM alone cannot tell if nanoclusters are nucleating in
solution or being produced in the TEM beam. The TEM beam 3.2. LaMer’s experimental cluster nucleation studies
may also change the nanoparticles under observation, another
major disadvantage, one that has been studied in detail [48]. The most famous and widely cited example of the applica-
A TEM textbook notes that “in the end, you can damage vir- tion of nucleation theory to cluster formation is the work done
tually anything you put into the TEM” [49]. For these reasons, by LaMer in the 1950s [59,60]. LaMer used CNT to describe
TEM alone is not a reliable method to study the nucleation of the formation of sulfur sols from the decomposition of sodium
nanoclusters. thiosulfate in hydrochloric acid, Scheme 1. The model he pre-
Another notable method for visualizing nanoclusters is scan- sented, Fig. 2, shows the concentration of nucleating species
ning tunneling microscopy (STM) [50–52]. Again, however, (sulfur in this case) vs time. The essence of the mechanism,
STM studies are confined to nanoclusters examined under ultra- as illustrated by Fig. 2, is as follows: the concentration of ele-
high vacuum conditions on a support [53]. mental sulfur builds up slowly until some critical concentration
is reached, or more specifically a critical supersaturation level,
3.1.4. X-ray spectroscopies C/Ceq where Ceq is the solubility of sulfur in the solution (vide
Two potentially powerful methods for directly observing supra), stage I in Fig. 2. At this point, “self-nucleation” (i.e.,
the nucleation process utilize X-ray spectroscopy—X-ray ab- homogeneous nucleation) occurs at a rate that has been called
sorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and extended X-ray “effectively infinite” [59], stage II; this is the origin of the idea
absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) [54]. These of “burst” nucleation. The burst of nucleation immediately low-
methods are valuable because they give information about the
identity of atoms in the nanoclusters, as well as information
about the nearest neighbors of the atoms, allowing atomic-level
characterization. The recent, major advances in X-ray optics
as well as the analysis of multiple-shell scattering currently Scheme 1. The system studied by LaMer.
356 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
Fig. 4. Typical cyclohexene loss vs time curve and curve-fit for the reduction
of [Bu4 N]5 Na3 [(1,5-COD)Ir·P2 W15 Nb3 O62 ] under H2 . The fit is obtained
using non-linear least-squares methods to the analytic equation, Eq. (8), for
A → B, A + B → 2B autocatalytic mechanism, Scheme 3. Of the >700 ki-
netic experiments done to date, the fits are generally good to excellent. When
Scheme 4. The cyclohexene hydrogenation reporter reaction used to measure some deviations vs the experimental data are seen, as in the above, deliberately
the kinetics of nanocluster formation. chosen example of one of the poorer fits, these can often be quantitatively ac-
counted for by a 3- or 4-step mechanism, vide infra.
Fig. 5. The kinetic data from Turkevich’s system of reduction of HAuCl4 , fit to Scheme 6. Illustration of the 4-step mechanism for transition-metal nano-
the 2-step mechanism in Scheme 4 [62]. The data was converted to give a curve cluster nucleation, growth, and then bimolecular plus autocatalytic agglomera-
that represents the loss of HAuCl4 , and then was fit to the analytic equation (8) tion [66,75].
using Microcal Origin: k1 = 3(1) × 10−4 h−1 ; k2 = 30(2) M−1 h−1 .
The problem of integral calculus2 of such steps is treated analogous autocatalytic mechanism. This fact, and Fig. 5, have
in a simplest (Ockham’s Razor), average way to start (as good not been previous published.
mechanism must) via the A → B, A + B → 2B 2-step mecha- An important synthetic insight gained from the autocatalytic
nism. The rate constants k1 and k2 are, therefore and necessar- mechanism in Scheme 4 is the need to avoid heterogeneous
ily, averages. An average “xgrowth ” factor has been introduced nucleation when forming nanoclusters [71]. Heterogeneous nu-
[62] to account for the changing surface area of the nanocluster, cleation of metal on solid surfaces is often energetically more
and a more continuous way to treat that change is forthcoming favorable (lower G‡ ) than homogeneous nucleation [26]. In
[67]; see also [68]. Importantly, numerical integration simula- addition, since heterogeneous nucleation is often highly vari-
tions done elsewhere [69] of the first ca. 50 of the above steps able, reproducible nanocluster formation is not possible in the
show that (i) a sigmoidal curve just like that in Fig. 4 is ob- presence of heterogeneous nucleation. It has been found that the
tained, and (ii) that resultant curve is fit extremely well by the nucleation rate constant k1 varies by 103 when heterogeneous
Finke–Watzky, 2-step kinetic model (see Fig. 7 presented else- nucleation occurs whereas k1 varies by 101.2 when homo-
where [69]). geneous nucleation occurs [71]. Heterogeneous nucleation can
The separation of nucleation and growth in time, necessary lead to the formation of thin metal films, which also have been
for narrow size distributions, is achieved in this system as seen shown to form by the autocatalytic A → B, A + B → 2B mech-
visually by the induction period followed by fast cyclohexene anism [71]. One can question whether or not nucleation is ever
loss in the overall sigmoidal curve in Fig. 4. The ratio of growth truly homogeneous in such systems, as typically the amount of
and nucleation rates, R (Eq. (9)), can be used to determine the dust particles is not controlled (ca. 106 particles per cubic feet
level of kinetic control over nanocluster formation [8]. in a typical laboratory [72]). A control experiment was done,
however, showing that increasing the amount of glass surface
growth rate k2 [A][B] k2 [B]
R= = = . (9) area (by adding glass beads) had no measurable effect on k1 or
nucleation rate k1 [A] k1 k2 [73].
Faster growth compared to nucleation, giving a higher value Since the initial reports of the 2-step, autocatalytic mecha-
of R, ensures that growth of existing nuclei dominates over the nism for nanocluster formation, Scheme 3, vide supra, a more
formation of new nuclei, thereby achieving near-monodisperse general mechanism for transition-metal nanocluster formation
(defined as ± 15% size distribution [7]) nanoclusters. The has been described which includes nanocluster agglomeration,
k2 [B]/k1 ratio is also a predictor of nanocluster size, smaller adding a third, B + B → C bimolecular agglomeration step [74]
values correlating with smaller nanoclusters and larger values and then, very recently, adding a fourth, autocatalytic agglom-
with larger nanoclusters [8]. eration step, B + C → 1.5C [66,75]. In these new steps, C
Interesting to note here is that the mechanism in Scheme 3 represents larger, approaching-like metal particles, Scheme 6.
can be used to give an excellent fit to the data obtained by While each of these modifications adds growth and agglomera-
Turkevich, Fig. 5 [70]. This is excellent, kinetic-based evidence tion steps to the overall mechanism, the nucleation step A → B
that the nanoclusters studied by Turkevich are formed via an remains the same. The 4-step mechanism has a distinctive ki-
netic curve (Fig. 6) in comparison to the 2-step mechanism in
2 Population balance kinetic modeling such as those done by Zukoski [14] Figs. 4 and 5. An example of the almost step-function like ki-
is another way to describe the more explicit treatment of all the steps given in netic curve is shown in Fig. 6; note the exceedingly good fit to
Scheme 5 herein, and Scheme 2 and Fig. 7 in a 2001 paper [69]. this unusually shaped kinetic curve.
E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374 359
true (i.e., his remark that “nucleation theory is one of the few Hd ]y+/0/− .
areas of science in which agreement of predicted and mea-
sured rates to within several orders of magnitude is considered Experimentally supporting or disproving these hypotheses is a
a major success” [9]). In short, the relatively large indetermi- major challenge in understanding the nucleation of transition-
nacy in k1 , for the 4-step mechanism of nanocluster nucleation, metal nanoclusters. There is currently disagreement in the lit-
growth, plus two kinds of agglomeration, appears to be a fact erature as to whether metal reduction to M0 , or critical nucleus
of Nature. formation to different species, occurs first [42,69]. While the
In the Finke–Watzky mechanism of slow nucleation and nucleation mechanism likely depends on reaction conditions,
autocatalytic growth, the induction period is the time during a more complete, more general picture of what happens during
360 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
the nanocluster nucleation and growth processes does not exist The Pt0 , Pt–H, and Pt20 intermediates were dismissed on the
at this time.3 grounds of high G of reaction (70.3, 42.0, and 64.1 kcal/mol,
The process of how nucleation occurs was considered in respectively). These arguments appear to be flawed, however,
some detail in the work of Finke et al. [62,69]. The high en- as they assume completely bare Pt atoms or ions without liga-
ergy of free Ir0 atoms is apparent when one considers that the tion from any of the other species present. It had already been
Hvaporization of Ir is 159 kcal/mol, which shows that free Ir0 pointed out in 1997 that bare M0n atoms are prohibited on ener-
is very unstable thermodynamically in comparison to bulk Ir0n getic grounds [62]. In other words, water molecules or chloride
formation; see footnote 44 elsewhere [62]. As first noted else- ions can (and likely do) bond to Pt ions and atoms, for example,
where [62,69], this suggests one of two possibilities: first, that thereby stabilizing them and lowering the G of the reaction.
if single Ir0 atoms are formed during the nucleation process Indeed, well-known molecular, M0 compounds with ligands
to make Ir0 –Ir0 bonds, then they must be stabilized by co- are stable and isolable, including Ru0 (1,5-COD)(1,3,5-COT)
ordination by solvent, anionic ligands (P2 W15 Nb3 O9− 62 in that (COT = cyclooctatriene) [82], Pt0 (1,5-COD)2 [83], Pt02 (dba)3
system [62]), or other ligands present [62], such as olefins. Al- [84], and Pd02 (dba)3 [84] (dba = dibenzylideneacetone).
ternatively, Ir–Ir bond formation may occur with at least one Ir The authors were left with the PtI mechanism, which they
atom still in a higher oxidation state (i.e., IrI –IrI or IrI –Ir0 ), fol- proposed as the true mechanism of Pt0n nanocluster forma-
lowed by reduction to all Ir0n . Restated, given that the formation tion. They admitted that this mechanism is “plausible, although
of free (i.e., unsolvated or unligated) M0 atoms in the nucle- not proven by direct experiment” [42]. (Of course no mecha-
ation process is thermodynamically disfavored, the remaining nism is ever proven; instead, alternative mechanisms are dis-
issues are: (i) when reduction takes place (as the final oxidation proven [85].) What we believe the authors meant is that they
state of the metal in the nanocluster is M0 [80]), and (ii) what were being careful to point out the lack of direct spectroscopic
are the roles of hydrides and other ligands in the nucleation evidence for PtI . Therefore, a PtI intermediate is a feasible, but
process. Overall, it seems likely that nucleation has more of not unequivocally supported, hypothesis in this case. Also mer-
an “inner-sphere” nature than is represented, for example, in iting further reinvestigation is a Ptn+/0 hypothesis.
purely “outer-sphere,” hard-sphere Monte Carlo simulation in a Prior to the above experiments, Henglein et al. reached a
2004 Nature paper [81]. similar conclusion for the formation of Pd0 colloids by radi-
olysis of PdII (NH3 )4 Cl2 [86]. (A 2006 review is available on
4.3. Henglein’s Pt, Pd, and Ag nanocluster formation studies
“Nucleation, Growth, and Properties of Nanoclusters Studied
by Radiation Chemistry” [87].) In this system, they used radi-
Henglein and coworkers have used thermodynamic argu-
olysis to form a hydrated electron that reduced PdII to PdI . They
ments and absorption spectroscopy to propose the formation of
then imagined two different scenarios for the formation of Pd
PtI intermediates in the aqueous reduction of [PtII Cl4 ]2− by hy-
“clusters” (e.g., Pd–Pd dimers, where the Pd atoms are coordi-
drogen in a 2000 paper [42]. They reported that aging the solu-
nated by NH3 , Cl− , and/or H2 O ligands). In one scenario, they
tions of [PtII Cl4 ]2− speeds the reduction when placed under H2 .
imagined two ligated PdI ions coming together to form Pd2+
This is presumably due to the displacement of two Cl− ligands 2
complexes. In the other scenario, two PdI complexes dispropor-
by H2 O, forming the more reactive complex PtII Cl2 (H2 O)2 ; the
diaqua complex has been found computationally to be a vi- tionated to Pd0 and PdII , and the complexed Pd0 atoms came
able intermediate (vide infra). Four separate mechanisms were together to form Pd0n . Although, as they stated, “a clear dis-
considered for the reduction of PtII and formation of Pt nano- tinction between these two cases cannot be made” [86], they
clusters based on the possible intermediates in the reduction: favored the Pd2+ 2 mechanism based on differences in reactivity
(i) formation of Pt0 by complete reduction by H2 , Eq. (10a), between the Pd “cluster” and fully reduced Pd colloids. Specif-
(ii) formation of PtI by partial reduction, Eq. (10b), (iii) Pt–H ically, the Pd2+ 0
2 cluster and Pdn colloids were each reacted with
H2 S and CN . In the reactions with H2 S, the Pd2+
hydride formation, Eq. (10c), and (iv) formation of Pt02 by the 2 reaction is
(Pd2 ) + 2H2 S → 2PdS + H2 + H , while the Pd0n colloid re-
reaction of two PtCl2 (H2 O)2 molecules with H2 (Eq. (10d)).
action is Pd0n + nH2 S → (PdS)n + nH2 . In the reactions with
PtCl2 (H2 O)2 + H2 → Pt0 + 2H+ Cl− + 2H2 O, (10a)
CN− , the cluster formed Pd(CN)2− 4 , while the colloid formed a
2PtCl2 (H2 O)2 + H2 → 2PtI + 2H+ + 4Cl− + 4H2 O, (10b) different product, which was assigned as (PdCN)2 . Again, these
PtCl2 (H2 O)2 + 1.5H2 → Pt–H + 2H+ Cl− + 2H2 O, (10c) results are not solid evidence for or against either intermediate,
but they do demonstrate the feasibility of the Pd2+ 2 species as
2PtCl2 (H2 O)2 + H2 → 2Pt02 + 4H+ Cl− + 4H2 O. (10d) a participant in the nanocluster formation process. Problematic
in this work is that kinetic evidence for the proposed nucleation
3 As has been described previously [62], as well as back in Scheme 5, the steps is lacking. Nevertheless, the evidence for Mn+/02 —and/or
A + B → 2B step in the Finke–Watzky mechanism is in reality not Ir0 + IrI → M2 H0x we hypothesize—as a key species in nanocluster nucle-
Ir02 , but the more general Ir0n + IrI → Ir0n+1 , with n increasing as the nanocluster ation is slowly accumulating.
grows. The change in n is accounted for kinetically by a growth factor, xgrowth , Although Ag is not strictly a transition metal (having no
in the rate equation associated with the growth rate constant k2 . Therefore, the
key assumption made in this model is that the rate constant k2 for each of the
partially filled d or f orbitals), Henglein’s studies of Ag clus-
growth steps is the same, although it almost surely changes with the size of the ter formation are relevant to the present review because of the
nanocluster. In other words, the value obtained for k2,obs is an average value. mechanistic insights gained from those studies. The pulse ra-
E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374 361
Scheme 7. Reaction of Pt(acac)2 and Al(CH3 )3 to form the stable intermediate, Scheme 8. Balanced chemical reaction showing the formation of Pt(1,5-COD)-
which is presumed to go on to form Pt0 nanoclusters. (CH3 )2 from the stable Pt–Al complex and 1,5-COD.
diolysis method [87] was used to reduce Ag+ to Ag0 [88]. ciation of individual Pt0 atoms; that is, reduction of PtII to Pt0
UV–visible spectroscopy was used to detect and follow the for- occurs before nucleation. The authors did not give any evidence
mation of small silver dimers and tetramers, Ag+ 2 and Ag4 .
2+ for this; instead, they stated that “the rate controlling step for the
A mechanism for colloid formation was presented in which nucleation is the decomposition of the thermally unstable bin-
small Agx clusters form via coalescence of even smaller clus- uclear precursor molecules and is not the subsequent diffusion-
ters. These small clusters were designated “Type-I” nuclei [89]; controlled agglomeration of the single zero-valent Pt atoms into
though Henglein did not use this term, they can be thought of particles” (italics have been added) [94]. Therefore, they as-
as sub-critical nuclei. It was then assumed that at a critical size, sumed, without providing experimental evidence, that the inter-
the cluster grows by addition of a single Ag+ ion to the clus- mediate is reduced to give single Pt0 atoms, which then quickly
ter surface. These critical nuclei were called “Type-II” nuclei. It nucleate and grow into Pt0n nanoclusters. This assumption con-
was predicted that the critical size of Agm clusters “is possibly tradicts the thermodynamic considerations already described,
reached in the range of m from 10 to 20” [89] although no direct that bare M0 atoms are prohibited energetically [42,62].
evidence for this was given. The mechanism described by Hen- An interesting finding, in the work of Bönnemann et al.,
glein closely resembles the 1997 Finke–Watzky mechanism in is that if excess 1,5-cyclooctadiene is added to the reaction,
Scheme 3, in which nucleation of metal atoms up to the critical Pt0n nanoclusters are not formed. Instead, the dimethylplatinum
size is followed by growth via surface reduction of more metal complex Pt(1,5-COD)(CH3 )2 is formed, supposedly reforming
ions. Unfortunately, the kinetic data necessary to unequivocally Al(CH3 )3 (a balanced stoichiometry was not provided by the
support this was not published [89]. original authors; hence, a possible reaction stoichiometry is
The effects of added citrate ligand were examined in the for- given herein as Scheme 8) [96]. The 1,5-COD ligand apparently
mation of Ag clusters as well [89]. It was found that as the has a preventative effect on nucleation, breaking apart the Al-
bridged intermediate to form an organometallic complex. The
citrate concentration is increased, the particle size decreases
details of this not well-defined transformation, including kinetic
exponentially. The ability of the citrate to stabilize the size of
and mechanistic studies, or even a proven stoichiometry, have
the critical nucleus, Agm , was proposed to change with the cit-
not been reported.
rate concentration so that the size of the critical nucleus was
proposed to depend on the citrate concentration and its cluster-
4.5. Co nanoclusters from the Co0 complex Co2 (CO)8
capping action.
The formation of cobalt oxide nanoclusters has been stud-
4.4. Bönnemann’s Pt nanocluster intermediate studies ied in detail by Tannenbaum and coworkers [97]. The precursor
complex used in their studies was Co2 (CO)8 . The use of a pre-
The work of Bönnemann et al. on the preparation of Pt cursor in which the metal is already zero-valent nicely removes
nanoclusters offers another idea of what might happen dur- the issue of whether reduction occurs before or after cluster
ing nucleation [90–93]. In the reaction of Pt(acac)2 (acac = formation. However, the final product is the oxidized Cox Oy ,
acetoacetanoate) with Al(CH3 )3 , an intermediate was proposed so that an equivalent issue, of whether Co0 or oxidized Com+ n
consisting of two tetramethylplatinum species bridged by two clusters nucleate, is introduced into that work. The decomposi-
methylaluminum species, Scheme 7 [94]. This putative inter- tion of Co2 (CO)8 was assumed to take place via the well-known
mediate complex, Scheme 7, was characterized by 1 H NMR, process of removal of CO ligands before clustering occurs [98].
13 C NMR, mass spectroscopy, EXAFS, XANES, and anom-
In their work, Tannenbaum et al. proposed three steps to nano-
alous small-angle X-ray scattering (ASAXS) spectroscopy, cluster formation and stabilization in the presence of polymers
along with modeling using DFT. such as poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) [97]: (i) the forma-
Although the proposed nanocluster intermediate was exten- tion of “metallomers” (small clusters—presumably the critical
sively characterized, the formation mechanism of the Pt nano- nuclei) by heating a solution of Co2 (CO)8 to 90 ◦ C, (ii) the ag-
clusters themselves from this putative intermediate was never gregation of metallomers to larger particles, and (iii) the adsorp-
investigated. Restated, lacking are the crucial kinetic studies tion of PMMA to the metal particle surface. The idea that the
necessary to demonstrate that this isolable (stable) complex is polymer does not interact with the metal throughout the nano-
a true intermediate along the reaction pathway, as opposed to cluster formation process, but instead waits in the background
a dead-end species as “Halpern’s Rules” for catalysis predict until a nucleus has formed and then grown to a cluster—even
(since it is stable and isolable) [95]. In addition, the authors when it is present in the reaction solution from the beginning of
assumed that nanocluster nucleation takes place via the asso- the reaction—is highly questionable and unsupported by firm
362 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
Fig. 8. Analysis of Hirai’s [115] transition-metal nanocluster data showing a
correlation between Hvap and nanocluster size for six different metals.
its amount is small (a few percent), depending on the size of effects of pressure and temperature on nucleation rate and par-
the nanoclusters. Still, if 100% pure metal nanoclusters are re- ticle concentration. In contrast, relatively few computational
quired, this heteroelement-seeding procedure would need to be studies exist for the formation of transition-metal nanoparticles
avoided. in solution.
Self-nucleation has been reported as a problem to be avoided Recently, Ciacchi et al. published computational studies us-
in the work of Murphy et al. [123]. They found that reducing ing first principles molecular dynamics simulations of the nu-
AuCl− 4 in the presence of preformed 12 ± 2 nm Au nanoclusters cleation of Pt clusters from [PtII Cl4 ]2− in aqueous solution
gave varying sizes and size distributions of Au nanoclusters [134], and their growth by addition of PtII complexes [135]. In
depending on the ratio of seed to Au salt and on the rate of their simulations, they observed the formation of PtI –PtII and
addition of reducing agent (ascorbic acid in that study). Specif- PtI –PtI dimers, which could then react with another PtII species
ically, when the concentration of AuCl− 4 is much larger than to form PtI –PtII –PtI or PtI –PtII –PtII trimers [136]. Based on
the concentration of Au nanocluster seeds, self-nucleation of their observations, the authors proposed that at least in the case
the AuCl− 4 dominates over seeded growth (just as Buhro et al. of platinum, cluster formation occurs via bonding of metal ions
found for the preparation of Bi, In, and Sn nanoclusters [122]). before reduction to Pt0 , as opposed to full reduction to Pt0
Self-nucleation was also observed by Murphy et al. when the re- followed by nucleation of the Pt0 atoms. Their proposed nu-
ducing agent was added quickly [123]. Slow addition of ascor- cleation mechanism does away with the classical idea of the
bic acid prevented self-nucleation, but resulted in deviations in critical nucleus; instead they state that “each PtII complex that
nanocluster shapes from spheres. The authors presented size- reacts with a reducing electron can be thought of as a ‘critical
separation and X-ray powder diffraction data to disprove the nucleus’ for the growth of metallic platinum clusters” [136].
hypothesis that very small nanoclusters (i.e., too small to be The discarding of the well-entrenched idea of the critical nu-
observed in the TEM) were formed and acted as (hidden) seeds cleus, based on this one computational study—and its lack of
for the nanocluster formation [123]. analysis or discussion of the extensive literature cited herein
Seeded nucleation has been found to be necessary for the re- on the critical nucleus concept—is at best unjustified. In fact,
duction of some complexes. Whitesides found that the platinum these computational observations are in line with experimental
complex Pt(1,5-COD)(CH3 )2 cannot be reduced by H2 unless considerations concluding that partially oxidized metal clusters
Pt(0) is present as a catalyst [124]. More recently, Finney and are formed before the critical nucleus is attained. It would be
Finke found that the presence of Ir0∼300 nanoclusters as seeds of interest to return to these studies and see if Pt20 , Ptn+/0
4 or
catalyzed the reduction of Pt(1,5-COD)(CH3 )2 under H2 [125]. Pt4 Hn+/0
4 satisfy the criteria of being either critical nuclei or
In this case, the formation of putatively Ir0 (core)/Pt0 (shell) special (metastable) intermediates.
nanoclusters quickly agglomerated to bulk metal. As with In their calculations, the authors assumed a PtI intermedi-
Buhro’s system, this technique results in bimetallic nano- ate, and accordingly ran their simulations with the [PtII Cl4 ]2−
clusters and is, therefore, not desirable if very pure nanoclusters ion and one reducing electron; that is, they simulated their
are needed—or very desirable if Ir0 (core)/Pt0 (shell) bimetallic specific mechanistic hypothesis and found it acceptable ener-
nano-onions [8] are one’s goal. getically. Therefore, while their calculations are evidence for
The use of nanoclusters as seeds for organic structures the plausibility of a mechanism involving PtI species, they do
has also been reported [126]. Specifically, rods of arachidic not provide the necessary disproof of other mechanisms [85]
acid (CH3 (CH2 )18 COOH) have been nucleated onto CdSe (e.g., including complete reduction to Pt0 as a significant step
nanocrystals by spin coating. The rods are of uniform height on the process, or the Pt2+/0
n , Pt4+/0
n or Pt4 H4+/0
n alternative hy-
(0.95 ± 0.09 nm) and width (5.39 ± 0.05 nm) and lengths that potheses put forward above). These computational studies are,
vary from 50 to 250 nm. These results suggest that the use in general, based on assumptions about what happens during
of nanoclusters as seeds will be useful not only for the for- nucleation; more solid experimental evidence of what occurs in
mation of other nanoclusters, but also for the preparation of the nucleation events is needed to guide further computational
organic–inorganic hybrid materials [127]. The ability to tune studies, to add hydrides or other appropriate ligands to them,
the properties of the nanocluster seeds will in turn allow for the and overall to make such calculations more realistic and, there-
ability to change the properties of the hybrid materials. fore, even more valuable.
The vast majority of computational work on the nucleation The main conclusions of this review are:
of clusters has been done for gas-phase nucleation of liquid
droplets or solid nanoparticles formed by chemical vapor de- • There is currently no clear, experimentally quantitative
position, since computations for gas phase systems are, of description of what happens during the nucleation of
course, much simpler than for, say, solution nanocluster sys- transition-metal nanoclusters in solution. Indeed, the nucle-
tems. This is illustrated by the extensive computational studies ation of clusters in general is poorly quantitated in general,
by Zachariah et al. of the nucleation, growth, and agglomeration due mainly to a lack of good quantitative experimental ki-
of Si [128–130] and SiO2 nanoparticles [131–133] by CVD. netic and other data. The kinetics of reactions of known
Simulations of the nucleation of SiO2 particles focused on the stoichiometry are especially lacking in all but a few cases.
E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374 367
• Although nucleation and growth of clusters has been stud- dots of the form CdE (E = Se, S, Te), with the most attention
ied exhaustively in the theoretical sense, experimental re- given to CdSe. Although these are not transition-metal nano-
sults are far less common and in many cases contradict clusters, they have been the subject of significant study with
theory, often by many orders of magnitude. regard to the mechanism of their formation and, therefore, war-
• A number of issues remain to be investigated with regard rant at least brief mention here. The CdE nanocrystals are pre-
to the nucleation of nanoclusters, including: pared using the hot-injection method described by Bawendi et
◦ If the formation of the nuclei occurs before, during, or af- al. [138], in which a chalcogen compound, often in a solution
ter the reduction (or oxidation) of the metal in the metal of phosphine, is injected into a hot (300 ◦ C) solution of a
precursor complex. Cd2+ species (usually Cd(CH3 )2 or CdO) in a phosphine so-
◦ If ligands—and especially hydrides to start—are a key lution. After the injection, the solution is allowed to cool to
part of nucleation, or are they merely spectators until the <100 ◦ C. This change in temperature from the hot injection to
nanoclusters are fully formed, as has been suggested, the cooling immediately afterward accomplishes the separation
albeit without evidence [97]. Or, are ligands involved of nucleation and growth that results in narrow size distributions
in every step of nanocluster formation, including nucle- of the nanocrystals, impressively as low as 5–6% as measured
ation, as Finke and coworkers [8], as well as van Embden by TEM [138]. Nucleation occurs over a ∼20 s timescale and
and Mulvaney [101] have suggested, as the influence of growth is slower, occurring over the next ∼60 min. It is in-
PVP over nucleation, for example, show [99], and as teresting to note that the relative rates of (fast) nucleation and
one’s intuition expects? (slow) growth for this system is opposite that of the Finke–
◦ If ligands are crucial to the nucleation step how does Watzky mechanism [62], in which slow nucleation is followed
the strength of the metal–metal bond (or metal–hydride by fast, autocatalytic nanocluster growth. It should be remem-
bond) affect the critical nucleus and, therefore, the final bered that the CdE nanocrystal preparations are performed at
size of the nanoclusters, and how do the size and shape high temperatures, as opposed to the room-temperature synthe-
of the critical nucleus relate to those of the fully formed ses of transition-metal nanoclusters; this could be one source
nanoclusters? Much of the experimental evidence sup- of the apparently different mechanisms (the systems are com-
ports the hypothesis that nuclei consist of at least par- pletely different as well, of course).
tially oxidized metal clusters which are reduced after The kinetics and mechanism of CdSe growth were first stud-
reaching some critical size, although the details of this ied by Alivisatos et al. in 1998 [139]. These authors focused
mechanism have yet to be worked out. their study on nanocrystal growth and avoided studying nu-
• The Finke–Watzky 2-step mechanism fits nanocluster for- cleation, noting that “the kinetics of nucleation are difficult
mation, as well as solution agglomeration of proteins in at to study” [139]. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was used to
least some cases (see Appendix C). As such, evidence is probe the growth of the nanocrystals.
accumulating that the 2-step mechanism may be the more Qu et al. presented a possible in situ method for character-
general, simplest (Ockham’s Razor) mechanism of at least izing CdSe nanocrystals by UV–visible spectroscopy to probe
some 1st order phase transitions in solution, a hypothesis the nucleation and growth of the nanocrystals [5]. In this way,
under further investigation [137]. the samples can be characterized at the actual reaction tempera-
• Promising are the studies indicating a higher order kinetic ture instead of taking aliquots of reaction solution, cooling them
critical nucleation step, nA → Bn [67] and the EXAFS to room temperature, and then characterizing them [139]. This
and XANES studies implying a Rh4 (or Rh4 H4 ) meta- avoids problems of changing the reaction solution by removing
stable (sub-) nanocluster [58,112]. Further efforts on the significant amounts for characterization, as well as changing
M4 /M4 H4 critical nucleus hypothesis, detailed herein for the nanocrystals themselves by cooling them before characteri-
the first time, are being actively pursued [58,112]. zation. The in situ UV–visible spectra of the solutions at 250 ◦ C
were indeed different from those taken at 25 ◦ C; specifically,
The ultimate goal of nucleation studies, as well as studies of absorbances were shifted to higher wavelength and broadened
growth and agglomeration, of transition-metal nanoclusters is in the spectra taken at higher temperatures. Unfortunately, the in
a general, complete mechanistic understanding of what occurs situ UV–visible method was abandoned in favor of photolumi-
during nanocluster formation. The information gained from nescence spectroscopy [139] along with computer simulations
such an understanding should shed considerable light on the to measure the sizes of the nanocrystals. Therefore, while the
process of nanocluster formation, therefore leading to enhanced method of in situ UV–visible spectroscopy was shown to be
control over nanocluster size, shape and other desired proper- easily employed, the only conclusion based on the UV–visible
ties. It is hoped that the present review will assist in achieving method given in this study was that the spectra are different at
these goals. higher temperatures. No information about the nucleation of the
nanocrystals was obtained using UV–visible spectroscopy.
Appendix A. Nucleation studies of semiconductor It is notable that Qu et al. found that classical nucleation the-
nanocrystals ory does not accurately describe CdSe nanocrystal nucleation,
at least the “semiquantitative” data collected by the authors [5].
Of the nanoparticle systems formed in solution, one of the Specifically, these authors found that the concentration of the
most thoroughly studied systems is the formation of quantum CdSe nanocrystals depends on the concentration of monomers
368 E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374
in solution, while CNT predicts that there should be no de- nanocrystals are determined by the absorbance, and the concen-
pendence. (Note that in the recently observed nucleation step tration of particles is determined by the absorbance. Accurate
nA → Bn for transition-metal salts, the concentration of nano- determinations of the sizes and concentrations of the particles
clusters is also dependent on the concentration of “monomer,” depend on good calibration curves; this has been done by at
[A]—this dependence is manifested as k1,obs = nk1,true [A]n−1 least two researchers [140,141] and results have been found to
[67].) The various uncertainties in the CdSe nanocrystal forma- agree with both determinations [142].
tion data, however, led the authors to treat with caution their
conclusion of a nanocluster dependence on monomer concen- Appendix B. Solid-state nucleation studies
tration. In particular, as noted by the authors [5], the uncertainty
and inherent irreproducibility in the accuracy of the injection The solid-state chemical literature has a history of nucleation
rate of Se into the Cd solution reduces the accuracy of, and thus and growth studies dating back to the 1930s, and the kinetics of
the confidence in, the measured nucleation data. solid-state reactions have been reviewed [143,144]. The reason
The nucleation of CdSe nanocrystals was recently studied for including these studies here, as well as those on protein ag-
in detail by van Embden and Mulvaney [101]. Like Qu et glomeration in Appendix C, is that it is probable that nucleation
al. [5], they found that CNT is unable to explain the nucle- and growth phenomena throughout nature are closely intercon-
ation of CdSe; the slow nucleation they observed also did not nected, so that insights from one area can fuel advances in other
agree with LaMer’s “burst” colloid nucleation mechanism [59, areas.
60]. These authors formulated the hypothesis of “ligand con- A brief summary of the solid-state decomposition mech-
trolled nucleation,” in which certain ligands, referred by the anism literature is given in Table B.1. Solid-state nucleation
authors as “nucleation agents,” will have an affect on the size theory has its roots in CNT,
of the critical nucleus, as well as the concentration of nuclei
formed and their probability of surviving. To test this hypothe- G = mGB + σ γ , (B.1)
sis, they added the ligand bis(2,2,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic in which the free energy change depends on the shape of the nu-
acid (TMPPA) to a reaction solution containing a modifica- cleus, as expressed by the shape factor σ (4πr 2 for a spherical
tion of the general preparation of CdSe nanocrystals [138]. The interface) and the strain energy per unit area of the interface, γ
TMPPA ligand was chosen with the idea that it would preferen- [143]. In this equation, m is a function of the nucleation area
tially bind to the CdSe nanocrystal surface over the monomers, (4/3πr 3 for a spherical nucleation region) and GB is the free
preventing redissolution of the nuclei. Using UV–visible spec- energy difference between the phases.
troscopy, the authors found that when TMPPA was added to the The basic starting equation for solid-state nucleation and
reaction, smaller CdSe nuclei resulted, increasing the concen- growth is the Avrami–Erofe’ev equation, [− ln(1 − α)] = (kt)n ,
tration of nuclei vs the control reaction without added TMPPA, where, according to Erofe’ev’s derivation [148], α is the frac-
and slowing the nanocrystal growth process. It was inferred that tion of starting material that has reacted to form product, n is a
the binding of the ligand to the nucleus lowered the free energy parameter that can range from 2 to 4 in so-called “accelerato-
of the critical nucleus and the surface free energy, γ ; the result ry” kinetics or can be 1, 1/2, 1/3, and so on in “deceleratory”
is a lowering of the barrier to nucleation. The relevant equations kinetics, and k is the rate constant. A problem appears imme-
used (Eqs. (A.1) and (A.2)) are similar to those given above by diately for chemical systems with regard to the meaning of the
Auer and Frenkel [19] (Eq. (6)): parameters n and k. First, the notion of “acceleratory” vs “de-
celeratory” kinetics is not well defined, and in some cases the
knucleation = aT exp − , (A.1) parameter n is allowed to change during the course of a single
experiment. Therefore, this parameter seems to be little more
16πγ 3 than a fitting factor, included to ensure a good fit without adding
Gmax = . (A.2)
3Gv any physical meaning. Second, the rate constant k appears to be
Equation (A.1) has the general form of an “Eyring-type” a conglomerate of nucleation and growth rate constants, convo-
equation. In Eq. (A.2), Gv is the free energy per unit volume luted into a single constant [157].
for the condensation of the monomer, Gv = −(RT /Vm ) ln S, As can be seen in Table B.1, the Avrami–Erofe’ev equation
where Vm is the molar volume of CdSe (in this case) and S is has been generalized several times since its initial derivation,
the degree of supersaturation; that is, the product [Cd][Se] in that is, all of the subsequent models simplify to the Avrami–
solution divided by the solubility product [Cd]eq [Se]eq . The ul- Erofe’ev equation under certain conditions. Basically, fitting
timate utility of the addition of “nucleating agents,” according solid-state kinetic data involves choosing a general expression
to the authors, is in the ability to tune the nucleation and growth from one of those in Table B.1 (or deriving a more complex
of the nanocrystals (in conjunction with the addition of “growth one), and then changing parameters until a sufficiently good fit
agents”), leading to a control of nanocrystal sizes. is attained. In the majority of reports, the values of the relevant
The kinetics of nucleation (and growth) of the CdSe nano- parameters are given, but their chemical meaning is generally
crystals are measured with UV–visible spectroscopy. The not discussed. In fact, worth noting is that most of the mod-
nanocrystals absorb between ∼500 and 700 nm depending on els in the solid-state literature lack the chemical reactions and
their size; the growth of the nanocrystals is monitored by the rate definitions that are necessary to clearly define kinetically
shift in the absorbance to higher wavelength. The sizes of the and mechanistically the system under study. Instead, theories
E.E. Finney, R.G. Finke / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 (2008) 351–374 369
Table B.1
Kinetic models for solid-state reactions
Date Author(s) Reaction system Rate equation(s) Comments Ref.
− π3 Nv G3 t 4
1939 Johnson and None, but use model f (t) = 1 − e ; Equation becomes more complex when [145]
Mehl to fit various existing f (t) = fraction of reactant transformed to product nucleation and growth rates are allowed
experimental data Nv = nucleation rate, to change during the reaction;
G = growth rate, Good fits to experimental data
t = time
1940 Avrami None; uses general N = N (1 − e−nt ); Lack of chemical equations causes [146]
nucleation theory N = number of growth nuclei, confusion about what the rate equation
N = number of germ nuclei, really describes physically
n = probability of growth nucleus formation
1944 Prout and 2KMnO4 → MnO2 pf −p = e
k(t−tmax ) ; Induction period is removed in order to [147]
Tompkins + KMnO4 + O2 p = pressure, get a good fit;
pf = final pressure, Does not fit data for AgMnO4
k = rate constant (different for acceleratory vs deceleratory decomposition;
periods), Two different equations needed for
tmax = time of maximum rate acceleratory and deceleratory parts of
the reaction
1946 Erofe’ev None; uses α = 1 − e−kt ; Uses empirically determined rate laws, [148]
generalized theory α = fraction of reactant transformed to product, Mott’s nucleation theory for irreversible
n = “dimensionality” of reaction vs steady-state reaction
1971 Šestàk and None General equation: dα m n
dt = kα (1 − α) (− ln(1 − α)) ;
p Begins to resemble autocatalysis (rate [150]
Berggren m, n, and p are exponents that depend on the type of increases with amount of product);
nucleation and growth Used to describe various modes of
nucleation and growth, with changing
exponents; the exponents are not given
clear physical definitions.
Later (in 1991) [149] found to not be
general (i.e., does not agree with other,
higher-order rate equations)
1975 Ng None General equation: dα
dt = kα
1−p (1 − α)1−q ; Gives analysis of the given equation in [151]
p and q are exponents between 0 and 1, not clearly defined relation to Avrami, Prout–Tompkins,
Erofe’ev, and Roginskii–Shulz
equations; assert that these equations
differ only in their values of p and q
References [38] B.J. Berne, R. Pecora, Dynamic Light Scattering with Applications to
Chemistry, Biology, and Physics, Dover Publications, New York, 2000.
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