01 VN Intro

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Vehicle Networks

The Networked Car

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang, Dipl.-Inform. Matthias Röckl


Intelligent Transportation Systems

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Transportation: Today – Tomorrow


Intra-vehicle Communications
Sensors and actuators
Wired automotive communication technologies

Inter-vehicle Communications
Cooperative Systems
Wireless automotive communication technologies

Movement of people and goods from one place to another

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Modes of transport: % Transport Growth in EU (1995-2006)

Air transport
Water transport
Rail transport
Road transport

1.4 M road accidents with injured (2005) in EU with:

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

2 M injured (2005)
41.600 fatalities in EU (2005)
Î Costs of 50 billion EUR every year (0.5% of EU GDP)
7500 km traffic congestion on EU main roads every day
Î Costs of 200 billion EUR every year (2% of EU GDP)
Tomorrow = Intelligent Transportation
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Adaptive Gantry Signs & In-vehicle signage

Assisted Driving

Autonomous Driving Intermodal transportation

Intelligent Portable
Intelligent Transportation
Intra-vehicle networking required

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009


(eg. Road, Rail, Air)

• Intra-vehicle networking
• Inter-vehicle networking Intelligent
• Vehicle-Infrastructure networking
• Infrastructure networking

Transportation of
people and goods with
the optimal mode of
Infrastructure networking required

Intelligent Transportation Systems
ITS improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity through the use of
advanced information and communications technologies. [1]
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

ITS is the integration of information and communications technology with transport

infrastructure, vehicles and users [2]

Information Communications


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Networked Traffic Infrastructure
Electronic Toll Collection
Electronic Freight Management
Cooperative Systems

[1] U.S. Department of Transportation

[2] Ertico – ITS Europe
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

ADAS are systems that support the driver in her/his task of driving a
vehicle in order to increase safety, efficiency and comfort
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Detection of situational parameters by sensors and, if necessary,

performance of appropriate measures by actuators:
Sensors: Devices that measure a physical quantity and convert it to
a readable signal (e.g. odometer, thermometer, yaw rate sensor)
Actuators: Devices that transform a signal into an action in order to
perform a certain effect (e.g. brake, steering column, HMI)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Lane Departure Warning (LDW)
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (cont’d)
Electronic Stability Control
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Combined active and passive safety

Adaptive Cruise Control

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiZjeeMExY4
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywQBX6efDiM
Source: Bosch CAPS
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Networked Traffic Infrastructure

Adaptive Traffic Light Systems:

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

“Green light phase” adaptation based on

induction loops
Alignment of subsequent traffic lights
Variable Message Signs (VMS):
Centralized/Decentralized controlled adaptive
display of:
speed limit,
overtake allowance,
route (e.g. lane blocking, bypass),
traffic flow information,
hazardous situations,
amber alert,
wrong-way driver, etc.
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Electronic Toll Collection
Traditional tolling gates
DSRC: Dedicated Short Range Communication
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

(5.8 GHz or infrared)

Toll collection at gantries
Used for truck tolling in Austria
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
(Global Positioning System GPS, Galileo)
Position of the vehicle is determined by GNSS
(optional infrared), aggregated and sent to tolling
center via GSM/GPRS
Up-to-date consistent road map required
Enforcement via DSRC
Used for truck tolling in Germany
Advantages of both systems:
No waiting delays at toll gates
(free flow tolling) GSM
Less infrastructure requirements Onboard Unit
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Electronic Freight Management

Continuous localization of vehicles and

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Application for haulage & taxi companies

Positioning via GNSS
Communication via GSM/UMTS
Evaluation of decentralized gathered
Floating Car Data (FCD) for:
Route optimization XFCD GPS Positioning

Driver/fuel management
Vehicle diagnostics
Hazardous goods monitoring
eXtended Floating Car Data (XFCD)
including speed, travel time, fuel
consumption, etc. Following traffic Congestion

Individual re-routing „Floating“ cars report

because of congestion control position + velocity + x
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: eCall

Automatic (based on in-vehicle sensors, e.g. airbag/crash sensor) or manual

notification of Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) via GSM/UMTS
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Emergency message includes time, GPS position, driving direction, vehicle

identification number (VIN), accident severity and type, etc.
eCall will probably be enforced by European Commission in the next years
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Example: Cooperative Systems

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Traffic Jam Ahead Warning

Intersection Assistance
Black Spot Warning
Curve Speed Warning
Decentralized Floating Car Data
Optimal Speed Advisory
Point-of-Interest Notification
Free-flow tolling
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Mitigation of accident severity (passive safety)
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Prevention of accidents (active safety)

Avoidance of hazardous situations (preventive safety)
Reduction of travel times
Reduction of fuel consumption
Reduction of CO2 emission
Reduction of noise emission
Increasing comfort of driving
Additional information services
Cost reduction (e.g. less sensors, less road infrastructure maintenance)
“Competitive edge”: Prevailing over competitors
Intelligent Transportation Systems
The networked car
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Main scope of
this lecture communications
(1st half of lecture)

Information Communications
Gathering, filtering, Exchange of information
fusion, processing, between distributed
distribution of information entities

(2nd half of lecture)
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Intra-Vehicle Communications
Intra-vehicle Communications
Automotive Evolution

In the past: VW Käfer (1950)

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

50 m copper wires
0 Electronic Control Units

Today: VW Phaeton (2004)

3860 m copper wires
45 networked Electronic Control
Units (ECUs) / 61 ECUs total
11.136 electrical parts in total
3 different bus networks
Intra-vehicle Communications
Vehicle Electronics
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Source: Volvo 2002

ECU: Electronic
Control Unit

Source: McKinsey: RACE 2015

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Sensors and actuators

Intra-vehicle Communications
Intra-vehicle Communications
Degree of networking
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

• ACC Stop&Go
• Park Assistant
• Adaptive Headlights
• Night Vision Systems
• Hands-free
• Navigation system equipment
Degree of networking

• RDS/TMC • Steer/Brake by Wire

• Adaptive Cruise • Lane keeping
Control (ACC) assistant
• Electronic gearbox • Electronic Stability • Lane departure
control Control (ESC) Warning
• Electronic air • Active Body • Personalization
• Electronic fuel conditioning Control (ABC) • SW Update
Injection • Antilock Blocking • Airbags • Force Feedback
• Cruise Control System (ABS • Park Distance Pedal
• Central locking • Anti-Slip Control • …
system (ASC) • …
• … • …

Based on BMW CarIT

Intra-vehicle Communications
Network Evolution

ECU Standalone ECUs:

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

No networking between ECUs required

Network Evolution

ECU Directly connected ECUs (partially meshed)
ECUs that require other ECUs are directly
ECU ECU connected

ECU Star topology with central gateway
Central gateway controls message flow

ECU Partitioned bus topology with interconnecting
GW gateway
ECU ECU Shorter wires
Gateway connects different bus systems
Intra-vehicle Communications
In-vehicle bus systems

Special-purpose networks interconnected by one or more gateways

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009
Intra-vehicle Communications
Partitioned bus systems

No failure
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009


In case of failure the
system automatically
switches to a safe
state (often with
reduced functionality)

In case of failure the
system remains in an
operational state (e.g.
mechanical backup
Based on: Bosch 2000 system)
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Volkswagen Golf V
In-vehicle bus systems
Intra-vehicle Communications
Intra-vehicle Communications
Network Categories
Class A:
Data rate: < 10kbit/s
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Usage: Low-end general-purpose event-

driven communication (e.g. sub-busses)
Examples: LIN, TTP/A, J-1850, I2C
Class B:
Data rate: 10 – 125 kbit/s
Usage: non-critical communication (e.g.
Examples: TTP/B, Byteflight, Low-speed
Class C:
Data rate: 125 kbit/s – 1 Mbit/s
Usage: High-end, fast, real-time
communication (e.g. engine timing, fuel
Examples: TTP/C, High-speed CAN, MOST,
Class D:
Data rate: > 1 Mbit/s
Usage: Very high speed communication (e.g.
multimedia) I2 C
Examples: MOST, IDB-1394

Source: SAE
Intra-vehicle Communications
Network types
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Max. data rate

TDMA and
Medium access CSMA

2 Cu per 1 optical
Cables channel
max. 64 per
Max # of nodes segment

Costs per node $

Based on: Luckenbach (Fraunhofer FOKUS) 2007
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Inter-Vehicle Communications
Inter-vehicle Communications
Communication between …

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

trains, trams, pedestrians, etc.
Infrastructure and vehicle: Source: Car-2-Car Communication Consortium

Road-side Units (RSUs): variable message signs (VMS), traffic

light signals (TLS), portable infrastructure (intelligent cones), …
Broadcast systems: Digital Video/Audio Broadcast (DVB/DAB),
Cellular network infrastructure: GSM/UMTS, WiMAX, …
Inter-vehicle Communications
Decentralized Local Danger Warning

(based on: Car-to-Car Communication Consortium)

Long Range Sensing
Distribution of locally detected danger Medium Range Sensing
warnings (black ice, aquaplaning,
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Short Range Sensing

obstacles, etc.) to vehicles and roadside
units in the vicinity
Vehicles as moving sensor platforms
Enlargement of sensing range
extending line-of-sight horizon of local
sensors: Decentralized Local Danger Warning
Short range: Ultrasound
Medium range: Radar, Lidar,
Long range: V2V communications
Impact through improved safety:
extended foresight enables timely
Inter-vehicle Communications
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Automatic longitudinal gap keeping
assistant based on Vehicle-2-Vehicle
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Exchange of speed, heading,
position, brake/acceleration action,
vehicle type, etc.
Impact through:
Improved safety: timely &
reliable reaction
Improved traffic efficiency:
closer safe gaps
Improved comfort: less
unnecessary deceleration
Improved energy and material
usage: e.g. use of engine brake
or recuperator instead of
service brake
Inter-vehicle Communications
Emergency Electronic Brake Light
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Source: Schulman, Active Safety Features and Active Safety Human Factors Issues, 2007
Inter-vehicle Communications
Traffic Efficiency

Regional detour
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Local optimization
Optimization of global
journey times, fuel
consumption and
Traffic pollution by
Center V2X communications

Global reroute
EU project
Inter-vehicle Communications
V2I traffic light control

Adaptive traffic light systems

based on Vehicle-2-Infrastructure
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Impact through:
Improved efficiency:
Traffic light switching
according to actual traffic
volume and intended
movement direction
Increased comfort: less
Reduced costs: Average
lifetime of a induction loop is
3 years!
Source: DLR Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO), http://sumo.sourceforge.net
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Source: Holfelder 2004

Wireless communication technologies
Lecture outline

Intra-vehicle communications

1st half of lecture

Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009

Controller Area Network (CAN)

LIN, FlexRay, Byteflight, I2C
Bluetooth, UWB

Inter-vehicle communications

2nd half of lecture

V2X physical layer: modulation, frequencies, coding
V2X data link layer: MAC, prioritization, multi-channel, etc.
V2X network layer: routing, data dissemination, etc.
V2X applications and security

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