Economical System
= W95 very organized
~ local sodety wise enough te benefit the
hotural resources For developing the Reshowics
and make better, prespenaus lives
involved in trading activites
— every tate, beck then, had tts own
“port uereneg, and
a _pradiea! GAG era)
age Siethor eer
Port and Tradeshiip From tne, co %
3 loected at theniver banks in the
Mala tates
became strategically
- local OVS w if
traded sitesWeighing Units Coriginally)
° | gavitang = fh capale
° | cupal = 4 kal
° | k al 2 2 leng
| leng 22 kepul
adopted from Chines e traders
° | pikul = \00 ket!
ol kot = 16 tohil
Weighing gold and silver, adopted
From Indian traders
o| kati = J2 bungkel e | mayam =
e | loungkal 2 \¢ mayam \a Sagaadopted when the British Came
+, our country
e Ounce e +on
e pound . gallon
*traders used barter syst em
Cho change things) while dealing
e began 4+, use merallic
* became a trend Collis cde
among all of the *F ores and
Malay states to produce Heir own
° Eg.: 4 ki Kh in Verenggans (1835-1 -|‘n0)
+ Rijang th Kelantan tH seer gidinTax otis n Sy stem
° Progressive Trading activities led +.
the devel opment of the tonation
sy em
Tax was charged on various Types
of jprodu s of ing aie
forest preduds, and trading.
e \ anes became the income Source
for the fulers and would be
channelled to benef tt the courity :