Coaching Mastery The New Coach Mini Quest 1
Coaching Mastery The New Coach Mini Quest 1
Coaching Mastery The New Coach Mini Quest 1
In this Mini-Quest we’ll talk about You. You are the Centrepiece of your coaching
career. If you can get that right (your mindset, emotions, vision, etc.) you win.
Lesson 1: You
Step 2: Evaluate
Is my thinking correct? Is my thinking directing me to a positive direction? Is my
thinking based on facts or on hypothesis that I have created?
Take 3 deep breaths. Relax your shoulders, then your entire body. Find that you are
pure energy. See a white light flowing through you. Focus on your heart and see a
little door. Go through that door.
See your soul projecting a movie right in front of you. Walk into it. Go in walk through
this movie. Where are you, who are your friends, your partner, your clients. Don’t just
see it. Experience it. Notice the smell. Talk to your soul. Go ahead, involve all of your
senses. Experience your future self.
Come Back
Thank your soul. You can come back to this vision anytime. See yourself coming out of
this meditative state.
Your Statement
Your Values
Value 1: ______________
+ Question: _______________________________________________________
Value 2: ______________
+ Question: _______________________________________________________
Value 3: ______________
+ Question: _______________________________________________________
1. Walk Away
Walk away from everyone for 10-20 minutes a day (from your clients, social media,
family, everyone)
3. Curious Inquiry
When you spot a disempowering thought, ask yourself where it comes from.
Inquire which story may have created this thought and what made you believe it.