Coaching Mastery The New Coach Mini Quest 1

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MQ 1.

In this Mini-Quest we’ll talk about You. You are the Centrepiece of your coaching
career. If you can get that right (your mindset, emotions, vision, etc.) you win.

Lesson 1: You

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Here’s what’s happening: Event (outside of your control) -> Thought (in your control)
-> Feeling (in your control) -> Action (in your control)
• There is more thinking that you can choose than just one. Which thinking do you
• If we choose our thinking correctly and are aware of it, we will be able to choose
the thinking that leads to toward actions instead of away actions.
• Away actions are actions that lead us away from out goals, toward actions help us
take steps towards our goals.

#1. Becoming Aware of Your Thinking:

Step 1: Become Aware

Notice when you are thinking or feeling like something isn’t working for you. When
negative thinking shows up for you, stop yourself for a moment.

Step 2: Evaluate

Is my thinking correct? Is my thinking directing me to a positive direction? Is my
thinking based on facts or on hypothesis that I have created?

Step 3: Challenge your Assumptions

When you start to question the thinking you have, it opens you up to the possibility of
exploring an alternative way of thinking about it and thus feeling about it.

Step 4: Considering alternative Thinking 

Consider thinking that is helpful and would lead you into a positive direction. Create
thinking that you confirm based on what you find in the outside world. This thinking
should lead you into a positive direction.

Step 5: Take Toward-Actions

Notice how you start taking toward actions as you change your thinking that is
feeling you.

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Lesson 2: Vision

Big ideas from this lesson:

• Turn off all the dogma as to how big your vision you think has to be and simply
consider how you want your life to look like 3/5/10 years from now
• Before you start working on the vision for the world, think about yourself first. What’s
the ideal life that you want, that would help you continue making progress?
• A very big vision could initially overwhelm you and inhibit you to create outcomes.
• What is the harmonious action that you need to take, that will help you move
towards this ideal self?
• Focus vs. Harmony: You might be compelled to improve all areas of your life. If that
is the case, don’t make the mistake to focus too strongly on just one area, instead
seek actions that allow for harmony in all areas. Focus is more important on a daily
activity level.

#2. The Ideal Self Exercise

Define your ideal self 3-5 years from now.

Take 3 deep breaths. Relax your shoulders, then your entire body. Find that you are
pure energy. See a white light flowing through you. Focus on your heart and see a
little door. Go through that door.

See your soul projecting a movie right in front of you. Walk into it. Go in walk through
this movie. Where are you, who are your friends, your partner, your clients. Don’t just
see it. Experience it. Notice the smell. Talk to your soul. Go ahead, involve all of your
senses. Experience your future self.

Come Back
Thank your soul. You can come back to this vision anytime. See yourself coming out of
this meditative state.

Your Ideal Self






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Lesson 3: Message

How do you get your message right?

Big Ideas from this lesson:

• The clearer you are about the message you’re transferring, the easier it is for you to
take action.
• If you don’t get this right, you may sound confusing, may confuse your client and
you may find yourself keep working on yourself without inviting your clients to work
with you.
• Your message will evolve. You need to pick something now to evolve from. Look for
clarity in the moment vs. clarity in your lifetime.
• The clarity of process: You always look for clarity of your next step, not for the
perfect clarity or forever clarity. Don’t associate yourself too much to this statement.
You will evolve from it.
• Your statement involves who you help, what you help them with and how you do

#3. Your Statement

Define your message now.

I help ______________ (e.g: Small & Mid Sized Companies)

with ______________ (e.g: Areas of Leadership, Business Growth & Culture)

using ______________ (e.g: First-Principle Coaching)

Here some more context:

1. I help: Start broad and narrow it down as you keep studying
2. With: This is often the result they seek and what you’re able to resolve with your
3. Using: Here comes in your methodology that you develop over time with us or you
can also borrow a methodology from other coaches, such as those we have in
Coaching Mastery or the Individual Quests on Evercoach.

Your Statement


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Lesson 4: Values

Big ideas from this lesson:

• When you know your values, it makes everything that you do fairly easy.
• For example: Ajit’s values are Service, Love & Freedom. All his decisions are based
on the following questions:
• Is this an act of service?
• Is this an expression of love?
• Does this enhance the freedom of me or the people that I care for?
• If the answer is yes in any (ideally all of these) parameters he would take a decision
towards that action.
• Values make sure that you always move towards your ideal self.
• Use everything that we talk about here as well as tools with your clients.
• Your value system also helps you create content down the road.

#4. Define Your Values

1. Download the Sheet below called ‘Values’

2. Circle each value that stands out to you
3. Put each of these values against each other: If you didn’t have a choice would
you pick value 1 or value 2. Your first intuitive answer is the correct one.
4. Compare each value with another one. Find the 3-5 values that are winning
against all others. These will be your compass.
5. Reflect on the question that reflects the value (e.g. Value: Service/Question: Is this
an act of service?)

Your Values

Value 1: ______________

+ Question: _______________________________________________________

Value 2: ______________

+ Question: _______________________________________________________

Value 3: ______________

+ Question: _______________________________________________________

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Lesson 5: Thinking

Big ideas from this lesson:

• While your stages of business may change, your states are happening on a daily
• The consistency of your daily states is the one you need to pay attention to.
• Since your thinking influences your feelings and action, it essentially is responsible
for your states.
• One of the things that needs to happen for thinking to be right, is Quiet Time.
• Thoughts happen so frequently that we’re often not able to diagnose them in time.
Completely shutting off all the noise helps us listen to what’s going on within us.
• Your thinking is creating your reality.
• Our mind is always looking for thinking patterns to prove our hypothesis. It does that
mainly by paying attention to small evidence in the world.
• You’ll always find evidence for what you’re looking for.
• Every disempowering belief is a belief you made up through the stories you’ve

#5. Quiet Time

This is a daily practice. Take 10-20 minutes to sit with your thinking.

1. Walk Away

Walk away from everyone for 10-20 minutes a day (from your clients, social media,
family, everyone)

2. Watch the Narrative of Your Mind

Observe what your thoughts are. When you dose off or go down a rabbit hole,
gently bring yourself back to the present moment and the awareness of these

3. Curious Inquiry

When you spot a disempowering thought, ask yourself where it comes from.
Inquire which story may have created this thought and what made you believe it.

4. Find Evidence to Disprove it

Once you have found the story behind your disempowering thought, choose
alternative thinking that is empowering and think about what evidence you have
for the new thinking.

5. Consciously Commit to the Empowering Thought

Set the intention to find even more evidence for why the empowering thought is

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