Adobe Scan 19 Mar 2023
Adobe Scan 19 Mar 2023
Adobe Scan 19 Mar 2023
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Question 1: \Yori< out the mean for each or these frequency tables.
You may not use a calculator · Question 1: A teacher asked his class how fong they spent revising for a test. to the nearest how:
· By calculating the mean, compare the amount of time the OO'J5 and (Pris spent revising.
' (a) (b) :c)
NJf. f....-,cy _,I,.._. .,,_,., l<u!,borafpet1 Boys Girls
I F"""""'
5 2 0 I 0 13
•1 l
6 ·z Ho,ro
l 3 1 28 '.
0 0 0 i l
7 5 2 50
:·\ l
z 2
3 9
I I l
I I 7
• 3 0 2 l l z t
4 l 4 I 2
4 !
5 0 4 !I
I I 5
, (d) (e) (f)
_,_ .,,_,., ~ o f ~ F""IUl"<Y ,"'-1q
£10 16
.. 1 34 l I
Question 2: Aidan plays SO games in an arcade. The table shows bow many tickets he won
2 275 .- 4 9 in each game.
£.20 19
- 4 3 !512 7
£30 5
-4 179 (a) Work out the missing frequency jridlcfswon! mqua,cy I
£,40 3 6 z
£50_,..,,, I O ' 4 I
6 7 I i•
(b) -Work out the total number of tickets won ! t l 3 I
£60 2 2 i 5 ·
(c) Work out the mean number oftidcets 3
' Question 2: Work out the mean for each of these frequency tables. -4 l 11
won per game. I 5 I 6
You may use a calculator - 6 I 10
Grade_ ·, ~ Aidan wants to exchange his ticket for a prize 7_ l 2
(a) (b) (c) 8 I 3
I ,.,,_ f ""41'""'Y
16:,, _
. 71•
that costs 800 tickets.
(d) How many more games do you expect Aidan would have to play?
-- ,. 16 28 5 4!5
7 ,. 1 25
17 6 49 Question 3: Max rolls a dice 80 times. The table shows the results.
3 , !IO 2 14
18 7
19 z 8 13" (a) Find the value of x ! llbnbcr l Frequcr,cy
i 4
sw..;i., _. ,~ ,, 6
,_, (e) (f) (b) Work out the mean score )( • ~ -
0 9 ,.· '
t t d d) !5 )(
£1 TlmuYitlt&d , F..,,.w;y
l IZ Zx
-·-£2 34
86 z' ~ 11 0 131
£3 .I '
3 19
1. £4 19 2 599
4 Z1
£!5 3 ', 3 205 '
, !5 a
! Page 30
~ I fi7W'
.~ : - - - - ~ .;. ==-
. -·- .. --------· ----· ------------ - ----· - --
A "" salesman ,.._., 3% commission op bi• to,;;,I weeklY sales.
Question 2: LaSt week his total sales were £28500
How much commJs.slon does be e:1rn? . .
Write down the multlpllers that are used to calculate a:
!uestion 3: (d) 62% Increase
(c) 30% increase
(b) 15% increase 9400 people attend a rugbY match 1,e,ween BrlstDI aod 83th.
a) 4% increase (h) 100%1ncrease
(g) 1% increase- Question 3: 71% of the tans are ,nale.
(I) 70% Increase
e) 29% Increase How many females attend the match?
(k) 220% increase (I) _584% increase
O) 108% increase
I) 150% Increase (p) 0.09% increase
(o) 0.3% increase over th• past 10 years. the populadon of an ISiand bas decreased by 2%
m) 1.5% Increase (n) 2.8% increase
Question 4: The population of anl sland 10 years- ago was 240000
What is the population of the island now? · .
(a) 2% decrease
(b) 8% decrease (c) 12% decrease
(d) 15% decrease
Question 7: An empty
The sand
weight weighs
of the pit 6kg.
increases to 50kg when tilled with sand.
(I) 60% decrease
(g) 72% dc;crease (h) 23% decrease
[e) 30%decrease
(I) 11.5% decrease A different sand pit is 14% heavier but holds 22% less sand.
(k) 2.9% decrease
(1) 100% decrease U) 1.6% decrease Calculate the weight of this sand pit when it is full of sand.
· (m) 0.6% decrease (n) 0.9% decrease (o) 0.38% decrease (p) 0.08%.decrease '
Question 8: A shop,decreases all its prices by 10%.
A week later the ·shop increases all prices by 10%.
What Is the overall change?
Question 6: Work out each of the following
(b) £480 decreased by 13% (c) 14Jgdecreased by40% Question 9: Chloe Is given a 10% pay rise.
( (a) 80ml decreased by 4%
The next year Chloe is given another 10% pay rise.
(e) 2250 decreased by 0.5% (t) 9kg decreased by 6.03% Her manager says that Chloe's pay haS increased by 20% overall
.[d) 308 decreased by 1.2% Explain why Chloe's manager is wrong.
Question 10: Gordon Is building a wardrobe.
The wood costs 30% more than he had estimated.
· Question 1: 250 students attend a primary school. He needs 40% more than he had estimated.
94% or the students go on a visit to the zoo.
How much more than hls original cstlm3te does the material for the wardrobe
How many students went to the zoo?
.l cost? f ,,
Page 16
rs,~-· ....·.~ i~¼ • ·- ,-:· ,;,_
,.......,...:,:..;,:.a_,_:-.., !::.. ..:,:.~-..:~~~tc;:-~t~:1\,, -" i,;" -;. q.,~ ... ·~
Work out an C!stimatc or the mean fur each of these frequency tables. Question 1: Salty Is raising money for charity for a fun run.
The table below has been given to her·rrom the website.
Donation l Fre.qul.l\Cy
Lv,gth Midpoint Sally says the average donatJon Is£ 10.
. Cost Freaue~ Mld1>0l11t O• d ,5 I 44
O•ltlO 6
·-· By.calculatlng the estimated mean, decide If
O•c14 2' I S •·d dO 35
lO•L &2.'0 7 4•ul 3
you agree with Sally.
JO • d s 20 16
.ZO • L130 !5 , 8•cs IZ ,.
,O ,L , CO l ZO <ds~ 3
12• cll6 12 '
-O• l<~ I 16•ctZO 3 50 " " too I 2
(c) (1 I) Question 2: Nathan delivers pluas.
The table below shows Information about his delivery times.
Moss fren~ Mldoolnt The pizza company has a promotion that If the delivery time is over 30 minu.res.
~th . MidPOint
O•h' n , the customer gets their meal for free
, . .. 10 37
'°""'65 -10
IO•'• l!I 43 65•ffll70 12 (a) Calculate an estimate for the mean delivery time ,. . .-Dcl,_.,
1'•h.ZO 9 ,o,.,, 75 , 10
--..--- 1- F_r_~---I
(b) What percentage of deliveries took over l o ~t slO I 3
30 minutes? JO • f1 20 I 10
;Question 2: Work out an estimate of the mea reach of these frequency tables. zo, u JO I 14
Nathan's manager thinks that the promotion shouJd JO •Ti -40 ! 19
;(a) >) be changed to 40 minutes -40 .r·s ,o I 4
I (
l)unrtion (years) Frequency I length'(cm) Frequency (c) Do you agree? ExplaJn your answer:
I 0 s·L < 30 8
0s.d < 10 9
!,, 301L< 60 43' I uestion 3: The manager of a small company is calallating the. mean salaryfor his woncers.
l0s d < 20 13
60sL<·-90 25 He has calculated this to be £568.S00 per yea.r:
20sd <30 16
901 L, 120 4 can you spot any mistakes?_
30-s d, 40 z ,,
I lfillV\.AIIN6 Nt&ATl'Jt!;
0 find the M5wcr to thc5c. m
(n) 3 x (-7) (b) (-2) x 5 (c) (-8) x2 (d) (-- 4) x (-5) (c) 3 x (-5)
@ Dlculate.
(:1) (-2) X (-~) X 4 (h) (-3) X 4 X (-5) (c) (·-2) X (-3) X (-5) (d) 2 X (-3) X (-1)
(f) Sx(-5) .
M (-2)x~-6):x3 -3x8
(h) -2x(-6)
(,l 2 x {-1 ·5) l}i)(-4)X(-2·2) (r)•2·5X(-3) (d)4'8+(-3)
..,,) ..::LJ..
-2 en -1:-s
® Wot\loul!
(a) 7 [6 + (-2})
(b) -2 ((-14) + 1)
(c) -4X{-4)
(4) +0-5-(-2)
(e) -8 + S + (-:-10) (0 -2 (4-(:--8)] ' ,
(g) -4 :i< 8 +5
(h) 3 ((-5) + 2J + 1
(i) -6 + 2 ll -<-3)J
(j) 2 + -] (7 -4) "
(k) f x H)- 3 x (-5) (If 6+(:.,. 6)+5
(m) 6 X 2 + 4 X (- 4) (n) 3[6-(-.2)1
·@Gi'ven that x = -4, find the value of:'
- c1) x2 b} .\J c) 2;( • ., ·. d) . ..:.3x
e) X - ·5 f) 5 - X g))- .3x
11) 20 :-- i• 2 .
") -X
J') --3
i2 :
X .
I) ,_ .-,~ 5
x·+ 1
@) Find the value of these expressions, giv,cn th~t p = -3 a11d -q =·.::.2: ..
a)p+q b)p-q c)p2+( . d)p2 -q
e) P + q
r> P - q3 g} (p + q) 2 h> ~,·- _qp
i) 2p + q j) 2(p +q) k) p ?° 2q ·l) 2p - 3,J "
@) Explain the difference betwten (-3) 2 and -(3)2•
Q) What is the smallest possible value that can take?·Explain your answer.
@Each of the following expre6sions has the value 5, -6,2 or -10.81. Use
cstim.ation to decide which is the most likely value and check with a
calculator. Take x = -4.3, y = 6.7 and z = -2.9:
a) xy + 18 b) 24.43 + yz c) y2 - x 2 +2(x - 12)
d) x + z + 1 e) x - y- z + l f) 3{:t +1)- r
10 2
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