Pre School Readiness Report
Pre School Readiness Report
Pre School Readiness Report
The purpose of this study was to measure the self-perceptions of distance education learners in terms of learner
readiness and to determine the predictors of satisfaction and success in distance education. Learner readiness
consists of five sub-dimensions: (1) computer/internet self-efficacy, (2) self-directed learning, (3) learner control,
(4) motivation for learning, and (5) online communication self-efficacy. The subjects of the study are 84 English
Language and Literature Distance Education Program students. In order to collect data, Online Learning
Readiness Scale (OLRS), developed and validated by Hung, et al. (2010), was used. For the current study the
Cronbach Alpha was found .88. The correlation analysis revealed that all the sub-dimensions of learner readiness
correlate significantly with the concept of student satisfaction and student success. In addition, regression
analysis was carried out in order to see the impact of each of the sub-dimensions of learner readiness on
satisfaction. As a result of the regression analysis, it was found out that motivation is the most important
dimension that influences student satisfaction in online learning. As a next step, another regression analysis was
carried out in order to determine the impact of the sub-dimensions of learner readiness on student success. The
results indicate that self-directed learning is the most important predictor of success. The next two most
important predictors of success in distance education were found to be learner control and motivation.
Keywords: Learner readiness, student satisfaction, academic achievement, on-line EFL learning environment
The concept of learner readiness was first proposed by Warner, Christie, and Choy (1998). They specified the
three important aspects of readiness for online learning environments. These are: (1) students’ preferences for
the form of delivery as opposed to face-to-face classroom instruction; (2) student confidence in using electronic
communication for learning and, in particular, competence and confidence in the use of the Internet and
computer-mediated communication; and (3) the ability to engage in autonomous learning.
Online learning environments offer more opportunities for individualization and flexibility, which creates an
increased demand for self-directed learning (Grabinger & Dunlap, 1995). Similarly, Wolfe (2000) states that
distance education programs assign more demands on learners compared to traditional learning environments.
Grabinger and Dunlap (2000) clearly state that students enrolled in online programs need a bulk of “well-
developed lifelong learning skills and strategies, such as goal-setting, action planning, learning-strategy selection
and assessment, resource selection and evaluation, reflective learning and time management.” (p. 37). In short,
self-direction and initiatives on the part of students are necessary components that distance education students
are supposed to have in order to fulfill their learning goals.
Learner readiness consists of five sub-dimensions. Self-directed learning focuses on learners’ ability to take
responsibility for the learning context to reach their learning objectives. The concept of learner control refers to
online learners’ control over their learning efforts to direct their own learning. Thirdly, motivation for learning is
related to online learners’ learning attitudes, and the concept of computer/internet self-efficacy is about online
learners’ ability to demonstrate proper computer and internet skills. Finally, the concept of online
communication self-efficacy centered on describing learners’ adaptability to the online setting through
questioning, responding, commenting, and discussing (Hung et al., 2010).
satisfaction. Rodriguez Robles’ study (2006) found that Internet self-efficacy is not a significant predictor of
student satisfaction.
Knowles (1975:18) defines self-directed learning (SDL) as “a process in which individuals take the initiative,
with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating goals, identifying human and
material resources, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning
outcomes”. This definition is highly comprehensive and indicates a complex learning process that makes high
demands on students for choices (Boekaerts, 1999; Winne & Perry, 2000). Paris and Paris (2001: 89) stated that
self-directed learning “emphasizes autonomy and control by the individual who monitors, directs, and regulates
actions toward goals of information acquisition, expanding expertise and self-improvement”. To summarize,
self-regulated learners are “metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own
learning process” (Zimmerman, 1989a: 4).
The place of motivation in educational research has been accentuated by many researchers. There is no doubt
that motivation is one of the leading factors in student success and other issues. In literature, intrinsic motivation
was found to be influential on a lower dropout rate, higher-quality learning, better learning strategies, and greater
enjoyment of school (Czubaj, 2004; Deci & Ryan, 1985). Similarly, extrinsic motivation is linked to getting
higher grades on exams, getting awards, and getting prizes. Therefore, as an element of learner readiness,
motivation assumes importance in measuring student satisfaction and academic achievement.
Learner control implies the degree to which learners can direct their own learning process (Shyu & Brown,
1992). By nature, distance education programs require learners to take hold of their own learning as opposed to
traditional learning environments where learners are required to follow a developmental sequence by the help of
coursebooks or other instructional materials. In distance education programs, learners are given control over
their own learning process in terms of the amount of content, the sequence, and the pace of learning (Hannafin,
1984; Reeves, 1993). Now that learners are by themselves with the course material in distance education
programs, especially in handling the asynchronous course materials, learner control assumes great importance.
Another sub-dimension of learner readiness is computer and internet self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is derived from
Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory and offers a conceptual framework to get a grasp of how self-efficacy
beliefs affect student satisfaction and academic achievement in online programs (Bandura, 1977). Accordingly,
Eastin and LaRose (2000) stressed that computer and internet self-efficacy leads both to increased performance
in technical issues like downloading documents or managing the online system and better performance in solving
problems in online learning. Therefore, it is hypothesized that increased computer and internet self-efficacy leads
to increased students satisfaction and achievement. Tsai and Tsai (2003), for example, found that students with
high Internet self-efficacy learned better than students with low Internet self-efficacy in a Web-based learning
The final sub-dimension of learner readiness is online communication self efficacy. Palloff & Pratt (1999) found
that introvert students participate more in online learning environments than traditional environments. Roper
(2007) claimed that successful students are supposed to take the advantage of classroom discussions as much as
possible. In short, Hung et al (2010) concluded that communication self-efficacy in online learning is an
essential dimension for overcoming the limitations of online communication.
Higher education institutions consider student satisfaction as one of the major elements in determining the
quality of online programs in today’s markets (Yukselturk & Yildirim, 2008). Student satisfaction in online
programs has been studied in relation to a number of factors. It has been studied in relation to persistence (Allen
& Seaman, 2008), retention (Debourgh, 1999; Koseke, & Koseke, 1991), course quality (Moore & Kearsley,
1996), and student success (Keller, 1983; Pike, 1993). Findings indicate that high satisfaction leads to higher
levels of retention, higher persistence in learning, and higher motivation (Keller, 1983; Koseke, & Koseke,
1991). There is no doubt that research studies on satisfaction help course designers, educators and administrators
to work on areas that need improvement (Reinhart & Schneider, 2001).
3.1. Purpose
This paper aims to measure distance education students in terms of their self-perceptions about learner readiness.
The next aim of the paper is to identify the predictors of students satisfaction and student success in the distance
education program. Therefore, this paper tries to answer the following research questions:
1. What are distance education students’ self-perceptions about the following sub-dimensions of learner
(a) computer/internet self-efficacy,
(b) self-directed learning,
(c) learner control,
(d) motivation for learning, and
(e) online communication self-efficacy
2. What are the predictors of student satisfaction for distance education students?
3. What are the predictors of success for distance education students?
The reliability analysis of the research tool is given in the table below. Internal reliability coefficients
(Cronbach’s Alpha) for all dimensions range from .64 to .88 and the total internal reliability coefficient is .88,
which indicates a high level of reliability.
We can understand from Table 3 that students have the highest mean score in self-directed learning (M=18.702)
followed by a relatively high level of satisfaction (M=17.904) and motivation (M=16.428). The lowest variable
is learner control (M=10.595).
In order to further analyze the level of each dimension of learner readiness and student satisfaction, the results of
84 participants were grouped as low, moderate, and high. To do this, the maximum values were divided into
three in order to find the cut-off points. The cut-off points for the variables are as follows: student satisfaction
(low=1-8, moderate=9-16, high=17-25), computer/internet self-efficacy (low=1-5, moderate=5-10, high=10-15),
self-directed learning (low=1-8, moderate=9-16, high=17-25), learner control (low=1-5, moderate=5-10,
high=10-15), motivation (low=1-7, moderate=8-15, high=16-20), and online communication self-efficacy
(low=1-5, moderate=5-10, high=10-15). The results are presented in Table 4. According to the results, we can
say that the participants have high levels for all the dimensions of learner readiness as well as learner satisfaction
in total.
Computer/internet self-efficacy
Table 6 presents the descriptive statistics about computer and internet self-efficacy. The figures in the table
report that a big number of the participants stated that they could comfortably use the Internet (75,0%), feel
confident in their knowledge and skills of how to use online learning software, and finally feel confident in
performing the basic function of office programs (70,2%). Computer and Internet self-efficacy is extremely
important for distance education students and the findings of this study indicate that they have a high level of
computer self-efficacy.
Self-directed learning
The third sub-dimension of learner readiness is self-directed learning. The descriptive statistics about self-
directed learning are presented in Table 7. As we can understand from the table, a majority of the participants
could carry out their own study plan (69,1%), have higher expectations for their learning (67,9%), and set up
their learning goals (64,2%). A considerable number of the participants pointed out that they try to get help when
they come across with problems (58,4%) and manage time well (55,9%). Overall, we can speculate that distance
education students are highly proficient in self-directed learning, which is an extremely important skill for them.
Learner control
The results about the fourth sub-dimension of learner readiness, learner control, are presented in Table 8. The
table indicates that a majority of the participants stated that they repeat the material they learned in the course
(64,3%) and can direct their own learning (61,9%), while a moderate number of the participants pointed out that
they were not distracted by other online activities (47,6%). Therefore, we can understand that distance education
students have a satisfactory level of control over their own learning process.
When it comes to motivation, the results are presented in Table 9. The figures in the table show that a huge
number of the participants pointed out that they think that they learn from their mistakes (83,3%) and were open
to new ideas (82,2%). A majority of the participants also stated that they liked sharing their ideas with others
(75,%) and had motivation to learn (72,6%). To conclude, it is obvious that the participants have a high level of
motivation to continue their online education.
Table 12. Pearson Product-Moment correlations among measures for all subjects of the study
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
** ** **
1. CSE - .38 .36 .51 .12 .28**
* **
2. LC - .22 .47 .21 .28**
* **
3. OCSE - .28 .44 .42**
4. SDL - .23* .32**
5. MO - .47**
6. LS -
Notes: *p < .05; **p > .01
Computer self-efficacy: CSE
Leaner control: LC
Online communication self-efficacy: OCSE
Self-directed learning: SDL
Motivation: MO
Learner satisfaction: LS
Table 14. Pearson Product-Moment correlations among measures for all subjects of the study
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
** ** **
1. CSE - .51 .38 .12 .36 .21
2. SDL - .47** .23* .28* .40**
3. LC - .21 .22* .24*
4. MO - .43** .24*
5. OCSE - .03
6. AC -
Notes: *p < .05; **p > .01
Computer self-efficacy: CSE
Leaner control: LC
Online communication self-efficacy: OCSE
Self-directed learning: SDL
Motivation: MO
Academic Achievement: LS
Table 15. Results of regression analysis for variables predicting academic achievement
Variables B SE β t p
Constant .1.36 .30 .4.59 .00
Computer self-efficacy
.16 .07 .21 1.96 .05
(R= .21; R2= .05)
Self-directed learning
.33 .08 .40 4.00 .00
(R= .40 ; R2= .16)
Learner control
.18 .08 .24 .2.26 .03
(R= .24 ; R2= .06)
.20 .09 .24 2,26 .03
(R= .24 ; R2= .06)
Online self-efficacy
.02 .83 .03 .26 .79
(R= .03; R2= .00)
Notes: R = .46; R = .22; F(4, 33) p = .00
Table 15 indicates that the relation between computer self-efficacy levels of distance education students and their
academic achievement is meaningful (R = .21, p < .05). The results of regression analysis, however, indicate that
computer self-efficacy is not a significant predictor of academic achievement for distance education students (β
= .21, p > .05). As for self-directed learning, the table shows that the relation between academic achievement and
self-directed learning is significantly meaningful (R = .40, p < .05). The results of the regression analysis show
that self-directed learning is the most important predictor of academic achievement for distance education
students (β = 4.00, p > .05). Table 15 indicates that the relation between learner control, motivation and
academic achievement was also found to be meaningful (R = .24, p < .05, R = .24, p < .05, respectively). The
results of the regression analysis demonstrate that learner control and motivation other important predictors of
academic achievement (β = 2.26, p > .05, β = 2.26, p > .05, respectively). Finally, the relation between online
self-efficacy and academic achievement was not found to be significant (R=.03, p <05). Therefore, online self-
efficacy is not one of the predictors of academic achievement among distance education students. As a result,
depending on the results of the multiple regression analysis, self-directed learning is the most important predictor
of success. The next two most important predictors of success in distance education are learner control and
In order to collect data, the OLRS developed by Hung et al. (2010) was used for the purpose of the study. This
scale includes 18 items under five dimensions. These five sub-dimensions of learner readiness formed the
independent variables of the study. These variables are: (a) self-directed learning, (b) motivation for learning, (c)
computer/internet self-efficacy, (d) learner control, and (e) online communication self-efficacy.
Descriptive statistics pertaining to each of the items under the five sub-dimensions were run in the study. The
results have indicated that distance education students think that their courses contribute to their educational and
professional development. They also stated that they were satisfied with the level of interaction provided in
online courses. With regard to computer and Internet self-efficacy, it was found that the participants could
comfortably use the Internet effectively as well as online learning software, and finally feel confident in
performing the basic function of office programs. The study found in terms of self-directed learning that the
participants could carry out their own study plan and have high expectations from their learning. They can also
set learning goals. In addition, as for motivation the participants were highly motivated in their online course.
Finally, it was found that the participants view themselves highly proficient in terms of online communication
In order to investigate the correlation between the dependent and independent variables of the study, correlation
analysis was carried out. The results indicated an optimum level of correlation between and among the variables.
Therefore, further statistical analyses could be carried out. The next analysis was to run a linear regression
analysis in order to see the multiple influences of (a) self-directed learning, (b) motivation for learning, (c)
computer/internet self-efficacy, (d) learner control, and (e) online communication self-efficacy on student
satisfaction. The obtained multiple correlation coefficient (.57) indicated that nearly 32% of the variance in the
sample could be accounted for the linear combination of computer self-efficacy, self-directed learning, learner
control, motivation, and online self-efficacy. In addition, t-test results for the significance of regression
coefficients illustrated that motivation was the only significant predictor of satisfaction (β = .33, p < .05). It was
once again confirmed in this study that motivation variable was found to be highly influential on student
The next important step in the study was to investigate predictors of academic achievement in the distance
education program. A correlational analysis was conducted in order to see the relation between the variables of
the study and the dependent variable, academic achievement. The results indicated that there was a positive
correlation between the dependent and the independent variables. As a next step, a multiple regression analysis
was carried out in order to determine the predictors of academic achievement. The results indicated that self-
directed learning was the most important predictor of success in the distance education program. The next two
important predictors were found to be learner control and motivation.
In terms of the relation between computer/Internet self-efficacy and satisfaction, the results of the study found a
positive correlation and support the findings of Chu and Chu’s (2010) study. However, although a positive
correlation was found, the regression analysis indicated that computer/Internet self-efficacy is not one of the
predictors of satisfaction. This finding is in line with the findings of Rodriguez Robles’ study (2006).
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