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FOUNDATION OF COMPUTING Telephone Directory Name: Yashish Verma jagdeep kaur Class:- MCA Course code:- CSE10 Section:- 277 Roll no-: B39,B40

We YASHISH VERMA,JAGDEEP KAUR of section 277, MCA, reg. no 10806191,10805252 hereby submit this term paper of FOUNDATION OF COMPUTING in undertaken of LEC.MR MOHANTESH. The topic given to us is TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. WE have done very hard work on this project given to us. We have searched many books and websites to complete the given task and under the guideline of my respected teacher I completed my work.

A telephone directory is a collection of telephone numbers and associated customer details. However, unlike a standard telephone directory, where the user uses customer's details (such as name and address) in order to retrieve the telephone number of that person or business, a telephone directory allows users to search by a telephone service number in order to retrieve the customer details for that service. Telephone directories are used by law enforcement and other emergency services in order to determine the origin of any request for assistance, however these systems include both publicly accessible (listed) and private (unlisted) services. As such, these directories are restricted to internal use only. Publicly accessible reverse telephone directories may be provided as part of the standard directory services from the telecommunications carrier in some countries. In other countries these directories are often created by phone phreakers by collecting

the information available via the publicly accessible directories and then providing a search function which allows users to search by the telephone service details.

Header Files used:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) # include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<bios.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> #include<box.h>

System Requirements
Hardware & Software Requirement Computer software and hardware play an important role in automation systems. Computers control and manage the automation of both physical tasks and analytical tasks. For example, your store personnel currently hand count inventory, then enter it into a PC. Give your employees handheld inventory scanners and the inventory information is automatically scanned and entered into a computer system where sophisticated inventory management software provides analysis of factors such as consumer purchase patterns, inventory management metrics and vendor reliability. This automation system yields benefits in time savings and accuracy

and helps you to better respond to customer needs all of which can lead to greater profitability. Keeping in mind the system problem and reviewing various computers, the micro computer, the micro compute with the following configuration would more appropriate:-

Hardware Requirement

Processor Hard disk RAM


Pentium-iv or Above 60 GB or Above 256 MB OR above 1.44 MB Color Monitor

Floppy Drive : VGA/SVGA :-

104 Key Standard Keyboard

Mouse 25 line by 80 columns color printer

Software Requirement Operating system Above Language : - C-language : MS window 98 or


The purpose of the system design is to plan the solution of the problem specified by the requirement document. System design is a solution to create a new system. This system is composed of seven steps. It provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility study. The emphasis of this phase is on translating the performance equipments into design specifications. Design phase go through logical and physical phases of development. System design is most creative phase of the system development. The term design describes the final system and the process it is developed. This phase is the first step in moving from the problem domain to the solution domain. In other words, starting with what is needed; design takes towards how to satisfy the needs. The design of the system is most critical factor affecting the quality of package to be

developed. System design has major impact on the later phases, particularly testing and maintenance. The system design includes the construction of the program and the program testing. The output of this phase is the design document. This documents acts like a blueprint of the software develops and this document is used later during implementation and testing. System design is the process where by the end users requirements are transformed into software package and the specification for the computer based information. System design is the solution, or how to approach to the creation of the new system it describes the solution to the problem and serves as the staring point for the programming. Design objective

To avoid error inherent manually making the output inconsistent and incorrect. To make the system completely menu driven and user-friendly. To design the system effectively so that even the non-programmer can use this application easily. The primary object of the system design is to deliver the requirement exactly as specified earlier by the user for a particular report and design of the system producing of the steps to be followed in the system design are:-

Output Design. Input Design. Screen. File & Database Design. Procedure Design.

Output Design
The starting point of system design process is to understand properly the requirement of the system, which are to be converted into the output. Key question related to output are:

What will receive output? What is it used? How much detail is used? When and how often output is needed? How the output should be printed or displayed?

In our system design we have some report and queries included to displayed the output on the screen or to the printer.

Input Design Input design feature can be ensuring reliability of the system and procedure results. From the data the input design also determine whether the user can interact efficiently with the system.

Objective of the input design system: Controlling the amount of input. Avoiding delay. Avoiding error in the data. Keeping the process simple.

In our case the in the input of data on-line and data is stored on the hard disk and then processing is done.

Screen Screen and menu have been used for. Entering & editing the data in the system. For queries about the requirement information stored into the system. For generating the report using printers.

Modular Design Modular design has been classified in three parts:Input Design

Input design is process of converting user-originated inputs to the computer based format. In the system design phase, the expended data flow diagram identifies logical data flows, data store, source and destinations. A system flow chart specified master files, transaction files and computer programs. Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar data. Output Design Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the systems relationship with the user and helps in decision making. Form Design The form is a tool with a message; it is the physical carriers of data of information. It also can constitute for action.

Feasibility study Feasibility study is carried out to determine the various pros and cons of the proposed system. Many feasibility studies are disillusioning for both user and analyst. First the study often presupposes that when the document is being prepared, the analyst is in a position to evaluate solutions. Second, most studies tend to overlook the confusion inherent in system development the constraints and the assumed attitude. Feasibility study consists of firstly defining system performance by:

Determination of system constraints Identification of objectives Studying of outputs of the new system Feasibility consideration: Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis: Economic feasibility: Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. This procedure is used to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from candidate system and compare them with the cost. If the benefits outweigh the cost, then the decision is made to design and implements the system. Otherwise further

justifications in the proposed system are made to make it a worthwhile system.

Technical feasibility:

Technical feasibility centers around the existing computer system and to what extend it can support the proposed addition. We have to keep in mind the capacity of the proposed system and make an effort not to over load the system. This may require technical enhancement and these may further require financial considerations to support the enhancements. If

the budget is a serious constraint then the project is judge as not feasible.

Operational feasibility: Proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into information As the system is user friendly throughout it is approved by the user showing no resistance i.e what so ever at all. If the user wants more facility then that can be provided. After the system is implemented the user will need no changes as the system is developed by keeping the users requirement in mind.

The proposed system will cause no harm to the organization. But it will enhance the result in better respect. The system will avoid the confusion and resistance by catching the user attention as it is presentable.

Source code #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void add( ); void view( ); void delete( ); int i; struct person { int sno; char name[15]; int house_no; char street[15]; char city[15]; char state[15]; long int phone_no; struct person p1; FILE *fp; Void main( ); { clrscr( ); printf(*****TELEPHONE DIRECTORY*******); printf(\n-------MENU---------); printf(\n 1.for add); printf(\n 2. for view); printf(\n enter your choice);

scanf(%d,&ch); switch(ch); { case 1: add( ); break; case 2: view( ); break; default: printf( wrong input); } getch( ); } void add ( ) { Fp=fopen(address.txt,w); Printf(enter record of person); Scanf(%d%s%d%c%c%c%ld,& p1.sno,p1.house_no,p1.street,p1.city,p1.state); Printf(record added successfully); Fclose(fp); Void view( ); { Fp=fopen(address.txt,w); For(i=0,i<=30,i++); {

fscanf(fp,%d%s%d%c%c%c %ld,&p1.sno,p1.name,p1.house_no,p1.street,p1.cit y,p1.state); printf(\n sno=%d\t name=%s\t house_no,p1.street,p1.city,p1.state); printf(\n sno=%d\t name=%s\t house_no=%d\t street=%s\t city=%s\nstate=%s,p1.sno, p1.name,p1.house_no,p1.street,p1.city,p1.state) } fclose(fp); } TESTING Testing is a process of executing a program with intentions of finding an error. It is essential for a good system that it is properly being tested before transferring it to the ultimate user, so that in early stage the program bugs could be set right and probability of system failure could be reduced. Levels of testing:-

Unit testing: It is the first level of testing. In this single module is being tested or we said that in which emphasis is given on testing of single form. Integrated testing: It is the next level of testing. In this, above tested modules are combined and then perform testing one by one using bottom to top down approach.

System testing: Here the entire software system is tested. The reference document for this I the requirement document, & the goal is to see if the software meets its requirements. Test plan:

This document describes the plan for testing deposit money, order taken etc. performance evaluated activities. We have performed the unit testing and system testing. Two testing approaches have been adopted for testing: White box testing Black box testing White box testing (WBT): In the white box testing approach the close examination of procedural detail is done. Logical path through the software are tested by test cases that exercise specific set of condition and/or loops. The status of the program may be examined at various

points to determine if expected status corresponds to the actual status. In the software system it is essential that WBT should be done for the program of vital importance because this is very tedious and time consuming. Thus through WBT we are able to test all the independent paths with in there operational bound where exercise and internal data structure to ensure their validity were exercised once. After the successful completion of white box testing method the black box testing method, which is complementary method, was considered.

Black box testing (BBT):

The black box testing method enables engineer to derive set of input conditions that with fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. In BBT we have chosen evidence portioning. This method divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived. Equivalence classes according to the following guidelines: If an input condition specifies range, then one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined. If an input condition requires a specific value one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.

If an input condition specifies a member of set one valid equivalence class and one invalid equivalence are defined. If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid class are defined. After testing the modules it is important to test software as a whole for which we have chosen the top down integration approach, which is an increment approach to construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving down through the control hierarchy, beginning with main control module, module subordinate to main control module incorporated into data structure in either depth first manner

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