1980 Tzca 24
1980 Tzca 24
1980 Tzca 24
N Y A L A L I , C.J.:
sis tor, namely, Tabu Tomola, in the High Court at Arusha for the
b u t was convicted, jointly with her sister, for the lesser offence
was aggrieved b y the con v i c t i o n and sentence and h ence this appeal
this appeal and the Republic was represented b y Mr. Mlawa, learned
State Attorney.
botw o o n the parties : thnt one- Adna d/o Bombo died on or about
with the sickness of her father-in-law, who was also the f a ther
who was the second accused at the trial, then left the scene,
and who escorted her to the police station where she found
the s c e n e of crime and drew a sketch plan of the scene; that one
the scene; that s u b s e quently both the appellant and her sister,
who was the second accused at the trial, were taken before a
extra-judicial statement.
C ourt and at the trial court, the following primary and secondary
the effect that the oldman was not sick trut would soon
both the appe l l a n t and -bar eiste*- ifthe second accused at the trial)
b e a t u p the deceased to death. Furthermore, i t is p a r t
the dece a s e d .
On the other hand, the appellant in her defence put up
an alibi to the effect that she was away washing her clothes
of the appellant.
to the Justice of the Peace, that is P.W.6, but she says that
w h a t she told the Justice of the Peace is the same as what she
a ppellant at the trial and the learned trial judge was aware
the effe c t that she s a w the appellant and the second accused,
the e f fect that on the material day she was passing b y p.W.2's
homestead when she saw the appellant and the second accused beating
leader, that is P.W.4, the learned trial judge could have k&sed
learned trial judge was satisfied that the appellant caused the
claim to have known the deceased, those are P.W.2 (the sister
who claim to have seen the dead body of a person who was identified
that the deceased Adaa d/o Bombo died soon after being b e aten up
and the second accused and the absence of evidence to show which
fai l u re to call at the trial the persons who identified the dead
the identify of that body as being that of the lady whose death
b o d y as, being that of the lady whose death is the s u b ject of this
quite clearly the location of the house of the lady whose death
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on the issue.
the brief judgment of the court of Appeal for Eastern Africa statea:-
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"No person was called to say that the Mutundi who died
in hospital was the same as the Mutundi who was stabbed
by the appellant, and the question for us to decide
is whet h e r the death of a man alleged to have been
murdered has b e e n properly proved. It is hard l y necessary
to s a y that the onus of proving this is u p o n the crown.
"The learned Counsel for the crown has pointed out that
the evidence as to the i d e ntification of the deceased
b o d y after it had been taken to the mortuary was not
satisfactory, in that tha witness gave only h e r name
and did not add anything more b y which she could be
identified* This c ourt has on occasions before observed
that the mere giving of the name is not sufficient.
Actually in this case there are sufficient pointers
in the other evidence to establish beyond d oubt that
the body of the dead woman, described by the identifying
witness as Agnes d/o Sauka, was in fact the wife of
the witness Mshenzi and the mother of the appellant.".
in the pres e n t case shows that the deceased died of cardiac and
the appellant was the author of the fatal blow or blows, she
comm o n purpose.
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and that of the socond accused, the deceased died on the spot
attnck which killed the deceased, since the situ a t i o n would fall
O O . « Q . / 1 2
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suffering uoder any disease or injury which apart from such act
agreed with the lady and gentlemen assessors who sat with h i m to
the effect that the appellant and the second accused did not intend
to kill the deceased. The appellant and the second accused were
ye a r s ' l m p r i s o n m e n t .
The n p p o l l n n t ’
s sis tor, thnt is the second accused at the
trial and w h o has not appealed, also falls in the same position
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so wishes.
( H. A. MSUMI )