Islamic Studies Solved Past Papers 3
Islamic Studies Solved Past Papers 3
Islamic Studies Solved Past Papers 3
6 Explain the concept of self-purification in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah and
its impact on society.
The core of the Islamic faith is purification of the self (Tazkiyah nafs), which means
that human beings must keep both their bodies and
soulsclean, since one affects
the other directly. A one who keeps himself dirty and unkempt,
pious person is not
unaware of his surroundings, dress, and bodily needs. In fact, cleanliness, and the
concept of purity of both body and Nafs has been ingrained in the Muslim psyche,
through instructionsof the Quran and Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)and his
practices (Sunnah).
Self-Purification in Quran:
The minor self: This is something inside the human entity combining all the human
qualities and characteristicsthat have apparent effects on the human behavior. We
have many verses in the Qur'an depicting this meaning like,
We created man-We know the promptings of his soul, and are closer to him than
his jugular vein-" (50:16).
Tazkeya inQuran
The word
Arabic comes from and purifying. In language it
'tazkeya' in cleansing
has two meanings; first, purification and second increase or growth. As for the self
it was defined in the Qur'an as having three qualities
www.NEARPER Qualities
of Self in
Allah says,
"And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My soul,then fall
You are the best to purify it! You its guardian and its master."
The Prophet (SAWS)said,
"Righteousness is to have good manners and sin is what concocts inside your chest
and you hate to disclose to the people."
The Prophet (SAWS) told us that purifying our souls through prayer is just like
purifying our bodies with water. Abu-Hurayra narrated that the Prophet said,
Imagine that there was a river at your doorstep and that you bathed in it five timess
a day, would that leave any dirt in your body?" They answered, "No, nothing at all
So he said, "This is exactly like the prayers you perform five times a day. They wash
out your sins the very same way." Jabirlbn Abdullah narrated that the Prophet
(SAWS) said, The five prayers are like a river running at your doorstep and in this
river you wash yourself five times daily."
The human being is born and grows up with wild lusts (and maybe immoral ones)
and some of these lusts find their way to us only through the traditionsand habits
of the people around us. No faith can be straight while these 'impurities' lurk in the
dark corners of the human soul; that's why self-purification is a prerequisite.
Q.7 Enumerate thereasons of extremism in Pakistan)and suggest solutiong to
eradicate it in the light of Islamic teachings.
While domestic terrorism has long been a challenge around the world, many
countries are only now beginning to develop comprehensive strategies to address
Socio-Economic Factors
the masses. Political instability and lack of political infrastructure are the root
cause of youth going astray from the core value of moderation in Islam.
Religious militants and terrorism:
they are part and parcel of the militant Islamic framework that feeds and links up
with terrorism.
Solution for Extremism in Pakistan:
scope, it is worth noting that there are models for successful government-civil
At the interpersonal level are programs "directed against individuals who have
become radical with the aim of reintegrating them into society or at least
dissuading them from violence." De-radicalization programs should directly
address extremist ideologies and attempt to transform active radicals into
play a pivotal role in shaping and defining Islamiceducation and ideology in this
highly religious society. As such, these institutions can push youth either toward
or away from violent extremist ideology. Madrasa reform and other such
strategieshave been viewed as an essential component of Pakistan's internal
security policies.
While discrete acts of terrorist violence may have decreased over the past few
years Pakistan, violent religious extremistorganizations have become a mainstay
of Pakistani society.
Countering this threat requires more than robust security
measures; it requires fundamental shifts in the social, religious, and political
spheres. While few people deny that Pakistan's most dangerous extremists have
bound their causes to religious identity, efforts to address the religious dimension
of this conflict have been grossly insufficient. Although the conservative religious e
Q.8 Define ljma' (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlights its
/ In the Arabic language, ljma' means 'Azm or determination.It can also mean Ittifaq or
agreement. Its terminologic meaning is the consensus of opinion of the learned in
After Holy Quran and Sunnah, it is considered as a source of Islamic Law and was
started after UAR
R 28
the demise of the Holy Prophet. However, the origin of ljma can be traced out in the
Holy Quran NE
and Sunnah. In fact, both the Holy Quran and Sunnah give permission to find out
solution of
some matter for which the Holy Quran and Sunnah have never provided any
The definition of ljma:
The issue of the definition of ijma was not raised until the time of Imam Shafii (d.
the end of century we see attempts by variousscholarsto deal with the definition of
Abul Husayn al-Basri (d.436 AH): "agreement of a group (jama'ah) on a certain
matter of by action or abandonment."
Imam Al-Ghazali (d.11 AH): "Agreementof the community of Muhammad on a
Quranic verses in support ofljma:
Quran talks about the concept of Shura in length, it highlights the importance of
Shura and supports ljma in all sense. Allah says in Quran
You are the best of man, and it is your duty to order men to do what is rightand to
forbid them from practicing what is wrong.
In another Ayah, Allah says,
God and obey the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) and those amongst you who have
ljma' is a valid source of Islamic law which connotes the rulings derived from divine
revelation through the process of human reasoning. According to Imam al-Shafili
matters related to religious obligation can be solved by ljma', only when the
evidence in the Qur'an and Sunnah on the same matter is unclear. It is important to
follow the path of ljma for the deen to flourish,
Repeated Questions
ljtihad literally means "to endeavor, strive, put oneself out, Work
hard." In Islamic legal terminology it means "the process of deriving
the laws of the shari'ah from its sources." In order to perform ljtihad,
a Muslim man or woman should be thoroughly familiar with the
sciences of Qur'an and the Sunnah, comprehend the wider purposes
of the Sharia and understand Arabic correctly. On complicated and
complex issues of law, ljtihad should be previewed by trained
scholars. Any Muslim or Muslima with some knowledge of religion
can perform ljtihad on certain matters, particularly those of personal
Need for ljtihad
When the Quran and Sunnah are silent on a matter, that
matter can be decided by the people concerned through
the process of reasoning based on Quran and Sunnah.The
purpose of to preserve lslamic principles in an
ever changing society in a bid to find the solutions for
modern day issues.
It allows the legal system of lslam to become dynmaic
encouraging a steady growth according to
the social needs and circumstanceS. ljtihad negatees
stagnation and meets the challenges of
modern civilization.
ljtihadas Per Quran and Sunnab
Need of ljtihad from Quran and Sunnah ljtihad as an
essential element of law and legislation issupported both by
Quran and Hadith. The Quran has recognized the necessity
of independent judgment to arrive at decisions in the
following verse:
"And if any tidings, whether of safety or fear, came into them,
they noise it abroad, whereas if
they had referred it to the messenger and such of them as are
in authority, those among them
who are able to think out the matter would have known to it.
1. Upholding Accountability:
Accountability is the centre to Islam that makes an individual
answerable of ones deeds to God. The Essential ingredients of
accountability in Islam have been derived from (sharia) the divine
law of Islam. Accountability is the chief principle of Islam that
stands for accountability to Allah for all activities is vital to a
W Muslim's
aspects) of
accountable each individual
makes a
collective affairs (social, political,
his life
in his
civil servant accountable in
economic, judicial,administrative
from birth to death. Likely, it makes
respective profession either he
an ordinary citizen, administrator, ruler, politician, economist,
businessman, or a scientist as the tradition of Holy prophet (PBUH)
Each one of you is a guardian and each guardian is accountable to
everything under hiscare (Haarth).
2. Stimulating knovwledge and discipline:
The official ethics in Islam produce discipline in a public
servant and discipline always extinguishes the fluctuations
and it mechanism of the regulatory on the
restores the
land and develop best conduct in man:
civilization. (20)
was destined to be a world
religion and a civilization, stretched
from one end of the globe to the other. The early Muslim caliphates
(empires), first the Arabs, then the Persians and later the Turks set about
to create classical Islamic civilization. In the 13th century, both Africa and
India becamegreat centers of Islamic civilization. Soon after, Muslim
kingdoms were established in the Malay-Indonesian world, while
Muslims flourished equally in China. Islamic civilization is committed to
two basic principles: oneness of God and oneness of humanity. Islam
does not allow any racial, linguistic, or ethnic discrimination; it stands for
universal numanism. besiaes 1slam nave some pecular Teatures unat
distinguish it form other cotemporary civilizations.
Salient Features of lslamic Civilization:
long as, it embodies the very principles of Islam, the Almighty Allah
will preserve. This unique civilization will never wither away: since, it
7th centuries onward till date, the growth and progression of the
The Abbasids Dynasty
The Abbasids, who succeeded the Umayyads, shifted capital to
Baghdad. Baghdad soon developed into an incomparable center
of lore and learning as well as the politico-administrative pivot of
a vast empire. The seat of the powerful Abbasid dynasty
Baghdad\was the world's core of arts and sciences. It contained
two of the world's oldest and greatest universities, the
Nizamiyah and the Mustansiriyah. which enriched Muslim
civilization and benefited the West and the rest of the world in
5. North Africa And Spain