Clinical Short-Term Outcomes of Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: A Multicenter Study
Clinical Short-Term Outcomes of Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: A Multicenter Study
Clinical Short-Term Outcomes of Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: A Multicenter Study
Chong HY1,2, Roslani AC1,2, Rajandram R1, Kumar S1,2, Malik AA1,2, Law CW1,2, Chan SH3, Rajasingam V4, and Kasipillai J4.
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Universiti Malaya Medical Centre, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Pantai Hospital Ampang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Assunta Hospital, 46990 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
April Camilla Roslani,
Department of Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine,
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Universiti Malaya Medical Centre
59100 Kuala Lumpur,
Phone number: +60379492441
Fax number: +60379586360
Background: Laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) is a treatment for symptomatic internal hemorrhoids. Nevertheless,
there are disparities in the technique employed, including combining it with pedicle ligation. We aimed to investigate
if short-term clinical outcomes were different between patients undergoing LHP with and without pedicle.
Methods: Patients who underwent LHP from a prospective registry of 3 centers were identified. Demographics,
severity, symptoms, operative technique, post-operative pain, complications, and recurrence were investigated.
Sub-investigation of patients with simultaneous pedicle ligation, and without, was performed. Statistical analysis
was done using the χ2 test. P values <0.05 were noted as statistically significant.
Results: One hundred and two patients (59.8% male) of a mean age of 45 years were assessed. Most (62.7%) had
3rd degree hemorrhoids. Median operative time was 24 minutes (10-60 minutes) minutes. Post-operative length
of stay was 26 hours (2-168 hours) hours. Median pain score 24 hours post-operatively was 0/10. The general
complication percentage was 26.5%, but majority complications were self-limiting. The most common complication
was post-operative swelling (16 patients; 15.7%). Post-operative bleeding was seen in 9 patients (8.8%) at a median
of 7 (1-14) days, 3 of whom needed operation and readmission. Then 4 patients (3.9%) had moderate-to-severe
pain (pain score of more than 5/10), 2 patients (2.0%) developed ulceration and 3 patients (2.9%) had recurrence,
were treated conservatively. Patients with pedicle ligation had a higher complication (33.3% vs. 14.8%; p=0.08),
mainly bleeding and swelling but not statistically significant.
Conclusions: LHP demonstrates good short-term outcomes with minimal complication and recurrence incidences.
Supplementary ligation of pedicles does not provide additional benefits, and in fact, may worsen outcomes.
Keywords: Hemorrhoids, Ligation, Outcomes, Pedicle, Short-term
Demographics n %
Male 61 59.8
Female 41 40.2
Grade of hemorrhoids
First degree 6 5.9
Second degree 14 13.7
Third degree 64 62.8
Fourth degree 18 17.6
Previous intervention
Figure 4: Introduction of the laser fiber Rubber banding ligation 7 6.9
Open hemorrhoidectomy 2 2.0
Pre-operative symptoms
Pain 23 22.5
Bleeding 94 92.2
Prolapse 80 78.4
Pruritus 4 3.9
Discharge 4 3.9
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