Quiz Gift of Magi
Quiz Gift of Magi
Quiz Gift of Magi
1. What does Della buy for Jim? 13. Who cut Della’s hair?
A. A bottle of wine A. Madam Sonya
B. Gloves B. Madam Sofronie
C. A picture frame C. Madam Sally
D. A fob chain for his watch D. Madam Sandra
2. The story takes place on 14. How much was money did Della bulldoze?
A. Valentine's day A. $ 1.87 B. $ 8 C. $ 20 D. $ 21.87
B. Jim's birthday 15. How are Della and Jim’s sacrifices ironic?
C. Christmas Day A. The sacrifices understate the amount of the love the
D. Christmas Eve couple expresses toward each other
3. According to the narrator, how are Della and Jim wise? B. The narrator revealed the nature of the sacrifices in
A. They have already saved enough money for next the beginning passages of the story, resulting in the
Christmas audience knowing something Della and Jim didn’t
B. They both know they don’t need money to be happy C. Della’s mother already gifted her combs, and Jim’s
C. They both know they will be able to use each other’s father already gifted him a new chain
gifts at some point in the future D. They both surrender their most prized possessions,
D. Their sacrifices embody the purest form of love and which makes their respective gifts for each unusable
gift-giving 16. When Jim steps into the apartment, the narrator pauses
4. Why does Della regret her lack of spendable money? to comment on ________
A. She wants to give Jim a worthy Christmas present A. The perils and ravages of love
B. She needs groceries B. The destitute state of Della and Jim’s apartment
C. She needs to pay an overdue rent charge C. Jim’s appearance
D. She wants new shampoo D. Della's foolishness
5. How does Della attempt to justify her new haircut? 17. How does Jim react to Della’s haircut?
A. She doesn’t. Instead begs for Jim’s approval A. He tells Della she looks even more beautiful with
B. She reminds Jim that he fell in love with her when short hair
her hair was still short B. He reassures Della and claims that external changes
C. She asserts that she is still beautiful and loveable will never weaken his love for her
without her long hair C. He shames Della for her rash and foolish decision
D. She states that her love for Jim is incalculable, unlike D. He rushes out of the apartment
the number of hairs on her head 18. How much money does Jim and Della spend on their flat
6. The value of a gift is rooted in ________ on a weekly basis?
A. Utilitarian purpose and practicality A. $ 8 B. $ 18 C. $ 28 D. $ 38
B. Material cost and lavishness 19. What is Jim’s gift for Della?
C. Sacrifice and generosity A. A new couch
D. Rarity B. A lavish overcoat
7. Della considers an object valuable if it ________ C. A watch
A. Is expensive and ornamental D. A set of combs
B. Is passed down from several generations 20. Which set of adjectives best characterize Della and Jim's
C. Makes her feel beautiful apartment?
D. Is simple and sentimental A. Meretricious and obnoxious
8. In the outside world, Jim publicly goes by ________ B. Disgusting and poorly maintained
A. Mr. James Young Dillingham C. Cheap and shabby
B. Mr. Jonathan Young Dillingham D. Small and cozy
C. Mr. James Dillingham Young 21. How does Della react to Jim coming home every day?
D. Mr. Jim Dillingham Young A. She pretends to ignore him
9. How are Della and Jim like the magi? B. She greets him with a hug
A. They embody the true spirit of gift-giving C. She surprises him with a gift
B. They are devoted Christians D. She asks how much money he earned that day
C. They express utmost respect toward each other 22. How much money does Della receive from selling her
D. They are outrageously rich hair?
10. After Della examines her haircut in the mirror, she starts A. $ 1.87 B. $ 20 C. $ 21.87 D. $ 30
to worry that ________ 23. Della gifted Jim a __________ fob chain.
A. Her hair will never grow reach its prior length again A. Silver B. Gold C. Bronze D. Platinum
B. She is foolish and unworthy of Jim’s love
C. She picked an underwhelming present for Jim 24. The narrator compared Della and Jim to _______
D. Jim will no longer find her beautiful A. Romeo and Juliet
B. The Magi
11. What does Della's hair represent? C. King Solomon and Queen Sheba
A. Her vanity D. Jesus
B. External beauty and femininity
C. Her desire for freedom 25. How does Jim address Della?
D. Her emotional ties to her youth A. "My Princess"
B. "Sheba"
12. Why does the fob chain strike Della? C. "My Lady"
A. She remembers that Jim once told her that he D. "Dell"
wanted a new chain
B. It reminds her of Jim
C. It is the fanciest item she sees in the store
D. It reminds her of the chains wealthier businessmen