Analysis of Mobile HCI
Analysis of Mobile HCI
Analysis of Mobile HCI
Semester 1, 2014
cation Technologies
Programming 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Method 4
2.1 Human Interface Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 App Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Discussion 5
3.1 Core Design Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Analysis of Common Apps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Conclusion 17
Alex Cummaudo, 1744070 1 INTRODUCTION
Semester 1, 2014 COS30007–Creating Data-Driven Mobile Applications
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
With the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and iPad in 2010, Apple sparked a revolution in
the field of mobile HCI, finally delivering a mobile interface that overcame the limitations of
the hardware it ran on. For years beforehand, the literature of mobile HCI has always been
predicting a boom of mobile technologies, yet “the pains and complexities of interacting
through very limited input and output facilities” seemed to hinder this boom (Chittaro,
While touch-screen technology has been available with touching, dragging, and drawing
since the early 1990s (Shneiderman, 1991, p.94), an assortment of various touch-screen prod-
ucts simply never took off to the extent where the mobile market is today. Fundamentally, a
successful implementation of an appropriate interaction with all user groups just could not
be grasped within these devices, which led to their ultimate demise. Yet, as the iPhone and
iPad were introduced, the ‘Post-PC’ era, a phrase popularised by then-Apple CEO Steve
Jobs, began to take off—primarily powered by a new interaction method with users.
Ultimately, mobile platforms should not share common UI elements with the traditional
point-and-click interfaces of desktop computing. Smaller screen sizes, touch interfaces and in-
hand mobility are three key aspects as to why HCI within mobile devices should be different
to the traditional HCI in desktop computing, though some aspects are retained yet slightly
varied (e.g., rather than clicking, users tap instead).
1.2 Motivation
As Ebner et al. (2010, p.2) described, part of the
iPhone and iPad’s success was a shift from traditional
UI elements to new interaction and usage paradigms,
which made an impact on the way end users can seam-
lessly and ubiquitously interact with all of Apple’s iOS
devices. The growth of the Android user-base since
iPhone’s introduction is also a second case where a
touch-screen interface for a mobile device has been Figure 1.1: During Q2 2013 an average
of 52% of smartphone owners in the US
largely successful. Whilst there are slight differences had a handset that runs the Android OS.
Source: Neilsen.
2 METHOD Alex Cummaudo, 1744070
COS30007–Creating Data-Driven Mobile Applications Semester 1, 2014
between the two major platforms, the UI is largely similar to ‘fit’ with the hardware it is
wrapped around.The successes of both platforms have been from this deviation from the
path of traditional HCI.
This research report will compare and contrast both Android and iOS, chiefly in regards
to how the UI components, feedback and elements all culminate together to provide some
of the best examples of HCI on the mobile-market. Android and iOS are the largest mobile
platforms at the time of writing this report; by market share on US smartphones, Android
leads by 52% ahead of iOS at 40% (refer to Figure 1.1), making both suitable candidates UI
technique comparison.
In addition, an analysis of differences between the two will propose ways in which the
user-experiences changes between both platforms, factoring in considerations from third-
party literature about what makes a ‘good’ mobile user-interface for apps on these devices.
The design guidelines for iOS and Android produced by Apple and Google, respectively, will
outline the factors that need to be considered when developing for either platform.
2 Method
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what iOS and Android uphold as paramount principles to the user experience. Comparing
principles in similar concrete examples between both platforms lead to contrast discussion.
3 Discussion
3.1 Core Design Principles
iOS Android
Deference Enchantment
Content is at the heart of the UI. The UI Joy of the user is heart of the UI. The UI
helps users understand and interact with should adapt to suit the user, and should
the content, but never competes with it. constantly satisfy user’s emotions.
Clarity Simplification
Focus motivates functionality and ensures Brevity motivates functionality and ensures
content is paramount. The UI should be users aren’t disturbed but still kept in-
crisp, subtle and appropriate to bring out formed. The UI should be consistent, de-
the most in the content. cisive and quiet.
Depth Empowerment
Layers heighten users understanding on Encourage the user to learn new things on
where they are. Hierarchy and position their own. Let the user feel in control, and
informs users of relationships between el- pick up features quickly with encourage-
ements. ment form the UI.
Both iOS and Android’s HIGs display differing Core Design Principles which demon-
strate that the user experience is different between both platforms. These are contrasted
3 DISCUSSION Alex Cummaudo, 1744070
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in Table 3.1. iOS has a far greater emphasis on the content user’s expect to see within
their apps, whereas Android’s focus is to keep the user as delighted as possible regardless of
what they’re doing. iOS suggests that the UI needs to be as subtle as possible, and play a
supporting role in the app.
Figure 3.1: Comparing Deference and Enchantment in iOS and Android; focus on content is the
iOS-approach, while focus on user emotions is the Android approach.
Deference vs. Enchantment The UI should never compete with the content in the app.
Android’s suggestion is that the UI needs to be joyful, and connect to the user’s emotions.
Figure 3.1 compares the two in a concrete example; the Weather app in iOS clears as much
of the UI elements as possible, giving as much focus on the data presented as possible.
The Android weather example uses as much as the content on screen to provide a weather
animation to emotionally convey the current weather in San Francisco. While there is not
as much detail in the centre of the screen as per iOS, the weather is emotionally conveyed;
users can tell it is sunny in San Francisco just by looking at the animation. iOS too provides
an animation, though this is presented in the background, keeping the location, temperature
and forecast in the foreground. Unlike Android which retains buttons for refreshing, adding
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locations and changing the forecast scope, iOS has almost no UI buttons at all, except for a
deferred locations button in the bottom right of the screen.
Ultimately, iOS does have the upper hand here. Users can quickly grasp the content they
are looking for at a glance, with it’s very clear and large typeset. The UI has deferred to give
a greater focus on the content itself, which pays off here. Android, though trying to enchant
the user with animation, is worse off in this regard as the very same content is visibly hard
to see in the upper left-hand corner.
Figure 3.2: Signing in on iOS and Android shows different approaches to simplifying user
Clarity vs. Simplification Keeping things as simple and as clear as possible are similar
principles in iOS and Android, though subtle differences arise on analysis. A good example
of this arises when downloading apps on the respective platforms, as shown in Figure 3.2.
Both contribute more or less the same to the user experience, but in varying ways. Android
keeps its sign in message brief and encourage all messages to be shortly phrased with simple
words. iOS’s approach is to ask the question in the action; rather than having ‘Yes’ or ‘No’-
styled responses, responses themselves should be descriptive, verbal and convey meaning,
thereby eliminating the need for any message at all. However, by eliminating the message,
iOS can’t provide the suggestion hints that Android does (e.g., ‘If you use Gmail, answer
In essence, both have their pros and cons. Apple’s approach for naming the buttons other
than the standard ‘Yes’, ‘No’ is useful to give a verb to whatever the action of the button
does. However, Android’s simple dictation (“If you use Gmail, answer Yes”) can really avoid
users questioning themselves and helps guide users in a very explicit way.
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(a) Tapping a list in the reminders app will (b) Swipe gestures are a common pattern in
provide a zoom-up transition on the list Android apps; users can discover this as a
tapped, using the animation as an indication way to transition from one screen to the next
that they have drilled down from all lists to and often do so by using muscle memory from
the tapped list. other apps.
Figure 3.3: iOS uses animations and transition to inform users of how deep (hierarchically) they
are within interface. Android empowers users to learn and get used to patterns frequently used
from other Android apps.
Depth vs. Empowerment Android encourages users to find things out for themselves,
using visual patterns and muscle memory from other Android apps to help achieve this. In
particular, encouragement should be ‘sprinkled’ amongst apps (e.g., an outline or glow as an
app icon is being moved into a folder), thereby giving users a heightened sense of achievement
when they perform tasks on the device. This leads to a satisfactory user experience, where
the user feels in control and also feels like an expert when using their device. iOS partially
adapts empowerment in its HIG, though to keep the user informed of their situation, they
shouldn’t need to figure things for themselves; the app should give clear indications as to
where the user is and how they can go back from the previous screen, and depth is a way in
which app hierarchy can be visually represented by the use of layers (as opposed to patterns
in Android). iOS devices do not have the physical back button, and so layers can be used
to overcome this physical limitation; users remain informed and still feel in control since the
animations that transition from one layer to the next help users form a cognitive model of
how deep they have ‘drilled-down’ into the interface, and know exactly where they are, where
they came from, and how to get back. Figure 3.3 and 3.12 illustrate these two principles in
Alex Cummaudo, 1744070 3 DISCUSSION
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In this regard, iOS’s approach is perhaps more preferential in its approach to always
provide a user with a level of hierarchy. The depth itself keeps the user always visually
informed as to wherever they are, which is empowering in itself as the user will feel in
greater control knowing whereabouts (depth-wise) they are in the app.
(a) When the Login button is tapped, an (b) Android uses an Activity Circle mixed with
Activity Indicator is placed at the far right of a Progress Bar. Visual feedback of completion is
the button in iOS. given.
Figure 3.4: The signin process on iOS (left) and Android (right).
Figure 3.5: Suggested progress bars from Apple (left) and Google’s (right) HIGs indicate both
activity progress and task duration.
Signing In To begin with, the Facebook app immediately differs from the login screen
on either platform (see Figure 3.4). Signing in on the Android version gives an indication of
completion time with an Activity Circle that has been morphed with a Progress Bar. The
progress bar “are for situations where the percentage completed can be determined” (Google,
Inc., 2014), however, this has been presented in the form of a circle. iOS only uses an Activity
Indicator instead, and therefore does not give an indication as to how long it will take for
the logging in process to finish, though it does “reassure users that [the logging in process]
hasn’t stalled.” (Apple, Inc., 2014)—thus having some feedback rather than no feedback at
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all is essential (chiefly since the Activity Indicator is better used for tasks where progress
cannot be determined, such as how much a file has been uploaded). UX in the iOS version
is slightly worse off since it does not provide any form of how much longer it will take for
sign-in to complete. Better still, the suggested progress indicators, see Figure 3.5, from Apple
and Google may have been more suitable in either case, as this keeps consistency with other
apps on either platform.
Ultimately, neither is ‘better’ than the other as the standardised progress indication
bars have not been used. Though Android’s approach is slightly better off, incorporating
the progress bar into the activity indicator, this will not be consistent with other progress
indicators throughout the platform. Nonetheless, Android’s approach still provides some
form of progress, albeit in an inconsistent method to the platform.
Home View Layout The home view layouts in both screens vary between platforms also.
Whilst the content remains central to the screen, positioning of the tab bar controller and
the actions swap. Key to Android’s interface is the ability to swipe left and right to switch
between tabs, and so therefore users less frequently tap the tab bar controller icons. This is
in contrast with iOS, where users need to tap the tab bar controllers (as opposed to swiping
left and right) in order to switch views associated with the tab bar. As such, the positioning
of action elements are at the bottom in Android to make them closer to the home buttons
(where the user’s thumb spends most of the time) as users are more likely going to swipe
between tabs and use the post buttons more. In iOS, users are encouraged to switch tabs
instead, and, as Apple’s HIGs stipulate, tab bars “always appear at the bottom edge of the
screen” (Apple, Inc., 2014). As such, since iOS users will be tapping the tab bar buttons
more frequently then tapping posts, improving UX is done by placing these buttons at the
bottom near the home button.
Android’s swipe to switch tabs is certainly more convenient and fluid in its nature, and
this is a reflection of the empowerment design force in practise, as discussed in Section 3.1.
Such a faster method does empower users to make context switches within the app (i.e.,
from one tab view to the next) with just a swipe of the thumb, which gives rise to better UX
fundamentally due to its fast nature. As such, the rearrangement from iOS in the Android
home view layout does support this nature of swipe-to-switch tabs, and is better in this
regard than iOS’s layout.
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(a) Users more frequently use the tab (b) Users more frequently swipe left and right
buttons to switch tab views in iOS. Post to switch tab views in Android. As such, the
buttons placed in less frequently used post buttons are placed near toward the home
on-screen area instead. buttons instead.
Figure 3.6: Comparing positioning of elements of the home screen in iOS and Android. The
area towards the bottom (near the home button) is good for key/frequent action elements.
Tab Bar The tab bar controllers in both platforms differ. As aforementioned, Android
provides the ease of switching between tabs by swiping from left to right, which is why it is
not positioned at the bottom near the home button as per iOS. The flexibility of the swiping
gestures in Android improves UX for expert users by improving speed at which content can
be navigated through. However for novice users who are unable to decipher the icons or
are unaware of the swipe functionality, this is where iOS’s approach to tab bar labelling
and icon use excels. A drawback to the iOS approach is that only 4 tabs can be used on a
standard iPhone screen; a designated ‘More’ tab should be used to customise or have access
to hierarchically equal features (i.e., views of the app just as important as eachother) as per
the Apple HIG. Android’s tab bars can be scrollable (Figure 3.8), so as many tabs can be
3 DISCUSSION Alex Cummaudo, 1744070
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Figure 3.7: Varying tab bars in both iOS (left) and Android (right) have their benefits and
Figure 3.8: Scrollable Tab bars are only available in Android. Swiping right-to-left shows even
more available tabs.
Figure 3.9: Similar to Scrollable Tabs, Page Controls are only available in iOS. Swiping left to
right moves users from one page to the next, as used in the iOS home screen.
used as necessary, thereby removing the need for a ‘more’ bar. However, iOS does introduce
Page Control indicators (Figure 3.8) to provide a similar feature for page-able content—
i.e., they “don’t show how views are related to each other and it don’t indicate which view
corresponds to each dot” (Apple, Inc., 2014). In addition, both the iOS and Android tab
bars support badge capabilities; this improves UX by leading users to new content (e.g., a
new message was received in the example provided in Figure 3.7).
Perhaps Android’s ability to provide so many tabs may indeed complicate users as to
where they want to go next, thereby leading to an adverse UX. Too many options will
complicate user’s thought patterns, and fragements the app into a lot of tab views, which
perhaps can be consolidated into just a few. For example, the image posed in Figure 3.8
shows Top Paid and Top Free—these could just be consolidated into a Top tab that has
segmented sections within that view of Paid and Free. Apple’s approach at keeping limited
tabs on the screen forces content to be in fewer locations, making a user’s ability to find
such content easier for them and ultimately upholding the UX to a greater standard than
Alex Cummaudo, 1744070 3 DISCUSSION
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Figure 3.10: Rather than using modal alerts, subtle error messages indicate lack of internet
connection to give feedback.
(a) Using a modal Alert view captures user’s (b) Using a system notification may be
attention more overlooked by users
Figure 3.11: Twitter notifies users that posts fail, either with a Modal alert (iOS) or system
notification (Android).
Dealing With Limited Network In the event of a lack of network connection, both
apps inform the user by use of a subtle message, as shown in Figure 3.10. Whilst download
progress ceases throughout the app (e.g., no more posts can be downloaded until network
activity resumes) uploading is still permitted—creating new posts will be queued until net-
work activity is available once more. When network activity is available, all queued posts
will be posted at the time stamp when the ‘draft’ was saved when posted without the in-
ternet connection. This is a pattern endorsed both by Apple and Google’s HIGs to improve
user experience; lack of an internet connection should not stop the functionality of content
posting as preventing content from being written (and then cached) will lead to adverse user
experiences. Similarly, all content downloaded thus far should be cached and reused the next
time the app is started; that way if the app opens without an internet connection, rather
than displaying no data at all, at least some data is presented (albeit outdated). Gracefully
3 DISCUSSION Alex Cummaudo, 1744070
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limiting the functionality is implemented in both versions of the app, thereby providing users
with some of the features they expect, rather than stalling all features entirely (retaining a
better UX since partial functionality is still present).
However, Twitter takes a different approach to failed tweets (see Figure 3.11). In addi-
tion to queuing posts, some form of notification is used to alert users that the post failed.
Android’s Simplification Design Principle stipulates:
“Like a good personal assistant, shield people from unimportant minutiae. People
want to stay focused, and unless it’s critical and time-sensitive, an interruption
can be taxing and frustrating.”
Because of this principle, the Android Twitter app only notifies users of failed tweets by
a simple system notification, as Figure 3.11b shows, may prove to be a frustrating UX de-
sign choice since users can easily miss the failed tweet notification (e.g., they had their phone
down after they posted the tweet). Should they miss the notification, this will make them
believe that the app did post their tweet, even though they haven’t yet realised that it isn’t
pushed to Twitter’s servers. Apple’s iOS approach forces users to read the Modal alert in
order to continue using the app—in this version of the app, the view is critical enough not
to be dismissed as a system notification and is used to ‘bug’ the user into reading why their
tweet failed. While this may cause the app to have more noise, it does improve UX since
users will definitely see the alert view, and therefore will be informed of the failed tweet. In
this regard, the iOS approach, though bugging the user, is a safer approach—its far better
to assume the user didn’t see the Android system notification and then get angry (leading
to bad UX) when they later find out that their Tweet did not post at all.
Back and Up Navigation All Android devices are equipped with a system back button
that allows traversal back to the previous view that the user last saw. All illustration of
this process is provided in Figure 3.12 and as Comis (2013) describes, “the Back button is
used to navigate through the history of screens the user has recently navigated through, even
outside of the current app”. Most app navigation in iOS follows an Android ‘up’ navigation
pattern, whilst the ‘back’ navigation functionality is non-existent in iOS and is only avaliable
in Android. Tapping a back button on-the-go is also a far more fluid and dynamic way to
Alex Cummaudo, 1744070 3 DISCUSSION
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restore previous page content, a another reason why it improves UX for users. Users in
iOS can, however, swipe-left to go up when the view is used in a UINavigationController
pattern. These respective navigation methods can be found in both the Twitter and Facebook
apps on either platform.
Therefore, Android’s back button is a very fast and convenient way to return back to the
previous screen the user saw. However, this does come at a hefty price, notably the need to
include a new, physical button the device itself. This will ultimately complicate the hardware
IO in the long run, and Apple’s approach at making the device have one, big physical button
only greatly simplifies its device hardware IO. However, this is open to interpretation, and,
while some users may be confused by the extra physical buttons, others may not—there is
no clear answer as to which platform ‘does it better’.
Search Bars The extra physical back button proves useful for eliminating cancellation
buttons (see Figure 3.13), since the user can simply tap the physical button to leave whatever
task they have begun. This is a motivating reason why iOS must maintain the Cancel button
next to its search field, and why Android removes the cancel button—by eliminating the
cancel button, extra room is available for the search query, and users can immediately tap
the back button right next to the on-screen keyboard to go back, improving the speed of the
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Figure 3.13: Search in iOS (left) requires a Cancel button. Android users can simply use their
system back button.
Figure 3.14: Action Views are an invasive, though depth-wise important, way to change what
the app will do next. Spinners achieve the same functionality but do so without being so invasive.
Spinners vs. Action Sheets A significant alteration in UI is the use of providing addi-
tional functionality that is concealed underneath a button (Figure 3.14). While iOS achieves
this through action sheets (i.e., tapping a button conceals the content with a modal Action
Sheet) Android achieves the same thing, albeit un-modally, with a non-invasive spinner—
retaining the content that was on-screen. Consider the log-out procedure in the Twitter app;
Android requires a tap of the user’s icon to expand a spinner over the original content. The
spinner, once expanded, is non-invasive, and still allows surrounding content to be readable.
It can also be used to change a field’s content—e.g., ‘Reply’ to ‘Reply To’ or to ‘Forward’
Alex Cummaudo, 1744070 4 CONCLUSION
Semester 1, 2014 COS30007–Creating Data-Driven Mobile Applications
etc. iOS’s Action Sheet is a modal view; it takes up the entire screen once it is invoked,
and forces the user to make a decision as to what to do next. The invasive nature of the
Action Sheet upholds Apple’s Depth Design Principle—since the user is about to make an
important decision as to what screen they will see next, it is imperative that the depth be
heightened with a new layer introduced over the original content so that users are aware
that the next step will take them elsewhere. This heightened sense of UI has its pros and
cons, chiefly it gives attention to the Action Sheet (as the action sheet will result in some
critical functional behaviour), though it does cover the content is sits in front of. Either the
use of spinners or action sheets retain the same overall functionality, yet, as discussed, their
implementation leads to differing user experiences overall.
4 Conclusion
For years preceding the launches of iOS and Android, touch-screen mobile platforms have
not been largely successful. The key to this success has been the paradigm shift away from
traditional desktop UI components and design principles and the developement of new ones
that suit the hardware of the mobile device.
This research report has discussed and analysed the effectiveness of Android and iOS’s
design principles and design elements. Differing components in both operating systems
lead to a slightly different user experience; while there is a greater focus on the content
users interact with in iOS—such that the UI should be unnoticed by the user—the focus in
Android’s UI is to keeping the user as satisfied as possible. A different perspective to what
the platform sees paramount in its design (i.e., content vs. user) has lead to key differences
in UX. Swiping abilities from tab-to-tab is a feature to allow Android users navigate faster
for instance, or Action Sheets in iOS to keep the user focused on what task they will perform
next is an imperative implementation of keeping depth in the app.
Future extensions of this research should discuss other platforms, particularly the growing
Windows Phone market, and also discuss how physical hardware buttons have a greater
impact on the UX (for instance, volume buttons as camera buttons and what implications
to UX this may have). Fundamentally, though, most platforms are largely similar and
provide a similar UX overall—the tiny differences between both systems are simply up to
the user’s taste, and a critical analysis of these differences highlights a user’s taste in greater
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COS30007–Creating Data-Driven Mobile Applications Semester 1, 2014
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