s4 Biology Paper 1 Set 9
s4 Biology Paper 1 Set 9
s4 Biology Paper 1 Set 9
NAME:……………………….…….. STREAM…………………………………
Exam 9
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21/2 HOURS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1. Which of these diseases is caused by hormonal deficiency?
A. rickets
B. diabetes
C. scurvy
D. poliomyelitis
2. Which one of the following plant food storage organs contains most food substances?
A. stem tubers
B. root tubers
C. fruits
D. seed
3. A person with blood group O is said to be a universal donor because
A. lacks antibodies in the serum
B. has both the antigens and antibodies in his blood.
C. has only antigen a in his red blood cell.
D. lacks antigen in his red blood cells.
4. When a semi permeable membrane is placed between a weak and a strong aqueous
solutions, the molecules of water move across it, until equilibrium is established. Which one
of these statements below illustrates this situation?
A. the contents of human small intestines and neighboring blood capillaries
B. entry of water from soil to root hairs of a plant.
C. the removal of excess water from the kidney.
D. the collection of sweat from blood vessels to the skin surface.
7. A vertebra has a short spine, a neural canal and a vertebral arterial canal. From this
description, the vertebra belongs to
A. cervical region
B. thoracic region
C. lumbar region
D. caudal region
9. Which one of the following organisms does not use blood to carry oxygen within its body?
A. fish
B. bee
C. snake
D. an earth worm
10. The path followed by impulses during a reflex action are:
i. muscle
ii. sensory neurone
iii. sense organ.
iv. association neurone
v. motor neurone
The correct order followed by impulses is
A. (iii), (iv), (ii), (v), (i)
B. (i), (ii), (iv), (ii), (iii)
C. (iii), (ii), (iv), (v), (i)
D. (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (i)
11. Figure 1 shows the diagram of the apparatus that can be used to collect the gas evolved
in photosynthesis.
Which one of the following would produce the largest volume of the gas in a given time?
A. increasing light intensity
B. increasing the temperature
C. increasing the concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate.
D. increasing both light intensity and the concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate.
12. Which one of the following glands secretes growth hormone in mammals?
A. pancreas
B. pituitary gland
C. adrenal gland
D. gonads
13. Which one of the following is not a difference between plant cell and animal cell?
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A. animal cell contains small vacuoles whereas plant cells usually have one or two
large vacuoles.
B. animal cells have cell membrane only whereas plant cell have cell walls only.
C. animal cells are usually flaccid whereas plant cell are usually turgid.
D. animal cells never contain chlorophyll whereas plant cells do.
14. Which one of the following types of bacteria causes the conversion of ammonia into
A. nitrifying bacteria
B. denitrifying
C. putrefying bacteria
D. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
15. Which one of the following types of processes is not linked with transpiration.
A. Absorption of water by roots
B. transportation of sugars
C. cooling of leaves
D. provision of mechanical support.
16.Which one of the following is not an example of excretion?
A. a man sweating
B. a tree dropping its leaves
C. a dog salivating
D. a goat exhaling
17. Secondary thickening in flowering plants is brought about by expansion of the
A. phloem cells.
B. cambium cells.
C. xylem cells
D. cortex cells
18. A tendon is a
A. tissue joining bone to muscle
B. tissue joining bone to bone
C. tissue joining muscle to muscle.
D. point where two bones meet.
19. In vertebrates the joint between axis and atlas vertebrae is known as
A. ball and socket joint.
B. hinge joint
C. pivot joint
D. gliding joint.
20. Which one of the following is he best description of respiration?
A. breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide
B. absorption of oxygen in the alveoli
C. release of energy in the cell.
D. gaseous exchange
21. The addition of humus to a sandy soil will
A. decrease the capillarity of the soil.
B. improve the water retention of the soil.
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D. fats
Answer all questions. Answers must be written in the spaces provided.
31. Complete the table below by stating one function and one effect of deficiency in flowering
plants for each of the listed element.
(b). Name the symptoms caused by the deficiency of each of the following elements in the
diet of man.
i. Iodine
ii. Calcium
iii. Iron
C …………………………………………………………………………………………….
D ……………………………………………………………………………………………
E …………………………………………………………………………………………..
(b). State the function of each of the parts labeled A, C, D and E
A …………………………………………………………………………………………
E ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( c). Using any one observable feature on the diagram, suggest the type of temperature
condition the skin is responding to. State the observable feature as a reason for your answer.
Temperature condition
Observable feature ……………………………………………………………………
33. Study figure below and answer the questions that follow.
34. The figure below is an experiment set up to investigate the condition for photosynthesis. The
plant is in light but had previously been kept in the dark overnight.
(c) What is the purpose of sodium hydroxide in the flask? (01mark)
(d) How would you test for starch after some time? (04marks)
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Attempt only two questions of your choice from this section.
38. Give the importance to the plants of each of the components that make up a fertile soil.