module-3-PE-Health 3rdyear

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Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)


Module No. 3 Nutrition and Your Health • Food in Your Life – Nutrients • Guidelines for a
Healthful Eating Style

Subject Code : 
Subject Description : Teaching PE & Health

Term : 2nd Semester

I. Learning Objectives: 

• Reduce household insecurity

• Eliminate very low food security in children

II. Learning Outcomes:

•  identify and apply food principles to food and nutrition systems

III. Learning Resources:

1. Required Learning Resources

• laptop, Textbook, Print out activities, module.

2. Additional Learning Resources


IV. Tasks to Complete: 

● reading PE & Health book

● home activities
● module
● quizzes & exam.

V. Content Items:

Lesson 1 : Nutrition and Your Health

What is Good Nutrition?

Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We need to
replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Water is an important component
of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required. Maintaining key vitamins and
minerals are also important to maintaining good health. For pregnant women and adults over
50, vitamins such as vitamin D and minerals such as calcium and iron are important to consider
when choosing foods to eat, as well as possible dietary supplements.

A healthy diet includes a lot of natural foods. A sizeable portion of a healthy diet should consist
of fruits and vegetables, especially ones that are red, orange, or dark green. Whole grains, such
as whole wheat and brown rice, should also play a part in your diet. For adults, dairy products
should be non-fat or low-fat. Protein can consist of lean meat and poultry, seafood, eggs,
beans, legumes, and soy products such as tofu, as well as unsalted seeds and nuts.

Good nutrition also involves avoiding certain kinds of foods. Sodium is used heavily in
processed foods and is dangerous for people with high blood pressure. The USDA advises adults
to consume less than 300 milligrams (mg) per day of cholesterol (found in meat and full-fat
dairy products among others). Fried food, solid fats, and trans fats found in margarine and
processed foods can be harmful to heart health. Refined grains (white flour, white rice) and
refined sugar (table sugar, high fructose corn syrup) are also bad for long-term health,
especially in people with diabetes. Alcohol can be dangerous to health in amounts more than
one serving per day for a woman and two per day for a man.

Why it's important

Most people know good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight. But
the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help:

 Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some
cancers, and osteoporosis
 Reduce high blood pressure
 Lower high cholesterol
 Improve your well-being
 Improve your ability to fight off illness
 Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury
 Increase your energy level

What is good nutrition?

Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work
its best. Plan your meals and snacks to include nutrient-dense foods that are also low in

Learning Goals for Food and Nutrition Students

I. Community
Students will be able to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to evaluate and improve the
nutritional health of communities.
II. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
Students will be able to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to evaluate and improve the
nutritional health of individuals with medical conditions
III. Food
Students will be able to identify and apply food principles to food and nutrition systems
IV. Education/Communication
Students will be able to demonstrate a variety of communication strategies in nutrition and
food education emphasizing information technology
V. Management
Students will be able to apply management principles to evaluate human, physical and fiscal
resources in organizations
VI. Professional Issues
Students will be able to integrate knowledge and skills in food and nutrition with professional
issues affecting the nutrition and/or dietetics fields.

Learning Goals with Specific Learning Outcomes

I. Community - Students will be able to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to evaluate and
improve the nutritional health of communities.
a. Determine and translate nutrient needs into menus for individuals and groups across the
lifespan, in diverse cultures and religions, and for different income levels.
b. Plan a community intervention based upon a needs assessment
c. Advocate for a public policy related to nutrition programs or health care
II. Medical Nutrition Therapy - Students will be able to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to
evaluate and improve the nutritional health of individuals with medical conditions
a. Apply biological, biochemical and physiologic scientific principles to nutrition practice
b. Interpret of medical terminology and laboratory parameters relating to nutrition
c. Interpret scientific research, apply it to nutrition practices, and document interventions
d. Calculate and/or define of diets for health conditions addressed by health promotion/disease
prevention activities or uncomplicated instances of chronic disease of the general population
e. Collect pertinent information for comprehensive nutrition assessments
f. Determine medical nutrition therapy for a variety of advanced medical conditions. (CPD, DPD
III. Food - Students will be able to identify and apply food principles to food and nutrition
a. Calculate and interpret nutrient composition of foods
b. Apply scientific research, including microbiology, food science and food safety to functions of
ingredients in food and process controls
c. Demonstrate basic food preparation, quantity food production, and food presentation skills
d. Modify recipes and recipe proportions for individual, group dietary and volume production
e. Summarize health promotion and disease prevention theories and guidelines and explain the
role of food in promotion of a healthy lifestyle
f. Analyze foodservice operations using the foodservice systems approach
IV. Education/Communications - Students will be able to demonstrate a variety of
communication strategies in nutrition and food education emphasizing information
a. Produce oral and written communications for a group education session
b. Interview individuals for diet histories
c. Counsel individuals
V. Management - Students will be able to apply management principles to evaluate human,
physical and fiscal resources in organizations
a. Apply principles and theories of management to the administration of human, physical and
financial resource in food and nutrition services
b. Apply management concepts to personnel selection, training, evaluation. organizational
behavior, governmental influences, labor management relations, marketing and budgeting
through case studies and the development of a business plan.
VI. Professional Issues - Students will be able to integrate knowledge and skills in food and
nutrition with professional issues affecting the nutrition and/or dietetics fields.
a. Develop a position on a public policy affecting nutrition and food issues and/or programs
b. Utilize outcomes based research and statistics to interpret a nutrition issue
c. Explain health care policy and systems as related to food and nutrition health
d. Describe issues related to third party reimbursement for nutrition care

► They are to promote health and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases by
encouraging Americans to consume healthful diets and to achieve and maintain healthy body
weights. Nutrition criteria are reflective of a solid scientific foundation for health and weight

► A healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, supports normal
growth, development and ageing, helps to maintain a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk
of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-being.

► The goal of nutrition education is to reinforce specific nutrition-related practices or

behaviours to change habits that contribute to poor health; this is done by creating a
motivation for change among people, to establish desirable food and nutrition behaviour for
promotion and protection of good health.

► Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of disease,
what happens if a person has too much or too little of a nutrient, and how allergies
work. Nutrients provide nourishment. Proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber,
and water are all nutrients.

► Nutrition Education is a combination of education and techniques designed to facilitate the

voluntary adoption of food choices and alternative food and nutrition connected behaviour for
the betterment and maintenance of the health condition of the individual.

► Nutrition education can be defined as any set of learning experiences designed to facilitate

the voluntary adoption of eating and other nutrition-related behaviors conducive to health and
well-being. ... Nutrition education should include information on physical activity in addition
to nutrition.

► Children's feeding programs' objectives to reduce child hunger, improve child nutrition,
enhance school performance and provide socialization opportunities for children are valued
affectively by all direct and indirect participants, meeting another of Fillos' and Manger's
'wonderfulness' criteria (Fillos and Manger, 

► Good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight are essential parts of a person's

overall health and well-being. Together, these can help decrease a person's risk of developing
serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease,
stroke, and cancer.

Lesson 2 : Food in Your Life – Nutrients

The basis of a healthy diet

The Guidelines will give you the basis of a healthy diet. Use them to build your own food plan,
factoring in specific nutritional requirements based on your age and gender. This summary
guide to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, and these basic tips, will get you started:

 Eat a wide variety of foods from the five food groups: 

o plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans
o fruit
o grain (cereal) foods – mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties
o lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds
o milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat. (Reduced fat milks are not
suitable for children under the age of two years.)
o Drink plenty of water.
 Limit foods high in saturated fat, such as biscuits, cakes, pastries, pies, processed meats,
commercial burgers, pizza, fried foods, potato chips, crisps and other savoury snacks. 
 Replace high fat foods containing mostly saturated fat with foods containing
mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Swap butter, cream, cooking margarine,
coconut and palm oil with unsaturated fats from oils, spreads, nut butters and pastes, and
 Limit foods and drinks containing added salt, and don’t add salt to foods in cooking or at the
 Limit foods and drinks containing added sugars, such as confectionery, sugar-sweetened soft
drinks and cordials, fruit drinks, vitamin waters, energy and sports drinks.
 Limit alcohol. Drink no more than two standard drinks on any day to reduce your risk of harm
from alcohol-related disease or injury over your lifetime, and drink no more than four standard
drinks on any occasion. For women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, or
breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is the safest option.

Together with following the healthy eating guidelines, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate
intensity physical activity, such as walking, every day.

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Fruit and vegetables (and legumes)

Fruit, vegetables and legumes all provide vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and nutrients. Most
are low in calories and can help you to feel full longer.

Legumes are also made up of protein, so they’re a useful substitute for meat. Choose from split
peas, kidney beans, baked beans (navy beans), soybeans, chickpeas, lupin, and lentils, among

Eating lots of colorful choices from this food group will give your body different nutrients. It can
also protect against chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some

The following guide will help you work out your daily requirements.

Vegetables – how much to put on your plate each day:

 younger children – 2.5 serves for 2–3 year olds and 4.5 serves for 4–8 year olds
 older children – 5 to 5.5 serves for older children and adolescents
 adults and pregnant women – 5–6 serves 
 breastfeeding mums – 7+ serves. 
 standard serve is about 75 grams (100–350 kilojoules); for example, ½ cup cooked green or
orange vegetables (such as broccoli or carrots) or 1 cup green leafy or raw salad vegetables.

Fruit – how much to put on your plate each day:

 younger children – 1 serve for 2–3 year olds and 1.5 serves for 4–8 year olds
 older children, adolescents and adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women – at least
2 serves.

A standard serve is 150 grams (350 kilojoules); for example, a medium apple or banana, or two
kiwifruits or plums. Try to eat whole fruit and not fruit juice.

Legumes/beans (as a source of protein) – how much to put on your plate each day:
 • children – 1 to 2.5 serves, depending on age
• men – 2.5 to 3 serves, depending on age
• women – 2 to 2.5 serves, depending on age 
• pregnant women – 3.5 serves
• breastfeeding women – 2.5 serves

A standard serve is 500–600 kilojoules; for example, 1 cup of cooked or canned lentils,
chickpeas or split peas, or 170 grams of tofu.


Wholemeal or whole grain foods, such as wholemeal and wholegrain bread, brown rice, quinoa
and oats, are better for you than refined grain (cereal) foods because they provide more dietary
fibre, vitamins and minerals. Whole grains may protect against heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
excessive weight gain, and some cancers. 

Grain (cereal) foods that are high in saturated fats, added sugars and added salt, like cakes,
muffins, pies, pastries and biscuits, are ‘extras’ or ‘sometimes foods’ in this food group. 

Grain foods – how much to put on your plate each day:

 younger children – 4 serves 

 older children and adolescents – 7 serves 
 women – 3 serves for those over the age of 70; 6 serves for women less than 50 years of age;
8.5 serves for pregnant and breastfeeding women
 men – 4.5 serves for those over the age of 70 years; 6 serves for younger men.

A standard serve is 500 kilojoules; for example, one slice of bread or ½ cup cooked porridge. At
least two-thirds of choices should be wholegrain varieties.

Foods to include in your diet

Eat a wide variety of foods from the five food groups:
 plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans.
 fruit.
 grain (cereal) foods – mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties.
 lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.
 milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat. ...
 Drink plenty of water.

► A food is something that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide: energy
for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping
warm; materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system
► "The only food that provides all the nutrients that humans need is human milk," Hattner
said. "Mother's milk is a complete food. We may add some solid foods to an infant's diet in the
first year of life to provide more iron and other nutrients, but there is a little bit of everything
in human milk."
►  Essential Nutrients and Why Your Body Needs Them
 Protein.
 Carbs.
 Fats.
 Vitamins.
 Minerals.
 Water.
 Takeaway

► Here are the 11 most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

1. Salmon. Not all fish is created equal. ...
2. Kale. Of all the healthy leafy greens, kale is the king. ...
3. Seaweed. The sea has more than just fish. ...
4. Garlic. Garlic really is an amazing ingredient. ...
5. Shellfish. ...
6. Potatoes. ...
7. Liver. ...
8. Sardines.

Lesson 3 : Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style

These guidelines contain today’s best scientific advice on selection of foods for promoting
health, preventing disease and maintaining or losing weight. These are general guidelines that
apply to most healthy people. If you have a chronic disease or other special nutritional needs,
contact a registered dietitian for specific recommendations.
Aim for Fitness

 Maintain or work toward a healthy weight.

 Be physically active every day—return fun and play to your life. Get moderate to

vigorous physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.

 Healthy eating provides the sustained energy you need to be physically active.

 Learn to manage your stress with exercise, healthy eating, relaxation, and good coping


Build Healthy Eating Habits

 Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables (3 or more

servings a day).

 Eat a variety of fruits (2 or more servings a day).

 Eat whole-grain, high-fiber breads and cereals (3 to 6 servings a day). Reduce or

eliminate refined or processed carbohydrates; most of the grains in your diet should be

whole grains.

 Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and eat low-fat dairy products.

 Choose from a variety of low-fat sources of protein — including eggs, beans, poultry

without skin, seafood, lean meats, unsalted nuts, seeds, and soy products. If you eat

meat, eat white meat at least four times more often than red meat.

 Reduce intake of saturated fats and trans-fats (such as partially hydrogenated oil) as

much as possible.

 Use vegetable oils (like olive or canola oil) instead of solid fats.

 Reduce daily intake of salt or sodium. Reduce to less than 1,500 mg. per day if you are

older than 50, or have hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

 Restrict or eliminate "junk food" — foods that contain refined white flour, solid fats or

trans fats, added sugars, and are high in sodium.

 Restrict or eliminate sodas and other sugar-added drinks that are high in calories and

contain few or no nutrients.

 If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. Drink only when it doesn't put you

or anyone else at risk.

To Lose Weight

 Reduce the number of calories you eat daily. Eat smaller portions—don't "upsize" your

meals at fast food restaurants.

 Follow the dietary guidelines above.

 Eliminate all sugar-added drinks from your diet. You can drink 100% fruit juice,

unsweetened, but limit servings to one or two a day. Drink more water.
 Decrease the amount of time spent in sedentary activities, especially watching

television.  Use your screen-free time working on hobbies, house cleaning, yard work, or

engaging in fun activities.

 Get moderate physical activity (such as walking, bicycling, swimming, or using aerobic

exercise machines) for 30 to 60 minutes a day, at least five days a week.

 Do muscle strengthening and toning exercises at least 2 or 3 days a week.

Build Healthy Eating Habits

 Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables (3 or more
servings a day).
 Eat a variety of fruits (2 or more servings a day).
 Eat whole-grain, high-fiber breads and cereals (3 to 6 servings a day). ...
 Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and eat low-fat dairy products.

► The Guidelines
 Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan. All food and beverage choices matter. ...
 Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount. ...
 Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake. ...
 Shift to healthier food and beverage choices. ...
 Support healthy eating patterns for all.

► Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight

 Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
 Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.
 Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
 Stays within your daily calorie needs.

 Base your meals on starchy foods.
 Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
 Eat more fish.
 Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.
 Try to eat less salt- no more than 6g a day.
 Get active and try to be a healthy weight.
 Drink plenty of water.

VI. Summary: 
• Good nutrition can help: Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes,
stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis. Reduce high blood pressure.

• Eat variety of foods from the five food groups, and limit foods containing saturated fat, added
salt, added sugars and alcohol.

• Maintain or work toward a healthy weight.

VII. Review Questions:

1. What are the goals of nutrition?

2. Why is nutrition important for health?

3. What is the main objective of nutrition education?

4. What is nutrition and what are the goals of nutrition?

5. What is health and nutrition education?

6. What is the meaning of nutrition education?

7. What is the objective of feeding program?

Answers in Review Question :

VIII. Assessments: 

1. How important food is in your life?


2. What food has all the nutrients a human needs?


3. What are the nutrients that keep you alive?

4. What food has all the nutrients?

5. What are the 5 guidelines for healthy eating?


6. What are the healthy eating guidelines?


7. What are the 8 healthy eating guidelines?

8. What are the 10 healthy eating guidelines?

9. Why is nutrition and weight status important to health?


10. What is nutrition very short answer?


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