OrangeHRM Admin Module Test Case

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TestCase ITestCase Name Tester Name Testing type

1 Admin Mehwish Usability

2 login with valid Username Mehwish Functionality

3 login with valid Password Mehwish Functionality

4 view user list Mehwish Usability

5 Add new user Mehwish Functionality

6 Delete user Mehwish Functionality

7 Edit user Mehwish Functionality

8 view log Mehwish Functionality

Test Case for ADMIN Page

To check admin page should be display with Required field

To verify that the admin user can log in to the system with valid credentials

To verify that the admin user can log in to the system with valid credentials

To verify that the admin user can view the list of registered users

To verify that the admin user can add new user to the system

To verify that the admin user can delete a user from the system

to verify that the admin user can edit a user's details

To verify that the admin user can view system logs

N Page

Page should be display

login page should be open

login page should be open

Admin dashboard should be open

add new user page should display

Admin dashboard should be open

Admin dashboard should be open

Admin dashboard should be open

Steps to follow Test Data

Observe the page NA

Enter valid username ADMIN

Enter valid Password Manager

click on the "user list"button on the dashboard NA

click on the "Add user"button on the dashboard

Enter the user details(name,email,password,etc)
click on "save"button xyz

select the user to be deleted NA

click on the "delete"button

click on the "user list"button on the dashboard

select the user to be edited
Click on the "Edit"button
modify the user details xyz

log in as an admin user NA

click on "logs"button on the dashboard
Expected Result

Admin page should display

Entered data should be accepted

Entered data should be accepted

The sytem should display a lit of all registered users along with their details

The system should add the new user to the database and display a success message

The system should remove the selected user from the database and display success message

the system should update the user details in the database and display a success message

The system should display a list of system logs along with their details
Actual Result status

in expected result user list shows registered users not system

there is mistake is admin user only admin word is required

message should be display record deleted successfully

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