JPSP 2022 055
JPSP 2022 055
JPSP 2022 055
2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 572 – 584
1Bayan Hussein, 2Aya Sayed, 3Abdelrahman Ali, 4Roba Shady, 5Abdalla Takrouny,
6Pilsung Choe
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar,
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha,
Mental health has been a taboo subject in many societies for several years. However, because
untreated mental illness can lead to severe consequences, people should be encouraged to seek
treatment. Unfortunately, individuals are often discouraged by a wide range of factors. This work
presents a case study conducted in Qatar to explore the different factors affecting individuals’
willingness to seek Mental Health Counselling (MHC). A survey is used to collect data and measure
individuals’ willingness to get treatment–if needed–and the possible factors preventing them from
seeking MHC. These factors include parenting style, perceived stigma, mental health literacy, social
media consumption, and service-related factors. The collected data are then statistically analyzed
using ANOVA and correlation analysis to find a significant difference between the MHC willingness
levels and the mentioned factors. Based on the results, practical actions are recommended to
encourage people to achieve a mentally healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: Mental Health Treatment Service, Help-Seeking Willingness, Mental Health Treatment
Cost, Mental Health Literacy (MHL), Social Stigma, Social Media, Parenting Style.
major contributions of this paper can be 5. Based on the findings, conclusions and
summarized as: practical actions are recommended to aid in the
construction of proper MHC services and
1. Studying and analyzing the impact of
encourage individuals to seek professional help
the different parenting styles (authoritative,
when needed.
authoritarian, and permissive) on help-seeking
behavior instead of one parenting style. Nominal Predictors
2. Finding a direct relation between SM • Social media consumption and usage
consumption and the individuals’ willingness to • Parenting style ANOVA
seek professional mental health rather than just • Mental health treatment cost
focusing on the impact of social media and the • Prior experience
awareness levels. • Accessibility to mental health facilities Outcome
• Mental healthhelp-seekingwil ingness
3. Investigating the correlation between Interval Predictors
the MHL level and the perceived social stigma • Mentalhealth literacy
with the help-seeking behavior of individuals. • Perceived socialstigma
4. Investigating the differences between
the help-seeking intentions with service-related Figure 1. Predicator and outcome variables
factors, such as prior experience, treatment
cost, and accessibility to MHC facilities.
Table 1. Independent factors considered in the case study
Ref. [6]-[12] [17]-[21] [22]-[24] [25]-[27] [28]
Mental health Perceived social Parenting SM
Factor related
awareness stigma style consumption
The remaining work is organized as follows: summarized in Table 2. Both participants who
Section 2 presents the methodology followed in did not complete the questionnaire or had low
conducting this paper, including data collection consistency in their responses were excluded
methods and the measures used for the from the statistical analysis. All respondents
independent variables. Next, section 3 presents provided consent during the questionnaire, and
the statistical analysis of the collected data, participation was completely voluntary with no
including the one-way Analysis of Variance financial incentives for completing the
(ANOVA) and correlation analysis and the questionnaire. The survey was distributed
respective results. Lastly, section 4 discusses electronically and translated into Arabic to
the main findings and recommends practical reach a larger number of people.
actions to encourage help-seeking behaviors in
Table 2. Sample demographics distribution
individuals. Finally, section 5 concludes the
paper. Factor Category Percentage
18-25 52.98%
26-35 25.83%
Age Group 36-45 13.25%
2. Methodology
46-50 5.30%
2.1 Data Collection Method > 50 2.65%
Female 62.91%
A 35-item questionnaire (presented in the Male 37.09%
Appendix) was constructed and distributed to Single 62.91%
participants older than 18 years old. The Marital Married 36.42%
Status Widowed 0.66%
sample initially contained 151 respondents. The
Divorced 0.00%
sample demographics distribution is Educational No Formal Education 0.00%
Bayan Hussein 576
Background Primary Education 1.32% The answers were based on a 4-point Likert
Secondary Education 19.21% scale and summed up for each subscale. The
College/University 62.91% subscale with the highest score was considered
Graduate School 16.56%
the parenting style associated with the
Unemployed 9.93%
Student 33.77% respondent.
Employed 48.34%
Retired 1.32%
Housewife/Homemaker 6.62% 2.2.4. Help-Seeking Behavior
2.2 Measures
The help-seeking intentions/willingness was
2.2.1. Mental Health Literacy measured using the Attitudes Toward Seeking
The mental health awareness level was Professional Psychological Help (ATSPPH)
quantified using the Mental Health Literacy scale [31]. The original questionnaire measures
Questionnaire (MHLQ) [29]. The shortened the respondent’s openness to seek professional
form used in this work consisted of 7 items: 5 MHC and the value they find. In this study,
items to measure the respondents’ knowledge only the openness factor was studied, with a
and 2 items to measure their self-assessment total of 3 items answered by a 4-point Likert
capabilities. The items were answered by a 4- scale. The final scores of each respondent,
point Likert scale, from 0 (disagree) to 3 ranging from 0-9, were obtained by summing
(agree). The final score for each respondent the individual answers, with 0 indicating
was calculated by summing the individual complete unwillingness and 9 indicating
answers, resulting in the possible range of 0-21, complete willingness.
with 0 indicating unaware and 21 indicating 2.2.5. Other Factors
highly aware.
The SM, prior experience, accessibility to
2.2.2. Perceived Social Stigma MHC facilities, and treatment cost were
The STIG-9 is a measure that quantifies an measured by asking direct questions to the
individual’s perceived social stigma. A shorter respondents.
form of 3 items is taken from the STIG-9 to 2.3 Data Visualization
measure the mental health stigma level of the
respondents. The items were answered based This section states the hypotheses stated for
on a 4-point Likert scale from 0 to 3, and each independent factor. Table 3 lists the null
answers were summed up for each individual. and alternative hypotheses for the statistical
The score ranged from 0-9, where 0 indicates tests conducted in this work. Firstly, the
low stigma and 9 indicates high stigma. normality, variance equality, and outliers are
investigated using the Normality, Tests of
2.2.3. Parenting Style Equal Variances, and Outliers test in Minitab.
The Parenting Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) Moreover, the correlation between the MHL
is a questionnaire that measures the extent to and Perceived Stigma with the help-seeking
which respondents rate their parents as behavior is investigated. Lastly, the difference
authoritative, authoritarian, or permissive [30]. between factors of parenting style, social media
A total of 9 items were used in the consumption, prior experience, accessibility to
questionnaire, with 3 items for each subscale. MHC facilities, and treatment cost is tested
using ANOVA.
Table 3. Null and alternative hypotheses for each factor
Factor Null Hypothesis, 𝑯𝟎 Alternative Hypothesis, 𝑯𝑨
Level, 𝜶
Normality of The data are not normally
The data are normally distributed
responses distributed
Equal variances
All variances are equal At least one variance is different
between groups
577 Journal of Positive School Psychology
All data come from the same normal Smallest or largest data is an
Outliers Test
population outlier
There is no significant correlation There is a significant correlation
between mental health awareness and between mental health awareness
mental health willingness levels of and mental health willingness
the individuals levels of the individuals
There is no significant correlation There is a significant correlation
Perceived between perceived stigma and mental between perceived stigma and
Stigma health willingness levels of the mental health willingness levels of
individuals the individuals
There is no significant difference
between parenting styles and the At least one group has different
Parenting Style
mental health willingness levels of willingness levels than the others
the individuals, i.e., 𝜇𝐴 = 𝜇𝐹 = 𝜇𝑃
There is no significant difference
between the social media
SM consumption and the mental health At least one group has different
Consumption willingness levels of the individuals, willingness levels than the others
i.e., 𝜇<30 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝜇1 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 =
𝜇1−2 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 = 𝜇2−3 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 = 𝜇>4 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠
There is no significant difference
SM usage for between the social media usage for
At least one group has different
online help- online help-seeking and the mental
willingness levels than the others
seeking health willingness levels of the
individuals, i.e., 𝜇𝑦𝑒𝑠 = 𝜇𝑛𝑜
There is no significant difference
between individuals who had prior
Prior At least one group has different
experience in MHC and the mental
Experience willingness levels than the others
health willingness levels of the
individuals, i.e. 𝜇𝑦𝑒𝑠 = 𝜇𝑛𝑜
There is no significant difference
between individual’s accessibility to
MHC At least one group has different
MHC facilities and the mental health
accessibility willingness levels than the others
willingness levels, i.e.,
𝜇𝑦𝑒𝑠 = 𝜇𝑛𝑜 = 𝜇𝑖𝑑𝑘
There is no significant difference
between treatment cost and the
mental health willingness levels of At least one group has different
Treatment Cost
the individuals, i.e., 𝜇𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑝 = willingness levels than the others
𝜇𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝜇𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑦 = 𝜇𝑖𝑑𝑘
2.4 Data Pre-processing questions resulted in a low Cronbach Alpha,
the data was processed to eliminate the
Upon collecting the data, the internal
inconsistent data points, leaving only 93
consistency of responses was calculated using
responses. This was conducted by removing the
the Cronbach Alpha. A Cronbach alpha larger
responses with a large standard deviation (more
than 0.6 is considered acceptable [32]. Thus,
than 1.5) between the answers for each
the Cronbach alpha was computed for each
subscale (permissive, authoritarian, and
independent factor having multiple items in the
flexible). Then, re-calculating the Cronbach
questionnaire, as shown in Table 4. Since the
alpha, each subscale met the reliability criteria,
responses’ reliability for the Parenting Style
as shown in Table 4.
Bayan Hussein 578
results for the ANOVA test that are shown in Table 8. ANOVA table for prior experience
Table 6 generated an F-value of 1.05 and a p-
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F- p-
value of 0.384. Since the p-value>0.05, the
value values
results show no difference among the Prior 1 52.83 52.826 8.12 0.005
consumption groups in terms of the help- Experience
seeking willingness (failing to reject H_0). Error 129 838.91 6.503
Total 130 891.74
Table 6. ANOVA table for SM consumption
3.6 MHC Accessibility
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-value p-values
After collecting data from respondents
SM 4 26.35 6.588 1.05 0.384
regarding their access to MHC facilities, data
Error 146 916.28 6.276
Total 150 942.64
analysis was applied to test the normality of the
The second aspect of the relationship between data. Analysis showed that the data collected
SM and help-seeking willingness is to observe were normally distributed, and all variances
if the respondent has used SM for online help- were equal since calculated p-values were
seeking by asking a direct question. The greater than 0.05. Moreover, all data values
collected data showed a normal distribution come from the same normal population (no
with equal variances among the groups, and no outliers with the lowest p-values of 0.598).
outliers, with p-values of 0.227, 0.161, and Table 9 shows the results of the ANOVA test
1.00/0.303, respectively. The ANOVA with an F-value of 7.17 and a p-values of
parametric test was used to test the difference 0.001. Accordingly, the null hypothesis is
in the usage of online help-seeking groups. The rejected, which indicates that the accessibility
results are summarized in Table 7. Since the to MHC facilities is a factor that prevents
0.05< p-values <0.1, the null hypothesis is people from seeking MHC.
rejected with marginal significance. Thus, there Table 9. ANOVA table for individuals’
is a marginally significant difference among the accessibility to MHC facilities
SM usage for online help-seeking groups in
terms of the help-seeking willingness. Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-value p-values
Therefore, it could be concluded that people MHC 2 83.23 41.614 7.17 0.001
prone to use social media for online support are Acc.
Error 148 859.41 5.807
more likely to seek professional MHC.
Total 150 942.64
Table 7. ANOVA table for SM usage for online 3.7 Treatment Cost
The respondents were asked to classify the
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-value p-values treatment cost as cheap, affordable, or
SM 1 21.96 21.963 3.55 0.061 expensive. The collected data showed a normal
Error 149 920.67 6.179 distribution with equal variances among the
Total 150 942.64 groups and no outliers, with p-value of 0.749,
3.5 Prior Experience 0.447, and 0.669/1.00/1.00, respectively. The
results of the ANOVA test are shown in Table
The respondents were asked if they had prior
10, with an F-value of 2.79 and a p-value of
experience in professional MHC. The collected
0.042. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, and
data showed a normal distribution with equal
it can be stated that the treatment cost is a
variances among the groups, and no outliers,
factor that discourages people from seeking
with p-values of 0.227, 0.684, and 1.00/1.00,
professional MHC.
respectively. The results of the ANOVA are
shown in Table 8, with an F-value of 8.12 and a Table 10. ANOVA table for treatment cost
P-value of 0.005. Thus, the null hypothesis is
rejected, and it can be stated that individuals’ Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F- p-value
prior experience is a factor that hinders people
Treatment 3 50.71 16.904 2.79 0.043
from seeking professional MHC. Cost
Bayan Hussein 580
Error 147 891.92 6.068 significance was found between groups that
Total 150 942.64 seek online help in terms of professional help-
3.8 Results Summary seeking. Furthermore, significant differences
were found between the groups of the service-
The summary of results of the statistical tests is
related factors. People with prior experience
shown in Table 11. Only the service-related
had different willingness levels than those who
factors (prior experience, accessibility to MHC
did not experience MHC. There was a
facilities, and treatment cost) showed
significant difference between individuals with
significant results at the 5% significance level.
different accessibility to MHC facilities. The
Table 11. Summary of the statistical test results one-way ANOVA showed significant
and conclusions differences among people who classified the
treatment cost as expensive and people who
Statistical classified it as cheap. Following these results,
Factor and p- Conclusion
Test practical actions are recommended to address
Weak those factors that showed significant results.
MHL r: 0.126
Spearman correlation
Perceived correlation Weak 4.1 Practical Recommendations
r: -0.179
Stigma correlation
Mental health professionals play an essential
Parenting 1.19, p- role in identifying and treating people with
Style value: mental disorders due to their experience and
0.31 ability to prescribe medications. However,
F-value: advocates for expanded mental health access
SM 1.05, p- often overlook the lack of access due to
Consumption value:
psychiatrists’ unwillingness to accept insurance
F-value: as payment. In the study done by Bishop et al.
SM usage for 3.55, p- Marginally [33], it was found that psychiatrists have much
online HS value: significant* lower acceptance rates for insurance than other
0.061 specialties. These low acceptance percentages
F-value: may be a barrier to individuals accessing MHC.
Prior 8.12, p-
Experience value:
A similar observation was found in the data
0.005 analysis performed in this paper. As it is clear
F-value: from Figure 2, respondents who were inclined
MHC 7.17, p- Significant to seek MHC (having high willingness levels)
accessibility value: at = 0.05 also agreed that they would consider therapy as
an option if their health insurance plan covered
Treatment 2.79, p- it.
Cost value:
From the data analysis, it was observed that the
*significant at = 0.1
leading cause preventing individuals from
seeking professional MHC is the perceived
costly nature of the treatment. Therefore, to
4. Discussions & Recommendation provide practical recommendations, we should
To summarize the main findings, the Spearman break down the main factors that impact the
correlation analysis between the MHL and the cost of MHC:
stigma with help-seeking willingness showed a • Professional Training: Therapists with
very weak correlation between the variables. more training and experience in the field
The one-way ANOVA test results among the usually charge more per session.
parenting style groups and the average SM
consumption showed no significant differences • Geographic Location: Due to the
between the groups in terms of the help-seeking increased cost of living in prominent
willingness levels. However, marginal
581 Journal of Positive School Psychology
metropolitan regions, therapists operating in sample estimate [35]. In this work, several data
those locations often charge more. points were eliminated in the data-pre-
processing phase due to inconsistent responses.
• Therapy Type: The cost of therapy
The reported conclusions about the parenting
varies based on the disorder, the therapeutic
styles could be incorrectly drawn since the
style, and the level of therapist specialty.
sample size is small. Moreover, as presented in
If an individual is on a limited budget and Table 2, the female category and 18-25 age
cannot afford therapy fees, or if the health group were dominant. Certain populations are
insurance does not cover therapy, the following less likely to have access to online surveying.
low-cost options are recommended: Thus, research findings are not generalizable
since the sample could suffer from selection
• Check the local college/university if bias and proper randomization is not achieved
they have a training clinic for students pursuing [36].
a career in MHC. Experts will supervise those
training sessions to evaluate the student
performance. Those types of clinics could offer
5. Conclusion
free or low-cost prices.
This research has analyzed people’s willingness
• Explore online therapy options as they to seek MHC through the focal points of both
are often low-cost and comparatively as qualitative and quantitative research
effective as the conventional in-person option. perspectives. The findings show that seeking
• Search online for a Sliding-Scale mental help is complicated, with numerous
therapy provider. Those providers will set their factors influencing the decision. In this study,
prices according to the individual’s income. statistical data analysis tests (ANOVA and
Spearman correlation) were applied to factors
Lastly, since the prior experience of individuals affecting people’s decision to seek help for
showed significant results with the ANOVA mental health issues. From the findings, it can
test, it is recommended that be concluded that factors like MHL and stigma
counselors/practitioners perform regular self- show a very weak correlation with the
assessments and increase their flexibility in willingness to seek MHC. With the ANOVA
adopting various treatment approaches. This test, the results on parenting style and SM
could affect the patients’ willingness and consumption showed no major difference
encourage them to seek MHC. between groups in terms of the willingness to
seek MHC. Despite that, there were significant
differences in service-related factors and
willingness. Those factors include prior
experience, accessibility, and cost. Moreover,
marginal differences were spotted among
groups who experienced online help-seeking in
terms of professional mental help-seeking.
Additionally, the results highlighted that
excessive cost of treatment was the main
deterrent for people to seek professional MHC.
Figure 2. Distribution of answers from the
Respondents also demonstrated a greater
insurance questions (x-axis) and the
degree of willingness to seek MHC if health
respondent’s willingness level (y-axis)
insurance covered treatment costs.
The uncertainty associated with statistical data Furthermore, researchers can assess whether
depends on the sample size [34]. A larger therapists’ flexibility in adopting various
sample size can significantly reduce the treatment approaches can impact the patients’
uncertainties associated with the data and willingness to seek MHC. Additionally, future
increase the precision and reliability of the work could include expanding this study to a
Bayan Hussein 582
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