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VR Lecture Note 2023

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Virtual Reality


Virtual Reality (VR) is the illusion of a three-

dimensional, interactive, computer-generated reality
where :
vision, sound, and sometimes even touch

are simulated to create pictures, sounds, and objects

that actually seem real.

➢ VR must allow the user to view the environment

from any point and at any angle
➢ VR must allow the user to interact with objects
in the environment.
➢ Ivan Sutherland (1960)
➢First head mounted display and head tracking system
➢ MIT (1983)
➢“Put That There”
➢“The Aspen Movie Map”
➢ UNC (1986)
➢Using “virtual world” term
➢Walkthrough, Pixel Flow
& Nanomanipulator systems
➢a specialized nanorobot and microscopic
➢ viewing system for working with objects on an extremely
small scale.
History (cont’d)
➢ NASA Ames Research Center
➢HMD, VPL Datagloves and BOOM
➢Spatial (3D) Sound
➢Super Cockpit
➢First Commercial VR Hardware & systems
➢“Reality Build for Two” (RB2)
➢“Body Electric”
History (cont’d)
➢ Myron Krueger
➢GlowFlow, Meta play,
Psychic space & Videoplace
➢ Naval Postgraduate School
Types of VR

➢ Use of Special Purpose Equipment

➢ Feel of Presence
Fully-immersive simulations
❑ Fully-immersive simulations give users the most
realistic experience possible, complete with sight
and sound.
❑ The VR headsets provide high-resolution content with a wide
field of view. Whether you’re flying or fighting the bad guys,
you’ll feel like you’re really there.

Semi-immersive simulations
➢ Semi-immersive experiences provide users with
a partially virtual environment to interact
➢ This type of VR is mainly used for educational and
training purposes and the experience is made
possible with graphical computing and large
projector systems.

Non-immersive simulations
Non-immersive simulations are often forgotten as an actual type of VR,
honestly because it’s very common in our everyday lives.

These types of experiences have become more

advanced in recent years with video games like Wii Sports,
where the system actually detects your motion and translates it on

Virtual Reality (VR) creates a completely unusual experience,
offering to the users a synthetic and alternative world so that
users believe they are actually living this virtual experience.

➢ Alsoknown as Desktop VR
➢ Use of a monitor to display the visual world
➢ Does not require special hardware
➢ Low Cost
Low Performance
Less Immersion
➢ Real-time telepresence
Interactions are reflected
to some real world objects.

➢ Delayed telepresence
Interactions are recorded, and
after satisfaction is applied
to the real-world object.
Augmented reality (AR) is an
interactive experience that combines
the real world and computer-generated
Components of VR
➢ VR Hardware
➢ VR Software
What hardware is used in VR?
They comprise a stereoscopic head-mounted display (providing separate
images for each eye), stereo sound, and head-motion-tracking sensors, which
may include devices such as gyroscopes, accelerometers,
magnetometers or structured light systems. Some VR headsets also have
eye-tracking sensors and gaming controllers.

➢ Primary user input interfaces

➢ Tracking interfaces
➢ Visual interfaces
➢ Auditory interfaces
➢ Haptic interfaces
➢ Olfactory interfaces
Primary Interfaces
➢ Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
➢ 3DPointing Devices
➢Ring Mouse
Primary Interfaces (cont’d)
➢ Whole-hand and body input
➢5th Glove
➢TCAS Dataware
Tracking Interfaces
➢ Measure head, body, hand or eye motion
➢ Major Characteristics
➢System Responsiveness
➢ Sample rate, data rate, update rate and latency
➢ Major Technologies
Tracking Interfaces (cont’d)
➢ Head & Body Tracking
➢Polhemous IsoTrak II & FastTrak
➢Flock of Bird
➢ Eye Tracking
➢DPI Eyetrackey
Visual Interfaces

➢ Fieldof View (FOV)

➢ Resolution
➢ Refresh rate
➢ Brightness
➢ Color
Visual Interfaces (cont’d)
➢ Head Mounted Display (HMD)
➢Datavisor 10x HMD
Visual Interfaces (cont’d)
➢ Stereoscopic Glasses
➢Shutter glasses
➢Passive glasses
➢ Autostereoscopic
Auditory Interfaces
➢ Auralization
➢3D simulation of a complex acoustic field
➢ Sonification
➢Audible display of data
➢ SpeechRecognition
➢ Some products
➢Acoustetron II
➢RSS-10 Sound Space Processor
➢Q products
Haptic Interfaces
➢ Tactile(touch)
➢Univ. of Salford
➢ Kinesthetic (force)
Olfactory Interfaces
➢ Olfactory interfaces are interfaces based on
the user’s sense of smell.
➢ Electronic Nose
➢ Storage Technologies

Software Components
➢ InputProcess
➢ Simulation Process
➢ Rendering Process
➢ World Database
Input Process
➢ Control devices that send data to the computer
➢ Devices should be checked regularly (eg. per
Simulation Process
➢ The core of a VR program
➢ handles interactions, object behaviors,
simulations of physical laws and determines
the world status
➢ A discrete process that is iterated once for each
Rendering Process
➢ Creation of the sensations that are output to the
➢ Visual Rendering
➢Using polygons to represent objects
➢Ray tracing & lights
➢Flat vs. smooth shading
➢Z buffering
➢ Auditory, haptic and olfactory rendering
World Database
➢ Stores data on objects and the world
➢ ASCII vs. binary
➢ Single file vs. Database
➢ Centralized vs. distributed
➢ Standard vs. proprietary formats
➢ Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
Important Issues
➢ Interaction Techniques
➢ Navigation Techniques
➢ Collision Detection
➢ Level of Detail (LOD)
Interaction Techniques

“Simple” Virtual Hand Ray-casting

Interaction Techniques (cont’d)


Interaction Techniques (cont’d)

Fishing reel
Sticky Finger

Scaled-world grab
Navigation Techniques

➢ Steering : direction and velocity

➢ hand-directed
➢ gaze-directed
➢ physical devices (steering wheel, flight sticks)
➢ Target-based
➢ point at object, list of coordinates
➢ Route planning
➢ place markers in world

Mine, 1995
Collision Detection

➢ Very computationally intensive, but very

important for presence and realism
➢ Bounding Volume (Sphere, Box, Convex Hull)
➢ Voronoi Region / Convex Decomposition
➢ Separating Planes
Level of Detail (LOD)

➢ When looking objects from a far, details not

➢ Do not show details if they can’t be seen
➢ Reduces number of polygons significantly
➢ LOD management
Distributed VR
➢ The Multi-user environment
➢ A simulated world runs on several computers
connected over a network.
➢ People can interact in real time, sharing the same
virtual world
Grouping Nodes
➢ Anchor
➢ Billboard
➢ Collision
➢ Group
➢ Inline
➢ Switch
➢ Transform
Geometry Nodes
➢ Box
➢ Cone
➢ Cylinder
➢ ElevationGrid
➢ Extrusion
➢ IndexedFaceSet
➢ IndexedLineSet
➢ PointSet
➢ Sphere
➢ Text
Geometry Related Nodes
➢ Coordinate
➢ Color
➢ Normal
➢ TextureCoordinate
➢ Appearance
➢ Material
➢ ImageTexture
➢ PixelTexture
➢ MovieTexture
➢ TextureTransform
Lighting Nodes
➢ DirectionalLight
➢ PointLight
➢ SpotLight
Sensor Nodes
➢ Anchor
➢ Collision
➢ CylinderSensor
➢ PlaneSensor
➢ ProximitySensor
➢ SphereSensor
➢ TimeSensor
➢ TouchSensor
➢ VisibilitySensor
Interpolator Nodes
➢ ColorInterpolator
➢ CoordinateInterpolator
➢ NormalInterpolator
➢ OrientationInterpolator
➢ PositionInterpolator
➢ ScalarInterpolator
➢ Shared Fields
eventIn SFFloat set_fraction
exposedField MFFloat key [...]
exposedField MF<type> keyValue [...]
eventOut [S|M]F<type> value_changed
Other Nodes
➢ Scriptnode
➢ Background
➢ Fog
➢ Sound
➢ AudioClip
➢ ViewPoint
➢ WorldIndo
➢ NavigationInfo
➢ Java 3D is a network-centric, scene graph-based API, that
revolutionizes 3D graphics application development
➢ Benefits to end-users
➢ Application portability
➢ Hardware independence
➢ Performance scalability
➢ Rich set of 3D features
➢ High-level, Object-oriented paradigm
➢ Wide variety of file formats
Java 3D Architecture
➢ Independent asynchronous components
➢Automatic rendering
➢Behavior and sound scheduling
➢Event generation (collision detection)
➢Input device management
➢ Java 3D renderer chooses traversal order
➢Neither left-to-right nor top-to-bottom
➢Except spatially bounded attributes
Java 3D Scene Graph Hierarchy
VR Applications

Crossing street Construct3D

VR Application
Treatment of Acrophobia
VR Applications
VR Application
VR Application


Being 747
Flight Simulation
VR Application

User Interface

VR Application


Augmented surgery

VR Application

Information Visualization

Acetic Acid Quick Sort

VR Application


Virtual racing
VR Application
➢ VR introduces a new way of interacting with
➢ The best of VR is yet to come
➢ Web is very suitable for VR applications, but the
proper technology is not yet there

Experiment setup
The setup of the devices used in the

An aerial view of the 3D mosque and
its surroundings

The participant’s briefing session before
the experiment

View of the mosque’s surrounding in
the VHE

Ablution activity simulated by avatars

Animated avatars at the mosque’s
exterior spaces

Best Virtual Reality Software in 23

Thank You for Listening

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