BBS 502 Introduction To OT Syllabus
BBS 502 Introduction To OT Syllabus
BBS 502 Introduction To OT Syllabus
I. Course Purpose
The purpose of this course is to help the student gain a general understanding of the
content of the thirty-nine Old Testament books, including but not limited to their
historical and literary settings as well as central teachings and theology. The aim is to
prompt a personal response, an application in ministry and a foundation for further
academic study.
III. Content Outline
V. Instructional Materials/Equipment
The Holy Bible
Videos, textbooks, maps
Core Text-books and articles
Lecture Notes
Total Marks: 100%
60 - 69 % B Good
50 – 59% C Fair
0– 49 % F FAIL
Class Attendance:
Regular class attendance is expected of all students and a student who misses 20% of the
classes in any of the courses he/she is undertaking, either continuously or additively, will
not be allowed to sit for the final examination for that course. [See Approved Academic
Policies Section]
Students are expected to attend all classes in each course in which they are enrolled.
Students are responsible for all academic work missed during absences. A student may
not miss more than 20% of class attendance in each course.
(Catalogue pg. 12 Section 8.0)
component/article-category-list/324-catalogue-options.html] or Section 11
X. Resources
Core Textbooks
Drane John. Introducing the Old Testament. Lion Publishing:Slovenia, 1987.
Gordon. D. Fee & Douglas. Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014.
Hill, Andrew E. and John H. Walton. A Survey of the Old Testament 3d ed. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
Merrill, Eugene H., Mark F. Rooker, and Michael A. Grisanti. The World and the Word:
An Introduction to the Old Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman and Holman, 2011.
Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard, An Introduction to the Old Testament,
2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006
Key Resources
Alexander, T. Desmond. From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the
Pentateuch. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012.
Beitzel, Barry J., Nicholas Rowland, and Barry J. Beitzel. The Moody Atlas of the Bible.
Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2009.
Birch, Bruce C., Brueggemann, Walter, Fretheim, Terrence E., Peterson, David L. A
theological Introduction to the Old Testament. 2nd. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press,
Boadt, Lawrence. ‘Daily Life in Ancient Israel’. In Reading the Old Testament: An
New York: Paulist Press, 1984.
Boda, Mark J., and J. Gordon McConville. Dictionary Of the Old Testament: Prophets.
Downers Gove: IVP Academic, 2012.
Brueggemann, Walter. The Prophetic Imagination. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001.
Bullock, C. Hassell. An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books. Chicago: Moody
Publishers, 2007.
Chisholm, Robert B. Interpreting the Historical Books: An Exegetical Handbook. David
M.Howard edt. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2006.
Coogan, Michael D. A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible in its
Context.3rd. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Evans, John F. A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works. 10th edition.
Grand, Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2016.
Gordon. D. Fee & Douglas. Stuart. How to Read the Bible Book by Book. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 2002.
Hays, J. Daniel . The Message of the Prophets: A Survey of the Prophetic and
Apocalyptic Books of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.
K C. J. H. Wright. Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament. IVP, 1995.
Lennox, S. J. God with us: An introduction to the Old Testament. 2nd. Marion, IN:
Triangle Publishing, 2009.
Longman, Tremper III and Peter Enns. Dictionary of Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and
Writings. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2009.
Rasmussen, Carl G. Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan, 2013
R. Youngblood. The Heart of the Old Testament. Baker, 1998.
Schreiner, Thomas R. The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New
Testaments. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic 2013.