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Machines Sdn Bhd (745167-M) 48 Second Floor ‘AEON Bukit Tinggi Shopping Centre ‘No 1, Persiaran Batu Niam ‘7KS 6 Bandar Bukit Tinggi 241200, Klang, Selangor TEL: 603-3324 7408 FAX: 605-3526 7402 ‘Website: warw machines com my Bill To: Gan Tai Fun Ship To No wva7a2019 Cash Cash DATE 2370572015 -08:17 TERM 1 This meant for one TEL: 17332 5230, ars oROER. 4308 SHEET imtN “cath SALESMAN machines by user az chan Fax PAGE holt AICO 500 NOITEM CODE DESCRIPTION GTY _UPRICE DISC AMOUNT 1 -MG4.2NVIA iPhone 6 64GB (Gold) 1PCS 2,749.00 0.00 2,749.00 SN#: C39PHCSAGSMV REMARKS : ORDER #7316 Gan Tai Fun RINGGIT MALAYSIA: TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY-NINE ONLY Goods sold are not refundable returnable or exchangeable, TOTAL 7 [SUBTOTAL RM 2,749.00] DISCOUNT _ RM 0.09] AMOUNT _RM___2,749.00] FOR Machines Sdn Bhd AUTHORISED SIGNATURETS) — Received the above mentioned in {g00d condition and order by “SIGNATURE & STAMPINRIC NO

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