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Essays on Data Analysis

Roger D. Peng
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This version was published on 2020-11-24

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© 2018 - 2020 Roger D. Peng

Also By Roger D. Peng
R Programming for Data Science
The Art of Data Science
Exploratory Data Analysis with R
Executive Data Science
Report Writing for Data Science in R
Advanced Statistical Computing
The Data Science Salon
Conversations On Data Science
Mastering Software Development in R

I Defining Data Analysis . . . . . 1

1. The Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. What is Data Analysis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. Data Analysis as a Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4. Context Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5. The Role of Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6. The Role of the Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

7. The Data Analysis Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

8. The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist . . . . . . . . . . 37

II Data Analytic Process . . . . . 44

9. Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 45

10.Abductive Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

11.Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions . . 62

12.The Role of Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

13.Should the Data Come First? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


14.Partitioning the Variation in Data . . . . . . . . . . 76

15.How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study . . . . . . 81

III Human Factors . . . . . . . . . . . 97

16.Trustworthy Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

17.Relationships in Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

18.Being at the Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

19.Economic Models for Reproducible Analysis . . . 115

IV Towards a Theory . . . . . . . . . 120

20.The Role of Theory in Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . 121

21.The Tentpoles of Data Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

22.Generative and Analytical Models . . . . . . . . . . 139

I Defining Data
1. The Question
In 2011 I was teaching the course “Methods in Biostatistics”
to graduate students in public health at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity. The students in this course were getting Master’s and
PhD degrees in the variety of disciplines that make up public
health and were all very bright and very motivated to learn.
They would need the skills taught in my course to complete
their thesis research and to do research in the future. I taught
the final two terms of a year-long sequence. The topics cov-
ered in these two terms could broadly be classified as “regres-
sion modeling strategies”, including linear regression, gener-
alized linear models, survival analysis, and machine learning.
I distinctly remember that at the end of my second-to-last
lecture for the entire school year, one student came up to me
at the end to ask a question. She was Michelle1 , and at this
point in the term I already knew she was going to ace the
course. She was one of the best in the class this year. She came
up to me and said, “This entire year, I feel like I’ve learned so
many tools and techniques. But I still don’t know, when I open
a new dataset, what should I do?”
Data analysis is often taught in the negative. Don’t do this,
don’t do that, that’s a bad idea. It’s rarely taught in the affirma-
tive. You should always do this, you should definitely do that.
The reason is because it’s not possible to do so. Affirmative
statements like that do not hold for all possible data analysis
scenarios. To make use of a common phrase uttered by data
analysts the world over, “It depends.”
After she asked me this question I let out a nervous laugh. The
truth is, I hadn’t told her what to do. What I and the professors
that came before me had done was given her a list of tools
and descriptions of how they worked. We taught them about
1 Not her real name.
The Question 3

when some tools were appropriate for certain kinds of data

and when they were not. But we had not outlined a sequence
of steps that one could take for any data analysis. The truth
is, no such sequence exists. Data analysis is not a rote process
with a one-size-fits-all process to follow.
But then, how is it that all these people out there are doing
data analysis? How did they learn what to do?
When Michelle asked that question I still had one more lec-
ture to go in the term. So I threw out whatever it was I was
going to talk about and replaced it with a lecture naively
titled “What to Do.” When I revealed the title slide for my last
lecture, I could tell that people were genuinely excited and
eager to hear what I had to say. It seems Michelle was not the
only one with this question.
I’ve tried to dig up those lecture slides but for whatever rea-
son I cannot find them. Most likely I deleted them out of
disgust! The truth is, I was unable to articulate what exactly
it was that I did when I analyzed data. I had honestly never
thought about it before.
At Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Biostatis-
tics, we don’t have a course specifically titled “Data Analysis”.
Data analysis isn’t taught in courses. We teach it using a kind
of apprenticeship model. As an advisor, I watch my students
analyze data one at a time, tell them what they could improve,
steer them when they go wrong, and congratulate them when
I think they’ve done something well. It’s not an algorithmic
process; I just do what I think is right.
Some of what I think is right comes from my training in statis-
tics. There we learned about many of the important tools for
data analysis; the very same tools I was teaching in my Meth-
ods in Biostatistics course when Michelle asked her question.
The guiding principle behind most of graduate education in
statistics goes roughly as follows:

If I teach you everything there is to know about a

tool, using mathematics, or simulation, or real data
The Question 4

examples, then you will know when and where it

is appropriate to use that tool.

We repeat this process for each tool in the toolbox. The prob-
lem is that the end of the statement doesn’t follow from the
beginning of the statement. Just because you know all of the
characteristics of a hammer doesn’t mean that you know how
to build a house, or even a chair. You may be able to infer it,
but that’s perhaps the best we can hope for.
In graduate school, this kind of training is arguably okay be-
cause we know the students will go on to work with an advisor
who will in fact teach them data analysis. But it still raises the
question: Why can’t we teach data analysis in the classroom?
Why must it be taught one-on-one with an apprenticeship
model? The urgency of these questions has grown substan-
tially in recent times with the rise of big data, data science,
and analytics. Everyone is analyzing data now, but we have
very little guidance to give them. We still can’t tell them “what
to do”.
One phenomenon that I’ve observed over time is that stu-
dents, once they have taken our courses, are often very well-
versed in data analytic tools and their characteristics. The-
orems tell them that certain tools can be used in some sit-
uations but not in others. But when they are given a real
scientific problem with real data, they often make what we
might consider elementary mistakes. It’s not for a lack of
understanding of the tools. It’s clearly something else that is
missing in their training.
The goal of this book is to give at least a partial answer to
Michelle’s question of “What should I do?” Perhaps ironically,
for a book about data analysis, much of the discussion will
center around things that are outside the data. But ultimately,
that is the part that is missing from traditional statistical train-
ing, the things outside the data that play a critical role in
how we conduct and interpret data analyses. Three concepts
will emerge from the discussion to follow. They are context,
resources, and audience, each of which will get their own
chapter. In addition, I will discuss an expanded picture of
The Question 5

what data analysis is and how previous models have omitted

key information, giving us only a partial view of the process.
Data analysis should be thought of as a separate field of study,
but for too long it has been subsumed by either statistics or
some other field. As a result, almost no time has been spent
studying the process of data analysis. John Tukey, in an im-
portant (but somewhat rambling) article published in 1962
titled “The Future of Data Analysis”, argued similarly that
data analysis should be thought of as separate from statistics.
However, his argument was that data analysis is closer to a
scientific field rather than a mathematical field, as it was being
treated at the time.
In my opinion, Tukey was right to say that data analysis wasn’t
like mathematics, but he was wrong to say that it was like sci-
ence. Neither mathematics nor science provides a good model
for how to think about data analysis, because data analysis is
a process that is neither deductive or inductive. Rather, it is
a process that solves a problem given the data available. It is
the cycling back and forth of proposing solutions and asking
further questions that is characteristic of the data analytic
process and often results in the problem space expanding
and contracting over time. There is tremendous ambiguity in
most data analyses and accepting that ambiguity while also
providing a useful result is one of the great challenges of data
Ultimately, what the data analyst is left with at the end is not
truth (as with science) or logical certainty (as with mathemat-
ics), but a solution; a solution to a problem that incorporates
the data we have collected. Whether we discover some fun-
damental law is not important to the data analyst (although it
may be very important to the scientist!). This is not to say that
data analysts should be disinterested in the topics on which
they are working. It is just to say that their process leads to a
different result than the scientists’ process. The data analyst’s
process leads to something that other people can use.
One book will not answer the complex question that Michelle
raised back in 2011, but if I had to answer her now, I might
The Question 6

say, “Think of data analysis as a design process. You are de-

signing a solution to a problem that has been handed to you
with a dataset attached. This problem has many components,
constraints, and possible solutions and you will need to put it
all together into something that is coherent and useful.”
Here we go!
2. What is Data Analysis?
What is data analysis? It seems that sometimes even the best
statisticians have a bit of difficulty answering this basic ques-
tion. Consider the following from Daryl Pregibon, a long time
statistics researcher at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories and then later
at Google, Inc. In a U.S. National Research Council report titled
The Future of Statistical Software, he wrote,

Throughout American or even global industry, there

is much advocacy of statistical process control and
of understanding processes. Statisticians have a pro-
cess they espouse but do not know anything about.
It is the process of putting together many tiny pieces,
the process called data analysis, and is not really

This report was written in 1990 but the essence of this quo-
tation still rings true today. Pregibon was writing about his
effort to develop “expert systems” that would guide scientists
doing data analysis. His report was largely a chronicle of
failures that could be attributed to a genuine lack of under-
standing of how people analyze data.

Top to Bottom

One can think of data analysis from the “top down” or from
the “bottom up”. Neither characterization is completely cor-
rect but both are useful as mental models. In this book we
will discuss both and how they help guide us in doing data
The top down approach sees data analysis a product to be de-
signed. As has been noted by many professional designers and
What is Data Analysis? 8

researchers in this area, the design process is full of vagaries,

contradictions, constraints, and possibilities. This is also true
of data analysis. Data analyses must be designed under a set
of constraints that are ever-shifting and often negotiable. In
addition, the problem that the data analyst is attempting to
solve often begins life as a hazy statement that gains clarity
through the data analyst proposing different solutions to the
problem. The “conversation” that the data analyst has with
the problem is a critical aspect of the problem and the solu-
Data analysts are tasked with designing solutions that are
useful to an audience. The solution may involve summarizing
evidence, visualizing data, or writing a report. Regardless of
the concrete form of the solution, data analysis is a rhetorical
activity that requires careful design in order to produce a
convincing argument. We will discuss this top down view in
the next chapter.
The bottom up approach to data analysis is perhaps more
traditional and sees data analysis as a sequence of steps to
achieve a result. These steps can often be modeled as a di-
rected graph with boxes and arrows pointing boxes. This men-
tal model is useful because it is prescriptive and gives one
a sense of what needs to be done and in which order. It is
the “engineer’s” view of the problem, where each step can
be optimized and made more efficient. However, previous de-
pictions of this mental model have been critically incomplete
and have therefore given us only a partial understanding of
the data analysis process. In the section below, I will attempt
to fill out this mental model a bit to better reflect what the data
analyst actually does. Hopefully, with an improved model for
the data analysis process, we can learn more about how data
analysis is done and translate that information more rapidly
to others.
What is Data Analysis? 9

A Bottom Up Mental Model

One reason for our lack of understanding about data analysis

is that data analysis has been viewed from a very narrow
perspective, thus constraining our ability to completely char-
acterize it and develop generalizable lessons on how to do it.
The typical picture of data analysis is that you have a rough
sequence of steps:

1. The raw data come in;

2. You have to extensively wrangle the data to get it into a
format suitable for analysis (perhaps a tidy format1 );
3. Then you conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) us-
ing various visualization and dimension reduction tech-
4. Once EDA is complete you can goto modeling the data (if
5. Once modeling and EDA is done we can produce results;
6. The results are then communicated (maybe just to your-

The sequence is not wrong in the sense that data analysis

encompasses all of these things. Pretty much all data analysts
engage in these activities, roughly in that order. You may need
to cycle back and forth a bit through the steps, especially steps
The problem with this mental model for data analysis is that
it is incomplete. If you told me that you did some data anal-
ysis, and you provided me all of the output from steps 1–6, I
would have a lot of information, but I would not have sufficient
information to determine whether the analysis was good or
not. There are some key missing elements that need to be
incorporated in order to have a full picture; to determine if
the analysis has been designed properly.
Three key aspects that are missing from this mental model are
context, resources, and audience. We will go through each of
What is Data Analysis? 10

these briefly here and in greater detail in subsequent chap-


• Context. The context of a problem covers many factors,

including the question that gave rise to the dataset and
the motivations of the people asking the questions. Un-
derstanding what kind of solution needs to be created
and what kind of answer might be useful is a key part
of the context. Datasets and statistical methods can be
deemed useful or not based solely on the context of a
problem. Data analysts must make an effort to under-
stand the context of a problem in order to develop a
complete understanding of the problem. Getting a better
understanding of the context may require communicat-
ing with subject matter experts or other people involved
in posing the question.
• Resources. Every data analysis is conducted with a lim-
ited set of resources. The resources available determine
the completeness and complexity of the solution devel-
oped. The most critical resource for a data analyst is
time, but computing power, technology, and money also
play a critical role. Understanding what resources were
available when a data analysis was done allows us to
evaluate the quality of an analysis relative to what else
could have been done.
• Audience. Who is this data analysis for? Every data
analysis has an audience, even if it is the data analyst
alone. Knowing who the audience is and what they need
is important for determining whether an analysis is suc-
cessful or not. Further, if one considers data analysis
as a rhetorical activity, then it can be important to un-
derstand how an audience receives information and ev-
idence. Many factors can play a role here, including cul-
tural differences, differences in background knowledge,
and technical proficiency. While it may not be possi-
ble for a data analyst to know all of these things as an
analysis is being conducted, the analyst must make a
reasonable attempt to obtain this information.

Each of these three aspects of data analysis are “outside” the

What is Data Analysis? 11

data and statistical methodology. What this means is that a

given data analysis can be viewed and evaluated differently
depending on the nature of the context, resources, and au-
dience. For example, the imputation of missing values can
be useful in one context but totally inappropriate in a dif-
ferent context. The methodology is the same, but the context
changes. Similarly, certain kinds of model results may be use-
ful for one audience but meaningless to another audience. A
data analyst can argue that they did the “right” or “optimal”
thing, but ultimately an audience can choose to accept an
analysis or not independent of what an analyst has done.
A complete picture of the activity of a data analyst would
show a constant back and forth between the technical aspects
of a data analysis and the context, resources, and audience
surrounding the analysis. Designing a good data analysis re-
quires a complete understanding of all these things, both the
data and the things outside the data. This is what makes data
analysis so hard. It requires a constant juggling of many differ-
ent factors, some technical in nature and some all-too-human
in nature.
The analyst mindset regularly has to deal with multiple con-
flicting and contradictory requirements while still producing
something useful at the end. Overcoming these challenges
requires solid technical knowledge as well as creativity and
an ability to manage human relationships. All of this also is
why data analysis is so fun. It is a very stimulating activity and
can be highly rewarding when everything comes together.
In the chapters to follow I will be discussing the ideas of
context, resources, and audience in greater detail. I will also
present some other important aspects of doing data analysis
well. My hope is that this book will serve as a useful comple-
ment to the many existing (and much more technical) books
out there on statistics and data analysis.
3. Data Analysis as a
Data analyses are not naturally occurring phenomena. You
will not run into a data analysis while walking out in the
woods. Data analyses must be created and constructed by
One way to think about a data analysis is to think of it as
a product to be designed. Data analysis is not a theoretical
exercise. The goal is not to reveal something new about the
world or to discover truth (although knowledge and truth
may be important by-products). The goal of data analysis is
to produce something useful. Useful to the scientist, useful
to the product manager, useful to the business executive, or
useful to the policy-maker. In that sense, data analysis is a
fairly down-to-Earth activity.
Producing a useful product requires careful consideration of
who will be using it. Good data analysis can be useful to just
about anyone. The fact that many different kinds of people
make use of data analysis is not exactly news, but what is new
is the tremendous availability of data in general.
If we consider a data analysis as something to be designed,
this provides for us a rough road map for how to proceed.

Questioning the Question

A favorite quotation from John Tukey, a legendary statistician

and data analyst at Princeton, is

Far better an approximate answer to the right ques-

tion, which is often vague, than the exact answer
Data Analysis as a Product 13

to the wrong question, which can always be made


What does these words mean in the context of data analy-

sis? In data analysis, we often start with a dataset or a ques-
tion. But good data analysts do not solve the problem that
is handed to them. The reason is not necessarily arrogance.
often the problem as initially stated is only a first attempt.
And that’s okay.
A good data analyst recognizes that the problem itself re-
quires examination. For example, someone might ask “Is air
pollution bad for your health?” That’s a great question, and
a critical one for public policy, but it’s difficult to map to a
specific data analysis. There are many different types of air
pollution and there are many health outcomes we might be
worried about. Prioritizing and refining the original problem
is a key initial step for any data analysis. In my experience,
this process usually leads to a question that is more meaning-
ful and whose answer could lead to clear action.
The first job of the data analyst is to discover the real un-
derlying problem. The fact that the problem we end up with
may not be the problem we started with is not anyone’s fault
in particular. It’s just the nature of things. Often, scientific
collaborators will come to my office essentially just to talk.
They come in with a clear question, but as I probe and ask
questions–“What kinds of data are available?”; “What action
might result in answering this question?”; “What resources
are available to do this analysis?”; “Is it possible to collect new
data?”–the question can shift and evolve. Good collaborators
are not offended by this process, but rather appreciate it as it
hones their thinking.
The bad collaborator comes in with the goal of handing off a
question and waiting for the solution to appear. I have seen
my fair share of these and it almost never works except per-
haps with the most trivial problems. The process of designing
a good data analysis cannot be modularized where we cleanly
move from question, to data, to analysis, and to results, with
Data Analysis as a Product 14

each person involved doing their job and not talking to any-
one else. One may wish it were so, because it would be much
simpler this way, but wishing doesn’t make it so. This initial
discussion of figuring out the right problem is an important
part of designing a data analysis. But if one has a thorough
discussion, we’re not done questioning the question yet.
Sometimes a problem does not become clear until we’ve at-
tempted to solve it. A data analyst’s job is to propose solu-
tions to a problem in order to explore the problem space. For
example, in the above air pollution example, we might first
express interest in looking at particulate matter air pollution1 .
But when we look at the available data we see that there are
too many missing values to do a useful analysis. So we might
switch to looking at ozone pollution instead, which is equally
important from a health perspective.
At this point it is important that you not get too far into the
problem where a lot of time or resources have to be invested.
Making that initial attempt to look at particulate matter prob-
ably didn’t involve more than downloading a file from a web
site, but it allowed us to explore the boundary of what might
be possible. Sometimes the proposed solution “just works”,
but more often it raises new questions and forces the analyst
to rethink the underlying problem. Initial solution attempts
should be “sketches”, or rough models, to see if things will
work. The preliminary data obtained by these sketches can be
valuable for prioritizing the possible solutions and converg-
ing on the ultimate approach.
This initial process of questioning the question can feel frus-
trating to some, particularly for those who have come to the
data analyst to get something done. Often to the collaborator,
it feels like the analyst is questioning their own knowledge of
the topic and is re-litigating old issues that have previously
been resolved. The data analyst should be sensitive to these
concerns and explain why such a discussion needs to be had.
The analyst should also understand that the collaborator is
an expert in their field and probably does know what they’re
Data Analysis as a Product 15

talking about. A better approach for the analyst might be to

frame this process as a way for the analyst to learn more
about the subject matter at hand, rather than simply chal-
lenging long-standing assumptions or beliefs. This has the co-
benefit of actually being true, since the analyst is likely not
an expert in the data before them. By asking simple questions
in an attempt to learn the subject matter, often collaborators
will be forced to re-visit some of their own ideas and to refine
their thinking about the topic.

Engineering the Solution

Once we have refined the question we are asking and have

carefully defined the scope of the problem we are solving,
then we can proceed to engineer the solution. This will sim-
ilarly be an iterative process, but we will be iterating over dif-
ferent things. At this point we will need a reasonably precise
specification of the problem so that tools and methodologies
can be mapped to various aspects of the problem. In addition,
a workflow will need to be developed that will allow all of
the interested parties to participate in the analysis and to play
their proper role.
The analyst will need to setup the workflow for the analysis
and adapt it to the various needs and capabilities of the collab-
orators. Every project will likely have a different workflow,
especially if every project has a different set of collaborators
involved. This is not just a comment about the tools involved
for managing the workflow, but more generally about how in-
formation is exchanged and relayed to different people. Some-
times the analyst is a “central hub” through which all infor-
mation is passed and sometimes it’s more of a “free for all”
where everyone talks to everyone else. There’s no one right
approach but it’s important that everyone understands what
approach is being used.
The analyst is also responsible for selecting the methodolo-
gies for obtaining, wrangling, and summarizing the data. One
might need to setup databases to store the data or retrieve
Data Analysis as a Product 16

it. Statistical methodologies might be a t-test for a two group

comparison or a regression model to look at multivariate
relationships. The selection of these tools and methodologies
will be guided in part by the specification of the problem as
well as the resources available and the audience who will
receive the analysis. Identifying the optimal methodological
approach, given the constraints put on the problem, is the
unique job of the analyst. The analyst may need to delegate
certain tasks based on the expertise available on the team.

Wrangling the Team

Any interesting or complex data analysis will likely involve

people from different disciplines. In academia, you might be
working with a biologist, an engineer, a computer scientist,
and a physician at the same time. In business, you might need
to interact with finance, marketing, manufacturing, and data
engineering in a given analysis. A difficult part of an analyst’s
job is managing all of these people’s interests simultaneously
while integrating them into the final analysis.
The challenge facing the analyst is that each discipline is likely
to think that their interests take priority over everyone else’s.
Furthermore, collaborators are likely to think that the prob-
lems relevant to their discipline are the most important prob-
lems to address. However, the analyst cannot accept that ev-
ery discipline is “tied for first place”; priorities must be set
and a reasonable assessment must made regarding which
problems should addressed first, second, and so on. This is
a delicate operation on the part of the analyst and doing it
successfully requires open communication and good relation-
ships with the collaborators.
The fight for priority is also why it can be so difficult for a
data analysis to be modularized. If an analysis is passed from
person to person, then each person is inclined to take their
specific disciplinary perspective on the problem and ignore
the others. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon and it
Data Analysis as a Product 17

is the analyst’s job to prevent it from happening, lest the analy-

sis be watered down to be incoherent or too tightly focused on
one aspect. Ultimately, the analyst must take responsibility to
see the “big picture” of the analysis, weigh each collaborator’s
views, and choose a path that is acceptable to everyone. It’s
not an easy job.
4. Context Compatibility
All data arise within a particular context and often as a re-
sult of a specific question being asked. That is all well and
good until we attempt to use that same data to answer a dif-
ferent question within a different context. When you match
an existing dataset with a new question, you have to ask if
the original context in which the data were collected is com-
patible with the new question and the new context. If there
is context compatibility, then it is often reasonable to move
forward. If not, then you either have to stop or come up with
some statistical principle or assumption that makes the two
contexts compatible. Good data analysts will often do this in
their heads quickly and may not even realize they are doing it.
However, I think explicitly recognizing this task is important
for making sure that data analyses can provide clear answers
and useful conclusions.
Understanding context compatibility is increasingly impor-
tant as data science and the analysis of existing datasets con-
tinues to take off. Existing datasets all come from somewhere
and it’s important to the analyst to know where that is and
whether it’s compatible with where they’re going. If there is
an imcompatibility between the two contexts, which in my
experience is almost always the case, then any assumption or
statistical principle invoked will likely introduce uncertainty
into the final results. That uncertainty should at least be com-
municated to the audience, if not formally considered in the
analysis. In some cases, the original context of the data and
the context of the new analysis will be so incompatible that it’s
not worth using the data to answer the new question. Explicit
recognition of this problem can save a lot of wasted time
analyzing a dataset that is ultimately a poor fit for answering
a given question.
I wanted to provide two examples from my own work where
context compatibility played an important role.
Context Compatibility 19

Example: Data Linkage and Spatial


Air pollution data tends to be collected at monitors, which

can reasonably be thought of as point locations. Air pollution
data collected by the US EPA is primarily collected to monitor
regulatory compliance. The idea here (roughly) is that we do
not want any part of a county or state to be above a certain
threshold of air pollution, and so we strategically place the
monitors in certain locations and monitor their values in rela-
tion to air quality standards. The monitors may provide repre-
sentative measurements of air pollution levels in the general
area surrounding the monitor, but how representative they
are depends on the specific pollutant being measured and the
nature of pollution sources in the area. Ultimately, for compli-
ance monitoring, it doesn’t really matter how representative
the monitors are because an exceedance at even one location
is still a problem (the regulations have ways of smoothing out
transient large values).
Health data tends to be measured at an aggregate level, par-
ticularly when it is coming from administrative sources. We
might know daily counts of deaths or hospitalizations in a
county or province or post code. Linking health data with
air pollution data is not possible because of a context mis-
match: Health data are measured areally (counts of people
living within some political boundary) and pollution data are
measured at point locations, so there is an incompatibility in
the spatial measurement scale. We can only link these to data
sources together if we do one of the following:

1. Assume that the monitor values are representative of

population exposure in the entire county
2. Develop a model that can make predictions of pollution
levels at all points in the county and then take the av-
erage of those values as a representative of the average
county levels

This problem is well-known in spatial statistics and is referred

Context Compatibility 20

to as spatial misalignment or as change of support. The mis-

alignment of the pollution and health data is the context mis-
match here and arises because of the different measurement
schemes that we use for each type of data. As a result, we must
invoke either an assumption or a statistical model to link the
two together.
The assumption of representativeness is easier to make be-
cause it requires no additional work, but it can introduce un-
known uncertainties into the problem if the pollution values
are not representative of population exposure. If a pollutant is
regional in nature and is spatially homogeneous, then the as-
sumption may be reasonable. But if there a lot of hyper-local
sources of pollution that introduce spatial heterogeneity, the
assumption will not hold. The statistical modeling approach
is more work, but is straightforward (in principle) and may
offer the ability to explicitly characterize the uncertainty in-
troduced by the modeling. In both cases, there is a statistical
price to pay for linking the datasets together.
Data linkage is a common place to encounter context mis-
matches because rarely are different datasets collected with
the other datasets in mind. Therefore, careful attention must
be paid to the contexts within which each dataset was col-
lected and what assumptions or modeling most be done in
order to achieve context compatibility.

Example: The GAM Crisis

A common way to investigate the acute or short-term asso-

ciations between air pollution levels and health outcomes is
via time series analysis. The general idea is that you take a
time series of air pollution levels, typically from an EPA mon-
itor, and then correlate it with a time series of some health
outcome (often death) in a population of interest. The tricky
part, of course, is adjusting for the variety of factors that may
confound the relationship between air pollution and health
outcomes. While some factors can be measured and adjusted
Context Compatibility 21

for directly (e.g. temperature, humidity), other factors are un-

measured and we must find some reasonable proxy to adjust
for them.
In the late 1990s investigators started using generalized addi-
tive models1 to account for unmeasured temporal confounders
in air pollution time series models. With GAMs, you could
include smooth functions of time itself in order to adjust for
any (smoothly) time-varying factors that may confound the
relationship between air pollution and health. It wasn’t a per-
fect solution, but it was a reasonable and highly flexible one.
It didn’t hurt that there was already a nice S-PLUS software
implementation that could be easily run on existing data. By
2000 most investigators had standardized on using the GAM
approach in air pollution time series studies.
In 2002, investigators at Johns Hopkins discovered a problem
with the GAM software with respect to the default conver-
gence criterion. The problem was that the default conver-
gence criterion used to determine whether the backfitting al-
gorithm used to fit the model had converged was set to 0.0001,
which for most applications of GAM was more than sufficient.
(In all iterative algorithms, there is some convergence pa-
rameter that determines when the algorithm stops. Usually,
we monitor successive differences between iterations of the
algorithm and then stop when they are small.)
The typical application of GAM was for scatterplot smoothing
to look at potential nonlinearities in the relationship between
the outcome and a predictor. However, in models where the
nonparametric terms were highly correlated (a situation re-
ferred to as “concurvity”), then the default criterion was not
stringent enough. It turned out that concurvity was quite
common in the time series models and the end result was
most models published in the air pollution literature had not
actually converged in the fitting process.
Around this time, the US EPA was reviewing the evidence
from time series studies and asked the investigators who pub-
lished most of the studies to redo their analyses using alter-
Context Compatibility 22

nate approaches (including using a more stringent conver-

gence criterion). To make a long story short, many of the pub-
lished risk estimates dropped by around 40%, but the overall
story remained the same. There was still strong evidence of
an association between air pollution and health, it just wasn’t
as large of an effect as we once thought. Francesca Dominici
wrote a comprehensive post-mortem2 of the saga that con-
tains many more details.
The underlying problem here was an undetected shift in con-
text with respect to the GAM software. In previous usage of
GAMs, the default convergence criterion was likely fine be-
cause there were not strong dependencies between the vari-
ous smoother components in the model and the relationships
being modeled did not have time series characteristics. Fur-
thermore, the goal was not the estimation of a parameter in
the model; it was more to visualize certain bivariate relation-
However, when the same GAM software was used in a totally
different context, one which the original authors likely did
not foresee, suddenly the same convergence criterion was in-
adequate. The low-concurvity environment of previous GAM
analyses was incompatible with the high-concurvity environ-
ment of air pollution time series analysis. The lesson here
is that software used in a different context from which it
was developed is essentially new software. And like any new
software, it requires testing and validation.


Context shifts are critically important to recognize because

they can often determine if the analyses you are conducting
are valid or not. They are particularly important to discuss in
data science applications here often the data are pre-existing
but are being applied to a new problem or question. Method-
ologies and analytic approaches that are totally reasonable
Context Compatibility 23

under one context can be inappropriate or even wrong under

a different context. Finally, any assumptions made or models
applied to achieve context compatibility can have an effect
on the final results, typically in the form of increased uncer-
tainty. These additional uncertainties should not be forgotten
in the end, but rather should be communicated to the audi-
ence or formally incorporated in the analysis.
5. The Role of Resources
When learning about data analysis in school, you don’t hear
much about the role that resources such as time, money, and
technology play in the development of analysis. This is a con-
versation that is often had “in the hallway” when talking to
senior faculty or mentors. But the available resources do play
a significant role in determining what can be done with a
given question and dataset. It’s tempting to think that the
situation is binary–either you have sufficient resources to do
the “right” analysis, or you simply don’t do the analysis. But in
the real world there a quite a few shades of gray in between
those two endpoints.
All analyses must deal with constraints on time and technol-
ogy and that often shapes the plan for what can be done.
For example, the complexity of the statistical model being
used may be constrained by computing power available to the
analyst, the ability to purchase more computing power, and
the time available to run, say, complex Markov chain Monte
Carlo simulations.


Time is usually the biggest constraint and is obviously related

to money. However, even if money is in abundance, it cannot
buy more time if none is available from the analyst. Complex
analyses often involve many separate pieces, and complex
data must be validated, checked, and interrogated before one
can be confident about the results. All of this takes time and
having less time leads to doing less of all those things. Dead-
lines are always looming and the analyst must develop a rea-
sonable plan in the time allotted. Occasionally, it is necessary
to stop an analysis if time is insufficient, but this cannot be
done every time.
The Role of Resources 25

Similarly some analyses may require multiple people’s time,

if one person cannot fit it all into their schedule. If multiple
people are not currently available, that will change the nature
of the analysis done. Communication between collaborators
must be fluid and efficient or else analyses will take longer to


I use the word “technology” broadly to refer to both comput-

ing resources and statistical “resources”. Some models may
be more optimal than others, but characteristics of the dataset
(such as its size) may prevent them from being applied. Better
analyses may be done with more computing power, but a con-
straint on available computing power will determine what
models get fit and how much extra work is done.
Technological constraints may also be related to the audience
that will receive the analysis. Depending on how sophisti-
cated the audience is, one may tune the technology applied
to do the analysis. It may not be worth applying complex
methodology if the audience for the analysis will not be able
to easily interpret the results.
The analyst may need to get creative to overcome constraints
on technology. Often approximations may be used that are
faster to compute but sacrifice a little accuracy. If reasonable
justification can be made for the loss in accuracy, then such
an approximation may be a good way to circumvent a time


Resource constraints can affect how trustworthy the analysis

is. In a trustworthy analysis, what is presented as the analysis
is often backed up by many facts and details that are not pre-
sented. These other analyses have been done, but the analyst
The Role of Resources 26

has decided (likely based on a certain narrative of the data)

that they do not meet the threshold for presentation. That
said, should anyone ask for those details, they are readily
available. With greater resources, the sum total of all of the
things that can be done is greater, thus giving us hope that
the things left undone are orthogonal to what was done.
However, with fewer resources, there are at least two conse-
quences. First, it is likely that fewer things can be done with
the data. Fewer checks on the data, checks on model assump-
tions, checks of convergence, model validations, etc. This in-
creases the number of undone things and makes it more likely
that they will have an impact on the final (presented) results.
Secondly, certain kinds of analysis may require greater time
or computing power than is available. In order to present any
analysis at all, we may need to resort to approximations or
“cheaper” methodology. These approaches are not necessarily
incorrect, but they may produce results that are noisier or
otherwise sub-optimal.
That said, the various other parties involved in the analysis,
such as the audience or the patron1 , may prefer having any
analysis done, regardless of optimality, over having no analy-
sis. Sometimes the question itself is still vague or a bit rough,
and so it’s okay if the analysis that goes with it is equally
“quick and dirty”. Nevertheless, analysts have to draw the
line between what what is a reasonable analysis and what is
not, given the available resources. If the only approach that
is feasible is likely to produce very weak evidence with great
uncertainty, the analyst may need to decide that the analysis
is not worth doing at all

The Analyst’s Job

The data analyst’s job is to manage the resources available for

analysis. The availability of resources may not be solely up
to the analyst, but the job is nevertheless to recognize what
The Role of Resources 27

is available, determine whether the resources are sufficient

for completing a reasonable analysis, and if not, then request
more from those who can provide them. I’ve seen many data
analyses go astray as a result of a mismatch in the understand-
ing of the resources available versus the resources required.
A good data analyst can minimize the chance of a gross mis-
match and will continuously evaluate the resource needs of
an analysis going forward. If there appears to be a large devi-
ation between what was expected and the reality of the analy-
sis, then the analyst must communicate with others involved
(the patron or perhaps subject matter expert) to either obtain
more resources or modify the data analytic plan.
6. The Role of the Audience
Statisticians, in my experience, do not often discuss the topic
of who will be the recipient of their data analysis. But the
audience for a data analysis plays an important role in deter-
mining the success of the analysis. One important measure
of success in data analysis is that the audience two whom it is
presented accepts the results. I would pose this as a necessary
condition, but not sufficient. There are a number of ideas to
unpack here, so I will walk through them. Two key notions
that I think are important are the notions of acceptance and
the audience.


The first idea is the notion of acceptance. It’s tempting to

confuse this with belief, but they are two different concepts
that need to be kept separate. Acceptance of an analysis in-
volves the analysis itself–the data and the methods applied to
it, along with the narrative told to explain the results. Belief
in the results depends on the analysis itself as well as many
other things outside the analysis, including previous analy-
ses, existing literature, and the state of the science (in purely
Bayesian terms, your prior). A responsible audience can ac-
cept an analysis without necessarily believing its principal
claims, but these two concepts are likely to be correlated.
For example, suppose a team at your company designs an
experiment to collect data to determine if lowering the price
of a widget will have an effect on profits for your widget-mak-
ing company. During the data collection process, there was a
problem which resulted in some of the data being missing in
a potentially informative way. The data are then handed to
you. You do your best to account for the missingness and the
The Role of the Audience 29

resulting uncertainty, perhaps through multiple imputation

or other adjustment methods. At the end of the day, you show
me the analysis and conclude that lowering the price of a
widget will increase profits 3-fold.
I may accept that you did the analysis correctly and trust that
you did your best to account for the problems encountered
during collection using state-of-the-art methods. But I may
disagree with the conclusion, in part because of the problems
introduced with the missing data (not your fault), but also in
part because we had previously lowered prices on another
product that we sell and there was no corresponding increase
in profits. Given the immense cost of doing the experiment,
I might ultimately decide that we should abandon trying to
modify the price of widgets and leave things where they are
(at least for now). Your analysis was a success.
This simple example illustrates two things. First, acceptance
of the analysis depends primarily on the details of the analysis
and my willingness to trust what the analyst has done. Was
the missing data accounted for? Was the uncertainty properly
presented? Can I reason about the data and understand how
the data influence the results? Second, my belief in the results
depends in part on things outside the analysis, things that are
primarily outside the analyst’s control. In this case, these are
the presence of missing data during collection and a totally
separate experience lowering prices for a different product.
How I weigh these external things, in the presence of your
analysis, is a personal preference.

Acceptance vs. Validity

In scientific contexts it is tempting to think about validity.

Here, a data analysis is successful if the claims made are true.
If I analyze data on smoking habits and mortality rates and
conclude that smoking causes lung cancer, then my analysis
is successful if that claim is true. This definition has the ad-
vantage that it removes the subjective element of acceptance,
which depends on the audience to which an analysis is pre-
sented. But validity is an awfully high bar to meet for any
The Role of the Audience 30

given analysis. In this smoking example, initial analyses of

smoking and mortality data could not be deemed successful
or not until decades after they were done. Most scientific con-
clusions require multiple replications occurring over many
years by independent investigators and analysts before the
community believes or concludes that they are true. Leaving
data analysts in limbo for such a long time seems impractical
and, frankly, unfair. Furthermore, I don’t think we want to
penalize data analysts for making conclusions that turn out
to be false, as long as we believe they are doing good work.
Whether those claims turn out to be true or not may depend
on things outside their control.
A related standard for analyses is essentially a notion of in-
trinsic validity. Rather than wait until we can validate a claim
made by an analysis (perhaps decades down the road), we can
evaluate an analysis by whether the correct or best approach
was done and the correct methods were applied. But there are
at least two problems with this approach. In many scenarios
it is not possible to know what is the best method, or what
is the best combination of methods to apply, which would
suggest that in many analyses, we are uncertain of success.
This seems rather unsatisfying and impractical. Imagine hir-
ing a data analyst and saying to them “In the vast majority of
analyses that you do, we will not know if you are successful
or not.”
Second, even in the ideal scenarios, where we know what is
correct or best, intrinsic validity is necessary but far from
sufficient. This is because the context in which an analysis
performed is critical in understanding what is appropriate. If
the analyst is unaware of that context, they may make critical
mistakes, both from an analytical and interpretative perspec-
tive. However, those same mistakes might be innocuous in a
different context. It all depends, but the analyst needs to know
the difference.
One story that comes to mind comes from the election victory
of George W. Bush over Al Gore in the 2000 United States
presidential election. That election hinged on votes counted
in the state of Florida, where Bush and Gore were very close.
The Role of the Audience 31

Ultimately, lawsuits were filed and a trial was set to deter-

mine exactly how the vote counting should proceed. Statis-
ticians were called to testify for both Bush and Gore. The
statistician called to testify for the Gore team was Nicolas
Hengartner, formerly of Yale University (he was my under-
graduate advisor when I was there). Hengartner presented a
thorough analysis of the data that was given to him by the
Gore team and concluded there were differences in how the
votes were being counted across Florida and that some ballots
were undercounted.
However, on cross-examination, the lawyer for Bush was able
to catch Hengartner in a “gotcha” moment which ultimately
had to do with the manner in which the data were collected,
about which Hengartner had been unaware. Was the analysis
a success? It’s difficult to say without having been directly in-
volved. Nobody challenged the methodology that Hengartner
used in the analysis, which was by all accounts a very sim-
ple analysis. Therefore, one could argue that it had intrinsic
validity. However, one could also argue that he should have
known about the issue with how the data were collected (and
perhaps the broader context) and incorporated that into his
analysis and presentation to the court. Ultimately, Hengart-
ner’s analysis was only one piece in a collection of evidence
presented and so it’s difficult to say what role it played in the
ultimate outcome.


All data analyses have an audience, even if that audience is

you. The audience may accept the results of an analysis or
they may fail to accept it, in which case more analyses may
need to be done. The fact that an analyst’s success may depend
on a person different from the analyst may strike some as an
uncomfortable feature. However, I think this is the reality of
all data analyses. Success depends on human beings, unfor-
tunately, and this is something analysts must be prepared to
deal with. Recognizing that human nature plays a key role in
The Role of the Audience 32

determining the success of data analysis explains a number

of key aspects of what we might consider to be good or bad
Many times I’ve had the experience of giving the same presen-
tation to two different audiences. One audience loves it while
the other hates it. How can that be if the analyses and presen-
tation were exactly the same in both cases? The truth is that
an analysis can be accepted or rejected by different audiences
depending on who they are and what their expectations are. A
common scenario involves giving a presentation to “insiders”
who are keenly familiar with the context and the standard
practices in the field. Taking that presentation verbatim to
an “outside” audience that is less familiar will often result in
failure because they will not understand what is going on. If
that outside audience expects a certain set of procedures be
applied to the data, then they may demand that you do the
same, and refuse to accept the analysis until you do so.
I vividly remember one experience that I had presenting the
analysis of some air pollution and health data that I had done.
In practice talks with my own group everything had gone
well and I thought things were reasonably complete. When
giving the same talk to an outside group, they refused to ac-
cept what I’d done (or even interpret the results) until I had
also run a separate analysis using a different kind of spline
model. It wasn’t an unreasonable idea, so I did the separate
analysis and in a future event with the same group I presented
both analyses side by side. They were not wild about the con-
clusions, but the debate no longer centered on the analyses
themselves and instead focused on other scientific aspects. In
retrospect, I give them credit for accepting the analyses even
if they did not necessarily believe the conclusion.


I think the requirement that a successful data analysis be

accepted by its audience is challenging (and perhaps unset-
tling) because it suggests that data analysts are responsible
The Role of the Audience 33

for things outside the data. In particular, they need to under-

stand the context around which the data are collected and
the audience to which results will be presented. I also think
that’s why it took so long for me to come around to it. But I
think this definition explains much more clearly why it is so
difficult to be a good data analyst. When we consider data anal-
ysis using traditional criteria developed by statisticians, we
struggle to explain why some people are better data analysts
than others and why some analyses are better than others.
However, when we consider that data analysts have to juggle
a variety of factors both internal and external to the data in
order to achieve success, we see more clearly why this is such
a difficult job and why good people are hard to come by.
Another implication of this definition of data analysis success
is that it suggests that human nature plays a big role and that
much of successful data analysis is essentially a successful
negotiation of human relations. Good communication with
an audience can often play a much bigger role in success
than whether you used a linear model or quadratic model.
Trust between an analyst and audience is critical when an
analyst must make choices about what to present and what
to omit. Admitting that human nature plays a role in data
analysis success is difficult because humans are highly subjec-
tive, inconsistent, and difficult to quantify. However, I think
doing so gives us a better understanding about how to judge
the quality of data analyses and how to improve them in the
7. The Data Analysis
Data analysis is supposed to be about the data, right? Just the
facts? And for the most part it is, up until the point you need
to communicate your findings to an audience. The problem is
that in any data analysis that would be meaningful to others,
there are simply too many results to present, and so choices
must be made. Depending on who the audience is, or who the
audience is composed of, you will need to tune your presenta-
tion in order to get the audience to accept the analysis. How
is this done?
In data analysis we often talk about dimension reduction. The
idea here is that when we have a lot variables or predictors
in a dataset, we want to reduce the number of variables that
we are looking at without eliminating too much information
in the dataset. The reason we can often do this is because
many variables will be correlated with each other and there-
fore provide redundant information. Methods like principal
components analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, or canonical
correlation analysis are often used for dimension reduction
and exploratory analysis.
Narrative serves as dimension reduction for the results in a
data analysis. There will be many different kinds of results
in a dataset–tables, plots, diagrams–coming from different
models, different approaches, and different assumptions. We
must figure out some way to choose between all of these dif-
ferent results. Often, the story that we tell about the data and
the evidence guide us in choosing what to present. However,
things can go wrong if the narrative is not chosen carefully.
The Data Analysis Narrative 35

When Narratives Go Wrong

In the worst case scenario, the narrative is plainly false and

the presenter resorts to trickery and obfuscation. Graphs with
messed up axes, or tables that obscure key data; we all know
the horror stories. A sophisticated audience might detect this
kind of trickery and reject the analysis, but maybe not. That
said, let’s assume we are pure of heart. How does one organize
a presentation to be successful?
We all know another other horror story, which is the data
dump. Here, the analyst presents everything they have done
and essentially shifts the burden of interpretation on to the
audience. In this case, the analyst has failed to produce any
narrative and therefore has not summarized the results. Rarely
is this desired. In some cases the audience will just want the
data to do their own analyses, but then there’s no need for the
analyst to waste their time doing any analysis. They can just
hand over the data.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Ultimately, the analyst must choose what to present, and this

can cause problems. The choices must be made to fit the ana-
lyst’s narrative of “what is going on with the data”. They will
choose to include some plots and not others and some tables
and not others. These choices are directed by a narrative and
an interpretation of the data.
When an audience is upset by a data analysis, and they are
being honest, they are usually upset with the chosen narra-
tive, not with the facts per se. They will be upset with the
combination of data that the analyst chose to include and the
data that the analyst chose to exclude. Why didn’t you include
that data? Why is this narrative so focused on this or that
The choices that an analyst make are a critical form of leader-
The Data Analysis Narrative 36

ship. Decisions about what to present will often move other

aspects of a project forward and so settling on the narrative
for an analysis is very important. Deciding what the data
and the results mean, and hence what story they tell, is also
dependent on many things outside the data (the context in
particular), and so the analyst must be in contact with other
collaborators to make sure that the narrative matches these
other aspects.
As someone who has some control over how the narrative
of a data analysis is crafted, the data analyst exercises an
important power. Care must be taken to make sure that input
from collaborators is taken into account and used appropri-
ately to shape the narrative. Often team members will want
to force the narrative in one direction or another, sometimes
in a direction not supported by the data. This situation is not
unlike the one early on in the data analysis where different
disciplines will argue over who’s discipline takes priority. In
either case, the analyst must be careful to hear everyone, but
construct the narrative only in a manner that is supported by
the data.
8. The Four Jobs of the Data
In 2019 I wrote a post about The Tentpoles of Data Science1
that tried to distill the key skills of the data scientist. In the
post I wrote:

When I ask myself the question “What is data sci-

ence?” I tend to think of the following five com-
ponents. Data science is (1) the application of de-
sign thinking to data problems; (2) the creation and
management of workflows for transforming and
processing data; (3) the negotiation of human re-
lationships to identify context, allocate resources,
and characterize audiences for data analysis prod-
ucts; (4) the application of statistical methods to
quantify evidence; and (5) the transformation of
data analytic information into coherent narratives
and stories.

My contention is that if you are a good data scien-

tist, then you are good at all five of the tentpoles of
data science. Conversely, if you are good at all five
tentpoles, then you’ll likely be a good data scientist.

I still feel the same way about these skills but my feeling now
is that actually that post made the job of the data scientist
seem easier than it is. This is because it wrapped all of these
skills into a single job when in reality data science requires
being good at four jobs. In order to explain what I mean by
this, we have to step back and ask a much more fundamental
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 38

What is the Core of Data Science?

This is a question that everyone is asking and I think strug-

gling to answer. With any field there’s always a distinction
between the questions of

• What is the core of the field?

• What do people in that field do on a regular basis?

In case it’s not clear, these are not the same question. For
example, in Statistics, based on the curriculum from most PhD
program, the core of the field involves statistical methods,
statistical theory, probability, and maybe some computing.
Data analysis is generally not formally taught (i.e. in the class-
room), but rather picked up as part of a thesis or research
project. Many classes labeled “Data Science” or “Data Analy-
sis” simply teach more methods like machine learning, clus-
tering, or dimension reduction. Formal software engineering
techniques are also not generally taught, but in practice are
often used.
One could argue that data analysis and software engineering
is something that statisticians do but it’s not the core of the
field. Whether that is correct or incorrect is not my point.
I’m only saying that a distinction has to be made somewhere.
Statisticians will always do more than what would be consid-
ered the core of the field.
With data science, I think we are collectively taking inventory
of what data scientists tend to do. The problem is that at the
moment it seems to be all over the map. Traditional statistics
does tend to be central to the activity, but so does computer
science, software engineering, cognitive science, ethics, com-
munication, etc. This is hardly a definition of the core of a
field but rather an enumeration of activities.
The question then is can we define something that all data
scientists do? If we had to teach something to all data science
students without knowing where they might end up after-
wards, what would it be? My opinion is that at some point,
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 39

all data scientists have to engage in the basic data analytic


Data Analytic Iteration

The basic data analytic iteration comes in four parts. Once

a question has been established and a plan for obtaining or
collecting data is available, we can do the following:

1. Construct a set of expected outcomes

2. Design/Build/Apply a data analytic system to the data
3. Diagnose any anomalies in the analytic system output
4. Make a decision about what to do next

While this iteration might be familiar or obvious to many,

its familiarity masks the complexity involved. In particular,
each step of the iteration requires that the data scientist play
a different role involving very different skills. It’s like a one-
person play where the data scientist has to change costumes
when going from one step to the next. This is what I refer to
as the the four jobs of the data scientist.

The Four Jobs

Each of the steps in the basic data analytic iteration requires

the data scientist to be four different people: (1) Scientist; (2)
Statistician; (3) Systems Engineer; and (4) Politician. Let’s take
a look at each job in greater detail.


The scientist develops and asks the question and is responsi-

ble for knowing the state of the science and what the key gaps
are. The scientist also designs any experiments for collecting
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 40

new data and executes the data collection. The scientist must
work with the statistician to design a system for analyzing the
data and ultimately construct a set of expected outcomes from
any analysis of the data being collected.
The scientist plays a key role in developing the system that
results in our set of expected outcomes. Components of this
system might include a literature review, meta-analysis, pre-
liminary data, or anecdotal data from colleagues. I use the
term “Scientist” broadly here. In other settings this could be
a policy-maker or product manager.


The statistician, in concert with the scientist, designs the an-

alytic system that will analyze the data generated by any
data collection efforts. They specify how the system will op-
erate, what outputs it will generate, and obtain any resources
needed to implement the system. The statistician draws on
statistical theory and personal experience to choose the dif-
ferent components of the analytic system that will be applied.
The statistician’s role here is to apply the data analytic system
to the data and to produce the data analytic output. This
output could be a regression coefficient, a mean, a plot, or
a prediction. But there must be something produced that we
can compare to our set of expected outcomes. If the output
deviates from our set of expected outcomes, then the next task
is to identify the reasons for that deviation.

Systems Engineer

Once the analytic system is applied to the data there are only
two possible outcomes:

1. The outputs meet our expectations, or

2. The output does not meet our expectations (an anomaly).
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 41

In the case of an anomaly, the systems engineer’s responsi-

bility is to diagnose the potential root causes of the anomaly,
based on knowledge of the data collection process, the ana-
lytic system, and the state of scientific knowledge.
Recently, Emma Vitz wrote on Twitter2 :

How do you teach debugging to people who are

more junior? I feel like it’s such an important skill
and yet we seem to have no structured framework
for teaching it

For software and for data analysis alike, the challenge is that
bugs or unexpected behavior can originate from anywhere.
Any complex system is composed of multiple components,
some of which may be your responsibility and many of which
are someone else’s. But bugs and anomalies do not respect
those boundaries! There may be an issue that occurs in one
component that only becomes known when you see the data
analytic output.
So if you are responsible for diagnosing a problem, it is your
responsibility to investigate the behavior of each component
of the system. If it is something you are not that familiar with,
then you need to become familiar with it, either by learning
on your own or (more likely) talking to the person who is in
fact responsible.
A common source of unexpected behavior in data analytic
output is the data collection process, but the statistician who
analyzes the data may not be responsible for that aspect of the
project. Nevertheless, the systems engineer who identifies an
anomaly has to go back through and talk to the statistician
and the scientist to figure out exactly how each component
Ultimately, the systems engineer is tasked with taking a broad
view of all the activities that affect the output from a data
analysis in order to identify any deviations from what we
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 42

would expect. Once those root causes have been explained,

we can then move on to decide how we should act on this new


The politician’s job is to make decisions while balancing the

needs of the various constituents to achieve a reasonable out-
come. Most statisticians and scientist that I know would recoil
at the idea of being considered a politician or that politics
in any form would play a role in doing any sort of science.
However, my thinking here is a bit more basic: In any data
analysis iteration, we are constantly making decisions about
what to do, keeping in mind a variety of conflicting factors.
In order to resolve these conflicts and come to a reasonable
agreement, one has to engage a key skill, which is negotiation.
At various stages of the data analytic iteration the politician
must negotiate about (a) the definition of success in the anal-
ysis; (b) resources for executing the analysis; and (c) the deci-
sion for what to do after we have seen the output from the
analytic system and have diagnosed the root causes of any
anomalies. Decisions about what to do next fundamentally
involve factors outside the data and the science.
Politicians have to identify who the stakeholders of the prob-
lem are and what is it that they ultimately want (as opposed
to what their position is). For example, an investigator might
say “We need a p-value less than 0.05”. That’s their position.
But what they want is more likely “a publication in a high
profile journal”. Another example might be an investigator
who needs to meet a tight publication deadline while another
investigator who wants to run a time-consuming (but more
robust) analysis. Clearly, the positions conflict but arguably
both investigators share the same goal, which is a rigorous
high-impact publication.
Identifying positions versus underlying needs is a key task
in negotiating a reasonable outcome for everyone involved.
Rarely, in my experience, does this process have to do with the
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist 43

data (although data may be used to make certain arguments).

The dominating elements of this process tend to be the nature
of relationships between each constituent and the constraints
on resources (such as time).

Applying the Iteration

If you’re reading this and find yourself saying “I’m not an X”

where X is either scientist, statistician, systems engineer, or
politician, then chances are that is where you are weak at data
science. I think a good data scientist has to have some skill in
each of these domains in order to be able to complete the basic
data analytic iteration.
In any given analysis, the iteration may be applied anywhere
from once to dozens if not hundreds of times. If you’ve ever
made two plots of the same dataset, you’ve likely done two
iterations. While the exact details and frequency of the iter-
ations may vary widely across applications, the core nature
and the skills involved do not change much.
II Data Analytic
9. Divergent and
Convergent Phases of
Data Analysis
There are often discussions within the data science commu-
nity about which tools are best for doing data science. But one
thing that is often missing from many discussions about tool-
ing in data analysis is an acknowledgment that data analysis
tends to advance through different phases and that different
tools can be more or less useful in each of those phases. In
fact, a tool that is very useful in one phase can be less useful
or even detrimental in other phases. My goal for this chapter
is to expand a bit on this idea.

A Double Diamond for Data Analysis

One image that is commonly found in the literature on design

thinking is the “double diamond”1 , which is a model for the
design process. I think this model can be usefully adapted to
help us think about data analysis and my best representation
is here (apologies for the scribble).

Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 46

Double Diamond for Data Analysis

In this figure I’ve identified four phases of data analysis that

alternate between divergent and convergent forms of think-
ing. The x-axis is roughly “time” or the timeline of the analysis.
The y-axis can be thought of as indicating the range of possibil-
ities. Okay, it’s not exactly a numerical graph, but you get the
idea. The wide parts of each diamond are meant to indicate
that there are many possibilities under consideration while
the narrow “choke points” indicate that there should be one
or a few things under consideration.
How does all this relate to data analysis? Let’s first take a
closer look at the four phases.

Phase 1: Exploration

The goal of Phase 1 is to explore the possibilities inherent in

the data. This part is familiar to all data analysts.
The dataset lands in your lap and there are a lot of things
to do and a lot of questions to answer. Did you get the right
dataset? Are all the data there? Are they in the right format for
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 47

analysis? This is often where a lot of data wrangling occurs.

We must consider what question is being asked and whether
the data are appropriate for that question2 (at least without
making unreasonable assumptions). We might also consider
what question motivated the creation of the data3 .
At this point we may think we have a question to ask, but
usually that question is only vaguely formed or is in need of
further information. Here is where we need the data to help
us out. For example, an important general question is “Can
the data even be used to answer my question?” We need to
look at the data to figure that out. How we look at the data
will vary across people, context, and many other factors. Re-
gardless of the specific situation, we likely will need to make
lots and lots of plots, summaries, and tables. We’ll need to look
at the data, perhaps even in a program like Excel, and just get
a sense of the data.
This phase of analysis is highly divergent, with many pos-
sibilities being considered for how to ask the question and
what approach to take. In my experience, I’m making tons
of plots and looking at various transformations of individual
variables and bivariate relationships. I’ve never bothered to
count, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there were thousands of
plots made in this phase. This is the “sketching” phase of anal-
ysis, figuratively speaking, but sometimes literally speaking.
Sketches of plots or tables are often a useful planning device.
This phase of analysis is almost always fun, because we are
opening up the possibilities. But all good things must eventu-
ally come to an end.

Phase 2: Refining the Problem

Phase 2 is challenging because it involves making decisions

and choices. Nobody likes to do that. Inevitably, most of the
work you did in Phase 1 will be left on the cutting room floor.

Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 48

You might love all your children equally but you still need to
pick a favorite. The reason is nobody has the resources4 to
pursue every avenue of investigation. Furthermore, pursuing
every avenue would likely not be that productive. You are bet-
ter off sharpening and refining your question. This simplifies
the analysis in the future and makes it much more likely that
people (including you!) will be able to act on the results that
you present.
This phase of analysis is convergent and requires synthesiz-
ing many different ideas into a coherent plan or strategy. Tak-
ing the thousands of plots, tables, and summaries that you’ve
made and deciding on a problem specification is not easy,
and to my surprise, I have not seen a lot of tools dedicated
to assisting in this task. Nevertheless, the goal here is to end
up with a reasonably detailed specification of what we are
trying to achieve and how the data will be used to achieve it.
It might be something like “We’re going to fit a linear model
with this outcome and these predictors in order to answer this
question” or “We’re building a prediction model using this
collection of features to optimize this metric”.
In some settings (such as in consulting) you might need to
formally write this specification down and present it to others.
At any rate, you will need to justify it based on your explo-
ration of the data in Phase 1 and whatever outside factors may
be relevant. Having a keen understanding of your audience5
becomes relevant at the conclusion of this phase.

Phase 3: Model Development

This phase is the bread and butter of most statisticians and

statistics education programs. Here, we have a reasonably
well-specified problem, a clear question, an appropriate dataset,
and we’re going to engineer the solution. But that doesn’t
mean we just push a button and wait for the result to come out.


Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 49

For starters, what will the results look like? What summaries
do we want to produce and how will they be presented? Hav-
ing a detailed specification is good, but it’s not final. When I
was a software engineer, we often got highly detailed specifi-
cations of the software we were supposed to build. But even
then, there were many choices to make.
Thus begins another divergent phase of analysis, where we
typically build models and gauge their performance and ro-
bustness. This is the data analyst’s version of prototyping. We
may look at model fit and see how things work out relative
to our expectations set out in the problem specification. We
might consider sensitivity analyses or other checks on our
assumptions about the world and the data. Again, there may
be many tables and plots, but this time not of the data, but of
the results. The important thing here is that we are dealing
with concrete models, not the rough “sketches” done in Phase
Because the work in this phase will likely end up in some
form in the final product, we need to develop a more formal
workflow and process to track what we are doing. Things like
version control play a role, as well as scriptable data analysis
packages that can describe our work in code. Even though
many aspects of this phase still may not be used, it is impor-
tant to have reproducibility in mind as work is developed so
that it doesn’t have to be “tacked on” after the fact (an often
painful process).

Phase 4: Narration

In the final convergent phase of data analysis, we must again

make choices amongst the many pieces of work that we did
in Phase 3. We must choose amongst the many models and
results and decide what will make it into the final product,
whether it is a paper, a report, a web site, or a slide deck.
In order to make these choices, it is useful to develop a nar-
rative of the analysis. Building the narrative is dimension
reduction for results and it allows you to choose from the
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 50

various results the ones that follow your narrative. Simply

“presenting the data” is first, not really possible, and second,
not desirable. It’s information overload and rarely allows the
audience to make an intelligent conclusion. Ultimately, the
analyst must decide on a narrative and select the various
results that tell that story.
Selecting a narrative doesn’t mean that everything else is
thrown out. There are often many parts of an analysis that
cannot make it into the main product but can be put in some
form of “supplementary materials”. For example, FiveThir-
tyEight.com6 doesn’t put its election statistical model on its
web site, it puts it in a PDF document that you can download
separately. In many scientific papers, there can be dozens of
tables in the supplementary materials that didn’t make it into
the paper. Many presenters often have backup slides hidden
at the end of the deck in case there are questions. Some people
may disagree with the choice of narrative, but that doesn’t
eliminate the need for choices to be made.


At this point it’s worth recalling that all models are wrong, but
some are useful. So why is this model for data analysis useful?
I think there are a few areas where the model is useful as an
explanatory tool and for highlighting where there might be
avenues for future work.

Decision Points

One thing I like about the visual shape of the model is that it
highlights two key areas–the ends of both convergent phases–
where critical decisions have to be made. At the end of Phase
2, we must decide on the problem specification, after sorting
through all of the exploratory work that we’ve done. At the
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 51

end of Phase 4, we must decide on the narrative that we will

use to explain the results of an analysis.
At both decision points, we must balance a set of competing
priorities and select from a large number of outputs to create
a coherent product. When developing the problem specifica-
tion, we must avoid the desire to say “We’re going to do all the
things” and when producing the final product we must avoid
the “data dump” where we shift the burden of interpretation
and distillation on to the audience.
In my experience, data analysts really enjoy the divergent
phases of analysis because no choices have to be made. In fact,
in those phases we’re doing the opposite of making choices–
we’re trying out everything. But the convergent phases can-
not be avoided if we want to produce good data analysis.


When it comes to discussions about tooling in data science it’s

useful to preface such discussion with an indication of which
phase of data analysis we are talking about. I cannot think of
a single tool that is simultaneously optimal for every phase
of analysis. Even R is sub-optimal for Phases 2 and 4 in my
opinion. For example, when developing data visualizations
for presentation, many people resort to tools like Adobe Illus-
I find most debates on tooling to be severely confounded by
a lack of discussion about what phase of analysis we are
focusing on. It can be difficult for people to accept that a given
tool may be optimal for one phase but detrimental in another
phase. I think the four-phase model for analysis can explain
some of the recent “debates” (a.k.a flame wars) on tooling in
the data science world.
Let’s start with notebooks. Many people argue that notebooks
(like Juypter notebooks) are bad for data analysis because of
problems with reproducibility. I think the issue here is essen-
tially that notebooks can be useful for Phase 1 but potentially
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 52

dangerous for Phase 3. Reproducibility is a critical consider-

ation for developing the final results, but is less important
when exploring the data in Phase 1. The need for consistent
state and in-order execution of commands is more important
in Phases 3 than in Phase 1 when lots of ideas are being tried
and will likely be thrown out. There’s no either-or decision
to be made here with regard to notebooks. It just depends on
what phase of analysis you’re in. I generally prefer R Mark-
down but can see the attractiveness of notebooks too.
Consider the age-old base graphics vs. ggplot27 debate. This
is another debate confounded by the phases of data analysis.
In the divergent phases (like Phase 1), there is a need to do
things very quickly so that good ideas can be discovered and
bad ideas can be discarded. Having a system like ggplot2 that
allows you to rapidly “sketch” out these ideas is important.
While the base graphics system gives you fine control over
every aspect of a plot, such a “feature” is really a detriment
in Phase 1 when you’re exploring the data. Nathan Yau seems
to edge towards base graphics8 but I think this is largely be-
cause he is considering developing “final” data presentations
in Phase 4. If you look at the visualizations on his web page,
they are akin to works of art. They are not sketches. When
developing those kinds of visualizations, having fine control
over every detail is exactly what you want.


In my experience as both a student and a teacher, statistical

education tends to focus on Phases 3 and 4 of the data analysis
process. These phases are obviously important and can be
technically demanding, making them good things to empha-
size in a statistics program. In the classroom, we typically
start with a reasonably well-specified problem and proceed
with engineering the solution. We discuss the many options
for developing the solution and the various strengths and

Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 53

weaknesses of those options. Because the work in Phase 3

ends up in the final results, it’s important to get this phase
When getting a graduate degree, Phases 1 and 2 are usually
taught as part of developing the thesis using an apprentice-
ship model with an advisor (“just watch what I do for a few
years”). Some good programs have courses in exploratory
data analysis that fall squarely into Phase 1, but I don’t think
I’ve ever seen a course that covers Phase 2. Phase 4 is some-
times covered in visualization courses which discuss the de-
sign process for good data presentation. There are also a num-
ber of good books that cover this phase. But we rarely discuss
the role of developing a coherent narrative of an analysis in
the classroom. Usually, that is covered using an apprentice-
ship approach.

Data Analytic Errors

One general problem that occurs when I see others do data

analysis is confusing the different phases. It’s common for
people to think that they are in one phase when they’re really
in another. This can lead to data analytic problems and even
Confusing Phase 3 for Phase 1 is arguably the most common
and the most dangerous problem that one can encounter in
science. In Phase 1 we are developing the specification of the
problem, but in Phase 3 that specification should be more or
less locked down. If we discover something else interesting
in Phase 3, we cannot pretend like that’s what we meant to
conclude in Phase 1. That’s a recipe for p-hacking. Phase 1
should be broad and exploratory with the data. But once
you’ve decided on a problem in Phase 2, Phases 3 and 4 should
be solely dedicated to solving that problem. Changing up the
problem in mid-stream in Phases 3 and 4 is often tempting but
almost always a mistake.
A related problem is confusing Phase 2 with Phase 4. I have
observed people who explore the data extensively, making
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 54

quick plots, sketches, and summaries, and then immediately

draw a conclusion like “X causes Y” or “A is associated with B”.
Essentially, they jump from Phase 1 straight to Phase 4. This
is problematic because often in the exploratory process we
only look at rough sketches, often just bivariate plots or 2x2
tables which reveal strong relationships. Making inferences
from this kind of exploratory work can be misleading without
carefully considering second order factors like confounding
or the effects of missing data. Often, those issues are more
easily dealt with when using formal models or more detailed
Thinking through and formally specifying a problem in Phase
2 can often help to solve problems without having to fit a
single model. For example, if exploratory analysis suggests
strongly that missing data is missing completely at random,
then there may be no need to model the missing data process
in Phase 3. In the extreme case, you may conclude that the
question of interest cannot be answered with the data avail-
able, in which case other data needs to be obtained or the
analysis is over.
I think awareness of the different phases of an analysis can
help to address this problem because it provides the analyst
with a way to ask the question of “Where am I?” When using a
map, in order to figure out where you’re going, you first need
to figure out where you are. The four-phase model serves
as a roadmap to which analysts can point to identify their

Future Work

I will end this with some thoughts on what the four-phase

model implies for potential future work in the field of data
analysis. Seeing the model written down, some immediate
gaps jump out at me that I think the data science community
should consider addressing.
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 55


Much of the software that I use for data analysis, when I

reflect on it, is primarily designed for the divergent phases
of analysis. Software is inherently designed to help you do
things faster so that you can “analyze at the speed of thought”.
Good plotting and data wrangling software lets you do those
activities faster. Good modeling software lets you execute and
fit models faster. In both situations, fast iteration is important
so that many options can be created for consideration.
Software for convergent phases of analysis are lacking by
comparison. While there are quite a few good tools for visual-
ization and report writing in Phase 4, I can’t think of a single
data analytic software tool designed for Phase 2 when specify-
ing the problem. In particular, for both Phases 2 and 4, I don’t
see many tools out there for helping you to choose between
all the options that you create in the divergent phases. I think
data scientists may need to look outside their regularly sched-
uled programming to find better tools for those phases. If no
good tools exist, then that might make for a good candidate
for development.


Data analytic education tends to focus on the model develop-

ment and presentation phases of data analysis. Exploratory
data analysis is an exception that largely falls into Phase 1, but
EDA is not the only element of Phase 1. We often do not teach
aspects of challenging a question or expanding beyond what
is given to us. Typical data analytic education takes the orig-
inal problem as the final specification and goes from there.
There is no re-litigating the problem itself. In other words, we
start at the end of Phase 2.
I think more could be done to teach students aspects of both
convergent phases of analysis (Phases 2 and 4). For Phase 2,
teaching students to hone and refine a question is critical
for doing research or working elsewhere in data science. I
Divergent and Convergent Phases of Data Analysis 56

think providing them with greater exposure to this process

and the chance to practice repeatedly would be a shift in the
right direction. I also think we could do more to teach more
narrative-development skills for Phase 4 of analysis, whereby
results are synthesized into a coherent presentation.
Regardless of what we might do more or less of, I think the
four phase model allows you to consider what aspect of data
analysis you might want to teach at any given moment. It can
be difficult to simulate a full-fledged data analysis from start
to finish in a single classroom setting. However, splitting up
the process and focusing on individual phases could be useful
way to modularize the process into more manageable chunks.


Stealing the “double diamond” model from design thinking

and adapting it for describing data analysis has some impor-
tant benefits as a mental model for the process of analyzing
data. It lays out four phases of analysis that all of unique activ-
ities (and potentially a unique toolbox) associated with them.
I find it a useful model for explaining the various debates
going on in the data science community, for exposing gaps
in the tooling and in data science education, and for describ-
ing certain classes of mistakes that can be made during data
10. Abductive Reasoning
There are various forms of reasoning that play an important
role in science and other data-related areas. Two of them,
inductive and deductive reasoning, are well-discussed and
commonly referred to. A third kind, abductive reasoning, is
not nearly so commonly discussed, but I believe it plays a
critical role in thinking about data analysis. I don’t know why
it so rarely comes up in the data analysis literature, but it
serves as a useful way of thinking about the process.
Deductive and inductive reasoning are relatively straightfor-
ward to consider in the context of science. Deductive reason-
ing says there’s a rule, say air pollution causes death, and that
if we observe air pollution in the presence of people, then we
can expect or predict that people will die at higher rates than
if there weren’t any air pollution. With inductive reasoning,
we see lots of examples of air pollution going up and down
and mortality rates going up and down, and conclude that
there must be a rule along the lines of “air pollution causes
I think many people see examples of inductive reasoning and
say “That sounds like data analysis”, but it isn’t. In particular,
seeing a single instance of air pollution and mortality (i.e. a
single data analysis), would not lead the responsible scientist
to conclude that there must be some rule. Only after seeing
many instances, i.e. many data analyses, and after consider-
ing other factors, might one conclude that such a rule exists.
This is the value of replicating experiments and is a critical
aspect of scientific synthesis. I would argue that inductive
reasoning is what we engage in after conducting or observing
many data analyses. But how do we characterize the process
of doing a single data analysis?
With abductive reasoning, we know there’s a rule (air pollu-
tion causes death) and we observe the outcome, say mortality.
Abductive Reasoning 58

We then reason that people might have been exposed to air

pollution. Now, that conclusion isn’t necessarily true, because
there are many possible causes of death. However, conclud-
ing that people were exposed to air pollution is not neces-
sarily unreasonable. Exactly how reasonable it is depends on
the context of the problem. If you’re living in Antarctica, then
it’s probably not the best explanation. But if you’re living in
Beijing, air pollution starts to look a bit more reasonable.
Let’s take another example: smoking and lung cancer. Decades
of research have shown that cigarette smoking causes lung
cancer. If we observe someone with lung cancer, we might
reason that they were at some point a smoker. In this case
we likely would be correct! That’s because although there is
more than one cause of lung cancer, cigarette smoking has
one of the strongest effects and is a fairly common activity.
An example of abductive reasoning that is often given is diag-
nosis, and it’s easy to see why. Given a set of outcomes, we are
attempting to reason about the cause.

Designing a Data Analysis

Abductive reasoning is sometimes discussed in the context of

design. There, we have requirements for a product or object,
and we need to reason about what the “best fitting” solution
will be. Here, we are less concerned with “cause and effect”
and more concerned with “problem and solution” or perhaps
“product and solution”. The nature of that solution will de-
pend critically on the context in which it is being designed,
and furthermore, designers are less concerned with discov-
ering or knowing what any underlying rule may be. As long
as a solution can be found that satisfies the requirements,
success can be claimed. That said, the process of discovering
the actual requirements for a product is an essential part of
the design process.
Data analysis follows a similar process. The most critical as-
pect of any data analysis is figuring out what the underlying
problem is and making sure that it can be mapped to the data.
Abductive Reasoning 59

However, once the problem can be reasonable well-specified,

it is up to the data analyst to design the solution.
For example, suppose the problem is to compare the means
of two groups and generate evidence regarding whether the
underlying means of the two groups are different. There are
multiple ways to solve this problem, each with their strengths
and weaknesses.

• A simple approach might be a t-test comparing the two

groups. This approach makes some assumptions about
the underlying probability distribution of the data, but
also has some robustness properties. With this approach
you can get a p-value which allows you to make probabil-
ity statements about the underlying process (of course,
after making assumptions about the sample space). A
downside of this approach is that it is purely numerical
and does not provide any visual information about the
• Another approach might be a side-by-side boxplot. This
is a graphical approach that provides five summary statis-
tics about the data in each group. While using the plot
doesn’t require any critical assumptions about the data,
it’s usefulness tends to depend on the data having a sym-
metric distribution. This plot allows one to easily check
for things like outliers and one can make a crude eyeball
calculation of the difference between the medians of the
groups. There are no numerical outputs that we get from
the plot and we cannot make any probability statements.
• Side-by-side dot plots are another approach that we can
take, which simply presents all the data on a plot (rather
than the five summary statistics given by the boxplot).
If the data are not very numerous, this can be a very
reasonable plot to make (perhaps with some jittering),
and gives a lot more information about the distribution
of the data across their range. With two groups, I’ve
found the plot easy to look at. But if there were 50 groups,
I might prefer to look at boxplots.
• One last approach might be to use a linear model to
model the data using the group indicator as a predic-
Abductive Reasoning 60

tor. This gives you a numerical result for the average

difference between the two groups and a p-value for
the statistical significance. It also gives you the ability
to generate predictions if desired. Furthermore, if addi-
tional variables need to be accounted for, they can be
included within the same framework, unlike with the t-
test approach.

There are many other approaches or variations on these ap-

proaches that could be taken and that, of course, is one big
reason why the data analyst’s job is so hard! Which approach
should be taken?
At this point, I’ve discussed possible solutions but I haven’t
discussed what the requirements of the problem might be.
Some example scenarios might be

• The output for this analysis will be fed into a different

algorithm that make predictions about some other phe-
nomenon. The method you choose must be fast, auto-
matic, and easily repeatable, potentially for large datasets.
• You will be making a presentation to an executive who
will ultimately make a decision based on the evidence.
This executive is interested in seeing how the data in-
form the output and wants to be able to see what influ-
ence individual data points might have on the conclu-
• The output from this analysis will be presented on a web-
based dashboard displayed to a colleague and there will
be no opportunity to discuss or explain anything with
that colleague about the results.

I think depending on which scenario you are in, you might

choose to use one or another method or perhaps some com-
bination of methods. I’m not sure there’s one approach that
would be appropriate for all scenarios, nor do I think any one
approach is dramatically better or worse than the others. Ulti-
mately, I think a good data analyst assesses the situation they
are in and assembles an appropriate solution. While some
Abductive Reasoning 61

time might be spent considering what might be the “optimal”

situation, such effort is mostly wasted in this case.


Data analysis is largely about fashioning reasonable solutions

to problems, given their specific requirements. To that end,
the process can perhaps be best described as abductive rea-
soning. While in some cases we can identify “optimal” ap-
proaches that should be used for specific cases (i.e. there is
a rule that can be applied), most real-world problems and sce-
narios are not specific enough to neatly identify such optimal
procedures. Rather, it is up to the data analyst to find a “best
fitting” solution that meets the requirements of the problem
and provides the necessary information.
11. Tukey, Design Thinking,
and Better Questions
Roughly once a year, I read John Tukey’s paper “The Future
of Data Analysis”1 , originally published in 1962 in the Annals
of Mathematical Statistics. I’ve been doing this for the past 17
years, each time hoping to really understand what it was he
was talking about. Thankfully, each time I read it I seem to get
something new out of it. For example, in 2017 I wrote a whole
talk2 around some of the basic ideas.
Probably the most famous line from this paper is

Far better an approximate answer to the right ques-

tion, which is often vague, than an exact answer
to the wrong question, which can always be made

The underlying idea in this sentence arises in at least two

ways in Tukey’s paper. First is his warning that statisticians
should not be called upon to produce the “right” answers.
He argues that the idea that statistics is a “monolithic, au-
thoritarian structure designed to produce the ‘official’ results”
presents a “real danger to data analysis”. Second, Tukey crit-
icizes the idea that much of statistical practice centers around
optimizing statistical methods around precise (and inadequate)
criteria. One can feel free to identify a method that minimizes
mean squared error, but that should not be viewed as the goal
of data analysis.
But that got me thinking—what is the ultimate goal of data
analysis? In 64 pages of writing, I’ve found it difficult to iden-
tify a sentence or two where Tukey describes the ultimate
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions 63

goal, why it is we’re bothering to analyze all this data. It

occurred to me in this year’s reading of the paper, that maybe
the reason Tukey’s writing about data analysis is often so
confusing to me is because his goal is actually quite different
from that of the rest of us.

More Questions, Better Questions

Most of the time in data analysis, we are trying to answer a

question with data. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that,
but maybe that’s the wrong approach? Or maybe, that’s what
we’re not trying to do at first. Maybe what we spend most of
our time doing is figuring out a better question.
Hilary Parker and I have discussed at length the idea of design
thinking on our podcast, Not So Standard Deviations3 . One
of the fundamental ideas from design thinking involves iden-
tifying the problem. It’s the first “diamond” in the “double
diamond” approach to design.
Tukey describes the first four steps in a data analysis as:

1. Recognition of problem
2. One technique used
3. Competing techniques used
4. Rough comparisons of efficacy

In other words, try one approach, then try a bunch of other

approaches! You might be thinking, why not just try the best
approach (or perhaps the right approach) and save yourself
all that work of trying different approaches? Well, that’s the
kind of path you go down when you’re trying to answer the
question. Stop doing that! There are two reasons why you
should stop thinking about answering the question:

1. You’re probably asking the wrong question anyway, so

don’t take yourself too seriously;
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions 64

2. The “best” approach is only defined as “best” according

to some arbitrary criterion that probably isn’t suitable
for your problem/question.

After thinking about all this I was inspired to draw the follow-
ing diagram.

Strength of Evidence vs. Quality of Question

The goal in this picture is to get to the upper right corner,

where you have a high quality question and very strong ev-
idence. In my experience, most people assume that they are
starting in the bottom right corner, where the quality of the
question is at its highest. In that case, the only thing left to do
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions 65

is to choose the optimal procedure so that you can squeeze

as much information out of your data. The reality is that we
almost always start in the bottom left corner, with a vague
and poorly defined question and a similarly vague sense of
what procedure to use. In that case, what’s a data scientist to
In my view, the most useful thing a data scientist can do is
to devote serious effort towards improving the quality and
sharpness of the question being asked. On the diagram, the
goal is to move us as much as possible to the right hand side.
Along the way, we will look at data, we will consider things
outside the data like context, resources and subject matter
expertise, and we will try a bunch of different procedures
(some optimal, some less so).
Ultimately, we will develop some of idea of what the data tell
us, but more importantly we will have a better sense of what
kinds of questions we can ask of the data and what kinds of
questions we actually want to have answered. In other words,
we can learn more about ourselves by looking at the data.

Exploring the Data

It would seem that the message here is that the goal of data
analysis is to explore the data. In other words, data analysis
is exploratory data analysis. Maybe this shouldn’t be so sur-
prising given that Tukey wrote the book4 on exploratory data
analysis. In this paper, at least, he essentially dismisses other
goals as overly optimistic or not really meaningful.
For the most part I agree with that sentiment, in the sense
that looking for “the answer” in a single set of data is going
to result in disappointment. At best, you will accumulate ev-
idence that will point you in a new and promising direction.
Then you can iterate, perhaps by collecting new data, or by
asking different questions. At worst, you will conclude that
you’ve “figured it out” and then be shocked when someone
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions 66

else, looking at another dataset, concludes something com-

pletely different. In light of this, discussions about p-values
and statistical significance are very much beside the point.
The following is from the very opening of Tukey’s book Ex-
ploratory Data Analysis:

It is important to understand what you CAN DO

before you learn to measure how WELL you seem
to have DONE it

(Note that the all caps are originally his!) Given this, it’s not
too surprising that Tukey seems to equate exploratory data
analysis with essentially all of data analysis.

Better Questions

There’s one story that, for me, totally captures the spirit of ex-
ploratory data analysis. Legend has it that Tukey once asked
a student what were the benefits of the median polish tech-
nique5 , a technique he invented to analyze two-way tabu-
lar data. The student dutifully answered that the benefit of
the technique is that it provided summaries of the rows and
columns via the row- and column-medians. In other words,
like any good statistical technique, it summarized the data by
reducing it in some way. Tukey fired back, saying that this was
incorrect—the benefit was that the technique created more
data. That “more data” was the residuals that are leftover
in the table itself after running the median polish. It is the
residuals that really let you learn about the data, discover
whether there is anything unusual, whether your question
is well-formulated, and how you might move on to the next
step. So in the end, you got row medians, column medians,
and residuals, i.e. more data.
If a good exploratory technique gives you more data, then
maybe good exploratory data analysis gives you more ques-
tions, or better questions. More refined, more focused, and
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions 67

with a sharper point. The benefit of developing a sharper

question is that it has a greater potential to provide discrimi-
nating information. With a vague question, the best you can
hope for is a vague answer that may not lead to any useful
decisions. Exploratory data analysis (or maybe just data anal-
ysis) gives you the tools that let the data guide you towards a
better question.
12. The Role of Creativity
I’ve often heard that there is a need for data analysts to be
creative in their work. But why? Where and how exactly is
that creativity exercised?
On one extreme, it could be thought that a data analyst should
be easily replaced by a machine. For various types of data and
for various types of questions, there should be a determinis-
tic approach to analysis that does not change. Presumably,
this could be coded up into a computer program and the
data could be fed into the program every time, with a result
presented at the end. For starters, this would eliminate the
notorious researcher degrees of freedom1 problem. If there
were substantial institutional knowledge2 of data analysis,
this might indeed be possible. How is it that every data anal-
ysis is so different that a human being is needed to craft a
Well, it’s not true that every analysis is different. Many power
calculations, for example, are identical or very similar, and
can be automated to some degree. However, exactly how those
power calculations are used or interpreted can vary quite a
bit from project to project. Even the very same calculation for
the same study design can be interpreted differently in differ-
ent projects, depending on the context. The same is true for
other kinds of analyses like regression modeling or machine
Creativity is needed because of the constraints placed on the

The Role of Creativity 69

analysis by context3 , resources4 , and the audience5 , all things

that we might think of as being “outside” the data. The con-
text around which the data are created, the resources (time,
money, technology) available to do the analysis, and the au-
dience to which the results will be presented, all play a key
role in determining the strategy that an analyst develops to
analyze the data. The analyst will often have to employ some
amount of creativity in order to execute a strategy that pro-
duces useful output.

The Role of Context

The context of a problem has great influence over how we

frame a question, how we translate it into a data problem,
and how we go about collecting data. The context also allows
us to answer questions regarding why the data appear to
be the way they do. The same number for the same type of
measurement can have different interpretations based on the

Missing Data

Missing data are present in almost every dataset and the most
important question a data analyst can ask when confronted
with missing data is “Why are the data missing?” It’s impor-
tant to develop some understanding of the mechanism behind
what makes the data missing in order to develop an appropri-
ate strategy for dealing with missing data (i.e. doing nothing,
imputation, etc.) But the data themselves often provide little
information about this mechanism; often the mechanism is
coded outside the data, possibly not even written down but



The Role of Creativity 70

stored in the minds of people who originally collected the

Take a two-arm clinical trial with an experimental treatment
and a placebo. Sometimes with experimental treatments, there
are side effects and people will drop out of the trial (or even
die) because they cannot handle the side effects. The result is
more missing data in the experimental arm of the trial than
in the placebo arm. Now the data themselves will reveal a
differential in the rate of missing data between the arms as
it will be clear that the treatment arm has a higher rate. But
the data will not reveal the exact reason why they dropped
out. Depending on the nature of the trial and the question
being asked, there might be a few different ways to handle
this problem. Imputation may be feasible or perhaps some
sort of matching scheme. The exact choice of how to proceed
will depend on what external data are available, how much
data are missing, and how the results will be used, among
many other factors.
Another example might be in the analysis of outdoor partic-
ulate matter air pollution data. Monitors run by the US EPA
typically take measurements once every six days. The reason
is that it is expensive to process the filters for PM data and
so the 1-in-6 day schedule is a designed compromise to bal-
ance cost with quantity of data. Of course, this means that
in the data records 5 out of every 6 days is “missing”, even
though the missingness was introduced deliberately. Again,
the data don’t say why they are missing. One could easily
imagine a scenario where the monitor doesn’t record data
when the values of PM are very high or very low, a kind of
informative missingness. But in this case, the missing data
can be ignored and typically doesn’t have a large impact on
subsequent modeling. In fact, imputation can be detrimental
here because it does not provide much benefit but can greatly
increase uncertainty.
In both cases, the data analyst’s job is to assess the situation,
look at the data, obtain information about the context and
why the data are missing (from a subject matter expert), and
then decide on an appropriate path forward. Even with these
The Role of Creativity 71

two scenarios, there is no generic path forward.

The Role of the Audience

The audience is another key factor that primarily influences

how we analyze the data and present the results. One useful
approach is to think about what final products need to be
produced and then work backwards from there to produce
the result. For example, if the “audience” is another algorithm
or procedure, then the exact nature of the output may not be
important as along as it can be appropriately fed into the next
part of the pipeline. A priority will be placed on making sure
the output is machine readable. In addition, interpretability
may not weigh that heavily because no human being will be
looking at the output of this part. However, if a person will
be looking at the results, then you may want to focus on a
modeling approach that lets that person reason about the
data6 and understand how the data inform the results.
In one extreme case, if the audience is another data analyst,
you may want to do a relatively “light” analysis (maybe just
some preprocessing) but then prepare the data in such a way
that it can be easily distributed to others to do their own
analysis. This could be in the form of an R package or a CSV
file or something else. Other analysts may not care about your
fancy visualizations or models; they’d rather have the data for
themselves and make their own results.
A data analyst must make a reasonable assessment of the audi-
ence’s needs, background, and preferences for receiving data
analytic results. This may require some creative guessing. If
the audience is available to the analyst, the analyst should
ask questions about how best to present results. Otherwise,
reasonable assumptions must be made or contingencies (e.g.
backup slides, appendices) can be prepared for the presenta-
tion itself.
The Role of Creativity 72

Resources and Tools

The data analyst will likely have to work under a set of re-
source constraints7 , placing boundaries on what can be done
with the data. The first and foremost constraint is likely to
be time. One can only try so many things in the time allotted,
or some analyses may take too long to complete. Therefore,
compromises may need to be made unless more time and
resources can be negotiated. Tooling will be limited in that
certain combinations of models and software may not exist
and there may not be time to develop new tools from scratch.
A good data analyst must make an estimate of the time avail-
able and determine whether it is sufficient to complete the
analysis. If resources are insufficient, then the analyst must
either negotiate for more resources or adapt the analysis to
fit the available resources. Creativity will almost certainly be
required when there are severe resource constraints, in order
to squeeze as much productivity out of what is available.


Context, audience, and resources can all place different kinds

of constraints on a data analysis, forcing the analyst to employ
different kinds of creativity to get the job done. Although
I’ve presented each context, audience, and resources sepa-
rately here, in most analyses all of these factors will play a
role simultaneously. The complexity of the constraint envi-
ronment (and their various interactions) can grow quickly,
placing increasing pressure on the analyst to think creatively
to produce useful results.

13. Should the Data Come
One conversation I’ve had quite a few times revolves around
the question, “What’s the difference between science and data
science?” If I were to come up with a simple distinction, I
might say that

Science starts with a question; data science starts

with the data.

What makes data science so difficult is that it starts in the

wrong place. As a result, a certain amount of extra work must
be done to understand the context surrounding a dataset be-
fore we can do anything useful.

Procedure for procedurals

One of my favorite shows growing up was Law & Order, one

of the longest running “procedural” shows that also produced
a number of spinoffs. I remember coming home from school
in the afternoon, flipping on the TV and watching whatever
Law & Order marathon was currently being aired (there was
always some marathon happening).
One distinct feature of the show was that pretty much every
episode followed the exact same format:

1. The episode starts with the discovery that a crime has

occurred, usually a murder.
2. The first half of the episode involves the police retracing
history trying to figure out who committed the crime
(the “Order” part).
Should the Data Come First? 74

3. The police catch a suspect at exactly 22 minutes into the

4. In the second half of the episode, the district attorneys
take over and prosecute the suspect in court (the “Law”
part). Usually, they win.

The format of the show is in fact highly unusual. While it

starts off with a mystery (who committed this murder?) as
many shows do, the mystery is solved half way through the
episode! I can imagine some TV executive 30 years ago won-
dering, “What the heck are you going to do for the rest of the
episode if you solve the mystery half way through?”
What made the show interesting to me was that in the second
half of every episode, the lawyers for the government had to
convince a jury that they had the right suspect. They had to
present evidence and make an argument that this person was
guilty. Of course, because this is TV, they usually won the ar-
gument, but I think many TV shows would have been satisfied
with just catching the criminal. In most shows, presenting the
data and the evidence to an audience is not interesting, but on
Law & Order, it was.

The Law & Order Metaphor for Data


Many data science projects essentially follow this format, be-

cause we start with the data. Data are available. We often
don’t get to participate in its generation. Perhaps the data
were collected as part of some administrative records system,
or as part of some logging system, or as part of some other
project addressing a different question. The initial challenge
of any data science project is figuring out the context around
the data and question that motivated its origination. A key
milestone is then figuring out how exactly the data came to
be (i.e. who committed this “crime”?).
Should the Data Come First? 75

Once we’ve figured out the context around the data, essen-
tially retracing the history of the data, we can then ask “Are
these data appropriate for the question that I want to ask?”
Answering this question involves comparing the context sur-
rounding the original data and then ensuring that it is com-
patible with the context for your question. If there is compat-
ibility, or we can create compatibility via statistical modeling
or assumptions, then we can intelligently move forward to
analyze the data and generate evidence concerning a differ-
ent question. We will then have to make a separate argument
to some audience regarding the evidence in the data and any
conclusions we may make. Even though the data may have
been convincing for one question, it doesn’t mean that the
data will be convincing for a different question.
If we were to develop a procedure for a data science “proce-
dural” TV show, it might like the following.

1. Datasets are cobbled together from various sources

2. The first task is to retrace the history of each dataset and
determine the context around which it was created and
what question, if any, motivated its generation.
3. We then determine whether the data are appropriate
for answering our question or can be transformed to
be appropriate for our question. (If not, we have to stop
4. We analyze the data.

Data science often starts with the data, but in an ideal world
it wouldn’t. In an ideal world, we would ask questions and
carefully design experiments to collect data specific to those
questions. But this is simply not practical and data need to be
shared across contexts. The difficulty of the data scientist’s
job is understanding each dataset’s context, making sure it
is compatible with the current question, developing the evi-
dence from the data, and then getting an audience to accept
the results.
14. Partitioning the
Variation in Data
One of the fundamental questions that we can ask in any data
analysis is, “Why do things vary?” Although I think this is
fundamental, I’ve found that it’s not explicitly asked as often
as I might think. The problem with not asking this question,
I’ve found, is that it can often lead to a lot of pointless and time-
consuming work. Taking a moment to ask yourself, “What do
I know that can explain why this feature or variable varies?”
can often make you realize that you actually know more than
you think you do.
When embarking on a data analysis, ideally before you look at
the data, it’s useful to partition the variation in the data. This
can be roughly broken down into to categories of variation:
fixed and random. Within each of those categories, there can
be a number of sub-categories of things to investigate.

Fixed variation

Fixed variation in the data is attributable to fixed charac-

teristics in the world. If we were to sample the data again,
the variation in the data attributable to fixed characteristics
would be exactly the same. A classic example of a fixed charac-
teristic is seasonality in time series data. If you were to look
at a multi-year time series of mortality in the United States,
you would see that mortality tends to be higher in the winter
season and lower in the summer season. In a time series of
daily ozone air pollution values, you would see that ozone
is highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. For each
of these examples, the seasonality is consistent pretty much
every year. For ozone, the explanation has to do with the
Partitioning the Variation in Data 77

nature of atmospheric chemistry; for mortality the explana-

tion is less clear and more complicated (and likely due to a
combination of factors).
Data having fixed variation doesn’t imply that it always has
the same values every time you sample the data, but rather
the general patterns in the data remain the same. If the data
are different in each sample, that is likely due to random
variation, which we discuss in the next section.
Understanding which aspects of the variation in your data
are fixed is important because often you can collect data on
those fixed characteristics and use them directly in any sta-
tistical modeling you might do. For example, season is an
easy covariate to include because we already know when the
seasons begin and end. Using a covariate representing month
or quarter will usually do the trick.
Explaining the variation in your data by introducing fixed
characteristics in a model can reduce uncertainty and im-
prove efficiency or precision. This may require more work
though, in the form of going out and collecting more data or
retrieving more variables. But doing this work will ultimately
be worth it. Attempting to model variation in the data that
is inherently fixed is a waste of time and will likely cost you
degrees of freedom in the model.
In my experience looking at biomedical data, I have found
that a lot of variation in the data can be explained by a few
fixed characteristics: age, sex, location, season, temperature,
etc. In fact, often so much can be explained that there is little
need for explicit models of the random variation. One diffi-
cult aspect of this approach though is that it requires a keen
understanding of the context surrounding the data as well as
having a good relationship with a subject matter expert who
can help inform you about the sources of variation. Investing
in learning more about the data, before digging into the data
itself, can save you a lot of time in the modeling phase of data
Partitioning the Variation in Data 78

Random variation

Once we’ve partitioned out all of the variation in the data

that can be attributed to fixed characteristics, what’s left is
random variation. It is sometimes tempting to look at data
and claim that all of the variation is random because then we
can model it without collecting data on any more covariates!
But as I mentioned above, it’s useful to at least hypothesize
what might be driving that variation and collect the extra data
that’s needed.
Random variation causes data to look different every time we
sample it. While we might be quite sure that ozone is going
to be high in the summer (versus the winter), that doesn’t
mean that it will always be 90 parts per billion on June 30.
It might be 85 ppb one year and 96 ppb another year. Those
differences are not easily explainable by fixed phenomena
and so it might be reasonable to characterize them as random
differences. The key thing to remember about random varia-
tion in the data is

Random variation must be independent of the vari-

ation attributable to fixed characteristics

It’s sometimes said that random variation is just “whatever is

leftover” that we could not capture with fixed features. How-
ever, this is an uncritical way of looking at the data because if
there are fixed characteristics that get thrown in the random
variation bin, then you could be subjecting your data analysis
to hidden bias or confounding. There are some ways to check
for this in the modeling stage of data analysis, but it’s better do
what you can to figure things out beforehand in the discovery
and exploration phases.
One application where random variation is commonly mod-
eled is with financial market data, and for good reason. The
efficient-market hypothesis1 states that, essentially, if there
Partitioning the Variation in Data 79

were any fixed (predictable) variation in the prices of finan-

cial assets, then market participants would immediately seize
upon that information to profit through arbitrage opportu-
nities. If you knew for example that Apple’s stock price was
always low in the winter and high in the summer, you could
just buy in the winter and sell in the summer and make money
without risk. But if everyone did that, then eventually that
arbitrage opportunity would go away (as well as the fixed sea-
sonal effect). Any variation in the stock price that is leftover
is simply random variation, which is why it can be so difficult
to “beat the market”.

Is it really random?

When I see students present data analyses, and they use a

standard linear model that has an outcome (usually labeled
Y), a predictor (X), and random variation or error (e), my first
question is always about the error component. Usually, there
is a little confusion about why I would ask about that since
that part is just “random” and uninteresting. But when I try to
lead them into a discussion of why there is random variation
in the data, often we discover some additional variables that
we’d like to have but don’t have data on.
Usually, there is a very good explanation of why we don’t
have those data. My point is not to criticize the student for
not having data that they couldn’t get, but to emphasize that
those features are potential confounders and are not random.
If data cannot be collected on those features, it might be worth
investigating whether a reasonable surrogate can be found.


Partitioning your data into fixed and random components of

variation can be a useful exercise even before you look at
the data. It may lead you to discover that there are important
Partitioning the Variation in Data 80

features for which you do not have data but that you can go
out and collect. Making the effort to collect additional data
when it is warranted can save a lot of time and effort trying
to model variation as if it were random. More importantly,
omitting important fixed effects in a statistical model can
lead to hidden bias or confounding. When data on omitted
variables cannot be collected, trying to find a surrogate for
those variables can be a reasonable alternative.
15. How Data Analysts
Think - A Case Study
In episode 71 of Not So Standard Deviations1 , Hilary Parker
and I inaugurated our first “Data Science Design Challenge”
segment where we discussed how we would solve a given
problem using data science. The idea with calling it a “design
challenge” was to contrast it with common “hackathon” type
models where you are presented with an already-collected
dataset and then challenged to find something interesting
in the data. Here, we wanted to start with a problem and
then talk about how data might be collected and analyzed to
address the problem. While both approaches might result in
the same end-product, they address the various problems you
encounter in a data analysis in a different order.
In this post, I want to break down our discussion of the chal-
lenge and highlight some of the issues that were discussed in
framing the problem and in designing the data collection and
analysis. I’ll end with some thoughts about generalizing this
approach to other problems.
You can download an MP3 of this segment of the episode2 (it
is about 45 minutes long) or you can read the transcript of the
segment3 . If you’d prefer to stream the segment you can start
listening here4 .


How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 82

The Brief

The general goal was to learn more about the time it takes for
each of us to commute to work. Hilary lives in San Francisco
and I live in Baltimore, so the characteristics of our commutes
are very different. She walks and takes public transit; I drive
most days. We also wanted to discuss how we might collect
data on our commute times in a systematic, but not intrusive,
manner. When we originally discussed having this segment,
this vague description was about the level of specification that
we started with, so an initial major task was to

1. Develop a better understanding of what question each

of us was trying to answer;
2. Frame the problem in a manner that could be translated
into a data collection task; and
3. Sketch out a feasible statistical analysis.

Framing the Problem

Hilary and I go through a few rounds of discussion on the

topic of how to think about this problem and the questions
that we’re trying to answer. Early in the discussion Hilary
mentions that this problem was “pressing on my mind” and
that she took a particular interest in seeing the data and acting
on it. Her intense interest in the problem potentially drove
part of her creativity in developing solutions.
Hilary initially mentions that the goal is to understand the
variation in commute times (i.e. estimate the variance), but
then quickly shifts to the problem of estimating average com-
mute times for the two different commute methods that she

HILARY: you…maybe only have one commute method

and you want to understand the variance of that.
So…what range of times does it usually take for me
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 83

to get to work, or…I have two alternatives for my

commute methods. So it might be like how long
does it take me in this way versus that way? And
for me the motivation is that I want to make sure
I know when to leave so that I make it to meetings
on time….

In her mind, the question being answered by this data collec-

tion is, “When should I leave home to get to meetings on time?”
At this point she mentions two possible ways to think about
addressing this question.

1. Estimate the variability of commute times and leave the

house accordingly; or
2. Compare two different commute methods and then choose
a method on any given day.

Right off the bat, Hilary notes that she doesn’t actually do this
commute as often as she’d thought. Between working from
home, taking care of chores in the morning, making stops on
the way, and walking/talking with friends, a lot of variation
can be introduced in to the data.
I mention that “going to work” and “going home”, while both
can be thought of as commutes, are not the same thing and
that we might be interested in one more than the other. Hilary
agrees that they are different problems but they are both
potentially of interest.

Question/Intervention Duality

At this point I mention that my commuting is also affected by

various other factors and that on different days of the week,
I have a different commute pattern. On days where I drop
my son off at school, I have less control over when I leave
compared to days when I drive straight to work. Here, we
realize a fundamental issue, which is that different days of
the week indicate somewhat different interventions to take:
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 84

• On days where I drive straight to work, the question

is “When should I leave to arrive on time for the first
• On days where I drop my son off at school, the question
is “When is the earliest time that I can schedule the first
meeting of the day?”

In the former situation I have control over, and could poten-

tially intervene on, when I leave the house, whereas in the
latter situation I have control over when I schedule the first
meeting. While these are distinct questions with different
implications, at this point they may both require collecting
travel time data in the same manner.
Earlier in this section I mention that on days when I drop my
son off at school it can take 45 minutes to get to work. Hilary
challenges this observation and mentions that “Baltimore is
not that big”. She makes use of her knowledge of Baltimore
geography to suggest that this is unexpected. However, I men-
tion that the need to use local roads exclusively for this par-
ticular commute route makes it indeed take longer than one
might expect.

Designing the Data Collection System

In discussing the design of her data collection system, Hilary

first mentions that a podcast listener had emailed in and men-
tioned his use of Google Maps to predict travel times based on
phone location data. While this seemed like a reasonable idea,
it ultimately was not the direction she took.

HILARY: At first I was thinking about that because

I have location history on and I look at it a lot,
but there’s also a fair degree of uncertainty there.
Like sometimes it just puts me in these really weird
spots or…I lose GPS signal when I go underground
and also I do not know how to get data in an API
sense from that. So I knew it would be manual data.
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 85

In order to analyze the data, I would have to go

back and be like let me go and collect the data from
this measurement device. So I was trying to figure
out what I could use instead.

Then she describes how she can use Wi-Fi connections (and
dis-connections) to serve as surrogates for leaving and arriv-

And at some point I realized that two things that

reliably happen every time I do a commute is that
my phone disconnects from my home Wi-Fi. And
then it reconnects to my work Wi-Fi. And so I spent
some time trying to figure out if I could log that
information, like if there’s an app that logged that,
and there is not. But, there is a program called If
This, Then That, or an app. And so with that you
can say “when my phone disconnects from Wi-Fi
do something”, and you can set it to a specific Wi-
Fi. So that was exciting.

Other problems that needed solving were:

• Where to store the data. Hilary mentions that a colleague

was using Airtable5 (a kind of cloud-based spreadsheet/-
database) and decided to give it a try.
• Indicating commute method. Hilary created a system where
she could send a text message containing a keyword
about her commute method to a service that would then
log the information to the table collecting the travel time
• Multiple Wi-Fi connects. Because her phone was con-
stantly connecting and disconnecting from Wi-Fi at work,
she had to define the “first connection to Wi-Fi at work”
as meaning that she had arrived at work.
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 86

• Sensing a Wi-Fi disconnect. Hilary’s phone had to be “awake”

in order to sense a Wi-Fi disconnect, which was gener-
ally the case, but not always. There was no way to force
her phone to always be awake, but she knew that the
system would send her a push notification when it had
been triggered. Therefore, she would at least know that
if she didn’t receive a push notification, then something
had gone wrong.

Hilary mentions that much of the up front effort is important

in order to avoid messy data manipulations later on.

HILARY: I think I’ll end up—I did not do the analy-

sis yet but I’ll end up having to scrub the data. So
I was trying to avoid manual data scrubbing, but I
think I’m going to have to do it anyway.

Ultimately, it is impossible to avoid all data manipulation


Specifying the Data

What exactly are the data that we will be collecting? What are
the covariates that we need to help us understand and model
the commute times? Obvious candidates are

• The start time for the commute (date/time format, but

see below)
• The end time for the commute (date/time)
• Indicator of whether we are going to work or going home
• Commute method (categorical)

Hilary notes that from the start/end times we can get things
like day of the week and time of day (e.g. via the lubridate6
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 87

package). She also notes that her system doesn’t exactly pro-
duce date/time data, but rather a text sentence that includes
the date/time embedded within. Thankfully, that can be sys-
tematically dealt with using simple string processing func-
A question arises about whether a separate variable should be
created to capture “special circumstances” while commuting.
In the data analysis, we may want to exclude days where
we know something special happened to make the commute
much longer than we might have expected (e.g. we happened
to see a friend along the way or we decided to stop at Wal-
greens). The question here is

Are these special circumstances part of the natural

variation in the commute time that we want to
capture, or are they “one-time events” that are in
some sense predictable?

A more statistical way of asking the question might be, do

these special circumstances represent fixed or random varia-
tion7 ? If they are random and essentially uncontrollable events,
then we would want to include that in the random portion
of any model. However, if they are predictable (and perhaps
controllable) events, then we might want to think of them as
another covariate.
While Hilary believes that she ultimately does have control
over whether these time-consuming detours occur or not, she
decides to model them as essentially random variation and
that these events should be lumped in with the natural varia-
tion in the data.

Specifying the Treatment

At this point in the discussion there is a question regarding

what effect we are trying to learn about. The issue is that

How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 88

sometimes changes to a commute have to be made on the fly

to respond to unexpected events. For example, if the public
transportation system breaks down, you might have to go on

ROGER: Well it becomes like a compliance situa-

tion, right? Like you can say, do you want to know
how long does it take when you take MUNI or how
long does it take when you intend to take MUNI?

In this section I mention that it’s like a “compliance problem”.

In clinical trials, for example when testing a new drug versus
a placebo, it is possible to have a situation where people in the
treatment group of the study are given the new drug but do
not actually take it. Maybe the drug has side effects or is incon-
venient to take. Whatever the reason, they are not complying
with the protocol of the study, which states that everyone in
the treatment group takes the new drug. The question then
is whether you want to use the data from the clinical trial
to understand the actual effect of the drug or if you want to
understand the effect of telling someone to take the drug. The
latter effect is often referred to as the intention to treat effect
while the former is sometimes called the complier average
effect. Both are valid effects to estimate and have different
implications in terms of next steps.
In the context of Hilary’s problem, we want to estimate the
average commute time for each commute method. However,
what happens if Muni experiences some failure that requires
altering the commute method? The potential “compliance is-
sue” here is whether Muni works properly or not. If it does
not, then Hilary may take some alternate route to work, even
though she intended to take Muni. Whether Muni works prop-
erly or not is a kind of “post-treatment variable” because it’s
not under the direct control of Hilary and its outcome is only
known after she decides on which commute method she is
going to take (i.e. the “treatment”). Now a choice must be
made: Do we estimate the average commute time when taking
Muni or the average commute time when she intends to take
Muni, even if she has to divert to an alternate route?
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 89

Hilary and I both seem to agree that the intention to treat

effect is the one we want to estimate in the commute time
problem. The reason is that the estimation of this effect has
direct implications for the thing that we have control over:
choosing which commute method to use. While it might be
interesting from a scientific perspective to know the average
commute time when taking Muni, regardless of whether we
intended to take it or now, we have no control over the oper-
ation of Muni on any given day.

Starting from the End

I ask Hilary, suppose we have the data, what might we do with

it? Specifically, suppose that we estimate for a given commute
method that the average time is 20 minutes and the standard
deviation is 5 minutes. What “intervention” would that lead
us to take? What might we do differently from before when
we had no systematically collected data?
Hilary answers by saying that we can designate a time to
leave work based on the mean and standard deviation. For
example, if we have to be at work at 9am we might leave
at 8:35am (mean + 1 standard deviation) to ensure we’ll be
arrive at 9am most of the time. In her answer, Hilary raises
an important, but perhaps uncomfortable, consideration:

HILARY: I think in a completely crass world for

example, I would choose different cutoffs based on
the importance of a meeting. And I think people do
this. So if you have a super important meeting, this
is like a career-making meeting, you leave like an
hour early…. And so, there you’re like “I am going
to do three standard deviations above the mean”
so…it’s very unlikely that I’ll show up outside of
the time I predicted. But then if it’s like a touch-
base with someone where you have a really strong
relationship and they know that you value their
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 90

time, then maybe you only do like one standard


Later I mention one implication for statistical modeling:

Roger: Well and I feel like…the discussion of the

distribution is interesting because it might come
down to like, what do you think the tail of the dis-
tribution looks like? So what’s the worst case? Be-
cause if you want to minimize the worst case sce-
nario, then you really, really need to know like
what that tail looks like.

Thinking about what the data will ultimately be used for raises
two important statistical considerations:

• We should think about the extremes/tails of the distribu-

tion and develop cutoffs that determine what time we
should leave for work.
• The cutoffs at the tail of the distribution might be depen-
dent on the “importance” of the first meeting of the day,
suggesting the existence of a cost function that quanti-
fies the importance of arriving on time.

Hilary raises a hard truth, which is that not everyone gets the
same consideration when it comes to showing up on time. For
an important meeting, we might allow for “three standard
deviations” more than the mean travel time to ensure some
margin of safety for arriving on time. However, for a more
routine meeting, we might just provide for one standard de-
viation of travel time and let natural variation take its course
for better or for worse.

Statistical Modeling Considerations

I mention that thinking about our imaginary data in terms of

“mean” and “standard deviation” implies that the data have a
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 91

distribution that is akin to a Normal distribution. However,

given that the data will consist of travel times, which are
always positive, a Normal distribution (which allows posi-
tive and negative numbers) may not be the most appropriate.
Alternatives are the Gamma or the log-Normal distribution
which are strictly positive. I mention that the log-Normal dis-
tribution allows for some fairly extreme events, to which Hi-
lary responds that such behavior may in fact be appropriate
for these data due to the near-catastrophic nature of Muni
failures (San Francisco residents can feel free to chime in
From the previous discussion on what we might do with this
data, it’s clear that the right tail of the distribution will be
important in this analysis. We want to know what the “worst
case scenario” might be in terms of total commute time. How-
ever, by its very nature, extreme data are rare, and so there
will be very few data points that can be used to inform the
shape of the distribution in this area (as opposed to the middle
of the distribution where we will have many observations).
Therefore, it’s likely that our choice of model (Gamma, log-
Normal, etc.) will have a big influence on the predictions that
we make about commute times in the future.

Study Design Considerations

Towards the end I ask Hilary how much data is needed for
this project? However, before asking I should have discussed
the nature of the study itself:

• Is it a fixed study designed to answer a specific ques-

tion (i.e. what is the mean commute time?) within some
bound of uncertainty? Or
• Is it an ongoing study where data will be continuously
collected and actions will be continuously adapted as
new data are collected

Hilary suggests that it is the latter and that she will simply
collect data and make decisions as she goes. However, it’s
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 92

clear that the time frame is not “forever” because the method
of data collection is not zero cost. Therefore, at some point the
costs of collecting data will likely be too great in light of any
perceived benefit.


What have we learned from all of this? Most likely, the prob-
lem of estimating commute times is not relevant to everybody.
But I think there are aspects of the process described above
that illustrate how the data analytic process works before
data collection begins (yes, data analysis includes parts where
there are no data). These aspects can be lifted from this partic-
ular example and generalized to other data analyses. In this
section I will discuss some of these aspects and describe why
they may be relevant to other analyses.

Personal Interest and Knowledge

Hilary makes clear that she is very personally interested in

this problem and in developing a solution. She wants to apply
any knowledge learned from the data to her everyday life.
In addition, she used her knowledge of Baltimore geography
(from having lived there previously) to challenge my “mental
data analysis”.
Taking a strong personal interest in a problem is not always
an option, but it can be very useful. Part of the reason is that it
can allow you to see the “whole problem” and all of its facets
without much additional effort. An uninterested person can
certainly learn all the facets of a problem, but it will seem
more laborious. If you are genuinely interested in the subject
of a problem, then you will be highly motivated to learn ev-
erything about that problem, which will likely benefit you in
the data analysis. To the extent that data analysis is a systems
problem with many interacting parts, it helps to learn as much
as possible about the system. Being interested in knowing how
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 93

the system works is a key advantage you can bring to any

In my own teaching, I have found that students who are keenly
interested in the problems they’re working on often do well in
the data analysis. Partly, this is because they are more willing
to dig into the nitty gritty of the data and modeling and to
uncover small details that others may not find. Also, students
with a strong interest often have strong expectations about
what the data should show. If the data turn out to be differ-
ent from what they are expecting, that surprise is often an
important experience, sometimes even delightful. Students
with a more distant relationship with the topic or the data
can never be surprised because they have little in the way of

Problem Framing

From the discussion it seems clear that we are interested in

both the characteristics of different commute methods and
the variability associated with individual commute methods.
Statistically, these are two separate problems that can be ad-
dressed through data collection and analysis. As part of trying
to frame the problem, we iterate through a few different sce-
narios and questions.
One concept that we return to periodically in the discussion
is the idea that every question has associated with it a po-
tential intervention. So when I ask “What is the variability
in my commute time”, a potential intervention is changing
the time when I leave home. Another potential intervention
is rescheduling my first meeting of the day. Thinking about
questions in terms of their potential interventions can be very
useful in prioritizing which questions are most interesting to
ask. If the potential intervention associated with a question
is something you do not have any control over, then maybe
that question is not so interesting for you to ask. For exam-
ple, if you do not control your own schedule at work, then
“rescheduling the first meeting of the day” is not an option for
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 94

you. However, you may still be able to control when you leave
With the question “How long does it take to commute by
Muni?” one might characterize the potential intervention as
“Taking Muni to work or not”. However, if Muni breaks down,
then that is out of your control and you simply cannot take
that choice. A more useful question then is “How long does it
take to commute when I choose to take Muni?” This difference
may seem subtle, but it does imply a different analysis and
is associated with a potential intervention that is completely
controllable. I may not be able to take Muni everyday, but I
can definitely choose to take it everyday.

Fixed and Random Variation

Deciding what is fixed variation and what is random is impor-

tant at the design stage because it can have implications for
data collection, data analysis, and the usefulness of the results.
Sometimes this discussion can get very abstract, resulting in
questions like “What is the meaning of ‘random’?”. It’s impor-
tant not to get too bogged down in philosophical discussions
(although the occasional one is fine). But it’s nevertheless use-
ful to have such a discussion so that you can properly model
the data later.
Classifying everything as “random” is a common crutch that
people use because it gives you an excuse to not really collect
much data. This is a cheap way to do things, but it also leads
to data with a lot of variability, possibility to the point of not
even being useful. For example, if we only collect data on
commute times, and ignored the fact that we have multiple
commute methods, then we might see a bimodal distribution
in the commute time data. But that mysterious bi-modality
could be explained by the different commute methods, a fixed
effect that is easily controlled. Taking the extra effort to track
the commute method (for example, via Hilary’s text message
approach) along with the commute time could dramatically
reduce the residual variance in the data, making for more
precise predictions.
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 95

That said, capturing every variable is often not feasible and so

choices have to made. In this example, Hilary decided not to
track whether she wandered into Walgreens or not because
that event did have a random flavor to it. Practically speaking,
it would be better to account for the fact that there may be
an occasional random excursion into Walgreens rather than
to attempt to control it every single time. This choice also
simplifies the data collection system.

Sketch Models

When considering what to do with the data once we had it, it

turned out that mitigating the worst case scenario was a key
consideration. This translated directly into a statistical model
that potentially had heavy tails. At this point, it wasn’t clear
what that distribution would be, and it isn’t clear whether the
data would be able to accurately inform the shape of the tail’s
distribution. That said, with this statistical model in mind we
can keep an eye on the data as they come in and see how
they shape up. Further, although we didn’t got through the
exercise, it could be useful to estimate how many observa-
tions you might need in order to get a decent estimate of any
model parameters. Such an exercise cannot really be done if
you don’t have a specific model in mind.
In general, having a specific statistical model in mind is useful
because it gives you a sense of what to expect. If the data come
in and look substantially different from the distribution that
you originally considered, then that should lead you to ask
why do the data look different? Asking such a question may
lead to interesting new details or uncover aspects of the data
that hadn’t been considered before. For example, I originally
thought the data could be modeled with a Gamma distribu-
tion. However, if the data came in and there were many long
delays in Hilary’s commute, then her log-Normal distribution
might seem more sensible. Her choice of that distribution
from the beginning was informed by her knowledge of public
transport in San Francisco, about which I know nothing.
How Data Analysts Think - A Case Study 96


I have spoken with people who argue that are little in the
way of generalizable concepts in data analysis because every
data analysis is uniquely different from every other. How-
ever, I think this experience of observing myself talk with
Hilary about this small example suggests to me that there
are some general concepts. Things like gauging your personal
interest in the problem could be useful in managing potential
resources dedicated to an analysis, and I think considering
fixed and random variation is important aspect of any data
analytic design or analysis. Finally, developing a sketch (sta-
tistical) model before the data are in hand can be useful for
setting expectations and for setting a benchmark for when to
be surprised or skeptical.
One problem with learning data analysis is that we rarely, as
students, get to observe the thought process that occurs at the
early stages. In part, that is why I think many call for more
experiential learning in data analysis, because the only way
to see the process is to do the process. But I think we could
invest more time and effort into recording some of these pro-
cesses, even in somewhat artificial situations like this one, in
order to abstract out any generalizable concepts and advice.
Such summaries and abstractions could serve as useful data
analysis texts, allowing people to grasp the general concepts
of analysis while using the time dedicated to experiential
learning for studying the unique details of their problem.
III Human Factors
16. Trustworthy Data
The success of a data analysis depends critically on the au-
dience. But why? A lot has to do with whether the audience
trusts the analysis as well as the person presenting the anal-
ysis. Almost all presentations are incomplete because for any
analysis of reasonable size, some details must be omitted for
the sake of clarity. A good presentation will have a struc-
tured narrative that will guide the presenter in choosing what
should be included and what should be omitted. However,
audiences will vary in their acceptance of that narrative and
will often want to know if other details exist to support it.

The Presentation

Consider the following scenario:

A person is analyzing some data and is trying to

determine if two features, call them X and Y, are
related to each other. After looking at the data for
some time, they come to you and declare that the
Pearson correlation between X and Y is 0.85 and
therefore conclude that X and Y are related.

The question then is, do you trust this analysis?

Given the painfully brief presentation of the scenario, I would
imagine that most people experienced in data analysis would
say something along the lines of “No”, or at least “Not yet”. So,
why would we not trust this analysis?
Trustworthy Data Analysis 99

There are many questions that one might ask before one were
to place any trust in the results of this analysis. Here are just
a few:

• What are X and Y? Is there a reason why X and Y might

be causally related to each other? If mere correlation
is of interest, that’s fine but some more detail could be
• What is the sampling frame here? Where did the data
come from? We need to be able to understand the nature
of uncertainty.
• What is the uncertainty around the correlation estimate?
Are we are looking at noise here or a real signal. If there
is no uncertainty (because there is no sampling) then
that should be made clear.
• How were the data processed to get to the point where
we can compute Pearson’s correlation? Did missing data
have to be removed? Were there transformations done
to the data?
• The Pearson correlation is really only interpretable if
the data X and Y are Normal-ish distributed. How do
the data look? Is the interpretation of correlation here
• Pearson correlation can be driven by outliers in X or Y.
Even if the data are mostly Normal-ish distributed, indi-
vidual outliers could make the appearance of a strong re-
lationship even if the bulk of the data are not correlated.
Were there any outliers in the data (either X or Y)?

The above questions about the presentation and statistical

methodology are all reasonable and would likely come up in
this scenario. In fact, there would likely be even more ques-
tions asked before a one could be assured that the analysis
was trustworthy, but this is just a smattering.
Trustworthy Data Analysis 100

Done but Not Presented

I think it’s reasonable to think that a good analyst would have

concrete answers to all of these questions even though they
were omitted from the presentation.

• They would know what X and Y were and whether it

made sense to determine if they were correlated, based
on the context of the data1 and questions being asked.
• They would know how the data came to them, whether
they represented a sample, and what the population
• They would have calculated the uncertainty around the
correlation estimate (e.g. a 95% confidence interval) and
would have it on hand to present to you.
• Ideally, they would have processed the data themselves
and would be able to explain what had to be done in or-
der to get the data to the point where correlations could
be computed. If they didn’t process the data, they would
at least be able to describe what was done and whether
those actions have a major impact on the results.
• To justify the use of Pearson correlation, they would
have made a histogram (or a Q-Q plot) to look at the
marginal distributions of X and Y. If the data weren’t
Normal looking they would have considered some pos-
sible transformations if possible.
• To check for outliers, a scatterplot of X and Y would have
been made to examine if any small number of points
was driving the observed correlation between X and Y.
Even though they didn’t show you the scatterplot, they
might have it on hand for you to examine.

One might think of other things to do, but the items listed
above are in direct response to the questions asked before.

Trustworthy Data Analysis 101

Done and Undone

My decomposed representation of a data analysis is roughly

Data Analysis Decomposition

Here we have

• A: The presentation, which in the above example, is the

simple correlation coefficient between X and Y
• B: The answers to all of the questions that likely would
come up after seeing the presentation
• C: Anything that was not done by the analyst

We can only observe A and B and need to speculate about C.

The times when I most trust an analysis is when I believe
that the C component is relatively small, and is essentially
orthogonal to the other components of the equation (A and B).
In other words, were one to actually do the things in the “Not
Done” bucket, they would have no influence on the overall
results of the analysis. There should be nothing surprising or
unexpected in the C component.
No matter what data is being analyzed, and no matter who
is doing the analysis, the presentation of an analysis must
be limited, usually because of time. Choices must be made to
present a selection of what was actually done, therefore leav-
ing a large number of items in the “Done but not Presented”
component. An analogy might be when one writes slides for
a presentation, often there are a few slides that are left in the
back of the slide deck that are not presented but are easily
retrieved should a question come up. The material in those
Trustworthy Data Analysis 102

slides was important enough to warrant making a slide, but

not important enough to make it into the presentation. In any
substantial data analysis, the number of “slides” presented
as the results is relatively small while the number of “slides”
held in reserve is potentially huge.
Another large part of a data analysis concerns who is pre-
senting. This person may or may not have a track record of
producing good analyses and the background of the presenter
may or may not be known to the audience. My response to
the presentation of an analysis tends to differ based on who
is presenting and my confidence in their ability to execute a
good analysis. Ultimately, I think my approach to reviewing
an analysis comes down to this:

1. If it’s a first presentation, then regardless of the presen-

ter, I’ll likely want to see A and B, and discuss C. For a
first presentation, there will likely be a number of things
“Not Done” and so the presenter will need to go back and
do more things.
2. If we’re on the second or third iteration and the presen-
ter is someone I trust and have confidence in, then see-
ing A and part of B may be sufficient and we will likely
focus just on the contents in A. In part, this requires my
trust in their judgment in deciding what are the relevant
aspects to present.
3. For presenters that I trust, my assumption is that there
are many things in B that are potentially relevant, but
I assume that they have done them and have incorpo-
rated their effects into A. For example, if there are out-
liers in the data, but they do not seem to introduce any
sensitivity into the results, then my assumption is that
they looked at it, saw that it didn’t really make a differ-
ence, and moved on. Given this, my confidence that the
elements of C are orthogonal to the results presented is
4. For presenters that I’m not familiar with or with whom
I have not yet built up any trust, my assumptions about
what lies in B and C are not clear. I’ll want to see more of
Trustworthy Data Analysis 103

what is in B and my skepticism about C being orthogonal

to the results will be high.

One of the implications of this process is that two different

presenters could make the exact same presentation and my
response to them will be different. This is perhaps an unfor-
tunate reality and opens the door to introducing all kinds
of inappropriate biases. However, my understanding of the
presenters’ abilities will affect how much I ask about B and C.
At the end of the day, I think an analysis is trustworthy when
my understanding of A and B is such that I have reasonable
confidence that C is orthogonal. In other words, there’s little
else that can be done with the data that will have a meaningful
impact on the results.

Implications for Analysts

As an analyst it might be useful to think of what are the things

that will fall into components A, B, and C. In particular, how
one thinks about the three components will likely depend on
the audience to which the presentation is being made. In fact,
the “presentation” may range from sending a simple email,
to delivering a class lecture, or a keynote talk. The manner
in which you present the results of an analysis is part of the
analysis and will play a large role in determining the success
of the analysis. If you are unfamiliar with the audience, or
believe they are unfamiliar with you, you may need to place
more elements in components A (the presentation), and per-
haps talk a little faster. But if you already have a long-term
relationship with the audience, a quick summary (with lots
of things placed into component B) may be enough.
One of the ways in which you can divide up the things that
go into A, B, and C is to develop a good understanding of the
audience. If the audience enjoys looking at scatterplots and
making inquiries about individual data points, then you’re go-
ing to make sure you have that kind of detailed understanding
Trustworthy Data Analysis 104

in the data, and you may want to just put that kind of informa-
tion up front in part A. If the audience likes to have a higher
level perspective of things, you can reserve the information
for part B.
Considering the audience is useful because it can often drive
you to do analyses that perhaps you hadn’t thought to do at
first. For example, if your boss always wants to see a sensitiv-
ity analysis, then it might be wise to do that and put the results
in part B, even if you don’t think it’s critically necessary or
if it’s tedious to present. On occasion, you might find that
the sensitivity analyses in fact sheds light on an unforeseen
aspect of the data. It would be nice if there were a “global
list of things to do in every analysis”, but there isn’t and even
if there were it would likely be too long to complete for any
specific analysis. So one way to optimize your approach is to
consider the audience and what they might want to see, and
to merge that with what you think is needed for the analysis.
If you are the audience, then considering the audience’s needs
is a relatively simple task. But often the audience will be
separate (thesis committee, journal reviewers/editors, confer-
ence attendees) and you will have to make your best effort
at guessing. If you have direct access to the audience, then
a simpler approach would be to just ask them. But this is a
potentially time-consuming task (depending on how long it
takes for them to respond) and may not be feasible in the time
frame allowed for the analysis.

Trusting vs. Believing

It’s entirely possible to trust an analysis but not believe the

final conclusions. In particular, if this is the first analysis of it’s
kind that you are seeing, there’s almost no reason to believe
that the conclusions are true until you’ve seen other inde-
pendent analysis. An initial analysis may only have limited
preliminary data and you may need to make a decision to
invest in collecting more data. Until then, there may be no way
to know if the analysis is true or not. But the analysis may still
Trustworthy Data Analysis 105

be trustworthy in the sense that everything that should have

been done was done.
Looking back at the original “presentation” given at the top,
one might ask “So, is X correlated with Y?”. Maybe, and there
seems to be evidence that it is. However, whether I ultimately
believe the result will depend on factors outside the analysis.
17. Relationships in Data
In Steve Coll’s book Directorate S1 , which is a chronicle of
the U.S. war in Afghanistan after 9/11, one line stuck out for
me as I thought it had relevance for data analysis. In one
chapter, Coll writes about Lieutenant Colonel John Loftis, who
helped run a training program for U.S. military officials who
were preparing to go serve in Afghanistan. In reference to
Afghan society, he says, “Everything over there is about rela-
tionships.” At the time, Afghanistan had few independent in-
stitutions and accomplishing certain tasks depended on know-
ing certain people and having a good relationship with them.
I find data analysis to be immature as an independent field.
It uses many tools–mathematics, statistics, computer science–
that are mature and well-studied. But the act of analyzing
data is not particularly well-studied. And like any immature
organization (or nation), much of data analysis still has to
do with human relationships. I think this is an often ignored
aspect of data analysis because people hold out hope that we
can build the tools and technology to the point where we do
not need to rely on relationships. Eventually, we will find the
approaches that are universally correct and so there will be
little need for discussion.
Human relationships are unstable, unpredictable, and incon-
sistent. Algorithms and statistical tools are predictable and in
some cases, optimal. But for whatever reason, we have not yet
been able to completely characterize all of the elements that
make a successful data analysis in a “machine readable” for-
mat. We haven’t developed the “institutions” of data analysis
that can operate without needing the involvement of specific

Relationships in Data Analysis 107

individuals. Therefore, because we have not yet figured out a

perfect model for human behavior, data analysis will have to
be done by humans for just a bit longer.
In my experience, there are a few key relationships that need
to be managed in any data analysis and I discuss them below.

Data Analyst and Patron

At the end of the day, someone has to pay for data analysis,
and this person is the patron. This person might have gotten
a grant, or signed a customer, or simply identified a need and
the resources for doing the analysis. The key thing here is
that the patron provides the resources and determines the
tools available for analysis. Typically, the resources we are
concerned with are time available to the analyst. The Patron,
through the allocation of resources, controls the scope of the
analysis. If the patron needs the analysis tomorrow, the anal-
ysis is going to be different than if they need it in a month.
A bad relationship here can lead to mismatched expectations
between the patron and the analyst. Often the patron thinks
the analysis should take less time than it really does. Con-
versely, the analyst may be led to believe that the patron is
deliberately allocating fewer resources to the data analysis
because of other priorities. None of this is good, and the rela-
tionship between the two must be robust enough in order to
straighten out any disagreements or confusion.

Data Analyst and Subject Matter Expert

This relationship is critical because the data analyst must

learn the context around the data they are analyzing. The
subject matter expert can provide that context and can ask
the questions that are relevant to the area that the data in-
form. The expert is also needed to help interpret the results
and to potentially place them in a broader context, allowing
Relationships in Data Analysis 108

the analyst to assess the practical significance (as opposed to

statistical significance) of the results. Finally, the expert will
have a sense of the potential impact of any results from the
A bad relationship between the analyst and the expert can
often lead to

• Irrelevant analysis. Lack of communication between

the expert and the analyst may lead the analyst to go
down a road that is not of interest to the audience, no
matter how correct the analysis is. In my experience,
this outcome is most common when the analyst does not
have any relationship with a subject matter expert.
• Mistakes. An analyst’s misunderstanding of some of the
data or the data’s context may lead to analysis that is
relevant but incorrect. Analysts must be comfortable
clarifying details of the data with the expert in order to
avoid mistakes.
• Biased interpretation. The point here is not that a bad
relationship leads to bias, but rather a bad relationship
can lead the expert to not trust the analyst and their anal-
ysis, leading the expert to rely more strongly on their
preconceived notions. A strong relationship between the
expert and the analyst could lead to the expert being
more open to evidence that contradicts their hypotheses,
which can be critical to reducing hidden biases.

Data Analyst and Audience

The data analyst needs to find some way to assess the needs
and capabilities of the audience, because there is always an
audience2 . There will likely be many different ways to present
the results of an analysis and it is the analyst’s job to figure
what might be the best way to make the results acceptable to

Relationships in Data Analysis 109

the audience. Important factors may include how much time

the audience has to see the presentation, how mathematically
inclined/trained they are, whether they have any background
in the subject matter, what “language” they speak, or whether
the audience will need to make a clear decision based on your
analysis. Similar to the subject matter expert, if the analyst
has a bad relationship with the audience, the audience is
less likely to trust the analysis and to accept its results. In
the worst case, the audience will reject the analysis without
seriously considering its merits.
Analysts often have to present the same analysis to multiple
audiences, and they should be prepared to shift and rear-
range the analysis to suit those multiple audiences. Perhaps
a trivial, but real, example of this is when I go to give talks at
places where I know a person there has developed a method
that is related to my talk, I’ll make sure to apply their method
to my data and compare it to other approaches. Sometimes
their method is genuinely better than other approaches, but
most of the time it performs comparably to other approaches
(alas, that is the nature of most statistical research!). Nevethe-
less, it’s a simple thing to do and usually doesn’t require a lot
of extra time, but it can go a long way to establishing trust with
the audience. This is just one example of how consideration
of the audience can change the underlying analysis itself. It’s
not just a matter of how the results are presented.


It’s tempting to think that the quality of a data analysis only

depends on the data and the modeling applied to it. We’re
trained to think that if the data are consistent with a set of
assumptions, then there is an optimal approach that can be
taken to estimate a given parameter (or posterior distribu-
tion). But in my experience, that is far from the reality. Often,
the quality of an analysis can be driven by the relationships
between the analyst and the various people that have a stake
in the results. In the worst case scenario, a breakdown in
Relationships in Data Analysis 110

relationships can lead to serious failure3 .

I think most people who analyze data would say that data
analysis is easiest when the patron, subject matter expert, the
analyst, and the audience are all the same person. The reason
is because the relationships are all completely understood
and easy to manage. Communication is simple when it only
has to jump from neuron to anther. Doing data analysis “for
yourself” is often quick, highly iterative, and easy to make
progress. Collaborating with others on data analysis can be
slow, rife with miscommunication, and frustrating. One com-
mon scenario is where the patron, expert, and the audience
are the same person. If there is a good relationship between
this person and the analyst, then the data analysis process
here can work very smoothly and productively.
Combining different roles into the same person can some-
times lead to conflicts:

• Patron is combined with the audience. If the audience

is paying for the work, then they may demand results
that confirm their pre-existing biases, regardless of what
evidence the data may bring.
• Subject matter expert and the analyst are the same
person. If this person has strong hypotheses about the
science, they may be tempted to drive the data anal-
ysis in a particular direction that does not contradict
those hypotheses. The ultimate audience may object to
these analyses if they see contradictory evidence being
• Analyst and audience are the same. This could lead to
a situation where the audience is “too knowledgeable”
about the analysis to see the forest for the trees. Impor-
tant aspects of the data may go unnoticed because the
analyst is too deep in the weeds. Furthermore, there is
potential value and forcing an analyst to translate their
findings for a fresh audience in order to ensure that the

Relationships in Data Analysis 111

narrative is clear and that the evidence as strong as they


Separating out roles in to different people can also lead to

problems. In particular, if the patron, expert, analyst, and
audience are all separate, then the relationships between all
four of those people must in some way be managed. In the
worst case, there are 6 pairs of relationships that must be
on good terms. It may however be possible for the analyst
to manage the “information flow” between the various roles,
so that the relationships between the various other roles are
kept separate for most of the time. However, this is not always
possible or good for the analysis, and managing the various
people in these roles is often the most difficult aspect of being
a data analyst.
18. Being at the Center
One of the aspects of the job as a data analyst is taking a
“systems approach” to solving problems. Coupled with that
approach is the role of balancing the various priorities of
members of the research or product team. It involves skill-
fully navigating the roles of dictator and diplomat.
When doing data analysis there will be many people con-
tributing who have specific expertise. It is their job to focus
on what they think is the highest priority, but it is the analyst’s
job to put the whole analysis together and, on the way, raise
some priorities and lower other priorities. The analyst is at
the center of activity and must have good relationships1 with
every member of the team in order for everything to come
together on time and on budget.

Data Analyst at the Center

A mentor once told me that in any large-ish coordinated sci-

entific collaboration there will usually be regular meetings to
discuss the data collection, data analysis, or both. Basically, a
meeting to discuss data. And that these meetings, over time,
tend to become the most important and influential meetings
of the entire collaboration. It makes sense: Science is ulti-
mately about the data and any productivity that results from
the collaboration will be a function of the data collected. My
mentor’s implication was that as a statistician directing the
analyses of the group, these data meetings were an important
place to be.
I have been in a few collaborations of this nature (both small
and large) and can echo the advice that I got. The data-related
Being at the Center 113

meetings tend to be the most interesting and often are where

people get most animated and excited. For scientific collabo-
rations, that is in fact where the “action” occurs. As a result,
it’s important that the data analyst running the analyses know
what their job is.
If these meetings are about data analysis, then it’s important
to realize that the product that the group is developing is the
data analysis2 . As such, the data analyst should play the role
of designer. Too often, I see analysts playing a minor role in
these kinds of meetings because it’s their job to “just run the
models”. Usually, this is not their fault. Meetings like this tend
to be populated with large egos, high-level professors, princi-
pal investigators, and the like. The data analyst is often a staff
member for the team or a junior faculty, so comparatively
“low ranked”. It can be difficult to even speak up in these
meetings, much less direct them.
However, I think it’s essential that the data analyst be at the
center of a meeting about data analysis. The reason is simply
that they are in the best position to balance the priorities of
the collaboration. Because they are closest to the data, they
have the best sense of what information and evidence exists
in the data and, perhaps more importantly, what is not avail-
able in the data. Investigators will often have assumptions
about what might be possible and perhaps what they would
like to achieve, but these things may or may not be supported
by the data.
It’s common that different investigators have very different
priorities. One investigator wants to publish a paper as quickly
as possible (perhaps they are a junior faculty that needs to
publish papers or they know there is a competitor doing the
same research). Another wants to run lots of models and
explore the data more. Yet another thinks that there’s nothing
worth publishing here and yet another wants to wait and
collect more data. And there’s always one investigator who
wants to “rethink the entire scientific question”. There’s no
one thing to be done here, but the analyst is often the only
one who can mediate all these conflicts.
Being at the Center 114

What happens in these situations is a kind of “statistical horse

trading”. You want a paper published quickly? Then we’ll
have to use this really fast method that requires stronger
assumptions and therefore weakens the conclusions. If you
want to collect more data, maybe we design the analytic pipeline
in such manner that we can analyze what we have now and
then easily incorporate the new data when it arrives. If there’s
no time or money for getting more data, we can use this other
model that attempts to use a proxy for that data (again, more
assumptions, but maybe reasonable ones).
Managing these types of negotiations can be difficult because
people naturally want to have “all the things”. The data ana-
lyst has to figure out the relative ordering of priorities from
the various parties involved. There’s no magical one-liner that
you can say to convince people of what to do. It’s an iterative
process with lots of discussion and trust-building. Frankly, it
doesn’t always work.
The analyst, as the designer of the ultimate product, the data
analysis, must think of solutions that can balance all the pri-
orities in different ways. There isn’t always a solution that
threads the needle and makes everyone happy or satisfied.
But a well-functioning team can recognize that and move
forward with an analysis and produce something useful.
19. Economic Models for
Reproducible Analysis
Every once in a while, I see a tweet or post that asks whether
one should use tool X or software Y in order to “make their
data analysis reproducible”. I think this is a reasonable ques-
tion because, in part, there are so many good tools out there!
This is undeniably a good thing and quite a contrast to just 10
years ago when there were comparatively few choices.
The question of toolset though is not a question worth fo-
cusing on too much because it’s the wrong question to ask.
Of course, you should choose a tool/software package that is
reasonably usable by a large percentage of your audience. But
the toolset you use will not determine whether your analysis
is reproducible in the long-run.
I think of the choice of toolset as kind of like asking “Should
I use wood or concrete to build my house?” Regardless of
what you choose, once the house is built, it will degrade over
time without any deliberate maintenance. Just ask any home-
owner! Sure, some materials will degrade slower than others,
but the slope is definitely down.
Discussions about tooling around reproducibility often sound
a lot like “What material should I use to build my house so
that it never degrades?” Such materials do not exist and simi-
larly, toolsets do not exist to make your analysis permanently
I’ve been reading some of the old web sites from Jon Claer-
bout’s group at Stanford (thanks to the Internet Archive), the
home of some of the original writings about reproducible
research. At the time (early 90s), the work was distributed
on CD-ROMs1 , which totally makes sense given that CDs could

Economic Models for Reproducible Analysis 116

store lots of data, were relatively compact and durable, and

could be mailed or given to other people without much con-
cern about compatibility. The internet was not quite a thing
yet, but it was clearly on the horizon.
But ask yourself this: If you held one of those CD-ROMs in your
hand right now, would you consider that work reproducible?
Technically, yes, but I don’t even have a CD-ROM reader in
my house, so I couldn’t actually read the data. And a larger
problem is that a CD from the 90s probably degraded to the
point where it is likely unreadable anyway.
Claerbout’s group obviously knew about the web and were
transitioning in that direction, but such a transition costs money.
As does keeping a keen eye on emerging trends and technol-
ogy usage.
Hilary Parker and I recently discussed2 the how the economics
of academic research are not well-suited to support the repro-
ducibility of scientific results. The traditional model is that
a research grant pays for the conduct of research over a 3-5
year period, after which the grant is finished and there is no
more funding. During (or after) that time, scientific results are
published. While the funding can be used to prepare materi-
als (data, software, and code) to make the published findings
reproducible at the instant of publication, there is no funding
afterwards for dealing with two key tasks:

1. Ensuring that the work continues to be reproducible given

changes to the software and computing environment
2. Fielding questions or inquiries from others interested
in reproducing the results or in building upon the pub-
lished work (support)

These two activities (maintenance and support) can continue

to be necessary in perpetuity for every study that an investiga-
tor publishes. The mismatch between how the grant funding
Economic Models for Reproducible Analysis 117

system works and the requirements of reproducible research

is depicted in the diagram below.

Analysis Depreciation

When I say “value” in the drawing above, what I really mean

is the “reproducibility value”. In the old model of publishing
science, there was no reproducibility value because the work
was generally not reproducible in the sense that data and
code were available. Hence, this whole discussion would be
Traditional paper publications held their value because the
text on the page did not generally degrade much over time
and copies could easily be made. Scientists did have to field
the occasional question about the results but it was not the
same as maintaining access to software and datasets and an-
swering technical questions therein. As a result, the tradi-
tional economic model for funding academic research really
did match the manner in which research was conducted and
then published. Once the results were published, the main-
Economic Models for Reproducible Analysis 118

tenance and support costs were nominal and did not really
need to be paid for explicitly.
Fast forward to today and the economic model has not changed
but the “business” of academic research has. Now, every pub-
lication has data and code/software attached to it which come
with maintenance and support costs that can extend for a
substantial period into the future. While any given publica-
tion may not require significant maintenance and support,
the costs for an investigator’s publications in aggregate can
add up very quickly. Even a single paper that turns out to be
popular can take up a lot of time and energy.
If you play this movie to the end, it becomes soberingly clear
that reproducible research, from an economic stand point, is
not really sustainable. To see this, it might help to use an anal-
ogy from the business world. Most businesses have capital
costs, where they buy large expensive things – machinery,
buildings, etc. These things have a long life, but are thought to
degrade over time (accountants call it depreciation). As a re-
sult, most businesses have “maintenance capital expenditure”
costs that they report to show how much money they are in-
vesting every quarter to keep their equipment/buildings/etc.
up to shape. In this context, the capital expenditure is worth
it because every new building or machine that is purchased
is designed to ultimately produce more revenue. As long as
the revenue generated exceeds the cost of maintenance, the
capital costs are worth it (not to oversimplify or anything!).
In academia, each new publications incurs some maintenance
and support costs to ensure reproducibility (the “capital ex-
penditure” here) but it’s unclear how much each new publi-
cation brings in more “revenue” to offset those costs. Sure,
more publications allow one to expand the lab or get more
grant funding or hire more students/postdocs, but I wouldn’t
say that’s universally true. Some fields are just constrained by
how much total funding there is and so the available funding
cannot really be increased by “reaching more customers”.
Given that the budgets for funding agencies (at least in the
U.S.) have barely kept up with inflation and the number of
publications increases every year, it seems the goal of making
Economic Models for Reproducible Analysis 119

all research reproducible is simply not economically support-

I think we have to concede that at any given moment in time,
there will always be some fraction of published research for
which there is no maintenance or support for reproducibility.
Note that this doesn’t mean that people don’t publish their
data and code (they should still do that!), it just means they
don’t support or maintain it. The only question is which frac-
tion should not be supported or maintained? Most likely, it
will be older results where the investigators simply cannot
keep up with maintenance and support. However, it might
be worth coming up with a more systematic approach to de-
termining which publications need to maintain their repro-
ducibility and which don’t.
For example, it might be more important to maintain the re-
producibility of results from huge studies that cannot be eas-
ily replicated independently. However, for a small study con-
ducted a decade ago that has subsequently been replicated
many times, we can probably let that one go. But this isn’t the
only approach. We might want to preserve the reproducibility
of studies that collect unique datasets that are difficult to
re-collect. Or we might want to consider term-limits on re-
producibility, so an investigator commits to maintaining and
supporting the reproducibility of a finding for say, 5 years,
after which either the maintenance and support is dropped
or longer-term funding is obtained. This doesn’t necessarily
mean that the data and code suddenly disappear from the
world; it just means the investigator is no longer committed
to supporting the effort.
Reproducibility of scientific research is of critical importance,
perhaps now more than ever. However, we need to think
harder about how we can support it in both the short- and
long-term. Just assuming that the maintenance and support
costs of reproducibility for every study are merely nominal is
not realistic and simply leads to investigators not supporting
reproducibility as a default.
IV Towards a Theory
20. The Role of Theory in
Data Analysis
In data analysis, we make use of a lot of theory, whether
we like to admit it or not. In a traditional statistical training,
things like the central limit theorem and the law of large
numbers (and their many variations) are deeply baked into
our heads. I probably use the central limit theorem everyday
in my work, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the
worse. Even if I’m not directly applying a Normal approxima-
tion, knowledge of the central limit theorem will often guide
my thinking and help me to decide what to do in a given data
analytic situation.
Theorems like the central limit theorem or the law of large
numbers ultimately tell us something about the world around
us by serving as models. When we say “Let X1, X2, … be
random variables”, we’re usually thinking of X1 and X2 as ab-
stract representations of real world phenomena. They might
be people, or time points in a time series, or cars on the
road. What’s nice about the theory here is that with a single
statement (and a critical set of assumptions), we can make
general statements about the world, regardless of whether
we’re talking about people or cars. In this sense, statistical the-
ory is analogous to scientific theory, which also tries to make
general statements about the world. Statistical theory also
contains statements about the tools we use, to help us under-
stand their behavior and their properties. Most of this theory
is a combination of well-understood mathematical transfor-
mations (derivatives, integrals, approximations) and models
of the physical world.
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 122

Other Theories

There are other kinds of theory and often their role is not
to make general statements about the natural world. Rather,
their goal is to provide quasi-general summaries of what is
commonly done, or what might be typical. So instead of mak-
ing statements along the lines of “X is true”, the aim is to make
statements like “X is most common”. Often, those statements
can be made because there is a written record of what was
done in the past and the practitioners in the area have a
collective memory of what works and what doesn’t.

On War

In his book On War, Carl von Clauswitz writes at length about

the role of theory in warfare. What’s the point of discussing
war in the abstract when the reality of war is complicated and
highly dependent on the facts on the ground? He sees theory
in warfare as a form of training, “a compression of the past
transmitting experience, while making minimal claims about
the future.”
Clauswitz did not envision theory as commanding a general
to do something, but rather as an efficient summary of what
had worked (or not worked) before. The only alternative to
having a theory in this case would be for each general to re-
learn the material from scratch. In the practice of warfare,
such an approach could easily lead to death. The language
of Clauswitz is reminiscent of John Tukey. In his 1962 paper
The Future of Data Analysis, Tukey writes that theory should
“guide, not command” the practice of data analysis.

On Music

Another area that contains a significant amount of theory is

music. As I’m a bit more familiar with this area than with
warfare, I will draw out a few more examples here. Music
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 123

theory is largely a descriptive practice that attempts to draw

out underlying patterns that appear in various forms and
instances of music. Out of music theory we get things like
“Sonata Form”, which says that a piece of music has an ex-
position, a development, and a recapitulation. This form is
very common in western classical music and has strong ties
to written work.
We also get tonal harmonic analysis, which provides a lan-
guage for describing the harmonic transitions in a piece of
music. For example, most western music has a “key signa-
ture”, which can be thought of as the primary or “tonic” chord
(C-major, for example). All other chords in the scale revolve
around that primary chord. These chords are usually referred
to using Roman numerals, so the primary or tonic chord is
denoted with Roman numeral I. In most pieces of music, the
commonly used chords are the tonic (the I chord), the domi-
nant (the V chord), and the sub-dominant (the IV chord). The
harmonic pattern of I-IV-V chords is instantly recognizable
in many forms of western music written across centuries.
We can find chorales written by Johann Sebastian Bach that
follow similar harmonic patterns as songs written by The
Beatles. In this way, the tonal theory of harmony allows us
to draw connections between very disparate pieces of music.
One thing that the tonal theory of harmony does not give us
is a recipe for what to do when creating new music. Simply
knowing the theory does not make one a great composer. It’s
tempting to think that the theory of harmony is formulated
in a manner that tells us what sounds good and what doesn’t
(and sometimes it is taught this way), but this is misleading.
A rote application of the theory will lead to something that is
passable, but likely not very inspiring, as you will essentially
end up with a reformulation of what has been done before.
Part of what makes music great is that it is new and different
from what came before.
Arnold Schoenberg, in his textbook Harmonielehre, argued
strongly against the idea that there were certain forms of mu-
sic that inherently “sounded good” versus those that “sounded
bad”. His thinking was not that the theory of music tells us
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 124

what sounds good versus bad but rather tells us what is com-
monly done versus not commonly done. One could infer that
things that are commonly done are therefore good, but that
would be an individual judgment and not an inherent aspect
of the theory.
Knowledge of music theory is useful if only because it pro-
vides an efficient summary of what is expected. You can’t
break the rules if you don’t know what the rules are. Creating
things that are surprising or unexpected or interesting relies
critically on knowing what your audience is expecting to hear.
The reason why Schoenberg’s “atonal” style of music sounds
so different is because his audiences were expecting music
written in the more common tonal style. Sometimes, we can
rely on music theory to help us avoid a specific chord progres-
sion (e.g. parallel fifths) because that “sounds bad”, but what
we really mean is that such a pattern is not commonly used
and is perhaps unexpected. So if you’re going to do it, feel free,
but it should be for a good reason.

Humans in the Loop

In both examples of theory presented here–warfare and music–

the theory only takes you so far, perhaps frustratingly so. Both
theories leave room for a substantial human presence and
for critical human decision-making. In warfare, Clauswitz ac-
knowledges that there are significant uncertainties that every
general encounters and that the role of any theory should
be to “educate the mind of the future commander…not to
accompany him to the battlefield.”
Similarly in music, theory provides an efficient way to sum-
marize the useful aspects of what has come before in a man-
ner that can be fit into something like a semester-long course.
It also provides a language for describing characteristics of
music and for communicating similarities and differences
across musical pieces. But when it comes to the creation of
new music, theory can only provide the foundation; the com-
poser must ultimately build the house.
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 125

What Does a Theory of Data Analysis

Look Like?

If asked to make generally true statements about data analy-

sis, I think most practitioners would struggle. Data analysis re-
lies critically on the details. How could one make a statement
that was true for all data analyses when the details differ so
much between analyses? And yet, often one person is capable
of analyzing data from vastly different domains. Two people
who do data analysis in different areas can still have things
to talk about related to their work. What are the things that
transfer across domains?
One obvious candidate is the methods themselves. A linear re-
gression in biology is the same linear regression in economics.
If I am an economist, I may not know much about biology but I
could still explain the concepts of linear regression. Similarly,
a scatterplot is the same no matter what field it is applied to,
even if the things being plotted are different. So the bread and
butter of statistics, the study of methods of data analysis, is
important. Yet, in my experience, people with solid training
in a wide array of statistical methods can still be poor data
analysts. In that case, what are they missing?
At this point, many would argue that what is missing is the “ex-
perience of doing data analysis”. In other words, data analysis
is learned through doing it. Okay, fine, but what exactly is it
that we are learning? It’s worth spending a little time asking
this question and considering possible answers because any
theory of data analysis would include the answers to this

General Statements

The closest thing to a general statement about data analysis

that I can come up with is a successful data analysis is
reproducible. (Note that I do not believe the converse is true.)
The concept of reproducibility, whereby code and data accom-
pany a data analysis so that others can re-create the results,
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 126

has developed over more than 20 years and has only grown
in importance. With the increase in computational power and
data collection technology, it is essentially impossible to rely
on written representations of data analysis. The only way to
truly know what has happened to produce a result is to look
at the code and perhaps run it yourself.
When I wrote my first paper on reproducibility in 20061 the
reaction was hardly one of universal agreement. But today, I
think many would see the statement above as true. What has
changed? Mostly, data analysts in the field have gained sub-
stantially more experience with complex data analyses and
have increasingly been bitten by the non-reproducibility of
certain analyses. With experience, both good and bad, we can
come to an understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
Reproducibility works as a mechanism to communicate what
was done, it isn’t too burdensome if it’s considered from the
beginning of an analysis, and as a by-product it can make data
available to others for different uses.
There is no need for a new data analyst to learn about re-
producibility “from experience”. We don’t need to lead a ju-
nior data analyst down a months-long winding path of non-
reproducible analyses until they are finally bitten by non-
reproducibility (and therefore “learn their lesson”). We can
just tell them

In the past, we’ve found it useful to make our data

analyses reproducible. Here’s a workflow to guide
you in your own analyses.

With that one statement, we can “compress” over 20 years of

Another statement I can think of that is applicable to most
data analyses is to discover the data generating mechanism.
When I talk to other data analysts, one of the favorite category
of “war stories” to tell is the one where you were bitten by
some detail in data collection that went unnoticed. Many data
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 127

analysts are not involved in the data collection process or the

experimental design and so it is important to inquire about
he process by which the data came to them.
For example, one person told me a story of an analysis she
did on a laboratory experiment that was ostensibly simple
(basically, a t-test). But when she visited the lab one day to
see how the experiments were done, she discovered that the
experimental units were all processed in one batch and the
control units were all processed in a different batch at a dif-
ferent time, thereby confounding any treatment effect with
the batch. There’s not much a data analysis can do to rescue
that situation and it’s good for the analyst to know that before
spending a lot of time considering the right methodology.
I’ve written previously about the Law & Order principle of
data science2 where a data analyst must retrace the footsteps
of the data to see how they were generated. Such an activity
is time-consuming, but I’ve never come across a situation
where it was actively detrimental to the analysis. At worst, it’s
interesting knowledge to have but it plays no critical role in
designing the ultimate analysis.
Most analysts I know have indeed learned “through experi-
ence” the dangers of not being informed of the data generat-
ing mechanism. But it seems like a waste of time to force new
analysts to go through the same experience, as if it were some
sort of fraternity hazing ritual. Why not just tell them?

Theory Principles

At this point, I think a theory of data analysis would look more

like music than it would like physics or mathematics. Rather
than produce general truths about the natural world, a theory
of data analysis would provide useful summaries of what has
worked and what hasn’t. A “compression of the past”, so to
speak. Along those lines, I think a theory of data analysis
should reflect the following principles:

The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 128

• The theory of data analysis is not a theory that instructs

us what to do or tells us universal truths. Rather, it is a
descriptive or constructive theory that guides analysts
without tying their hands.
• A theory should speed up the training of an analyst by
summarizing what is commonly done and what has been
successful. It should reduce the amount of learning that
must be done experientially.
• The theory should serve the practice of data analysis and
make data analysis better in order to justify its existence.
This is in contrast to traditional statistical theory, whose
existence could be justified by virtue of the fact that it
allows us to discover truth about the natural world, not
unlike with mathematics or physics. In other words, a
theory of data analysis would have relatively little intrin-
sic value.
• The theory should not be dependent on specific tech-
nologies or types of data. It should be reasonably appli-
cable to a wide range of data analyses in many different
subject areas. A biologist talking to an economist should
be able to understand each other when discussing the
theory of data analysis.
• The theory should go far beyond the instruction of dif-
ferent methods of analysis, including aspects of data
analysis that don’t strictly involve the data.

The Scope of Data Analysis

Tukey writes that data analysis should be thought of more as a

scientific field, not unlike biochemistry. The key aspect of that
comparison is that scientists in any field are comfortable ac-
knowledging that there are things they don’t know. However,
data analysts often feel that they have to have an answer to
every question. I’ve felt this myself–when someone presents
a problem to me for which there isn’t an obvious solution, I
feel a bit embarrassed, as if there must be an answer and I
just don’t know it.
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 129

The view of data analysis as a scientific field though is a bit

too simplistic in that we shouldn’t view solutions to problems
as either known or unknown. Often, we can design a solution
to a problem even if we are unaware of the “optimal” one.
Such a sub-optimal solution will likely be based on intuition,
judgment, and our memory of past experience. We may not be
happy about the solution, but it might nevertheless be useful.
If we are unhappy about the solution developed, we may be
inspired to search for the “best” or optimal procedure…or not.
Whether such a best solution can be found will depend on
whether a realistic optimality criterion can even be specified.
Much of what is written about data analysis (in particular
older material) tends to be about activities involving the data.
But a distinction needs to be made between what data analy-
sis is and what a data analyst does. The theory of data analysis
will largely focus on what a data analyst does, as I think this as-
pect is potentially more generalizable across disciplines and
includes many critically important activities that we don’t
often discuss.
I think most would agree that what data analysis is includes
things that involve the data (like fitting a statistical model).
But many things that data analysts do include things com-
pletely outside the data. For example, refining the question
to be answered and consulting with experts is a key aspect
of what data analysts do, but typically does not involve the
analysis of any data (the data may not even be collected yet).
Experimental design is another important job where data
analysts need to be involved but often does not involve data
(although there is substantial theory surrounding this topic
already). Allocating resources3 for a data analysis and build-
ing trust4 with collaborators are also critical things that data
analysts do.
Because data analysis has become such a critically valuable
skill in so many areas of the world, statisticians will have
to think harder about what makes for a good data analyst.

The Role of Theory in Data Analysis 130

Further, we need to develop better ways to train analysts to

do the right thing. Learning by doing will always be a critical
aspect of data analytic training, if only because practice is
essential (not unlike with music). But we should make sure we
are not wasting time in areas where we have a rich collective
experience. In other words, we need a theory of data analysis
that binds together this collective experience, summarizes
what has worked and what hasn’t, compresses the past, and
provides useful guidance for the uninitiated.
21. The Tentpoles of Data
What makes for a good data scientist? This is a question I
asked a long time ago1 and am still trying to figure out the
answer. Back in 2012, I wrote:

I was thinking about the people who I think are

really good at data analysis and it occurred to me
that they were all people I knew. So I started think-
ing about people that I don’t know (and there are
many) but are equally good at data analysis. This
turned out to be much harder than I thought. And
I’m sure it’s not because they don’t exist, it’s just
because I think good data analysis chops are hard
to evaluate from afar using the standard methods
by which we evaluate people.

Now that time has passed and I’ve had an opportunity to see
what’s going on in the world of data science, what I think
about good data scientists, and what seems to make for good
data analysis, I have a few more ideas on what makes for a
good data scientist. In particular, I think there are broadly five
“tentpoles” for a good data scientist. Each tentpole represents
a major area of activity that will to some extent be applied in
any given data analysis.
When I ask myself the question “What is data science?” I tend
to think of the following five components. Data science is

• the application of design thinking to data problems;


The Tentpoles of Data Science 132

• the creation and management of workflows for trans-

forming and processing data;
• the negotiation of human relationships to identify con-
text, allocate resources, and characterize audiences for
data analysis products;
• the application of statistical methods to quantify evi-
dence; and
• the transformation of data analytic information into co-
herent narratives and stories

My contention is that if you are a good data scientist, then you

are good at all five of the tentpoles of data science. Conversely,
if you are good at all five tentpoles, then you’ll likely be a good
data scientist.

Design Thinking

Listeners of my podcast2 know that Hilary Parker and I are

fans of design thinking. Having recently spent eight episodes
discussing Nigel Cross’s book Design Thinking 3 , it’s clear I think
this is a major component of good data analysis.
The main focus here is developing a proper framing of a prob-
lem and homing in on the most appropriate question to ask.
Many good data scientists are distinguished by their ability to
think of a problem in a new way. Figuring out the best way to
ask a question requires knowledge and consideration of the
audience and what it is they need. I think it’s also important
to frame the problem in a way that is personally interesting (if
possible) so that you, as the analyst, are encouraged to look at
the data analysis as a systems problem. This requires digging
into all the details and looking into areas that others who are
less interested might overlook. Finally, alternating between

The Tentpoles of Data Science 133

divergent and convergent thinking4 is useful for exploring the

problem space via potential solutions (rough sketches), but
also synthesizing many ideas and bringing oneself to focus
on a specific question.
Another important area that design thinking touches is the
solicitation of domain knowledge. Many would argue5 that
having domain knowledge is a key part of developing a good
data science solution. But I don’t think being a good data sci-
entist is about having specific knowledge of biology, web site
traffic, environmental health, or clothing styles. Rather, if you
want to have an impact in any of those areas, it’s important to
be able to solicit the relevant information—including domain
knowledge—for solving the problem at hand. I don’t have a
PhD in environmental health sciences, and my knowledge of
that area is not at the level of someone who does. But I believe
that over my career, I have solicited the relevant information
from experts and have learned the key facts that are needed
to conduct data science research in this area.


Over the past 15 years or so, there has been a growing discus-
sion of the importance of good workflows in the data analysis
community. At this point, I’d say a critical job of a data sci-
entist is to develop and manage the workflows for a given
data problem. Most likely, it is the data scientist who will
be in a position to observe how the data flows through a
team or across different pieces of software, and so the data
scientist will know how best to manage these transitions. If a
data science problem is a systems problem, then the workflow
indicates how different pieces of the system talk to each other.
While the tools of data analytic workflow management are
constantly changing, the importance of the idea persists and


The Tentpoles of Data Science 134

staying up-to-date with the best tools is a key part of the job.
In the scientific arena the end goal of good workflow man-
agement is often reproducibility of the scientific analysis. But
good workflow can also be critical for collaboration, team
management, and producing good science (as opposed to merely
reproducible science). Having a good workflow can also facili-
tate sharing of data or results, whether it’s with another team
at the company or with the public more generally, as in the
case of scientific results. Finally, being able to understand and
communicate how a given result has been generated through
the workflow can be of great importance when problems
occur and need to be debugged.

Human Relationships

In previous posts I’ve discussed the importance of context6 ,

resources7 , and audience8 for producing a successful data
analysis. Being able to grasp all of these things typically in-
volves having good relationships9 with other people, either
within a data science team or outside it. In my experience,
poor relationships can often lead to poor work.
It’s a rare situation where a data scientist works completely
alone, accountable to no one, only presenting to themselves.
Usually, resources must be obtained to do the analysis in the
first place and the audience (i.e. users, customers, viewers, sci-
entists) must be characterized to understand how a problem
should be framed or a question should be asked. All of this will
require having relationships with people who can provide the
resources or the information that a data scientist needs.



The Tentpoles of Data Science 135

Failures in data analysis can often be traced back to a break-

down in human relationships and in communication between
team members. As the Duke Saga10 showed us, dramatic fail-
ures do not occur because someone didn’t know what a p-
value was or how to fit a linear regression. In that particular
case, knowledgeable people reviewed the analysis, identified
exactly all the serious the problems, raised the issues with
the right people, and…were ignored. There is no statistical
method that I know of that can prevent disaster from occur-
ring under this circumstance. Unfortunately, for outside ob-
servers, it’s usually impossible to see this process happening,
and so we tend to attribute failures to the parts that we can

Statistical Methods

Applying statistical methods is obviously essential to the job

of a data scientist. In particular, knowing what methods are
most appropriate for different situations and different kinds
of data, and which methods are best-suited to answer differ-
ent kinds of questions. Proper application of statistical meth-
ods is clearly important to doing good data analysis, but it’s
also important for data scientists to know what methods can
be reasonably applied given the constraint on resources. If
an analysis must be done by tomorrow, one cannot apply a
method that requires two days to complete. However, if the
method that requires two days is the only appropriate method,
then additional time or resources must be negotiated (thus
necessitating good relationships with others).
I don’t think much more needs to be said here as I think
most assume that knowledge of statistical methods is criti-
cal to being a good data scientist. That said, one important
aspect that falls into this category is the implementation of
statistical methods, which can be more or less complex de-
pending on the size of the data. Sophisticated computational

The Tentpoles of Data Science 136

algorithms and methods may need to be applied or developed

from scratch if a problem is too big to work on off-the-shelf
software. In such cases, a good data scientist will need to
know how to implement these methods so that the problem
can be solved. While it is sometimes necessary to collaborate
with an expert in this area who can implement a complex
algorithm, this creates a new layer of communication and
another relationship that must be properly managed.

Narratives and Stories

Even the simplest of analyses can produce an overwhelming

amount of results and being able to distill that information
into a coherent narrative or story is critical to the success of
an analysis. If a great analysis is done, but no one can under-
stand it, did it really happen? Narratives and stories serve
as dimension reduction for results and allow an audience to
navigate a specified path through the sea of information.
Data scientists have to prioritize what is important and what
is not and present things that are relevant to the audience.
Part of building a good narrative is choosing the right pre-
sentation materials to tell the story, whether they be plots,
tables, charts, or text. There is rarely an optimal choice that
serves all situations because what works best will be highly
audience- and context-dependent. Data scientists need to be
able to “read the room”, so to speak, and make the appropriate
choices. Many times, when I’ve seen critiques of data analyses,
it’s not the analysis that is being criticized but rather the
choice of narrative. If the data scientist chooses to emphasize
one aspect but the audience thinks another aspect is more
important, the analysis will seem “wrong” even though the
application of the methods to the data is correct.
A hallmark of good communication about a data analysis is
providing a way for the audience to reason about11 the data12

The Tentpoles of Data Science 137

and to understand how the data are tied to the result. This
is a data analysis after all, and we should be able to see for
ourselves how the data inform the conclusion. As an audience
member in this situation, I’m not as interested in just trusting
the presenter and their conclusions.

Describing a Good Data Scientist

When thinking of some of the best data scientists I’ve known

over the years, I think they are all good at the five tentpoles
I’ve described above. However, what about the converse? If
you met someone who demonstrated that they were good at
these five tentpoles, would you think they were a good data
scientist? I think the answer is yes, and to get a sense of this,
one need look no further than a typical job advertisement for
a data science position.
I recently saw this job ad13 from my Johns Hopkins colleague
Elana Fertig. She works in the area of computational biology
and her work involves analyzing large quantities of data to
draw connections between people’s genes and cancer (if I
may make a gross oversimplification). She is looking for a
postdoctoral fellow to join her lab and the requirements listed
for the position are typical of many ads of this type:

• PhD in computational biology, biostatistics, biomedical

engineering, applied mathematics, or a related field.
• Proficiency in programming with R/Bioconductor and/or
python for genomics analysis.
• Experience with high-performance computing clusters
and LINUX scripting.
• Techniques for reproducible research and version con-
trol, including but not limited to experience generating
knitr reports, GitHub repositories, and R package devel-
• Problem-solving skills and independence.
The Tentpoles of Data Science 138

• The ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team.

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

This is a job where complex statistical methods will be ap-

plied to large biological datasets. As a result, knowledge of
the methods or the biology will be useful, and knowing how
to implement these methods on a large scale (i.e. via cluster
computing) will be important. Knowing techniques for re-
producible research requires knowledge of the proper work-
flows and how to manage them throughout an analysis. Prob-
lem-solving skills is practically synonymous with design think-
ing; working as part of a multidisciplinary team requires ne-
gotiating human relationships; and developing narratives
and stories requires excellent written and verbal communi-
cation skills.


A good data scientist can be hard to find, and part of the rea-
son is because being a good data scientist requires mastering
skills in a wide range of areas. However, these five tentpoles
are not haphazardly chosen; rather they reflect the interwo-
ven set of skills that are needed to solve complex data prob-
lems. Focusing on being good at these five tentpoles means
sacrificing time spent studying other things. To the extent that
we can coalesce around the idea of convincing people to do
exactly that, data science will become a distinct field with its
own identity and vision.
22. Generative and
Analytical Models
Describing how a data analysis is created is a topic of keen
interest to me and there are a few different ways to think
about it. Two different ways of thinking about data analysis
are what I call the “generative” approach and the “analytical”
approach. Another, more informal, way that I like to think
about these approaches is as the “biological” model and the
“physician” model. Reading through the literature on the pro-
cess of data analysis, I’ve noticed that many seem to focus on
the former rather than the latter and I think that presents an
opportunity for new and interesting work.

Generative Model

The generative approach to thinking about data analysis fo-

cuses on the process by which an analysis is created. Devel-
oping an understanding of the decisions that are made to
move from step one to step two to step three, etc. can help us
recreate or reconstruct a data analysis. While reconstruction
may not exactly be the goal of studying data analysis in this
manner, having a better understanding of the process can
open doors with respect to improving the process.
A key feature of the data analytic process is that it typically
takes place inside the data analyst’s head, making it impossi-
ble to directly observe. Measurements can be taken by asking
analysts what they were thinking at a given time, but that can
be subject to a variety of measurement errors, as with any
data that depend on a subject’s recall. In some situations, par-
tial information is available, for example if the analyst writes
down the thinking process through a series of reports or if
Generative and Analytical Models 140

a team is involved and there is a record of communication

about the process. From this type of information, it is possible
to gather a reasonable picture of “how things happen” and to
describe the process for generating a data analysis.
This model is useful for understanding the “biological pro-
cess”, i.e. the underlying mechanisms for how data analyses
are created, sometimes referred to as “statistical thinking”1 .
There is no doubt that this process has inherent interest for
both teaching purposes and for understanding applied work.
But there is a key ingredient that is lacking and I will talk
about that more below.

Analytical Model

A second approach to thinking about data analysis ignores the

underlying processes that serve to generate the data analysis
and instead looks at the observable outputs of the analysis.
Such outputs might be an R markdown document, a PDF re-
port, or even a slide deck (Stephanie Hicks and I refer to this
as the analytic container2 ). The advantage of this approach is
that the analytic outputs are real and can be directly observed.
Of course, what an analyst puts into a report or a slide deck
typically only represents a fraction of what might have been
produced in the course of a full data analysis. However, it’s
worth noting that the elements placed in the report are the
cumulative result of all the decisions made through the course
of a data analysis.
I’ve used music theory as an analogy for data analysis many
times before3 , mostly because it’s all I know, but also because
it really works! When we listen to or examine a piece of music,
we have essentially no knowledge of how that music came to
be. We can no longer interview Mozart or Beethoven about
how they wrote their music. And yet we are still able to do a
few important things:
Generative and Analytical Models 141

• Analyze and Theorize. We can analyze the music that we

hear (and their written representation, if available) and
talk about how different pieces of music differ from each
other or share similarities. We might develop a sense of
what is commonly done by a given composer, or across
many composers, and evaluate what outputs are more
successful or less successful. It’s even possible to draw
connections between different kinds of music separated
by centuries. None of this requires knowledge of the
underlying processes.
• Give Feedback. When students are learning to compose
music, an essential part of that training is the play the
music in front of others. The audience can then give
feedback about what worked and what didn’t. Occasion-
ally, someone might ask “What were you thinking?” but
for the most part, that isn’t necessary. If something is
truly broken, it’s sometimes possible to prescribe some
corrective action (e.g. “make this a C chord instead of a
D chord”).

There are even two whole podcasts dedicated to analyzing

music—Sticky Notes4 for classical music and Switched on Pop5
for pop—and they generally do not interview the artists in-
volved (this would be particularly hard for Sticky Notes). By
contrast, the Song Exploder6 podcast takes a more “generative
approach” by having the artist talk about the creative process.
I referred to this analytical model for data analysis as the
“physician” approach because it mirrors, in a basic sense, the
problem that a physician confronts. When a patient arrives,
there is a set of symptoms and the patient’s own report/his-
tory. Based on that information, the physician has to pre-
scribe a course of action (usually, to collect more data). There
is often little detailed understanding of the biological pro-
cesses underlying a disease, but they physician may have
a wealth of personal experience, as well as a literature of
clinical trials comparing various treatments from which to
Generative and Analytical Models 142

draw. In human medicine, knowledge of biological processes

is critical for designing new interventions, but may not play
as large a role in prescribing specific treatments.
When I see a data analysis, as a teacher, a peer reviewer, or
just a colleague down the hall, it is usually my job to give
feedback in a timely manner. In such situations there usually
isn’t time for extensive interviews about the development pro-
cess of the analysis, even though that might in fact be useful.
Rather, I need to make a judgment based on the observed
outputs and perhaps some brief follow-up questions. To the
extent that I can provide feedback that I think will improve
the quality of the analysis, it is because I have a sense of what
makes for a successful analysis.

The Missing Ingredient

Stephanie Hicks and I have written about what are the ele-
ments of a data analysis as well as what might be the prin-
ciples7 that guide the development of an analysis. In a sep-
arate paper8 , we describe and characterize the success of a
data analysis, based on a matching of principles between the
analyst and the audience. This is something I have touched
on previously, both in this book and on my podcast with
Hilary Parker9 , but in a generally more hand-wavey fashion.
Developing a more formal model, as Stephanie and I have
done here, has been useful and has provided some additional
For both the generative model and the analytical model of
data analysis, the missing ingredient was a clear definition of
what made a data analysis successful. The other side of that
coin, of course, is knowing when a data analysis has failed.
The analytical approach is useful because it allows us to sepa-
rate the analysis from the analyst and to categorize analyses
Generative and Analytical Models 143

according to their observed features. But the categorization is

“unordered” unless we have some notion of success. Without
a definition of success, we are unable to formally criticize
analyses and explain our reasoning in a logical manner.
The generative approach is useful because it reveals poten-
tial targets of intervention, especially from a teaching per-
spective, in order to improve data analysis (just like under-
standing a biological process). However, without a concrete
definition of success, we don’t have a target to strive for and
we do not know how to intervene in order to make genuine
improvement. In other words, there is no outcome on which
we can “train our model” for data analysis.
I mentioned above that there is a lot of focus on developing
the generative model for data analysis, but comparatively
little work developing the analytical model. Yet, both models
are fundamental to improving the quality of data analyses
and learning from previous work. I think this presents an
important opportunity for statisticians, data scientists, and
others to study how we can characterize data analyses based
on observed outputs and how we can draw connections be-
tween analyses.

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