SPM Percubaan 2008 MRSM Chemistry Paper 1

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Paper 1
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Paper 1

One hour and fifteen minutes


1. The question booklet is bilingual.
Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.

2. Candidates are advised to read information on the back page of the question booklet.
Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di halaman belakang kertas soalan ini.

This question booklet has 30 printed pages


1 Diagram 1 shows the inter conversion of water, steam and ice.

In which conversion do H2O molecules lose speed?
Rajah 1 menunjukkan perubahan keadaan air, ais dan stim.
Dalam perubahan manakah molekul H2O hilang kelajuan?


Water Ice
Air Ais

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

A Ice → water
Ais → air
B Ice → steam
Ais → stim
C Water → steam
Air → stim
D Steam → ice
Stim → ais

2 Which of the following formula represents a compound containing three atoms?

Antara formula berikut, yang manakah mewakili sebatian yang mengandungi tiga atom?


3 A covalent compound does not conduct electricity because

Sebatian kovalen tidak mengalirkan arus elektrik kerana

A it does not dissolve in water

ia tidak larut dalam air
B it has strong covalent bonding
ia mempunyai ikatan kovalen yang kuat
C particles consist of molecules
zarah terdiri daripada molekul
D ions in the covalent compound are not mobile
ion-ion dalam sebatian kovalen tidak bergerak bebas

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4 Table 1 shows the nucleon numbers and proton numbers of atoms W, X, Y, and Z.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan nombor nukleon dan nombor proton bagi atom-atom W, X, Y, dan Z.

Nucleon number 35 37 40 39
Nombor nukleon
Proton number 17 17 18 19
Nombor proton
Table 1
Jadual 1

How many atom(s) represent non-metallic elements?

Berapa atomkah mewakili unsur bukan logam?

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

5 Diagram 2 shows a circuit where the bulb lights up.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu litar dimana mentolnya menyala.


Elektrod Substance G
Bahan G

Diagram 2
Rajah 2

What is substance G?
Apakah bahan G?

A A solution of ethanol in water

Larutan etanol dalam air
B Aqueous sodium chloride
Natrium klorida akues
C Solid sodium chloride
Pepejal natrium klorida
D Liquid ethanol
Cecair etanol

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6 In which experiment the limewater does not turn cloudy?

Dalam eksperimen manakah air kapur tidak menjadi keruh?



7 Lead(II) iodide is formed when aqueous lead(II) nitrate is added to a solution

containing iodide ions.
What type of reaction takes place?
Plumbum(II) iodida terbentuk apabila plumbum(II) nitrat akueus dicampur kepada larutan yang
mengandungi ion iodida.
Apakah jenis tindak balas yang berlaku?

A Neutralisation
B Oxidation
C Reduction
D Precipitation

8 A salt always ..
Garam sentiasa

A contains ions
mengandungi ion
B dissolves in water
larut dalam air
C forms white crystals
membentuk hablur putih
D conducts electricity
mengalirkan arus elektrik

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9 The bodies of an aeroplane, a car and a wheelbarrow are made of alloy.

Rangka kapalterbang, kereta dan kereta sorong diperbuat daripada aloi.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

Which alloy is used in making the bodies of aeroplane, car and wheelbarrow?
Antara aloi berikut, yang manakah digunakan untuk membuat rangka kapalterbang, kereta dan kereta

Aeroplane Car Wheelbarrow

Kapalterbang Kereta Kereta sorong
Magnalium Brass Steel
A Magnalium Loyang Keluli
Duralumin Steel Steel
B Duralumin Keluli Keluli
Pewter Bronze Brass
C Pewter Gangsa Loyang
Steel Stainless steel Solder
D Keluli Keluli nirkarat Pateri

10 Copper wires in an electricity cable are covered in plastic as shown in diagram 4.

Plastic is used because it is
Dawai kuprum dalam kabel elektrik disalut dengan plastik seperti Rajah 4.
Plastik digunakan sebab ia

Diagram 4
Rajah 4
A hard.
B a polymer.
C an insulator.
D melts easily.
mudah dilebur

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11 A solution of hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen slowly at room temperature.

Larutan hidrogen peroksida membebaskan oksigen pada suhu bilik.

Hydrogen peroxide → water + oxygen

Hidrogen peroksida → air + oksigen

Diagram 5 shows the effect of adding manganese(IV) oxide to the solution.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan kesan penambahan mangan(IV) oksida kepada larutan tersebut.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

What could be the reason for the observed change?

Apakah sebab bagi perubahan yang diperhatikan?

A Manganese(IV) oxide acts as a catalyst

Mangan(IV) oksida bertindak sebagai mangkin
B Manganese(IV) oxide reacts with the hydrogen peroxide
Mangan(IV) oksida bertindak balas dengan hidrogen peroksida
C The hydrogen peroxide is neutralised by manganese(IV) oxide
Hidrogen peroksida dineutralkan oleh mangan(IV) oksida
D The hydrogen peroxide becomes more concentrated
Hidrogen peroksida bertambah pekat

12 Which of the following substance is found in crude oil?

Antara bahan berikut yang manakah terdapat dalam minyak mentah?

A Ethanoic acid
Asid etanoik
B Polythene
C Ethanol
D Butane

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13 2 g of marble is added to 10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid in four different test tubes.

In which test tube is the reaction fastest?
2 g marmar ditambah kepada 10 cm3 asid hidroklorik dalam empat tabung uji berlainan.
Dalam tabung uji manakah menghasilkan tindak balas paling cergas?



14 What are formed when glucose is fermented?

Apakah yang terbentuk dalam penapaian glukosa?

A Ethanol and carbon dioxide

Etanol dan karbon dioksida
B Ethanol and oxygen
Etanol dan oksigen
C Ethene and carbon dioxide
Etena dan karbon dioksida
D Ethene and oxygen
Etena dan oksigen

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15 Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set up used to study the reaction of metal oxide and
Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji tindak balas antara logam oksida
dengan karbon.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

Which of the following metal oxide will turn the lime water cloudy?
Antara oksida logam berikut yang manakah mengeruhkan air kapur?

A Magnesium oxide
Magnesium oksida
B Copper(II) oxide
Kuprum(II) oksida
C Calcium oxide
Kalsium oksida
D Aluminium oxide
Aluminium oksida

16 The reaction between solution P and solution Q is exothermic.

A student confirms this statement by mixing equal volumes of the two solutions and
measuring the temperature change.
Which two pieces of apparatus should the student use?
Tindak balas antara larutan P dan Q adalah eksotermik.
Pelajar mengesahkah pernyataan tersebut dengan mencampurkan isipadu yang sama bagi dua
larutan dan mengukur perubahan suhu.
Apakah dua radas yang perlu digunakan?

A Balance and stop watch

Neraca dan jam randik
B Balance and thermometer
Neraca dan termometer
C Pipette and stop watch
Pipet dan jam randik
D Pipette and thermometer
Pipet dan termometer

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17 Diagram 7 shows a set up where hydrogen is passed over a heated metal oxide.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan susunan radas di mana hidrogen dilalirkan atas logam oksida yang panas.

Diagram 7
Rajah 7

What happens to the hydrogen and metal oxide?

Apa berlaku kepada hidrogen dan oksida logam?

Hydrogen Metal oxide

Hidrogen Logam oksida
Oxidised Oxidised
A Dioksidakan Dioksidakan
Reduced Oxidised
B Diturunkan Dioksidakan
Reduced Reduced
C Diturunkan Diturunkan
Oxidised Reduced
D Dioksidakan Diturunkan

18 Diagram 8 shows the structure of a palmitate ion.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan struktur bagi ion palmitat.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

Which of the following statements is true?

Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar?

A Parts R and S are soluble in water

Bahagian R dan S larut dalam air
B Parts R and S are soluble in grease
Bahagian R dan S larut dalam gris
C Part R is soluble in grease and part S is soluble in water
Bahagian R larut dalam gris dan S larut dalam air
D Part R is soluble in water and part S is soluble in grease
Bahagian R larut dalam air dan S larut dalam gris

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19 Diagram 9 shows an experiment in which magnesium oxide powder is added to dilute

hydrochloric acid.
Rajah 9 menunjukkan eksperimen di mana serbuk magnesium oksida ditambah ke dalam asid
hidroklorik cair.

Diagram 9
Rajah 9

Which reaction takes place in the experiment?

Apakah tindak balas yang terlibat dalam eksperimen tersebut?

Exothermic Neutralisation
Eksotermik Peneutralan
A  
B 
C 

20 What is the function of an analgesic?

Apakah fungsi analgesik?

A To relieve pain
Mengurangkan rasa sakit
B To treat asthma
Merawat asma
C To destroy bacteria
Menghapuskan bakteria
D To calm down the emotion of the patient
Menenangkan emosi pesakit

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21 Table 2 shows the melting point and boiling points of five compounds J, K, L, M and
N. Which substance exists as a liquid at room temperature?
Jadual 2 menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bagi lima sebatian J , K , L , M dan N. Antara bahan
berikut yang manakah wujud dalam keadaan cecair pada suhu bilik?

Substance Melting point(oC) Boiling point(oC)

Bahan Takat lebur(0C) Takat didih(oC)
J -160 -142
K -32 55
L -96 64
M 42 172
N 142 292

Table 2
Jadual 2

A J only
J sahaja

B J and K only
J dan K sahaja

C K and L only
K dan L sahaja

D M and N only
M dan N sahaja

22 When propane is burned in excess oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are formed and
is represented by the equation
Apabila propana dibakar dalam oksigen berlebihan, karbon dioksida dan air dihasilkan dan di wakili
oleh persamaan berikut

C3H8 + 5O2 → r CO2 + s H2O

What are the values of r and s that balances the equation?

Apakah nilai r dan s yang mengimbangkan persamaan tersebut?

r s
A 1 3
B 1 5
C 3 4
D 3 8

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23 Diagram 11 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada Jadual Berkala Unsur

Diagram 11
Rajah 11

The proton number of X is

Numbor proton X adalah
A seven less than that of Z
kurang tujuh daripada Z
B three less than that of Z
kurang tiga daripada Z
C one less than that of Y
kurang satu daripada Y
D sixteen less than that of Y
kurang enam belas daripada Y

24 Diagram12 shows a model of a molecule containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Rajah 12 menunjukkan model bagi satu molekul yang mengandungi karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen.

Diagram 12
Rajah 12

How many atoms of each element are in the molecule?

Berapakah bilangan atom bagi setiap unsur dalam molekul tersebut?

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

Karbon Hidrogen Oksigen
A 1 6 2
B 2 5 1
C 2 6 1
D 6 2 1

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25 Diagram 13 shows a simple voltaic cell by using different electrode T and N.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan sel kimia ringkas menggunakan elektrod berbeza, T dan N.

Electrode T Electrode N
Elektrod T Elektrod N

Copper (II) sulphate solution

Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat

Diagram 13
Rajah 13

Metal T acts as the positive terminal and the potential difference is 1.9 V.
Which of the following statements is true?
Logam T bertindak sebagai terminal positif dan beza upaya ialah 1.9V .
Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang sel kimia itu?

A T is more electropositive than N

T lebih elektropositif daripada N
B Brown solid is deposited at N electrode
Pepejal perang terenap di elektrod N
C Electron flows from T to N through the external circuit
Elektron mengalir dari T ke N melalui litar luar
D The potential difference will decrease if T is replaced by any other more
electropositive metal than T
Beza upaya akan berkurang jika T digantikan oleh logam lain yang lebih elektropositif
daripada T

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26 Diagram 14 shows the pH values of the soil in part F and part G of a palm oil plantation.
Rajah 14 menunjukkan nilai pH bagi tanah di bahagian F dan G bagi suatu ladang kelapa sawit.

Diagram 14
Rajah 14

The owner wishes to use lime to neutralise the soil in one part of the plantation
Which part should the lime(calcium oxide) be added, and why?
Pemilik ladang bercadang menggunakan kapur untuk meneutralkan sebahagian daripada ladangnya.
Bahagian manakah yang perlu ditambah kapur dan mengapa?

A F because lime is acidic

F sebab kapur berasid
B F because lime is basic
F sebab kapur beralkali
C G because lime is acidic
G sebab kapur berasid
D G because lime is basic
G sebab kapur beralkali

27 Diagram 15 shows how ion W in a solution can be identified.

Rajah 15 menunjukkan bagaimana ion W dalam larutan dapat dikenalpasti.

Diagram 15
Rajah 15
What is ion W?
Apakah ion W?

A NH4 + (aq)
B Al3+ (aq)
C NO3- (aq)
D SO42- (aq)

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28 Polymerization occurs when many small molecules combined to form a long chained
molecule (polymer).
Diagram 16 shows the structure of a small molecule.
Pempolimeran berlaku apabila banyak molekul kecil bergabung membentuk molekul berantai panjang
Rajah 16 menunjukkan struktur suatu molekul kecil

Diagram 16
Rajah 16

Which of the following represents the structure of a polymer formed when these small
molecules are linked together?
Antara berikut yang manakah mewakili struktur polimer yang terbentuk apabila molekul kecil tersebut

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29 Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid to form ethyl ethanoate.

Etanol bertindak balas dengan asid etanoik membentuk etil etanoat.


What is the formula of the ester formed when methanol reacts with butanoic acid,
Apakah formula bagi ester yang terbentuk apabila metanol bertindak balas dengan asid butanoik,


30 Diagram 17 shows set up of apparatus to study the rate of reaction. Magnesium is

added to excess dilute hydrochloric acid at 25 oC
Rajah 17 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas. Magnesium ditambah
kepada asid hidroklorik berlebihan pada suhu 25 oC.

Diagram 17
Rajah 17

Which of the following effects on rate and amount of product are correct when the
concentration of acid and temperature are increased?
Antara kesan ke atas kadar dan kuantiti hasil berikut yang manakah betul apabila kepekatan asid dan
suhu ditambah?

Increase concentration Amount of

Increase temperature
of acid Penambahan suhu
Penambahan kepekatan asid Kuantiti hasil
Increase rate of reaction Increase rate of reaction no change
A Kadar tindak balas bertambah Kadar tindak balas bertambah Tidak berubah

Decrease rate of reaction Decrease rate of reaction Increase

B Kadar tindak balas berkurang Kadar tindak balas berkurang Bertambah

Decrease rate of reaction Increase rate of reaction Decrease

C Kadar tindak balas berkurang Kadar tindak balas bertambah Berkurang

D Increase rate of reaction Decrease rate of reaction Increase

Kadar tindak balas bertambah Kadar tindak balas berkurang Bertambah

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31 Diagram 18 shows oxidation process of ethanol.

Rajah 18 menunjukkan proses pengoksidaan etanol

Water out
Air keluar

Water in
Air masuk

Ethanol with acidified

potassium dichromate
Air Campuran etanol
dan kalium dikromat berasid


Diagram 18
Rajah 18

What can be observed after being heated for 5 minutes?

Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan selepas 5 minit dipanaskan?

A No colour change
Tiada perubahan warna
B All of the ethanol vapourises and the flask becomes dry
Semua etanol meruap dan kelalang kering
C The colour of mixture changes from orange to green
Warna larutan campuran bertukar dari jingga ke hijau
D The mixture in the flask separated into two layers. The upper layer is yellow
while the lower layer is green
Campuran dalam kelalang membentuk dua lapisan. Lapisan atas berwarna kuning, lapisan
bawah berwarna hijau

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32 Diagram 19 shows the apparatus set up used to investigate the rusting of iron.
Rajah 19 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji pengaratan besi

Diagram 19
Rajah 19

In which test-tubes will the iron rust?

Dalam tabung uji manakah besi mengalami pengaratan?

A I only
I sahaja
B II only
II sahaja
C I and III only
I dan III sahaja
D II and III only
II dan III sahaja

33 Diagram 20 shows a match. By striking the match, a chemical reaction is initiated.

Rajah 20 menunjukkan sebatang mancis. Apabila mengores mancis, satu tindak balas akan dimulakan.

Diagram 20
Rajah 20

Which statements about the chemical reaction are correct?

Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar mengenai tindak balas di atas?

A Reaction is endothermic because energy is used to strike the match

Tindak balas adalah endotermik sebab tenaga digunakan untuk mengores mancis
B Reaction is endothermic because energy is given out as the match burns
Tindak balas adalah endotermik sebab tenaga dibebaskan apabila mancis terbakar
C Reaction is exothermic because energy is used to strike the match
Tindak balas adalah eksotermik sebab tenaga digunakan untuk mengores mancis
D Reaction is exothermic because energy is given out as the match burns
Tindak balas adalah eksotermik sebab tenaga dibebaskan apabila mancis terbakar

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34 Diagram 21 shows apparatus set up used to prepare barium chloride and barium
sulphate. In each experiment, the acid is run into the conical flask until the resulting
liquid has pH7.
Rajah 21 menunjukkan dua susunan radas untuk menghasilkan barium klorida dan barium sulfat.
Dalam setiap eksperimen, asid dititis ke dalam kelalang kon sehingga larutan mencapai pH 7.

Diagram 21
Rajah 21

What are the next steps to obtain samples of the solid salts?
Apakah langkah seterusnya untuk mendapatkan garam dalam bentuk pepejal?

Barium chloride Barium sulphate

Barium klorida Barium sulfat
Crystallisation Crystallisation
A Penghabluran Penghabluran
Crystallisation Filtration
B Penghabluran Penurasan
Filtration Crystallisation
C Penurasan Penghabluran
Filtration Filtration
D Penurasan Penurasan

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35 For complete combustion, one molecule of an organic compound needs six molecules
of oxygen.
What could the formula of this compound be?
Untuk pembakaran lengkap, satu molekul sebatian organik memerlukan enam molekul oksigen.
Apakah formula bagi sebatian tersebut?

A C2 H4
B C2 H6
C C4 H8

36 Redox reaction between iron(II) ion and manganate(VII) ion is represented by the
Tindak balas redoks antara ion ferum(II) dan ion manganat(VII) diwakili oleh persamaan:

5 Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8 H+ → 5 Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4 H2O

What can be deduced from the equation?

Apakah yang dapat disimpulkan daripada persamaan ini?

I The oxidation state of manganese changes from +7 into +2

Nombor pengoksidaan mangan berubah dari +7 kepada +2
II The oxidation state of hydrogen changes from +1 into 0
Nombor pengoksidaan hidrogen berubah dari +1 kepada 0
III The greenish colour of iron(II) ions solution turns to colourless
Warna hijau ion ferum(II) bertukar kepada tidak berwarna
IV Electrons transfer from iron(II) ions to manganate(VII) ions
Pemindahan elektron dari larutan ion ferum(II) kepada ion manganat(VII)
A I and III only
I dan III sahaja
B I and IV only
I dan IV sahaja
C I, II and III only
I, II dan III sahaja
D I, II, III and IV
I, II, III dan IV

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37 Table 3 describes the structures of four particles.

Jadual 3 menunjukkan struktur bagi empat zarah.

Number of Number of
Particle Number of electrons
protons neutrons Bilangan elektron
Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron
O 8 8 8
O 2- 8 8 P
Na 11 Q 11
Na+ 11 12 R

Table 3
Jadual 3

What are the correct values of P, Q and R?

Apakah nilai yang betul bagi P, Q dan R?

A 9 11 10
B 9 11 11
C 10 12 10
D 10 12 11

38 L and M are diatomic elements. L is less reactive than M.

Which of the following elements are L and M?
L dan M adalah unsur-unsur dwiatom.
Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan unsur L dan M?

Bromine Iodine
A Bromin Iodin

B Iodine Bromine
Iodin Bromin
Sodium Potassium
C Natrium Kalium
Potassium Sodium
D Kalium Natrium

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39 Table 4 gives information about the ability of four substances to conduct electricity.
Jadual 4 menunjukkan maklumat mengenai kebolehan empat bahan untuk mengalirkan elektrik.

Substance Electrical conductivity

Bahan Kekonduksian elektrik

R Does not conduct under any conditions

Tidak mengalirkan arus elektrik dalam semua keadaan

T Conducts only in aqueous solution

Mengalirkan arus elektrik dalam keadaan berair sahaja

U Conducts in molten and solid state

Mengalirkan arus elektrik dalam keadaan leburan dan pepejal

W Conducts in molten state and aqueous solution

Mengalirkan arus elektrik dalam keadaan leburan dan larutan berair
Table 4
Jadual 4

What could these four substances be?

Apakah keempat-empat bahan ini?

A Pb HCl NaCl S
B S HCl NaCl Pb
C S HCl Pb NaCl
D S NaCl HCl Pb

40 Heating ammonium salts with sodium hydroxide will produce ammonia gas.
Which of the following ammonium salt can produce the greatest volume of ammonia
Pemanasan garam ammonium dengan natrium hidroksida menghasilkan gas ammonia.
Antara garam ammonium berikut yang manakah akan menghasilkan isipadu gas ammonia tertinggi?

A 0.5 mol (NH4)3PO4

B 0.5 mol (NH4)2SO4
C 1.0 mol NH4Cl
D 1.0 mol NH4NO3

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41 Diagram 22 shows an incomplete apparatus set up.

Rajah 22 menunjukkan susunan radas yang tidak lengkap.

Diagram 22
Rajah 22

Which of the following diagrams shows the correct completion at X after the solution
has been electrolysed for some time?
Antara rajah berikut yang manakah merupakan pelengkap yang betul di X selepas elektrolisis
dijalankan beberapa ketika?



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42 Diagram 23 shows an electrolytic circuit using inert electrodes.

At which electrode is metal deposited?
Rajah 23 menunjukkan satu litar elektrolisis menggunakan elektrod lengai.
Pada elektrod manakah logam terenap?

Molten lead(II) bromide

Plumbum(II) bromida lebur

Aqueous sodium chloride

Natrium klorida akueus Heat
Diagram 23
Rajah 23

43 Dilute hydrochloric acid was reacted with magnesium ribbon and the volume of
hydrogen gas evolved was measured for the first 80 s.
Asid hidroklorik cair ditindak balaskan dengan pita magnesium dan isipadu gas hidrogen terbebas
diukur bagi 80 saat pertama.

What was the average rate of production of hydrogen?

Apakah kadar purata bagi pembebasan hidrogen?

A 0.4 cm3/ s
B 2.5 cm3/ s
C 4.0 cm3/ s
D 40.0 cm3/ s

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44 Diagram 24 shows some reactions of a compound J.

Rajah 24 menunjukkan beberapa tindak balas bagi sebatian J.

Compound J
Sebatian J

Excess HNO3
HNO3 berlebihan

Gas + Colourless solution

Larutan tanpa warna

Excess NaOH
NaOH berlebihan

White precipitate in excess NaOH

Mendakan putih dalam NaOH berlebihan

Diagram 24
Rajah 24

What could compound J be?

Apakah sebatian J?

A Aluminium carbonate
Aluminium karbonat
B Magnesium carbonate
Magnesium karbonat
C Copper(II) carbonate
Kuprum(II) karbonat
D Zinc carbonate
Zink karbonat

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45 Calcium carbonate reacts with excess hydrochloric acid at room temperature and is
represented by the equation
Kalsium karbonat bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik berlebihan pada suhu bilik dan diwakili
oleh persamaan.

CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

Two experiments were carried out.

Dua eksperimen telah dijalankan.

Experiment I: 10 g of calcium carbonate in large lumps.

Eksperimen I: 10 g ketulan kalsium karbonat
Experiment II: 5 g of calcium carbonate as a fine powder.
Eksperimen II: 5g serbuk kalsium karbonat

Which of the following graph of volume of gas against time is correct?

Antara graf isipadu gas melawan masa berikut yang manakah benar?



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46 Ethene reacts with steam in the presence of a suitable catalyst.

What is the structural formula of the compound formed?
Etena akan bertindak balas dengan stim dalam kehadiran mangkin yang sesuai.
Apakah formula struktur bagi sebatian yang terbentuk?

47 Powdered carbon and copper are separately heated as shown in Diagram 25.
Serbuk karbon dan kuprum dipanaskan secara berasingan seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 25.

Diagram 25
Rajah 25

What are the changes in the masses of the powder?

Apakah perubahan jisim bagi kedua-dua serbuk?

Carbon Copper
Karbon Kuprum
A Decrease Decrease
Berkurangan Berkurangan
B Decrease Increase
Berkurangan Bertambah
C Increase Decrease
Bertambah Berkurangan
D Increase Increase
Bertambah Bertambah

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48 Table 5 shows the result of three experiments involving halogen displacement.

Jadual 5 menunjukkan keputusan bagi tiga eksperimen penyesaran halogen.

Halide solution
Experiment Halogen added Larutan halida
Eksperimen Halogen ditambah
X- Y- Z-

I X2 - Y2 produced Z2 produced
Y2 dihasilkan Z2 dihasilkan

II Y2 No reaction - No reaction
Tiada perubahan Tiada perubahan

III Z2 No reaction Y2 produced -

Tiada perubahan Y2 dihasilkan
Table 5
Jadual 5
What are halogens X, Y and Z?
Apakah halogen X, Y dan Z?

A Br Cl I
B Br I Cl
C Cl I Br
D Cl Br I

49 The thermochemical equation represents the displacement of iron.

Persamaan termokimia mewakili tindak balas penyesaran ferum.

Mg(s) + Fe2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Fe(s) = -189 kJ mol 1

Which of the following statements are true?

Manakah antara berikut benar?

I Magnesium is oxidized
Magnesium dioksidakan
II Reaction is exothermic
Tindak balas adalah eksotermik
III The temperature decreases
Suhu berkurangan
IV The heat released by reacting 0.2 mole of ferum(II) ions is 37.8 kJ
Haba yang dibebaskan semasa 0.2 mol ion ferum(II) bertindak balas ialah 37.8 kJ mol -1.
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja
C III and IV only
III dan IV sahaja
D I, II and IV only
I,II dan IV sahaja

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50 When zinc nitrate is heated strongly, it decomposes according to the equation

Apabila zink nitrat di panaskan dengan kuat, ia akan terurai mengikut persamaan

2 Zn(NO3)2 → 2 ZnO + 4 NO2 + O2

Which of the following will be produced when 18.9 g of zinc nitrate is heated?
[Molar mass Zn(NO3)2 = 189 gmol-1 , molar mass zinc oxide = 81 gmol-1 and 1 mol
of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure]
Antara berikut yang manakah akan terhasil jika 18.9 g zink nitrat dipanaskan?
[Jisim molar: Zn(NO3)2 =189 gmol-1 , molar mass ZnO = 81 gmol-1 dan 1 mol gas menempati isipadu
sebanyak 24 dm3 pada suhu dan tekanan bilik]

A 4.8 dm3 nitrogen dioxide gas

4.8 dm3 gas nitrogen dioksida
B 0.04 mol of oxygen gas
0.04 mol of gas oksigen
C 7.1 g zinc oxide
7.1 g zink oksida
D 2.4 dm3 oxygen gas
2.4 dm3 gas oksigen

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1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.

2. Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan

3. Each question is followed by four alternative answers A, B, C and D. For each

question, choose one answer only. Blacken your answer on the objective answer sheet
Tiap-tiap soalan di ikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu
jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

4. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made.
Then blacken the new answer.
Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan
jawapan yang baru.

5. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

6. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

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