Poster-Youth Friendly SRH Services in Schools
Poster-Youth Friendly SRH Services in Schools
Poster-Youth Friendly SRH Services in Schools
Keep an adolescent’s
sensitive health care
issues private. Make it Easy
to Get Care
Help young people
overcome barriers
like limited time
and lack of access
Treat Youth to transportation by
with Respect having flexible hours
Nobody likes to be and providing an array
treated in a rude or of services on or near
judgmental way – and school campuses.
that includes teens!
Integrated Provide Free or
Services Low Cost Services
Where possible, offer free services
Reduce stigma
and/or use sliding fee scales to
around accessing
ensure that young people get the
sensitive health
services by services they need.
comprehensive care
in one location.
Promote Parent-Child
Get parents and teens talking about
sexuality, drug use, and other critical
Offer an Array health issues.
of Reproductive
and Sexual
Health Services
These can include
education and counseling, Aim for a
contraceptive services,
and STI/HIV testing and
Diverse, Well-
treatment, in addition Trained Staff
to pregnancy options And adapt services
counseling and prenatal to meet the culturally
and obstetrical care. unique needs of youth.
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