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John Ngatia Githui has an over 20years experience in design, construction and management or
road project in Kenya and Sudan. He has worked in both private and public sector in the
management of roads works as Assistant Engineer, Engineer, Senior Engineer and as a Principal
Engineer. His main areas of concentration during the period have been in the role of resident
engineer in supervising project at site. During this tenure (2010-2016), he oversaw the construction
to completion of close to seven (7) road projects. From 2016 to date, he has been managing the
supervision of road projects as a project Engineer. He is currently pursuing the degree in Doctor
of Philosophy at Panafric University in the area of Leadership and organizational Development
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
Purpose: It is argued that leadership qualities are very essential and important for the overall
performance of organizations as those leaders who possess certain qualities influence the level of
growth for organizations. This is notable in influencing decisions that concerns allocation of
resources for the existing departments in organizations. The general assumption is that all leaders
do possess the necessary and requisite qualities that would enhance the achievement of the desired
goals and objectives of organizations. The foregoing is certainly not always the case as most
individuals do have limited knowledge as regards the qualities that are important for individuals
in the leadership positions.
Methodology: The study provides the linkage between leadership qualities, followership styles or
behaviors, and their impact to the overall performance of organizations.
Findings: The study has established that various positive leadership qualities do positively affect
individual and overall organizational performance and productivity. Further, the study established
that there is a correlation between the leadership qualities exhibited by the leaders and followership
styles and behaviors. Though leadership qualities directly affect both the performance of
individuals and the overall organization, the impact is also dependent on the followership styles
exhibited by the followers/employee. Followership styles and behaviors mediates the relationship
between leadership qualities and organizational performance. The identified constructs from the
study were found to have an impact on the performance of organization which would ultimately
enhance the competitive advantage of the same. The research established that when positive
leadership qualities are combined with followership styles such as the exemplary and pragmatist,
they enhance the performance of organization in the achievement of the set goals and objectives.
The paper has further highlighted the role of followership in creating that environment for optimal
performance of organizations.
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
potential to enable organizations balance between their internal systems and the demands of highly
external turbulent environment (Simiyu, 2015).
The practitioners, managers and scholars will have to consider the foregoing question so that the
residence potential in the construct of leadership can be harnessed. This will steer organizations in
a more strategic directions if they have to remain relevant and be able to respond to external
environmental demands (Khan et al., 2016). In considering the existing school of thoughts that has
documented a wide range of literature on diverse aspects for the construct of leadership, we find
that among the aspect that might directly contribute to the success of organizations in turbulent
environment is that which has to do with the qualities of leadership. The foregoing will ensure
business sustainability in organizations even in the turbulent environment (Mohamad & Hauer,
Out of these considerations, it is in the interest of scholars in management and leadership to
examine what are the desirable qualities that leadership must bring on board. They should also
provide a mechanism on how those leadership qualities will influence the systems and the people
in the organizations. The foregoing will ensure creation of a well-structured organization for
value creation and satisfaction of the stakeholders (Ibrahim & Cross, 2019). In such a case, given
the traditional nature of leadership, the scholars interested in highlighting the strategic role of
leadership in steering the organizations in rapidly changing context will therefore need to look at
leadership in terms of what qualities are desirable for organizations. They will also be required to
show how that package of leadership qualities can affect the systems created to produce values in
organizations (Quist, 2009). In reference to these emerging concerns, it will be necessary to
consider some of the aspect of leadership that arise out of the literature of which can be factored
into the analysis of the interaction of leadership qualities, people or followers and the
organizational performance (Muteswa, 2016).
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
enriching the extant knowledge in the construct of leadership. Secondly after consolidation of the
desirable leadership qualities, the authors are of the view that the contents of the paper lead to
understanding of the phenomenon likely to emerge from the construct of leadership qualities which
will contribute toward theorizing in leadership. We are therefore of the view that discovering and
consolidating the set of leadership qualities is a step further for the study of leadership specifically
in this neglected area. Thirdly the paper contributes in the advance on the knowledge of leadership
in the area of leadership qualities as the same will inform the direction that the empirical works
need to take so as to validate the generated set in away that informs the practice of leadership.
From the standpoint of practice, the documented set of leadership qualities will benefit practicing
managers in diverse sectors of economies in ensuring that they develop them for ultimate optimal
performance of organizations. In proposing a concrete set of leadership qualities, we find that this
is a move that informs practice in that it creates clarity in what managers need to lay emphasis on
when hiring, deploying, and evaluating performance of leaders. In addition, these documented
leadership qualities, will aid in the process of development of potential leaders in organizations.
Organizations are known to spend huge amount of payment in leadership development with a clear
set of concrete areas to focus on when developing their upcoming leaders, the paper makes it
possible for managers to plan, budget and be able to project on possible outcomes that result from
set of leadership qualities.
1.3 Methodology
As documented in the foregoing section, the two main and specific objectives of the study were to
review the conceptual literature for the three study constructs (leadership qualities, followership,
and organizational performance) and to review the empirical literature for the three study
constructs (leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance). The study
therefore adopted qualitative methods of study which involved desk top review of all the
conceptual literature and the empirical literature that would provide the requisite details and
information regarding the identified study constructs. The choice of the study method was
informed by several factors which included time limitation, resources and the type of study that
was basically literature review. The findings of the reviewed literature have been presented in the
subsequent section detailing the construct of leadership qualities and their impact to the
organizational performance. Other findings on organizational performance and followership have
been equally presented in the same section with their relationship clearly documented.
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
organizations. The mission and vision of organizations can only be achieved through top quality
leadership and the same assists in coping with the changes that are associated with the external
environment (Al Khajeh 2018). Leadership qualities are those characteristics that a leader is
expected to possess for effective leadership and excellence performance of the organization. There
are several leadership qualities that have been identified to be inherent with a good leader. These
qualities include confidence, toughness and inspiration, ability to communicate the vision and
values, establishment of the right culture in organizations, honest, integrity and transparent,
humility, learning from failure and bad experience, commitment and the ability to identify and
attract talent (Muteswa, 2016). A leader must always possess those qualities that would ensure
environment of trust, openness and communication that is based on honest and ultimately ensure
that there is optimal performance of the individuals and organizations at large (Leonard, 2010).
Leadership qualities that are requisite for the purpose of inspiring others to achieve great
performance are overly critical and therefore leaders must ensure that they possess these qualities.
The overall performance of an organization will greatly be affected by those qualities that leaders
themselves work hard to develop and at the same time demonstrate that they possess them
(Hossain, 2015). The main role of leadership is to keep coordinating the work and the members of
groups in organizations. They should also enhance the building of the relationships between one
another in organizations. It is very critical for a leader to influence his followers in demonstrating
that he or she possesses qualities that would ensure achievement of the desired results (Kumar,
2018). When leaders can develop influences that are external in term of careers experience and
environment, their leadership perceptions, skills, and traits are shaped which ultimately affect the
overall achievement of the organizational outcomes and goals. Leadership traits that are considered
common are not universal for all leadership situations (Smalley et al, 2016). A good leader is
made-up of diverse qualities which are unique for different organizations and environment. Some
of the qualities that have been categorized as being important for effective performance of
organizations are confidence and honest demonstrated by the leaders. Leaders are therefore
required to cultivate those qualities that would improve on the productivity and the operational
efficiency of organizations they are leading (Olanrewaju & Okorie, 2019). The second perspective
of leadership qualities is regarding behavioral which gives great emphasis on the leadership
behaviors that a good leader must have, or exhibit. Michigan and Ohio State university revealed
two types of leadership behaviors which are the consideration and the initiating structure. The
other perspectives of leadership behavior is as depicted in the model of managerial grid which
focuses on the aspect of people oriented (concerned with developing trust and ensuring good
working conditions) or the task oriented (concerned with production) behaviors (Northouse,2019).
The contingency perspective of leadership is based on the comprehension of the context of leader’s
behavior as being operational and more less as context specific. This perspective of leadership
behavior concluded that there is no leadership style that is superlative than the other and any style
will be based on the context and the prevailing conditions. (Northouse, 2016). Some of the
leadership qualities examined in this study include:
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
It is expected that leaders at whatever level must always have and hold themselves to the highest
level of honest. It is argued that human relations are founded on the centrality of honesty and
truthfulness at all levels of association. Human choices can be considered as rational and free and
are all dependent on what can be termed as false or true. Due to the nature of information that is
received by leaders either from their subordinates or any other source, there is a high possibility
of the same being distorted through dishonesty (Wells & Molina, 2017). For a leader to exert the
meangiful influence to the employees, he or she must demonstrate ethical and leadership that is
full of honesty and integrity. That forms the credibility of leaders who will ultimately have
influence and that generates trust between the leaders and the followers. The quality of integrity is
that part of adherence to moral behaviors and principles that can capture the essence of ethical
values and the same is the driver of ethical leadership. The level of trust is greatly influenced by
the impact that is caused by the integrity of the leaders as followers will only consider having high
level of confidence to a leader who is perceived to have high level of integrity (Engelbrecht et al,
iii) Visionary.
Leaders are expected to assist organizations in achieving the sense of purpose in having the same
linked to the successful outcomes. Visionary leadership is a form of transformational leadership
that offers opportunities, enables fostering of the capacity of organizations in meeting the needs of
the followers in organizations. The foregoing is considered to take place in a creative way
regardless of the complexity of the uncertain times by providing that framework that is considered
as the beginning of setting goals and determining the priorities, aligning structures, policies and
beliefs with principles and assessing the progress (Taylor et al, 2014). Organizations require
leaders who can drive the agenda and vision to the followers they can be able to achieve the desired
competitive advantage. Visionary leaders are required to focus on the aspects of communicating
and inspiring the desired vision to followers in organizations so that the same can sustain the
desired superior performance. Visionary leaders use effective communication in changing the
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
of organizations is mainly determined by comparing the actual output and the intended output,
goals, and objectives. The performance of organizations is used in determining the success of any
business and the same is measured by the ability of the same organizations in implementing the
plans and strategies that would assist in actualizing the set objectives of the same. The skills and
abilities possessed by leaders and the management of the organization greatly determine the
performance of organizations (Almatrooshi et al., 2016). Service delivery is utilized by many
shareholders as the indicator of performance. Operational efficiencies, mergers and acquisition,
diversification levels and the structures of organizations, top management team composition and
the styles of leadership are some of the factors that are used to measure performance of
organizations (Mafini, 2015). Factors such as the outcomes, the goals achieved, quality and the
economic aspects of efficiency and effectiveness largely determines the concept of the
performance in organizations. (Elena-Iuliana & Maria, 2016). The performance of organizations
that are within any country is considered as the determining factors for the social and economic
progress in those nations. It is a dynamic process which requires judgment and interpretation and
the same can be understood by different people at different positions which provides information
on the degree of achievement of objectives and results (Gavrea, & Stegerean, 2011). Performance
is the achievement of the set goals and the missions that are developed at the workplace regarding
the job carried out by the employees (Al-Tit, 2017). For organizations to achieve their set goals
and objectives, they do perform several activities and these activities that are repeatable are used
as the basis for measuring and ascertaining the performance of organizations. The foregoing
therefore points to the fact that there is a close colleration between the set objectives of
organizations and their performance. Organizational performance can be argued to be that aspect
of evaluating the constituents that are used in trying to assess the potential and the ability of
organization in process of achieving the constituents and levels of aspiration where the same is
stimulated by the efficiency, effectiveness and other social related factors (Jenatabadi, 2015).
Organizational performance is therefore based on the aspect of voluntary association of productive
assets which include human beings, physical and the capital resources which eventually lead to
the achievement of the shared purpose. The essence of performance is creation of values and in
this case the created values must be more or greater that what is expected by those contributing to
the assets of that value creation(Carton, 2004). Individuals’ behaviours, thoughts, feelings, and
action are said to be influenced by the organizations where they work. The performance of
organizations is also affected directly or indirectly by those attributes or behaviors demonstrated
by the individuals working there. In the workplace, emotions, moods are said to be some of the
behaviors that are key to the performance of individuals and organizations in general (Brief &
Weiss, 2002). According to Essa (2019), there is no leadership that can exist without the presence
of the followers. The conducts of the organization are directly or indirectly affected by individuals’
differences and the same affect the behaviours that are portrayed by individuals in those
organizations. Personalities of individuals working in organizations are also considered to affect
performance of organizations and other members of the group (Nuckcheddy, 2018).
Employees in organizations are supposed to give their best as human bahaviors are overly
critical in the organizational performance. When there are well designed systems and processes
that are based on facts that are known about individual behaviors organizations the same can
greatly influence performance of the organizations (Ludwig & Frazier, 2012).
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
2.4 Followership
This is considered as a compulsory process for any form of leadership where the following
behavior/s is a compulsory and a vital component of the leadership process. The followership
process is considered from two different approaches which are the role-based approach and the
constructionist approach (Khan et al., 2018). Everyone cannot be a leader and there are more
followers in any set up or organization than there are leaders, and it is argued that followership is
not in any form of competition with leadership. Followership is the role that can either be
considered as formal or informal and that can exist under the contexts of directions of leaders in
organizations. It is argued that it is that process that involves the pursuits of shared purpose through
participation and the same can be considered as the exchange of influence between people that
share common purposes. It is further argued that followers and leaders relationship centres on
shared purpose where the general characteristics of an exemplary follower is the perspective of
courage (Rook, 2018). The literature of leadership has consistently identified followership as an
important area that is emerging in most current leadership studies. Effective followership is overly
critical for the performance of the organization. It is argued that negative followership can and, in
most cases, hinders the positive performance of the leaders. The leadership that is geared towards
developing leaders is very critical in the organization as the same ensures growth and continuity
of the organization(Hoption, 2014). There are two main followership behavioral dimensions
developed by Robert Kelley which explain why one follower is effective than the other. One of
the dimensions is which determines the degree of critical/uncritical thinking and the independence
that is associated with the followers while the other perspective is on the ranking of the followers
in terms of active and passive engagement. There are five main classes of followership styles which
include the exemplary, pragmatists, conformist, passive and the alienated followers and they are
determined by the two behavioral followership dimensions (Ntiamoah, 2018).
i) Alienated Followers
These are the followers who are extremely critical in the way they think, but also very passive in
taking the required action although they are also independent. This type of followers are considered
to have been exemplary at certain point but when something about the organization or the leader
happened, they started focusing their energy and strength in confronting those issues rather than
work(Ntiamoah, 2018). These followers are competent independent and critical thinker, but they
have the sense of “not belong” to the organization due to the perceived feelings of ignorance and
underappreciation. In most cases, they have low levels of job satisfaction which leads to lose of
job loyalty and low motivation thus leading to under performance(Essa & Alattari, 2019).
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
Pragmatic Follower
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
serving the organization and other stakeholders while ensuring that they utilize the talent they have
maximumly (Ntiamoah, 2018).
v) Passive Followers
This is the opposite of the exemplary they are dependent and uncritical thinkers and rank
exceptionally low in the level of engagement. They are not enthusiastic about their assigned work
and they do not do any thinking on their own. Due to their lack of sense of responsibility and the
inability of taking initiative, they always need that constant direction in most cases(Ntiamoah,
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
struggle against obstacles and making decision to achieve certain goals and its components are the
determination, power, and the ability to initiate programs. Sociability is the other trait that a leaders
must possess where the leader is able to seek and establish the social relationships where the leader
is considered to be sensitive to the needs of others and also interested in their welfare and
wellbeing(Karadag, 2015). According to Northouse (2016), the theory has got several identifiable
strengths which include the aspect of the same being intuitively appealing as it provides the believe
that leaders are special kind of people or human being, the theory also has a rich research to back
it as it has several researches that has been carried out to back it. The trait approach also provides
that deep and strong understanding of how the leader and the traits of the leader are interrelated to
the leadership process and provide that benchmarks what to look for if we want to be leaders. The
theory has several weaknesses which include the aspect of delimiting definitive list of leadership
and has high levels of subjectivity in determination of the most important leadership traits. The
theory cannot be used as a useful tool or approach for training and development for leadership as
traits are largely fixed psychological structures thus limiting the levels of leadership and training
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
leadership. Some of the behavioral studies that were considered in the research were the
Hawthorne studies, the Iowa studies, the Ohio State Studies, University of Michigan Studies and
The Managerial Grid (Khan, et al., 2017). There are specific leadership behaviors (job centered
and employee-centered). Job centered leader pays focuses mainly on the activities of the followers
which are related to the performance by ensuring that followers follow procedures and practices.
Regarding the employees’ centered behaviors, the leader focuses mainly in developing the
cohesive and cordial working relationship which leads to satisfaction of the employees. The theory
is very critical in analyzing the leadership qualities and the implications of followers behaviors
and that leadership qualities will determine his behaviors (job centered or employees centered)
which will eventually determine the followers implication to followers’ behavior (Kumar, 2018).
It also does not provide that universal style of leadership that could be effective in almost every
situation. The theory only proposes the high-high leadership style that is very effective whereas
certain situations may require different leadership styles which may be complex from the others
(Northouse, 2016).
iv) Followership Theories- Implicit Followership theories
These are the theories that are defined as the cognitive structure (schema) of followership in the
minds of individual which include the leaders and the followers and the same address the views,
the traits and behaviors of followers. The theories have changed the leader centered implicit
theories to follower-centered implicit theories. The organizations cannot exists with leaders only
but followers must also be there for the organization to achieve the desired goals and objectives
(Yang, 2020). The theory enables the leader to understand, explain and respond to followers’
behaviors. The theory also describes the cognitive structure of employees’ characteristics,
behaviors and abilities and it refers to the expectation of the leaders to followers and the same
include effective or positive characteristics which are related to the followers. The theory captures
the perception of leaders assumptions about the characteristics and the followers behaviors and the
assumptions of the followers to their own traits and behaviors (Guo, 2018).
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
which enhanced the possibility of modeling the phenomenon that emerges from the organizational
performance. It is also worth noting that the developed theories require validation through
empirical work.
4.0 Conceptual Framework
During the literature and empirical review carried out in the preceding chapters, there were gaps
that were identified and therefore this study proposes the model that will explain the impacts of
leadership qualities and organizational performance. The proposed theoretical model is based on
the three constructs which are the leadership qualities, followership, and organizational
performance. All the three constructs contributed to the overall phenomenon of the study and
therefore the author has proposed a new model that links leadership qualities with firm
performance with the intervention or mediation of followership. The figure 1 bellow summarizes
the proposed model.
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
B) Followership
i) Exemplary
a) Active Engagement
b) Independent
P2 c) Critical thinking
d) Confident P3
ii) Pragmatists
a) Moderate level of engagement
b) Low level of critical thinking
c) Low levels of commitment
iii) Conformist -Yes People
a) Active engagement
b) Dependent uncritical thinking
c) Active doers
iv) Passive-Sheep
a) Low level active engagement
b) Dependent uncritical thinking
c) Active doers
v) Alienated
a. Highly independent critical thinkers
b. Low in engagement
c. Negative/ Skeptic
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
5.0 Discussions
5.1 Leadership qualities and organizational performance
Organization’s major goal is to survive and sustain its existence in the aspect of improved
performance which ensure that the firms can meet the needs of the highly competitive market.
The organizational performance is greatly impacted by the leadership that is in place as the same
assists in making critical decisions that may ultimately affect the overall performance. Earlier
studies have shown that leaders motivate and assist their followers with effective leadership styles
which greatly influences the level of performance for organizations. Leaders are key decision
makers in the acquisition, deployment and development of key the organization’s resources that
would affect the performance of the organization (Madanchian et al., 2016). From the proposed
models, there is an existence of correlation of all the listed leadership qualities and organizational
performance. The virtues of integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, and trustworthiness
increases the level of trust for the followers to the leaders thus enhancing the performance of the
followers. A leader who is a good listener, clear, concise, confident and respect other peoples’
views is considered a good communicator who can command the respect of other followers. These
kinds of leaders can communicate and articulate their visions to the followers who ultimately
comprehend the same thus translating to increased output of the organization. Visionary leaders
are innovative as they initiate and develop new ideas that are communicated to the followers for
implementation. These leaders are risk taker, persistent organized and always exude enthusiasm
that assist the follower in implementing the organizations’ set goals and objectives. Effective
leaders always delegate which taking responsibility, giving authority and being accountable for
all the actions taken by their subordinates. Other researchers have also established findings that
has shown that there is a relationship between leadership and organizational performance
(Muteswa, 2016), it is also therefore, proposed that:
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
organization (Rook, 2018). Other types of followership include pragmatists followers who are
moderate level of engagement, have low level of critical thinking and low levels of commitment
and it is the role of the leaders to have the pragmatist followers transformed to the exemplary
followers who would perform their work as expected. Conformist followers are also regarded as
yes people who always have active engagement in the activities of the organization and are
considered as proactive members of the team (Walia, 2017). It is argued that passive (sheep)
followers have low levels of active engagement, are dependent uncritical thinkers and are active
doers and performers of the assigned activities. The alienated followers always feel out of place in
the organization, they are highly independent critical thinkers, with high engagement and always
being skeptical of most issues. It is the role of the leader to transform the passive and alienated
followers to the level of exemplary and pragmatist followers (Ahmad & Hassan, 2018). All the
forms of followership exhibited by the followers will be highly dependent on the leadership
qualities exhibited by the leaders in organizations. In view of the above it is proposed that:
6.0 Conclusion
The purpose of the paper was to review the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical literature and
provide that comprehension of the constructs of leadership qualities and its resultants outcomes in
the firms and propose a proper theoretical framework that is suitable for modelling the relationship
between the constructs that were identified. The identified constructs were found to have an impact
in the performance of the organization which would ultimately enhance the competitive advantage
of the organization. The research established that when positive leadership qualities are combined
with followership styles such as the exemplary and pragmatist, they enhance the performance of
the organization in the achievement of the set goals and objectives. The paper has further
highlighted the role of followership in creating that environment for optimal performance of
organizations. The research has further demonstrated the comprehension of the understanding of
each construct on the proposed theoretical model by the identification of the indicators and relating
each construct on the developed theoretical model. Some of the notable limitations and constraints
include limited time and resources which could not allow a comprehensive research. The other
limitation was regarding the study type as the same was only but a desk study that only ensured
capturing of information and data from the literature review and not conducting interviews and
surveys that would provide real time data for the research. The propositions made are yet to be
validated empirically and therefore this paper proposes that further areas of research to be in the
validation and proper interpretation the noted propositions.
Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org
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Human Resource and Leadership Journal
ISSN 2520-4661 (online)
Vol.7, Issue No.1, pp 1 – 20, 2022 www.carijournals.org