Homework B2
Homework B2
Homework B2
DEFINITIONS A. Read the sentence below. Match the correct form of each word
in bold with its definition (1–3).
8 Unit 1A
1 Something done in an unguarded moment is done when you think no one is watching.
Unit 1A 9
10 Unit 1A
Unit 1A 11
MAIN IDEA 1. According to the author, why are there fewer memorable photographs today?
a. because the quality of many images is very poor
b. because most images are not interesting to a global audience
c. because traditional media refuse to publish amateur photos
d. because there are so many good images these days
DETAIL 2. What kinds of images does the author think matter most these days?
a. images that are important to people and can be shared quickly
b. high-quality images that help show dramatic events
c. images presented in a traditional way that reflect reality
d. images that can be altered to improve one’s sense of reality
PURPOSE 3. Why does the author put the word improved in quotation marks in paragraph F?
a. The writer is using the exact word from another source.
b. The writer wants to stress that the picture of reality is greatly improved.
c. The writer feels it is questionable whether the picture is truly improved.
d. The writer is not sure the reader understands the word, so draws attention to it.
INFERENCE 4. Who does the author criticize in paragraph J?
a. citizen journalists c. B
i gB
r other
b. government leaders d. people who alter photos
PARAPHRASE 5. When referring to visual language, what does the author mean by as with any
language, there will be those who produce poetry and those who make shopping
lists (paragraph K)?
a. It will be most useful for shopping and for writing beautiful poetry.
b. It will be better because it can be used for a variety of things.
c. Visual language has certain limitations compared to written language.
d. Some people will use it for everyday things, and others for more creative things.
MAIN IDEA B. Match each paragraph with its main idea (a–e).
1. Paragraph A • • a. More photojournalists are taking smartphone images
now and uploading them to social media sites.
2. Paragraph C • • b. The effect on us of the increasing number of
photographs is still uncertain.
3. Paragraph E • • c. When there are big or dramatic news stories, amateur
photographers often share the first images with the public.
4. Paragraph G • • d. Altering photos with camera apps can give viewers a
misleading impression about serious events such as wars.
5. Paragraph L • • e. Anyone can be an amateur photographer now because
photos taken on smartphones are almost as good as
photos taken on digital cameras.
12 Unit 1A
Many words have more than one meaning. In some cases, the words may be different parts of
speech;for ex ample, a noun and a verb. They may be different in meaning (e.g., a slip of paper, to
slip on the ice), or similar (e.g., to score a goal, my goal in life). In each case, you may need to use
a dictionary to understand a word’s exact meaning.
IDENTIFYING A. Scan paragraphs A–D in Reading A to find the words in bold below (1–6).
MEANING Then choose the correct meaning (a or b) for each.
1. age a. a period in history b. how old someone is
2. pretty a. quite b. attractive
3. appetite a. physical hunger b. a strong desire
4. act a. an action b. to behave
5. second a. a 6
t h of a minute
0 b. number two in a series
6. course a. a class b. the direction
ANALYZING B. Read each of these excerpts from Reading A (1–4). Choose the sentence in
which the underlined word has the same meaning as the bold word.
CRITICAL THINKING Ev aluating Pros and Cons Do you think news photographers should be
allowed to use filters when publishing images of serious subjects (e.g., wars)? What are the
pros and cons of doing so? Discuss with a partner and note your ideas.
Your opinion:
Unit 1A 13
Recent years have seen some 1relevant / dramatic changes in photography. The
availability of cell phones has allowed millions of people to 2embrace / represent
photography as a hobby. Image-sharing apps allow anyone to share photos
instantly / profo undly with friends and followers online; some people become
tremendous / obsessed with capturing and documenting every detail of their
lives. However, the popularity of image-sharing sites has also raised some
obsessive / controversial issues—
f or example, when images of an individual
are•widely shared without the person’s knowledge.
WORD FORMS C. We can add -tic to some nouns to form adjectives (e.g., drama + -tic = dramatic).
Complete the sentences below using the adjectives in the box.
1. A person’s ability—
f or example, their speed and strength—
m ay
be partly affected by factors.
2. In the 2
0 century, many countries held their first elections.
3. In 2
0 Amy Weston took a(n) photo of a woman leaping to
safety from a burning building.
14 Unit 1A